Shaundi's Side (SR2 & SR3 Story) (2024)

This actually has nothing to do with Shaundi's Side, but I thought i'd bump the thread/kick off 2012 with this. :p <==== Click that.

By the way Shaundi's Side (SR2 & SR3 Story) (1)

The Belgian Problem

They where back at the penthouse within the hour, as soon as they walked in Evelyn said, “Shaundi, come with me for a sec.” Shaundi nodded, “Ok, everything all right?” Evelyn just kept walking to their bedroom, and opened the door, gesturing for Shaundi to walk in. She did so and began to ask Evelyn what it was. Evelyn didn’t let her even begin to speak, she pushed Shaundi onto the bed, and straddled her, kissing her passionately. Evelyn wrapped an arm under Shaundi’s lower back, holding her close, laying down on top of her. Shaundi was taken aback, and when Evelyn finally came up for air so to speak, Shaundi asked, “Ev, what is it?” A smile on her face.

Evelyn then smiled too, and said, “I’m proud of you, you where brave today.” Evelyn started to kiss her again, but Shaundi sat up slightly, supporting her weight on her elbows. “And we’re going to be even braver later tonight, we’re not out of the woods yet, Ev.” Evelyn nodded, “Yeah, I know. Can’t I just kiss my girl and say, “go team?” Shaundi chuckled slightly, “I guess, let’s save the rest of the ‘go teams” for tonight, after we make Loren pay.” Evelyn nodded, and said, “I think that’ll work just fine…” She then smiled, kissed Shaundi once more, then stood and took off her jacket, which had a large dried blood stain on it. She stripped off the turtle neck as well, then her bra. “Girls need some air?” Shaundi joked, running her fingers through her hair and taking the tie out of it, letting her brown wavy hair flow down past her shoulders.

Evelyn chuckled as she walked over to the dresser, then looked out the wall of windows and yelped, covering her boobs with her arms. “****, get the shades!” Shaundi whipped her head around, to see several male Saints gathered around their windows. “Oh for ****’s sake.” Shaundi muttered as she stood, grabbed her pistol, and pointed it at them. “Back off!” She yelled, they either heard the fire in her voice, or they just saw the gun, but they all ran off. She then shut all the shades, and tossed the gun onto the bed once more. “Jesus, the troubles with being a woman in this world.” Said Evelyn, pulling on a new bra and then walking over to the closet, finding her Purple Vixen corset and leather trench coat to go on over it. Evelyn pulled the pins out of her hair, then pulled her hair up into a high ponytail, letting her hair loosely brush the collar of her jacket.

“You look beautiful.” Shaundi said, she was now laid back on the bed once more, watching Evelyn get dressed. As Evelyn walked towards her, she smiled, “Thanks Shaundi, you don’t look too bad yourself. How’d those bullet fragments heal?” Shaundi ran a hand over the left side of her face, it felt smooth as it did that morning, maybe a bit of blood on it but other than that, it seemed fine. She then sat up, and pulled her jacket off, examining her left bicep. “They already healed, I guess they where really small, usually my wounds don’t heal that fast.”

Evelyn nodded, “Yeah, I’ve noticed the same thing with mine too… Maybe Ultor’s upgrades… well, upgraded?” Shaundi shrugged, “No complaints here.” Evelyn chuckled slightly, “I agree, I hate getting hurt.” She then continued, “Although, I don’t think the upgrades cover heartbreak… I can’t loose you again Shaundi.” Shaundi felt a stab of pain in her heart, she remembered all the nights she spent crying, screaming, and punching things that shouldn’t be punched because of Evelyn and her breaking up. Just the memory of those nights made her want to cry all over again. “I don’t either, Ev, I love you.” Shaundi’s voice broke slightly, Shaundi sat her hand on Evelyn’s, and Evelyn hugged her, then whispered in her ear, “Don’t worry Shaundi, nothing like that is ever going to happen again.”

