Chapter 1: Marionettes (I. The Discovery of Strings)
(See the end of the chapter for notes.)
Chapter Text
Always have a backup plan. And a backup plan for the backup plan.
That's the advice Ren's starting to wish he'd followed as he runs through the casino hallways, darting from shadow to shadow in an attempt to escape the notice of his enemies. It was one thing when all he had to worry about were the Shadows – he can take them. Humans are something else entirely.
This isn't gonna work. He needs to get their attention, that's the whole point. If he stays in the shadows, he might accidentally escape, and that'll ruin the whole plan.
Making a sudden, reckless decision (the sort he's pretty much become infamous for at this point), he rushes up the nearest stairway, towards the catwalks. Then he climbs up the wall fixtures until he's almost on the roof, then drops down to the chandeliers. Thank god this place is unbelievably gaudy.
That does the trick. He's got the attention of the onlookers, now. When he focuses, he can even sort of hear his enemies idly talking about him, about how they're gonna capture him now. Well, he won't make it easy, that much he can say for certain.
“Good,” a voice rings in his head. “Now get running.”
“This is our only chance!” comes another.
“Stay calm. You can get away now.”
“We'll retrieve the briefcase on our end.”
As if he didn't have enough voices in his head already, another one joins the fray, this one jumbled and messy. “...suspects... not... confirmed... hold... your... positions...”
“Huh? What was that?”
“Don't worry about that!” the first voice insists. “Just concentrate on getting away!”
He consciously avoids thinking about them in direct ways. Names are dangerous, he learned that a long time ago. Keeping himself a little distant right now is probably not the worst idea, especially given the absolutely insane plan they've cooked up.
Without waiting for anything else, he starts to run along the fixtures. His feet move easily, and his body obeys without issues. It's funny, sometimes, to think back on last year. It's not that he wasn't athletic, but he definitely wasn't this athletic.
“I have to say, showing yourself above that crowd was an excellent move,” the first voice chirps as Ren races along in full view of the whole casino. “Nice work as always, Joker.”
A girl's voice giggles. “I bet Skull wouldn't pull it off that smoothly.”
It's not particularly easy to avoiding thinking of her name, but he manages it. Controlling his own thoughts is something he's had to become an expert at, ever since starting this whole thing.
“This happens because you have no sense for aesthetics,” says a new voice.
“Who asked you, Inari!?”
“Guys,” Ren says, slightly more sharply than usual. “Focus on your own escapes, got it?”
He can't stay up here; there's nowhere to go, really. He moves on autopilot, hopping down from the fixtures to land on the second floor balcony. It's there that three enemies race up towards him, blocking his way out. At first he looks for escape routes, before realizing that these enemies are just regular Shadows, not humans. With a grin, he leaps towards the nearest one, landing on its back and grasping its ugly face in his hands. With a strong pull, he tears the mask off, and reveals its true form to be a hideous scorpion-thing.
“Take 'em down, Joker!” comes the navigator's voice.
“Arsène!” Ren calls, tearing off his own mask with a swift move. A harsh curse attack slices down upon the monster, and it screams out in agony. In a panic, it attempts to respond with a fire attack, but Ren is too quick for it. He dodges the firestorm, then races forward and slashes at the Shadow with his knife, cutting through its metallic flesh easily and reducing it to nothing more than a pile of black dust.
“Jeez,” the navigator says. “They didn't stand a chance.”
“Focus,” he tells her.
“Okay, okay! Next level up, there's a door. Go through there!”
He leaps up along the fixtures and manages to reach the next level with ease. All around him, alarms blare and enemies point at him. Shadows mostly. The men in black aren't outnumbering me here. He can't get caught out by Shadows, though. There's no point in that.
The doors take him into the backrooms, where the glitz and glamour of the casino is lost, and the drab dirty environment behind the curtain is revealed. He races through the hallways silently until he reaches a long one, and sees a singular man at the end of it. Just one... Is he a Shadow, or a human?
“Ugh, how many of them are there?” the navigator groans in his head.
“Everything okay?” asks that voice. “The security level might rise if you take too much time.”
The fact that he's not being told to attack tells Ren there's no point in it. He looks up, focuses with his Third Eye, and then grins. “I've got another way.”
He thrusts his arm up towards the ceiling, and the grappling hook shoots out to grab hold of the catwalks above. Ren retracts it, pulling himself up all the way to the upper levels. “Where from here?”
“Wait!” Far from the praise he expected from his navigator, she instead sounds concerned. “There's... a really strange reading... It's really close to you.”
Strange...? Not human or Shadow, then? He doesn't really know what to make of that, and now isn't the time. “How do I avoid it?”
“I... don't think you can. There's only one path. Just... Just go straight ahead from here!”
He does as he's bid, and enters into a large storage room. Almost instantly, he feels a pain behind his eyes, and he jumps back instinctively as half a dozen Shadows appear around him. “No!” the navigator cries. “They... ugh... Even you can't take on this many, Joker...”
There's a part of him that thinks he can, but that would just kill time, and he doesn't have much of that right now. “I could use an escape route right about now,” he tells her, maintaining his calm demeanor.
“Well...” She swallows. “Joker! That weird reading is closing in on you!”
The sound of heels coming down the stairs grabs his attention, as well as that of the Shadows. When he sees the one approaching, his eyes go wide. “You...”
“I'll end this right now,” she says, softly. She draws her rapier slowly and points it towards him.
“Joker, it's her!” the navigator cries. “She's the weird reading I've been getting!”
Ren ignores her. “Why are you here?”
Yoshizawa's red eyes connect with his, and then she nods ever-so-slightly to her right. Ren takes the hint. With a flourish, she throws her rapier clean across the room, and it embeds itself into the chest of the Shadow to Ren's left.
Well, I won't be outdone. He draws his dagger and jumps the closest Shadow, cutting it down before it can even transform. That leaves three. She pulls out her Winchester and nails a Shadow in the chest, and he fires a volley of bullets at another, leaving only one remaining. It splits into three, forming two Oses and a vulture.
Yoshizawa instantly tears off her mask. “Cendrillon!”
A hideous vorpal blade cuts through the three monsters with ease, and they all crumble to their knees. “Let's do this, senpai!” she cries, and he nods.
Together, they make short work of their foes. The three fall apart into nothing. Ren can't really help but grin. A far cry from the last time we fought together.
“I think that's the last of them...?” she says, uncertainly.
“Yeah,” he tells her. “Thanks for your help.”
She beams. “Of course, senpai!”
“I genuinely have no idea what just happened, but I take it you're okay?” the navigator says. “Uh... You've still got enemy backup headed your way, though. Better book it, now!”
“Please go,” Yoshizawa says. “I'm going to make it harder for them to track you down.”
Just the Shadows. Not the humans. “Much obliged.”
She hesitates. “I... assume you still have something to do as a Phantom Thief, right?”
A stiff nod, and then she turns away. “Then I won't stop you. Since I'm not a member of the Phantom Thieves, I'm in no position to interfere.” Before she takes off, though, she gives him one last look. “Please... Don't forget the promise we made, okay?”
“I won't,” he assures her... even though he's not entirely sure he can keep it.
Without another word, she disappears.
The moment passes, and the navigator's voice chirps in his ears again. “Joker, you need to get outta there! Go go go!”
“Alright, alright.”
“Don't get snippy with me! It's just a little further. Go up the stairs. Follow the path all the way to the next stairwell, then go up until you're at the upper level.”
Ren nods and takes off. He can feel the Palace pressing in on him, the way it always does when the security level gets too high. It's different this time, though. More intense. It's not just the Shadows, after all. Everything is messed up. He takes in a deep breath and forces himself to focus solely on the path ahead; not on tomorrow, or yesterday, or even the plan, insane as it might be. He focuses only on putting one foot in front of the other, over and over again.
“Your way out's just up ahead!”
When he breaks out to the upper level of the casino, though, he sees nothing that could work as an exit. Until, that is, he glances at the elaborate glass front of the building. Ren raises an eyebrow. “Through there?”
“That's just how it is! After that commotion you caused, the bottom floor's completely closed off.”
Another voice chimes in. “Can you make it?”
Ren can't help a small crooked grin.
“Over there!”
He glances over his shoulder to see some of the goons closing in on him. “There's nowhere left to run!” they call at him. “Surrender, and you won't be harmed!”
Yeah, right. Ren scoffs, then leaps off the rail.
He lands on the level below and races along the banister, ignoring the cries of his foes and making his way to the stained glass display. He lands just by it, then looks at his pursuers one last time, a grin firmly attached to his face. “See ya!”
With that, he leaps up and smashes through the glass.
As he floats through the air, he feels as though time slows down. There's more chirping in his ears from his teammates, but he doesn't even hear any of it. He just basks in the moonlight and the shattered glass, and smiles to himself. If I die tonight, I'll have died doing what I do best. And it'll be worth it. In that singular moment, all of the anxiety and tension leaves him.
Time catches up to him suddenly, and he rolls on the ground to protect himself against the impact. The shads of glass land all around him, and he pushes himself to his feet with ease.
And that's when the spotlights hit him.
Ren raises a hand to cover his eyes against the glare, then blinks until the spots go away. Most of the lights are ordinary, but quite a few are red and blue. So, our intel was right. How desperate are they...?
“An ambush!?”
“Joker, can you handle this!?”
He grits his teeth against his comrades' voices, and then the commander of the police calls out, “Get him!” Without another second of hesitation, Ren darts away towards one of the adjacent buildings, then climbs the ladder of the fire escape. He shoots one last cocky grin towards his enemies, before looking up at the path ahead of him, and realizing that he's walked right into another ambush.
There's an impact against his face, and then he's falling, and then he's being pinned down, and his hands are pulled behind his back, and the handcuffs go on. Ren just grits his teeth against all of it, ignoring the pain in his face and his chest, and trying hard to find the voices of his friends. As long as they get away. That's all that matters. Just confirm to me that you're away, and I'll-
A hand grabs him by the hair and pulls his head up. “Didn't expect to find some kid,” the man says dismissively. “You have your teammate to thank for this. You were sold out.”
The cold hits him like a tidal wave.
Ren coughs, sputters, flails against his restraints. For a single, agonizing moment it feels like he's drowning. The water washes off of him, and the illusion leaves him. He blinks away the confusion and the debilitation, and forces himself to look up.
The conscious moment doesn't last. A fist slams directly into his face and sends him spiraling backwards to land hard on the floor. He falls off the chair, but can't catch himself thanks to the handcuffs holding his arms behind his back. His face strikes the concrete, and he coughs up blood. “Don't...” he croaks. It's the only word he manages to get out before a boot connects with his stomach and knocks all the air out of him.
It all feels so hazy. He grasps at lucidity and fails to take hold of it. His mind keeps slipping out, just as his eyes lose focus. It's not the physical trauma; he's handled that before. He prepared himself to be beaten. This is something else, something he didn't expect...
“Look at me.” The voice is sharp and cold and distant. “I said look at me!”
Another kick, and Ren curls into himself. There's laughter on the other side of the room. “He's just a little kid, after all,” one of the other cops says, chuckling. “Brat can dish it, but he can't take it.”
The one who kicked him kneels down by his side. “Come on, cooperate. Or what, do you want another shot?”
“Hm. Guess the dosage was too high. Figures you couldn't take it. Little punks like you are always lightweights. It's pathetic.” He straightens and walks over to the other man, who hands him a clipboard. When he returns, he thrusts the clipboard into Ren's face. “This is your confession. Obstruction of justice, blackmail, defamation, possession of weapons... and murder. Talk about the works.” He nods to the other cop. “Release him.”
Ren doesn't struggle as they pull him up and take off the handcuffs. He's tossed back into the seat. It's all just a blur for him. His eyes struggle to adjust to the room, to anything at all. Where...? What...? It all seems so far away, so distant and ephemeral...
They offer the clipboard and a pen to him. “Sign here.”
Unthinking, he swats the clipboard away. “No.”
“I see...” The cop stands and sighs. “I need your hand to sign this, but...”
And then his foot comes down hard on Ren's leg, and his scream fills the small chamber. The bone snaps under the force, and Ren feels agony unlike anything he's ever felt before. He starts to see spots, and he tightens his hands into fists just to try and ward off the pain however possible. He curls up into himself, the pain radiating up through his stomach.
The cop just scowls at him. “I don't care if you end up losing a leg. We'll chop you up piece by piece if we've got to. You honestly think you're getting out of this in one piece? We are going to make you understand... One must take responsibility for their actions.”
Despite everything, Ren manages a weak laugh. “Funny,” he croaks. “That's the lesson I was trying to teach you guys...”
The pen is thrust back into his hand. Ren takes the hint. He doesn't even read the confession; it's not like knowing what it says would make a difference. He just finds the signature line and scrawls it out: Amamiya Ren.
“So, it really is you...”
He blinks, and the world comes back into focus slightly. Everything is still infuriatingly blurry, and his mind remains as distant and uncertain as ever. The pain in his leg is dulled, though. They must have given him some kind of medicine for it.
With an effort, he looks up at the woman sitting across from him. Tall, confident, sharp... He knows her. He's met her before. The target... She was our target... It's coming back to him, slowly. But it still feels odd and awkward, like trying to parse through a dream, the details fleeting more and more with every passing second. Still, there's a part of his brain that is glad to see her. He chooses to trust in that. He's learned the hard way to trust his instincts, after all.
“You'll be answering my questions this time,” Niijima says. She frowns at him. “You look dazed.”
Ren only manages a grunt.
Her eyes fall to the ground, and widen when they see an empty syringe. “Those bastards...” she mutters. Her red eyes dart back to him with practiced efficiency. “Can you hear me?”
“Hm. It seems you've been through a lot. Anything can happen here. They can do whatever they want to you, and I can't stop them. That's why I need you to answer me honestly. I don't have much time.” She leans forward, crossing her arms over her chest. “What was your objective? Why did you cause such a major incident? What was your methodology?”
Somehow, through the haze, Ren gives a small smile. “Of course you don't know...”
“Don't mock me.”
“Why do you want to know?”
She scowls. “This has nothing to do with your trial. I simply need to know. This is my case, after all. If you have the strength to be flippant, you are coherent enough to answer some questions. How is it possible to steal another person's heart?”
“You wouldn't believe me if I told you.”
“Try me. Tell me your account of everything. And start from the very beginning.”
The beginning... It feels so remote, so distant. How is he supposed to remember all of it? How is he...?
The room seems to darken, but it feels less frightening than before. He isn't fading, he's just... drifting. Niijima disappears, and a small shape appears in his peripheral vision. When he looks, he finds a glimmering blue butterfly floating through the air, gently flapping its tiny wings. “You are held captive...” a voice says, softly. “The prisoner of fate to a future that has been sealed in advance. This is truly an unjust game. Your chances of winning are almost none. But if my voice is reaching you, there may yet be a possibility open to you...”
“I beg you,” the voice continues. “Please overcome this game... and save the world. The key to victory lies within the memories of the bonds you have made. The truth that you and your friends grasped. It all began seven months ago, when the game was started...” The butterfly hovers in front of him for a moment. “For the sake of your world's future... as well as your own... you must remember.”
Ren sighs. Seven months ago...
His eyes snap open.
Exhaustion and anxiety engage in a close tug-of-war match in him. He's been on trains all day, locked in place and worn down by constant line changes and unfamiliar scenery. But he's also completely unused to the hustle and bustle, the noise that just seems to constantly emanate from this place. He can't stay awake, and he can't sleep. Instead, he's stuck in a haze between the two.
“Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for riding with us today. We will be arriving at Shibuya shortly. This is the last stop for this line. Please transfer here for all subway lines. The doors to your left will open.”
Ren sighs and slumps down in his seat.
“What!? Are you for real? A mental shutdown?”
The inane chatter of two schoolgirls pulls him from his dazed state. “It's the truth!”
The first girl snorts. “To a person, though? That's gotta be a joke.”
“Haven't you seen the news? That detective Akechi-kun has been investigating them!”
“Jeez, you really love all that occult stuff, don't you?”
The train comes to a halt, and Ren gets up to transfer lines.
Having grown up his whole life in the suburbs, he's got pretty much no experience at all with big cities, and Tokyo is just about as big as they get. Shibuya alone dwarfs the whole world he knew beforehand. At least the area he's supposed to be living in is meant to be a bit smaller. It's still hard to be excited about it.
As he walks down the street, staring at his phone's navigation, he tries hard to ignore the crushing sensation of the crowds around him. There's just so many people. He's never even seen so many before. His old school had about ten students in every classroom, maybe up to fifteen in the really crowded ones. The whole school's population was in the low hundreds. Not that I'll ever be welcome there again...
Shibuya is different. It's all just so different.
Massive screens blare out advertisements and play the latest idol tracks. Salarymen grumble into their phones and stomp along the streets towards vague destinations. Tourists stand and point and consult translation apps.
He's never felt more lost and insignificant than then.
The glasses threaten to slip off his face, so he pushes them back up nose bridge. They're going to take some getting used to. Sixteen years without them, then suddenly he has to wear them all the time. It's going to take a little while for them to feel natural... if they ever do.
A tiny ping notification from his phone pulls his attention back down. Over top of the map application is a little icon; it's like an eyeball with a splash behind it, colored in black over a red background. He's never seen it before. When he taps it, nothing happens. It just stares back at him, and-
And then the world stops.
The people around him slow down until they aren't moving at all. The ads stop playing. The cars stop moving. Everything freezes in place, and yet he can still move. What the...? I-? His mind goes blank. This isn't a situation he's ever had to prepare for.
In the midst of the crossing, a bright blue flame erupts. It grows and grows, and then takes on a shape that's vaguely human-like. And then two wings explode out in fire, and a vile orange face carves itself into the blue. It looks at Ren and grins, and yet Ren feels no fear. For some reason, when he looks at this monster, he feels something more like... confidence.
It laughs, and then burns all the brighter.
And then the moment ends.
Ren blinks, and time is moving again. No one around him seems to have even noticed any of what just happened. The flaming monster is gone... and was probably never there to begin with. He's had a long day. He's probably just asleep on his feet.
That eyeball app is still displayed. Probably just a virus, Ren tells himself. He deletes it.
Yongen-Jaya is slightly more his speed.
A small section of the city, it's really nothing more than a few connected alleyways. Still, it's something he can understand a bit better than the enormous labyrinth that is Shibuya.
That doesn't mean he doesn't get lost. He has a vague address, but it doesn't help much right now. He asks around (though pointedly avoids talking to the policeman) until he manages to find the house with the nameplate reading Sakura. There's no answer from the doorbell, though, so he asks a deliveryman who just happens to be nearby where the homeowner is.
That's how he gets directed to a little out of the way café called Leblanc.
With a deep breath, Ren pushes the door open. The bell jingles, and a middle-aged man behind the counter looks up lazily for all of a heartbeat before returning his attention to his crossword puzzle.
The TV is on, and the only two patrons are watching it intently. “A public transit bus was driven down an opposing lane with its customers still in it!” the host of the tabloid show declares animatedly. “The citizens can't live in peace if this keeps up.”
The elderly male customer shakes his head wearily. “How frightening.”
The lady sitting across from him sighs. “What could be going on? Didn't something similar happen just the other day?”
Meanwhile, the manager just taps his pencil against the paper. “And down is... the name of a shellfish used in pearl farming...” He finally makes eye contact with Ren, and then starts. “Oh, right. They did say that was today.”
“We'll be going now,” the elderly man says, apparently sensing the awkwardness. “The payment's on the table.”
“Hm. Thanks for coming.”
“This place is in the back alley, so there's no worries of a car crashing in here.”
The manager frowns. “A what now?”
“There's been a string of those rampage accidents, you know,” the old man laments. “I just hope that none happen around here.”
“It's none of my concern.”
The customer laughs. “Well, we'll see you next time.”
The instant the door closes behind them, the manager sighs wearily. “Four hours for just a single cup of joe...” He shakes his head and rubs at his neck, then nods at Ren. “So you're the thug, huh?”
His instinct is to fight him on that, but the voices of his parents echo in his mind. Do not mess this up, they whisper. This is your one chance to redeem yourself. Do not make waves. Do not give him any reason to throw you out, or your life is over, and our reputation will be ruined.
So instead he bows politely and says, “My name is Amamiya.”
“Hm. I'm Sakura. Sojiro. You'll be in my custody over the next year.” He studies Ren carefully, then strokes his goatee lightly. “I was wondering what kind of unruly kid would show up, but you're the one, huh?” He shrugs carelessly. “Have you been told? A customer of mine and your parents know each other. Well, not that it really matters. Follow me.”
Ren allows himself to be led through the little café and up the stairs in the back. Up there is a clustered attic, full of random garbage and loaded with dust. “This is your room,” Sakura says.
“Wait, this...?”
“What, did you think you'd be staying in my house? Like I'd let a punk like you under my roof. Be glad you're getting a room of your own at all. You want to be comfortable here, you'll have to clean it up yourself. I'll give you clean sheets, but that's all.”
I don't... Ren forces himself to sigh. “Yes, sir.”
“Hm. That's better. Now, I'll be leaving after I lock up each night. You'll be alone at that point, but don't do anything stupid. I'll throw you out if you cause any trouble.”
Ren swallows. “I... understand.”
“Now, then... I got the gist of your situation. You protected some woman from a guy forcing himself on her, he got injured, then sued you. Right?” Sakura scoffs. “That's what you get for sticking your nose in a matter between two adults. You did injure him, yeah?”
“I-” Ren starts, but thinks better of it.
Sakura raises an eyebrow at him, then shrugs. “...And now that you've got a criminal record, you were expelled from your high school. The courts ordered you to transfer and move out here, which your parents also approved. In other words, they got rid of you for being a pain in the ass. I get all that right?”
Ren swallows. “I... Yeah. I suppose so.”
“Hm. It's best you not talk about anything unnecessary. I am in the restaurant business, you know. Behave yourself for the next year. If nothing happens, your probation will be lifted. But cause any problems, and you'll be sent straight to juvie.” He pulls out his phone and checks the time. “We'll be going to Shujin tomorrow. Get your things sorted and get the lay of the land. I'm going back to work.”
Without another word, he heads back downstairs.
For a long moment, Ren just stands there. It's a tiny room, and filthy, too. Still, it's not like he's got a choice in the matter. If he's gotta live here, he may as well make it decent...
So he digs into his luggage and changes into casual clothes, then starts to clean. That takes a while. A lot of the junk just gets tossed to the other side of the attic, so that's not ideal, but at least it's out of his way. Once he's got the garbage out of the way, he starts dusting and mopping.
By the time he's done, it's evening. His efforts pay off, though; the room actually doesn't seem half bad now. With the darkness outside and the orange glow of a single light bulb slung over a beam, it has a bit of a homey vibe. Really, it doesn't seem so bad. Well, except for the bed. Who would have thought tossing a mattress over some old crates wouldn't be hugely comfortable?
“What the heck?” He turns with a start when he hears Sakura-san's voice at the stairs. His caretaker looks around with wide eyes. “I heard you making all sorts of noise up here, but I didn't think you were cleaning.” He strokes his chin, and the look on his face softens considerably. “You know, the place doesn't look too bad. I guess it's only natural you'd want to keep your room tidy.” He nods towards the corner. “You should go to bed for tonight. You don't have anything better to be doing, right?” He checks his phone again, then yawns. “I'm going to close up shop and get out of here myself.”
“Um...” Ren forces an awkward smile. “Good night, Sakura-san.”
“Hm. I won't be taking care of you if you get sick from staying up too late. Remember that.”
He turns and walks away without another word.
Whenever he's alone, his thoughts always drift back to that day.
He'd been coming home late. The sun had already set. His little neighborhood was completely silent, locked in the gloom of dusk. It wasn't hard to overhear the ruckus, even from the distance he was at. It was just curiosity that motivated him at first. Then, as he drew closer, it was fear and determination.
The woman was being grabbed at by a man, screaming and shoving at him as he used superior strength to subdue her. Maybe it was true grit, or maybe just childish courage, but something convinced Ren to rush forward and grab the man by the shoulder and pull him off the woman. He stumbled on his own feet and went crashing to the ground.
Ren remembers a moment when he genuinely thought he'd been the one to hurt the guy. That suspicion was shattered when the guy shoved himself to his feet and slurred out the words, “Damn brat! I'll sue!” His breath reeked of alcohol.
And yet that night still ended with Ren in handcuffs.
He sighs and leans his head back on the pillow of his makeshift bed. It's still more comfortable than the beds in juvie, so at least there's that.
His phone goes off again, so he checks it with haste. He hasn't been getting many notifications ever since his arrest, after all. At first, it looks like there's nothing, and he wonders if it was just a phantom vibration. Upon checking again, though, he sees that same eyeball app appear on his home screen, glimmering faintly.
With a weary sigh, he deletes it again.
The ringing sound of polycarbonate on metal wakes him.
When he opens his eyes, he's not in the attic of the café anymore. Instead, he's in a damp prison cell, wearing striped attire. He shoves himself off the hard cot. What the...?
From the darkness, a small girl steps forward. And then another. One has a ponytail and an patch over her left eye. The other has hair hair up in twin buns, and a patch over her right eye. They chuckle at him.
He approaches them carefully, only to be stopped by a sudden weight at his leg. When he looks back, he realizes he has an actual ball and chain attached to him, keeping him locked in this place. The two girls chuckle again, and then part ways. Beyond them is a circular room full of cells. In the center of it is a desk.
Sitting there is an old man with a long nose and pointed ears, his bloodshot eyes staring coldly at Ren as his mouth twitches up into the semblance of a smile. “Trickster...” he intones, his voice deep and booming. “Welcome to my Velvet Room.”
Ren grabs at the bars of his cell. “What is this?” he demands.
“So you've come to, Inmate,” one of the girls says in a shrill voice.
“The you in reality is currently fast asleep,” the second says, slightly more politely. “You are only experiencing this as a dream.”
“A... dream?”
The first girl slams her baton against the bars again. Ren pulls his hand back just in time to avoid having his fingers smashed. “You're in the presence of our master. Stand up straight!”
The old man chuckles, drumming his gloved fingers against his desk. “Welcome. I am delighted to make your acquaintance. This place exists between dream and reality, mind and matter. It is a room that only those who are bound by a contract may enter. I am Igor, the master of this place. Remember it well. I summoned you here to speak of important matters. It involves your life as well.”
“Important matters?” Ren gasps. He shakes the bars again. “Let me out!”
Another crack of the baton. “Shut up and listen, Inmate!”
The old man just chuckles. “Still, this is a surprise... The state of this room reflects the state of your own heart. To think a prison would appear as such. You truly are a prisoner of fate.” Igor's grin turns colder. “In the near future, there is no mistake that ruin awaits you.”
“I speak of the end to everything. However, there is a means to oppose such a fate. You must be rehabilitated. Rehabilitated towards freedom... That is your only means to avoid ruin...” He leans forward, grinning all the more. “Do you have the resolve to challenge the distortion of the world?”
“I... I don't understand.”
“Allow me to observe the path of your rehabilitation,” Igor says, ignoring him entirely. He laughs easily, then waves towards the two girls. “Ah, pardon me for not introducing the others. To your right is Caroline; to your left, Justine. They serve as wardens here.”
The girl on the right – Caroline – scoffs. “Hmph. Struggle as hard as you like.”
Justine nods slowly. “The duty of wardens is to protect inmates. We are also your collaborators. That is... if you remain obedient.”
“I shall explain the roles of these two at another time,” Igor says. “Now then, it seems the night is waning. It is almost time... Take your time to slowly come to understand this place. We will surely meet again, eventually...”
He snaps his fingers, and a bell starts to ring, almost like an alarm clock. “Time's up,” Caroline says, sharply. “Now hurry up and go back to sleep.”
Ren grabs at the bars, but then he blinks, and finds himself back in bed.
He honestly doesn't know why he thought it would be different.
The principal of Shujin – an enormous jowly man with a face full of bitterness – had instantly treated him like scum, and his homeroom teacher had given him icy politeness, the most he probably could have expected. That coldness had turned to embarrassment briefly when she dropped what appeared to be an ad for a housekeeping service, but that hadn't lasted long.
Now, sitting here in traffic on the way back to the café, he can really only sit here and wonder what this year is going to look like.
“Traffic's not moving at all...” Sakura grumbles. “You're taking the train starting tomorrow.”
Ren's already sick of trains, but there's no point in complaining. “I understand.”
Sakura-san looks at him wearily. “So, how was it? The school, I mean. You think you can manage?”
“I'll... try my best.”
“Hm. Your best isn't enough. Keep your head down, and don't cause any trouble. You've been expelled once before. No one's gonna be sympathetic with you.” He frowns, looks away. “If that's how it is at school, people might start saying things about me, too... What a troublesome kid I've taken in...”
Ren hesitates, then looks up. “Why did you take me in?”
Sakura-san frowns. “I was asked to do it, and I didn't have a good reason to say no. Besides, I've already been paid for it.”
Their conversation is over, apparently. Sakura-san reaches over and turns on the radio. “And now back to today's top stories,” the newscaster says. “A subway train has derailed, severely affecting the timetable across all of-”
Instantly, Sakura turns the radio back off and groans. “Another accident? So that's why it's so backed up... There's been a lot of those lately.” He sighs. “In fact, there was a real sad one just last month. If I remember right, the girl that passed away was only fifteen. Her parents have gotta be just...”
Suddenly, the cars ahead of him start moving, and Sakura lets out a relieved sigh. They move all of twenty feet before the traffic halts again. Sakura slams his hands on the steering wheel. “Oh, come on!”
“What a waste,” Sakura laments upon entering Leblanc. “I didn't get to open the café today...”
“Sorry...” Ren says, carefully.
“Hm. Come on, head upstairs. I've gotta give you something before I head home.”
He does as he's asked. Sakura pauses at the top of the stairs and reaches into his pocket. He pulls out a small notebook and offers it. “This is a diary. Make sure you keep it up to date. You may be under probation, but there's no special limitations on what you do in particular. Besides following the law, of course. However, I am obligated to report on you, which is why I'm having you record your daily activities.”
“Okay,” Ren starts, but then Sakura's phone goes off.
He turns away and answers it. “Hey, what's up? I'm about to leave right now. Don't worry. I'll be there in no time.” He hangs up, then nods at Ren. “Well, I'm off. I'll lock the place up, so do whatever you want for the rest of the night. Oh, but don't mess up my store. If something goes missing, I'll hand you right over to the cops. You've got school tomorrow. So you better head off to bed, alright?”
He doesn't sleep well that night.
After a full night of staring up at the ceiling goes by and his alarm blares, he finds himself even more tired than he'd been before. It doesn't matter. It's time to get going.
He changes into his uniform and grabs his bag, which has absolutely nothing in it at the moment. When he gets downstairs, Sakura-san is already behind the counter. He raises an eyebrow when he sees Ren. “So, you're actually going to school, huh?”
“Here.” He motions to a plate on the counter. “I'll feed you today. Just make sure you finish it before the customers start coming in.”
Ren looks down at his breakfast. “Curry?”
“What's that reaction for? Just eat it.”
Well, it's the closest thing to kindness he's gotten here so far. Ren puts his bag on one of the chairs and takes the one next to it, then digs into the curry. At first, he's just eating it out of obligation. Then, suddenly, he's eating with fervor, and then the whole serving is gone, and he stares at the empty plate forlornly.
Sakura-san looks at the clock. “It's time for you to go.”
Ren nods. “That... was delicious.”
“Ha!” his caregiver laughs. “So you do have manners, after all. Hurry up and get to school. You'll end up late if you get lost on the way. Oh, and flip the sign to 'open' for me.”
The train stations are annoying. He knew that just from the trip from his hometown to Tokyo, but it's even worse this time. He's on the clock, after all. Yongen-Jaya, then Shibuya central, then Aoyame-Itchome. It's a tougher process than just walking like he's used to.
It's raining by the time he gets to the last stop, and of course he doesn't have an umbrella. He attempts to just deal with it at first, only for the gust to become all the more intense. In a desperate bid to wait it out, he rushes under the overhang of a nearby shop and shakes his hair out. He takes off his glasses and wipes off the lenses quickly. He puts them on just in time for someone else to take the spot next to him.
A girl, that much is obvious right from the start. She's got the hood of her jacket up, and she reaches up with dainty hands to remove it upon getting in cover. When she does, Ren's heart lurches. She releases an ocean of blonde hair, tied up into pigtails, obviously with a great effort, given the volume. She blinks, and he can just make out her brilliant blue eyes from the angle she's standing at. She sighs and shakes out the water from her hair, flailing her hands to dry them off.
It's only then that she seems to notice him. She turns towards him, and both of her electric eyes meet with his. Ren can't blink. You're staring. Stop staring. It's weird to stare. You're just gawking at her. Stop! The words don't work, though. His body just seems to ignore them entirely.
To his unbelievable fortune, though, she just smiles slightly at him. Then she raises a hand towards his face. “You have, um...” she starts. Then she reaches forward. He pulls back half an inch, just instinctively, but she ignores that and touches his nose for the briefest of seconds. When she pulls her hand back, she's holding a little sakura petal. She looks at it, then sighs and lets it blow away. “I hate the rain. The cherry blossoms are so beautiful, but the petals get swept up in the wind...”
He fumbles for words, and finds none.
Before he can stumble out some awkward nonsense, a car pulls up and parks on the side of the road. The window lowers, and a man in a tracksuit leans over from the driver's side. “Good morning,” he calls to them, though his eyes seem completely locked on the girl. His curly hair and square jaw make him distinctive, if nothing else. “You want me to give you a ride to school? You're gonna be late.”
“Um, sure. Thanks.” The girl steps forward to get into the car. For some reason, Ren finds himself disturbed by this. He's not entirely sure why.
The guy in the car finally looks over at him. “Do you need a lift too?”
Ren starts. “Oh, uh... No, thanks.”
“Hm. Suit yourself.”
Before the car can pull off, Ren catches the slightest glimpse of sadness in the girl's eyes... Sadness that wasn't there before.
He jumps in surprise at the sudden outburst, and then a flash of red and yellow darts past him, stopping just a few feet ahead. A guy slightly shorter than Ren grinds his teeth and watches the car drive off. “Screw that pervy teacher,” he grumbles.
Ren raises an eyebrow. “Pervy... teacher?”
The guy turns and glares at him. “What do you want? You plannin' on rattin' me out to Kamoshida?”
“Huh? In that car just now. It was Kamoshida.” The vulgar guy kicks at the ground. He has strange posture, and his bright blonde hair is obviously not natural. “He does whatever the hell he wants. Who does he think he is – the king of a castle?”
“He... What?”
“Dude... Wait, you don't know Kamoshida? Are you for real? You are from Shujin, right?”
The guy studies his uniform for a second. “You're a second-year, huh? We're the same grade then. Never seen you around before, though.” He ponders this for a second, then nods. “Oh, you a transfer student?” Ren just nods. “No wonder you don't know him.” He sighs and rubs at the back of his neck. “The rain ain't too bad. We better hurry up, or we'll be late.”
Ren nods. “Yeah. You're right.”
They both go to step forward, but then something like a pulse goes through him. Ren stumbles slightly, and the vulgar guy clutches at his head and groans. “Ugh, my head hurts... Dammit... I wanna go home...”
Ren swallows hard. He feels light-headed. Did I eat the curry too fast? Have I been standing too long? Do I need to hydrate? He's honestly not sure what just happened. Why does he suddenly feel so weird? Why does his body suddenly feel so heavy?
His companion shakes his head, then starts walking towards the school. Ren joins him, if only to not be alone for a little while.
Still, everything feels... weird. It's like just moving is a bit more difficult than normal. It's probably just nerves, he tells himself. A new school... And Sakura-san is right, I can't mess this up. I can't. It... It would devastate my parents, and...
“What the hell!?”
Ren steps out from the alleyways towards where Shujin Academy is meant to be... and finds something else entirely. A huge towering castle, its ramparts stretching up into a bleak purple sky. It looms over the landscape oppressively. Just looking at it makes him feel a hollowness in his stomach.
“We didn't...” the vulgar guy starts. “We didn't come the wrong way, though...”
“The sign is for the school,” Ren points out.
“I guess... we'll just have to go and ask.”
Ask who? Ren wonders, but it's not like he has a better idea right now.
Together, they walk up the drawbridge and into the central hall of the castle. For a brief second, it all seems to fade, and he's standing in the lobby of the school... but then the vision goes away, and he's back in the castle. Blending? What is this...?
“T-that's real weird,” the vulgar guy says. “Where's the school?”
“Did we make a wrong turn?”
“No! That's impossible! I think...” He pulls out his phone and frowns at it. “No service? Huh? Where'd we end up?”
Footsteps cut him off.
Ren's eyes widen as a huge man in full plate armor stomps over towards them. His companion nearly jumps out of his skin, then catches his breath. “Jeez, you freaked me out... Who're you? You a student?”
“I don't think...” Ren starts.
“Whoa, man... Your costume's impressive. Is that armor real?” The vulgar guy crosses his arms over his chest. “C'mon, don't just stand there. Say somethin'.”
Instead, the man in armor bashes his shield against the guy, and he falls to the ground. “Hey!” Ren calls, but then he's hit from behind, and everything goes dark.
“Hey! Wake up!”
He blinks his eyes open. It takes a moment for them to focus, and he doesn't like what he sees when they do. A dungeon? So the castle was real... That...
He shoves himself up with an effort, and that vulgar guy kneels in front of him. “What happened?”
“That's what I was gonna ask you, dude. You alright?”
“...Yeah. I think so. You?”
“Yeah, more or less.” He sighs and looks around. “Looks like this ain't no dream... Ugh, what's goin' on!?” He walks over towards the cell doors. With every step, an odd pink substance emanates from the soles of his shoes. “Hey, let us outta here! I know there's someone out there!”
Ren wonders how often he'll have to see the inside of a prison cell. Twice so far... Three times, if you count that dream. Dammit... I'm just going to be held in captivity forever. He was told to keep his head down, and he's been trying. Why doesn't it work for him?
Footsteps interrupt his musing. A group of those armored men stomp up towards the cell. “Be glad that your punishment has been decided upon,” the leader intones, in a strange voice. It sounds like it's been placed through a filter or something. “Your charge is unlawful entry. Thus, you will be sentenced to death.”
“Huh!?” the vulgar guy croaks.
“No one is allowed to do as they please in my castle.” It's a new voice, but a familiar one. Ren grits his teeth. Where does he recognize that voice from?
And then his question is answered for him. The outfit is wildly different, and he's got bright yellow eyes, but it's impossible to mistake that jaw and that hair.
The vulgar guy realizes it, too. “Huh? Is... Is that you, Kamoshida?”
“Hmph. I thought it'd be some petty thief. To think it'd be you, Sakamoto... Are you trying to disobey me again? It looks like you haven't learned your lesson at all, huh?” The cold yellow eyes fall upon Ren. “And you brought a friend this time... Looks like you can't do anything for yourself.”
“This ain't funny, you asshole!”
“Is that how you speak to your king? It seems you don't understand the position you're in at all. Not only did you sneak into my castle, you committed the crime of insulting me. The punishment for that is death.” Kamoshida waves an arm sharply, opening up his robe and exposing his mostly-naked body. “It's time for the execution! Take him out!”
The guards open the door and shove Ren and Sakamoto further into the cell, blocking the way out with their shields and their bodies. They end up on the other side of the room, near the cot, with nowhere to run. “Goddammit!” Sakamoto shouts, and then he bulls forward and shoves the nearest guard down. He looks over at Ren. “I ain't down for this shit! C'mon, we're outta here!”
Ren doesn't need to be told twice. He turns and goes to run, only to find himself locked in place. An armored hand slams down on his shoulder and holds him back. And then one of the other guards bashes Sakamoto with his shield, and the two of them are incapacitated.
Sakamoto falls to the ground, groaning. “Just go!” he shouts at Ren.
Kamoshida chuckles. “Oh? Running away, are we? What a heartless friend you are.”
“He ain't a friend...” Sakamoto glares at Ren. “Just run already!”
“Oh, go on, try it.” Kamoshida waves to the guard, and Ren is released. “Run. Or are you too scared?” Ren doesn't move, and Kamoshida scoffs. “Pathetic scum like you isn't worth my time. At least Sakamoto has bark, even if he's got no bite. You don't have either.” His cold eyes turn back to Sakamoto. “I'll focus on this one's execution...”
Two of the guards hold Sakamoto up against the wall, while the last guard holds Ren back, helpless to do anything. Kamoshida grins and raises his arm. “Take this!” His fist slams hard into Sakamoto's face. And then again, and again. Then he hits him in the stomach, and the chest. Sakamoto is completely unable to protect himself. After a moment of it, he's covered in bruises and crying softly.
Kamoshida spits on him. “Scum like you isn't worth beating. I'll have you killed right now.”
“Stop this!” Ren screams. His voice comes back to him all at once.
“Hm?” Kamoshida rounds on him. “Don't you dare tell me you don't know who I am.” He steps up and stoops over to look Ren in the face. “That look in your eyes irritates me!”
A kick to the chest sends him reeling. Ren slumps against the wall hard and falls to the floor. His whole body feels heavy. Dammit...
“Hold him there. After the peasant, it's his turn to die.”
Ren forces himself to overcome the pain, shoving himself up and rushing hard at Kamoshida, only to be pushed up against the wall again. Two guards hold him there as the last one offers his sword to Kamoshida.
“No...” Sakamoto groans. “I don't wanna die...”
Kamoshida just laughs.
And then the room seems to darken. “This is truly an unjust game...” a faint voice whispers. “Your chances of winning are almost none. But if my voice is reaching you, there may yet be a possibility open to you.”
“What's the matter?” booms a second voice. “Are you simply going to watch? Are you forsaking him to save yourself? Death awaits him if you do nothing. Was your previous decision a mistake, then?”
Ren grits his teeth and thinks of walking down a street late at night, and hearing the screams of pain and fear, and laying a hand on a man who thought he was above everyone. “No, it wasn't,” he grunts. “I don't regret it. Any of it.”
The other guard lifts Sakamoto up, and Kamoshida aims the tip of the sword directly at his throat.
“Very well. I have heeded your resolve.” An explosion of pain thunders in Ren's mind, and sweat trickles down his face as he screams. “Vow to me. I am thou, thou art I... Thou who art willing to perform all sacrilegious acts for thine own justice! Call upon my name, and release thy rage! Show the strength of thy will to ascertain all on thine own, though thou be chained to hell itself!”
“Time's up...” Kamoshida says.
“That's enough!” Ren calls.
Kamoshida turns on him, glaring coldly. “What was that...? You want to be first? You desire to be killed that much? Fine!”
The guard to Ren's left raises his shield and slams it hard against his face, but Ren hardly stumbles. His glasses – his stupid fake glasses – fly off his face and clatter against the stone ground. When Ren raises his face, he glares right back at Kamoshida.
They told me my eyes were threatening. They told me every judge on the planet would be against me with eyes like these. Well, so be it. I did nothing wrong. I should have actually punched that creep. I shouldn't have held back. He stomps his foot down hard and holds his ground. Well, I won't make that mistake again.
His eyes open wide.
A gale of wind bursts through the room, throwing the guards off him. It ends as quickly as it began. When Ren blinks, though, there's something on his face. It's like a masquerade mask, locked to his face hard. With scrambling fingers, he reaches up and pulls at it, but it clings to his face. He pulls all the harder, and it starts to give, and he keeps going despite the pain.
When he tears it off, blood splatters everywhere. And his whole body lights up.
Blue flames strike out along his sleeves and his body, engulfing him in their unholy light. A villainous laugh echoes through the cell, and Ren laughs with it as his Persona stands up behind him. He grabs at the chains and slashes forward, and the guards go flying back in a burst of cursed energy.
“Come!” he screams, grinning wickedly. “Arsène!”
And the whole room erupts.
They look up and they wonder
Are they controlled by the heavens?
They start to question their essence
-Marionettes (I. The Discovery of Strings), Enter Shikari
Chapter 2: Sometimes I Feel Like
(See the end of the chapter for notes.)
Chapter Text
“The key! Lock the cell!”
