All I Never Told You - Chapter 24 - CyberCrife (2024)

Chapter Text

Day 206

Footsteps echoed through Kingdom hallways as a man dressed in black walked, his eyes forward and paying no mind to the employees muttering about.

His name was mentioned in their murmurs, but that was to be expected.

The man paused at a doorway, knocking.

Seilence stretched out for an uncomfortable amount of time before a voice finally spoke.

Come in.”

The door swung open to reveal a figure shrouded in darkness. The smog in the room proved they’d been smoking.

The man sank to one knee, bowing his head. He spoke, a voice filter to mask his voice. An upgraded version of the one the wind girl used to possess.

“We need to retrieve Hawk soon.” He said, “I’ve tried my best, but I’m afraid the effects won’t last much longer.”

A brief pause.

I trust you on this.” The figure chuckled deeply, “Whatever you say goes, Crow.


“You’re… sending me on a mission?” Jett asked, bewildered.

“I know this is out of the blue, but both Brimstone and I agreed you’re ready. It’s been a long time coming.” Sage offered a small smile. “You’re part of the protocol after all.”

The wind girl shook her head, “Yeah, but…”

“If you’re worried about Cypher or Reyna not trusting you, there’s no need.” The healer reassured gently, “Cypher suggested it, and at the end of the day, Brimstone has the executive decision.”

Jett pursed her lips.

Am I worried about them being untrusting? Or something else…?

“…Right. But what if I mess up? I don’t remember any of the training I did from all those years ago. All I really know how to do is shoot a gun and throw knives.”

“That’s all you really need.” Sage reassured, “Viper will be leading your mission. She’ll watch over you, don't worry.”

Jett felt too guilty to tell the sentinel it made her more anxious knowing the chemist was in charge.

“How long will it take? And when?”

The healer seemed relieved to see Jett was curious. “You’ll leave tomorrow morning and return by the end of the day. It's not anything extensive, just a quick mission to deter Kingdom from stealing more radianite.”

Jett paled upon hearing the target.


It had been so long since she’d heard that name, and honestly? She didn’t miss it.

She’d thought her life at that corporation would be the peak of her career, but she was proven wrong when she joined Valorant. The freedom she never knew she needed, the friends she’d gained, the respect she never knew she wanted and the restrictions she never knew were holding her back.

And Neon.

Always Neon.

“…Kingdom?” Jett asked weakly, “Just normal soldiers, right? Not…”

Crow. Will he be there?

I haven’t seen him in months, for obvious reasons. He probably hates me right? I betrayed his trust, I let him down. He has all the right to want my head.

Will the soldiers recognize me? Probably… But not in a good way. He probably ordered my head on a silver platter after hearing of…

Jett frowned, realization dawning on her.

But there’s no way for Kingdom to know what goes on within the protocol; what if they think I died? It’s been months, they would’ve rescued me by now, no…?


Would the boss think I’m worth rescuing—?

“Jett? Hello?”

Clearly not if they’ve been this quiet…

Even though the wind girl had no intention of returning to Kingdom, it hurt to think no one had come to rescue or look for her. Not even Crow, who she thought was her only friend.

He wasn’t that bad. Sure, he’s nothing like the people here, maybe a little similar to Reyna, but… I almost miss him.

I do miss him.

Jett shouldn't feel guilty for that, right?

He’s not Neon, but I wish I could’ve said goodbye. Told him I’m okay, and that he should just live his life. Maybe he’d want to come to Valorant with me.

“Remember, loyalty is always first.” Crow repeated, “Kingdom treats us like royalty, so we fight for them in return. Don’t bite the hand that feeds you and all that.”

Jett winced at the memory.

On second thought, he might try to kill me if he found out I changed sides.

But I was Valorant to begin with, no? Kingdom took me, yeah. Did he know? Surely not. He would’ve told me.

Sure he was harsh at times, but… He was my friend.

The wind girl sighed internally.

I almost wish someone here would keep my ass in check like he did. It was annoying, but it helped me improve.

If he was here I wouldn’t have made all these sh*tty mistakes like kissing—


The duelist snapped out of her trance, blinking. “Huh—?”