Half an hour later

Shaundi sat in front of her vanity, touching up her makeup, which had smeared slightly from crying. “I’m going to go with a few of the Saints on an ammo run, when we get back, we’re gonna get that Son of a ****, ok?” Shaundi’s blood boiled, she finished her makeup, and she set down her eyeliner. “Yeah, I’ll be getting ready with Pierce and the boys.” Evelyn smiled, and came up behind Shaundi, she ran her fingers through Shaundi’s hair, which was still down. “I’ll see you later Shaundi, I love you.” Evelyn punctuated her sentence with a kiss to Shaundi’s cheek, and Evelyn proceeded to walk out the door, pulling on her fingerless gloves as she went. Shaundi sighed, “I love you too.”

She smiled, Evelyn was an awesome woman, anyone, man or woman, was lucky to have her. Although, if Shaundi was a man, DAMN she’d still be afraid of Evelyn at times, the **** can be scary, no matter how you slice it. Shaundi then remembered what they where about to go do, and she tied her hair back quickly, making sure it was all up, and of course, her bangs fell before she was done. She merely brushed them out of her way, and walked out of the room as well. She looked around, stripper, stripper, saint, saint, Stripper… or is that a Saint? Whatever, “Yo, where the **** is Pierce?” Shaundi yelled, not wanting to search the whole place to find him. “Sup?” Shaundi heard him call, he was directly across from Shaundi and Evelyn’s room, the master bedroom, she didn’t see him initially because he was getting a lap dance from a redheaded stripper.

It irritated Shaundi to no end that Pierce could be so relaxed, but then again, Shaundi had just nearly had Sex with Evelyn, so she couldn’t talk. “Sup Girl?” Pierce asked, motioning for her to take a seat next to him. Shaundi looked at the stripper, and said, “Honey, give the man and I five minutes, mmkay? You’ll get your tip, don’t worry.” The woman nodded, then trotted away, making her **** bounce crazily. “****.” Shaundi muttered under her breath as she sat down, and Pierce punched her on the arm slightly, “Yo, be nice to the hos.” Shaundi sighed, “And why should I be nice to the hos?” “Because they’re like you where a few years back, only you did it for free.” Shaundi’s gaze went steely, she turned her head towards Pierce, and asked, “What?” Venom dripping from every word.

Pierce then chuckled, “I’m just f*ckin’ with ya girl, relax.” Shaundi rolled her eyes, “Look, what I came over to talk to you about was if we’re ready for this.” Pierce sat up slightly, “Ready for what? Loren?” He paused, and Shaundi nodded, maybe a bit too exaggeratedly. “Just makin’ sure, gosh.” Shaundi then held up her hands in a, “Yes but?” Gesture, and Pierce continued, “Ev is furious about what happened to Gat, and I know you are too, and believe me, I am as well… But nobody can morn one person forever.” Shaundi sighed. “No, but I can kill some f*ckers to make me feel better.”

Just then Pierce’s cell phone rang. He answered it, after a few seconds he exhaled, “Won’t be easy. The whole tower’s gotta be crawling with Morning Star.” Shaundi knew immediately what he was talking about, Evelyn was on the way back with the guns, and they where fixing to get that mother f*cker and show him who the Saints are, who Johnny was, and who really runs this town.

“True, so what’s the plan?” He said after another minute, then another minute passed, “Makes Sense.” Pierce then hung up the phone, and said, “Ev should be callin’ you about no-” and Shaundi’s phone rang, the song “I don’t wanna miss a thing” by Aerosmith was her ringtone for Evelyn, and Shaundi picked it up quickly, trying not to let Pierce hear enough of the song to identify it. “Shaundi, it’s time.” Came Evelyn’s cool voice from the other end of the phone, she sounded like she was in a car or truck, likely truck. “Just tell me where to be.” Shaundi already knew though, Evelyn was coming back to the penthouse, they where gearing up, and they where going after that mother f*cker… Finally. “The Penthouse, be ready.” Shaundi then let her anger towards Loren fill her slightly, and she promised in a dark, slightly raspy tone, “I’m gonna kill that son of a ****.” Evelyn reassured, “Don’t worry, he won’t get away this time.”