Shouting this pulls Sakamoto out of his stupor. He shoves himself off the ground, grabs the key, and the two of them rush out together. They manage to lock the door just before Kamoshida can escape it. He throws himself against the steel uselessly. “Damn you!”
Sakamoto rounds on Ren. “Hey! What was that just now!?”
“I don't know.”
“Your clothes...”
Ren only realizes how they changed now himself. He was wearing his uniform before, but now he's got a long black coat, red gloves, and a mask over his face. When did I...?
Suddenly, there's a burst of flames, and his clothes go back to normal. Even the glasses return to his face, despite the fact that he left them in the cell.
Before he can consider that any further, Kamoshida roars and slams against the bars again. “Oh, man...” Sakamoto groans. “This is effin' nuts. Let's get outta here!” He tosses the keys as far as he can, and the two of them take off running as the king shouts at them.
Ren takes the lead, more out of instinct than anything else. He's got no idea where to go, or how to get out of here, but he doubts Sakamoto has any more clue, so it doesn't matter. The dungeons are underground, and there's a creek running through them. It's either natural, or it's carrying sewage water. Either way, Ren doesn't really want to swim in it, so he jumps across and rushes towards the only open path. Sakamoto follows close behind.
They hear footsteps, so Ren grabs Sakamoto and pulls him behind some crates. He peers over the tops and watches as the guards slip by, looking for them. “Come on,” he grunts, and takes off again.
A stairway leads up a tower, and that seems promising. Up is good, right? But when they break out through that door, they find themselves on another level of the dungeons. “Dammit!” Sakamoto curses, and Ren shushes him. “Oh, uh, yeah... My bad...”
He walks cautiously along the path this time. It's a new level, and there might be guards around here. He only defeated those three in their cell, after all. As he walks along the edge of the creek, though, he sees cages dangling over it. “What the...?”
“Holy shit...” Sakamoto mutters. “W-we really did hear people screamin'... So we ain't the only ones who got captured!”
The people in the cages are wearing the Shujin uniform, too, but they have no faces. Only mouths, through which they scream. Their eyes are missing entirely, as well as any distinguishing details. It's like they've been erased. “This is weird...” Ren says.
“Dude, that's an understatement...”
He walks further up and spots a path across the creek, but the bridge is raised, and there's no chance of them leaping over the gap. “Damn...”
“Hey! You there!”
The sudden voice makes them both jump. “A guard?” Sakamoto squeaks.
“Blondie! Frizzy Hair! Look over here!”
Despite all the insane nonsense Ren has encountered here so far, nothing could have prepared him for what he sees in the nearest cell. It's a small creature, perhaps only a foot and a half tall. With big eyes, pointy ears, and a giant head compared to the rest of its body, it reminds him mostly of... Well, of a cat.
It pulls at the bars of its cell. “You're not soldiers of the castle, right!? Get me out of here!”
“The hell is this thing!?” Sakamoto gasps, so loudly Ren has to grab him and put a hand over his mouth. He sputters against the blockage, but can't get a word out.
“We're trying to get out of here,” Ren tells the creature, calmly.
“You want to know where the exit it? Let me out and I can take you there.” The cat-thing gives him a strange look. “You don't want to get caught and executed, right?” It points towards the wall. “There's the key to my cell! Please, let me out!”
Ren sighs and releases Sakamoto to walk over towards the wall. “Dude,” Sakamoto gasps. “You're just gonna do what is says?”
The cell opens without fuss once Ren uses the key, just as the cat promised. It stumbles out and breathes in. “Ahhhh... Freedom tastes so great...”
Ren bends down and pats it on the head. “Hm. It can talk. I think it's alive.”
“Hey! Don't touch me like... thaaat...”
“I think it's a cat.”
The purring stops all at once. “I am NOT a cat! Say that again and I'll make you regret it!”
Sakamoto hisses, “Keep it down! We don't wanna get caught here!”
“Who are you?” Ren asks, removing his hand from the not-cat's head.
“I am Morgana!”
“Will you two shuddup!?” Sakamoto says. “Tell us how to get outta here! Do you wanna get locked up again!?”
The not-cat sighs. “Alright! Sheesh! Just follow me and stay quiet!”
Morgana heads over towards that bridge and leaps up towards the statue next to it. It's shaped like Kamoshida, and the jaw appears to be some sort of hinge. Morgana attempts to pull it down, then sighs. “Frizzy Hair! Pull on the jaw!”
Ren steps forward and does as he's bid. The jaw moves easily, and the bridge lowers. “There!” Morgana cheers. “That's our way forward!”
The three of them rush across the bridge in a cluster. They only make it a few feet over, though, before a guard appears from around the corner. “Oh, shit!” Sakamoto screams, falling onto his ass in his desperation to get away.
Instantly, Ren's other clothes appear, his uniform leaving into whatever void it goes to in the interim. “Looks like you can fight!” Morgana cries, leaping over Sakamoto and landing in front of the enemies. “Let's do this!” And then he clenches his paws into little fists, looks up, and cries, “Come! Zorro!”
Another of those beings – a Persona, his brain tells him – bursts from the not-cat. A gust of wind lashes out from the tip of the Z he draws with his sword, and the guard goes flying back into black dust.
It splits into two, but one of them keels over the instant the transformation is complete. Ren darts forward and rips off his own mask before the other monster can get up. “Arsène!” he cries, and a curse envelopes his foe. It dies in an instant.
Ren takes the moment to look at his Persona for the first time. Red is the first thing he notices. Lots of red. That, the hat, and the wings are most noticeable. Strings grab at his arms and legs, taut and holding him back, like there's someone above holding him in place.
“Heh, not bad,” Morgana says. “Your Persona's pretty powerful.”
“Persona?” Sakamoto repeats. He gets back to his feet with an effort. “Y'mean that thing that comes outta you guys all dramatic-like?”
“You saw how Frizzy Hair here ripped off his mask when he summoned it, right? Well, everybody wears a mask deep within their heart. By removing that...”
“Hey,” Ren cuts in. “My name isn't Frizzy Hair.”
The instant he finishes speaking, his clothes burst, and he returns to his normal outfit. “What the-?” Sakamoto stumbles.
“Hm.” Morgana looks him over. “Looks like you don't have full control of your power yet. The transformation isn't supposed to dissolve like that. But it's no surprise that you would resist it at first...”
“That's enough,” Sakamoto grumbles. “This crap doesn't make any sense!”
“Can't you sit still and listen for once, Blondie!?”
“Don't call me Blondie! My name's Ryuji...”
“There's no time for this,” Ren says, sharply. “We need to get out of here.”
Morgana nods. “Yeah! Exactly! There's no time for me to lecture you two! Let's go!” He looks down the path they've started. “It shouldn't be too much further to the exit. Come on, we should hurry.”
They don't get very far. There's a groaning from the next block of cells, and Sakamoto shouts at them to stop so he can check it out. When he does, they find a boy lying face-down in one of the cells, moaning. “Dude, that's the school gym outfit...” Sakamoto says.
“It doesn't matter!” Morgana cries.
“But we can't leave them here!”
“Urgh, you really don't get it, do you? They're not real! This is another world, and those guys are just cognitions.”
Sakamoto stares. “C-cog... what?”
Morgana sighs. “There's no time for this. If you wanna stay, go ahead, but I'm leaving!”
“Come on,” Ren tells Sakamoto.
He follows them, but not without grumbling.
Morgana leads them all the way to a small room off the main hall, then to a ventilation shaft that can take them outside. “Now get going!” he tells them.
“Huh?” Sakamoto says. “But what about you?”
“I'm staying. I've still got something to do.”
“...Whatever. See ya, cat.”
“I am not a cat!”
Ren looks down at Morgana and smiles slightly. “Thanks for your help.”
The not-cat smirks. “At least one of you has some manners! Now get going!”
They don't need to be told twice.
It's noon by the time they stumble to the gates of the school.
It's just their luck, too; a counselor is waiting for them there. “The two of you are late,” he says sternly, crossing his arms over his chest. “Where were you roaming around until this time?”
The question seems directed at Ren, for obvious reasons. He's on probation. Of course the school would want to keep tabs on him. It's Sakamoto that answers, though. “A c-castle...?”
“So, you have no intention of giving an honest answer?”
“W-wait, but-”
Before Sakamoto can say another word, the doors open, and out walks Kamoshida. He's in his regular outfit, not that hideous thing he was wearing in the castle. And his eyes aren't glowing yellow anymore. “You seem so carefree, Sakamoto,” he says, coldly. “Quite a difference from when you did morning practice for the track team.”
“Shuddup! It's your fault that-”
The counselor steps forward. “How dare you speak that way to Kamoshida-san!? There's not much leeway left you, you know.”
Sakamoto almost speaks again, then he bites back his rage. Okay, so there's history there.
“Do you really want to be expelled?” the counselor presses. “In any case, you'll have to explain yourself. Follow me.”
“That's bullshit!”
Kamoshida chuckles. “Oh, come now. I should have been more considerate, too. Let's just say that we were both to blame.”
The counselor sighs. “Well, if you say so...” He glares at Sakamoto. “Still, you're coming with me. It's undeniable that you're extremely late.”
Kamoshida's eyes turn to Ren, and there's a flash, like an electrical charge between them. For a split second, Ren feels like he's staring at the king again, those brutal golden eyes boring into his soul. “By the way... You're that new transfer student, correct? Amamiya?”
“...Have we met somewhere before?”
Ren nods slowly. “At the station. A girl got in your car.”
“Oh, right. If you were that close, you should have been here on time. Well, I'll overlook this just for today. I'm sure you've heard from the principal, but cause any trouble and you'll be expelled. Understand?”
“You could always overlook more.”
“Is that supposed to be a joke? I'm not laughing.”
Ren swallows. “S-sorry.”
“At any rate, hurry up and go to the faculty office. I'm sure Kawakami-san is tired of waiting.” He turns to leave, and then gives one last cold look back. “Good luck trying to enjoy your new school life.”
There's a single instant of eye contact between Kamoshida and Sakamoto, and pure hatred emanates from both sides.
He makes up a story about getting lost, and that seems to work well enough for Kawakami-sensei. Mostly she just seems annoyed that she of all people has to deal with the problem kid. That's been going around, apparently. Sakura, Kamoshida, Kawakami. No one wants to deal with me. Not even my parents.
When he thinks of that, there's a part of him that feels small and weak and helpless. But there's another part of him that thinks of that mask he'd put on in that castle, and how it felt to have Arsène behind him...
That part of him fades when he stands in front of the class. The gossip is brutal right off the bat. People whisper (with a remarkable lack of subtlety) about him being late. Their collective gaze presses in on him, and he feels like an animal in a zoo.
Kawakami-sensei sighs. “Well, I'd like to introduce a transfer student.” She motions to him. “Tell them your name.”
“I'm Ren Amamiya. I... It's nice to meet you all.”
“He wasn't feeling well this morning, so he decided to come in a little late today,” Kawakami-sensei explains, using a different lie than his own. It doesn't really matter. No one would believe the truth anyway. Even Ren isn't entirely sure he believes it.
She points him to a seat, and he starts when he realizes that it's directly behind that girl from this morning. She sticks out like a sore thumb here, with her blonde hair and her electric blue eyes. It's impossible to mistake her for anyone else.
When he goes to take the seat, she mutters, “Liar.”
“I saw you at the station this morning.”
Ren swallows, but says nothing. He's not going to go into this right now.
It weighs on him all through class.
He was never the best of students, and it only got worse after... last year. But he's never been this zoned out before. Thousands of thoughts burst through his brain, but it still feels like a ghost town up there. He can't make sense of any of this crap.
It's possible that he's just gone crazy. That really wouldn't surprise him. It makes more sense than transforming school, morphing clothes, and talking monster cats. So he tells himself it was just a dream and to move on.
But he can't.
It ain't hard to find Amamiya. Hearing that name outta Kamoshida's mouth was all he really needed. The rumors are everywhere, after all. That name's been burned into everyone's minds. He just has to go down to look at the class roster, and then he knows exactly where to go.
Amamiya's talking with Kawakami in the hallway when he approaches, and he just barely manages to catch the last line: “Don't get involved with Sakamoto-kun.”
Ryuji scoffs as he approaches. “You talkin' me up again, teach?” he asks.
She looks at him with those tired, vacant eyes. “Speak of the devil... What do you want? I heard you were cutting classes today?”
“That was nothin'.”
He glances at Amamiya. The guy seems... ordinary, really. He doesn't look like a thug. If anything, he looks a little dorky. With that shaggy hair and those big glasses, he just looks like a typical high school loser. He's probably already turned against me, though. Everyone just believes the bullshit the teacher spin. Nothin' I say is gonna change a damn thing.
But he has to try. At least this once.
Kawakami frowns at him. “I see you still haven't dyed your hair back to black, either.”
“Sorry 'bout that.” Not happenin', teach. He turns away and leans towards Amamiya. “Meet me on the rooftop. I'll be waitin'.”
It's quiet up there. He can sit on an old discard chair and kick his feet up on one of the discarded desks. There's some planters up here with little sprouts coming up, but he just avoids those. Someone's probably trying to restart the old garden, but they'll lose interest in a month or so. That's how it usually goes.
Ten minutes go by, and he wonders if Amamiya's even gonna show up. Probably not, honestly. Still, he waits. For once, he really can't afford to back down.
Just when he's about to give up, though, the door opens, and Amamiya walks over. “Hey,” he says, casually.
“There you are.” Ryuji hesitates, then sighs. “Sorry for callin' you up here like this. I bet Kawakami already gave you the warnings, huh?”
“She said you're trouble. Told me not to get involved.”
“Figured. We're in the same boat, y'know.”
Ryuji shrugs. “You've got a criminal record. Everyone's talking about it.” He scoffs. “Guess it's no wonder you were so gutsy. You're a lot tougher than you look.”
Amamiya stares for a second. Then he leans against a desk and says, “How did you know about my record?”
“Like I said, everyone's talkin' about it.”
“But... how does everyone know?”
“It leaked. I'm not the one who did it, just so you know. I mean, even if I coulda gotten my hands on it, I wouldn't've put it out there like that.”
Amamiya studies him for a second. “I believe you.”
Ryuji starts. Huh. Didn't expect that. “Well... Thanks. Thing is, I'm pretty sure it was Kamoshida that leaked it.” He hesitates. “Everything that happened... You know, how we almost got killed at a castle... It... It wasn't a dream, right? You remember it too, yeah?”
Phew. At least I'm not the only crazy one, then. “Well... I guess just 'cause we both remember it doesn't mean much. People can share dreams, right? But... Even if it was a dream, you saved me from Kamoshida.” He grins. “Thanks, man.”
“It's nothing.”
“Nah, it's somethin' alright. Seriously, thanks.” Ryuji allows his chair to come to a rest on all four legs again. “Man, that Kamoshida we saw there...” He hesitates again. It's not something he'd normally do, but it feels like the time is right to be upfront. “You prolly don't know about it, but there are some rumors about him. No one says anything against him 'cause he's some medalist who took the volleyball team to nationals. He's usually pretty polite around here, but... The way Kamoshida was king of that castle... That felt a lot closer to who he really is.”
“There's history between you two, right?”
Ryuji scowls. “Yeah. 'Course there is.” He doesn't let the silence linger. “I wonder if we can go back to that castle again...”
Amamiya cocks his head. “...Why?”
A moment of silence passes. Then Ryuji shoves himself up, letting the chair clatter to the ground. “Ugh, forget it. Must've all been a dream. It has to be!” He gives Amamiya a look and shakes his head. “Sorry to drag you out here like this. That's all I had to say.” Despite everything, a grin comes to his face. “Y'know, I feel like we're gonna get along just fine as troublemakers. See ya around, dude.”
He tries really hard, but he can't shake it.
It wasn't a dream. It definitely wasn't a dream. So what the hell was it? He can't make any sense of it, and that just makes his brain feel like a tangled up pile of wires, and that just drives him even more insane.
It's no surprise that he doesn't get good sleep, and ends up drifting off in class. That earns him a piece of flying chalk to the dome, but he's dealt with that before. He shakes it off. Not the worst wound he's taken. Not even the worst wound he's taken at school.
The thoughts won't leave his head even then, though. So when classes get out, he stands by the gates and waits. It doesn't take all that long for Amamiya to show him. “Yo,” Ryuji calls.
Amamiya stops and gives him a look. “You waiting to ambush me?”
“Huh? Dude, don't say it like that! I just wanna talk about that castle from yesterday.”
“Thought you said it was just a dream.”
“I...” Ryuji looks away. “I tried tellin' myself that. It didn't work.”
Amamiya's face softens a little bit. “Yeah. I don't think it was a dream either.”
“Phew, I was worried you were gonna think I was nuts.” He stomps his foot down – his left foot, like always. “I can't act like nothing happened. It's all connected to that bastard Kamoshida. I wanna find out what's up with that place, no matter what. And, well...” He shifts awkwardly. “You're the only person I can rely on for this stuff! So... You in?”
“Yeah,” Amamiya says, the slightest hint of a smirk pulling at his lips.
“Nice! Okay, glad we're in this together.” Ryuji frowns. “Thing is, I dunno how we got there last time.”
Amamiya pulls out his phone, and Ryuji's about to say that ain't gonna work before the guy shows him the screen. A weird app glows on his screen. It's a little eyeball, and the text under it reads Metaverse Navigator.
Ryuji's eyes go wide. “Meta... verse?”
“Cute icon, right?”
“Uh... sure.” He takes the phone from Amamiya and opens the app. Instantly, a search history appears. “Whoa... Dude, look at this... Kamoshida... Shujin Academy... Castle... That's insane...” He shoots a grin at Amamiya. “Let's give it a shot.”
Amamiya nods. “Go ahead.”
Ryuji hits the button without giving himself a second to consider it further. There's a moment of dizziness, and his vision goes weird for a second. When he blinks, though, everything settles... but everything is different.
The castle is there again, with its huge towers and brutal purple sky. Ryuji rushes up towards the gates, stunned. “We actually made it back... Holy shit, man...” He flinches in surprise when he turns around. “Dude, your clothes!”
Amamiya looks down casually at his outfit. “Not bad, huh?”
“You like it!? Dude, you look like you got kicked out of a magic act.”
“Sounds like someone's jelly.”
“I-I ain't jealous!”
“Hey! Keep it down!”
He jumps, then gets into a defensive position just by reflex, only for that weird cat-thing to hop over towards them. “Stop making a commotion,” it says.
“The Shadows started acting up, so I came here wondering what it could be... How stupid are you guys? You only barely managed to escape, and then you come back here?”
Ryuji chooses to ignore the insult. “What is this place? Is it the school?”
The creature nods. “That's right.”
“But it's a castle!”
“The castle is the school. But only to the castle's ruler.”
Amamiya takes his hands out of his pockets and straightens. “Kamoshida?”
“Yeah, that's what you called him. It's how his distorted heart views the school.”
Ryuji thinks about that for a second, then stomps his foot again and says, “Explain it in a way that makes sense!”
The cat sighs. “I shouldn't have expected a moron to get it...”
“What'd you say!?”
“Quiet,” Amamiya says.
Just then, a screaming echoes from beyond the castles doors. Ryuji feels all the blood drain from his face. “What was that...?”
“It must be the slaves captive here,” the cat says.
“F-for real?” The screaming continues, and then ends abruptly. “Oh, shit... It's for real! We saw other guys held captive here yesterday... I'm pretty sure they're from our school.”
“Most likely on Kamoshida's orders,” the cat confirms. “It's nothing out of the ordinary; it's like that every day here. What's more, you two escaped yesterday. He must have lost his temper quite a bit.”
Ryuji grinds his teeth. “That son of a bitch!”
“This is bullshit!” Without hesitation, Ryuji bolts at the doors and slams his shoulder hard against them. “You hear me, Kamoshida!? We ain't lettin' you get away with this!”
The cat sighs. “Doing that isn't going to open the door, you know...” He hesitates, then shakes his head. “Still, it seems you have your reasons.”
Ryuji turns away from the doors. “Hey, Monamona!”
“My name is Morgana!”
“Do you know where those voices are coming from?”
“You... want me to take you to them?” He looks between them for a second, then nods to Amamiya. “Okay, I can guide you there. But only if he comes with us.”
“Agreed,” Amamiya says.
Ryuji scoffs. “Dude, that was real fast.”
“It's settled, then!” Morgana cheers.
“For real? Sick!” Ryuji grins at Amamiya. “Thanks, man.”
Amamiya just nods to Morgana. “Lead the way.”
“What the hell...”
He expected it to be rough. He didn't expect it to be this rough. But down in those bigger cells, guys dressed in the Shujin gym outfit are getting beat up by guards. The poor bastards cry out every time the flats of the swords hit them, but they never run. They aren't being held down at all, but they still don't run.
Ryuji slams his hands against the bars. “How do I open this!?”
“Stop it!” a faint voice cries. On the other side of the cell, a haggard-looking guy from the volleyball team staggers over. “Leave us alone... It's useless... If we stay obedient, we won't be executed.”
“You're tellin' me you wanna stay in a place like this!?”
“Wait a minute,” Morgana says next to him. “Were you planning on taking these guys out of here?”
“Obviously! We can't just leave 'em here!”
The cat sighs. “How stupid can you be? These are only humans in Kamoshida's cognition. They aren't like you guys. They aren't real humans that have entered from reality.”
“It means there's no point in saving them! They're different from the real ones in the real world. You could say that these are extremely similar-looking dolls.”
Amamiya looks down at the chamber again. “So... the school's a castle, and the students are slaves?”
Ryuji scoffs. “Man, it's so on point it makes me wanna laugh...”
“Still, this is horrible...” Morgana says, softly. He bounces over to the bars and looks down at the slaves. “It must mean he treats them as slaves in the real world, too.”
“So he's abusing the volleyball team?” Amamiya says.
Ryuji flinches. Just like it was back then, too. When he took over the track team. Thinking about that just makes his blood boil and his head feel light, so he tries to blink it away. “Goddammit...”
Morgana sighs. “We should get moving. We're gonna get caught if we stand around like this.”
“Ugh... Fine, alright. I'll... I'll memorize their faces! Then I'll talk to the real ones! That'll work, right Monamona?”
“Don't call me that!” The cat frowns. “But... Yeah, if you want some kind of proof, that's the only way you're gonna get it. Unless...”
Before he can continue that thought, a noise echoes out. “Guards,” Amamiya says, calmly.
Morgana groans. “I knew this would happen! Alright, follow me! I know a safe place!”
Ryuji really wants to protest, but the cat runs off and Amamiya follows him before he can say anything. He rushes up the stairway and back towards one of the first hallways. The smell of mildew makes Ryuji's nostrils tingle. The dungeons ain't the nicest part of this stupid castle, after all.
One of the doors is shimmering a little bit. It's that one that Morgana hops over to, only to realize he can't really open doors effectively with his little cat paws. Amamiya does it for him, and they make their way into a little chamber.
Instantly, it feels lighter. Like that weight that's been pressing down on him since the start is gone. “Huh?” Ryuji stammers. “This place...”
“I call them safe rooms,” Morgana explains, looking real proud of himself. “There's a lack of distortion here, which means the ruler's control over this area is weak.”
“Okay, okay,” Ryuji groans. “You still haven't explained that! Whaddaya mean this is a world in Kamoshida's head?”
“Humans with extremely distorted desires have Palaces,” Morgana says, slowly. “Think of this place as a manifestation of his base desires.”
“So... The school became like this 'cause he just thought of it like that?” He sighs and shakes his head, trying to let go of his rage. Instead, it bubbles up through him, and he gets the sudden urge to vomit. “That son of a bitch!”
Morgana whistles. “You must really hate this Kamoshida guy.”
What gave it away!? Ryuji just wants to scream. What he really wants is to face that bastard up close again, but he knows it wouldn't work out. It didn't last time. I still remember the look in her eyes as we drove home. Goddammit, I can't do that to her again. But I can't just let this shit keep happening. I can't...
“Hey,” Amamiya says, suddenly. “If this world is a manifestation of Kamoshida, then why did my clothes change?”
Morgana chuckles. “In a world like this, anything can distort according the Palace ruler's will. If you're gonna resist that, you've gotta have a powerful will of rebellion. Your appearance is a manifestation of that. It's the image of rebellion that you hold within.”
“Wait, for real?” Ryuji stammers. “You're that much of a rebel?”
Amamiya shrugs. “I'm bad to the bone.”
“...Yeah, sure.” He decides to ignore that. “I'm more curious about you than his clothes, anyway!” he spits at Morgana. “What the hell are you!?”
“I'm a human!” Morgana insists.
“Dude, you're obviously a cat.”
The cat deflates. “Well... I lost my true form.” He looks away. “...I think.”
“You think?”
“But I know how to get my true form back! The reason I snuck in here was for a preliminary investigation of those means.”
“You got caught, though,” Amamiya points out.
Morgana glares at him. “Yeah, well, I'm free now! And I've been tortured by Kamoshida, too! I'm gonna make him pay for sure!” He nods at Amamiya. “I'm gonna be counting on your skills, rookie. Got it?”
Amamiya nods. “I'll do what I can.”
“Hey, I ain't gonna force it all on you,” Ryuji says. “I thought it might help, so...” He reaches into his bag and digs out the model gun he brought. Amamiya raises an eyebrow when he sees it. “I brought this just in case! It's a fake, though, so it only makes sounds. Looks pretty realistic, though, huh?”
“At least it might trick them,” Amamiya says, taking it. He frowns. “It feels heavy. Are you sure it isn't real?”
“Dude, where would I get a real gun?”
“Hm...” Morgana hums.
Ryuji glares at him. “What're you makin' noise about?”
“Heheh... You'll see. Not bad, Blondie. Now, let's get going. We can't stay in here forever, after all.”
The literal second they walk out the door, though, one of those guards appears and lashes out at them. Ryuji scrambles away, nearly falling on his ass in the process, and Amamiya reaches up towards his street magician mask. “Hold on!” Morgana calls, though, before he can do anything.
The guard dissolves into black dust, and a little fairy takes its place. What the eff, dude? Ryuji thinks to himself, but his jaw is locked shut, and he can't seem to say anything.
“Use the gun Ryuji gave you!” Morgana calls.
“What?” Amamiya says.
“Just do it!”
Ryuji honestly has no idea what this is gonna do, either, but Amamiya seems to trust the cat. He grabs the gun, raises it, and points it at the fairy.
The creature instantly shrinks back. “Wait, wait, don't shoot!”
“Fire!” Morgana calls.
Amamiya pulls the trigger. And the gun goes off.
The bullet hits the target right in the body, and the Shadow breaks apart with a screech. Amamiya stares at the gun with wide eyes as Morgana cheers.
“What the hell!?” Ryuji manages. “D-dude, it's not a real gun, I swear!”
“It fired,” Amamiya says.
Morgana chuckles. “This is a cognitive world, remember? If the gun looks real enough, it can trick the Shadows into thinking it actually is.” He nods at the weapon. “Thing is, you can't really trick Shadows into thinking you've reloaded with a model gun, so you'll won't be able to fire infinitely.”
“Still, though...” Amamiya says.
Before he can continue, an alarm goes off. “Oh, shit...” Ryuji gasps.
“We were too loud,” Morgana mutters. “Come on, we gotta get going!”
Ryuji doesn't complain. Morgana rushes off like a cartoon character, and Amamiya follows after, so Ryuji joins them without complaint. He's the only one here who can't fight, after all.
When they reach the main hall, though, all his hopes are dashed.
Kamoshida is waiting for them there, surrounded by guards. “You knaves again?” he growls. “I knew there were intruders... but I didn't think even you were stupid enough to come back here, Sakamoto!”
Ryuji grinds his teeth together. “The school ain't your castle!”
“It seem it's true when they say 'barking dogs seldom bite.' How far the star runner of the track team has fallen...”
“What the hell're you getting' at!?”
Kamoshida scoffs. “I speak of the 'track traitor' who acted in violence, ending the dreams of his poor innocent teammates. Oh, I can only imagine the pain of the others who were dragged under with your petty act of selfishness.”
“I...” His words die in on his tongue.
“Track traitor?” Amamiya repeats.
Kamoshida chuckles. “What a surprise. So you're accompanying him without knowing anything at all? He betrayed his teammates and crushed their hopes, yet he still carries on as carefree as ever.”
Ryuji snarls, “That's not true!”
“What a tragedy. You blindly trusted this fool, and he's led you right to your death.” Kamoshida turns and starts to walk away, taking only a brief moment to lean towards a towering guard in golden armor and say, “Dispose of them quickly. I can't stand their stench.”
“Stop!” Amamiya calls, and then he grunts and falls. A foot slams into his back and pins him down.
“Hey!” Morgana cries, and he bounces up to summon his... whatever those things are called. Before he can do it, though, one of the guards turns into a pair of angry-looking horses, and they pin him down right next to Amamiya. “Argh! You piece of-”
Kamoshida steps forward and presses his foot down on Morgana's back. His cold yellow eyes drift up and meet with Ryuji's. “I bet you simply came here on a whim and ended up like this. Isn't that right?”
The overbearing pressure seems to come back all at once. Ryuji crumbles to his knees. “No...”
“What a worthless piece of trash, getting emotional so quickly. How dare you raise your hand at me. Though it was only temporary, have you forgotten my kindness in supervising your track practice?”
“That wasn't no practice! It was physical abuse! You just didn't like our team!”
“It was nothing but an eyesore! The only one who needs to achieve results is me! That coach who got fired was hopeless, too. Had he not opposed me with a sound argument, I would've settled it with only breaking his star's leg.”
Ryuji looks up slowly. “...What?”
“Do you need me to deal with your other leg, too? The school will call it self-defense anyway!”
That bastard... He really was baiting me... I thought... I thought I messed up, but he really did plan it. He wanted... Ryuji closes his eyes. “Dammit... Am I gonna lose again? I can't run anymore... And the track team's gone too 'cause of this asshole...”
“Stand up!”
The new voice roars so loudly and suddenly that Ryuji flinches. When he looks up, though, Amamiya's dark eyes are piercing him. “Get the hell back up! Don't let him win!”
“I...” Suddenly, the pressure is relieved a little bit. Ryuji takes in a breath. “You're right.” He shoves himself back up a bit. “Everything that was important to me was taken by him... I'll never get 'em back...” With a huge effort, he pushes himself back onto his feet. Weirdly, his leg doesn't seem to hurt quite as much right now. “I'm not gonna just stand by and watch!”
“Hmph...” Kamoshida snorts. “You're worthless. You're just petty scum.”
“No, that's what you are! All you think about is using people! You're the real scumbag, Kamoshida!” He feels light on his feet as he takes striding steps towards that bastard. With a sharp motion, he thrusts his finger right in Kamoshida's face. “Stop lookin' down on me with that stupid smile on your face!”
“You made me wait quite a while...”
His head erupts, and his eyes go wide. Pulsing pain shoots through his whole body, and he falls back to his knees again. Everything turns red.
“You seek power, correct? Then let us form a pact. Since your name has been disgraced already, why not hoist the flag and wreak havoc? The other you who exists within desires it thus. I am thou, thou art I... There is no turning back...”
Ryuji grinds his teeth against the pain and forces himself back up to his feet. The faint touch of cold metal materializes on his face.
“Let the skull of rebellion be your flag henceforth!”
“What can you do?” the Shadow standing on Amamiya grunts dismissively. “Stand back and watch!”
Ryuji grasps the mask and tears at it, and blood erupts from his face as the whole chamber explodes in brutal lightning. He screams so hard his throat tears.
“Come on!” he yells. “CAPTAIN KIDD!”
When the eruption dies down, he stands in new attire, his yellow gloves settling easily over his hands. Behind him floats Captain Kidd, ready to dish out pain. “Alright, wassup, Persona?” he says, grinning from ear to ear. “This effin' rocks!” He thrusts a hand forward, and the Shadows pinning down the other two are blown away. Amamiya and Morgana both hop to their feet and join him.
Ryuji cracks his knuckles. “Yo, I'm ready. Bring it!”
The guard captain roars, but Ryuji sends a wave of lightning right at him, and he crumbles to his knees instantly. Amamiya pulls out that gun and fires, just as Morgana uses Zorro to blow away the weaklings. In just a few seconds, the whole chamber is cleared.
Only Kamoshida remains.
“I ain't done!” Ryuji growls. “Even if you apologize, I ain't forgivin' you!”
“I told you that this is my castle,” the king says, coldly. “It seems you still don't understand...”
He raises a hand and snaps his fingers. Then, from behind one of the pillars comes...
“W-wha...?” Ryuji gasps. “Takamaki!?”
There's no way he could mistake her, but... What the hell? She ain't never worn something like this. She's just in straight-up lingerie, complete with goddamn cat ears. She struts right up next to Kamoshida and puts her arms around him lovingly.
“Whoa...” Morgana whispers. “Wha... What a meow-velous girl...”
Ryuji slaps him on the top of the head. “The hell is going on!?”
Morgana whines and shakes his head. “That's not the real one! It's just a cognition!”
“So that's... How he sees Takamaki?” Ryuji swallows, and then slams his foot down hard. “Let go of her, you goddamn perv!”
Kamoshida scowls at him. “How many times must I tell you until you understand? This is my castle. A place in which I can do whatever I want. Everyone wishes to be loved by me. I am the king, and everyone knows that. I simply give back the love I receive.” He scoffs. “Slow-witted thieves like you can't understand that, though. I repay love with love, but I repay hate with hate, too!” The king sighs, his hands drifting down towards Takamaki's – no that ain't the real one, calm down.
He sweeps a hand lazily forward, and a bunch of Shadows appear next to him. “Deal with them quickly. I'm tired of this.”
“Oh, crap!” Morgana cries. “We're surrounded.”
“Run,” Amamiya says, calmly.
Morgana nods. “Thank god you've got a level head...”
Ryuji hates it, but even he knows they can't fight back against this many. He glares at Kamoshida. “We'll expose what you really are, no matter what! You better be ready for us!”
“Hahaha! So be it! I was beginning to get bored of torturing the ones here, anyway! Come at me whenever you like, if you don't care about your life!”
“Ignore him!” Morgana says. “Let's go!”
“You look like a thug.”
That's the first goddamn thing Amamiya says when they get out of the castle. Ryuji scowls at him. “Dude, at least I don't look like a freakin' street magician!” He looks down at his outfit and sighs. Yeah, pirates. Sounds about right. Look, every kid's got a pirate phase. Besides, they're just about as rebellious as they get.
Morgana studies him for a second, then nods. “This happens to protect you from the distortions. This is the appearance of your inner rebel.”
“Whatever,” Ryuji grumbles. “We might've gotten away here, but we're still screwed with Kamoshida at the real school...”
“That's quite sharp of you – for being an idiot.”
“I'm not a cat! And the real Kamoshida doesn't know about what's happening in here. A Shadow is the true self suppressed. It's a side of one's personality they don't want to see.”
“So we're okay,” Amamiya says.
Ryuji grins. “Hell yeah! Alright, now that we know that, all we gotta do is-”
“Wait,” Morgana cuts in. “I guided you as promised. It's your turn to cooperate with me.” They both stare at him, so he puts his paws on his hips and frowns. “That why I was super nice about teaching you idiots everything.”
“Huh? Cooperate?”
“Don't you remember? I originally came here for an investigation. I need to erase the distortion from my body and regain my original form!”
Ryuji holds up his hands in a time-out motion. “Whoa, hold up. What're you goin' on and on about? We never said anything about helpin' you out.”
The cat's eyes go wide. “Huh? Don't tell me... Are you not going to repay the hospitality I showed you?” He glares at Amamiya. “Especially you! You're going to up and leave, even though you're already a part of my master plan!?”
Amamiya narrows his eyes. “What plan?”
“Wha- The nerve!”
Ryuji just grins and kneels down to pat him on the head. “Thanks for everything, cat. You're got guts, bein' a cat and all.” He stands back up and waves. “See ya around!”
“What the hell!?”
“You have returned to the real world. Welcome back.”
Ryuji sighs and leans up against the wall of the alleyway. “We're back... Thank god.” He looks over and Amamiya. “I kinda dragged you around a lot, huh? Sorry, man.”
“It's fine.”
“Ugh, I'm dead tired... How you holdin' up?”
Amamiya shrugs. “I could use a nap.”
“Dude, tell me about it. I'm gonna sleep like a rock tonight.” He grins. “But man, this is gonna be good! I remember the faces of those guys we saw in there. All we gotta do is talk to them and get them to admit what's going on!”
“Alright. You know where to find them?”
Ryuji shrugs. “The volleyball rally's comin' up. They'll all be around then. It'll be easy.”
Amamiya nods. “Then I'm in.”
“Now that's what I'm talkin' about! Now let's get back home, 'cause-” Before he can finish talking, his stomach growls loudly. “Oh man, I'm hungry. Hey, you wanna grab a bite somewhere?”
“Sick! I know a great place!” He shoots a grin Amamiya's way. “Besides, I gotta hear about your past!”
He nearly chokes on his food when Amamiya finishes explaining it. “The hell, man!? How much shittier can that asshole get!?”
“I'm eating over here,” Amamiya says through a mouthful of food.
“Oh, uh, my bad.” He leans back in his seat. “So you left your hometown, and you're livin' here now, huh? Probation?”
“And your parents were just cool with that?”
Amamiya frowns. “I... don't have a great relationship with my parents.”
Ryuji sighs. “Damn. Man, we might be even more alike than I originally thought.”
“What'd you do?”
“W-well, I don't have a record like you do. Not that that's the point...” He shakes his head and sighs. “It's just... We're treated like a pain in the ass by the people around us, like we don't belong. All 'cause we see the bullshit everyone else is blind to. I... I did something stupid at school before, too...”
“You slugged Kamoshida, right?”
Ryuji nearly chokes on his ramen. “Wha-? How'd you know that?”
Amamiya pushes his glasses up his nose. “I mean, it's pretty obvious.”
“He... He baited me.”
“That's what guys like him do.” For the first time, outside of the Metaverse anyway, some fury comes through in Amamiya's voice. “They poke the hornet's nest, then whine when they get stung. It's pathetic.”
“Damn, dude...” Ryuji hesitates, then swallows and says, “Y'know, with your whole situation... Do you regret it? Any of it?”
Amamiya nods, then makes eye contact with Ryuji. “I wish I'd actually assaulted that guy. I got the blame for that. I wish I'd actually done it. He deserved it.”
Ryuji's eyes go wide. “Damn, you're a lot more serious than I thought...”
“Am I?”
“Heh, never said it was a bad thing.” Ryuji throws his arm around Amamiya's shoulder. “Alright, we're in this together, now, man! So just call me Ryuji!”
“Alright.” Amamiya nods, smiling. “And you can call me Ren.”
There's a specter in the corner of an illustrated page
And a lonesome muted stripling with a rapt remedial gaze
The poverty of his language and the wealth of his emotion
Bring him endless murky musings and unexpected frustrationAngst and madness weave the fabric of his life
Tomorrow might be better, but right now it feels like--Sometimes I Feel Like, Bad Religion
So, I probably should have done some sort of welcome notes in the first chapter, but, well, too late for that now.
So - Welcome to the P5 novel! It's a week early because I somehow - despite literally everything in my personal life working against me - managed to finish it early. Couldn't tell you how, but it's not a bad thing.
As with Memento Mori and Cascades, this starts out being mostly a novelization of the game, but slowly becomes more and more of its own thing. In fact, this one spiraled pretty hard - in terms of word count, it's longer than Memento Mori and Override combined.
Really quickly, I want to make the schedule clear, since I've said some vague stuff on here, Twitter, and Bluesky, and haven't really been consistent about it.
So basically:
Nov 24 - Feb 1: Marionettes
Feb 2: Oneshot bridging P5 and Royal
Feb 3 - Feb 22: Royal
Feb 23 - Mar 5: Post-Royal FicAnyway, with all that said, I hope you enjoy this absolute deluge of uploads I'm bringing. As always thanks for reading, and please leave comments, I like reading them :)
(Also, I do recommend listening to the songs I choose. I know most people probably won't, but they usually do have some significance. There's really only two choices in Marionettes that I made in a kind of joking way.)
Chapter 3: Who Said You Could Touch Me?
(See the end of the chapter for notes.)
Chapter Text
[Direct Message: Sakamoto Ryuji]
Ryuji: yo I decided to go ahead and msg u
Ryuji: can you see this?
Ren: Who is this?
Ryuji: ill be countin on you tomorrow dude
Ren: With what?
Ryuji: dude...
Ryuji: look we've come this far so we gotta stick it out to the end
Ryuji: lets save those guys getting abused. you and me.
Ren: Sounds good.
“Hey.” Fingers snap in front of his face and interrupt his texting. Ren blinks and lowers his phone to look at Sakura-san standing on the other side of the bar. “Eat before it gets cold,” he says.
Ren nods and goes back to eating his curry.
Sakura-san sighs and starts cleaning a glass. “You're staying away from bad influences, yeah?”
“Actually, I made a friend today.”
“Pfft, who'd wanna hang around you?” He checks his phone, then nods. “I'm heading home for tonight. I'll lock up, so don't go wandering about. And make sure you clean that dish.”
Ren nods. “Got it.”
Once he's left alone, he finishes off the curry and washes the plate. It is really good, honestly. There's something about it that makes him want to eat more and more, even though he's never really thought much about curry before.
He goes upstairs and changes into his lounge clothes, then climbs into his makeshift bed and lies down. He wasn't kidding about being exhausted. Once he got his Persona the Metaverse felt less oppressive, but it still takes a lot out of him. Just blinking makes him feel like he's going to pass out.
If I get caught going against Kamoshida, my probation will be revoked, he tells himself again. He keeps thinking that should deter him, but it doesn't. If anything, it makes him feel all the more compelled to go through with this. He's doing terrible things. And he leaked my record, too. I can't let him scare me.
He closes his eyes again, and drifts off.
The sound of a baton hitting iron bars strikes him from his stupor. “Get up, Inmate!” Caroline snaps, impatiently.
Ren stands from the cot and walks to the door, pressing himself up against the bars. “Welcome to the Velvet Room,” Igor intones. “I thought about resuming our previous conversation tonight. That is why I have summoned you. What are your thoughts? Are you becoming accustomed to this place?”
“I... suppose so.”
“Ah, I am glad to hear it. It seems you have nerves of steel.” He leans forward, looking down at Ren with those bloodshot eyes. “The goal of your rehabilitation is to thwart the fated ruin. However, such a feat cannot be done by you alone. Today, you entered into a partnership with someone who awoke to the same power, did you not?”
“You mean Ryuji?”
“Involving yourself with others is an important foundation for your recovery. You've done well. That said, I am not advising the formation of superficial relationships. It must not be of frivolity, but a ring of those who would, by morals or by faith, lend you their strength. In other words, they are bonds with those who have been robbed of their places to belong. The expansion of said ring will, in return, help you mature as well.”
Justine looks up at Ren. “Personas are strength of heart. The stronger the bonds that surround you, the more power your Personas will gain.”
Caroline nods. “There are countless people in the city who have talents that a weakling like you doesn't.”
“Thanks for the show of confidence,” Ren mutters.
She slams her baton against the bars again. “Quiet! You better rack that noggin of yours and get them on your side! We'll change that into power.”
Igor chuckles in his low voice. “Well, you will understand it all in due time. Continue devoting yourself to your rehabilitation.”
“Now, this conversation's over!” Caroline declares. “Get lost, Inmate!”
And just like that, the dream ends.
The ball strikes a student right in the face and knocks him to the ground.
There's a bit of lag between the moment of impact and Kamoshida showing remorse. It's like a buffer, a shred of time where he seems to glory in his cruelty before realizing he's got eyes on him. Then the sorrow pops up, and he rushes over and calls for someone to take the kid to the nurse's office.
Ren watches. No one else watches, not really, but Ren watches. The glasses temper the intensity of his gaze, or so his parents claimed. For once, he's glad of it. If not for them, his eyes might just blaze bright enough for even these blind idiots to see.