Sage frowned, placing a hand on Jett’s shoulder. “Are you alright? You seem worried…”

“Sorry, I spaced out.” The wind girl rubbed her temples. She couldn’t be drifting off in the middle of a conversation. “What were you saying?”

The healer observed her carefully. “If you don’t think you’re ready, I can talk to Brimstone and—“

“No! No, I—it’s fine.” Jett insisted, smiling weakly. “It’s just been a while since I ran into anyone from Kingdom. I can do it, it’s about time I start pulling my weight around here.”

Sage raised an eyebrow. “Are you sure? I don’t want you to go in unprepared.”

“I’m sure.”

I just hope Crow won’t be there.

“Alright, well, I’ll ask Neon if she’s up to go with you. I’m sure you two will be a great pair—“

“No!” Jett cried again, pursing her lips as Sage stared at her.

“Do you not want her to go?” The healer asked, concerned. “Did something happen between you two—?”

“No, I uh…” The wind girl struggled to come up with a lie. She didn’t need Sage asking about her issues on top of everything else. “I’ll ask her myself. ‘Cause… ‘Cause I need to talk to her anyway; yeah.”

“Oh, sure. That works for me as well.” Sage checked her phone, nodding. “I need to meet up with Viper— tell Neon to get back to one of us by the end of the day, alright?”

Jett wanted to cry. “Yeah, okay.”

The wind girl had managed to avoid Neon for a few days after the incident but it was only a matter of time before she had to speak with the lightning agent again.

I guess there’s no use delaying the inevitable…

“I’ll go find her right now.” Jett mumbled regretfully.


“You want me to go on a mission with you? Tomorrow?” Neon asked.

Jett wasn’t sure how to process that reaction. Was she excited? Offended? Hurt that the wind girl had ghosted her for the past three days?

“...Yeah. Do you wanna come?” The wind girl asked, slightly afraid of rejection yet hoping Neon would refuse. “You don’t have to, Sage just asked if I—”

“No, no, I’d love to come.” Neon grinned, “We always did work well together.”


“Yeah, cool, cool.” Jett rubbed the back of her head uncomfortably. “Are you sure you aren’t busy? It’s kinda short notice and I know you—”

“I’m free all week.”

The wind girl stared at the ground. “Oh.”

A pause.

Neon raised an eyebrow, “You’re making it sound like you wanted me to say no.”

“It’s not that, it’s just…” Jett couldn’t seem to find the words.

The lightning agent chuckled, used to her antics. She understood the Korean needed time to think. “It’s okay. We don’t have to talk now, we have time.”

Do we really…?

“Yeah. I guess so.”


Day 207

Bind – Morocco

“When Sage said far away, I didn’t think she meant this far.” Jett groaned as they landed. “Morocco is dusty as hell.”

The doors to the VLT/R slid open, letting strong gusts of wind blow into the airship.

“Don’t let Cypher hear you say that.” Neon replied, her voice drowned out by the noise.

“What did you say?” Jett asked.

The lightning agent squinted, unable to hear her friend. “What?”

“What did you say?!”

“I can’t hear you!”

Jett inhaled, “I said, wHAT DID YOU SA—?!”

“STOP YELLING!!” Gekko cried, breaking through the noise.

Jett couldn’t suppress the grin that appeared on her face, glancing at Neon to see her sporting a smile as well. As the ship touched ground, the wind subsided.

“Hypocrite.” Neon joked, elbowing the initiator in the ribs.

He rolled his eyes playfully. “Someone has to put a stop to you two.”

Jett inhaled sharply as the lightning agent latched onto her. Neon stuck her tongue out at Gekko. “At least we didn’t almost burn down the compound. Whenever you’re around Phoenix and Yoru there’s always trouble lurking around the corner.”

“Quit chatting,” Viper interrupted, “We have work to do. Does everyone know their position?”

“Yes.” They all resounded in unison.

“Good. Remember, don’t let anyone plant the spike or get away. This needs to be a clean mission, so…” The chemist pointed at the two duelists. “Neon, I expect you to take care of Jett. Anything she f*cks up is your responsibility.”