Shaundi knew Evelyn was trying to calm her down, but it only fueled her fire, “You bet your ass he won’t.” Shaundi hung up the phone, and put it in her pocket. She stood, and nodded to Pierce, who also nodded, and retreated behind the bar, and was messing with something for a few minutes. “Pierce, now’s not the time for a co*cktail.“ Shaundi said, leaning against the bar. He emerged with two drinks, and said, “Maybe not, but it’s the perfect time for a toast.“ Shaundi thought for a second, then shrugged, “What the hell. “ and took one of the glasses. “To Johnny.“ Said Pierce as he raised his glass, Shaundi smiled slightly and said, “To Johnny.“ They touched their glasses together, then drank, it burned on the way down, most likely vodka. A few minutes later, Evelyn came up in the elevator, wielding a metal box of Guns, Tamara and Jane flanking either side holding equally large boxes of guns. Shaundi nodded at all of them, and they went upstairs, setting the boxes down on various tables and chairs in the bar area.

Evelyn said, “Let the games begin.” as she opened the first box, cuing the field day that they all had getting the guns they wanted. A trigger happy Saint, Ty, as Shaundi thought his name was, walked in and asked, “You started the party without me?” Drawing his own guns, a pair of gold plated GDHC.50’s. He wore a baggy pair of black shorts, and was shirtless as usual. His muscular upper body was covered in tattoos, one of them, the largest one over his chest, was a brotherhood tribal tattoo that covered, literally, his whole upper body in the front. He had a bit of everything sleeve on his right arm, then on his left he had a cursive tattoo that read, “RBZ 4 Life” Lastly, he had on a pair of black and white heydey super shifts, rather like the ones that the Saints had made, but there wasn’t any purple on this pair. His hair was iridescent purple and black, in thin dread locks, she remembered the name of it being “Rasta” “Glad you could Join us, Ty.” Said Evelyn, grabbing a .45 Shepherd and jacking a clip into it, co*cking the slide back. She still wore her purple Vixen corset and coat, combat pants, and boots.

Shaundi picked up both a .45 Shepherd and a KA-1 Kobra, feeling the weight of both in her hands. She leveled both at the same time, the KA-1 was easier to hold out in front of her without having to lean back, she put the 45. Shepherd back in the box, and grabbed a couple clips for the KA-1 Kobra, holstering it and filing the clips away in her jacket.

Ty then asked, “Yo, got any grenades up in there?” Gesturing to the boxes of guns. “Yeah, third box.” Evelyn said, gesturing to one as she opened a switchblade, smiled, and then closed it once more and put it under a strap on her pants, grabbing another knife and putting it in the Sheath on her pants. “Let there be ‘nades!” Said Ty, half jokingly, and he dropped a few on the table. Shaundi, Evelyn, and Pierce grabbed for them, all getting one. The fourth one, however, was Ty’s. He grabbed it as Pierce reached for it, beating Pierce to it by a good second or two.

Pierce then said, “I got something special behind the counter, hold up.” Pierce then walked behind the bar, and emerged with a fully upgraded K-8 Krukov, and set it on the counter. Shaundi grabbed it and shouldered it, staring down it’s sights, she could almost see Loren in them. “I think that’s a little big for you.” Said Pierce, grabbing the gun from her once more. Shaundi grimaced, and leaned over the counter and threatened, “Gimme the goddamn gun Pierce!” Snatching it from him so hard that he stumbled slightly. “Ok…” Pierce said as Shaundi took a seat at the bar once more, and co*cked the gun, making sure it was loaded.

Evelyn smirked, then finished loading her rifle, and she said, “All right, let’s give that mother f*cker what’s coming to him.” Evelyn began walking to the Elevator, Pierce and Shaundi fell in step with her, Shaundi on her left, Pierce on her right. Shaundi had the big ass gun slung over her shoulder, it was heavy, but she could handle it, Johnny would be proud of her.