“He enjoys it,” Ren mutters to Ryuji after they're dismissed. “He did it on purpose.”
“That son of a bitch...” Ryuji growls. He tightens his hands into fists and grinds his teeth hard. “Goddammit... We gotta make him pay.”
“The faces you memorized. Who are they?”
It takes some time to find the guys, and the conversations don't last long once they do. The interrogations go for all of a few sentences before it becomes clear that nothing will be said to them.
“We're the jailbird and the troublemaker,” Ren points out when this starts to infuriate Ryuji. “We have to be patient. People aren't going to trust us instantly.”
“Ugh, I know that...”
Eventually, a name comes up: Mishima. It takes a little more digging, but they find out that he's the same kid that got knocked down in the rally today. Once that bit of info comes to light, the two of them stake out the nurse's office. That gets them chewed out, though, so they split up. Ren heads over to the vending machines outside, figuring Mishima might head that way, while Ryuji takes the entrance.
He pretends to look over the drinks and snacks available. It's a ruse that'll only work for a bit, but that's all he needs.
“Hey, can I talk to you for a sec?”
The sudden voice makes him jump slightly, but it's just the girl who sits in front of him in class. Not for the first time, he's struck by her. Deep blue eyes, bright blonde hair, clear skin... She's stunning, there really is no getting around that. And she was in Kamoshida's Palace. He sees her as a doll. But is she?
“What is it?” he says, realizing he hadn't even responded to her.
She gives him a look, almost like she's studying him. “What's your deal? Like, you were late the other day, but I totally saw you at the station. And... there's that weird rumor about you, too.”
“Weird... rumor?”
“Whaddaya want with him?”
Ryuji walks over in a huff. Ren glances at him quickly, then his eyes return to Takamaki. She glares at Ryuji. “Right back at you. You're not even in our class. How do you even know each other?”
“...We just happened to meet.”
“What are you two planning with Kamoshida-sensei?”
They both flinch. “H-huh?” Ryuji stammers.
Ren frowns. “What do you mean?”
Before she can answer, Ryuji scoffs. “Oh. I get it. You're all buddy-buddy with Kamoshida, after all.”
She grinds her teeth together in fury. “This has nothing to do with you, Sakamoto!”
“If you found out what he's been doin' behind your back, you'd dump him right away.”
“B-behind my back...?” Her bright blue eyes go wide. Ren swears he could drown in them. “What's that supposed to mean?”
Ryuji goes silent for a second. He and Ren exchange a moment of eye contact, and something like communication passes between them.
Then Ren sighs. “You wouldn't get it.”
“Whatever,” Takamaki grunts. “Anyway, people are already talking about you two. I don't know what you're trying to pull, but no one's gonna help you. I'm just... warning you. Just in case. That's all.”
With that, she walks off.
“Why's she gotta be so aggressive all the time...?” Ryuji mutters.
“You know her?”
“We just went to the same middle school, that's all.” He shakes his head. “Didn't see Mishima. Saw Takamaki all in a huff and decided to follow her, but I guess there was no point. Let's head to the entrance, see if we can grab him before he leaves.”
Their luck finally turns around at that point. Mishima is making his way out of the school in a daze when they rush over to him. “Yo!” Ryuji calls out to him. “Mishima!”
He flinches, looking worse for wear. There's a bruise on his left cheek, and a bandage on his left. The look in his eyes is full of fear and anxiety. “Sakamoto?” he manages. His eyes widen all the more when they find Ren. “A-and you, too...?”
“Hey, c'mon, we just wanna chat.”
“You're on the volleyball team, right?” Ren asks. “Kamoshida... He's physically abusing you, isn't he?”
Mishima flinches. “Absolutely not!”
Ryuji scoffs. “Bull. We saw him spike you today. Right in the face.”
“That's just because I'm not good at the sport...”
“And the other bruises?” Ren prods. “You've got plenty of them.”
“They're from practice!”
Ryuji takes a step forward, and Mishima reflexively takes a step back. “Is he forcin' you to keep quiet? I get it. But you gotta say somethin', or nothing's gonna change.”
“What's going on here?”
Ren flinches a bit when he hears Kamoshida's voice. The one in reality knows nothing of the one in the Metaverse, sure, but...
Kamoshida frowns down at them. “Mishima, isn't it time for practice?”
“I... I'm not feeling well today...”
“What? Maybe you're better off quitting, then. You're never going to improve that crappy form unless you actually show up to practice.”
Ryuji rounds on him. “Didn't you hear?” he growls. “He ain't feelin' well!”
Kamoshida ignores him. “Well, Mishima? Are you coming to practice or not?”
“I'll go...” Mishima says.
“Good.” Only then does Kamoshida acknowledge Ryuji at all. He takes a step forward and looks down hard at the shorter student. “As for you... Any more trouble, and you'll be gone from this school for sure.”
Ryuji grinds his teeth. “Bastard.”
Kamoshida glares at Ren. “Same goes for you.”
Ren says nothing. We'll deal with you soon enough.
“You'd do well to keep your head down. All these unsettling rumors are making the students nervous, after all. Shujin Academy is a place where those with aspirations come to learn. Unworthy students like yourselves don't have any right to be here. So you better shape up, or you'll be gone.”
He turns and leaves them without looking back.
“That asshole...” Ryuji grumbles. “He's gonna pay for this...”
“There's no point.” The two of them look at Mishima, who looks even smaller than before. He hides behind his hair, looking away from them. “Proving that he's physically abusing us... It's meaningless. Everybody knows. The principal, our parents... They all know, and they all keep quiet about it.”
“Wait, what...?” Ren says.
“That's gotta be a joke,” Ryuji whispers.
Mishima shakes his head. “Don't be a pain. You don't understand what I'm going through. Shouldn't you of all people know that nothing's going to help!?”
A punch to the face leads to a broken leg, just as shoving a drunk bastard off a woman leads to probation. Maybe he's right, maybe there is no point...
“Dammit...” Ryuji mutters as Mishima runs off.
“What now?” Ren says, softly.
Sakamoto shakes his head. “I ain't givin' up. I'll... see if I can persuade the other guys to talk. That's... That's all I can really do, I guess. If you think of anything, let me know.”
“Alright,” Ren says, but he promises nothing.
He bumps into the girl near the doors to the courtyard.
She stumbles and drops her papers with a gasp. “S-sorry!” Ren stammers, throwing himself down to help her pick them back up. “I should've been looking where I was going...”
“I... shouldn't have been in the way,” she says, softly. Her huge brown eyes gaze at him, just as deep as Takamaki's. There's a bruise over her eye. “You don't look familiar.”
“I just transferred here.”
“Oh... You must be the transfer student from class D.”
Ren swallows. “Yeah. That's me.”
She sucks her lips in. “Um... This may not be any of my business, but don't let the rumors get to you, okay? People here are very quick to judge others, but...” She looks away. “My best friend is often misunderstood, too...” She manages a weak smile. “Ah, sorry. I didn't mean to drag on like that. I should go to practice. I'll see you around.” And then she takes off.
Practice. That bruise was Kamoshida's doing.
He finds Ryuji near the vending machines, looking even more pissed off than he did yesterday. When Ren asks him about it, Ryuji slams his fist against the closest vending machine. “All of 'em kept saying the same shit Mishima was talkin' about! Kamoshida's got 'em all scared shitless...” He closes his eyes. “At this rate, we'll have to go to him directly.”
“And then what?” Ren presses. “We attack him, and he claims self-defense?”
“I know, I know. But what else can we even do!?”
Ren hesitates. “What about the king?”
“Huh? I... Would that even do anything?”
“I finally found you!”
The two of them squint at one another. “You say somethin'?” Ryuji asks.
And then a black cat hops up on the table. “Don't think you can get away with not paying me back for helping you!”
“T-that voice...” Ryuji squeaks. “Morgana?”
“How dare you, up and leaving me the other day!”
“The cat's talkin'!?”
“I am not a cat! This is just what happened when I came to this world!”
Ren stares. “Wait, you came to our world?”
Ryuji gasps. “Does that mean you've got a phone!?”
“How is that what you're most interested in!?” Morgana hisses.
“But why can you talk!? You're a cat!” Ryuji looks at Ren in horror. “You're hearin' this too, right?”
Ren shrugs. “Meow?”
“This is no time to be joking around!”
Morgana chuckles, licking his paw and grooming himself. “You guys are having a rough time of this, huh? I heard you mention something about witnesses.” He closes his eyes, looking quite proud of himself. “You know, I could tell you a thing or two about what to do with Kamoshida.” He nods at Ren. “You were pretty close a moment ago, actually.”
Ryuji scoffs. “God, that condescending attitude... This thing's gotta be Morgana.”
“You were still doubting me!?”
Morgana sighs. “You're quite the skeptic for an idiot.”
“Morgana,” Ren cuts in, before the two of them can waste any more time bickering. “Tell us more. What can we do about Kamoshida?”
“This ain't the place for that,” Ryuji mutters. He grabs Morgana by the scruff and lifts him up. “Here, shove it in your bag. It should be the right size.”
“Hey! Don't just treat me like some cat!”
Morgana complains the whole time as they walk up to the roof. Ren can't help but overhear the gossip as they make their slow way through the halls.
“Did you just hear a meow?”
“Is there a cat in here?”
“So no one can understand him but us?” Ryuji mutters. “Everyone else just hears a cat meowing?”
“I guess,” Ren says.
“Dude, this is so freakin' weird...”
When they finally reach the roof and close the door, Ren opens his bag and lets the black cat slink out. “Don't be so rough with me!”
“Enough of that!” Ryuji insists. “You said you know how we can do something about Kamoshida, right? So tell us already!”
Morgana nods at Ren. “It has to do with what this guy was talking about earlier. You need to attack his castle. That castle is how Kamoshida views this school. He doesn't realize what happens in there, but it's deeply connected to the depths of his heart. Therefore, if the castle disappears, it would have an impact on Kamoshida.”
“What would happen?” Ren asks.
“A Palace is a manifestation of a person's distorted desires. So, if that castle were to disappear...”
Ren's eyes go wide. “So would his desires...”
“Heheh... You pick things up pretty fast!”
“Wait, for real?” Ryuji says. “He's gonna turn good!?” He hesitates, looking away. “But... Is that really getting back at him?”
Morgana makes a motion that is probably meant as a shrug. “Erasing a Palace essentially means forcing the owner to have a change of heart. However, even though their warped desires disappear, the crimes they committed remain, as well as their memories of those crimes. Kamoshida will become unable to bear the weight of those crimes, and he'll confess them himself! And since the Palace will no longer exist, he'll forget what we did there as well. So, not only would we be able to take down Kamoshida, there'd be no trace of our involvement.”
Ryuji lets out a gust of laughter. “That's amazing! You are one incredible cat!”
“Except for the part about being a cat!”
“So? How do we get rid of the Palace?”
“By stealing the Treasure held within.”
Ren raises an eyebrow. “Treasure?”
Morgana wags his tail. “I'll tell you more once you agree to go ahead with this. It's my most valuable, secret plan, after all. If you want to help me out, I'll gladly teach you. What's your call?”
Ryuji shrugs. “Our luck's runnin' dry lookin' for witnesses. Guess we got no choice but to go along...”
“Tell us more,” Ren says to Morgana.
“Well, there's one more thing. If we erase a Palace, there is no doubt that the person's distorted desires will be erased as well. But desires are what we all need in order to survive. The will to sleep, eat, fall in love – those sorts of things. Those are what makes a person.”
“What're you getting at?” Ryuji grunts.
“If all those yearnings were to disappear, they'd be no different than someone who has shut down entirely. If they aren't given proper care... they may even die.”
“Whoa, wait, what?” Ryuji looks hastily between Morgana and Ren. “They might die!?”
“Are you determined enough to take that risk?” Morgana presses.
Despite everything, Ren feels the slightest hint of hesitation. He can't pretend to value Kamoshida's life at all, not after seeing what's in his heart. But if dies like this, he'd die a martyr. He wouldn't be exposed as the monstrous fraud he really is...
“I'd... rather not kill him...” Ren says, softly.
“Of course not,” Ryuji agrees.
Morgana sighs. “Sheesh... I come all this way, and this is what I get. It's not like anyone will ever find out. And wouldn't it be worth it to stop all this?”
“That's not the point!” Ryuji growls. “If we just go around secretly doin' whatever we want, we'd be no better than that effin' Kamoshida...”
“Isn't this your only option?” Morgana turns away. “I'll come back later. Make sure you've made your decision by then.”
With that, he hops away.
“Dammit,” Ryuji grumbles. “He got us all worked up for nothin'...”
“Yeah,” Ren says. He's a little too lost in thoughts to say anything more.
“I'll try and see if I can figure out another way...” Ryuji sighs and shakes his head. “I'll see ya around. Let's... Let's just think about this shit, alright?”
Ren stands alone on the roof alone for a moment once he leaves. Even if Kamoshida remains beloved, his victims would be safe. Isn't that worthwhile?
He sighs, grabs his bag, and leaves.
Her phone rings at the crossing.
No no no, not now... Not ever, really, but...
Ann swallows hard. She ignored it once already. There's no telling what would happen if she ignored it again. So, with a shaking finger, she accepts the call and holds it up to her ear. “Y-yeah?”
“Jeez, six rings... I was starting to think you didn't care about me...”
“What do you want?”
“Is that any way to talk to me? I think you should come over here...”
Fear turns to anger quickly. “Will you give it a rest!?” Ann spits back. “I told you, I'm not feeling up to it!”
“Tsk, tsk... Such a ferocious kitten. You know, you can tell a lot about people by looking at their friends. If you're acting like this, maybe I should stop relying so much on that Suzui girl...”
“What!? This has nothing to do with Shiho!”
“Come here and we'll... talk about about it.”
Before she can respond, the line goes dead.
“I...” Ann breathes. She stares dead ahead for a second, stuck in a state of catatonic fear. Then, suddenly, the adrenaline leaves her, and she collapses into a ball right in the middle of the station. People step around her, and she ignores them. She holds her head in her hands. “I... I can't...” she whispers.
“Are you okay...?”
The sudden soft voice snaps her out of her daze in a flash. She looks up in shock, and-
“You,” she hisses at the transfer student. Amamiya stares back at her from behind those stupid thick-rimmed glasses of his. She shoves herself up to her feet. “Were you listening to that!?”
“I... heard some of it.”
“How much!?”
“I heard something about a friend, and...” He hesitates, and then breaks eye contact. “The person you were talking to... It was Kamoshida, wasn't it?”
Her first instinct is just to run away, and her second is to slap him. But the adrenaline already left her. Instead, she just collapses into herself again and cries. “Y-yes,” she manages.
Amamiya reaches out a hand towards her, then pulls it back. She wonders what he was going to do. Comfort her? “Why don't we go somewhere safe?”
That ends up being the Big Bang Burger on Central Street. He leads her there, though he hardly seems to know where he's going himself, and orders water for both of them before taking a table near the corner. She kinda has to admire that; it's a secluded table, so they can talk without being disturbed, but it's in plain view of everyone, even being next to a window, so there's no reason for her to feel unsafe.
Still, though... “I don't have anything to talk about with you,” she insists.
“The rumors say you're dating Kamoshida,” Amamiya says, slowly. “But that's not true, is it?”
Ann looks away. “It's not,” she says. “I avoided giving him my number for the longest time... But he has this way of making threats without being hostile. So... I did. He told me to go to his place tonight. You know what it means...” She balls her fingers into a fist, crushing a napkin in the process. “If I turn him down... He said he'd take my friend off a regular on the team...” She releases the napkin and hugs herself, looking down. “I've been telling myself this is all for Shiho's sake... But... I just can't take it anymore...”
A sudden burst of rage comes up through her throat, and she has no choice but to spit it out: “I can't take it anymore. I hate him!” She slumps back again. “But still... Shiho's my best friend... She's all I have left at this goddamn prison of a school!” There's no stopping the tears at that point. “Tell me... What should I do...?”
Amamiya doesn't respond for a moment. She's about to apologize for putting this on him – it's not his problem, after all – when he leans forward slightly and says, “You can't keep giving in to him.”
“Wha... What?”
“The only reason Kamoshida has so much power is because everyone's willing to give it to him.” A little bit of passion seems to slip into Amamiya's placid tone. “He... He's a monster. All the abuse... Everyone keeps looking the other way, and that isn't okay.”
Ann blinks. “Wow...”
“S-sorry,” he mumbles. “I got kind of worked up. He... He really pisses me off.”
They sit in silence for a moment. Then Ann says, softly, “What did he do to you?”
Amamiya meets her gaze. “He didn't have to do anything to me. I can see what he's doing to everyone else. I'm not blind.”
“Yeah, but... He did do something to you, didn't he?”
“He...” Amamiya frowns. “He leaked my record.”
It was him? The rumors have been flying around since before Amamiya even transferred in. The criminal being brought into Shujin Academy. But it was Kamoshida who started them...?
No... No, it sounds right, actually. It's just the sort of petty thing a bastard like him would do.
“I'm sorry,” Ann tells him.
Amamiya shakes his head. “That's nothing compared to what he's doing to other people. To... To what he's doing to you.” He sighs softly. “But you can't give in to him. You can't go. “
She lets out a tiny breathy laugh. “You're so weird. Usually everyone just ignores me. Are... Are you really a bad person? I've heard people talking about you, but... I just don't see it.”
He smirks. “I'm bad to the bone.”
And, despite everything, Ann laughs. “Was that supposed to be a joke?” She manages a weak smile as she twirls a finger through her hair. “I kinda had a feeling they were all just exaggerations. You... You seemed kinda lonely. Like you didn't belong anywhere. I know because... Well, because we're the same. Maybe that's why it was so easy for me to talk to you.” She sighs, and her fears return before she knows it. “Is there really no way for me to help Shiho?”
“What if... What if Kamoshida weren't an issue?”
Amamiya shakes his head. “Sorry. I'm just...”
She shrugs. “If there were a way for him to just... forget everything. Like me, and Shiho, and everything else... That'd be great. But...” She shakes her head. “I wasn't really asking for a serious response, anyway. There's nothing you can do. There's nothing anyone can do. But...” Ann sighs softly and looks away. “I'm not gonna go to him. I'm just going to go home. That's all.” She grabs her bag and stands. Before she leaves, though, she leans down towards Amamiya and says, “Don't tell anyone what I told you, okay? And...” She smiles softly. “Thanks. Really.”
She sleeps well that night.
Despite that, she ends up feeling a little off the next day, and she isn't really sure why. There's just a weird ominous feeling in the air. I guess I'm just worried about what Kamoshida might say... She's never openly defied him like this, after all...
Ushimaru-sensei isn't the most interesting of teachers, but at least his gruff voice keeps her from slipping into a daze. Still, she has trouble paying attention today. That itch keeps striking her.
“Meow meow... mew... Mrrow?”
The class frowns, Ann included. “Huh?” Ushimaru grunts. “Did I hear a cat just now? Hm... Could it be nearby?” He scoffs. “Settle down! We're in the middle of an important lecture!”
Ann shakes her head. Apparently there's a cat loose in the school. Honestly, that sort of thing is kinda nice. A stupid problem like that is so much more fun and whimsical than the crap with Kamoshida. It's a nice change of pace, really.
“Hey... What's going on!?”
It's a student on the other side of the class that cries this, suddenly standing and pressing himself up against the window. “Holy shit...”
The girl sitting behind him sucks in air and clutches shaking hands to her face. “Wait... She's going to jump!”
Mishima stands. “...Suzui...?”
Ann can feel her heart lurch, and all the blood drain out of her body. “Shiho?” She shoves herself out of her seat and runs towards the door, ignoring Ushimaru's calls.
There's already a crowd forming at the windows, but Ann shoves her way to the front of it with strength she didn't know she had. Nothing could prepare her for what she sees upon reaching it, though.
Shiho stands on the ledge of the roof, looking dead ahead. Her brown eyes drift down slowly, and briefly meet with Ann's. Can she see her from here, through the window? Ann had no idea. She opens her mouth, but no sounds come out. Shiho wouldn't be able to hear her, anyway.
And then she steps forward.
“NO!” Ann manages to scream, throwing the word out like a javelin. Her hands fly up to her face, trembling uncontrollably. “W-why...?” she gasps.
She rushes down to the courtyard in a daze, hardly even realizing where she's going. By the time she finally makes it, the ambulance has already arrived, pulled carefully up to the scene. There's a crowd of students here, too, half of them holding phones high and recording this like it's a concert. Ann has to shove her way to the front of the pack yet again just to collapse on the grass next to the gurney.
The injuries don't look too bad. It wasn't too far of a fall, after all. But...
Shiho's eyes blink open. “Ann?”
“Shiho...” Ann gasps. “Why...?”
“I'm sorry... I just... I can't take it... anymore... Kamoshida...”
Ann's eyes go wide. “Wait... Kamoshida?”
Shiho flinches, nods, and then closes her eyes.
He grabs Mishima by the collar and lifts him off the ground, slamming him against the lockers. “What do you know!?”
The little brat tried to run, tried to look away. He kept quiet the first time, and he's gonna try and keep quiet this time, too...
“That... hurts...” Mishima gasps.
“She tried to kill herself!” Ryuji growls.
“L-leave me alone...”
Ren steps forward and pushes his glasses up the bridge of his nose. “We aren't trying to get you in trouble,” he says, calmly. “But we need to know. What happened?”
“He's right,” Ryuji grunts. He lowers Mishima. “Sorry. I shouldn't've attacked you...” Beating on a guy who's getting assaulted... Smooth move, idiot... “We ain't trying to get you busted. We won't say you talked, either!”
“Suzui...” Mishima gasps. He looks away. “She... She was called out by Kamoshida-sensei...”
Ryuji's eyes go wide. “Wait... For real?”
“I was called by him a number of times too. Whenever he was in a bad mood, he'd call someone from the team to come to his office. Not just me or Suzui, anyone... And he'd hit them.”
“Physical punishment...” Ren mutters.
“But yesterday, he called Suzui out of the blue. She didn't make any mistakes or anything.” Mishima sucks in a hard breath. “Kamoshida seemed really irritated that day, so it must've been... worse than usual...”
“Wait...” Ren says. Ryuji faces him, and for the first time sees some fear in those dark eyes. “He called for Takamaki. I was there when he did. He told her to come to his home... But she didn't...”
Realization strikes Ryuji like lightning. “Holy shit... He didn't. He actually...?” Ryuji swallows hard and turns on his heel. “That son of a bitch!”
Without waiting another second, he takes off running towards the PE faculty office.
It seems like he gets there before he even knows it. He throws the door open and thrusts his hand out towards Kamoshida. The bastard's just sitting casually at his desk like nothing's happened...
“You asshole!” Ryuji screams. “The hell did you do to that girl!?”
Kamoshida looks up coldly. “What are you talking about?”
Ryuji kicks out hard and sends a chair flying across the room. “Don't play dumb with me!”
“That's enough!”
“What you did...” Mishima says softly, “wasn't coaching.”
Ryuji didn't even realize he and Ren arrived, but he's glad for the backup.
Kamoshia glares at him. “What did you say?”
“You... You ordered me to call Suzui here...” Mishima clutches his head in his hands. “I... I can only imagine what you did to her!”
Kamoshida sighs and stands. “You're going on and on about things you have no proof of. Basically, you're simply making these claims because you can't be a regular on the team, is that right?”
“That's not what this is about!”
“Hypothetically speaking, if it is the way you say it is... What can you do?” He shrugs. “We just received a call from the hospital. It seems that girl's in a coma, and her chances of recovery are slim. How would someone like that make a statement?”
She... She might not make it...?
“There's no chance of her getting better, I hear...” Kamoshida says. “Oh, the poor girl.”
“No...” Mishima whispers. “That can't be...”
Rage boils up in Ryuji so quickly he can't hold it back. “You goddamn...”
Kamoshida sighs. “This again? Does this mean we have to have yet another case of 'self-defense'?”
“You shut your mouth, you son of a bitch!”
Without thinking, he winds up and throws his fist hard at Kamoshida, only for it to get caught at the elbow. When he turns, he sees Ren there, holding him back. “W-why're you stopping me!?”
“That won't solve anything,” Ren says.
“But still!”
Kamoshida chuckles. “Oh? You're stopping him? What a surprise. There's no need to hold back. Why not attack me? Oh, but you can't... Of course you can't. You're all bark and no bite, Sakamoto. A little coward.” He turns away and sits back down with all the collected confidence of a goddamn super-villain. “Everyone present right now will be expelled. I'm reporting you all at the next board meeting.”
Even Ryuji feels something lurch. “Huh!?”
“You can't make a decision like that!” Mishima cries.
“Pfft. Who would seriously stand up for scum like you? You threatened me too, Mishima, so you're just as responsible.” His grin is crooked and malicious. “To think you didn't know why I kept someone as talentless as you on the team. You act like a victim, but you leaked the new guy's criminal record, didn't you?”
Ren looks over. “Mishima...?”
“He...” Mishima collapses to his knees. “He told me to do it. I had no choice...”
Kamoshida waves a dismissive hand. “Now, are we finished here? You're all expelled! You're done for. Your futures are mine, now. Get out of my sight.”
“I...” Ryuji can feel the rage bubbling up again. “I can't believe this asshole is gonna get away with this shit again!”
“He'll eat his words,” Ren mutters.
“Huh?” Ryuji's eyes go wide. “Wait... You're right...”
Kamoshida snorts. “Going crazy already? Go ahead and try your best. You'll just suffer all the more when you fail. One day you'll learn, Sakamoto: you can't beat me.”
Morgana joins them silently.
Ryuji doesn't bother with greetings. “We can't waste any time,” he grumbles. “We gotta hurry up and go to that world and beat the shit outta that asshole!”
“We're not beating him up,” the cat insists. “We're simply stealing his distorted desires. Can I assume you've made up your minds about this... Even though he might suffer a mental shutdown?”
“I have,” Ryuji says, without hesitating. “Someone almost died 'cause of him. I don't give a rat's ass what happens to him anymore.”
“I'm with you,” Ren says. “He'll pay. No matter what.”
Morgana makes a little chuckling noise, something halfway between a laugh and a meow. “There you have it.”
Ryuji sighs. “Uh, is getting rid of a Palace hard? You've tried it before, right?”
“When did I say that?”
“Eh? Wait. Were you just pretendin' to know!?”
“Is it true that you're being expelled?”
They all jump a little at the new voice. Ryuji looks up, and his eyes meet with Takamaki's. There's the briefest second of eye contact, and then it's broken, and she's looking at the ground again. Her face is all puffy, and it's no surprise.
She sighs. “Everyone's talking about it...”
“That asshole's at it again...” Ryuji grumbles.
“It's none of your concern,” Ren says.
Takamaki hesitates for a moment, and then looks up at them, and there's fire in those deep blue eyes. “Yes, it is. Shiho...” She bites her lip hard. “If you're going to deal with Kamoshida... Let me in on it, too. I can't just sit back and do nothing. Not after... Not after what happened...”
Ryuji swallows. “This has nothing to do with you. Don't butt your head into this.”
“But it does! Shiho's my-”
“I said, don't get in our way!”
She stares at him for a second, and then tears up and rushes away.
“That... was kind of cruel...” Morgana says, softly.
Ryuji shakes his head. “We can't take her to that castle. It's dangerous. It's better... Better like this. We'll deal with Kamoshida, and everything'll be okay then. Same outcome, but she ain't at risk.”
“She looked determined...” Ren says. “She might still try something.”
“I hope she doesn't do anything too crazy...” Morgana says. “Women can be much bolder than men at times.”
Ryuji sighs. “We just gotta hurry up and deal with Kamoshida. Let's get going. Now.”
It gets weird fast.
Amamiya and Sakamoto don't notice her sneaking after them, even when they reach the alleyway near the front gates of the school. She watches them closely, figuring they're leaving the school entirely. Instead, they pause in that alleyway, and Amamiya pulls out his phone. “You ready?” he says.
“Yeah,” Sakamoto grunts. “Let's do this.”
Ann flinches. A cat?
And then everything goes weird. The world wobbles, and Ann nearly loses her balance entirely. She slams a hand up against the nearby wall just to stay on her feet. A huge pressure suddenly pushes down on her, and she slumps over slightly.
When she looks up, she's in a completely different place. The sky is a bleak purple, and there's a ridiculous castle standing where the school was just a moment ago. What the...? This...
She looks up with a start. “Huh?”
Three huge guys in armor rush over to her, and she flinches back in horror. “Princess! You should not be outside the castle walls!”
“Wait, what!?” Ann cries, and then they grab her.
She comes to as they drag her through a hallway.
“Hey! Hey, what is this!?” Ann screams, kicking at their armor. They ignore her entirely, mumbling to one another. “Answer me!” she demands. She flails out and kicks at them again, but they ignore her.
“Send for the king,” one of them grunts.
“The king!? Huh!?”
They drag her through a hallway into a larger room. Candles line the floor, carpeted in red velvet. The guards drag her over towards the end of it, where a weird golden cross sits. “Wait, wait,” Ann manages. “What're you-?”
Before she can say anything more, they lift her by her arms and strap her to the cross. “What is this!? Let me go! What's this all about!? Seriously, I'm gonna call the cops!”
“So... This is the intruder...”
Ann's eyes go wide. “That voice...”
When he steps forward, she feels horror and rage bubble up in her throat. He's got this gaudy robe on, and a little golden crown on his head. His eyes glow a brilliant yellow, cold and sharp. Despite the differences, though, there's no mistaking him. “Kamoshida...”
He snorts. “I can't believe you mistook my Ann for someone like her.” He snaps his fingers, and then-
What the hell!? A girl that looks exactly like her struts up to Kamoshida's side and throws her arms around his shoulders. She's wearing next to nothing, and...
Kamoshida steps forward. “Are you afraid?”
“What the hell is this!? Have you lost your mind!?”
“I do as I please here. After all, this is my castle. The world of my desires.”
“Huh!? What is this, like some kind of red-light district!?”
He scowls. “What a lively slave.”
“This isn't funny! Enough of the bullshit, Kamoshida!”
“Hm...” Kamoshida turns around, looking towards the girl that looks just like Ann. “The girl's decided to tell me off. What do you think of that?”
The duplicate twirls her hair, her vacant eyes sparkling. “Talking back is, like, totally unforgivable.”
“In that case... She should be executed.” He waves a hand, and the guard in gold steps closer to her. Kamoshida chuckles. “Now then, how should I play with you? Shall I tear you into little pieces? Or maybe I'll start with your clothes...”
Suddenly, two guys burst in, wearing outlandish outfits. A magician and a thug, by the looks of it. The thug makes a fist and glares at Kamoshida. “Let her go, you bastard!”
Ann's eyes go wide. “Wait, that voice... Sakamoto?”
He nods at her. “Gonna get you outta this, Takamaki.”
“Let her go,” the magician says.
“Wait, is that the new guy?”
He looks at her. “My name is Amamiya.”
Sakamoto groans. “Dude, why even wear the mask?”
“Don't worry, Lady Ann!” cries a-
Ann blinks. “What the-? Is that a monster cat?”
The creature looks devastated. “Monster cat?”
Kamoshida's snarl interrupts all of them. “How many times are you idiots going to come back here?” His cold yellow eyes turn on Ann once more. “I bet you're just like these thieves. You came because you're pissed at me, huh? But it's not me you should be pissed at. That girl... I forget her name... Well, it's your fault she jumped, you know.”
Ann's eyes go wide. “Huh...?”
“You were so reluctant to throw yourself onto me that I had her take your place.”
“What!?” She tears against the restraints uselessly. “You bastard!”
The guard takes another step forward, and Sakamoto yells out, “No!”
The guards form a wall around her. “Take one more step and I'll kill her on the spot,” Kamoshida growls. “Just sit back and enjoy the dismantlement show...” He chuckles. “I think I will start with her clothes...”
The other Ann giggles. “You're such a perv!”
“Takamaki!” Sakamoto screams.
But Ann slumps over. All the adrenaline leaves her in a flash, and fighting back is useless. “Is this... my punishment for what happened to Shiho...?” she whispers. “If I'd just done what he said...”
“That's more like it,” Kamoshida says. “You should've looked like this from the start.”
She sighs and closes her eyes. “Shiho... I'm so sorry...”
“You can't just listen!”
The sudden voice breaks through her stupor like a wrecking ball. “Huh?”
Amamiya steps forward, hands balled into fists. He looks furious, furious enough to actually be the career criminal everyone seems to think he is. “She's your friend, right!? Your only friend! Are you really just gonna let him do whatever he wants to her? To you!?” He takes another daring step forward, but his magnetism seems to stop even the guards from acting. “Fight back! Don't let him push you around!”
“You...” She sucks in a hard breath. “You're right. Letting this piece of shit toy with me...” Rage bubbles up through her, tightening the veins in her neck and sending a throbbing pain up through her skull. “What was I thinking!?”
“It's like I always say,” Kamoshida mutters. “Slaves should just behave and-”
“Shut the hell up!” Ann screams. “I've had enough of this... You've pissed me off, you son of a bitch! You're gonna pay!”
“My... It's taken far too long...”
Her eyes shoot open wide, and everything goes red. Her whole body seems to activate, and just standing still is impossible. She writhes against the cross, fighting against her restraints with all the hidden strength of her body.
“Tell me... Who is going to avenge her if you don't? Forgiving him was never an option. Such is the scream of the other you that dwells within... I am thou, thou art I... We can finally forge a contract.”
She chuckles. “I hear you... Carmen...”
When she throws her head back up, she can feel the mask appear on her face. “You're right. No more holding back!”
“There you go. Nothing can be resolved by restraining yourself. Understand? Then I'll gladly lend you my strength...”
The bindings explode, and Ann lands on the ground with grace. She raises her hand up, tears the mask off, and screams.
The adrenaline lets her act before her mind can even catch up. Without thinking, she throws fire at the nearest guard, disintegrating him entirely. She grabs his sword before it can disappear and slashes out hard, cutting that other Ann into black dust.
She grinds her teeth together as she looks up at Kamoshida. “You know what? I'm not some cheap girl you can toy with! You scumbag...”
“B-bitch!” he whimpers.
“You stole everything from Shiho... You destroyed her... But now it's your turn! I will rob you of everything! Let's go, Carmen!”
What follows is fire. A blazing storm of fire so hot and pure that it burns through all of the vile monstrosities with ease. When it's all done, the room is torched, and the guards are gone entirely. “Kamoshida-” she grunts, taking a step forward, only to stumble down to one knee. “Dammit!”
“Takamaki!” Sakamoto cries. She'd almost forgotten they were here.
“She awakened to her Persona...” the monster cat says. “She's going to be exhausted...”
“Let me at him!” Ann screams, trying to stand again, only to stumble once more. Dammit, dammit, why can't I just get up!?
“Calm down.” Amamiya kneels down next to her. His dark eyes look almost soft now, despite the fury in them only a few moments ago. “We'll explain everything. But we have to leave for now.”
Ann opens her mouth to protest, but even that takes a huge amount of energy, and she nearly collapses from the strain. “I...” Her eyes drift down, and suddenly she realizes that her outfit has become red latex, a skintight... cat costume?
She almost laughs. I look like an anime villain.
“Have you calmed down, Lady Ann?”
She blinks. “Um... Morgana, right? I'm really talking to a cat... Oh, sorry, you're not actually a cat, right?”
Ren's bag feels quite a lot heavier with Morgana in it. Still, there's something kinda funny to him about having a cat on his shoulder, peering over from his bag.
“It's only natural that you're confused,” Morgana tells her. “Demanding that you understand all of this right after what you went through is asking too much.”
Explaining all of it had taken some time. They'd reached the station before even completing the discussion. Still, it's hard to reject something like that after seeing it first hand. Takamaki took to it relatively easily. “So... That power... My Persona...”
“It's the will of your rebellion, Lady Ann. With it, you'll be able to fight in that other world.”
“So... If what you told me is true, we can make Kamoshida have a change of heart, right?”
Ren nods. “That's the plan.”
Ryuji crosses his arms over his chest. “The volleyball team's keeping quiet about this, while the teachers and parents turn a blind eye. The only way this ends is if Kamoshida admits it all himself. We're goin' all in on this plan. It's all we got.”
“Then let me help too,” Ann says. “I want to make him pay for what happened to Shiho.” She makes a fist. “He just keeps going like nothing happened, even after what he did to her... I'll never forgive him.” She glares at the three of them. “And don't act like I'm going to drag you down. Didn't you see? I can fight too.”
“Of course,” Ren says. “This is your fight, too.”
Ann beams. “Good! Thanks.” She pulls out her phone. “We should exchange contact info. Let me know when we're going back in. I'll be counting on you both!”
“And I'll be counting on you,” Morgana says into Ren's ear.
“I need someplace to stay, after all!”
That cheerful demeanor dies pretty quick. “Is this some kind of abandoned house...?”
“I'm on probation,” Ren mutters to Morgana. “I don't have my choice of homes...”
“Hey!” Ren sighs as Sakura-san comes up the stairs, his usual scowl on his face. He looks down on Morgana and sighs. “I was wondering why I heard meowing...”
Morgana glances between them. “Mew... Mrrow?”
Sakura-san shakes his head at Ren. “What'd you bring it here for?”
“It was abandoned.”
For a moment, the expression softens. “That's... a shame.” He closes his eyes. “Look, this place is a restaurant. Animals are a no-go.” He strokes his chin. “Though I guess you might stay on good behavior if you've got a pet to take care of...” Finally, he nods. “Fine. But keep it quiet when we're open for business. And don't let it roam downstairs, or I'll toss it out.” He thrusts a finger at Ren's chest. “Oh, and I'm not gonna take care of it. That's all on you.”
With that, Sakura turns and leaves. Morgana looks up. “Was that the ruler of this place? He seemed pretty understanding for someone who keeps you cramped up in this dump.”
“He didn't have to give me anything,” Ren says, carefully. “And he just thinks you're a regular cat.”
“Jeez...” Ren flinches when he hears Sakura's voice again. The boss comes back up holding a platter of shredded meat. “It just had to keep crying out in that cute little voice.” He sets the plate down in front of Morgana, who instantly starts tearing into it happily. Sakura pats the cat on the back of the head, then looks to Ren. “By the way, have you decided on a name?”
Ren nods slowly. “Morgana.”
“Hm... I... was hoping I'd get to name it...”
Get away from me, you're standing too close
Keep your hands off of me
Keep away from me, just leave me alone
Who said you could touch me anyway?-Who Said You Could Touch Me?, AFI
Chapter 4: Vengeful Invasion
(See the end of the chapter for notes.)
Chapter Text
“That one looks like trouble...”
The huge audience chamber – which Morgana claims represents the gym, whatever that means – is guarded by a huge demon in full armor, floating a foot off the ground. He's the toughest of the enemies they've spotted so far, and by a long shot, too.
“Remember,” Morgana says, “you don't always have to attack. Take a moment to protect yourself. It might just pay off. And stick to the code names.” He glares at Ryuji. “That goes for you, Skull.”
“Yeah, yeah, I hear ya.” He slipped up once and called Ren by his name, that's it! “I know the drill, Mona.”
“Good. Ready, Panther?”
Ann nods. “Ready.”
Morgana shoots a frown Ren's way. He's been studying their enemy this whole time, ignoring their idle conversation. “And you, Ren?”
He nods. “Yeah.”
They still need to come up with a code name for him. His outfit's a bit more basic than theirs, after all. Panther and Skull both came pretty naturally. Mona wasn't much of a stretch, either. Ren's is more of an issue.
For now, though, they've got a fight on their hands.
When they step out, weapons at the ready, the guard snarls. “This place is holy ground for King Kamoshida,” he says, coldly. “It is preposterous for miscreants like yourselves to come waltzing in like this! You will pay for foolishly defying King Kamoshida... With your lives!”
He throws his head back, and a white glow sweeps around him. “What was that?” Ryuji sputters.
“He's getting ready to do something!” Morgana calls. “Guard!”
Against his judgement, Ryuji puts his hands up in front of his face. Just a heartbeat later, a strike comes at him from the Heavenly Punisher. It nearly knocks him off his feet, but the blow gets absorbed into his arms. “Holy shit!” he gasps. “That almost...”
“This is a cognitive world,” Morgana says, hopping into the air and loosing a barrage of pellets from his sling. “If your opponent thinks you can't be hurt, you can't be.”
“Arsène!” Ren calls, and a curse swirls in around the Shadow. It stumbles and loses ground.
Well, Ryuji ain't gonna let a good opportunity pass him up. “Captain Kidd!” He unleashes lightning down, and it shocks right through the armor. The shadow lets out a cry and falls to a knee.
Ann darts forward and cracks her whip. The leather snaps hard, striking the Shadow so hard it falls even further down, crumbling into a mess on the floor. “Let's end this!”
“Wait!” the Shadow cries, stumbling up and holding up its hands. “Don't kill me!”
Morgana readies his scimitar. “Well, what can you offer us? Got any money?”
They've done this a couple times, now. Holding up Shadows is a pretty easy way to get some good shit, they've learned.
This time, though, the Shadow shakes its head. “I have nothing...”
“Whatever,” Morgana says, shrugging. “Time for you to die, then.”
“Wait!” the Shadow cries. “Can't we work something out? Don't kill me, please! Let me go!”
Ren sighs. “Fine. Get outta here.”
The Shadow gives him a look. “Truly? You are a man of honor... Unlike the ruler of this place...”
“Huh?” Morgana gasps. “What's going on?”
The Shadow stands and dusts itself off, and Ryuji prepares his shotgun. He ain't lettin' this thing get away, no matter what. But the Shadow doesn't try to run, or attack. Instead, it steps forward and takes a knee before Ren. “I don't just belong to King Kamoshida. I am an existence that drifts about in the sea of humanity's souls. My real name is Archangel. From now on, I will live in your heart.”
And then a blue light erupts from the knight, and it becomes a mask that looks a helluva lot like Ren's. It drifts towards him, and Ren grabs it out of the air, shoving it over his face. The blue light fades, and everything goes back to normal.
“Huh?” Ryuji sputters, lowering his gun. “The hell was that about?”
“Yeah...” Ann says, stepping forward and looking at Ren closely. “It just got sucked into his mask... Is that normal?”
“I-I have no idea!” Morgana gasps. “I've never seen that happen before!”
Ryuji nods to Ren. “You feelin' alright, dude?”
Ren smirks. “I feel good, actually.”
“Man, you could be a little more freaked out about this,” Ryuji grumbles.
“It doesn't seem like it hurt you...” Morgana says, bouncing around and inspecting every inch of Ren. “Well... We'll just have to carry on and see what-”
Another guard races over to them and bursts into black sludge. What emerges is a woman with wings, floating a foot off the ground. “Dammit!” Ryuji growls.
“We'll just beat you, too!” Ann says.
The succubus gives a throaty chuckle and raises her hands to attack them, but Ren rushes forward first. Is he an idiot? Ryuji thinks. They've fought these chicks before here, and Arsène's curse attack can't do shit to them. Is he just gonna use his dagger?
But then Ren rips off his mask and roars, “Archangel!”
A flurry of blows strike down on the succubus, and it screams as it dissolves.
“What the-?” Morgana gasps.
“Wait,” Ann says. “That wasn't Arsène...”
The cat stares. “You just used a different... But everyone only has one Persona!”
Ren grins. “Guess I'm the exception.”
“Oh, wow... This is amazing! This will give us a huge advantage in battle!” Morgana bounces around almost giddily. “Alright, whatever you did with that Shadow, try and do it again if the opportunity comes up!” He nods at the others. “You two better help, too!”
“Hell yeah!” Ryuji says, pumping his fist. “We'll hold every last one of 'em up!”
“Yeah!” Ann agrees.
Despite that ability, things don't go a hundred percent according to plan. Ryuji thought the challenge of fights might've peaked with that Heavenly Punisher guy, but things just get rougher as they carry on. Finally, after a particularly rough spot, Ren sighs and says, “We're gonna have to leave for now.”
“But we're so close!” Ann insists, pointing out the Treasure on the map they found. “We just need to go a little further!”