Jett didn’t like the sound of that. Having Neon get in trouble for her incompetence. Back at Kingdom, each soldier suffered for their own mistakes.

I guess Crow did occasionally say I needed to stop getting him in trouble.

She nodded sullenly, turning towards Bind.

Speaking of which, at least I know he won’t be here, not on work. He never did like coming to Bind.

That helped calm her down a little.

“I can’t believe I’m stuck with you.” Neon poked her friend in the shoulder, “That sucks.”

Jett rolled her eyes, “Don’t make me get you in trouble, Sparky.”

The lightning agent giggled, grabbing the wind girl’s hand. “C’mon, let’s go. We just have to hold down the site, it should be easy enough.”

Hesitantly following along, Jett couldn’t stop staring at the surrounding area. Everything was deserted, yet lively. She loved the wind blowing in her face, even if there was sand getting in her eyes.

But everything seemed so… new. Unrecognizable.

“Have I really been here before?” Jett asked, unbelieving. “Everything feels so… I don't know.”

Neon smiled, “Yeah, you always complained about how dry the air was.”

Jett frowned.

Now that she mentions it, yeah. I guess that’s what happens when radianite drains the place of life.

“It’s still dry. Dead, almost.” The wind girl grumbled. The feeling of nothing in the air was really bugging her now that she’d noticed it.

“We haven’t been back here in a while. We almost thought Kingdom abandoned this place.” Neon shrugged, “Maybe that’s why.”

“Ah.” Jett muttered, avoiding her eyes, “Maybe.”

Neon glanced away, nodding as she pursed her lips.

When did things get so awkward between us…?

Jett followed her friend into A site, taking in the view. The wind was all the evidence she needed to know this place hadn’t been touched in months.

Was it ever since I got her drunk? Since we…

The wind girl glanced at Neon who was walking forward, eyes not straying away. Jett felt slightly disappointed the lightning agent was even trying to talk to her.

Maybe it was for the best. Maybe—

“Why have you been avoiding me?” Neon asked abruptly. “Did I do something wrong?”

Jett froze.

Neon didn’t let up, stopping to turn and look at her friend. “Are you mad at me—?”

“I’m not mad at you, it’s not you.” The wind girl reassured hurriedly. “I’m just… I’ve had stuff to think about lately. I…I’m sorry I haven’t been talking to you.”

The lightning agent’s expression remained unchanging. “But why…?”

I couldn’t face you knowing what I did to you.

“...I’ve been in a bad mood, I didn’t want to accidentally yell at you.” Jett lied through her teeth.

“Oh.” Neon mumbled, “Okay.”

The entire time the Filipina was touring Jett around the site, the wind girl got progressively more uncomfortable as it became clear Neon wasn’t buying her lie.

“You can watch Main by Lamps. Just dash back if you’re seen or hurt.” The lighting girl directed, “I’ll be playing back a little so I can keep an eye on you.”

Jett nodded, resisting the urge to make a flirtatious remark.

They parted ways, each heading to their respective location. As soon as the wind girl sat down in Lamps, she knew it was going to be a long couple of hours.


The only thing that kept her sane throughout waiting for Kingdom were her kunai.

Jett squinted, staring at the wall cross from her intently.


The wind girl cursed under her breath upon seeing where her knife had landed. When did she get so rusty? Her days off Kingdom training had made her dull.

Crow would’ve never let that one slide.

I shouldn’t be letting that slide.

Standing to retrieve her knives, Jett pulled out her phone. Three hours of nothing. She’d been resisting the urge to visit, or at least text, Neon the entire time.

I should tell her about what happened. It would be wrong not to, right…?

Just get it off my chest, it’ll be better than whatever this is.

The wind girl pursed her lips.

…Unless she takes it badly. How am I even supposed to break the news? “I got you drunk because I didn’t believe your answer. Then we kinda kissed. Sorry, hope you don’t mind, bestie!”

She grumbled, “For f*cks sa—“


Jett froze, eyes narrowing as she pulled out the kunai embedded in the wall.

Am I hearing things—?

Slowly walking to peer into Main, she heard it again.

A gunshot.