They stepped into the Elevator, and Evelyn pointed at the other saints, “Hold back with the bomb, the cargo bay is going to be full of Morning Star, don’t go in till we give you the signal.” Ty, who was walking past with one of his guns in hand, cleaning it before they went out, nodded and said, “Will do, Boss.” The doors shut, and within seconds they where in the main lobby to the penthouse. As they exited, Evelyn asked, “Shaundi, are you going to be ok coming along with us?” Shaundi snorted slightly, then said, “Don’t worry about me, I need this.” She paused for a second, then thought of Loren… holding a machine gun, firing at Johnny while leaned over the comm unit, talking to Shaundi on the plane. She imagined the bullets ripping through Johnny to hit the comm unit, and Johnny’s last breaths. She shook off the vivid painting of Johnny Gat’s last moments, and said, “Loren has to pay for what he did, and I wanna be there when he gets what he deserves.”

Evelyn nodded, then walked over to Shaundi and kissed her, “You’ll be the one to make him pay, I’ll make sure of it.” Shaundi nodded, “Thank you.” Pierce then chimed in, “No worries girl, We’re not stopping with Loren. We’re taking down his whole f*ckin’ syndicate.” Shaundi liked the idea, then said, “I think we’re going to have to kill more than one guy to do that.” Evelyn, as she got in the Royal Purple Infuego that sat curb side, “Remember that bomb that we stole? There you go.”

Shaundi smiled, she couldn’t wait to see that **** tower explode to high. ****. Hell. She hoped Viola and Kiki, the stupid twin **** that likely helped kill Johnny… Laying there, gasping for breath, only to be finished off with Loren and the **** at his side. One of the **** likely patching one of the wounds he’d sustained, the other, handing him a fresh clip that he loaded into his gun. “Just Business, Mister Gat.” He taunted as he leveled the pistol and pulled the trigger. Shaundi shook off the thought once more, she hoped the **** where at the Syndicate tower, and she hoped she got to keep her promise to Viola, by shoving the muzzle of her KA-1 Kobra down her throat and pulling the trigger.

“So where’s Loren gonna be?” Pierce asked, getting into the back seat behind Evelyn. Evelyn answered as Shaundi got in the passenger seat next to Evelyn, “He’ll be on the top floor, I think it’s in the criminal mastermind rulebook or something.” Pierce then asked, “You really think he’ll be that cliché?” Oh enough! “Doesn’t matter.” Shaundi said, then after a pause, “We’re Killing everyone in there.”

Shaundi checked her gun, and laid it across her lap, her thoughts wandered, from how she was going to kill Loren, to how many Morning Star **** would be crawling around that place, and back to how she was going to kill Loren, then she had a thought: What if her gun jammed? Shaundi checked the gun once more, and Pierce piped in, “How many times you gonna check that gun?” Shaundi rolled her eyes, “How long is it gonna take us to get there?” She shot back, and Pierce then snorted, “I was just askin’, sheesh.” Evelyn then chimed in, “Hey, I’ll put you both in a time out, stop it.”

Pierce shook his head, chuckling, and looked out the window at the passing city. Oh Pierce, he was such a man-child sometimes. Maybe that’s why she bonded with him so well, he could be serious when he needed to be, but other times, oh dear lord he was immature as a middle school student. Shaundi watched Evelyn as she drove, her eyes where focused on the road, scanning every little detail for any signs of Morning Star.

A few minutes of silence passed, and Pierce said, “Yo, we need some driving music.” Evelyn agreed, “As long as it’s good.” Pierce exclaimed, “Yes!” Then leaned up and turned on the car stereo, he flipped through the channels until he found KRHYME, which was starting the song, “Power” By Kanye West. Shaundi rolled her eyes, “Really Pierce?” She asked, then smiled slightly as he turned it up.

Shaundi's Side (SR2 & SR3 Story) (2024)
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Author: Jamar Nader

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Name: Jamar Nader

Birthday: 1995-02-28

Address: Apt. 536 6162 Reichel Greens, Port Zackaryside, CT 22682-9804

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Hobby: Scrapbooking, Hiking, Hunting, Kite flying, Blacksmithing, Video gaming, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Jamar Nader, I am a fine, shiny, colorful, bright, nice, perfect, curious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.