Ren shakes his head. “We're all drained. We can't steal the Treasure if we're all dead.”
“He's right,” Morgana says. “You guys still have some time. You said you're getting expelled on the second of May, right? Well, that's still a little while away.”
“Not that long away...” Ryuji grumbles.
“We'll come back soon,” Ren promises. “For now, though...”
Ryuji frowns, but nods in the end. “Fine, fine. You're the leader.”
Ann lets out a soft sigh. “Alright.”
“Good. Let's go.”
He crashes the second he gets back to Leblanc.
“Jeez,” Morgana says, hopping up on the bed next to him. “You're really wiped, huh?”
“Yeah,” Ren admits. They went through a huge portion of the Palace in one day, and right after school, too. At first, it was easy. But the further they went the harder it became, and eventually just summoning Arsène became almost impossible. Archangel was a bit easier, and the Pixie he picked up was the easiest of all, but still...
Morgana stretches out. “Hey, you guys really need to get better supplies.”
“Like I said, we're fighting in a world of cognition. Your guns look real, so they work. But a model gun that looks more real and more deadly will work even better. And medicine works differently, too. As long as your opponent doesn't have a particularly strong grasp of how medicine works, even something basic should work pretty well. The more potent, the better, of course.”
“Sounds expensive.”
“It's an investment!”
Ren sighs. “I don't have much money. Sakura-san isn't going to give me any. And I'm on probation. Getting a job won't be easy.”
Morgana just scratches his ears. “You'll just have to figure something out!”
“Great. Thanks for the help.”
That gets him a swat, but without claws, so whatever.
“So... you have discovered your special abilities.”
Igor intones this before Ren can even get off the cot. He stumbles over, struggling against the weight of the ball and chain, and slams his hands against the bars. “Special ability?”
“Indeed. Yours is the power of the wild card. The ability to hold multiple Personas and call upon their powers.” he reaches a gloved hand forward, grinning in that creepy way of his. “I do hope you will utilize this ability to the utmost. You will need it, if you are to prevent ruin.”
There's a thwack of a baton striking metal next to his hands. “Quiet, Inmate!” Caroline scolds. “Don't interrupt our master!”
Igor chuckles. “I would be remiss if I were to neglect mine own duties in this. As such, I will give you a gift as well. With this, you will be able to gaze through the duplicity of the world. Use it wisely.”
He flicks his fingers, and a horrible pain strikes through Ren's head. He grabs at his forehead and lets out a scream, doubling over and landing hard on the floor of his cell. The sensation is like a burning, but under the skin, like his bones are on fire. His whole head feels like it's going to explode.
And then, when he thinks it'll never end, it does, and he wakes up.
The trains are crowded the next day.
Ren has to hold his bag close just to get on, which annoys Morgana quite a lot. Fortunately, his annoying yelping is lost in the shuffle, and no one gets to bug him about carrying a cat in his school bag.
A girl in a Shujin uniform takes the last seat before he can get to it, so Ren resigns himself to standing. It's not the best break he's had, to be honest. He would have liked to get to sit down for the ride, but at least he'll get to be in a chair for the whole school day. There's no chance of them going back to the Palace tonight, he decides.
About two minutes into the ride, an old lady sighs wearily and looks like she might collapse. Having no way to help her, Ren just has to ignore her. The girl who got the seat doesn't, though. She stands cheerfully and bows to the elderly lady. “Please, take my seat.” Her red hair shimmers in the dim light of the train car, tied back with a ribbon of an even more vibrant red. “My station's coming up.”
“Are you sure...?” the lady asks, politely. “Well, then...”
But before she can accept the offer, a salaryman darts forward and snatches it, flopping into the seat lazily and ignoring all the eyes on him.
“Oh, wow,” the redheaded girl says. “What speed!” She reaches a hand forward awkwardly. “Um, excuse me? That seat was for this lady...”
He closes his eyes, and seems to fall asleep instantly.
Ren sighs. “Want me to wake him up?”
“It's alright,” the girl assures him. “I can understand his position as well.” She looks back to the elderly lady. “I'm sorry I couldn't be any help.”
“Oh, it's alright dearie. Don't you worry.”
“Please allow me to carry your luggage at least.”
“Are you sure? It's rather heavy.”
“Oh, that's no problem! I train plenty.”
Ren allows himself to zone out. This doesn't concern him anymore.
He's proven wrong on that front just a moment after getting off the train and starting towards Shujin. Morgana lets out a yelp and darts back into his bag, having gotten a brief second of fresh air. Ren turns, wondering what startled the cat, and finds that girl rushing up to him. “Pardon me!” she calls. She gives him a bright smile and bows. “Thank you so much for earlier.”
Ren frowns and adjusts his glasses. “With what?”
“For speaking up when I offered my seat on the train.” She bows once more, then straightens. “You're a second-year at Shujin Academy, correct? I'm a first-year there myself. Thanking you totally slipped my mind on the train, and I didn't want to be rude to my senpai.”
“It's... nothing.”
“Thank you! Now, we'd better get going! The bell's about to ring!”
Without another word, she darts off towards the school.
Morgana pops out of the bag again. “She seems nice,” he says into Ren's ear.
That's gonna take some getting used to. He's just lucky no one's called him out for having a cat in his desk at school yet. “Yeah. But she's not wrong. We need to get going.”
The café isn't empty when he gets home.
There's only one customer, but she's a unique one for sure. Dyed hair cut in a shaggy way, a leather jacket, and a black choker make up her attire. He can't seem to take his eyes off her. There's something like an aura around her...
When she sees him looking at her, she raises an eyebrow. “Yes?”
“I... like your jacket.”
“Hey.” Sakura-san snaps his fingers. “Don't bug the customers.” He looks over to the woman. “Sorry if he was rude, Doctor.”
“No,” the woman says, standing up. “It's about time I head out, anyway. Thanks.”
“Come back anytime.”
Ren frowns. “Who was she?” he asks, once the woman disappears outside.
Sakura-san shrugs. “She's the head doctor over at that clinic across the street. Rumor has it her examinations are pretty crappy, and she sells some weird homemade medicines on top of that. But that's just what I've heard. I haven't been there myself.” He sighs and rubs his temples. “They should really just leave her alone. It's not like she's getting in the way of their lives...”
“Yeah,” Ren says.
“Hm. Go upstairs. You look tired. Guess you haven't gotten used to the area yet.”
“It'll take some time.”
Sakura-san nods. “Yeah. Well, don't just stand there like that.”
The second he reaches the attic, Ren takes off his shoulder bag and lets Morgana burst out. “Ugh, that bag's so cramped!” he complains.
“Lose some weight,” Ren tells him.
“Did you hear?” Ren says, ignoring the cat's outburst. “A doctor who runs a clinic nearby...”
Morgana nods. “Yeah. It's kinda sketchy, but she might be a good contact. We need high-quality medicine, after all.” He licks his paws and grooms his ears. “We should talk to her tomorrow.”
“You mean I should talk to her tomorrow.”
“Hey! It's not my fault she can't hear me!”
The clinic is clean, though tiny.
The name on the door reads TAKEMI MEDICAL CLINIC, so he figures Takemi must be the doctor's name. She sits behind the window idly, paying more attention to a magazine than the door.
Ren walks up to the counter and clears his throat. She looks up at him, her brown eyes surrounded by black eyeliner. “Oh. You're the kid from the café. What are you here for?”
“I need... special medicine.”
She raises an eyebrow slowly. “Regular medicine won't do the trick?”
“I have my reasons.”
“...Very well. Step into the examination room, please.”
He does as she tells him, and takes a seat in there. She steps in a moment afterwards and closes the door behind her, locking it. “Special medicine, huh? You've been listening to rumors, I guess. So what are you? An informant? It's a pretty poor attempt if that's the case.”
Ren frowns. “I'm not an informant.”
“So then what are you?”
“I'm just a student. I get headaches, and stress. I need something potent to get me through studying for my exams.”
The look she gives him is cold. She's examining him under a microscope, like he's a sample and not a person. In her eyes, maybe he isn't. “So you're looking to improve your concentration and reduce fatigue? That's not the best idea, you know. But if that's what you want to do...” She watches him for a second, then shrugs, unlocks the door, and turns away. “Good luck with that.”
Ren doesn't budge. “I need that medicine.”
“You're really annoying, you know that? That medicine is really expensive. It's not something a high schooler can get his hands on. It costs almost as much as a car. Got it? So how about you just go home?”
“I could work for it.”
The eyebrow slants up again, but less in scrutiny and more in curiosity this time. “What, like part-time help? Hm...” Her eyes move over him, and once again he feels like he's being dissected. “Do you consider yourself someone with a good amount of stamina?”
Well, he was the last of the them to collapse in the Palace, so that has to say something. “Yeah.”
She nods. “I admit I have been looking for a young person around your age to help me out. But I haven't been able to find one, even after putting an ad in the paper.”
“People my age don't really read the paper.”
She snorts. “You're not wrong. Well, are you up for it?”
Ren hesitates. “What would I be doing?”
The look turns cold. “Do you want to do it or not?”
The two of them watch one another for a long time. Then, finally, Ren nods. “Alright.”
“Good. You'll be participating in clinical trials for my medicine.”
“Wait, I-?”
“I'll be right back.”
She disappears before he can protest. Morgana pops his head out of the bag. “It's working great!” he says excitedly.
And all I have to do is test potentially dangerous medicine, Ren thinks.
Dr. Takemi returns way too quickly for his liking, though admittedly the tension was killing him quite a bit, too. She hands him a small glass full of a red liquid. “Here you go. Drink it all in one gulp.” She sees the look on his face and smirks. “Are you worried about the side effects? Well, don't concern yourself. Rest assured, my autopsy is guaranteed to find out exactly what part of it killed you.”
“Well? Are you going to take it?” She nods towards the door. “The exit's right there if you want to leave.”
Ren sighs, looks at the liquid, and downs the whole thing.
Takemi's eyes go wide. “Huh? I... can't believe you actually drank it.”
It's bitter, but sour. It's thick, but also thin and light... Like syrup and cold water... He can't even really think of the words to describe it. In fact, he can't think of much at all right now. It actually feels like he might...
When he blinks, he's lying on the cot. His eyes feel heavy, and his whole body feels sluggish. He shoves himself up with an effort and rubs at his head. He manages to clear his vision enough to see the doctor sitting across from him, an unimpressed look on her face. “Good evening.”
“Do you remember anything from the moment you took the medicine until now?” She studies him. “Hm... From the look in your eyes, I'd say you don't. You briefly woke from your coma, but you were completely dazed during the entire examination. You eventually lost consciousness, and fell back asleep.” She writes something out on a piece of paper, then tosses the clipboard aside and looks at him. “Are you out of your mind? Only an idiot would have drank that.”
“I'm not insane,” Ren says, slowly, “but I may be an idiot.”
She scoffs. “Fine. By the way, the reason you lost consciousness was because of the taste. It produces a foul smell when it mixes with gastric juices, similar to surströmming.” She shrugs. “Oh well. All that matters is that, thanks to you, I was able to get some good data.”
“...Glad to help.”
“Okay, it's my turn to make good on my part of the deal. That's why I waited until you woke up.” She uncrosses her legs and leans towards him. “I don't want the general public to know about my original medicines. So you are strictly prohibited from disclosing what happens here to anyone... Understood?”
Ren nods. “Of course.”
“Then it's a deal. I'll sell you good medicine at a good price.” She chuckles. “I look forward to your continued patronage, little guinea pig.”
He's not particularly surprised to get called out by his homeroom teacher after class.
Out in the hallway, Kawakami-sensei sighs and says, “There's something I'd like to ask you. It won't take long.”
Before she can even ask it, though, the office door opens and Kamoshida of all people walks out... and behind him is that girl with the ribbon from the other day. Kamoshida beams upon seeing them. “I see you're already getting on top of the problem I mentioned, Kawakami-san. I appreciate the support.”
The girl with the ribbon looks to Ren. “Oh... Thank you again.”
Kamoshida frowns. “You know this guy, Yoshizawa?”
“Yes. He lent me a helping hand earlier.”
“Hm. I recommend you steer clear of the likes of him if you have any consideration for your future. Remember the discussion we just had? There are a number of students in this school you shouldn't get involved with.” His cold eyes fall on Ren. “This one's at the top of the list.”
You'll get yours, Ren thinks.
Yoshizawa starts. “Oh, the delinquent transfer student...?”
Kawakami-sensei sighs. “Sorry to interrupt, but I need to use the guidance office.”
“Oh,” Kamoshida says. “Pardon me.” He smiles to Yoshizawa. “We should be going too. Don't want to get in the way of guiding this delinquent and all.”
Ren enters the guidance office himself and takes a seat, and Kawakami-sensei sits across from him. “I'm going to get straight to the point. Did something happen between you and Kamoshida-san?”
“...Not at all.”
“I don't believe you. Especially after that little exchange just now.” She looks away, her tired, vacant eyes resembling those of a doll. “He gave me a brief lecture this morning, and your name came up. Something about the dangers of a lack of supervision...” She sighs again. “I don't mean to pry, but... Just make sure you don't go causing trouble, okay?”
He's the one causing trouble. “Alright.”
“Oh, and one more thing. That girl outside the office – you didn't make a pass at her, did you?”
“Well, her ribbon was cute.”
“Uh-huh. Look, Kamoshida-san has a real close eye on you. Apparently, you're still hanging around with Sakamoto-kun. You seem acquainted with Yoshizawa-san as well.” She shakes her head. “That's all I wanted to discuss. Just... Be careful, okay?”
Ren stands and nods. “Understood.”
Asking Ryuji where he got the model guns leads him to a place called Untouchable, an airsoft shop just off central street in Shibuya. It's got a bit of a dark vibe to it, but Ren doesn't mind. He actually feels sort of at home as he picks through the stock, the cold eyes of the shop owner staring him down.
In the end, he gets new weapons for himself, Ryuji, and Ann. The scimitar Morgana had on him still seems pretty solid, so he doesn't bother to replace that, and the sling is doing fine still. A new pistol for himself, a new shotgun for Ryuji, and a new submachine gun for Ann is all he can get for now, and some of that ends up being on credit. He didn't have much money to begin with, after all.
“The Palace won't be an issue, now!” Morgana declares happily. “And I've still got one more tool for you, once we head back! It's something really special I was stashing...”
“Alright,” Ren says.
They return to the Palace the next day. It feels good to be back in his Phantom Thief attire. Honestly, he feels more at home in this coat than he does in his regular clothes. And getting those stupid glasses off his face feels amazing. With his dagger, his gun, and his mask... He feels alive. He feels like he's on fire, and it's amazing, and addicting.
Morgana scampers off once they enter. “Where's he going?” Ann asks.
“He says he's got a new tool stashed away,” Ren says, his hands firmly shoved in his pockets.
Ryuji shrugs. “Whatever.”
Morgana returns soon enough, and he shoves an odd-looking device into Ren's hands. “Here! I think you'll do really well with this.”
“What is it?”
“Check it out!”
Ren inspects it, and then a grin comes to his face. “It's a grappling hook, right?”
He extends his hand and intuitively shoots out a hook. It latches against the wall of the castle. He retracts it, releasing the hook first so that he doesn't get pulled against it. Ren's grin only widens. “Good. I like it.”
Morgana smirks. “I think I've got a code name for you, too.”
“For real?” Ryuji says, darting forward. “What is it?”
The cat sizes up Ren, who stands under the collective gaze of the three thieves unflinchingly. He can't help the easy smirk on his face, or the fire in his dark eyes.
Morgana nods. “He'll be Joker.”
By the time they leave the Palace, she's exhausted.
They made it pretty far this time, though still not all the way to the Treasure. Morgana keeps insisting they're gonna get there soon, but it's feeling more and more like an impossible task. She knows that's just the tension weighing on her, though. The intense pressure that holds her down and keeps her from feeling any form of optimism.
It must have been more obvious than she thought. After Ryuji yawns and heads off, Amamiya turns to her and gives her a small nod. “It's going to work,” he tells her, a little smile on his lips. “Trust me. We're going to make him pay for everything he's done.”
Ann swallows and nods back, trying to keep tears out of her eyes. “Right!”
He pulls out his phone and checks the time. “You want to get something to eat?”
“I...” She's on the verge of turning him down. It's just... There's something in his eyes that makes her reconsider. There's a sort of softness in them that causes her nerves to settle. “Sure, that... That sounds really nice.”
“Great. Uh...” He chuckles under his breath. “Do you know anywhere to eat? I'm still really new here.”
She really can't help but laugh. “Yeah, there's... There's a diner not too far from here. I'll show you it.”
It's a dim place with avant garde decorations, lit only by little candles. Only once they get here does Ann realize that this place is kinda romantic, but fortunately Amamiya doesn't seem to think anything of that. They order some coffee to start with, to wake them up after the Palace.
He takes a sip of it once it arrives and raises an eyebrow. “Hm.”
“...Nothing.” He sets the cup down and nods at her. “What's bothering you?”
She stares at him, incredulous. “What's bothering me? God, what isn't bothering me!? All of this is insane, it doesn't make any sense, and Shiho is still in a coma and she might never wake up and it's all my fault-”
Ann freezes. Did I just say that out loud?
Amamiya sighs softly. “It's not your fault.”
“But... He wanted me. And I refused him. So he went for her.”
“I'm the one who told you not to go to him. I'm the one who told you not to give in to him.” Amamiya looks away and closes his eyes briefly. “I didn't expect him to do this...”
“I... You didn't know him. It's not your fault.”
Amamiya studies her for a moment. She feels oddly small under his gaze. His eyes are dark, yet there is a little spark in them. A little shimmer of light. Was that there when she first saw him on that rainy day? Or has it appeared since then, since he's awakened to his powers? It wouldn't surprise her, really. Maybe she's got a little bit of light in her eyes now, too. Light that wasn't there before.
Finally, he pushes up his glasses and says, “It's Kamoshida's fault.”
“Neither of us are to blame. Or Ryuji, or Suzui. Just Kamoshida.”
Ann swallows, and then nods. “Yeah. Yeah, you're right... He... He keeps trying to make us feel guilty for fighting back. His Shadow keeps trying to make us think we owe him...” She balls her hands into fists. “I can't let him get to me.”
“He's an arrogant egotist,” Amamiya says. “He actually doesn't think he can do anything wrong. But we'll make him pay. We'll force him to see.”
“Yeah.” She nods, blinking away little tears. “Thanks, Amamiya.”
“We're fighting alongside one another, you know,” he says, shrugging. He takes another sip of the coffee casually. “My name's Ren.”
The smile that forms on her lips is completely natural and easy. “Okay. Call me Ann, then.”
Sakura-san looks up at him with a frown when he enters the café. “You're late.”
“Sorry. I got caught up.”
“Hm. Come here, kid.”
Ren hesitates, but does as he's bid. He puts his bag down on the counter, and Morgana hops out of it, rushing upstairs in a hurry.
Sakura-san scoffs. “Jeez, that cat really likes you. Can't believe he just sits in your bag all the time like that.” He shakes his head. “Whatever. Alright, you're staying here for free. But if you could lend a hand around the shop now and again, it'd really be a great help.”
“I... Of course.”
“Now we're talking. Now, I won't ask you to work for free. If you agree to help me, I'll show you how to make the perfect cup of coffee. Not a bad trade, right?”
Ren considers that bland cup of coffee he had at the diner with Ann, and nods. “Yeah. That sounds good.”
“Alright. Sounds like we've got ourselves a deal. Get washed up and grab an apron.”
That doesn't take long. Ren returns to the counter just a few moments later wearing a green apron, having gotten all the dirt off his hands. Sakura-san looks him over, then nods. “Now then, since you're gonna be working in my store, I'll need to hammer home the basics. You know what I'm talking about, right?”
“Making coffee.”
“Exactly. That's the center of this whole thing. This store's not the busiest around, but I'm real particular about how we make coffee here. See, cafes need to either be fast or great. You got these chain stores around these days, and they get you your drink in a minute flat, but it tastes like dirt. Here, customers know they'll be here for a while, but they also know it's gonna be an experience worth the wait. Blow that, and you've lost a customer for life.”
“You'll get all sorts of customers, and understanding them is the key to good service. Now-” He cuts himself off as the bell chimes, and turns to greet the customer. “Wel-”
His words die in his throat as a middle-aged man with a baseball cap walks in, waving an easy hand. “Hello there! It's been quite a while, Sakura-san!” He looks around, chuckling. “I heard you opened up a shop, so here I am! It wouldn't have hurt to mention it to me, though. You've got a nice location here. Right by the station and everything.”
Sakura-san clears his throat. “Your order?”
“No small talk? That's cold.” He breathes in and sighs. “Oh, but this smell... Sure brings back memories! You're still making that curry, huh?” He shakes his head. “I guess you haven't gotten over her yet...”
“Your order, sir?”
“Man, so pushy... I just stopped in to say hi today... But I'll be back again soon. Bye.”
He turns and leaves with that.
Sakura-san takes off his glasses and rubs his eyes. “Ugh... I don't know where he got wind of this place.”
“He... seemed kind of suspicious...” Ren says.
“Heh, I guess you've got an eye for some things after all. Figures one thug could recognize another.” Before Ren can respond, Sakura-san shrugs. “Anyway, if you have time for questions, you have time to be learning about bean types. You're not gonna be any use to me if you can't pick up on the ABCs sometime soon. Besides, ladies love a guy who knows his coffee. This isn't such a bad deal for you.”
Ren tries to fight back a bit of a flush. “I... Yeah, I'd like that.”
“Jeez, if only you were this obedient all the time. Either way, I'm gonna teach you right. That way I'll be able to sit back and relax while you work.” He checks his phone. “Let's start closing up. And no slacking off, you got it?”
“Got it, Sakura-san.”
“Hm. Just call me Boss, kid. That's what everyone else does.”
He's pretty well drained by the time he gets to bed.
Morgana hops up on the cluttered desk. “We've gotta clean this off. You could probably use it to make infiltration tools if you had the space...”
“Not tonight.”
“Yeah, yeah. We're really close to the Treasure, so we should probably go back into the Palace tomorrow. If we can secure the route, we'll be one step closer to capturing it.”
“One step closer?”
“What, did you think taking a Treasure would be easy? I'll explain the rest of it once we secure the route. For now, you should get some sleep.”
That's the best idea the cat's had all day. Ren lies back and closes his eyes.
But he finds himself oddly disturbed when he does. His mind just keeps drifting back to the way Ann looked sitting across from him, that look of pure pain in her vibrant blue eyes. The sorrow and guilt that was just eating away at her, and all brought upon her by that damned monster...
I'll make him pay, Ren tells himself. I'll take him down.
Even if I have to go down with him.
Fueled by rage and hate
Motivate to orchestrate the bloodbath
The vengeful invasion-Vengeful Invasion, Cannibal Corpse
Let's all mark off "Protagonist that doesn't care about their own safety" on our Persona bingo boards.
Chapter 5: Having a Blast
(See the end of the chapter for notes.)
Chapter Text
The doors to the last hall are barred, so they have to find a way around. That ain't a problem for Ren – Joker – though.
Once they get up through the window, Ryuji pumps his fist. “Alright, we're in!”
“Quiet, you idiot!” Morgana hisses.
Ryuji's about to snap back when he realizes that the hall below is crowded entirely. “Oh, shit,” he says, under his breath this time. “It's Kamoshida!”
“And a ton of soldiers...” Ann mutters.
The Shadow Kamoshida stomps his foot. “How have you imbeciles not captured the intruders yet!?”
“I apologize, my liege!”
Morgana scoffs. “Can't let him know we're in the same room as him. Come on, let's keep moving.”
“Keep down,” Ren says, calmly. He crouches down and starts walking carefully along the path.
Ryuji follows his lead, taking care not to make any noise. It's easier said than done for him, if he's being honest. Ann manages it pretty easily, and so does Mona, though. Whatever, I hit way harder than either of 'em. And the sneakin' parts almost done, anyway.
At the end of the path is an ornate doorway, which Ren pushes open slowly. It opens up into a hoarder's trove. Gold coins are stacked halfway to the ceiling.
“Holy shit...” Ryuji breathes. “What is this place?”
“Hey, uh, what's that thing?” Ann points. “It's floating in the air.”
Sure enough, there's a weird orb-thing floating in the center of the room, about seven feet off the ground. It's transparent, but viscous. Ryuji reaches out and tries to touch it, but to no effect.
Morgana chuckles. “That's the Treasure! We finally found it!”
“That cloudy thing?” Ren asks.
“Just hold on a second. I told you there was one more step, right? Well, now it's time for me to tell you about it. See, just finding the Treasure isn't enough. We'll need to make it materialize before we can steal it.”
“Huh?” Ryuji leans against a barrel, frowning. “Whaddaya mean?”
“Desires have no physical form by nature. Hence, we'll first need to make the real person aware that their desires are, in fact, a Treasure. Once they're aware that their desires might be stolen, the Treasure will finally show itself.”
Ann cocks her head. “But how do we do that?”
Morgana laughs heartily. “We warn them. We tell them that we are going to steal their heart.”
Instantly, Ryuji feels himself light up. “So we're gonna send a calling card!? Dude, that's so sick! That's exactly what a phantom thief would do!”
“Once we do that, the Treasure will appear for certain!” Morgana declares. Then, more quietly, “I think.”
“That again?” Ryuji shrugs. “Whatever. Sounds like it's worth givin' it a shot!”
“So there's nothing more we can do in the Palace, then?” Ren asks.
“Nope! We'll need to send the calling card first.”
Ann sighs. “This is it, huh?”
Ren nods at the three of them, that cocky smirk spreading across his face. “We won't lose. We've come too far to lose now.” He looks towards the doors. “Let's get out of here for now. We'll send the calling card soon.”
When he gets back home, he flops into bed.
It's weird how being in a Palace feels great, and then you leave it and feel like shit. It's kinda like a workout in that way – during the process you can barely feel the burn of your muscles or in your lungs, but then you take a breather and it all hits you at once.
Still, Ren entrusted him with the calling card, and he ain't gonna mess it up.
He forces himself out of bed and stumbles towards the little cluttered desk he keeps in his room, pushing away some of the crap he's tossed on it lately. He made sure to get a piece of cardstock already, vibrant red and black. Morgana told him to make it dramatic, so that's what he's gonna do. It's gonna mean copies, but he can handle that. Ain't like he's got anything better to do.
His drafts take longer than he'd expected, though. After a full hour of busting his ass working on it, he sighs and grabs his phone.
[Group Chat: The Anti-Kamoshida Squad]
Skull: man, theres so much I wanna write on the calling card
Skull: its kinda tough figuring out what to say
Panther: are you really sure you're capable of this!?
Skull: dont worry, I got it
Skull: i even made a logo for us
Panther: ...a logo?
Skull: yup. youll see it tomorrow
Panther: well that's worrying...
Skull: hey! have some faith in me!
Joker: You guys should get some rest.
Joker: Remember, we only get one shot at this. No retreating.
Panther: hey, so... everything in the palace is a product of kamoshida's mind, right?
Joker: Mona says yes.
Panther: i thought so...
Joker: Something on your mind?
Panther: well it's just...
Panther: before I awakened to Carmen, I felt kinda weird there...
Skull: yeah same here.
Joker: Mona says it's because of how Kamoshida views both of you in the real world.
Skull: so thats why my leg hurt so much more there...
Skull: but whyd it go away when i got my persona?
Joker: Your Persona is a manifestation of your rebellion, in this case against Kamoshida.
Joker: Meaning you discarded his perception of you.
Joker: I guess since Kamoshida broke your leg and took pleasure in it, he liked to think of you as crippled.
Skull: that bastard...
Panther: ugh he's such a pig
Joker: I don't think I need to ask what happened with you before you awakened.
Panther: yeah you can probably guess.
Panther: I'm gonna beat him senseless!
Joker: Just remember, the target is his Treasure.
Joker: We're still trying to avoid killing him.
Joker: Right?
Panther: ...right
Ryuji would love to say he didn't hesitate before responding with a “right” of his own. But he ain't a liar, and he never will be.
The cards go up all over the school.
Ann has to push her way to the front of the crowd just to read it, and even then she has to decipher Ryuji's chicken scratching. She just hopes it isn't too recognizable as his handwriting.
Sir Suguru Kamoshida, the utter bastard of lust,
We know how shitty you are, and that you put your twisted desires on students that can't fight back.
That's why we have decided to steal away those desires and make you confess your sins.
This will be done soon, so we hope you are ready.
From, the Phantom Thieves of Hearts
She lets out a little huff and walks away from the scene.
Ren and Ryuji both wait for her in the hallway. Ryuji grins when she approaches. “Not bad, eh? I looked up a bunch of similar stuff online for reference.”
“Um... Yeah...” Ann shakes her head. “I know what you wanted to say, but it sounded like an immature idiot trying to be an adult.”
Morgana pops out of Ren's bag. “Your logo's a little lacking, too.”
“Hey! That ain't true!” Ryuji glances over at the chaos happening near the cards. “It got everyone excited, so it's all good, yeah?”
“Look,” Ren says.
Ann turns, and she has to make a conscious effort to keep her heart in her throat as Kamoshida walks up to the board. He looks over the cards, and then a flash of anger blitzes across his face. “Who's responsible for this!?” he demands.”
“Heh...” Morgana chuckles. “A predictable reaction for someone who knows what we mean by distorted desires.”
Ryuji grins. “I think it's hittin' him pretty hard.”
It's not easy to see Kamoshida's anger, honestly. Ann just can't help but think of how he angry he must have been when he called his students into his office. How furious he must have been when she rejected him, and he called for Shiho instead, so he could...
God, I need to destroy him.
She flinches as his cold eyes turn towards Ren and Ryuji, completely ignoring her for once. “Was it you two?” he snarls.
“I don't know what you're talking about,” Ren says, casually.
The two of them stare one another down for a long time. Despite the fact that Kamoshida towers over Ren by a full foot and a half, Ann feels in that moment that Ren is the one looking down on him.
Finally, Kamoshida shrugs. “Eh, it's not a problem. You'll be expelled soon enough anyway. Try all you want, but it doesn't mean anything. No one can defy me.”
He storms off without another word.
Morgana reappears, having slid back into Ren's bag when Kamoshida came over. “We'll show him!” the cat declares happily.
“We can do this,” Ren says. “We can beat him.”
“Yeah!” Ryuji cries. “Let's kick his ass and take his Treasure!”
Their eyes turn to her, and Ann manages a weak smile. “Yeah,” she says, softly. “Let's do this.”
The vibe in the Palace is different now.
“Holy shit...” Ryuji breathes. “What's goin' on?”
“The Palace is on high alert now,” Morgana explains, slashing his scimitar through the air to test it. “We told them we're going to attack, after all. Kamoshida's defenses are all up.”
Ann sighs. “I should've known it wouldn't be easy...”
“It doesn't matter.” Ren says this so boldly, so confidently. He pulls on his red gloves and shoots a grin at his companions. “He can resist us if he wants. But we're fighting for justice. We will win.”
“That's our leader!” Ryuji says, grinning like an idiot.
Ann just smiles. Where does he get that confidence from? she wonders.
For now, it doesn't matter. He's not Ren right now. He's Joker. And he's going to fight, which means she's going to fight, too.
When they reach the great hall, there's no one there. “Path's clear,” Ryuji remarks easily. “Let's snatch the Treasure and get outta here!”
“Keep your guard up,” Ren warns.
That vault at the end of the hall is just where they left it, but the cloudy thing isn't hovering in the air anymore. Ren throws open the doors, and in it's place is a huge gilded crown, shimmering so brightly Ann has to blink just to adjust her eyes to it.
“Aww yeeeeaaaah!” Morgana cheers. “The Treasure has appeared!”
“Man, it's huge!” Ryuji gasps.
“Heh! What do you think? It's just as I said! Now we can steal it!” Morgana steps forward. “Ahh... This shine brings tears to my eyes...”
Ann shakes her head. “It kinda pisses me off. Why's it so pretty? Isn't this Kamoshida's desires?”
Morgana ignores her. “T-Treasure...”
“Uh...” Ryuji scratches his head. “The cat's actin' awfully excited...”
“What's wrong?” Ann asks.
Morgana ignores them all, hopping up to latch onto the crown tightly. “Meeeeeow!” he screeches. “Mrrroooow!”
Ren sighs. “Morgana? That's not catnip.”
“Meow, meow! Mewwwwww!”
“Alright, alright, that's enough!” Ryuji cries. He steps forward and pulls Morgana off the crown. “Stop that, you stupid cat!”
All at once, Morgana seems to recover himself. He shakes his head. “Oh, um, yeah... Forgive me for displaying such an insolent sight in front of a lady...”
“That's doesn't matter!” Ann insists. “We've gotta get going, right!?”
“Um... Yeah! You guys need to carry it!”
Ryuji groans. “All you do is bark orders. Still, that was easier than I thought! I thought for sure there'd be some kinda insane trap or something.”
“His Palace will disappear if we take this...” Ann looks to Morgana. “Right?”
“Yup. And Kamoshida will change.”
Ren places a gloved hand on the Treasure, and then instantly pulls it back, grinding his teeth together. “Dude, what's wrong?” Ryuji says.
“Kamoshida...” Ren hisses. “It's his desires, so...”
It hits Ann all at once. Oh, god, are we gonna feel his desires when we hold this? She'd honestly rather die than that. “S-so... How do we take it if...?”
“Let's try something,” Ren says. “Let's all touch it at the same time. Mona, you stand guard.”
“Got it!” The cat bounces off towards the door.
Ren, Ryuji, and Ann all take their places around the crown. Ann has to brace herself hard. Just the idea of touching Kamoshida's heart like this disgusts her. It's so glitzy, so gaudy and ugly and... Dammit. I don't want to know what he was thinking when he...
“On three,” Ren says.
Ryuji nods, and Ann follows his lead, hoping her disquiet isn't showing on her face.
“One. Two.” Ren draws in a breath. “Three!”
Together, they each place a hand on the crown. For the briefest of moments, something like lust strikes through Ann, a warm passion that refuses to be stamped out. Her blood boils and her heart throbs, but the feeling goes away as quick as it came. She swallows hard, reorients herself, and looks at the others. “D-did it work?”
“Yeah,” Ren breathes. “The feeling was stronger when I touched it on my own. And it didn't dissipate like this. We'll just have to carry it out together.”
“Alright,” Ryuji says. Then he frowns. “Hang on, Mona straight up hugged this thing... How come he didn't get affected?”
“No idea,” Ren says, softly.
“It doesn't matter right now,” Ann insists. “We've gotta go.”
Together, the three of them lift the crown and start to carry it out. It's heavy, but they're sharing the load, and that helps a lot.
Morgana nods over at them as they make their way through the doors. “I guess if you share the load the desires of the target won't be as extreme...”
“It works,” Ren grunts.
It seems like it might be smooth sailing at first. That feeling doesn't last long, though. They only get halfway through the hall when a sudden familiar voice cheers out, “Go! Go! Let's go! Ka! Mo! Shi! Da!”
And then a huge volleyball comes out of nowhere and slams the crown out of their hands. It rolls along the ground for a second before glowing a brilliant white and disappearing. “Dammit!” Ryuji swears.
At the throne stands Kamoshida, and the crown reappears in his hand, smaller than it was before. That cognitive version of Ann prances up to him and throws her arms around him lovingly. He snarls and glares down at them with cold eyes. “I won't let anyone take this! This proves that I am the king of this castle. It is the core of this world!”
“Sick bastard!” Ann screeches. “That's how you see me!?”
“Perv,” Ryuji growls. “Were you waitin' to ambush us?”
The Shadow Kamoshida chuckles. “I just made it easy to find you. I'll dispose of you myself. Right here, right now.”
“That's our line, asshole!”
“What a selfish misunderstanding...”
Ann feel the rage boiling up again. “How is it a misunderstanding!? You were abusing people! You were hurting them! You-” She bites back her words, and then spits them out in one brutal burst: “You raped Shiho!” The tears come forth then, but they only fuel her anger. “If all of that was fine, then why were you trying so hard to keep it a secret!?”
“People around me were the ones who kept it secret. Those who want to share in my accomplishments, students who have the drive to become winners... They willingly protect me so that we all may profit from it.”
“Profit?” Ren repeats.
“There are far too many imbeciles who don't understand that! God, you're all so stupid! Abuse!? All I did was push students to be their best! And how dare you accuse me of rape!? All I did was give her what she wanted... Everyone wants me. EVERYONE!”
“That's it!” Ann screams, so loudly her voice tears. “We don't need your permission to live our lives! No one does!”
Kamoshida snorts. “Drop the attitude, you mediocre peasant! There is no wrong in using my gifts for my own gain! I'm a cut above other humans!”
“Enough,” Ren says, his voice icy. He draws his dagger and points it towards Kamoshida. “We're taking your Treasure.”
“Never!” He cackles to himself. “I am not like you! I am a demon who rules this world!”
And then his body twists.
He has to grab Ann by the hand and pull her out of the way.
Her horrified daze is honestly a pretty rational reaction to the whole situation. The Shadow Kamoshida took back his crown, and then started glowing red and morphing, and now he's a weird demon with a huge distended tongue and bulging bloodshot eyes.
Still, just because her reaction is fair doesn't mean it's helpful. He grabs her and pulls her behind one of the statues – which, of course, is shaped like a half-naked woman. Ren would prefer not to think of what age the model was.
“Keep your head in the game,” he tells Ann.
She nods hastily. “He's so gross.”
“Yeah. It pisses me off, too.” He grabs his gun and readies it. “Use that anger.”
With that, he throws himself out from his cover and fires bullet after bullet at the demon. It manages to toss aside a few of the projectiles, but most of them connect. “Brats!” it snarls, and its hands slither down to grasp at the massive trophy that appeared with the monster.
“Hey, what's it doing!?” Morgana calls.
The demon clutches at the cup for a second, and then straightens and lets out a roar.
“I think it just healed itself!”
“Bastard!” Ryuji grunts. “We'll just have to destroy that stupid trophy, then!”
Kamoshida – or the thing that used to be Kamoshida – hears him. “Don't you dare! This is priceless! Don't you put a scratch on it!”
Ann cackles, stepping out from behind her cover with her machine gun at the ready. “That just makes us want to destroy it even more, you prick!”
Together, they unleash hell on it. Ren, having exhausted his ammo, tears off his mask and calls for Arsène, throwing a powerful curse upon it. With their collective might, the trophy shatters to pieces of metal, and Kamoshida shrieks out in horror. “How dare you!?”
“Heh,” Ryuji chuckles. “We ain't lettin' up. So you better give up.”
“No! No no no! I won't! I won't give up!”
Ann scoffs. “You sound like such a child. You can't have your way, so you're just gonna throw a tantrum?”
“Shut up! All of you! Shut up!”
It flails out with its limbs, and the thieves hop back to avoid the chaos. The demon slams a hand down hard on the ground. “Mishima! Bring me my ball, you useless twerp!”
“Y-yes Kamoshida-sensei!”
That boy rushes forward. No, not the real one... A cognitive version. He looks even more beat up here than he did in reality – is this what Kamoshida wants him to look like?
“Serve! You can handle that, can't you?”
Mishima nods nervously and tosses a volleyball up in the air.
“Take cover!” Morgana cries, taking off like a cartoon animal.
Ren doesn't need to be told twice. Ryuji and Ann follow his lead, thankfully. Even then, the impact of the ball hitting the ground sends him flying. Ren grunts as he hits the ground hard, his head slamming against the base of a statue. “Dammit,” he hisses, running a hand through his hair.
“Oh man...” Ryuji mutters next to him. “That hurt like hell...”
Ren pushes himself up. “Everyone good?”
“Been better...” Ann grumbles.
“I'm still alive,” Morgana says.
“Useless!” Shadow Kamoshida screams. “Get out of here, Mishima, before I show you some real encouragement! Come on, someone come here who actually knows what they're doing!”
“I'm here, King Kamoshida!”
“Wait...” Ann looks up from behind their cover. “It can't be...”
Ren peaks up and grinds his teeth together. It's so much worse than he'd expected. Not only is it Suzui, but she's wearing skimpy lingerie and bunny ears. She prances up to him so happily, without a scratch on her. He abused them all, but he wiped it clean from certain people... His bruises didn't count on them.
“Good girl, Suzui...” Shadow Kamoshida whispers. “Pass me the ball, and you'll be rewarded... generously...”
“That son of a bitch!” Ann screeches.
Ren grabs her by the arm and pulls her down. “We can't let him get to us.”
“But that's-”
“It's not the real Suzui!”
“He's right,” Morgana says. “It's just a cognitive version!”
“But still!”
Ryuji sighs. “Look, I get it, Panther, but they're right. I'm pissed as hell right now, too.” He looks down at Ren. “What's the plan, Leader?”
Ren nods at him, a silent passing of thanks. “We can't take another hit from the volleyball. We have to destroy the cognitive Suzui.”
“But...” Ann manages, but her throat closes up before she can say anything more.
“It won't have any effect on the real one,” Morgana assures her. “But even destroying the cognitive Suzui won't solve the problem...”
“Which is...?” Ryuji prods.
“Getting the Treasure!”
“I'm getting to that,” Ren says. “I have a plan. It's simple, but it might work. We'll split up. Two of us will distract Kamoshida. One will destroy the cognitive Suzui. The other will climb up to the second floor and take the crown while Kamoshida's distracted by the others.”
The others consider that briefly. “Okay,” Ann breathes. “Who does what?” She hesitates. “He's... not gonna let me out of his sight, is he?”
“No,” Ren agrees, sadly. “Mona, you'll take down the cognitive Suzui. Skull, you're gonna take the crown. Panther and I will distract Kamoshida. He's focused on her, and I can fight better than the rest of you.”
“Alright.” Ryuji looks up towards the second floor. “Okay, I can do this. I'm ready.”
“Yeah,” Morgana agrees. “Let's go!”
Ryuji takes off in one direction, Morgana in the other. Ren looks to Ann, and she nods at him. Together, they step out from behind their cover.
“Hm... Where did Sakamoto go...? And that pesky cat...”
“They ran,” Ann says.
“They were afraid of you,” Ren adds.
Shadow Kamoshida chuckles. “Heheh... Sakamoto never could stand his own ground. He's always been a coward. But you two are the real fools! I'll just have to show you firsthand... My kill shot!”
Ren tears off his mask. “Agathion!”
Electricity and fire storm around the demon, blinding him. Ren darts one way and Ann the other, throwing little attacks just to keep his attention, while not using much stamina. They don't need to deal damage just now, not really. All they need to do is keep him focused on them.
Fortunately(?), his eyes are almost always uniquely focused on Ann.
“Enough of this!” he screams. “Suzui! Give me the ball!”
“Right away, King Kamoshida!”
“Not so fast!” Out of nowhere, Morgana swings in and slashes down hard with his scimitar. The cognitive Suzui doubles over with the attack and drops the ball. Before she can recover, Morgana calls, “Zorro!” and surrounds her with a gust of wind so powerful it tears her apart.
“Dammit!” Kamoshida howls. “Even Suzui failed me! That little bitch!”
“She's not yours to toy with!” Ann cries.
“Shut up! Everyone is mine, to do with as I please!”
“We'll see about that,” Ren mutters.
Morgana rejoins them, and together they're able to keep Kamoshida's attention easily. They dart around him like mosquitoes, biting and snapping at him over and over again, annoying him incessantly. He lets out a series of incomprehensible groans, each more furious than the last. Come on, Ryuji, Ren thinks. We can't do this forever.
And just when he thinks nothing will happen, a slash comes out from the second floor.
A storm of lightning explodes down on Kamoshida's demon head, and then Captain Kidd sweeps down, Ryuji clutching to the mast of the ship. “Take this, ya bastard!” he yells, and his metal pipe connects bludgeons Kamoshida hard. The crown falls off and rolls down on the ground, turning back into the smaller version. Morgana snatches it up and clutches at it.
“Noooo!” Kamoshida screams, but he's already falling apart. His demon form melts down bit by bit as his flailing arms clutch at his disintegrating face.