A small smile made its way onto her face. Morbid or not, she’d been doing nothing all day. Jett needed to feel the release of her emotions, and this was the best way to do so.

She tapped her earpiece.

“There’s someone A Main, I—“

A crackle before Neon’s voice rang in her ears. “Yeah, they’re coming in fast. There’s some showers too.”

“Wall up.” Viper informed, “Gekko, go over there and help them, I’ll—“

Jett zoned the controller out, taking a peek into Main only to see the barrel of a gun pointed right at her.

Her eyes widened, but the soldier seemed just as frightened. He let out a yelp, before nearly dropping his gun.

The wind girl took that opportunity to shoot him in the face, unmoving as his corpse fell to the ground, motionless.

A moment of silence before she heard voices and footsteps further out in Main.

“Someone’s Lamps and there’s poison everywhere. Are we sure we want to execute—?” A voice asked.

A second replied.“Yes! You try explaining to the boss why we left empty handed. Go, go, go!”

Jett scowled, stepping back to clean up some of the blood that had gotten on her. She tapped her earpiece. “Neon, there’s least two more, I might need some—“

A small explosion resounded as a stun bolt from the lightning agent fired towards the entrance of the site.

The wind girl blinked, trailing off. “—Help. That was cool.”

“My wall’s coming down!” Viper called.

Jett heard a flurry of gunshots echo from the other side of A site, followed by silence.

Did Neon get them…? She’s fine, right?

On cue, the Filipina chimed in through her earpiece. “I got two showers. No one else is here, they should be by Jett. I’m on my way.”

A sigh of relief left the wind girl as she reloaded her gun.

The rest are here? I’ll just clean things up, I don’t want to cause her any more trouble.

Taking a deep breath, the tattoos on her arms began to glow. Stepping out from her hiding place, Jett spotted two more soldiers looking ready to run into site. She fired a burst of bullets at one of them, the first of which, ending his life.

The second soldier squeezed the trigger of his own rifle, a bullet finding its way into Jett’s shoulder before she could dash away.


Dashing back behind cover, the wind girl cursed under her breath, a hand reaching up to press over the injury.

Bullets still hurt like a bitch, good to know.

Jett heard a small shock of electricity before the lightning agent appeared behind her.

“Jett! Is—?“ Neon began, jaw dropping as her eyes landed on the red seeping from the wind girl’s shoulder.

The Korean smiled weakly, groaning as she tried to lift her arm. “Hey, Sparky…”

“Jett, what the f*ck?!” Neon stepped forward, grabbing her by the shoulders.

“Ow, ow! Not there…!” Jett whined painfully at the pressure.

The Filipina scowled, looking her up and down to check for injuries. She spotted the bullet embedded in her friend's arm. “Are you okay?! You have to be careful you f*cking idiot!”

“Harsh, much?” The wind girl sighed, “I couldn’t dash away in time.”

Neon frowned, disregarding her first comment. “Just because you can control the wind doesn’t change the fact they can shoot you.”

“I’m fine, I’ve had way worse. Just a graze. I was just—“ Jett started.

Neon grabbed the wind girl frantically by the shoulders, looking back and forth between Jett and what was behind her.

The Korean jolted, pulling away from Neon. She furrowed her eyebrows and looked around.

What just happened—? Am I seeing things?

Jett stared into her friend’s eyes, confused. “What did you—?“

A gunshot rang louder than the others as a numbing pain fought its way into her calf. Jett screamed silently through clenched teeth as—

She dropped down to one knee, grasping her injured leg to find it… completely fine?

What the f*ck is— What’s going on?!

“Jett? Is your leg hurt too? Are you—?” Neon asked, concerned, as she reached a hand out.

The wind girl slapped her hand away in a panic. “Don’t— What’s happening?!”

Jett looked up to see her friend stepping back, hurt, and her eyes—


A significantly younger Neon stood before her. The wind was whipping around them violently, a projection of Jett’s terror.

The air was heavy with a metallic tinge of blood, mingling with the sharp taste of gunpowder. She was leaning on a radianite crate, before her was the scene of a war torn facility, worn by time and conflict.

And it was being washed anew with another round of battle.