“Let's end this!” Ren cries. He pulls out his dagger, and the others follow his lead in attacking Kamoshida with all they've got.
When it's all done, the demon is gone, and only the original Shadow Kamoshida remains. He looks up at them from his position on the floor, whimpering, and then jumps up and starts to run. It doesn't take him long to realize that there's nowhere to go. In his panicked delirium, he ends up at the balcony, looking down at the ground, hundred of feet below.
“What's wrong?” Ann says, coldly. “Not running away?”
“It... It's always been like this!” Kamoshida cries. “All those goddamn hyenas forcing their expectations on me! I'm doing this for them! What's wrong with demanding a reward for that!?”
“Is that your idea of a sob story?” Ryuji snarls. “You're just making shitty excuses.”
Kamoshida looks down at the ground.
“Right now,” Ann says, slowly, “you're seeing the same view that Shiho did. I'm sure she was scared too... except she had no choice but to jump. What about you? What will you do? Will you jump?”
She calls upon Carmen, and a storm of fire kicks up around them, more powerful than anything Ren's seen in the Metaverse so far.
“No, wait, please!” Kamoshida screams. “I beg you! Just forgive me!”
“Shut up! I bet everyone else pleaded with you! But you took everything from them, and you enjoyed it!” She tosses a fireball, and it strikes the ground just a few feet from Kamoshida, who shrieks out in terror. “Why should we just let you go!?”
Kamoshida stares for a moment. Then he collapses to his knees and sobs. “Fine... Finish me off. Kill me here, and my real self will go down, too...”
“That ain't what we came for...” Ryuji says.
But Ren sees the fury in Ann's eyes. He realizes then that there's a very good chance she'll just kill Kamoshida right here and now... and he wouldn't be able to blame her.
But instead she dismisses Carmen, and her cat mask reappears on her face. “If he dies, he can't admit his crimes.”
“You're very kind, Lady Ann...” Morgana says softly.
“This has nothing to do with kindness!” she shrieks. She steps towards Kamoshida and lashes her whip down hard. It snaps down next to him, missing by just an inch; deliberately, of course. “You're going to live, and you're going to pay for everything you've done.”
He chokes back a sob. “I've lost. When you lose, your life is done...”
“Shut up! You don't get to decide that! Get the hell up, and admit to what you've done!”
“I... Alright... I will leave now and return to my real self...” A bright white glow starts to envelop him slowly. “I'll make certain that I-”
Before he can finish his sentence, he disappears.
A shuddering echoes through the castle, and the ground starts to shake below them. “We don't have time to waste!” Morgana says. “This place is about to collapse!”
“Come on,” Ren says. “Grab the crown!”
“Got it!” Ryuji calls, holding it up. “Let's get the hell outta here!”
It's a narrow thing, in the end.
Ann nearly collapses when they finally break out of the Palace and end up back in the alleyway outside the school. “That sucked...” she moans.
Ryuji lets out a long groan, then straightens and pulls out his phone. “Hey! Look at the Nav!”
Ren takes out his own phone, and that little robotic voice says, “The destination has been deleted.” He raises an eyebrow. “So we did it?”
“What about the Treasure!?” Morgana cries.
Ryuji was the one holding the crown, so they look to him. He frowns, then feels at his other pocket and pulls out-
“Huh?” he sputters. “A medal?”
“Where'd the crown go?” Ann asks.
Morgana sighs. “This was the source of Kamoshida's desires. To him, this medal is worth as much as that crown we saw in the Palace. This is the root of his distortion.”
“An Olympic medal...” Ryuji mutters. “So that perv kept clingin' to his past glory and couldn't let it go...”
“So...” Ann manages. “This means Kamoshida's heart has been changed, right?”
Morgana hesitates. “...Probably.”
“Hey, we might get expelled!” Ryuji says.
“Calm down,” Ren cuts in, finally speaking. “We got the Treasure and destroyed the Palace... There's nothing more we can do.”
“You guys shouldn't be so down,” Morgana scolds. “Be happy! We completed this with great success, you know. I'm pretty sure it'll all work out.” He stretches out, arching his back high. “Remember how Kamoshida's Shadow said that he's returning to his self in reality? It seemed like he regained his conscience at the end. The weight of his crimes should force him to confess.”
“Alright...” Ann says, softly. “I'll... I'll trust in that.”
Ren looks up at the school and wonders. If it didn't work, our only recourse will be in the real world. But I can't let him escape. I can't let him get away with all of this. He's so much worse than that drunk guy...
There's nothing Ryuji, Ann, or Morgana can do in the real world. But his own life and reputation is already ruined. He can't help but wonder if going a little further would actually be that big of a deal.
Do you ever think back to another time?
Does it bring you so down that you thought you lost your mind?
Do you ever want to lead a long trail of destruction
And mow down any bullshit that confronts you?
Do you ever build up the small things in your head
To make one problem that adds up to nothing?
-Having a Blast, Green Day
Chapter 6: Social Suicide
(See the end of the chapter for notes.)
Chapter Text
The days go by at an agonizingly slow pace.
Ryuji starts running again, and Ren starts doing... things. She's never really sure with him. He'll just disappear at the end of class and show up again the next day. She wonders if he's just trying to enjoy the little bit of freedom he has, given the fact that he's on probation.
As for Ann... She visits Shiho, every day. The first day after they destroy the Palace is easy. She leans down and promises that Kamoshida will pay for everything he did. Then the second days comes, and it's a little harder, but still not so bad. Then the third day comes, and the fourth, and the fifth...
Kamoshida is nowhere to be seen that whole time. He's apparently put himself on leave, which Principal Kobayakawa granted without questions.
So the days drag on. Shiho gets no better or worse, Ren and Ryuji's expulsions inch ever-closer, and Kamoshida remains completely out of sight. Ann's nerves are blazing the whole time.
Then, on the morning of the second, the whole school gets called into the auditorium. Ann and Ren exchange a glance at one another as they leave. “Is this...?” she whispers to him.
“I dunno,” he says back.
She's antsy the whole time they wait for the principal to come in. Standing here with everyone else always makes Ann feel so out of place. Her hair, her eyes, even her posture mark her as a foreigner. Even though most of her blood is Japanese, you wouldn't know it. The fact that she speaks English with some fluency doesn't help. I'm a black sheep, she thinks, not for the first time.
Then again, Ren and Ryuji are no different. Maybe it's not so bad, being on the outside.
Finally, after what seems like an eternity, Kobayakawa waddles his way onto the stage and clears his throat. “Let's being this school-wide morning assembly. As you all know, a tragic event took place the other day. Thankfully, we have been informed that Suzui-san has pulled through, though it will take some time for her to recover.”
Wait... Did something change? Ann's heart lurches in her chest.
“Everyone here has a bright future ahead,” Kobayakawa continues. “I implore that you rethink the importance of life, and-”
The doors burst open.
Ann jumps, and everyone turns as one to look over. Kamoshida stands there, slumped over, his shoulders sagging down so his arms can hang limply by his sides. His head appears to weigh a ton, and his neck is unable to lift it. He gazes at the ground with dead eyes.
For a second, Ann feels fear. Did I...? Did his mind shut down?
“Kamoshida-san?” Kobayakawa stutters. “What are you...?”
“I... have been reborn.”
Ann's breath hitches.
“That is why I will confess everything to you all...” On heavy legs, Kamoshida makes his slow way to the stage and climbs up the stairs. From his position above them, his heavy head can meet their gaze. His eyes look different. Not hollow, not anymore. “I have repeatedly done things that were... unbecoming of a teacher. Verbally abusing students, physically harassing my team, and...” He draws in a tight breath and swallows. “Sexually assaulting female students.”
The whispering starts already, but Ann keeps her focus entirely on Kamoshida. He looks up slowly, closes his eyes, and manages to stumble out those damning words: “I am the reason why Shiho Suzui tried to kill herself!”
He falls to his knees and starts sobbing. “I thought of this school as my own... I thought of the students here as my slaves, to do with as I pleased... I... I am truly sorry for putting innocent youths through such horrible acts... I am an arrogant, shallow, and shameful person. No, I'm worse than that...” Finally, he slumps over and slams his head against the stage. “I will take responsibility and kill myself for it!”
The whole room erupts, but Ann doesn't hear any of it. She just feels that rage bubbling up again. For a second she doesn't even know why. She balls her hands into fists, and then screams. “Don't run, you bastard!”
He looks up. “...Huh?”
“Shiho is still alive even after all the things that made her want to die! You have no right to run from this!”
The two of them share eye contact for a second. It makes her want to puke, but she doesn't look away. She stares that evil in the face and doesn't falter.
“You're right...” Kamoshida manages. “You're absolutely right...” He straightens as much as he's able. “I should be punished under the law and atone for my crimes...” He sighs. “I did horrible things to Takamaki-san as well. In return for giving Suzui-san a position on the team, I... I... I tried to force her into having relations with me.”
So you finally admit you, you piece of shit.
“As of today,” he says, “I will resign from my position as an instructor and turn myself in. Someone, please call the police!”
It's all such a blur after that that no one notices her ditching afternoon classes.
Well, Ren probably noticed, but that's fine. He's not gonna tell on her. Despite the fact that she's only known him for a little bit, and despite all the weird rumors people keep spreading, she does trust him. Quite a lot, actually. He had no reason to help us. He could have stayed out of it. Kamoshida hurt me and Ryuji, and Shiho most of all... But Ren stuck his nose in that situation anyway, and did everything he could to end it...
She doesn't really understand him... but she wants to.
Still, for the moment she's got bigger concerns. She rushes to the hospital the second she's able to get out of school. At the lobby, a nurse recognizes her and calls over for her. “Takamaki-san, right?”
“Yeah. Did something happen...?”
“Yes.” The nurse smiles. “Suzui-san regained consciousness.”
Ann nearly doubles over right then. She breathes in deeply, and then releases a pent-up sob. She clutches at her chest and nearly falls to the ground. “Oh, thank god...”
The nurse places a gentle hand on her shoulder. “You can see her, if you like. She's been asking for you.”
“Y-yes. I want to see her!”
Just seeing her friend awake and alive again through the window is enough to make Ann experience a wealth of emotions she didn't even know were possible. The biggest among them, though, is relief. An unbelievable amount of pressure was just relieved from her.
She doesn't even say anything, even though Shiho tries to. Instead, Ann just throws herself down on the bed and hugs her tightly. “C-careful, Ann...” Shiho grunts, laughing a little. “I'm... a bit fragile.”
“S-sorry...” Ann stammers pulling away. She collapses down – thankfully into a chair – and clutches at Shiho's hand. “I'm... I'm so happy you're awake...”
“Yeah.” Shiho manages a smile. “I'm glad, too.”
“You... You scared the hell out of me!”
“I know. I'm so sorry, Ann...”
Ann shakes her head sharply. “Don't apologize. You... You didn't do anything wrong. That... That asshole. He's the one who's at fault.” She clutches even more tightly at Shiho's hands. “But... He's not a problem anymore. Shiho. It... It was a miracle.”
“Kamoshida confessed. He turned himself into the police. He's gone. He's gone and he's never going to come back.”
Shiho stares. “...Don't mess with me, Ann...”
“I'm not! I wouldn't joke about something like this! He... He's actually done, Shiho. You don't have to even think about him anymore.”
“I...” She looks away, then closes her eyes tightly. “It's a little too good to be true...”
“I'll tell you the whole story someday, I promise. But... You won't have to live your life around him anymore, Shiho. You... You can just be you again.”
Shiho swallows. “That's... easier said than done, to be honest.”
“I know.” Ann clutches at her. “But I'll be with you, every step of the way. I promise.”
She can hear Ryuji shouting before she even reaches the rooftop.
“Do you have to be so loud?” she scolds as she approaches their little group. Ryuji leans back in a seat while Ren sits casually on the ledge, and Morgana paws at the gold medal idly.
Ryuji grins. “Don't worry about it.” His face softens slightly. “So, uh... How'd it go? With Shiho, I mean...”
Ann can't help but beam. “She's regained consciousness!”
Both Ren and Ryuji sit up. “For real?” Ryuji says. “Kamoshida said she'd never recover... Guess that was another bit of bullshit, huh...? Real glad it was, though...”
Ann nods hastily and steadies herself on one of the desks. Come on, you can keep stable for a little longer. She's had the urge to cry ever since she left the hospital, but...
She swallows. “It was only for a little bit, but I got to talk to her! I was able to tell her that Kamoshida admitted to what he did!” She sighs softly and wipes a tear away. “Shiho, she... She told me she was sorry. Isn't that so stupid...? She... She apologized to me.” Ann shakes her head. “I was supposed to apologize to her.”
“You've got nothing to be sorry for,” Ren says. “Remember that. It's on Kamoshida. No one else.”
Ann manages a nod. “Shiho's mom is thinking of transferring her to another school after she recovers. This whole thing... People are going to label her after that. It sounds like Shiho had the same idea, too. It's... A clean slate, you know? A fresh start...”
Ryuji sighs and leans back. “Damn. It's gonna get lonely...”
“I think it's for the best,” Ann admits. “It would be hard for her if she stays here.”
“She's alive,” Ren points out. “You can see her anytime. It's... It's going to be okay.”
Ann smiles and nods. “You're right. But... I need to change, too. I need to be stronger... I refuse to let someone control me like that again.”
“You ain't the only one,” Ryuji says. He leans forward. “But... Why was Kamoshida the only one who had that Metaverse thing?”
“He isn't,” Morgana says. “It's something anyone could have if their heart became warped from their desires.” He gives them an eager look with his big blue eyes. “Wanna check it out?”
“Uh... Not right now.” Ryuji crosses his legs. “We better lay low for a while. People are still gonna be talkin' about Kamoshida.” He shrugs. “Then again, it's totally impossible for anyone to find out what we did at his Palace.”
Ann sighs. “Yeah, about that... Weird rumors about you guys are already going around. Stuff like, you got together and threatened Kamoshida with physical violence.”
“The hell!?”
Ren pushes up his glasses. “It's not entirely wrong.”
Ann can't help but laugh a bit, too. “People aren't going to be easily believe that phantom thieves really exist. The calling card's being treated like it was a prank by someone who knew what Kamoshida was doing.”
“Well...” Ryuji grumbles. “Whatever. I mean, we're the ones who did it, and I still don't completely believe it myself.”
“Let's just wait for things to settle down for now.”
Morgana paws the medal. “We should get rid of this. There's no reason to hold onto it.” He nods at Ren. “We did some checking, and it seems like we could get about thirty thousand yen for it.”
“Wait, that's it?” Ryuji says. “It's an Olympic medal!”
“It's hard to resell,” Ren points out. “We should take thirty thousand and be glad.”
Ann smirks at Ryuji. “Hey, remember that time in middle school? I lent you some money.”
“There's no way I borrowed thirty thousand yen from you!”
“Hm... Wouldn't it be around that much with compounded interest?”
“Interest, my ass!”
Morgana stretches. “You know, it would be nonsense not to celebrate a successful mission.”
That gets Ryuji's grin back. “I guess we could blow this dirty money on something fun.”
Ann considers that. “I think I have an idea.”
“Will you buy it or not?”
The manager looks at the gold medal with a critical eye. “We don't buy fake or stolen goods here, kid,” he says in his surly voice.
Ren frowns. “It's not fake.” He can't really say anything about the 'stolen' part.
The manager frowns. “Let me see it.”
So Ren takes it out of his bag and holds it out. When the manager tries to take it, he snaps his wrist back. “Look with your eyes, not your hands.”
The manager scoffs, but does as he's told. After a moment of inspection, he hums lowly. “I'm just... not gonna ask where you got this. How's thirty thousand yen sound for it?”
“Not enough.”
“Hmph. You and I both know you ain't finding another buyer for that thing. Just take the 30k.”
Ren decides not to push his luck too far in one day. “Fine.”
The manager nods. “Pleasure doin' business with you.” He hands over the thirty thousand yen and shoves the gold medal down below the desk in a safe place. Then he looks up at the clock and frowns. “It's almost time...”
“Here.” The manager reaches under the counter and grabs a paper bag, which he shoves into Ren's arms. “Take this with you. It's a thanks for sellin' me that medal.” He grinds his teeth together. “But, uh... Best not to open it. Just bring it with you next time you come back here.”
“Uh... Sure.”
“Glad you're so quick to understand.”
Just then, the door opens and two men in suits step in. Instantly, Ren finds himself reminded of the investigators in his own case, all those months ago. He frowns and looks away.
They ignore him. “Munehisa Iwai, correct? There are some matters we'd like to discuss with you today.”
The manager nods at him, so Ren turns and walks away from the counter... but he doesn't leave the store. Instead, he tries to look like he's browsing.
The two men continue to ignore him. “Do you know why we're here?”
“I dunno, lookin' for evidence? You tell me, Detective.”
“Watch your attitude!”
The manager remains undeterred. “Well, you guys gonna search me? Go on, do what you gotta do.” He flashes a smile. “An upstandin' citizen's supposed to cooperate with the cops, right?”
One of the detectives hesitates. “Hey, are you sure that lead was legitimate?” he mutters to the other one.
“I... could've sworn it was...”
“Can you two hurry it up?” the manager says, casually. “I got a business to run here.”
One of the detectives stares him down, then turns away and catches his first glimpse of Ren. “Hey, you!” He thrusts a finger out. “What's in that bag!? Show me!”
“Hey,” the manager says, snapping his fingers. “You can search me or the store, but you ain't gonna harass my clientele. The kid's just a customer. You can check the tapes if that'll convince you.”
I can't let them see footage of me with the gold medal. It would raise so many questions, none of which he would have good answers for. “What I purchase with my money,” Ren says, carefully, “is none of your business.”
The manager seems to let out a little breathy laugh, but the vulgar detective shouts, “I said show it to me!”
“Hey,” the other detective says, “you're talking to a kid, remember? Besides, he's not the one we're here to see. If that lead were legitimate, you might have blown it by snapping like that.”
“That's right, Detective,” the manager says, coolly. “Maybe next time try not harassin' my customers, see how that goes.” Without missing a beat, he nods up at Ren. “Safe trip home, kid.”
“Thanks,” Ren says back. “I'll come back after my next paycheck.”
“Hm. You do that.”
Almost as soon as he gets back into the alleyway, Morgana pops out of his bag. “Jeez, what was going on in there? You handled that really well...”
“I... know cops.”
“Hey, aren't you curious about what's in that bag?” Morgana paws at Ren's face idly. “Come on, let's open it up! I wanna see!”
Ren sighs and unfolds the top, revealing-
“A real gun!?” Morgana cries. Then, a second later, “Wait... I think it's just a model. It's incredible though! Miles ahead of the one Ryuji had.”
“It is really impressive...” Ren has to admit.
“Well... We'll deal with that later. Let's get back home before the chief gets mad.”
[Group Chat: TAKE THAT KAMOSHIDA (party time!)]
Panther: hey!
Panther: did you guys sell the medal?
Joker: yup
Joker: 30k yen
Skull: dude awesome!
Skull: buffet here we come!
Panther: hey was that medal even real? when did it get inside his palace?
Joker: no. it was a fake.
Skull: huh???? youre telling me kamoshida still has the real one!?
Panther: who cares? What matters is that we changed his heart
Panther: and anyway, if we took the real thing that'd be stealing!
Joker: and we all know thieves never steal things
Panther: shh
Panther: besides, I don't think he'll be proud of that medal anymore anyways.
Skull: you let go of stuff pretty easy
Skull: wanna forget about my debt?
Panther: that's different!
Panther: five hundred yen is a lot of money for a middle schooler, you know
Panther: do you even still have that dolphin?
Joker: dolphin?
Skull: stop digging that up!
Panther: back in middle school we went on a field trip to the aquarium
Panther: but ryuji had to spend all his money on a souvenir, so I lent him some money for the train fare
Skull: I said I was sorry...
Skull: it was for my mom...
Panther: well I guess in that case I can call it even
Skull: thank you
Joker: hey uh
Joker: who changed the name of the group chat?
Panther: I did!
Panther: we beat kamoshida!
Panther: I thought it might give us some closure
Skull: hey I aint against it
Joker: neither am I.
Joker: we'll party hard
Panther: sounds good leader!
He turns off his phone when the announcement for the Yongen-Jaya station comes on. It's evening already, which might get him chewed out by Sakura-san, but being out late is nothing compared to what everyone thinks Ren does with his time. It probably doesn't matter.
There's a customer in the café when he returns. A woman in an elegant suit, sitting at the counter and nursing a cup of coffee while listening intently to the TV. “The cause of the runaway-train incident in the subway the other day still has not been found,” the newscaster announces. “Police are hurrying to solve the matter as it may relate to the rise in psychotic breakdown incidents.”
“Hm,” Sakura-san grunts. “Is that the thing everyone's been talking about?”
“Doesn't it make you curious?” the woman says. Her voice is stern and refined, sharp and commanding. “People living normal lives suddenly went mad or deranged out of the blue. Not to mention that it's happening one after another. Could they really be coincidental?”
“Hm.” Only then does Sakura-san notice Ren. “You're late.”
The woman raises an eyebrow, turning to face him. “Are you a part-timer? I'm surprised this place can afford one.”
“Uh, well...” Ren says. “Not exactly.”
“Are you a high school student?” the woman continues, ignoring Sakura-san. “Where do you attend?”
“Shujin Academy.”
“Oh. My sister attends there as well. I've heard that things are rough right now. A teacher named Kamoshida confessed his crimes like he was a completely different person, supposedly. It just... happened. Can a person's mental state change so easily?”
She stares into her cup for a moment, then slides the payment across the counter and leaves without another word.
He's literally never eaten this well in his life.
The buffet is endless, the portions are huge, and man, the quality is outta this world. He takes another bite and moans. “Oh man... So good...”
“Of course it's good!” Ann declares, tearing into yet another piece of cake. “This is a famous hotel, after all.” She takes another bite, then hums. “Oh yeah, I heard that the police are coming to interview some people at school.”
Morgana sighs. “That's troublesome.”
“Our names will come up for sure,” Ryuji grumbles. “People're spreadin' all sorts of rumors about us and Kamoshida...”
Ren shrugs, slipping a little chunk of fish down to Morgana. “I'm not worried.”
“Dude, could you be any more relaxed!?”
“They have no way to link us to what happened. It's not like Kamoshida can point the finger. Besides, there are people on our side.” He pulls out his phone and shows them the display. “Look at this.”
Ann raises an eyebrow. “The Phantom Aficionado website?”
Ren smirks. “It's a forum for our supporters. Listen to some of these comments. 'Well done, Phantom Thieves.' 'Now I can keep going too.' 'Thank you for giving us hope.'”
“Dude!” Ryuji exclaims. “That's sick!”
“Keep your voice down!” Morgana hisses.
“Hey! You gotta keep your head down! Cats ain't allowed in this place!”
Morgana grumbles, but lowers himself into Ren's bag. “I am not a cat!” he insists as he disappears into the folds.
“Still, though...” Ann says. “I was just desperate to deal with my own problems. Seeing people say all this feels... strange.”
“Yeah, I guess...” Ryuji sighs, then nods to Ren. “What now?”
Ren checks his phone. “We've only got fifty minutes left.”
“Oh, shit!” Ryuji jumps to his feet, just as Ann does the same. “Look after our stuff, Ren-Ren! We'll snag somethin' for you guys too, don't worry!”
He doesn't have enough hands for everything he wants to eat, sadly, and he has no idea what to get for Ren and Morgana, so he just ends up shoveling a bunch of stuff on a plate. He throws it in front of them the second he gets back to the table and tears into the meat.
“S-seriously...?” Morgana manages. “You only got meat?”
“Okay...” Ann says, seriously. “Where should I start?”
“...And she's all about the cake.” The cat shakes his head. “What did you get for us?”
Ryuji shrugs. “I didn't really know what you'd want. So I just grabbed you some beans.”
Ann nods excitedly. “There were some pretty bizarre things there too, so we got you a variety of those. Fried bananas, preserved eggs, and... some kind of beans.”
“M-more beans!?” Morgana sniffs at the pile and recoils. “This is just plain grotesque.”
Ren shrugs. “Are you scared?”
“Huh!? Scared!?”
“I get it. If you're not manly enough to tackle this, I can do it on my own.”
“Hey! Don't you dare! I'll have you know I'm the manliest one here! I'm way more manly than Ryuji!”
Ryuji coughs, choking on his food. “You take that back, cat!”
“Make me!”
“Fine! I'll eat from the gross pile, too!”
That's how two teenagers and a cat ended up vomiting in a hotel toilet.
“Ugh...” Morgana groans as they wait for the elevator. “That sucked...”
“Some of it wasn't so bad,” Ren says.
“Dude, shut up,” Ryuji mutters. He stumbles over and slams his hand on the elevator's call button. “Oh man, I'm not gonna eat for days. I swear I'm-”
Before he can finish, he suddenly gets shoved aside. He stumbles a few feet, completely disoriented and nearly falling to the ground. When he blinks, he sees the five guys in suits have stepped up to the elevators. The one in the center of the group wears a pair of glasses Ryuji can only describe as douchey. “There's still no update on the case?” he says lowly.
“Not yet,” one of his cronies says. “Excuse me, but why are you so involved? It's not something you should be concerned with...”
“I don't care about your opinion, you incompetent buffoon! When I say pick up the pace, you do it!”
“Hey!” Ryuji says, loud enough to cut through the chatter. “You're cuttin' in line! We were here first!”
One of the cronies frowns at him. “What do you want?”
Ren steps forward. “You shoved my friend. Apologize to him.”
“Hmph. We're in a hurry.”
Ryuji grinds his teeth. “Oh, so you can butt in front of other people if you're in a hurry?”
Douchebag-glasses scoffs. “It seems the customer base has changed since I was here last. Have they started a day care?”
“What was that!?”
The elevator opens, and Ryuji takes a step towards it, intending to take his rightful place there, only to get shoved back again. The five men enter before he can recover himself, and the elevator doors close.
“The hell was with those guys!?” Ryuji growls.
When he turns, Ren is holding his head in his hands. His eyes are closed, and he's balling his hands into fists. He shakes his head, then releases his fists. His hands are trembling.
“H-hey...?” Ryuji says. “What's wrong?”
“I...” Ren swallows hard, then shakes his head and lets out a long breath. “I was just a bit lightheaded. From throwing up. You know.”
“You sure? You're not looking so hot.”
Ren forces a smirk. “And here I thought I was the prettiest one here.”
Morgana sighs. “It's probably because he never eats well. I'm always stuck with canned cat food, too. We'll just have to take it easy.”
“Alright,” Ryuji says, though he's not entirely convinced. He looks towards the elevators and kicks sat the ground. “Ugh, that 'sir' bullshit really makes me sick...”
“What took you so long!?”
Ryuji raises an eyebrow when Ann hisses at them. “Why're you all pissy?”
She looks like she might scream again, and then all her anger seems to leave her entirely. “Sorry... I had a run-in with some woman a second ago. She bumped into me, but she said it was all my fault when she dropped her plate...”
“Sounds like a real bitch...” Ryuji grumbles as he takes his seat.
“Yeah...” Ann pokes absently at her empty plate with her fork. “The restaurant workers all looked at me with this disapproving expression... I wonder if we're out of place here...”
Ren takes his seat and looks away. “It's always like this.”
“The three of us. The four of us, really. There's nowhere we can go where we won't feel out of place.”
Ryuji stares for a second. Not for the first time, he reflects on how unfair Ren's situation is. He just stepped in to do the right damn thing. He did what anyone shoulda done. But he got punished for it. Any sane person would've just given up then and there. They woulda decided fightin' for justice ain't worth it. But Ren kept going. He fought Kamoshida. He stood right there with us, and fought like hell with all he had...
To hear that guy say he doesn't feel like he belongs... Well, for the first time, Ryuji thinks he disagrees with Ren. I didn't belong for the longest damn time, and neither did Ann, and obviously Ren didn't, but...
He leans forward. “Hey, Morgana. Anyone can have a Palace, yeah?”
“Anyone with a strong, distorted desire,” Morgana confirms.
“And the same goes for them having a change of heart if their Treasure gets stolen?”
“Uh, where are you going with this?” Ann prods.
Ryuji sighs. “I've been thinking. There's all these selfish shitheads who look down on everyone else, who push others around so they can get their own damn way. I guess...” He shrugs. “I was just wonderin' if we'd be able to change those kindsa people too.”
Both Ren and Ann look up at him in surprise. “Wait, are you saying you want to continue as the Phantom Thieves?” Ann gasps.
“Look, we put a lot of work into changin' Kamoshida's heart, but hardly anyone gives a shit. And... Those guys who had no choice but to just deal with it are thankin' us. Us, of all people!”
“There are lots of victims,” Ren admits.
“Y-yeah...” Ann says, softly. “If we ignore people who are in trouble... I'd just go back to being the same as I was before...”
“Exactly,” Ryuji says. “Look, I ain't gonna try and strong-arm you guys into this, but... Think about it. I...” He frowns and looks away. “We got this power. I don't think I can stop with just Kamoshida.”
Silence falls over them.
“I'm with you.”
Ryuji lurches a bit when Ren says this. “You are?”
Ren nods. “Yeah.” He looks down, and Ryuji can just barely make out his fist below the table, clenched so tightly the veins are popping out. “I can't stop now.”
“I... I agree,” Ann says.
Morgana pops out of the bag again. “You guys are under my tutelage. With my guidance, there's nothing we can't accomplish as phantom thieves!”
“That means we'll have to fight Shadows again though, right?” Ann asks.
“Yup,” Morgana says. “That can't be avoided.”
“Eh, we'll manage,” Ryuji says, casually. He can't help but laugh. “Alright, it's settled! We're gonna catch all these shitty adults by surprise, and make ourselves known to the world!”
Ann leans forward, looking towards Ren. “Are you okay being our leader?”
Ren pushes his glasses up his nose bridge and grins. “Leave it to me.”
“Heh, no objections here,” Ryuji says. “I can't handle all that responsibility stuff. But I'll be your right-hand man! You can count on me!”
Ren nods. “Always.”
Morgana chuckles. “Looks like we're in this for the long haul. Well, I think we'll do great!” He paws at Ren's side. “For now, though... We still have a little longer left before we have to leave! I want sushi! Sushi!”
Right now, well, it's finally time to face my fears
Gonna get the hell outta here
And create a fresher atmosphere
But the consequence is clearThere's a furnace set on high
And a yearning undefined
But it's time to turn the tide
It's social suicide-Social Suicide, Bad Religion
Chapter 7: Interlude I - Dream the Dead
(See the end of the chapter for notes.)
Chapter Text
(November 2016)
She wonders, for a moment, if she's actually going insane.
“Another world in which people's distorted cognitions take shape?” she repeats. “Stealing treasure to change hearts? And on top of all of that, a... talking cat told you all this?”
Amamiya rubs his temples and closes his eyes for a bit longer than a standard blink. “Believe what you will,” he says.
Sae studies him. He's dazed, bruised, and dejected. Despite that, his story isn't one she disbelieves entirely. If he wanted to lie, why would he create such a convoluted story? The best lies are anchored on truths. She's learned that through her years in the SIU. Criminals lie all the time, but they don't make up fantasy worlds, not unless they're actually mad.
So why doesn't Amamiya seem mad? Why does he seem collected, despite everything that's happened to him tonight? She doesn't like it.
A moment passes, and then she sighs. “Honestly speaking, that all sounds absurd. It's hard to believe that this is even worth listening to. Still... It can't be considered nonsense when parts of it align with Kamoshida's confession. And it all lines up with the testimonies of the officers who arrested you.”
He says nothing.
She shakes her head. “So be it. At any rate, you mentioned something more important. These two other accomplices, besides this talking cat thing that appeared in your story. From what you've said, they're students at the same school, aren't they?”
Once again, Amamiya says nothing.
“Very well. Let's leave it at that.” You won't outlast me, Amamiya. If you think your determination can match mine, then go ahead and try it. “The questioning is not over, anyway. If you are making this up, the cracks in your story will prove it.” She slides her binder over and opens it. “The next to receive a calling card was this individual. A master of the Japanese arts: Ichiryusai Madarame. It's even more incomprehensible than Kamoshida as to why this man was targeted. Where did you come to know him? How did you learn of his crimes when you weren't a victim of them?”
Amamiya frowns. “You think we only acted in self-interest?”
Sae scoffs. “Of course you did. All criminals act only in their own interests. There must have been some connection between you and Madarame.” A moment of silence passes, so she leans forward. “You may think yourselves bulletproof, but you are nothing more than a child. You had contacts, contacts who will talk. And information will pour in soon enough.” She leans back in her seat, giving off the impression of immense confidence. “After all... I doubt very much that I was the only one who started investigating the Phantom Thieves in May.”
(May 2016)
He smiles to himself as the train pulls into Yasoinaba Station.
It's been almost an entire year since he was last home. After the P-1 Grand Prix, he'd joined the Shadow Operatives, and that required him to move to Iwatodai. Over the past year, he's mostly been trying to locate Sho Minazuki, to no avail. The guy pretty much seems to have disappeared entirely.
For now, that case is being put on ice. According to Mitsuru, there are bigger concerns. After all, around this time last year the Velvet Room disappeared entirely. That in itself is suspicious and terrifying enough to put them all on edge.
Yu doesn't allow that to worry him right now. He's got people to see.
Despite the fact that he's a twenty one year-old man now, and an elite member of a secret organization at that, Yu always feels a bit like a kid when he walks into Inaba. The town hasn't changed all that much since 2012 if he's being honest. The small businesses have done a good job of finding their place in a post-Junes world, though, so that's something. If the big corporation and the family-owned stores can coexist, that's not such a bad thing.
Normally he would take his time walking back home, but today is an unnaturally hot day, and he's still wearing a full three piece suit. He could really stand to change out of this. How the hell did Adachi walk around in that black suit jacket all the time? Maybe that was what drove him to do what he did. Who knows.
The Dojima household hasn't changed all that much, either... although there seems to be a new garden started. Ever since the tragedy that happened in 2011, Dojima and Yu had both allowed the garden to die. Now it's started up again, though with flowers in place of vegetables. They look nice, though Yu doesn't know what sorts they are. Hanakotoba isn't his specialty.
He walks up to the door and hesitates for a second before knocking. A moment passes, and he wonders if anyone heard him. Then the door opens, and his uncle smiles. “Hey, Yu. Long time, no see.”
“Hey, Uncle.” Yu embraces Dojima tight, then pulls away and smiles. “Sorry it's been so long.”
“Hell, I know you're busy.”
Yu takes a moment to look over his uncle. Three years changed him a little bit. He's not quite so tense as he was back then. For a time, it seemed as though the loss of his daughter would destroy him entirely. Yu wouldn't have been able to blame him if it did. To tell the truth, the same thing nearly happened to him. Three years later... Well, it would be a massive exaggeration to say that Dojima looked well, but he at least didn't look terrible anymore.
Dojima rubs his neck. “Well, you should get outta that heat. Besides, there's someone else who wants to see you.”
He doesn't have to ask who. The second Yu walks into the living room he gets tackled by her. “You're back!” Rise cries, and he chuckles as he lifts her off her feet and spins her around in a little circle. She giggles, then stumbles a little when he puts her down. “I missed you so much...”
“I missed you, too,” he tells her. Phone calls are something, but they aren't the same as seeing someone face-to-face. Besides, there were long stretches when he would be offline entirely, unable to talk to her in any capacity. He knew there would be sacrifices to be made with the Shadow Operatives, of course... But knowing something mentally and experiencing it directly are two different things.
He kisses her gently on the lips, and that single action breaks down the invisible barrier dividing them, the barrier that always seems to grow between separated lovers. There's a hint of desperation to her reciprocation, and that doesn't surprise him. Rise has always been needy, in an adorable sort of way. She's not going to pin him down and tear off his clothes in front of his uncle, at least. She is capable of restraint.
“I'm guessing the garden was your doing?” he asks her, once they split.
“Yeah. I... I dunno, things were so grey here, and I wanted to bring a little life into it... Especially after... You know.”
Yu sighs and nods. Rise isn't just staying with Dojima because Yu was coming back, after all. In 2015, her debut solo album launched. The title was a bad English pun: Rise to the Occasion, but the tracks were quite solid, at least in Yu's completely uninformed opinion. His knowledge of music is as shallow as a puddle, after all, but he would often listen to the album on long flights, and was especially fond of Pursuing My True Self and Heartbeat, Heartbreak. Kotone's instrumentation and Rise's vocals worked wonders together, at least in his mind.
The music industry apparently didn't agree. Despite the fact that a former idol releasing her own solo music should have been huge news, no one seemed to really care. The record labels buried it, and the press never even interviewed Rise once. There were some underground magazines and websites that approached her, but those interviews saw almost no traffic.
Yu blamed it on the petty idol industry, but Rise took it harder. She'd reluctantly and dejectedly retreated from the spotlight, and accepted Dojima's offer to stay with her until she got back on her feet. Despite her cheery smiles, that look of sadness in her eyes never really went away. Yu just wishes there was something he could do about it.
She shakes her head and seems to throw away the uncertainty for a moment. “You need to get changed! Everyone's gonna be here soon!”
“Alright. What should I make?”
“Pfft.” Dojima approaches them from the doorway and scoffs. “You're not cooking. I ordered sushi. It seemed right for the occasion.”
Admittedly, that's the best outcome. Yu really didn't want to cook, and no one else here is capable of doing it in his place. He nods and heads up to his old room to change.
Rise's living in this room now, but she doesn't seem to have changed much about it, if anything at all. It smells better now, like various perfumes and candles. Multiple scents blend together until Yu really can't tell one from another, but it's not unpleasant.
He changes into regular lounging clothes, figuring he won't be leaving the house again today. He's drained from the long train ride, after all. Before he could head to Inaba, he had to make a brief stop in Iwatodai to report on his progress. It was a short meeting, all in all. As much as Mitsuru wants to know what happened to Minazuki, she cares far more about the situation in Tokyo right now. Yu can't really blame her for that. What happened to Igor? Is there a new wild card? But Kotone was still able to access the Velvet Room when I awakened...
He shakes his head. It's not his mission. Not yet, anyway. It's possible he'll be called in. He keeps his secure work phone nearby, just in case.
He returns downstairs soon after, and takes a seat on the couch. Rise plops down next to him, and Dojima leans against the kitchen table. “The others will be here soon, and the sushi will get delivered after that,” he says. “So, what do you want to do while you're here?”
“Mostly I just want to relax,” he admits. It's been a long time on the road. “I want to see everyone. I'd like to go to the Amagi Inn and take a dip in the hot springs.”
“Ooh,” Rise coos, nudging him. “You think they'll let us share?”
“They usually split up guys and girls.”
“Hey, Yukiko and Chie might make an exception for us!”
Dojima chuckles. “You guys really shouldn't flirt in front of me, you know.” He shakes his head, smiling fondly. “Inaba's quiet again, ever since you got rid of the fog. You'll get plenty of rest here.”
“Good.” Yu frowns, then sighs. “I need to visit the shrine, too.”
“...Yeah. I'll go with you. It's... been a little while.”
Yu hasn't been in Inaba much since moving in 2012, but every time he's visited he's made sure to pay his respects at Nanako's grave. He refuses to forget anything that happened back then. My greatest failure. There's a part of him that wants to vow never to let something like that happen again, but Kotone warned him against that. He wonders which method is worse: moving on and being happy after losing someone important, or throwing away everything and living in misery.
He doesn't know. He probably never will.
There's a knock at the door before he can think any more on that.
“There they are,” Dojima says, smiling. He pushes himself off the table and walks over to the door.
Instantly, there's a burst of life in this old house. That unanimous cry of, “Yu!” that echoes through the room swells his heart in a way he feels rather rarely. His friends pour in, a great heap of people all rushing over to him. Chie's hair has grown out a little bit, and she's wearing more elegant clothes than before, while Yukiko looks even more mature than she did before. Kanji's looking bigger, but also more refined in his own way. Naoto stands by his side and smiles easily. She's no longer disguising herself as a man at all, and for that Yu is extremely proud of her.
Teddie shoves past everyone and embraces Yu tightly, though thankfully without his bear suit on. “Sensei!” he cries. “You're finally back!”
“Hey, everyone,” Yu says, chuckling. He frowns. “Where's Yosuke?”
“He is traveling for work,” Naoto says. “But he should return before you leave.”
Yu nods at her. She's the only one of them he's really seen recently. Of all the old members of the Investigation Team, only two ended up joining the Shadow Operatives. Naoto did soon after completing her investigation on Mitsuru, deciding that assisting the Operatives would be of more use than assisting the police. Teddie was the other one; he is a unique being, after all, and is of great help to the Shadow Operatives... At least, he became of great use once Aigis could be convinced not to kill him for being a Shadow.
“It's been too long,” Yukiko says.
“I'll say.” Chie looks him over. “Jeez, you clean up nicely. Here I thought you'd still look like a bum.”
“Hey!” Rise protests.
The sushi arrives pretty soon afterwards, so everyone sits around the table and chats and eats like old times. Yu asks what everyone's been doing, and that gets him a bunch of different responses. “I been helpin' Ma out with expanding the shop,” Kanji says. “My stuffed animals've been real popular. Got a brand and everything.”
“The Inn is doing very well,” Yukiko reports. “Chie's been a great help, actually!”
Chie laughs nervously. “Uh, yeah...” She leans over to Yu and uses the cover of everyone else talking to say privately, “I have no idea what I'm doing. I'm just winging it.”
He chuckles. “We're all winging it. But there's always a place for you with the Shadow Operatives, if you want it. That offer's still on the table.”
“Yeah... I've thought about it, I gotta be honest. It's just...” Chie hesitates. “Well, Yukiko doesn't want to, not yet. Her parents are traveling, and she doesn't want to abandon the inn, and... And I really don't want to join up without her, y'know?”
“Yeah.” Joining the Shadow Operatives while Rise worked on her music wasn't great, either, admittedly. Being away from the one you love so often is never easy. Though at least I don't have it as bad as Takeba-san...
“I guess nothing's changed for you, huh?” Chie asks.
Yu shakes his head. “Not really, no.” Immediately after he declared his intention to stray from the path his parents planned for him, they'd disowned him. He hasn't spoken to them in three years now. Honestly, it's probably the best relationship he's had with them so far. His mom and Dojima were never close, despite being siblings, so the whole event didn't really change anything important for Yu.
He's not particularly distressed by any of it. His focus is on the Shadow Operatives.
Teddie's project is an exciting one. “We're trying to figure out how to use the TV world for transportation,” he reports, in between enormous mouthfuls of sushi. “Mit-chan figures if entering at different points will put you in a different part of the world, we could put all sorts of different TVs in places we need to access.”
“That could save time,” Yu admits. Then again, he likes riding trains. He's not sure he wants that process to be changed. “Any progress?”
“It's hard... But at least we have a guide!”
“Ooh, Fuu-chan is very helpful! But I meant Blobby!”
Yu can't help but chuckle. Kotone's pet Shadow has been an honorary Shadow Operative ever since 2012. Whether he counts as a double-agent or not is something none of them are really able to determine, to be honest. Shadows themselves aren't the enemy, after all. Theirs is a complex and amorphous enemy.
Regardless, Yu owes Blobby a debt of his own. He was the one who pulled him out of Izanami's grasp all those years ago, after all.
Once all the food is gone, Naoto looks to Yu and says, softly, “We will need to join a meeting tonight, virtually. Kirijo-san called for it today.”
“What?” Yu frowns. “I just left Iwatodai. Why didn't she talk to me there?”
“She wants to talk to all of the Shadow Operatives at once. Today was the first day she could get them together.” Naoto hesitates and makes sure the others aren't listening. “There's been a development.”
That can't be good. The question of the Velvet Room's disappearance is the only thing he can imagine would be big enough to require a meeting of this scale. But what sort of news will it be?
That evening, he takes his room for himself and prepares for the meeting.
Lots of Japan's computers are ancient, and the same was true for the Shadow Operatives until recently. Thanks to Fuuka Yamagishi moving back to Iwatodai and taking on full-time work, the technological side of the operations has been completely revolutionized. The laptop Yu carries for work is so fast he can't even take a moment to think while it loads. He kind of hates that, to be honest.
He connects to the meeting a little late, thanks to not knowing what Dojima's wi-fi password was. Everyone else is already present. A whole array of greetings come to him, and his eyes briefly scan over the participants. Of the original Shadow Operatives, the former members of SEES: Mitsuru Kirijo, Akihiko Sanada, Fuuka Yamagishi, Kotone Yuki, and Aigis. Of his own Investigation Team: himself, Naoto Shirogane, and Teddie.
Yu raises an eyebrow. “Where's Labrys?”
Aigis fields the question. “My sister is currently taking over your search for Minazuki, Yu-san.”
“She's pretty much got free rein on that mission,” Kotone puts in with a vague shrug. By the looks of it, she's sitting on her bed in her private quarters at the Shadow Operatives HQ. “Well, she's not allowed to kill him, but that's pretty much it.”
“Labrys is not the subject of this meeting,” Mitsuru says. Even after knowing her for three years, Yu still finds himself shivering a bit when she speaks. The Ice Queen, some people call her, and Yu understands why. Those red eyes blaze with frost, and her voice can chill just about anyone. Some people seem immune to her. Sanada, for the most part, is unshakable around her. And Kotone... Well, Kotone can't be broken by anyone, at least as far as Yu can tell.
“What is the subject?” he asks.
Mitsuru sighs. “You have all seen the reports on Tokyo, yes?”
“Yeah,” Yu says. “There's all these weird incidents. Mental shutdowns. That's what the media's calling them, at least.”
“They were getting common around when I left Tokyo,” Fuuka says, softly. “And that scientist who worked for the Kirijo Group...”
“Wakaba Isshiki,” Mitsuru says. “She committed suicide. At least, that's the official story. There are countless reasons to suspect foul play. She was researching Shadows, but we have no access to her findings.”
“Wait,” Akihiko says, “you don't know what she was doing?”
“It is not my policy to peer over the shoulders of our researchers,” Mitsuru explains. “I am aware that her research involved cognition. However, her data was wiped when she died. We have no way to find out more about her work, or why she might have been targeted. After all, there are dozens of scientists employed by the Kirijo Group and the Shadow Operatives.”
Yu remains silent. He knew Wakaba Isshiki, however briefly. Eccentric, erratic, and odd in many ways, but a genuinely kind woman, and a brilliant scientist, too. He remembers a time when he served as he bodyguard, and she would show him pictures of her daughter when she found a moment to step away from her work. She always seemed so loving, so kind...
There's no chance she committed suicide, he thinks, not for the first time. There's no way in hell a woman that devoted to her daughter would not only take her own life, but in front of the daughter she loved so much. There's just no way. She was murdered. I just don't know how. By the time she died, he'd been reassigned to the Sho Minazuki case. If Wakaba had any guards at all, he wasn't one of them.
But he saw the suicide note, and he could tell it was fake. Ever since he threw the Myriad Truths at Izanami, he's been able to see through lies, and that note had been a bold-faced lie.
“The others are protected better now,” Fuuka puts in. “And I've compiled reports on their research. I've also created several backup servers, all on secure networks. They are stored in server farms owned by the Kirijo Group in various parts of the country, and the data will routinely be dumped onto secured solid state drives. We'll have backups of backups of backups from now on.”
“Alas, it is too late,” Mitsuru grumbles. “Whoever our enemy is, they clearly had interest in Isshiki's work in particular.” She raises a hand before anyone can say anything. “Yes, you heard me right. We have an enemy. A human, this time, no doubt. Or else a god masquerading as a human, as Izanami did previously. They are in Tokyo, and they do not want the Shadow Operatives to locate them there.”
“In addition,” Aigis says, “Fuuka-san's reports indicate there is a Shadow nest in Tokyo.”
Fuuka nods. “A big one, too. Bigger than Tartarus, even.”
Yu sighs. “So that means there's probably going to be a new wild card. And a new journey. Doesn't that mean we need to stay out of it?”
“I mean, normally, yeah,” Kotone says. “But... The Velvet Room is gone. No change on your end, right, Yu?”
“So you, me, and Aigis have all lost access to the Velvet Room. None of us have heard from our attendants, or from Igor. They're all just gone.”
“And that means our one link to the world of the gods is gone,” Mitsuru says wearily. “We are on our own now, and we must act quickly. Therefore, I think it is necessary to send someone into Tokyo.”
Naoto leans forward towards her camera. “Is Yukari Takeba not in Tokyo?”
“She is, but she is not a full-time member of the Shadow Operatives. She is part of the auxiliary team. I do not think it is logical to give this mission to her.” Mitsuru sighs softly once more. “As it would be best for a wild card to go, I think this is a mission for Kotone.”
Kotone chuckles. “It's always me, huh?”
“I would be pleased to go in Kotone-san's place,” Aigis says.
“I could go, too,” Yu says.
Mitsuru shakes her head. “Aigis, you have changed considerably in the past six years, but you still require regular maintenance, and sending you out on your own remains an unfeasible idea. As for you, Narukami, I believe you have matters in your personal life to attend to, yes?”
Well... She's not wrong. He's been away for a full year. Abandoning Rise and Dojima again doesn't sit well with him. The summer is always rough on Dojima, since it's the time when a kid really should be having the time of her life. Nanako should be a middle schooler now, dealing with first crushes and acne. She shouldn't be gone. But she is.
Yu nods slowly. “Yeah. It should be Kotone.”
Kotone shrugs. “Well, I don't mind. Besides, I can let you guys know if I need any help.”
“Don't worry, Koto-chan!” Teddie cries. “If you're in danger, Teddie will come running!”
“Teddie, what did we discuss? Only Junpei can call me Koto-chan.”
“I-I'm sorry!”
Yu chuckles to himself. The only one who's ever managed to whip Teddie into shape is Kotone, and that figures. SEES were the lucky ones there; Koromaru is far better behaved than Teddie.
Mitsuru sighs yet again. “That's all for now. I will see about arranging for Kotone to head to Tokyo. The rest of you will continue with your assignments. Be ready, though. Keep your phones ready at all times. It is entirely possible that we will need to mobilize on very short notice.”
That night, as Yu lies under a very exhausted Rise, he considers the uncertainty of the world just now. It's odd; he'd lived sixteen years of his life without the Velvet Room, but now that it's gone he feels as though the anchor has shot out of the ocean.
The last time he heard from Margaret was in 2014, two entire years ago. It was apparently similar for Kotone and Theodore. And Igor...
He buries his face in Rise's hair, and tries not to let the worries consume him.
(May 2016)
She doesn't sleep well, and wakes up a bit cranky the next day.
Training with Akihiko helps a bit, thankfully. She's really grown to understand why he loves it so much over the past few years – there's no better anti-depressant than working out.
Still, it isn't enough today. So she pulls out her phone near sunset and sends a text.
[Direct Message: Iori Junpei]
XXII: yo
Ace Detective: yo, koto-chan! wassup???
XXII: you busy tonight?
Ace Detective: nah dont think so
Ace Detective: I can check with chidorita
Ace Detective: why?
XXII: wanna get ramen?
Ace Detective: have i ever said no to that?
Even six years after the fall of Nyx, the best ramen in Iwatodai is still at Hagakure. It's funny how some things change and others stay the same.
Junpei is a good example of that. When he comes through the door and waves to her, grinning, Kotone wonders if Kenji or Kaz would recognize him now. Sure, he's still the same height, the same build, the same general look... But he's ditched that cap he always wore, and he's grown out a full beard. His clothes are sort of business casual, a middle ground between lounge wear and proper attire.
It's not like Kotone hasn't changed, though. She's twenty-three, now, after all. Her hair is a bit longer and a bit darker, though she keeps her pins in the same XXII formation she's always had. Smiles don't come quite as easily to her face as they used to. It sometimes feels like she's not entirely present in her own mind, and she wonders about that. Did the Velvet Room take a part of her soul with it when it left? Was Theo carrying some of her? Why would he abandon her, then? Surely he wouldn't wish her any harm...
But harm isn't something that can be avoided, not for wild cards. Elizabeth wanted nothing more than to protect her guest, and yet Makoto died at the end of his journey. Margaret did all she could to guide Yu, but he lost his little sister anyway, not to mention Marie.
Some of the shimmer in her red eyes is gone, she's noticed. The last time Kotone looked in the mirror, she'd realized how dead her face looks. It's like something's sapping away her fleeting happiness, little as it was.
Junpei plops down next to her at the counter and leans over awkwardly to hug her from the side. “Been way too long, Koto-chan!”
“Yeah... Things've been busy.”
“Somethin' going on?”
“Yeah. Tokyo.”
“Oh.” Even the auxiliary members know about the situation in Tokyo. It's really hard to ignore, after all. “Did things change?”
Kotone nods wearily. “On May second, a high school gym teacher suddenly confessed to a whole bunch of crimes. Things you wouldn't even want to think about. Shortly before that, someone left a calling card at the school. It promised that his heart would be stolen. It was signed by 'the Phantom Thieves.'”
“Huh? What?”
“Mitsuru thinks it has something to do with Shadows. A Shadow is part of a person, feelings they bury or ignore. So what if changing someone's heart has something to do with their Shadow?” She sighs and shakes her head. “And those mental shutdowns... Mitsuru's been wondering about those, too. The Investigation Team discovered what happens if you accept your own Shadow – it becomes a Persona – but what happens if you kill a Shadow? What would happen to the person it belonged to?”
“...Shit, I dunno.”
“Yeah, you wouldn't. None of us do.” She runs a hand through her hair and rubs at her temples. She's been having headaches lately, too. “I'm heading to Tokyo as soon as Mitsuru can come up with a good pretext for it. She's trying to find me a job. I need to be in the center of it, so I can keep an eye out.”
“Like in 2011? You gonna be lookin' for the new wild card?”
“Sort of... Maybe? I don't know. The Velvet Room is still gone, Junpei.” She swallows hard, and her hands start trembling. God, do I not have any control over my own body anymore? “You have no idea how weird it is for the Velvet Room to be gone, Junpei... It's so integral to every wild card.”
“Yeah. Yeah, I bet.” Junpei reaches a hand over and touches her gently on the shoulder. Thanks to modern medicine, her old bruises are gone, though some signs remain etched into her skin. Still, she's not entirely comfortable with touch.
Junpei is different, though. He's always been different.
“It's somethin' else, too, though, right?” he prods. “C'mon, you can tell me. What's bugging you?”
Kotone closes her eyes. “Honestly... I've been thinking about Makoto a lot lately.”
“Yeah. I don't really know why. He's just... been on my mind all the time. I keep wondering... I know I couldn't have taken his place, and I'm not saying I regret anything, really, but... I sometimes just wonder if he could have handled this better. If I were gone and he was still here...”
“C'mon, Koto... You know-”
“I do, I know. I promise, Junpei, I'm not having... those kinds of thoughts again. I just... I dunno, maybe I thought six years would be enough for me to feel a bit better about the whole thing. To reach acceptance, or whatever. But... I dunno, if anything I feel worse...”
For a long time, he stays silent. She can't blame him for that. What the hell do you say in this situation? Makoto would have known. He always knew how to cheer me up. Yukari even started getting kinda good at it, until Makoto died. Maybe I'm just destined to be a miserable person, forever and ever... Whenever she thinks something like that, though, she can only think back to Makoto's parting message, the one that talked about how her potential was greater than his, and pleaded with her to spread her wings. But how the hell do I do that without you, Mako?
“H-hey,” Junpei says, a little nervously. “I know it ain't advice or anything, but... I do have some really good news, if you wanted to hear it. Might cheer you up?”
Kotone manages a small smile. “Alright. What is it?”
“Don't tell anyone yet, okay?” He leans in close and says, “Chidori's pregnant.”
Her eyes go wide. “Wait, seriously?”
“Yup. Two months along, actually.”
“Holy shit, Junpei, that's fantastic!” She practically leaps off her seat to embrace him. “Man, you're gonna be a father!”
She pulls away. “You okay?”
“Yeah, just nervous.” He shrugs. “That really surprising? I mean... I'm gonna be a dad. And...” He sighs, shaking his head. “I don't really have a good model for that, to tell the truth.”
“Mm. Well, just don't do what your dad did, and you'll probably be fine.” She nudges him on the shoulder playfully. “C'mon, Junpei. Of all the people in our little group, I think you're actually best suited for parenthood. You're patient and reliable, you're upbeat and relaxed, and you're completely capable of doing what needs to be done.” She shrugs, smiling for the first time in literal weeks. “Besides, you were terrified of being a husband, too. Chidori hasn't had any complaints, right?”
“Nah. I know it ain't logical to be nervous, I just am. Don't think anything's gonna cure that till the baby's here, y'know.”
“Yeah. Yeah, I get that. Well, I mean, I don't, but I do. You know?”
Junpei snorts. “Sure, I'll pretend that makes sense.” He grins at her. “You better come back from Tokyo in one piece, ya hear me? 'Cuz I'll be damned if I'm gonna raise this kid without my best friend around.”
She salutes. “Don't worry, Auntie Koko will be ready for duty when the time comes.”
“Pfft. Alright. I'm countin' on you.”
“Well, I won't let you down. But Chidori won't, either. How's she doing?”
Junpei laughs. “Eh, you know how she is. She's still drawing and painting all the time. It's still abstract, but I think I kinda get it, now. Like, I'll look at what she's working on and know, 'Oh, she's upset.' Or, 'Hey, she's feeling good today.' She's never been much of a talker, so that helps.”
“Hm. She doing okay with the whole 'being pregnant' thing?”
“She's still real early on, so y'know how it is. But she's excited and nervous, too, just like me. It's been showing up in her paintings. Honestly, I think it's some of her best work.”
That'll be something to see. Chidori made a name for herself by doing the illustrations for Akinari's book, and she hasn't slowed down since. Her art hangs in museums now, and she makes pretty decent money off her paintings. It's a way better life than the one she had with Strega.
“Well, she'll be a great mom, too,” Kotone assures him. It's been almost seven years since Junpei and Chidori met at the station in Iwatodai. They've both changed so much, and for the better. It's honestly really nice to see. Looking at them reminds Kotone of what Makoto died for.
“Okay,” she breathes. “The bad news and and the good news are both outta the way... Whaddaya say we get something to eat before they kick us out of here?”
(May 2016)
She's completely drained and out of breath by the time the shoot comes to a close. Hardly any dialogue today, but a huge action sequence that required an almost absurd amount of effort, time, and coordination. Hard as hell to work on, but it'll look amazing on the screen.
Yukari finally (finally) gets to remove her helmet and drink some water. “That's a wrap for today,” calls out the director, Tetsuya Ishimoto. He's directing most of the episodes for this season, so Yukari's made a point to be on good terms with him. Bad terms with the director means miserable shoots and a long season. Fortunately, Ishimoto-san is a really easy person to get along with.
He calls out to her as she's making her way back to her dressing room. “Great work today, Takeba-san!” he says. He's a young man, only about five years older than Yukari, and he's got the clean, youthful good looks of a man ten years younger. Smiles come easily to his face, and there's always a bit of brightness in his eyes.
The first time they talked one-on-one, he'd been so friendly Yukari had wondered if he was hitting on her. Some part of her had wondered whether she would have minded, if things hadn't been the way they were. After all, he's easy to get along with, easy to talk to, supportive, good-looking, kind... The list of good points goes on. Maybe getting hit on by a guy like him isn't so bad.
It doesn't matter, though. Things aren't different. Her heart still belongs to Makoto.
She smiles lightly, though, and bows. “Thank you, Ishimoto-san.”
“Oh, don't do that. We're very casual here. Just call me Tetsuya.”
“Are you sure?”
“Of course! I like to be familiar with my actors. In fact, I'm taking some of the others out for drinks tonight. Would you like to join us? It's on me.”
There's a small part of her that's tempted. Keeping everyone at arm's length is an old coping mechanism, and not a healthy one, but she has trouble forcing herself to socialize.
So she just shakes her head politely and says, “I'm sorry, I've got plans tonight. Maybe some other time.”
“Alright. I'll invite you next time. Have a good night, Takeba-san.”
She's half-asleep in the car on the way home. She used to just rely on public transportation, no matter where she was, but becoming a star – no matter how minor of one – makes trains difficult. Being trapped in an enclosed space with people who might or might not know her and might or might not understand the concept of boundaries gave her anxiety. Driving is easier, although more expensive.
Not that she lacks for money. She's no megastar or anything, but she makes more than enough to pay the bills and put food on the table. That's all she really cares about. She still goes in for fashion sometimes, but...
I don't care how good I look. The only person whose opinion mattered about that is gone.
She gets back to her apartment and tosses her bag on the counter, then plops down on the couch hard. She's completely exhausted. She leans her head back on the fabric and reflects, yet again, that it absolutely sucks to have a job like this and not have someone to come home to.
Slouching over, she glances down at the picture on her coffee table. It's the one from the summer festival, in 2009. You never have to look far to see Makoto in here. The pictures are everywhere. It's stupid. She's aware of that. It's completely stupid and unhealthy and irrational and a thousand other things. A therapist would probably have some very stern things to say upon seeing this. It doesn't really matter, though. A part of her died when he did, and that's not going to change. Holding onto his memory is at least a method to keep him close, even if it's not her preferred one.
She's considering ordering some kind of takeout and going to bed early when her phone goes off. She lurches a little bit when she sees the caller ID. “Kotone?” she says upon answering.
“Hey, Yukari.”
“Hey! It's been ages! How're you doing?”
“I've been better.”
She sounds more tired than I do. “Did something happen?”
Kotone lets out a breath that clips in the microphone. “Not to me, if that's why you're concerned. It's just...” A brief moment of hesitation. “Look, Yukari, Tokyo is really dangerous right now, and-”
Yukari lets out an exaggerated groan. “I've already had this talk with Mitsuru. I'll be fine. If you're gonna try and convince me to move-”
“No no, that's not it. Kinda the opposite, actually.”
“I'm calling to see if you'd be okay with having me live with you. Probably for half a year, or more. It'd be starting in about a month.”
Yukari really didn't expect this. It's not unwelcome, though. “Yeah! Yeah, that'd be fine. I've got two bedrooms. I can get a bed in here soon, and you can stay here as long as you like.”
“Alright. Great. Thanks. Uh, just so you know, I might be... Well, baiting danger. The whole city is dangerous right now, but you'll probably be okay. Once I'm there, though... I'll be diving right into the hornet's nest. If you'd rather not deal with that...”
“It's fine, Kotone. I've dealt with danger before. Plus, it's been way too long since I've seen you. I think it was Junpei's wedding, right?”
“Yeah. It's been too long.” There's another brief pause, and when Kotone speaks again Yukari swears she can hear the smile on her face. “Thanks again, Yukari. I dunno how long it'll be. Mitsuru's trying to find me a job there. I'll need a false identity, too. If you're cool with it, I'll use your last name. We can be like, cousins or sisters or something.”
“Okay! Whatever works. Just let me know.”
“Thanks. Seriously. We need all the help we can get.”
“Was that all? Sorry, I don't want to make you think you're tying me up, but it's been a really long day, and I could really use some rest...”
“Well...” Kotone hesitates. “Sorry, Yukari, I just... I gotta ask. Um... Have you been, well... Thinking about Makoto a lot lately?”
Yukari flinches. “I think about him all the time.”
“But, like... More than usual, lately?”
“I don't know.” How could I possibly think about him more than I already do?
“Sorry, stupid question. Thanks again, Yukari.”
Before she can protest, the line goes dead.
We will remember
The sorrow in the swan song
Now laid to rest
The poison's sweet
But nothing lasts forever-Dream the Dead, Caligula's Horse
Chapter 8: The Lost Souls
(See the end of the chapter for notes.)
Chapter Text
“Man...” Ryuji groans. “None of these posts are any good. Everyone's just bitchin' about their parents or their boyfriends. There ain't even a hint of a hint about a new Palace...”
Ren doesn't bother looking at the site himself. He's scrolled through it endlessly already, and determined that there's nothing of particular note on there. The Phansite – conceptually – is a good place to look for targets, but in practice it's just like Ryuji said: useless.
Ann sighs. “We can't get everything online. Finding a post with a name and a location is asking a lot...”
“Guess we gotta just find one ourselves then!”
Morgana licks his paws. “Are you seriously suggesting we look for a target that even the police have overlooked?”
“...Yeah, you're right. We should prolly just hold off till exams are done with, huh?” Ryuji shakes his head dejectedly. “We can wait and see for a little longer, then worry about comin' up empty-handed if it happens. But man, I just didn't-”
Suddenly, Morgana leaps up behind a vent. The doors open, and the three of them look up as a girl in a third-year outfit walks up to them calmly. Her hair is trimmed short and her gait is stern and confident. She approaches them, and places her hands on her hips. “This place is off-limits, you know.”
Ryuji leans forward. “We'll get outta here once we're done chattin'. So what's Miss Council President want with plebs like us?”
Ren raises an eyebrow but says nothing.
She brushes her hair back. “The troublemaker, the center of gossip, and the infamous transfer student... Quite an interesting combination.”
Ann scoffs. “Great way to start a conversation...”
“What is it you want?” Ren asks, keeping his voice level. It's remarkably easy, honestly.
Her red eyes meet with his, and there's a brief moment of contest between the two; a dare shared between them. Without words, the threat hangs in the air: I won't blink first.
She gives a tiny forced smile. “It seems as though you got to know Kamoshida-sensei pretty well.”
“Really?” Ren says. “I wasn't here long enough before he left, I'd say.”
“Regardless, you did interact with him.”
“Anyone who attends this school would have interacted with him,” Ann snaps, pushing herself up. “He was everywhere.”
The council president ignores her, retaining her focus on Ren. “I heard Kamoshida-sensei used a volleyball team member to spread details of your past record. Don't you hate him? Kamoshida-sensei, I mean.”
“That's enough,” Ryuji says, coldly. He pushes himself to his feet and looks at the council president with a brash determination. “Everyone with a brain hates that son of a bitch. You heard all that shit he confessed to.” He slaps a hand down on Ren's shoulder. “And you better not be makin' assumptions about Ren. My friend here's an upstanding guy.”
Ren stares, opens his mouth, and finds no words.
The council president sighs. “I don't mean to offend. Many students have been shaken up by what happened with Kamoshida-sensei.”
“Enough with the sensei,” Ann snarls.
“Call him what you want. The incident has caused a stir. The rumors of that odd calling card posting aren't going away either.” She shakes her head. “At least try to understand my position. Being forced to deal with this horseplay...”
“Horseplay?” Ann repeats. “After everything that happened, you're just gonna call it horseplay!?”
“Oh, one last thing. It's been decided that the roof will be closed off due to the incident.” Her red eyes scan over the three of them. “I heard some people were coming up here without permission, after all.”
“Classic thinking,” Ren says. “They won't do anything to stop teachers from driving students to suicide, they'll just block access to the roof.”
Those eyes turn back to him yet again, and there's that cold threat once more. Still, Ren doesn't falter. It's the council president who looks away. “I'm sorry to have interrupted you,” she says, softly.
Without another word, she turns and walks away.
Morgana hops down onto the desks again. “She's on to us.”
“Huh?” Ryuji sputters.
“She seems rather sharp. Who is she?”
“Makoto Niijima,” Ann answers. “She's the student council president.”
Ryuji nods. “A complete suck-up, too. Real bootlicker, y'know?”
Ren sighs. He knows the type. The clerks and the duty officers and the grunts who know that everything is messed up and corrupt, but do nothing to stop any of it. The sort that get oppressed on a daily basis, and yet thank their superiors and beg for more. He almost has more contempt for them than the actual villains. At least the villains are getting something out of their evil. The cronies create a world in which even they suffer.
“Well, it doesn't matter,” Morgana says. “You should keep your heads down for the moment anyway. And that actually reminds me. You all should make sure you study. Phantom thieves need brains as well as brawn, after all!”
“Yeah...” Ann mutters. “I guess it won't be so bad if we look at it like training...”
“Ugh,” Ryuji groans. “Man, I was all hyped up to help people, not to study...”
Morgana chuckles. “Well, I do have something interesting to show you beforehand. You guys did originally promise to help me out with my mission, after all.”
“Huh? Mission?”
“Just follow me.”
He leads them all the way to the station and perches on a wall near the stairs. “What're you bringin' us here for?” Ryuji grumbles, plopping down on the ground.
“Just do as I say. Pull up that website.”
“Alright, I've got the Phantom Aficionado Website up. Now what?”
“Look for a post with a full name in it.”
Ryuji sighs. “I already said there's no info on any big shots, remember?” Still, he scrolls through the list. “Man, people actually go posting people's real names on here. That's some scary shit...”
“'He won't listen to what I say,'” Ann reads. “No wait, there's no name on this one.”
“This one does. 'Someone's bad-mouthing me in online chat rooms.'”
Morgana shakes his head. “Ignore those. Aren't there any posts about more serious trouble?”
“What about this one?” Ann leans closer and shows her phone to the rest of them. “'I don't know what to do about my ex who's stalking me. His name is Natsuhiko Nakanohara.'”
Ren raises an eyebrow. “It says he's a teller at City Hall.”
“A government worker's stalkin' someone?” Ryuji says. “Damn...”
“That should be a suitable target,” Morgana tells them. “Alright, get the Meta-Nav ready.”
“Heh, we're just gonna jump right into a Palace? Fine by me!”
Ann waves her hands. “Hey, wait, shouldn't we talk about this?” She hesitates, then looks up. “Ren, what do you think?”
Ren shrugs. “He's stalking her. That's not exactly reputable behavior.”
“But... It's not exactly Kamoshida level, right?”
“That doesn't matter for this,” Morgana assures them. “Just trust me.”
Ann bites her lip, then nods. “Okay then. Let's go.”
“We still need a place, though, right?” Ryuji says. “And a keyword.”
“Actually, we don't need a location this time. Just enter exactly what I say. The keyword is 'Mementos.'”
Ryuji gives the cat a searching look. “Huh? What're you trying to pull? Mementos?”
“Location found.”
“Whoa! We got a hit!?”
Before Ryuji can even stand, Ren feels that familiar oddness he always felt when he activated the Nav. He blinks, and the feeling leaves him. He, Ryuji, and Ann all stand together in the station still, but the people are all gone. They stand alone here, completely on their own.
“Everyone disappeared...” Ann gasps.
Ryuji looks to Morgana. “Is this that Nakanohara guy's Palace?”
The cat smirks. “That's half right, but half wrong. This is a type of Palace, but it's different from the normal ones.” He turns towards the stairs. “Come on, let's head down. The Shadows here lurk underground. I don't quite understand why myself. It may be because they're drawn to something.” He hops down and scurries down the steps. Ren shrugs and follows him.
It gets weird fast. The terrain changes from stale and familiar to odd and otherworldly. Creeping red vines inch in through the walls, and the lights all turn red around them. By the time they get down to the underground landing, their clothes flash, and they stand in their Phantom Thief attire. Morgana goes from cat to... whatever the thing he is in the Metaverse would be called.
“What is this place...?” Ryuji mutters.
“Mementos,” Morgana answers.
“But what's Mementos!?” Ann demands.
Morgana chuckles. “Well, to put it simply, Mementos is everyone's Palace.” He hops up onto the escalator rail and puts his paws on his hips dramatically. “A Palace as grand as the previous castle only forms when a person's wishes are extremely distorted. But minor distortions are common. So, instead of many individual Palaces, the general public has one gigantic shared Palace.” He waves a paw down the escalators. “That's where we are now... Mementos.”
Ann shifts. “Now that you mention it, this place feels a bit different from Kamoshida's Palace...”
“Wait, so...” Ryuji rubs at his neck awkwardly. “Everyone's put together here? Even though they're complete strangers?”
“Everyone shares some things,” Ren mutters.
“Exactly!” Morgana agrees. “Think of it as the collective unconscious.” He hesitates. “Or, well... Never mind. You wouldn't understand that.”
“Can it, cat!”
Ren approaches the escalators. They lead even further down, into murky darkness that his eyes cannot pierce. “So...” he says. “With this place, we can change the hearts of people who don't have Palaces?”
“Correct! The steps to do so are slightly different, though.”
Ryuji steps up next to Ren and frowns. “This place looks huge... Are we gonna be able to get around just by walkin'?”
Morgana bounces forward. “It seems the time has finally come...”
Ann raises an eyebrow. “...For what?”
Morgana thrusts a paw in the air dramatically. “Morganaaaaa... Transform!”
He leaps into the air, and there's a puff of smoke. When he lands, it's not in the original form. Instead, he falls as a big black bus, complete with cat ears and huge blue headlights. “Come now, Panther,” he says. “Ladies first.”
“This is so 'effin weird...” Ryuji mutters.
Ren... can't really disagree. He's driving a bus, which itself is the transformed version of his talking cat. He wonders if maybe he lost his mind from the trauma or something. Well, it probably doesn't matter... much.
The environment is disturbing enough in its own right. It's the subway, plainly, but the tunnels are illuminated by bleak red lights, and strange black debris seems to blow in wind that isn't there. The whole thing just feels off, in a way that Ren has never experienced before.
“So where's Nakanohara?” Ann asks, sounding a little put-off herself.
“Most likely in a segment of his own creation,” Morgana tells them. It was weird enough to have a cat talking to him, but now he's got a cat-car talking to him. “Don't worry. It won't be the size of a Palace.”
“But how do we find it?” Ren prods.
“We'll just have to look around.”
Ryuji groans. “So we just have to wander? Man, this is gonna be a pain in the ass...”
“And be careful! There's Shadows around.”
And there are. Weird, amorphous blobs walk around aimlessly, their malformed bodies lurching and lunging in strange ways. The collective unconscious, Ren thinks. Is this what humanity looks like?
His aimless driving eventually brings them to an odd doorway. It's got that weird Metaverse red-and-black wavy effect. “Distortions,” Morgana confirms. “Nakanohara must be through here. Are you guys ready?”
“Hell yeah!” Ryuji declares. “Let's do this!”
Morgana transforms into a cat again, and the four of them shove their way through the distortions. There's a momentary haze, like existing in a fog. Ren's mind swims with the feeling of it, and he can feel a bunch of foreign emotions. Jealousy and hate are prime amongst them. He's a stalker. That makes sense.
They make it through to the other side, and find a long hallway that ends in more of those red vines. “Hey,” Ryuji says. “There's something there...”
It's a man in a suit, by the looks of it. “Nakanohara,” Ren guesses.
“His Shadow,” Morgana confirms.
Ann sighs. “Well... He may not be as evil as Kamoshida, but we should do something about him if he's bothering other people.”
The Shadow notices them then. “Who are you!?” it spits.
“We are the Phantom Thieves,” Ren declares. “And we're here to steal your heart.”
“You're that stalker, right?” Ann calls. “Haven't you ever stopped to consider how your ex feels?”
Nakanohara's Shadow snarls. “She's my property! I can do whatever I want with her!” He stomps his foot down hard, grinding his teeth together. “It's not like she didn't treat me like a plaything! What's wrong with me doing the same!?”
“You can't treat someone like shit just 'cuz they did it to you!” Ryuji shouts. “What a load of crap...” He steps forward and reaches up towards his mask. “We're gonna change the hearts of all the bastards like you!”
“There are millions of people way worse than me! What about Madarame!? He stole everything from me, but you're letting him off the hook!?”
“Huh? Madarame?” Ryuji stares for a second, then shakes his head. “Ah, screw it. Captain Kidd!”
Lighting strikes down hard on the Shadow, and it falls to its knees. Almost instantly, it shakes its head and clasps its hands together. “I-I'm sorry... Please forgive me...”
“Huh?” Ann gasps. “Is it tricking us?”
“Nope,” Morgana says with a grin. “Shadows are suppressed parts of humanity. Someone like Kamoshida, who convinces himself that what he's doing is fine, will resist a change of heart. But Nakanohara... It looks like he was aware that what he was doing was wrong. It's pretty easy to change the heart of someone like that.”
Nakanohara sighs. “I... I couldn't stop obsessing. N-not after this person I trusted used me and then disposed of me.”
Ren scowls. “Still blaming others.”
“Hey,” Ann says. “You don't have to be so hard on him.”
“That guy you mentioned,” Ryuji says. “What's his name? Madarame? Who's that?”
Nakanohara sighs. “I was afraid of being thrown away again, like some worthless thing.”
Ann shakes her head sadly. “So some selfish bastard was making you suffer, too... It just keeps going, up and up and up...” She sighs, and then looks up at him again. “Still, you shouldn't have dragged an unrelated woman into your mess. Don't take out your anger on people who did nothing wrong.”
“Yes... I know that, now. I'll put an end to my love for her...” He hesitates, and then takes a step forward towards Ren. “Hey... You can change people's hearts, right? Please... Change Madarame's heart. Before more people fall victim to him...”
“Who is Madarame?” Ren asks.
Before the Shadow can answer, though, it dissolves into blue light. What remains is a little orb. “That's the bud of a Treasure,” Morgana says, hopping up on Ren's shoulder. “Had we left it be, it very well may have blossomed into a Palace.”
Ren steps forward and grasps it. It melts in his hand, glows a brighter blue, and then disappears. “So it's done, then?” he asks. “Nakanohara had a change of heart?”
“Most likely.”
Ann shifts on her feet. “But how do we know if we succeeded?”
Ryuji shrugs. “Well, that lady posted the dude's name online. If he really does change, she'll prolly comment again.” He grins, all his uneasiness apparently forgotten in a moment. “Either way, trainin' against Shadows down here's the best! It's great prep for our next target!”
“Still, though...” Ann looks away uncertainly. “I know what Nakanohara was doing was wrong, but... Did we really need to change his heart? It just seems... messed up, right?”
“He was a scumbag!”
“Was he? Or was he just someone who got screwed with and got a little warped?” Ann sighs, then faces them again. “I don't know. It just feels... wrong to do something this drastic to someone like that.”
There's a brief silence. Ren takes the moment to consider her point. My instinct is to fight injustice, but... We can't just police the world. This sort of power can be abused incredibly easily.
“Okay,” he says softly. “How about this... From now on, we only move against targets if we all unanimously agree to do it. If there's even one holdout, we don't attack.”
“But-” Ryuji tries to protest.
“No,” Morgana says, interrupting him. “I think Joker's got a point. We could get carried away really easily. If we implement this rule, it'll prevent us from acting too hastily.”
Ann nods. “Yeah. I agree.”
Ryuji frowns, but nods. “Alright. Yeah, I'm with you guys. But we gotta make those votes quickly, 'kay? I ain't standin' back while scumbags hurt people.”
“Agreed,” Ren says.
She grabs Ren by the hand once they leave Mementos.
He faces her and raises an eyebrow. “Something up?”
“I, uh... Do you wanna hang out for a bit? I kinda wanted your help with something.”
For a moment, she's worried he might say no. They hold eye contact for a long while, his dark eyes piercing through her bright ones. Morgana stares at the two of them from his perch in Ren's bag.
Then Ren shrugs. “Sure.”
“Thanks! Oh, and, uh...” She chuckles nervously. “Sorry, Morgana, but could we have some privacy?”
“W-what...?” he gasps. Then he sighs and says, “Alright. I'll just...”
Before he can decide on a place to go, Ryuji grins and says, “Eh, leave 'em to their thing. C'mon, cat, I'll show you the best beef bowls in town!”
“I am not a cat!” Morgana hesitates. “...But beef bowls do sound good.”
He hops onto Ryuji's shoulders, and the two of them head off. Ann can't help but giggle a little. It's all so silly, all so whimsical and out there, and she just can't fight her smiles lately. Despite how dark everything was, she feels so good now. It's like the world brightened overnight.
And so much of that light comes from Ren. It's so odd... He's a dark person at first glance. Black hair, grey eyes hidden behind those huge glasses... he even tends to wear dark clothes. Yet he's one of the brightest people she's ever had the pleasure of knowing. His good will and determination are unlike anything she's seen before.
“Ann?” he prods, and she blinks as she realizes that she's just been standing here stupidly. “What was it you wanted help with?”
“Oh! Well, how about we head to Inokashira Park? Have you been there yet?”
“Nope. I'm still pretty new.”
“Oh, well then I can be the first to take you there!” She laughs a little, just a bit nervous. She pulls out her phone. “It's not too far. I know you probably have a curfew because of... Well, your situation.”
Ren nods. “Yeah. Sakura-san won't be happy if I'm late.”
She raises an eyebrow. “San, huh? It's kinda weird to hear you refer to someone like that. So... respectfully.”
“Well,” he says, “respect is earned. Sakura-san didn't have to take me in. He did anyway.”
“That makes sense.” Ann smiles. “You know, I like that. Japan's pretty focused on respect still, but... Well, I never really understood why we should respect people just because. Like, just 'cause someone's older than me doesn't mean they're a good person.”
“Often the opposite,” Ren says.
She laughs. “Yeah, that's true...” She blinks. “Jeez, I keep getting distracted! Let's get going, before it gets too late!”
Inokashira Park is nice and relaxed, like always. They find a nice little spot by the river, and Ren leans up against the fence. Ann puts her bag on the ground and stretches out her limbs. Leaving the Metaverse always makes her tired, but it's not so bad today. They weren't in there for too long, after all.
“So what did you need help with?” Ren asks.
“Well, I was just thinking... Persona is strength of heart, right? So, if we strengthen our hearts, we'll also strengthen our Personas! And that means we'll be way more powerful. So I've been trying to think of a way to train our hearts, and I think I've got it.”
“How's that?”
“Simple! Having a strong heart means you don't let anything get under your skin. So basically, I want you to say stuff to me, and I'll try not to get fazed by it!”
Ren raises an eyebrow. “That's your training...?”
Ann pumps her fist. “We've already started! I won't let that hesitation shake me!” She grins at him. “C'mon, hit me with your best shot!”
Ren considers that for a moment, then sighs. “You're an airhead.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah! And?”
“That response was annoying.”
“Uh-huh, uh-huh. What else?”
He stands, pushes his glasses up, and looks her in the eyes. “I love you.”
Her knees go a bit weak, and she stumbles. “H-huh!?” Blood rushes up to her face, and she feels light-headed. “That's cheating! Anyone would get thrown by that! You're disqualified!” She blinks, and steadies herself. “Wait... Is this how the game is supposed to go?”
Ren gives her his Joker smirk. “Actually, it seems like I won.”
“Urgh... Fine. Oh, well. On to round two! Bring it on!”
The smirk fades. “This isn't going to work.”
Ann sighs out her disappointment. “Yeah... Something's not right... I guess... It only really works if you mean the things you're saying.” Ugh, how stupid is she? This whole thing...
Her phone vibrates before she can berate herself any more. It's just an email, and she almost dismisses it before realizing that it's from her agency. She skims through it and sighs. “Jeez... My next shoot is really far away. And...” She frowns. “Huh. Apparently a bunch of models haven't been showing up to shoots recently.” She puts her phone away and looks at Ren again. “It sounds like shoots have been really hectic with all the scrambling they've had to do for substitutes.”
“Has it happened to you?”
“Oh, no, not yet. It must be rough for the crew when they have to work with a sub, though...” She smiles slightly. “You know, my first ever shoot was as a sub. That was back when I was still in Finland. My parents didn't have enough models for their event.”
“Your parents?”
“Oh, right, I haven't told you! My parents are both fashion designers who put on some seriously extravagant shows. They jump from country to country, so I only really see them for, like, half the year.” She hesitates and shifts on her feet. “Maybe less these days, actually.”
Ren cocks his head. “Are you lonely?”
Ann shrugs. “Not really. I'm used to it by now. It was definitely rough when I was little, though... It was just me and our live-in caretaker. I didn't really have any friends...” For a moment, she's lost in her own thoughts... and in his eyes. She blinks. “Wow, that got dark fast! Ahaha...” She rubs at her neck awkwardly. “What about you? What are your parents like?”
Instantly, his face darkens. Something appears in his eyes... It's not anger, not really, but it's anger-adjacent for sure. He breaks eye contact and looks out towards the river. “I'd rather not talk about them.”
“O-oh... Sorry.” Ann swallows. “Well... That doesn't matter! We've got the Phantom Thieves now, and that's way more important! Thievery is way thicker than blood!”
That darkness leaves him, and Ren chuckles. “Right.”
“And that's why we need to get stronger! Although maybe this isn't the best way to do it...” She bites at her lip, then looks up at him again. “Hey, did you ever wonder why my outfit in the Metaverse is the way it is?”
“...Yeah,” he admits, a little awkwardly.
“Well... When I was little, I used to watch this anime where the main villain was this female thief. She'd lose to the hero every time, but I always thought she was cool. She wasn't really a 'good' person, I guess, but... She was beautiful, strong, sincere, and sexy. She always said whatever she wanted, did whatever she wanted... She knew what justice was for her. I wanted to grow up to be just like her.”
“But then... Kamoshida happened,” Ren says.
“Yeah. Kamoshida happened. He took away my voice... he took away my looks. I didn't want to be sexy for him. It felt like this part of me existed only for his sake, and I hated that...” She meets his gaze again and beams. “So that's why my Metaverse outfit is like that! I won't let any part of me belong to someone else again! I'm going to be my own person, all the way to the bone!”
Ren smiles. “Good. Fuck Kamoshida.”
Ann can't help but giggle. “Right.”
“See!?” he says, through a mouthful of meat. “Ain't this the best?”
“Don't talk with your mouth full,” Morgana scolds. Then he darts out of Ryuji's bag and grabs a piece for himself, gnawing at it until he swallows it happily. “Ooh... That's so delicious...”
“Mmmm... Why is this just as good as the buffet!?”
Ryuji can't help but laugh. “Sometimes the cheap shit's even better, y'know.” He scoffs. “Those big bastards sit in their ivory towers. They ain't even know what things are like down here.”
Morgana gives him a look. There's a moment of silence, and it seems like nothing exists but the cat's bright blue eyes. “Hey, Ryuji...?” he says, finally. “Why are you doing this?”
“Doin' what?”
“The Phantom Thieves... Why be part of this?”
He shrugs. “I mean, I said it all at the hotel, right? There's loads of shitty adults out there. I'm sick of it. I'm sick of keeping my head down and doin' nothing about it.” He looks down and scowls. “You know, I actually convinced myself it was my own fault. Everything that happened. With Kamoshida, I mean. Then Ren came along, and he told me to fight back, and...” Ryuji manages a grin, weak though it may be. “I'm not watchin' anymore. I'm fighting back. And it feels damn good.”
“Fighting back...”
“What about you? I mean, you've got your whole thing in Mementos, I guess, but... Why help us with this? It ain't got anything to do with you, right?”
“I-I... I just need good pawns!”
“Pfft. Whatever. You got a horse in this race, too, buddy. You ain't gotta tell us what it is, not if you don't want to, but I know you got somethin'.”
Morgana hesitates, then looks away. “The truth is... I just don't remember anything. I don't know who I am, or where I came from... I was just wandering the Metaverse at random. It was complete luck that put me in Kamoshida's prison when you guys were there...”
Ryuji shrugs. “Well, hey, I'm sure there's a way to get your memories back.” He grins again, and this time it's far more genuine. “We'll be with ya, man! Till the end!”
The cat stares at him, then looks away. “T-thanks, Ryuji...”
He sets his bag down, and Morgana scampers into the desk. Literally an instant later, a hand appears on his shoulder. “Hey, Amamiya!”
When he turns, he sees that guy Mishima standing in front of him, beaming. He looks a hell of a lot less miserable than he did before. “...Hey,” he says.
“Have you seen that Phantom Aficionado website?”
“I'm the one who started it.”
Ren raises an eyebrow but says nothing. You? Of all people? It's not that he doesn't feel sympathy for Mishima; he does, of course. It's just... He's the one who leaked my record. It's unfair to pin that on him, of course, and Ren knows that rationally, but...
Before he can even say anything, Mishima thrusts himself towards Ren, their faces so close they could kiss. “Hey... You guys are the Phantom Thieves, right?”
“Uh... Could I have some space here?”