A gunshot ricocheted off a metallic plate nearby, sending another pump of adrenaline through her veins.

Jett reached out for her friend, but a white-hot flash of searing intensity in her stomach prevented her from moving further.

The Filipina slowly took a step away from her. Hesitant, almost.

“Neon!” Jett yelled desperately. Her throat was hoarse, her abdomen and leg were flaring with more than just pain.

The pain pulsed with each heartbeat, a relentless reminder of her agony.

The girl continued to backtrack slowly, scared.

Jett screamed again. Petrified, pleading. “Neon, please!

The younger agent swivelled her head back to check for something, then glanced at Jett again.

She flashed a weak smile, uttering a phrase the Korean couldn’t make out.

Jett felt her heart pounding away in her chest as she watched her friend stumble away. Neon almost tripped, hesitation evident as she glanced back at the wind girl but ultimately ran away.

The wildfire consuming every nerve, every fiber of her being was still nothing compared to the torment in her heart as she watched on as Neon escaped.

Leaving her behind.

Jett tried to reach out, but her arm wouldn't move. “Neon—?” She whispered hoarsely, unable to muster up strength in her voice.

She blinked, and her friend was in front of her again. Holding onto her hand tightly; confused and worried.

“Jett?! What's wrong?” Neon asked frantically, a hand reaching up to caress the wind girl’s cheek. Why are you crying?”

Jett blinked again, her vision clouded with tears.


The ringing in her ears slowly faded as Neon wiped away a tear with her thumb.

The wind girl caught her breath, the one she never lost. She felt the stress and aching in her body fade away as if it was never there. Jett looked at where the bullet wounds she sustained were. Not a trace of fresh blood.

The pain dissipated without a second thought.

Jett rubbed her eyes. “I… What just…?”

“Are you okay—?” Neon asked, but the Korean couldn’t quite process her words yet.

What was that—? I’ve never even been to Fracture with Neon before… Why did she look so young?

She stopped, looking up at the lightning agent before her. “…Yeah; I’m… I’m okay.”

Was that a memory?

“What do you mean ‘yeah’?! You just collapsed and started crying all of a sudden! Is it the bullet in your shoulder?” Neon sputtered in desperation, giving the wound on her friend's arm another look.

A flashback?

“I’m fine, just a flesh wound.” Jett muttered, brushing away the hand holding her face. She stood, trudging out of Lamps. “There might be more coming, I’ll go post up in Heaven.”

If it was, it must have been when I got ‘taken by Kingdom.’ That was the mission gone wrong. At fracture, just me and Neon. Surrounded by Kingdom troops, fighting for our lives.

Jett,” Neon whispered exasperatedly. “Please, I just want to help you…”

The description fits perfectly.

The wind girl stopped, feeling a hand encircle her wrist. She inhaled sharply, biting her lip. “I’m fine, Neon. I just need some time to think. Alone.”

She yanked her arm away, glancing back a final time. Jett felt sick. If her theory was correct, she didn’t know if she could face her friend again.

“Don’t follow me, please.”

But if that’s the case—

“You can’t just leave without giving an explanation!” Neon cried as the wind girl walked out of Lamps.

Jett rubbed her temples, ignoring her protests. She felt guilty for brushing her friend off like that, but she had more important things to do.

To ponder.

Why did Neon leave me there to die?


What was that?

Jett was sitting on her bed, staring down at her hands. They hadn’t ceased shaking since the flashbacks.

Flashbacks. It had to be.

Was that what it felt like? Moments before the old Jett died?

A chill ran down her spine as she clenched her fists. The fear she’d felt, the pain she’d endured, it was awful.

But what hurt most was seeing Neon.

Seeing Neon so close, right there, the only person that could’ve helped her in that scenario, just ran away. Even after hearing Jett’s desperate cries, she left the wind girl to die.

It hurt. More than she thought was possible.

Jett had spent the last ten minutes trying to distract herself, trying to come up with excuses for Neon. Anything to prove her best friend hadn’t left her to die.

Control. Don’t let your emotions get the best of you, control, always.

It was times like these that made her wish Crow was here for her.