“Oh... Sorry.” He pulls back and rubs his neck awkwardly. “Look... If things really are like I think they are, I'll keep it a secret.” He breaks eye contact. “Kamoshida used me, and I did some horrible things to you guys. All because I was weak...” He shakes his head. “This isn't much of a way for me to apologize for it, but...” Finally, he looks up, determination shimmering in his eyes. “If there's anything I can do to help, just let me know!”
“Look, that's great, but-”
“Glad to hear it! There are loads of other evil adults. It's not just Kamoshida. But I'm sure the Phantom Thieves will do something. They can't let this end after just one target. That's why I wanted to make a forum where people could post their problems. And it's already working! There was a woman who posted about her ex stalking her, and apparently he apologized!”
Ren nods, keeping his reaction subdued. Still, though... It worked. We changed his heart... So Mementos does work the same as Palaces...
“I've also implemented an anonymous poll on the site,” Mishima continues. “'Do you believe in the Phantom Thieves?'” He sighs and shrugs. “Right now it's pretty low. Only six percent... But still, one day I hope it'll be way higher! I'd really like to help out in the Phantom Thieves' acts of justice.” He looks up with pleading eyes. “Can I? Please?”
“...Do whatever you want.”
“Yes! Thank you! I won't let you down!”
The bell chimes before he can say anything else.
Exams go by with surprising ease. Despite the Phantom Thieves, Ren has managed to study a decent amount, and he gets through the questions without much difficulty.
On Friday, though, the school gets called together for an assembly. Knowing what happened the last time there was an assembly, Ren naturally doesn't look forward to it. The principal – in all his glory – waddles up to the stage and clears his throat awkwardly. “Ever since that specific incident, many of you have voiced concerns that I could not bear to ignore.”
Ren sighs. They still won't just say it. It disgusts him. A student was assaulted and driven to a suicide attempt, and yet the school won't just say the damn words. They'll sweep it under the rug by dubbing it “the incident” and leaving it at that. He wants to get up on the stage and scream, “Shiho Suzui tried to kill herself because of this school!” He manages to hold himself back, though.
“We believe the mental health of our students is absolutely vital,” the principal continues, lying through his teeth. “And that is why we've acquired the services of a therapist.” He clears his throat again, and raises an arm in welcome. “The floor is yours, Doctor...”
The man who walks out from backstage is young, with dark brown hair, thick-rimmed glasses, and a pleasant smile. “It's nice to meet you all,” he says, just a little nervously. “My name is...” He hesitates, frowns, then bends down and checks on the mic. What the issue is, Ren can't really tell. He straightens again, then clears his throat and says, “My name is Takuto Maruki. Thank you for welcoming me to your school.”
He goes to bow... and bangs his head right off the mic. Ann flinches sympathetically next to Ren, and he swears he can hear Ryuji snickering off somewhere else.
The doctor chuckles awkwardly. “Um... There's no need to be formal with me, though. I'm just here to counsel anyone who's interested. You can call me Doc, if that would make you feel more comfortable. Any assistance you need, I'll be...” He hesitates, then laughs. “Well, I guess I'm not really any good for helping with money problems...”
The joke seems to land well enough, at least with the students. The principal takes the opportunity to step back to the mic, though. “Thank you, Dr. Maruki. We strongly urge any students who feel they may benefit to take advantage of Dr. Maruki's services while he is here. That is all.”
“Well, at least it's something,” Ann says as they walk out.
“I guess.”
“Yo, guys!” Ryuji rushes up to them, catching up a good way down the path. “You ever expect this place to actually give a shit about our mental health?”
Ann shrugs. “It's a step in the right direction. Change isn't going to happen overnight.”
“Pfft. It ain't change. They just don't want any more bad publicity. They gotta make it seem like they're doing something, even if it don't mean shit.”
“That's... kinda jaded, isn't it?”
Ren shrugs. “It's hard to be optimistic about things like this.”
Ryuji nods. “And Doctor... uh... Doctor Whatshisname.”
“Yeah. Wasn't that guy just basically clownin' it up onstage? You really think he'll do us any good?”
“Hey there.” They all flinch a little bit as Dr. Maruki approaches them, an easy smile on his face. Up close, he looks slightly more disheveled than Ren first thought. He's a casual sort of person, by the looks of it. “Sakamoto-kun and Takamaki-san, right? And that must make you Amamiya-kun.”
Ryuji scowls. “How come you know our names?”
“Well, I was informed of certain students before beginning my tenure here. Those that had... Well, previous interaction with Kamoshida-san.” He turns to Ren with a sympathetic smile. “Amamiya-kun... It must've been especially tough for you, having just transferred here.”
Ren frowns. “I didn't suffer as much as the actual victims.”
“You're quite the tough youngster... Just don't overdo it, okay?”
Ryuji clears his throat. “So... Whaddaya want with us?”
Dr. Maruki chuckles. “Ah, yes... I'd forgotten. I know I already offered my services to the student body as a whole, but would you three be interested in counseling?”
“Nope,” Ryuji says instantly. “Not at all.”
“How's that surprising?”
Dr. Maruki laughs. “You were just a touch more emphatic about it than I'd expected.” He snaps his fingers. “Ah! But, if you come to my office, you can have free snacks! All you can eat... would be nice, but there's still plenty to be had. So, how about it?”
Ren raises an eyebrow. “Tell me more about these snacks...”
“Don't fall for that!” Ann cries.
“I'm a broke student on probation, and all my caretaker knows how to make is curry,” he hisses to her under his breath. “Don't ruin this for me.”
Dr. Maruki rubs at his neck awkwardly. “To be frank, I've been explicitly ordered to provide counseling to the students directly involved with Kamoshida-san.”
Ryuji scoffs. “In other words, the school don't want us talkin' to the media.”
“Pretty much, yeah,” Dr. Maruki admits. “Still... You could get something out of this. I know that asking you to be open with a complete stranger like myself is a lot. Making this mandatory wouldn't do you any good, either. If you just want to come to my office and pretend you did it to get the school off your back, that's fair enough. However, I'd prefer if you turned it into a worthwhile experience.”
Ann hesitates. “I don't know...” She looks to Ren. “What do you think?”
He shrugs. “It's worth a try.”
“Seriously?” Ryuji grunts. He kicks at the ground. “Ugh... I guess it'd be more trouble for us if we didn't go. Might as well just get it over with...”
“Really?” Dr. Maruki says, excitedly. “Then I guess it's a deal!” He reaches out a hand, and Ren shakes it carefully. “I look forward to it!”
If you can't stand
Upon the earth then I will see you on the other side
When you blink do you only find
The misery weighs down your eyes, then take my side and sleep with meLook what you've done to me now (you've made me perfect)
Look what you've done to me now-The Lost Souls, AFI
Chapter 9: The Girl
(See the end of the chapter for notes.)
Chapter Text
She takes in a deep breath, then opens the door.
Dr. Maruki stands up from his seat when she enters and smiles at her. “Ah, Takamaki-san. Welcome. Are you here for a counseling session?”
“Yeah.” She hesitates. “Is now a bad time?”
“Not at all! It's always a good time, so long as I'm not already listening to a student. I'm glad you're here. Would you care for a snack?”
Jeez. He's really locked in on that, huh? “Um... I'm okay.”
“Alright, then. Take a seat.” She does as he asks, and he sits across from her. “Shall we get started?” He looks at her and chuckles. “Oh, but first... Just relax, alright? I'm only here to listen to whatever you want to talk about. Nothing you say will leave this room, and I won't judge you for any of it, either.”
“Sure,” Ann says, nodding weakly. “To be honest, I really only have one thing on my mind right now.”
“Well, I'd say that makes perfect sense.” He smiles easily. “But don't force yourself into talking with me. You could even grab some snacks and be on your way, if you wanted! Talking about a traumatic event can be extremely healing, but only if you actually want to do it. Forcing someone to discuss something like that only has negative effects.”
Ann shakes her head. “No, it's... It's alright. I need to talk to someone about this. My friends are good listeners, but... I think it might be good to have an adult hear me out.” She laughs nervously. “That is, if you're willing to listen to the super-long story...”
He brushes hair out of his eyes. “I absolutely am. Take all the time you need.”
It takes an extraordinarily long time to go through it all, and skipping over the parts about the Phantom Thieves isn't easy. There are multiple points where her voice breaks, or she feels like crying, but she bulls on, forcing herself to get it all out there. It starts out difficult, but slowly becomes a bit easier. He is a good listener, she thinks idly. He reminds me a bit of Ren, I guess.
Finally, she finishes. “I see,” Dr. Maruki says softly, the smile faded entirely. “That's such a horrible thing to do to someone.”
“Yeah. That's why I wanted to get even with him... For Shiho.”
“Mmhm... And?”
She hesitates. “At first, I thought Kamoshida ought to face the same fate Shiho was going to put herself through.”
“At first?”
“Yeah. Later, I realized that wasn't right. If he did take his own life, it wouldn't undo Shiho's suffering. Honestly, it would only give him the easy way out.”
A smaller version of that warm smile returns to his face. “Is that so? You know, you are quite the wise, level-headed young woman, Takamaki-san.”
She starts. “Huh? I think you've got the wrong...”
“Nope,” he says, interrupting her with easy good-nature. “In fact, I think you're wiser than I was at your age. I wasn't anywhere near as mature as you are now.”
She deflates. “It's not like I did anything special, though... If I hadn't gone through my own share of hell, I don't think I'd be so mature, either...”
“I see. So what's on your mind now?”
“Right now?” That takes a second. These days, her mind feels like a buzzing beehive and a completely empty hole at the same time. She has so many thoughts, and so few. It's hard to parse through the buzz and figure out what she's actually thinking and feeling.
Finally, she sighs. “I'm just hoping Shiho will get better quickly. We both suffered a lot, but... I just wanna get back to laughing and having fun together like we used to.” She looks away and shakes her head. “At this point, I don't give a rat's ass about Kamoshida!”
Dr. Maruki chuckles. “Now there's a healthy outlook!” He writes something out on the piece of paper he's got on the clipboard. There's something about a doctor writing that makes her anxious, but she chooses to ignore it. “You can't change the past,” he says at last, “but you still want to keep your chin up and press onward. Is that the gist of it?”
“Y-yeah. That sounds about right.” She chuckles nervously. “I mean, it'd definitely be better if none of this had happened at all, but...”
“Well, it's only natural to think about that. But it's impossible to wipe every tragedy from history.”
Ann giggles. “If only, right? Everyone would be so much happier if we could actually do that...”
He looks up and frowns. “Oh, it seems I lost track of the time. We should wrap things up for today. Thank you so much for coming to see me.”
“Oh no, thank you! I feel a ton better now that that's all off my chest.”
And she does. She really does. It feels like she can actually breathe now, for the first time in ages.
Dr. Maruki chuckles. “Good to hear it. You deserve it. Feel free to stop by again anytime.”
“Will do!”
[Direct Message: Amamiya Ren]
Ann: so I went in for counseling
Ann: you're going soon too right?
Ren: how'd it go?
Ann: honestly it wasn't as rough as I was expecting
Ann: I think you should just go and give it a shot
Ann: Dr. Maruki's easier to talk to than you'd think
Ren: alright, i'll give it a shot
Ann: great! see you tomorrow!
She turns off her phone and lets out a deep breath. Getting Ren to go in for counseling was never going to be a challenge, really. It's Ryuji she expects to be a issue, but whatever. He'll either go or he won't, and that'll be his problem.
For now, it's enough that she feels okay.
That redheaded girl is talking to the doctor when Ren reaches the nurse's office.
She perks up when she sees him. “Oh! Hello!”
“Hey. Yoshizawa, right?”
“Yup! Are you here for a session as well?”
Ren nods. “That's right.”
“Is that so? Dr. Maruki is a wonderful counselor. I've actually been seeing him for a while, before he ever came to Shujin.”
Dr. Maruki glances between them. “Oh? I didn't know the two of you were acquainted.” He chuckles awkwardly. “But don't go overselling me too hard though, Yoshizawa-san. I'm really nothing special.”
She giggles lightly. “Well, I need to be going. Please excuse me.”
She walks off, and Dr. Maruki looks at Ren pleasantly. “What say we get started?” He steps aside so Ren can enter the room, then follows him in. “Welcome! Thank you for coming.”
Ren shrugs. “We did make a deal.”
“Haha... Well, I'll try to make it worth the trouble. Please, take a seat.” Ren does so, and Dr. Maruki sits across from him. “Would you mind filling me in on your situation before we begin?”
“Why? Haven't you heard all of it already?”
“Naturally. But I heard it from sources biased against you. I'd like to hear your story from your own mouth, if you'd indulge me.”
Ren can't help his suspicion. He hasn't been given many – if any – chances to explain himself since coming here. Still, he might as well take the bait. “It all started about two years ago,” he says, his voice just a little bit clipped and cold.
It takes a while to go through it all, and it's not easy for him to keep himself distant throughout the whole thing. He skips over a lot of the details of the trial, and the brief time he was kept in a holding cell in police custody. Those aren't parts of his life he likes to think about.
Finally, he stops talking. Dr. Maruki nods carefully. “I see. Thank you. I think I've got a good grasp of the situation you're in, Amamiya-kun.” He leans back and sighs. “I feared at first that you'd been forced to accept your unfortunate circumstances, but... To tell the truth, it seems like you've largely been able to reconcile your internal world with your external one. I should tell you, that's really, truly impressive. Even most adults can't manage that.” He cocks his head and hums. “How to put it... You know how everyone has an internal reality? Some conception of themselves they're striving for? Like wanting to be a model student, or wanting to be loved and relied on. That kind of thing.” He leans forward once more and clasps his hands together. “But that idealized reality and the one in actuality are often far apart. That gap is responsible for a lot of people's pain. Not everyone can ace their exams. And not everyone can be the heroes they wish they could be. You've already been through so much. That kind of suffering is usually enough to twist people up into dark places. But you... You're standing up to it, and confronting a tough, painful reality. To me, that's incredibly admirable.” He chuckles. “If there were more people like you, I'd be out of a job!”
Ren sits and nods throughout the speech, but says nothing. I wonder what he would think if he saw me in the Metaverse, wearing that mask. How he would feel if he saw me grinning as I held a Shadow up at gunpoint. To tell the truth, Ren doesn't think his internal and external realities have ever been further from one another. When he was younger, he thought the world functioned in an ultimately compassionate and rational way. Growing up taught him the error of that thinking.
Now he exists externally as a student on probation, keeping his head down and obeying the law to the letter, while his internal self moves further and further away from that. As each day goes by, he cares less and less about the restrictions placed upon him, less and less about the expectations everyone's thrust on him. He looks at the world around him, and sometimes he just wants to burn it all down.
Dr. Maruki chuckles awkwardly. “Well, I suppose that must be pretty weird to hear from someone you just met, right?” He glances up at the clock and shakes his head. “Sorry, this went on a bit longer than I expected. I got a little carried away there...”
Ren clears his throat. “I don't mind.”
“Thank you. I've got one last request, if you're okay with it.”
“Depends on what it is.”
“I'm actually doing some research along with my duties as a counselor. It's not quite like counseling. More like a type of psychological treatment. Basically, it's a project to learn more about people's metaphorical hearts. What they think, how they feel. If I get far enough with it, I think it'll be able to help a lot of people. So...?”
“So... what?”
He chuckles. “Well, I guess my point is... I'd like to ask you to help with that research! All you'd have to do is listen to my theories, and then tell me if they spark any ideas or realizations on your end. Any time's good for me – I can work around your schedule.”
Ren hesitates. “Why me?”
“Well, to put it simply... I think you're the right fit!”
“Haha... It might be a bit hard to explain. But I can make it worthwhile for you. Let's see... I know! Maybe I could teach you some tips for mental training? I happen to know a lot on the subject. I'm sure I can cook up a special regimen for you. If you're dedicated enough, I'm sure you could draw out your full potential!”
He's heard worse trades. Ren nods. “Alright.”
“Okay! I guess that's our second deal.” He pulls out his phone. “Now, would you be alright with exchanging contact information?”
She's drained when she reaches the train station the next day.
Ren and Ryuji are standing at the platform, so she joins them, stretching out her limbs in a desperate attempt to wake herself up. “Mornin'...” she grumbles.
Ryuji grins. “Look who else is yawning.”
“Exams are almost over, so I thought I'd make one last effort across the finish line,” Ann explains.
Morgana pops out of Ren's bag. “Impressive, Lady Ann. You're quite different from this one stupid monkey I know.”
“Hey!” Ryuji complains.
“How'd you know I was talking about you?”
“Argh... Don't gimme that crap. Your brain's tiny compared to mine.”
“Size is meaningless if there's nothing inside, you know.”
Ann snarls. “Hey, will you please shut up! You're gonna make me forget everything I memo-”
She cuts herself off. Suddenly, a creeping feeling slithers down her spine. She flinches, then turns around quickly before she can lose her nerve. When she does, though, there's nothing out of the ordinary behind her. “Am I imagining things?” she mutters to herself.
“Something wrong?” Ren asks.
“You see a groper or somethin'?” Ryuji says.
“No, it's not like that,” she insists. “It's... It's nothing.” She lets out a breath. “Here comes our train.”
The uneasy feeling doesn't go away for the whole ride, though. She keeps glancing over her shoulder, expecting to see someone right next to her, but it's just Ren and Ryuji. They seem to stand a little closer to her, though, and for that she's grateful. Apparently her discomfort is obvious.
When they get off to change lines, she hopes that maybe the feeling will go away, but if anything it intensifies. They get on the escalators, and she stands in between her two friends, hoping for some security. When she turns around, though, she sees someone get off the train and start walking towards them, and his eyes-
“Oh my god...” she gasps. “He's looking right at me...”
Ryuji stretches and yawns.
Ann glares at him. “Hey! At least act like you care!”
He sighs. “Fine. Come on.” He pushes past both of them, leading the way up to the street above.
At the top of the stairs, he motions for Ann to stand out in the open, then he and Ren both take positions on either side of the stairs. Ann feels helpless standing here, so obvious and defenseless, but...
She hears footsteps.
They get closer and closer and closer, and finally she can't stand to keep her back turned. She whirls around and faces him, and Ren and Ryuji both step between her and him.
The guy stops in his tracks. He's a lanky guy with sad eyes and nice blue hair, his white shirt buttoned all the way up to the collar. He halts and cocks his head in curiosity. A strand of hair falls into his eyes.
Ren and Ryuji look him over. Then Ryuji turns to Ann and says, “Hey, uh... Are you sure it's him? Or are you just that self-conscious.”
“I am not that-”
“Is there something you want?”
He says this so damned casually, so innocently. Ann's anger at Ryuji all bursts up, and she thrusts a finger at the guy's face. “That's my line!” she snaps. “You were the one stalking me!”
“Stalking you?” He stares for a long moment, then brushes that hair out of his face. “That's outrageous.”
“I know you've been following me! Ever since the train!”
“That's because-”
A honking interrupts him. A car pulls up to the curbside, and the window goes down to reveal a thin old man with a pleasant smile on his wrinkled face, his hands clasped together. “My goodness,” he says, humor in his tone. “I had wondered why you left the car. So this is where your passion led. All is well that ends well.” He chuckles easily, and then waves for his driver to carry on.
“Uh...” Ryuji says. “What's going on...?”
“Who are you?” Ren presses.
The lanky guy ignores him, keeping his focus entirely on Ann. “I saw you from the car, and I couldn't help myself from chasing after you. I didn't even notice the calls from sensei... But thank goodness, I caught up to you.”
Ryuji stares. “What?”
“You are the woman I've been searching for all this time! Please, won't you-”
Ann's eyes go wide. “Wait a minute!”
“-be the model for my next art piece!”
The three of them stare stupidly for a long, long moment.
Ann blinks. “Model?”
The lanky guy nods. “All that I've drawn up till now has been lacking, but I feel a passion from you unlike anyone else.”
“This man's highly suspicious!” Morgana hisses from Ren's bag.
“Ain't this a recruit for some shady business?” Ryuji says.
Yet again, the boy ignores everyone but Ann. “Will you cooperate with me? What do you say?”
This time, Ryuji steps in between the two. “Hold your horses!” he says, so sharply there's no way this guy can ignore him. “Who're you anyways!”
Finally, the lanky guy seems to realize that he's acting oddly. “Oh, where are my manners?” he says, softly. “I'm a second-year at Kosei High's fine arts division. My name is Yusuke Kitagawa.” He shoulders past Ryuji, who grumbles to himself. “I'm Madarame-sensei's pupil, and I am being allowed residence at his place.”
Ann's eyes go wide. “Huh!? Do you mean that Madarame? The one who was on Good Morning Japan the other day?”
“The very same,” Kitagawa confirms.
“You know who that is?” Ren asks.
Ann nods eagerly. “He was introduced as a super-famous Japanese-style artist who's been recognized all over the world.” She deflates suddenly. “But we heard that name the other day in Mementos...”
Kitagawa steps forward. “Madarame-sensei's exhibition will begin at the department store near the station tomorrow. I'll be there to help out on opening day. Please come by.” He reaches into his pocket and pulls out three tickets. “I wager you have no interest in the fine arts, but I'll give you tickets, too.”
Ann accepts the tickets from reflex more than anything else, and Kitagawa beams. “Well then, I hope to see you there tomorrow!”
With that, he rushes off after his master's car.
Ryuji kicks at the ground. “That guy's as easy to read as a book...” He nods to Ann. “You're not plannin' on going, are ya?”
“...I think I will.”
She pulls out her phone hastily and pretends to check the time. “Crap! We need to get going! I'll see you guys later!”
She takes off before they can protest.
As soon as they walk into the exhibit, Morgana sighs. “So crowded...”
“Shhh,” Ryuji hisses. “It'll be a pain in the ass if someone sees you, so don't stick your head out too much, alright?” He nudges Ren. “Doesn't he bug you in there?”
Ren shrugs. “I kinda like having him on my shoulder.”
“For real?”
Morgana sticks out his tongue at Ryuji, but he goes back into the bag.
Ann really can't disagree, though. It is really crowded here. She did expect that; after all, Madarame is an enormously famous artist, renowned all across the world. An exhibition in Shibuya was always going to be a smash hit. To tell the truth, it's at least a bit relieving. She can sort of blend in a little bit.
“You came!”
Well... Maybe not too much.
Kitagawa-kun rushes over with vigor she thought impossible for a guy as skinny as him. He clasps his hands together and looks her over with fondness in his eyes... then he looks at Ren and Ryuji and frowns. “You really came.”
Ryuji scowls. “What'd you expect when you left us those tickets!?”
“Hm. Make sure that you don't get in the way of the other visitors.” With that, he chooses to disregard Ren and Ryuji entirely, and shifts his focus back to Ann. “Come now. I'll show you around. I'd like to speak more about the picture I'd like to draw, too.”
“Oh, um... Okay.” She nods to the others. “See you guys later.”
Kitagawa's tour is fast and vigorous. He's a calm sort of guy in normal conversation, hardly raising his voice loud enough to be heard, but here and now he talks at lightning speed, delivering history lessons and composition explanations at a rate Ann can't even keep up with. The double-nature of it reminds her a bit of Ren, how he's so calm and collected in the real world, but vicious in the Metaverse.
Finally, he settles down, and she's able to look around a bit. It's honestly overwhelming, just as much as his guidance had been. “I didn't know there were so many types of Japanese art...” she admits.
“Usually one concentrates on their own style,” Kitagawa-kun tells her. “However, sensei creates all this by himself.” He hesitates, then nods. “He's special.”
“Ah, there you are, Yusuke!”
Ann turns around in haste when she hears the old man's voice. “Sensei!” Kitagawa-kun cries, bowing as his teacher approaches them.
“Ah, the girl from yesterday,” Madarame says pleasantly. “Are you enjoying the exhibit?”
“I don't really know how to put it into words...” Ann confesses. “But it's really amazing!”
He closes his eyes and smiles contentedly. “You're sensing something from the artwork... That alone is enough to give us artists satisfaction.” He nods to Kitagawa-kun. “I hope this becomes a wonderful piece, Yusuke.” He bows slightly. “Now then, if you'll excuse me.”
Ann hums to herself as he leaves them. “You'd imagine artists would be difficult to approach... but he seems really friendly.”
Not at all like the sort of guy who'd have a Palace... But then who was Nakanohara talking about?
Kitagawa-kun nods slowly. “Indeed.”
She turns away and instantly gets struck by the piece in front of her. “Oh, this is it!” she exclaims, shoving past a few people to get closer to it. “This is the painting I wanted to see!”
“T-this one?” Kitagawa-kun says, a bit less comfortably than before.
Ann nods. It's a landscape, but there's something about it that strikes her beyond just a simple capturing of beauty. “I guess it's the painter's anger?” she says, unsure how else to put it. “I'm not sure, but... I sense this sort of strong frustration from it. That sort of blend of beauty and ugliness is really powerful.” She looks it over and sighs. “To think such a cheerful and gentlemanly person could make such a piece...”
When she turns, she sees Kitagawa-kun looking away. “Something wrong?”
“Oh... Don't mind me.” He shakes his head. “There are better pieces than... this one. Come now, this way!”
Before she can protest, he takes off.
He grunts and rubs his side. “Man, that old lady totally elbowed me...”
“The elderly are brutal,” Ren agrees.
“Will you two shut up?” Morgana hisses. “What about Madarame!?”
Ryuji nods. “Yeah. I remembered when we saw him giving that interview. It's about a post online.”
Watching that old fart give those half-asses answers really made Ryuji wanna take him down a peg. Ren was quick to remind him that they have no idea if Madarame's actually done anything wrong... but damn is Ryuji down to stick to the guy. They just need that confirmation, and it'll be go time.
“Hey!” They both flinch and look up as Ann stomps over to them. She halts by the rail, the rain pounding down against the window, and puts her hands on her hips. “Why'd you leave without me!?”
“It wasn't intentional,” Ren says. “The crowd pushed us out.”
“It doesn't matter,” Ryuji says. “You gotta look at this too. I think this post might be about Madarame.”
“Oh?” The anger leaves her face in a heartbeat. She always softens around Ren. Jeez, get a room already, you two. “What's it say?”
Ryuji clears his throat and reads. “'A master of the Japanese arts is plagiarizing his pupil's work. Only his public face is shown on TV.'”
“H-huh?” she gasps. “Plagiarizing?”
“Yeah. I didn't think much of it when I first saw it, but hearing 'shack' and 'Madarame' triggered it. See, he was giving this fake-ass interview after you got dragged off by Whatshisname-kun, and he said that he lives in a 'modest shack.' Somethin' about that didn't sound right, so...” He holds up his phone again and reads from the post. “'His treatment of the pupils who live with him is awful. He teachers nothing and bosses them around. He treats them inhumanely, as if disciplining a dog.'”
Morgana scoffs. “Abuse on top of plagiarism, huh?”
Ryuji grins. “If this is true, it's gonna be a huge scandal.”
“I wonder about that post,” Ren says, softly. “Who put it up?”
“Was it Kitagawa-kun?” Ann says. “I mean, he is a pupil of Madarame.”
Ryuji shrugs. “Who knows? It's anonymous and all...”
“Well, in that case...” Morgana says, smirking. “It's possible the Madarame we heard about in Mementos is referring to the same one.”
“But...” Ann looks away. “A man like that, doing something so terrible?” She hesitates, and Ryuji leaves her to think it over. She'll get there in the end, he figures. “I wonder if we can talk to that Shadow from earlier about this. Or, actually... I guess we could just talk to him in reality.”
Ryuji scoffs. “And how're we gonna go about that? Are we gonna explain it all, startin' with Mementos?”
“Besides,” Morgana says, “if we make a move out in the open, there's the possibility that Madarame will find out.”
“There is a way to verify it,” Ren says. His hands remain shoved in the pockets of his jeans, and he leans casually up against the railing. He's way too laid back of a guy, honestly, and that's coming from Ryuji. “All we need to do is talk to Kitagawa.”
“Oh.” Ann shifts on her feet. “He gave me his contact info. Also the address to his sensei's atelier.”
Ryuji pushes himself to his feet, grinning widely. “He said he lives there, right? Perfect timing. Let's try goin' tomorrow! We're off to Madarame's house right after school!”
Ann starts. “Huh!? You want me to model tomorrow!?”
“What?” He stares at her. “We're just gonna go talk to Kitagawa.”
“O-oh... That's what you meant...”
He tries to be quiet when he gets back home.
His mom's not in her room, though; she's passed out on the couch, without even a blanket. Ryuji sighs and tosses one over her. She has this bad habit of staying up until he's home, even when she works late.
It shows. She's been looking more and more worn down lately. Her dark hair's gotten kind of shaggy since she hasn't had it cut in ages. Her eyes are always a bit droopy these days, and her shoulders always sag a little when she stands. Wish I could change her boss's heart... or maybe my dad's.
When he puts the blanket on her, she blinks and then opens her eyes. A small smile spreads on her lips. “Oh, there you are, Ryu...”
“Get some sleep, Mom.”
“Mhm... Where've you been?”
He hesitates. He could just tell her he went to an art exhibit, but there's no chance in hell she'd believe he did that for no reason. Instead he just shrugs and says, “I was hangin' out with some friends.”
“Yeah. I told you about Ren, right? And there's Ann, too...”
She chuckles. “Takamaki-san, right? She's Ann now, huh?”
Ryuji sighs. She's always been good at teasing him. He lets her get away with it, though. He ain't gonna let her down any more than he already has. “She's a good friend, Mom.”
“Just friend?”
“Yes, Mom, just friend.” He allows himself a tiny grin of his own. “To tell you the truth, I kinda think she's getting eyes for Ren.”
“Ah, young love...” she says theatrically. She used to be an actor, back in high school. Even after she got married and had a kid she still took some little roles in local plays. That all stopped once Dad left. It's maybe the thing that pisses him off most about his dad. The bastard can take all the money and the memories and the good times and whatever else, I don't give a shit. But he took Mom's spirit, and that's just too damn far...
Ryuji shrugs. “I dunno. That's their shit, not mine. You've got your own shit, too.”
“Yeah, yeah. Get to bed, Mom.”
She nods and stands, wrapping the blanket around herself. He notices then that she's still wearing her work clothes. Man, you need a break. You really, really need a damn break...
Halfway to her room, she hesitates and looks back at him. “You aren't getting involved in anything bad, are you, Ryu?”
“It's just... Things feel so strange in Tokyo, now.” Her tired eyes meet with his, and it's all he can do to maintain the contact. “Promise me you won't do anything bad.”
Ryuji swallows. “I... I promise.”
The smile returns. He can't even look at it. “Thank you.”
He has trouble falling asleep that night. He sits on his bed and stares at the clutter in his room and sighs. I didn't lie, he tells himself. I ain't involved in anything bad. I'm involved in something real good. The Phantom Thieves... We're gonna change this shitty place. We're gonna make the world better. For her, too. Even if she don't realize it, we're doing this shit for her, too.
He holds onto the subway strap, slouching over. “Phantom Thieves goin' by train...” he mutters. “This ain't any different from how I get home from school, y'know.”
Ann shrugs. “The train is the fastest way to go!”
“Besides,” Ren says. “We can bring pets on here.”
Morgana shoves his face out of Ren's bag with a huff. “Hey, who're you calling a pet!?”
“Dude, be quiet!” Ryuji whispers. “We didn't pay the pet fare...”
“I'm the one guiding you to your destination! You should be calling me 'master'!”
“Ooh, kitty!”
Ryuji grimaces as a little girl walks over to admire their cat. “Is that your pet, mister? I heard it meowing!” she says, so excited.
Ren shakes his head and says, “It's just a stuffed animal.”
“Yeah, it's just a toy!” Ann says quickly. “It meows when you press on its head.”
Ryuji grins. “You heard her, Ren. Press on its head.”
“This is ridic-” Morgana starts, and then Ren presses on his head. “M-Mewwwww...” he says listlessly.
“Wow!” the girl exclaims, even more excited than before. “Again! Again!”
Ren nods... and then presses Morgana's head over and over again in extremely quick succession. It's all Ryuji can do not to laugh as the cat sputters out a series of meows that sound more and more uncertain over time. When Ren finally pulls his hand back, Morgana looks like he's about to barf.
“It's so cute!” the girl says. “I wanna hear it again!”
“Uh, sorry,” Ren says, looking down at Morgana. “It... ran out of batteries.”
They get saved by the announcer calling their station. They offer their apologies to the girl and she leaves them sadly. “I hate you all,” Morgana grumbles.
“Is... that it?”
“We're at the right address...” Ann confirms. “And the plate says Madarame...”
He looks it over again and frowns. When he said shack, he really wasn't kidding. This place makes my apartment look like a damn mansion. It's small, dilapidated, and rustic. It really doesn't look like the sort of thing that belongs in Shibuya.
“You ring the bell, Ann,” Ren says.
“M-me!? The walls won't collapse when I do, will they?”
He pushes his glasses up dramatically. “Only one way to find out.”
“Says you!”
“No one sneeze or we'll blow this house down, okay,” Morgana says, chuckling.
They approach the door cautiously, like they're stepping up towards a wounded animal. Ann presses the button so gingerly it doesn't even register at first, and she has to do it again with a bit more gusto. “Who is it?” comes a voice from the other end. It sounds like Kitagawa.
“Um, it's Takamaki.”
“I'll be right out!”
Ryuji snorts. “He sure got excited quick.”
The door slides open, and Kitagawa shows himself. “Takamaki-san!” he exclaims... and then the smile dies as he looks at Ryuji and Ren. “You two are here as well?”
Ren gives a casual wave. “Hey.”
“Yo, sorry, but we ain't here to talk about the modeling thing,” Ryuji says. “There's something we gotta ask you.” He takes a step forward and rubs at his face awkwardly. “Is it true Madarame's plagiarizing stuff? He's abusing people too, yeah?”
“A little blunt...” Morgana grumbles from Ren's bag.
“Are you serious?” Kitagawa says. Any amusement that might have been etched on his stone face is completely gone now.
Ryuji pulls out his phone. “We read about it online.” He shows the display to Kitagawa.
“This...?” Kitagawa stares at it for a moment... and then breaks into sudden laughter. He stands there for a moment, throwing his head back and chuckling like a genuine madman. Then, all at once, it ends, and he looks down at them with cold eyes. “Preposterous! Not only is the plagiarism impossible, but abuse!? He welcomes pupils into his home! This is no act of violence, it is charity! And I am the one residing here and studying under him. I'm saying it's not true, so it's beyond any doubt!”
Yeah, like how Mishima and Suzui said Kamoshida wasn't doin' shit. “You might be lyin' about it!”
A tiny glimmer of doubt seems to come into Kitagawa's eyes. “That...” He shakes his head. “That is utter rubbish. I had no family when sensei took me in and raised me into what you see now. If you continue to ridicule the man I owe my life to, you will rue this day!”
“You... really think that?” Ann says, softly.
They all flinch as the old man himself suddenly appears in the doorway. He looks exactly like he did at the exhibition. “What's the matter? I heard you yelling.”
“These people are slandering you with baseless rumors!” Kitagawa cries.
Ryuji expects anger, like how Kamoshida always reacted when you pushed his buttons. He expects rage, taunts, threats of violence and legal action and other shit. But instead, Madarame just shakes his head and says, “Forgive them, Yusuke. They must have heard some bad rumors and came in worry for their friend's safety.”
“I... understand, sensei.”
“Well, even I doubt that a cranky old man like myself could be liked by everyone!”
“Oh, um...” Ann says. “That's not what we meant.”
“Well, I'm sorry to have butt in on your conversation. However, I do have neighbors around. Won't you please keep it down?” He smiles and nods. “Now, if you'll excuse me.”
With that, he turns and walks back into the shack.
Kitagawa faces them again, then sighs and bows. “That was discourteous of me... I'm sorry.”
“It's nothing,” Ren says.
“Hmm... I know! I think you'll be able to believe in sensei if you saw that painting.” He pulls out his own phone and swipes through a few different menus. “It's his maiden work as well as his most representative piece – it is titled 'Sayuri.'”
He holds out his phone, and Ryuji can't help a little gasp. He knows jack-shit about art, really, but... She kinda looks like Mom, doesn't she? Or maybe I'm just seein' that in her. But that exhaustion in the eyes, the soft face, I just... He blinks, but nothing changes.
“This was the painting that inspired me to become an artist,” Kitagawa explains.
“It's so beautiful...” Ann whispers.
“Yeah,” Ryuji mutters.
Kitagawa puts his phone away and faces Ann once more. “When I first saw you, I felt the same powerful emotion as when I first saw this painting.”
“I wish to paint beauty like that.” He bows deeply. “And I believe drawing you will be part of that pursuit. I implore you: seriously consider my offer.” He sighs and straightens. “I'm sorry that you took the time to come all this way, but I must assist sensei today. I hope that we can discuss this further another time. If you'll excuse me, then...”
He turns and closes the door behind himself.
They stand on the other side of the street and look at the shack. “Those two...” Ryuji says, finally, after an incredibly long silence. “They seem like nice guys, don't they?”
“Maybe the Madarame we heard about in Mementos is a different person,” Ann says.
“Man, right when we thought we had a new target, too...”
“Hang on,” Ren says. “Something still doesn't feel right...”
He frowns and shakes his head. “I just... Something is weird about Madarame still...” Ren goes silent for a moment, and then pulls out his phone. He opens the Nav and says, “Ichiryusai Madarame.”
“Target found.”
Ryuji and Ann both jump out of their skin. “Holy shit, seriously!?”
“This display...” Ann leans in close to Ren to get a look at his phone. “This means that Madarame has a Palace too, right?”
“Hm,” Morgana says, hopping out of Ren's bag and landing on a railing. “'Madarame', 'plagiarism', and 'shack' seem to be the keywords. Now all we need is the 'what' that Madarame mistakes this shack for to enter his Palace.” He hops up on Ryuji's shoulder, surprising him just a little bit. “Let's try saying some things. They can just be random guesses.”
“Guess we could start with 'castle'?” Ann says.
“No result found.”
“Uh...” Ryuji grunts. “'Prison'?”
“No result found.”
“Remember,” Morgana says, leaping from Ryuji's shoulder to Ren's, “this is something in Madarame's mind. I know we don't know everything about him, but think about the information we do have. He's a master of Japanese arts, and plagiarism is central to his distortion.”
Ren hums to himself. “A museum.”
“Beginning navigation.”
She just shuts her ears
She's fallen too far, with salt in her scars
Won't let him taste her tears
She's fallen too far, the girl that time forgot
-The Girl, Hellberg
Chapter 10: Dancing on the Head of a Pin
(See the end of the chapter for notes.)
Chapter Text
He's immediately struck by how tasteless the whole thing is.
The museum's glitz and glamour is more becoming of a Hollywood star than a dignified artist – and even then it's a bit much.
Ryuji puts it more succinctly: “Man, this play is 'effin ugly!”
“It's so extravagant...” Ann mutters. “To the point of being gaudy.”
“Well, a Palace is a world formed by a mind twisted by desire,” Morgana says. “It's no surprise it would be really flashy and ugly.”
“But... Madarame's artwork is on display at real museums, too, though. His exhibit was popular, and people already respect him. Why fantasize about a museum?”
Ren shrugs. “There's no harm in looking around.”
Ryuji grins and throws his arms around Ren and Ann. “Guys, ain't a museum a must for thieves? Like, pilfering masterpieces and shit?”
Morgana chuckles. “I feel the same.”
“We shouldn't just stand here, right?” Ann says. “Let's get going.”
It doesn't take long to find a point of entry. There's a series of glass-paneled windows on the roof. Opening one of them doesn't take much effort, and then it's a straight drop down into the museum. The lights are all out, and security seems tight, but Ren doesn't see any guards at first.
“It's quiet in here,” Morgana points out. “Almost eerily so.”
“H-hey...” Ann points at a painting on the wall. “It's... moving...”
She's not wrong. It's a portrait of someone, though their face is unrecognizable. The colors are shifting slowly, almost beckoning him into a trance. Ren approaches it slowly and looks down at the plaque. “It's someone's name and age,” he says, softly.
“The hell?” Ryuji grunts. “Ain't that supposed to be, like, the title?”
“Maybe it's the artist's name?” Ann says.
Ren shakes his head. “I... have a hunch. Let's check out the other paintings.”
They walk slowly through the hallways, but there aren't any guards as far as Ren can tell. There's just paintings everywhere, and they all have a plaque under them with a name and age. The more he sees, the more certain of his hunch Ren is. But I won't know for sure until...
“Hey,” Ann says suddenly. “This doesn't make any sense. Madarame's famous for having a variety of art styles. That's, like, his whole thing. But all the portraits here look the same. This is way different from what was at the-”
“Wait a sec!”
They all jump as Ryuji rushes over towards a painting on the wall near them. The face is distorted and the colors are shifting, just like the others, but almost instantly Ren is able to recognize the face.
“Ain't this the guy we saw in Mementos?” Ryuji asks.
Ren approaches the plaque. “Natsuhiko Nakanohara.”
“Huh? Why would there be a painting of him in here?”
“I think I get Joker's hunch now,” Morgana says. “But there's something else I need to see first... Let's check the other paintings...”
It doesn't take long for them to find what they were looking for. Ren approaches the painting at the end of the hall slowly, sighing to himself as Ryuji and Ann both freak out. He reaches a hand out and touches the plaque gingerly. “Yusuke Kitagawa,” he reads. “Age sixteen.”
“Dude, what the hell!?” Ryuji exclaims.
“My hunch was right,” Ren says. He turns to face the others. “These are Madarame's pupils.”
“Huh!? But there's loads of 'em here! It was only Yusuke when we went to his place before...”
“Remember what the posts said, and what Nakanohara told us?” Ren faces the painting again, looking into the vacant eyes of the portrait. “These are former pupils as well. If the rumors are right, Madarame takes them in, steals their work, abuses them, and then kicks them out. Or worse.”
“No way...” Ann breathes. “But... He was so polite...”
“We can't really draw any conclusions from here,” Morgana points out.
“What!?” Ryuji cries. “Dude, look at this!”
Morgana just shakes his head. “You're just trying to confirm what you think is true. We know Madarame has a twisted desire, since he has a Palace, and we know that desire has something to do with his pupils, but that's really it. We need to see more before we decide anything.”
Ren takes in a breath and releases it. He almost did it again. I always see the evil in people. Dammit. It's so easy to judge, to fall into that trap...
He shakes his head. “Morgana's right. Let's keep looking.”
They reach the front entrance, and there grab a pamphlet that promises to guide them through the rest of the museum. Directly past that is a large chamber dedicated to a single sculpture. A golden monstrosity that stretches almost up to the ceiling. Ann approaches the plaque and reads from it. “A conglomerate work of art that the great director Madarame created with his own funds. These individuals must offer their ideas to the director... for the rest of their lives.” She swallows and closes her eyes. “Those who cannot do so have no worth living...”
“This is about the plagiarism, right?” Ryuji says.
“In other words, he views his pupils as his property,” Morgana mutters. “He doesn't even qualify as an artist if this is true. He's stealing ideas from talented students in exchange for securing their livelihood. But then he cuts them off and tosses them aside, abandons them... Literally everything about his public image is a lie.”
Ryuji grinds his teeth together. “Dammit! Why the hell's Yusuke keeping quiet about this!? He's got no reason to cover this up!”
“Just like the two of you, with Kamoshida?” Ren says, softly. He can feel their pointed gazes, but he ignores them. “Fear. It's always fear. Yusuke was taken in by Madarame, and thinks he owes the old man his life.”
Ann sighs. “When we were at the exhibit, I praised one of the paintings on display. But... Kitagawa-kun acted strange about it. Maybe... Maybe that piece was plagiarized, too...”
Morgana shrugs. “If we're interpreting this place right, everything Madarame does is plagiarized.”
“So what's the call?” Ryuji says. “Ain't this more than enough to target Madarame?”
Ren stares up at the sculpture. The Infinite Spring. An ugly monstrosity lacking any artistry. Art is an expression of a person's feelings, and this might be the only piece in the entire museum actually done by Madarame. His truest feeling is that his pupils belong to him, and that he has the right to take everything from them...