Think about it. Why would Neon have been so clingy and desperate to see me? If she really did leave me to die, why would she have cared so much about bringing my memory back?

Jett froze as someone knocked on her door.

Maybe she felt guilty. Guilty for taking my life away, guilty for running away while I suffered.

Maybe she wanted to make up for everything I’d lost.

“Jett…?” Neon whispered, through the door “Are you okay?”

The wind girl rubbed her temples, feeling a headache impending. “I’m fine.”

“I know something’s wrong. Please, can we talk—?” The lightning agent asked, a tinge of desperation. “What happened back at Bind? Was it a headache?”

Jett hissed, trying to quell the shaking of her hands. “Not now, Sparky…”

I can’t talk to her right now. It’s going to make things a thousand times worse.

The wind girl’s heart dropped as she heard a beep, followed by the door sliding open.

Are you kidding me—?

Jett couldn’t help but glare at the lightning agent as she stepped into the room, disregarding Jett’s wishes to be left alone.

Both the duelists were silent as Neon sat beside the wind girl. Jett tried to mask her annoyance with exhaustion.

“I’m sorry I barged in.” Neon began awkwardly, “But I just… You’ve been so avoidant lately. And now with what happened on the mission…”


The Filipina tried to make eye contact, only to notice Jett glaring at the floor.

Neon sighed. “I’m sorry. I—I’m just worried about you. What happened…?”

“I told you, I’m fine.” Jett replied harshly.

The lightning agent was hesitant, cautiously reaching a hand up to check her friend’s temperature.

Every being in her body was telling Jett to accept the care. To take a moment and let her guard down, to let herself just relax in Neon’s hands.

The wind girl would be lying to herself if she said she didn’t miss and craved her friend’s touch. She wanted to slump into Neon, let her head rest on the lightning agent’s shoulder—

But she left you to die.

Jett tensed, mind jolting awake as she flinched away from her friend’s hand. Alarms were going off in her head as the wind girl shifted away from Neon, unconsciously raising an arm to shield herself.

The lightning agent, surprised from the reaction, stared at Jett with hurt. “Jett…? You—”

The Korean swatted away the hand Neon tried to reach out with again.

Her heart cracked as she saw her friend’s expression. Hurt and broken. Confused, worried what she did wrong.

I can’t see her like this. I— She needs to leave. Even if she did leave me, I don’t want to see her hurt at my hands.

“I—I’m sorry; not now.” Jett whispered hoarsely, voice riddled with guilt. “Just leave. Please.

Neon continued to stare at her for a moment before opening her mouth. Jett prepared herself for the accusatory questions.

“What did I do—?”

“Why are you acting like this? I’m just trying to help…”

“Jett, what’s wrong with you lately?”

But no words came out.

The lightning agent just swallowed her words, shutting the door behind her as she left Jett alone.

The moment the wind girl saw the door slide shut, all the hurt she’d been hiding away came crashing through. It felt like she’d stabbed herself this time by pushing Neon away.

“You’re lonely, Hawk.” Crow whispered, voice constantly echoing in the back of her mind.

Jett felt her throat closing as tears rose to her eyes.

I am.

First I left Crow behind, and now I’m pushing Neon away. It’s my fault I’m lonely. It’s my fault this f*cking feeling won’t ever leave.

Crumpling to the ground in a mess of sobs, Jett didn’t know what to do.

She couldn’t control herself, she didn’t want to think of Crow scolding her at that moment. And she’d just pushed Neon away, the only person who was willing to stay with her, to help her talk things out.

But she left me. She's not going to be here forever.

Can I trust anyone anymore—?

As Jett sank to her knees, tears trickling down her cheeks, the wetness in her eyes accompanied by her hoarse cries, she knew one thing for certain.

She was alone, and it hurt.

All I Never Told You - Chapter 24 - CyberCrife (2024)
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Author: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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Author information

Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

Birthday: 1995-01-14

Address: 55021 Usha Garden, North Larisa, DE 19209

Phone: +6812240846623

Job: Corporate Healthcare Strategist

Hobby: Singing, Listening to music, Rafting, LARPing, Gardening, Quilting, Rappelling

Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.