“Joker?” Ryuji prods, sharply.
Ren faces them. “Let's do this.”
“Hell yeah! That's what I'm talking about!”
“Hold on, you two,” Morgana grumbles. “We should really confirm these facts with Yusuke once more.”
“Huh? Confirm what?”
“We need solid evidence that these crimes took place!”
Ryuji sighs. “Man, what a pain in the ass...”
Morgana hops up towards the Infinite Spring and runs a paw along the gold. “Besides, there's too much we don't know about Madarame yet. Remember, all three of you were acquainted with Kamoshida, so you knew for a fact how evil he was. Madarame's a stranger, though.”
“Yeah,” Ren admits. He looks up at the statue again and feels that rage burning through him. Still, though... “Fine. We'll talk to Yusuke again.”
“I'll try contacting him,” Ann says. “I might be able to get the truth out of him if I accept his modeling offer.”
Morgana turns sharply. “Wait, you're gonna do that!?”
Ann ignores him and glares at Ren and Ryuji. “You two better come with me, okay? I'm scared to go alone...”
“Alright, alright,” Ryuji grumbles. “We'll weasel the truth outta him, no matter what it takes!” He grins up at the statue. “Famous, renowned artist, huh? This might be tougher than Kamoshida. Well, we'll just have to prep ourselves until we get confirmation from Yusuke.”
[Group Chat: the gang]
Panther: would you really forgive someone unconditionally if you owe your life to them?
Panther: I'm not so sure anymore.
Skull: whatre you bringin that up for
Panther: according to Kitagawa-kun, Madarame isn't a problem
Joker: something wrong?
Panther: I mean, I know Madarame is a bad person, but still...
Panther: maybe I'm so hesitant because we haven't actually met any of his victims
Skull: yeah I guess thats pretty different from the kamoshida shit
Panther: I don't know
Panther: this might be an extreme line of thinking
Panther: but if an evil person isn't causing any trouble
Panther: is there really a need for us to step in?
Skull: I mean I guess you got a point
Skull: so we're gonna let yusuke decide if madarame's worth going after or not?
Skull: I dunno... if it were me
Joker: but it's not you
Joker: let's see how Yusuke feels
Panther: yeah
Panther: I guess we could talk some more after that
Panther: btw
Panther: who changed the group chat name this time?
Skull: that was me
Panther: “the gang”?
Skull: idk it needed to be something new
Panther: whatever
Panther: let's meet up tomorrow
Panther: okay I contacted Kitagawa-kun about modeling for him today
Panther: still waiting for his response
Skull: sick!
Panther: I really have no idea what I'm supposed to do as an art model though...
Joker: cover yourself in paint?
Panther: can you at least pretend to take this seriously?
Skull: it would make for a helluva distraction tho
Joker: if it makes you feel any better mona clawed me when I typed that
Panther: ha ha
Panther: serves you right :P
Skull: look you dont gotta go all in on this
Skull: youre only doing it so we can get dirt on madarame, remember?
Panther: true
Panther: it really sounded like Kitagawa-kun wants this to be a private picture of his though...
Skull: meanin...?
Panther: I'll let you guys know when he contacts me again.
Skull: niijimas poking around again
Skull: saw her talkin to mishima
Panther: he knows about us, doesn't he??
Joker: he knows, but I didn't confirm anything
Joker: worst case scenario, we'll just have to say he's imagining things
Panther: that's kind of mean...
Joker: I don't like it either, but it is what it is
Joker: I don't think he'll talk, though
Skull: cant believe she's lookin into us
Skull: aint she got better shit to do
Panther: the school probably put her up to it
Panther: all she does is kiss the faculty's asses
Panther: I'll bet she knew about Kamoshida, too
Joker: are you serious?
Panther: huh?
Joker: that's a pretty serious accusation
Panther: I mean, if I knew for sure I'd say something
Panther: but she's the student council president
Panther: someone had to have complained to her at some point, right?
Panther: like one of the first years
Panther: but she did nothing the whole time
Panther: she just looked the other way
Panther: it pisses me off
Skull: that dont matter right now
Joker: right
Joker: just be careful at school
Joker: if she tries to corner you, don't tell her anything
Skull: gotcha
Panther: sounds good
He sighs and runs a hand through his hair. It's been a long day, and nothing's even really happened yet. “Are you okay?” Morgana whispers from inside his desk.
“Quiet,” Ren says back, his voice hardly loud enough for even him to hear it.
Niijima must be sharp if she's the student council president. And no one can hold out forever. Mishima might crack, or someone else. We don't know what sort of dirt she can find on us.
But if she does figure it out, then...
I'll take it myself. Ryuji and Ann can get away clean at least. This is on me, and me alone.
Kitagawa isn't happy about the situation.
He's got that intense scowl on his face as he looks at Ann and says, “I thought it would just be you coming, Takamaki-san.”
“W-wouldn't you get nervous too, if it was just the two of us?”
“We're just here to keep an eye on ya,” Ryuji says, shrugging and plopping down in a seat. “So don't try anything perverted, 'kay?”
Kitagawa's glare only becomes all the more intense. “Stop making such odd assumptions. I have absolutely no interest in her as someone of the opposite sex.”
Ann start. “H-huh?”
“Is something wrong?”
“I mean... No?”
He frames her with his fingers, asks her to readjust a few times, then takes his seat behind his canvas and says, “Well then, let's get started.”
With that, he starts sketching, and the room goes silent.
“Hey?” Ann says, softly.
There's no response.
No response.
Ryuji looks between the two of them. “You hear her?” he asks brashly.
Yet again, no response.
“He's really focused,” Ren mutters.
“This isn't what we planned!” Morgana complains from Ren's bag. “We were gonna catch him off-guard and make him spill his beans, weren't we?”
Ryuji frowns. “How were we supposed to know this was gonna happen?” He sighs and leans his head back against a mildew-soaked wall. “Guess we just gotta wait till he's done... What an 'effin pain in the ass...”
Morgana hops out of the bag, then looks up at Yusuke to see if he noticed. Once he's sure of his stealth, he says, “I'm gonna check around the house. I'll be back!”
Before they can say anything, the cat disappears.
Literal hours go by.
Ren drifts in and out of consciousness for most of it, slipping into a boredom deeper than any he's experienced before. He tries his best to make sure Kitagawa doesn't try anything, for Ann's sake, but honestly it seems like he's entirely infatuated with his own work, not his model.
Finally – finally – he lowers his arm, and Ryuji perks up. “Are you done?”
Kitagawa shakes his head. “It's no good...”
Ann sighs. “I'm sorry. Am I the problem?”
Kitagawa looks at her. “No, no, not all. It's just...” He looks at his canvas again and sighs softly. “It pains me to admit it, but I am simply having trouble staying focused today. I'm sorry, but we'll have to resume this another time.”
Ryuji bolts out of his chair. “Oh hell no! How many hours do you think you made us wait!?”
“Hours?” Kitagawa glances at his phone and cocks his head curiously. “Oh. It has been quite some time...”
“Look,” Ren says, rising. “We had another reason for coming here today.”
Ann stands as well, and the three of them unite on one side of the room. “We needed to talk to you about something.”
“It's about those rumors regarding your sensei,” Ryuji says.
Kitagawa groans. “This again...”
“That painting I saw at the exhibit,” Ann cuts in. “You're the one who actually painted it, right?”
He starts. “I...”
“I knew it... That's why you pulled me away from it.”
“Your sensei's seriously messed up,” Ryuji says. “He just thinks of his pupils as tools. That's why he doesn't give a damn whether he steals their work or physically beats 'em.”
“There's no point in hiding it,” Ren tells him. “We know.”
Ann nods. “You couldn't go against him, could you? I'm sure we could help you out though.”
Only then does Kitagawa raise his head. A coldness enters his gaze that hasn't been there until now. “Stop it,” he says, his voice icy. “It's just as you say. We're... our sensei's 'artwork'. Do not misunderstand me, though. I offered my ideas to him myself. As such, it cannot be called plagiarism.” He stands and steps closer to them. “Sensei is simply suffering from artist's block right now.”
“And the pupils before you?” Ren spits. “Was he suffering from artist's block then, too? It would've been his whole career, then.”
“You cannot-”
“And the abuse?” Ryuji demands. “Is that true?”
Kitagawa opens his mouth, then closes it and looks away.
“Kitagawa-kun...” Ann whispers sadly.
“Then why the hell are you sticking around!?” Ryuji says. “All his other pupils ran away! Aren't you the only one left!?”
“What's wrong with a pupil helping out his master!?” Kitagawa snarls. “There are no victims here! Stop pushing your self-centered righteousness on me! I am supporting my sensei as his pupil. Where's the wrong in that!?” All of the energy seems to leave him at once, and he slumps down into his seat. “Don't ever come here again...” he growls. “If you do, I'll sue you for causing a disturbance.”
“We're not done here,” Ren says coldly.
Kitagawa looks up at him, then pulls out his phone. “Very well. I am reporting you to the police. I asked Takamaki-san to be my model, but I did not invite either of you here. I have asked you to leave the premises, and you refused. You are now trespassing.”
“Hey, hey, wait!” Ann cries. “Calm down, okay? There's no need for that!”
“I won't report you,” Kitagawa says, softly, “but only under one condition.”
“A condition?”
He looks to Ann again. “I want you to continue being my model, Takamaki-san.”
She flinches. “B-but you said that it wasn't working out today...”
“That's because I was being unconsciously modest for your sake. However, I have nothing to worry about anymore. If you're willing to bare everything to me...”
“Huh?” Ren manages.
“I will put my heart and soul into creating the best nude painting ever!”
Kitagawa ignores them, once again slipping into his own little world. “Ah, to think I'd be able to create a nude painting with my most ideal model!” He looks to Ren and Ryuji smugly. “Of course, you two won't be allowed in, and I ask that you forget our discussion today as well.”
“Hold it!” Ann cries. “Don't talk like this is settled!”
“If I don't submit a new piece to sensei soon, there will be some... inconveniences. However, as sensei is out during the afternoon while the art exhibit is on, I can use this place freely.” He closes his eyes and smiles contentedly. “I should buy more art supplies...”
“Will you listen to me here!?”
“Ah, of course. I am willing to wait. I'll make time according to your plans. But please do come before the exhibit ends.”
“Huh? That's not what I meant! Why aren't you listening!?”
Kitagawa checks his phone. “Sensei will be returning home soon. We're done for today, Takamaki-san. I'll be waiting for you to contact me.”
They stand outside in idle silence for a pretty long time, just awkwardly watching the minutes tick by.
Then, out of nowhere, Ann stomps a foot down hard and says, “He's totally out of his mind! I'm gonna have to pose nude if this keeps up!”
Morgana shoots out of Ren's bag like a bullet. “L-Lady Ann... N-nude...?”
Ren shoves the cat back down. “We won't let that happen,” he says.
“You won't have to worry about this if we make Madarame confess before the exhibit ends,” Ryuji points out. “His crimes come out, Yusuke ain't got any reason to do this shit.”
“B-but... Kitagawa-kun thinks he owes his life to Madarame. Is there a need to make him confess?”
Yet again, Morgana pops out. “T-then, Lady Ann... You're fine with baring it all!?”
Ryuji kicks at the ground. “Madarame's no different than Kamoshida. That asshole's usin' Yusuke, who doesn't have anywhere else to go. You guys are honestly tellin' me we should just ignore how he's bein' treated horribly like the other pupils?”
“Ryuji's right,” Ren says. He looks at Ann. “I've been thinking about what you said in text last night. About whether evil should be beaten even if it isn't causing harm, or if the harm it is causing is acceptable. And I think it should.” He pushes his glasses up his nose. “The truth is, Madarame is grooming children and making them entirely reliant on him so that he can abuse and steal from them without consequences. The only reason Yusuke won't fight back is because he believes he can't. How is that any different from what happened with Kamoshida?”
Ann flinches. “We fought back...”
“Not everyone. Mishima and Shiho didn't.”
“Shiho tried to get out!”
“But she didn't fight Kamoshida,” Ren says, a bit more sharply than he'd intended. “She tried to take her own life rather than stand up to him.” He looks up at the dilapidated building and shakes his head. “I'm willing to bet at least one of Madarame's pupils did the same thing.”
Silence falls over them. Then Morgana sighs and says, “Look, I don't entirely disagree, but... Are you sure you aren't projecting your own experience with Kamoshida onto Yusuke?”
“Does it matter?” Ren grunts.
“Yeah, it kinda does,” Ann says. “Look, Ren, I know your heart's in the right place, but...”
They all jump half a foot in the air as an unfamiliar voice suddenly calls out to them. They turn and see a woman with a bob-cut walking over to them. “Can I talk to you kids for a sec?” She looks them over. “You don't really seem like the ordinary stalkers.”
“Stalkers?” Ryuji grunts.
The woman chuckles. A hand remains on her side at all times, protecting a pretty expensive camera, if Ren's appraisal skills aren't lying to him. “Oh, sorry. I should've been more clear. I'm looking for people that know Madarame's pupils. See, there's this painting, 'Sayuri,' that was supposedly stolen in the past. But there's this rumor t hat it was taken by one of his pupils in retaliation for being abused.” She looks between them like a hawk picking its prey. “Have you heard anything about that?”
Ren shrugs. “Ryuji knows.”
“Wha-? Me!?” He shakes his head. “I don't know nothing!”
The woman sighs. “I see... There's no case unless there's a victim, and if there's no proof of abuse, I can't write either...”
“Write?” Ren prods.
“I'm a journalist.” She reaches into her pocket and pulls out a card, which she thrusts into Ren's hands. “If you ever get any leads, mind contacting me here?”
He takes a look at it. Ohya Ichiko. “Alright.”
“Great! Thanks!”
With that, she takes off.
“Well that was weird,” Ryuji mutters.
Ren shakes his head. “Look... We said we wouldn't target anyone unless we all agreed. So... Let's just take a day or two to think it over, okay?”
On the train ride back to Yongen-Jaya, he gets a call from Mishima.
“Hey, it's me. Got a minute?”
“What's up.”
“I have some interesting news. Someone who received a change of heart contacted me on the Phansite. Said he wants to meet with you and discuss another person who needs to have a change of heart.”
“Another change of heart?”
“You're better off talking to him in person if you want specifics. All I know is his target is a terrible person, and that it might complicate things if he posted the name online. He's be waiting for you at Shibuya Station after school. The guy's name is Nakanohara. He'll be waiting near the job postings.”
Ren releases a breath. This might be the break they've been waiting for. “Alright. I'll contact him. But make sure he knows that he won't be seeing my face.”
“Got it. I'll pass along the message.”
“Don't turn.”
He stands casually against the wall, just around the corner from where Nakanohara is standing and pretending to read a magazine.
Nakanohara swallows loudly enough to be heard. “I wasn't sure you'd actually show up.”
“Talk. You have a target for us?”
“...Yes. An artist by the name of Madarame.”
This is it. “Keep talking.”
“I'm one of Madarame's former pupils. He gave me lodging at his home, where I thought only about art. I genuinely wanted to be an artist. There was another pupil there at the same time. A very talented man, multiple years my senior. Obviously, Madarame kept tabs on him. Everything he made was claimed as a Madarame original. He...” Nakanohara takes in a sharp breath. “He committed suicide.”
Ren flinches. “Suicide?”
“He was unable to bear seeing his work praised under Madarame's name. That was when I disobeyed Madarame's orders and left. He, naturally, pressured the art world, and my life as a painter was destroyed. There is another pupil of Madarame's, now. A young man, extremely talented. I spoke to him a few times before I left. I asked him if it was painful to stay with Madarame. He told me, 'If I could leave, I would...'”
“He said that? You're certain?”
“Positive. He said those very words to me. I... I have no right to say this, given my cowardice, but I don't want to see another suicide. Please, change Madarame's heart. For my sake, for the sake of that young man... and for Madarame's sake as well.”
“For... Madarame's sake?”
“I am aware that I was given a change of heart. My name was posted on the forum by my ex. It was only after coming to my senses that I realized how terrible my actions were. I apologized to her, and have since cut off contact.” He sighs. “Madarame has lost himself. Help him, too.”
“May I-?”
“We're done here.”
“So that's it, right?” Ryuji asks, excitedly. “We've got the go-ahead?”
They stand together at the Shibuya Crossing, looking out over the station. Morgana hops out of Ren's bag and stands on the rail. “We've been asked to act directly on behalf of one of Madarame's victims. It sounds like the time has come for us to change Madarame's heart.”
“Yeah,” Ann says. “I'm on board, now. Suicide...” She shakes her head, then nods at Ren. “I'm with you all the way, Leader!”
“Good.” Ren really can't help but grin. He's been looking forward to this ever since they first entered Madarame's world. “Let's do this.”
So I elect disguise
Seraphim from a strange scene
So I elect disguise
They're dancing on a pin, dancing on a pin
We are the ones who pretend
Living life through a lens
We only see what we want to see
To see
We are the ones who pretend
To the sweetest end
Won't you strip a little back for me?
For me?
Living life through a lens
We are the ones who pretend
-Dancing on the Head of a Pin, Area 11
Chapter 11: The Embrace
(See the end of the chapter for notes.)
Chapter Text
He jumps down from his vantage point and shakes his head. “No luck.”
“Nothing over here, either,” Ann grumbles, rubbing her temples through her cat mask. “There's just no way through this thing!”
The Palace was mostly pretty normal for a while. There were some traps, sure, but nothin' Ren's sigh can't get them through. Then, outta nowhere, they got hit with this crazy roadblock. A massive door and a bunch of lasers bar the way, and they haven't been able to find a way around it.
“I don't get it,” Ryuji grumbles. “What's this mean? Like... Is Madarame's mind just completely impenetrable or some shit?”
“No one's mind is impenetrable,” Morgana says, crossing his little arms over his chest. “We'll just have to be a bit more creative. See, the Metaverse is a product of cognition. So a deeply-held belief – like, say, believing that a door in your house can't be opened – would manifest like this over here. Now, say someone were to open that door in the real world...”
“I think I get it,” Ren says. “There's a door like this in Madarame's shack, right? He thinks that door can't be opened, so we just need to open it in reality, and the counterpart over here will open too.”
Morgana grins. “Joker's got it. But it's not enough just to open the door. We need Madarame himself to watch the door open. Otherwise it won't have any effect on him.”
Ryuji blanches. “Huh? How the hell're we supposed to open it in front of him!?”
“Well... we'll just need a distraction!”
“Absolutely not!”
Ryuji sighs and rubs his temples. “We're not sayin' you should really get naked.”
“Indeed,” Morgana says. “It's simply the best excuse for you to enter Madarame's house without raising suspicions.” He beams, his little cat eyes gleaming in the Shibuya lights. “So, we'd like for you to play the role of decoy, Lady Ann.”
“I...” She swallows and looks away. Then, after a moment, she meets Ren's gaze. “W-what do you think? Should I...?”
Ren turns to look out the windows down at the crossing. “Kitagawa won't let me or Ryuji in there again,” he says softly. “You and Morgana are the only two who can get in without causing a disturbance.” He looks at Morgana. “You're sure this will work? Opening the door in front of Madarame will cause the door to open in the Metaverse, too?”
The cat nods. “Yup.”
“Then we have to try it.”
“And what if we get found out!?” Ann demands.
“Well...” Morgana hesitates. “We'll just run into the Palace! Or something.”
“You're not giving me much confidence in this plan!”
Ryuji shrugs. “All you gotta do is trick Yusuke, have him take you to that room, then just open the door. Easy, right?”
“Well, not exactly,” Morgana says. “The door has a pretty hefty lock on it. We'll have to remove it. That's where I come in. Lady Ann, I'll need you to distract Yusuke long enough for me to pick the lock on that door. It'll all go off without a hitch!”
She scowls. “It better! Seriously, you better pull this off!”
“If it's for your sake, Lady Ann, I won't stop scratching even if all my claws were to break!”
“Fine... But if he tries to force my clothes off, I'll tear this stupid house down! And if we do all this and the door in the Palace doesn't open, I'm really gonna lose it!”
“Eh, we're workin' to get dirt on Madarame's crimes either way,” Ryuji says. “It won't go to waste.” He dusts off his hands and grins. “Alright, let's get down and dirty tomorrow.”
“I hate that phrasing...” Ann grumbles.
[Group Chat: the gang]
Skull: you get in touch with yusuke?
Panther: yeah. He asked me to come by tomorrow
Skull: hell yeah! he fell for it!
Panther: um... do I really have to do this?
Joker: strip for him ann
Panther: Mona, scratch Ren!
Joker: ow
Panther: >:(
Skull: man this is such a pain
Skull: opening the doors one thing
Skull: but makin sure madarame sees it?
Panther: yeah, that's the rough part...
Joker: mona's plan makes sense
Joker: don't worry, this will work
Panther: okay. When you say it, I kinda believe it...
Skull: oh and one more thing
Skull: let us know if any weird shit goes down and we'll be there to back you up asap
Joker: yeah, don't hesitate there
Joker: we aren't going to abandon you in there
Panther: thanks. Seriously, thanks
“There's one last part to this plan,” Morgana tells them at the crossing.
“Huh?” Ryuji sputters. “You're springin' something on us now?”
“Thing is, this change in cognition probably won't be permanent. We'll need to disable the security inside the Palace while Madarame's off-balance in the real world. That means the two of you will need to be waiting inside the Palace for the door to open. Once it does, you'll need to sneak in and find some kind of control room. Then you can make sure the door can't close after it's open.”
Ren nods. “Alright. We'll handle that.”
Ryuji shrugs. “All good. Just as long as you two handle your end.”
“We'll be fine,” Morgana hops up onto Ann's shoulders. “Right, Lady Ann?”
“I...” She sighs and looks away. “I guess we'll have to be.”
“Don't worry,” Ren says, smiling slightly. “It'll all work out. Just follow your instincts. And don't let Kitagawa push you around, got it?”
She meets his gaze, and there's something like a spark there. Ryuji's been noticing that quite a bit lately. “Okay,” she breathes.
“To think you'd really come... I assumed you were lying when you contacted me.”
I was. I am. Ugh, this is so stupid. She's not sure what annoys her more, the boys teasing her about this, or Kitagawa-kun's genuine excitement. She honestly can't tell if he's a pervert or if he's just eccentric and obsessed with art to his core. Maybe it doesn't matter either way.
“Um... I'm sorry it was so sudden...”
“Oh, it's not a problem.” He sorts through a disorganized mess of art supplies with trembling hands. Just how thrilled is he? “But as I told you yesterday, sensei will be returning in about twenty or thirty minutes. I apologize if that causes some anxiety on your part.”
She grinds her teeth together. “That's why I'm here today, dammit...” she grumbles to herself.
“What was that?”
“Oh, it was nothing!”
He finally turns to face her, and sighs slightly. “By the way...” Kitagawa raises his hands and frames her with his fingers. “Have you... gained some weight?”
Ann chuckles nervously, shifting under the weight of the two dozen or so shirts she's got stretched over her torso. “You think so? I weigh the same as always. Maybe I'm bloated today?”
“...Very well. So, then... Can you, um... Get ready?”
“I... need to take my clothes off, right?”
She swallows. “I'm a bit embarrassed. Would you mind looking the other way?”
“Oh. Very well.”
The first shirt comes off with effort. She tosses it to the other side of the room, and Kitagawa seems to flinch a little bit when it lands near his feet. “Hey, your sensei's coming back soon, right?”
He swallows. “I believe so, yes.”
“Hm... Do you think we could do this somewhere else then? A little more atmosphere would be lovely...”
“Um... Shouldn't this be good enough?”
Ugh, this is so annoying. “But wouldn't a room with a lock be a bit better?” She giggles nervously. “Must a girl say more?”
“I-I...” Kitagawa-kun stammers. “But the only room with a lock is... sensei's.”
“Then why not there?”
“I can't intrude in there! Besides, I don't have the key...”
Ann bends down as far as her absurd layers will allow her to mumble into her bag. “He says he doesn't have the key...”
Morgana pokes his head out. “That's okay! It's why I'm here.” He hops out of the bag. “I've got a hairpin. Just buy me some time!” He darts out of the room.
“Takamaki-san, are you about-?”
“One more second!” Ann cries. As Morgana darts out of the room, she removes the last few shirts and tosses them aside.
Kitagawa-kun turns around before she gives him permission, and finds her dressed in her normal outfit. His eyes go wide and look around at the clothes strewn about the room. “You were wearing all this?”
“D-don't you think it's cold today?”
“I... No? I suppose the sun is starting to set, though...”
“Right! That's why a change of location would be nice... Wouldn't you like better lighting on your model, anyway?” She tries to pose seductively. “I mean, I'm gonna take it all off.”
“T-true... And if your mood is better, my picture will be better, too...”
“Yeah! That's right!”
Kitagawa-kun closes his eyes thoughtfully. “She might even be willing to try out various expressive poses for use in a dynamic composition.”
Over my dead body! Ann thinks.
“That could be fun!” Ann says.
Ugh, I'm doing this for justice! For the Phantom Thieves! To take down Madarame! That's it! Thieves lie, that's just part of it! Thinking those things doesn't really help her all that much, though.
Frustrated, Ann turns on her heel and says, “Let's go somewhere better!”
“Wait!” Kitagawa-kun cries as she walks away. “If you wander around, sensei will-”
She pulls off her letter jacket and tosses it on the ground in the open doorway. “Oh, it's so hot...” she moans, hoping that'll entice him towards Madarame's door.
“But we really can't use any other room!” he calls out.
She rushes up to the second floor and to the end of the hall. When she finds the door, though, Morgana is still clinging to the lock. “You still aren't done!?” she hisses. “I bought you so much time!”
“It's hard to do this... with cat paws!”
“Please, Takamaki-san!” Kitagawa-kun appears behind her in a huff. “Is something the matter?”
She turns towards him and does her best to prevent him from seeing Morgana. “Oh, um... So, what is this room here?”
“It's just a storage room for old paintings...”
“...Storage?” She forces herself to bite her lip and sway her hips a bit. “Hey, Kitagawa-kun... Why don't we do it in here? After all, I won't be embarrassed if we go somewhere nobody can find us...”
“O-only sensei can go in there...”
“Please? I wanna be alone with you... Somewhere, like, quiet. You know, where we won't get... interrupted.”
Morgana coughs behind her. “Is he really gonna buy that terrible act?”
Shut up, cat! Ann shakes her head. “Come on, Kitagawa-kun! Are my feelings really not getting through to you? Don't tell me... Do you not like girls like me?”
“N-no, that's not true...” he stutters.
“I'm home!”
Ann jumps in her skin, and Kitagawa-kun flinches. “S-sensei?” he manages.
“Yusuke?” Madarame calls from downstairs.
Just then, Ann hears the click, and Morgana falls to the floor. “Alright, it's open!” he exclaims, and he darts into the darkness beyond without hesitation.
Ann doesn't wait. She turns and rushes in there. Kitagawa pads after her and jumps in shock when he sees the door open. “Huh?”
“What are you doing there!?”
The old man's here! Ann leaps forward, grabs Yusuke by the hand, and drags him into the darkness before he can protest her, all while Madarame yells. There, she thinks to herself. If that doesn't change his stupid cognition, nothing will.
“Do you really think they can pull this off?” he grumbles.
Ren keeps his hands casually in his pockets. “Have faith in them.”
“Yeah, yeah...” He kicks at the ground. “Nothing's happening... Just wonder if-”
Before he can finish talking, though, the doors suddenly start to move. The whole room shudders as they creak open and the lasers turn off.
Ren smirks. “You were saying?”
“Hell yeah!” Ryuji cheers. “It worked! They seriously did it!”
“Don't get too excited. We still have to find a way to keep this turned off. Stay on guard.”
“Got it! Let's go!”
The second they get through the doors, they find a guard waiting for them. “You must be the thieves who dare threaten Lord Madarame!” it cries. “I will allow you to go no further!”
It dissolves like the Shadows always do, and turns into some kind of weird gorilla-thing. Ryuji raises his pipe. “We'll deal with you easy!” he declares, grinning.
“You cannot go any further! You are trespassing on Lord Madarame's territory!”
“Pfft,” Ryuji scoffs. “You guys ain't got nothin' on us! I'm more scared of screwin' up and having Ann yell at me!”
“We'll finish this quickly,” Ren says, calmly. He reaches up and grabs his mask. “Jack o'-Lantern!”
Fire rains down on the gorilla, and it instantly falls down. Ren and Ryuji exchange a glance, then a shrug, then they dart in and attack it with all they've got. It really doesn't take much after that for the fight to be over.
Ryuji laughs and rubs the back of his head. “Is it me, or are the Shadows getting even weaker?”
“That wasn't as bad as I expected...” Ren admits. “Come on, let's find the security.”
That doesn't take much searching. There's a little room just off the hallway with a bunch of computers. Somehow, Ren's able to figure out which one has the controls for the security system and disable it all. “That should do it,” he mutters.
“Alrighty!” Ryuji says. “Let's get back and get Ann outta there before Yusuke starts getting handsy.”
Ren frowns and looks away. Ryuji watches him for a minute. Dude, you ain't subtle at all. Can't believe she ain't realized it yet. She ain't subtle either, if I'm bein' honest. To tell the truth, they might not even realize their own feelings yet. Ryuji notices it, though. It's so damn obvious to him.
Well, whatever. For the moment, it doesn't matter. The mission comes first.
“Are these the lights?”
Takamaki-san's voice is all he has to orient himself by, at least until she turns on the lights. When she does, though, Yusuke immediately wishes she hadn't.
“What... What is this...?” he breathes.
All around them are paintings – identical copies of the Sayuri, of the painting that kept him alive for all those terrible years after his mother's passing. There are dozens in here, so many he cannot possibly count them all.
“Isn't this...?” Takamaki-san gasps. “Why are there so many of them?”
It can't be... “I have no idea,” Yusuke insists.
Sensei steps in, slowly. He's got that look in his eyes, the look that makes Yusuke flinch back and cower like a wounded animal. The look that makes him feel small in his own skin. “Get out,” sensei snarls.
Despite everything – despite that look – Yusuke holds his ground and meets his sensei's gaze. “What is the meaning of this?” he asks.
They stare one another down for a long moment. Then sensei sighs softly and closes his eyes. “I suppose I can't keep quiet now that you've seen this. Truth be told... I'm in severe debt.” He waves a hand around, motioning at the pictures. “I handmade these 'Sayuri' copies and have been selling them through a special connection of mine.”
“But... why?”
“The real 'Sayuri' was stolen by one of my pupils long ago. I assume they begrudged my strictness. That moment was quite a shock for me. Since then, I've been mired in a terrible artist's block. Because of this distress, some of my pupils handed their ideas over to me from time to time...” He sighs and shakes his head. “I knew I couldn't keep that up, so I attempted to recreate the 'Sayuri' a number of times. However, it resulted in nothing more than replicas. Pale, vain imitations. But... That's when someone came to buy the paintings, knowing full well they weren't the original.” Sensei looks away. “It's all my fault. I couldn't pay the price of being famous. As expectations for me rose, it reached a point where I had no choice but to keep making them...”
“I did this only for your sake, Yusuke. I needed money to further your talents. I ask that you forgive your cowardly teacher...”
“No, sensei, please don't!”
“I'm not buying it.”
The room goes quiet when Takamaki-san says this. She looks up, and there's something like fire in her bright opal eyes. “Something doesn't add up. If the original painting got stolen, how did you make a copy of it?”
“I... happened to find a finely detailed photograph of it in an artbook.”
“Seriously? You managed to sell copies of a photo of the original? That's a massive stretch. Why would anyone bother? Why not just buy a print of it online or something?” She crosses her arms and stands her ground. “This all sounds like a lie to me.”
“T-Takamaki-san...” Yusuke manages.
“Something just doesn't feel right,” she hisses at him.
In a flash, a cat appears from out of nowhere and grabs the tarp covering one of the paintings. The coverlet falls to the ground in a tumble, and reveals-
“Good heavens...” Yusuke whispers. He takes a step forward and raises a shaking hand. “'Sayuri'?” He forces himself forward another step and takes in a shallow breath. “This... This is the real 'Sayuri'!” He turns on sensei. “But you just said a moment ago that it was stolen!”
Rage bubbles up in his master's eyes. “It's another copy!”
Yusuke isn't entirely sure how – perhaps seeing the original Sayuri awoke some sort of strength within him – but he doesn't falter in the face of this anger. “No, it's nothing of the sort!” he insists. “This painting kept me going. It's the reason I made it this far... Sensei... Don't tell me...”
“It's a fake! Yes, a counterfeit! I heard there was a counterfeit spreading around, so I bought it!”
“Bullshit!” Takamaki-san cries. “You're actually telling me the artist behind the painting bought a counterfeit? That's pushing it.”
Yusuke nods slowly. “You're lying, sensei.” He takes in a breath, then releases it slowly. “Please just tell us the truth...”
“You too?” Sensei shakes his head in disappointment, then pulls out his phone and flips it open. He taps a few buttons, and then looks up at them again. “I've reported you to my private security company. I had it set up to deal with some problematic paparazzi, but I never thought I would need it in a situation such as this...”
“What?” Takamaki-san gasps.
“Please, wait!” Yusuke insists. “Let's talk about this!”
“You can talk all you want to the police,” sensei says sharply. “That includes you, Yusuke”
That cat appears again and darts out of the room, nearly knocking sensei off his feet in the process. Takamaki-san takes off after it.
Yusuke doesn't really think. He just rushes after them, calling out for Takamaki-san.
The next thing he knows, he's falling.
“Nooo!” Takamaki-san cries, and Yusuke somehow finds his hand in hers. He lands hard, just barely managing to avoid crumbling to the floor. Takamaki-san rests in his arms, but her clothes feel different, somehow...
Then a sudden pain strikes him in the head, and he collapses. He stumbles forward, practically landing on Takamaki-san. “Gah...” he grunts, the single syllable being just about the only thing his mouth is capable of releasing at this moment. His body feels... strange.
He blinks. It all feels so odd...
“I thought I was gonna die...” Takamaki-san moans. Then, out of nowhere, she shouts out, “Hey! Will you let go already!?”
She shoves him, and Yusuke falls again, slamming his head against the ground. He can just barely hear voices around him. They seem far away, and yet...
His mind slips away, and for a moment, he's just a child again, sitting on his sensei's lap and looking through paintings. He recalls dozens of them, down to the most minute of details. Landscapes, portraits, still lifes... But the one that stood out to him most – then and now – is the Sayuri. A masterwork in composition. The elegant brushstrokes, the mystery in the woman's eyes, the way the painting fades at the bottom, suggesting but not confirming anything of the meaning behind the woman's expression.
But then red seeps in through those eyes, and darkness overtakes the painting. He starts to cry, and his sensei just chuckles. Then that chuckling turns into riotous laughter, and then into something like monstrous cackling. Yusuke cries and cries and cries, and then the chains lock in on him, around his wrists and his neck. He struggles, and just barely manages to lift a paintbrush to put to life another picture that will be signed “Madarame.”
“Wake up!”
A shove forces him back to the surface. Yusuke coughs, nearly chokes on his own spittle. When he blinks, though, he finds three figures staring down at him. A man in a white mask, another with a skull mask, and a woman with a cat mask.
His fight or flight reflex kicks in, and he scrambles away. “Who are you all of you!?” he demands.
The woman in the cat mask leans down. “Calm down, Kitagawa-kun! It's me!”
“T-Takamaki-san?” He looks up. “That means you two are...?”
The blond one in the skull mask waves awkwardly. “Uh, hi.”
Yusuke frowns down at the fourth and final of their group, a small creature. “I don't recall ever seeing this cat costume, though...”
“What did you call me!?” it demands.
He chooses to ignore it for now, and focus instead on his surroundings. They are ugly, gaudy, glamorous and completely lacking in any sort of taste or artistry. “What is this place?” he manages.
“This is Madarame's heart,” the black-haired boy says.
“His... Inside sensei's heart?” He pushes himself to his feet and shakes his head. “I'm sorry, Takamaki-san... but are you sure you're feeling okay?”
“She ain't lyin',” says the blond one. “This is what that bastard truly feels. He's nothin' but a greed-filled money-grubber.”
Yusuke grinds his teeth together. “Enough of this rubbish!”
“Kitagawa-kun!” Takamaki-san cries. “Didn't it cross your mind that something wasn't right about Madarame? That something was wrong!?”
“You've known the whole time, right?” the black-haired boy says. His voice is quiet and collected, a sharp contrast to both of his companions. “The plagiarism, the abuse... You've put up with it because you don't think you have a way out.” He takes a step forward, and puts a gentle gloved hands on Yusuke's shoulder. “We can help you. But you have to let us.”
“Who... Who are you?”
He grins. “We're the Phantom Thieves.”
Yusuke blinks. “Is that supposed to mean something to me?”
“Dammit,” the blond boy grunts, kicking piteously at the ground. “Figures you ain't heard of us...”
“We aren't lying, though,” Takamaki-san insists. “Your sensei... Everything he's done... It's all here, in this world. This is his true nature.”
“If... If everything you say is true, then the sensei I know doesn't exist.”
“Is that really true?” the cat creature asks. “Sounds like you knew him pretty much exactly like how we described him.”
Not always. He did not always care so much about money. At least, I did not think he did... But more and more of late he has been staying elsewhere, outside of the atelier. More and more pupils abandon him, and more and more of his scorn falls upon me. Yet he is so certain of his ability to avoid leaving scars.
But is that not his right? Is it not his place to treat his charge however he so chooses? If not for him, I would have had no home at all. I would have had no family, no mentor, no one to care for me or raise me into the man I have become. Is it not his place to dispose of me as he wishes?
“He raised me for ten years...” Yusuke croaks. “I cannot simply...”
“You're just gonna forgive him!?” the blond boy screeches. “At this rate you'll-”
All at once, a pain strikes up through him. He nearly falls to his knees, only to be propped up somehow. He can feel weight on his wrists, and around his neck. My chains, he thinks. My chains. They are always with me, even when they cannot be seen.
Yet when he opens his eyes, they can be seen. Chains pull him off the ground and stretch his body out, pulling his limbs in opposite directions. The others cry out his name, but he can hardly hear them over the ringing in his head. It feels like he's drowning...
“Is this how you repay me, Yusuke?”
He swallows, the task nearly impossible through the irons. “That voice...”
When he looks down, he nearly bursts into tears to see his sensei approaching, guards flanking him. The others get into defensive positions, but Yusuke cannot mimic them. All he can do is watch.
Just the sight is horrifying enough. The sensei Yusuke knows is not there, and yet he is. He wears the elaborate getup of a shogun, his elegant robes made of a fine golden thread. His eyes glow a bright yellow, cold and shimmering. “Welcome,” he says casually, waving a hand towards Takamaki-san and the others, “to the museum of the master artist Madarame...”
“S-sensei...” Yusuke stammers. “That attire...”
“Disgusting!” Takamaki-san declares.
Yusuke shakes his head, another task made almost impossible by his restraints. “This... This is all one big lie, isn't it?”
Madarame scoffs. “My usual ragged attire is nothing but an act. Besides, a famous person living in that shack? I have another home... under a mistress's name, of course.”
“Some setup you've got,” the black-haired boy mutters.
“Haha! How naive!”
Yusuke fights against his chains as best he can. “If the 'Sayuri' was stolen, why was it in the storage room? And if you had the real one, why make copies!? Answer me!” He closes his eyes. “Please...”
“Foolish child. Must I spell it out for you? The painting being stolen was just a false rumor I spread! It was all a perfectly calculated staging!” He chuckles. “Let me see... How does this sound? 'I found the real painting, but it can't go public... You can have it for a special price, though...'” The chuckling turns into cackling. “Haha! How's that for preferential treatment!? Art snobs eat that up, and pay good cash, too!”
“How could you!?”
Madarame snorts. “The value of art is purely illusion. What's the matter with providing that illusion to eager customers? Though I doubt a spoiled brat like you would ever come up with such a brilliant scheme.”
The blond boy growls, “You keep goin' on and on about money this, money that...”
“You're supposed to be an artist, right!?” Takamaki-san screams. “Aren't you ashamed of stealing other people's work!?”
“Art is nothing but a tool... A tool to gain money and fame!” Madarame – or this cruel version of him – turns his cold eyes up. “You helped me greatly as well, Yusuke.”
“God, this pisses me off.” The blond boy looks up. “That's your damn teacher!”
Yusuke isn't entirely certain whether he wants to scream or cry. “But what about the people who believe in you?” he pleads. “Who think of you as a master artist? What of those who have been inspired by your work? Who have been given the hope to carry forward?”
What about all the feelings I had when I first laid eyes on the Sayuri?
Madarame stays silent for a moment. Then he says, “I'll tell you this alone, Yusuke. If you wish to succeed in this world, I'd advise you not to rise against me. Do you believe anyone could find success with my objection holding them down? Of course not. Your career – your life – is in my hands.”
Yusuke grinds his teeth together. “To think I was under the care of this wretched man!”
“Ha! You thought I took you in out of the kindness of my heart? Plucking talented yet troubled artists allows me to find promising pupils and take their ideas. After all, it is pure simplicity to steal the futures of children who cannot fight back. You gave me that idea, Yusuke...” He yawns. “But I tire of this little chat. It's time that you return to your work, Yusuke. My work!”
The chain release, and Yusuke falls to the ground. A guard stomps up to him and thrusts a paintbrush into his hands, and another plants a canvas in front of him.
“Now paint, Yusuke!” Madarame cries, cackling. “Paint, so that I might profit!”
Yusuke swallows, and raises the brush.
“What are you doing!?”
He looks up, feeling rather small.
It was the black-haired boy who called out. “Don't just give in!” he says, his voice stern and strong. “You have to fight back, or nothing will change!”
Yusuke closes his eyes. He spent so long under Madarame's care, so long in debt to this man. And yet... He uses us. He taps us for our ideas and abandons us when he's done. He butchers us like livestock. It is unimaginably cruel. I cannot – will not – accept this any longer!
He raises his eyes and looks at Madarame. “I will not paint for you,” Yusuke declares. He tosses the brush aside, and it clatters against the ground.
“You dare-”
“You are unforgivable!” Yusuke declares. “It doesn't matter who you are! I won't forgive you!”
“So... You repay my years of generosity with ingratitude? You damn brat!”
“My debt is long since paid,” Yusuke says. A strange smile comes to his face. “It seems the truth is stranger than fiction, hm? I wanted to believe it wasn't true. I had clouded my vision for so long. I was blind... Blind, and unable to see the true self behind this one horrible man!” He thrusts a hand forward. “I am not your captive!”
“Have you finally come to your senses?”
His mind pulses, and he falls to his knees. “How foolishly you averted your eyes from the truth. A deplorable imitation indeed. Best you part from that aspect of yourself!”
Yusuke slams his hands down on the ground and drags his nails hard against it. Blood streaks out from them, but he doesn't even feel the pain.
“Let us now forge a contract. I am thou, thou art I. The world is filled with beauty and vice. It is time you teach people which is which!”
He lifts his head, and the mask appears over his face. Yusuke chuckles as he steps up. “Very well...” he says, softly. And then, with a flourish, he raises his arm and pulls off the mask. “Come, Goemon!”
A flash of blue erupts in the room, and Yusuke smiles easily as Goemon appears behind him. “A breathtaking sight...” he declares. “Imitations they may be, but together they make a fine spectacle. Though the flowers of evil blossom, be it known: Abominations are fated to perish!”
With a swipe of his arm, a storm of ice and frost strikes out towards Madarame. His guards rush in to take the blow, and freeze for their efforts.
“The children who adored you as their father...” Yusuke says softly. “The prospects of your pupils... How many dreams did you destroy for your own vanity!?” He reaches out a hand and balls it into a fist. “No matter what it takes – I will bring you to justice!”
He snaps his fingers, and the frozen guards shatter into black vapor.
“Now-” he begins, but he gets only a step forward before falling to a knee. “Ngh...”
“Yusuke...” Madarame growls. “You've just thrown your bright future down the drain. I'll destroy every chance you had of becoming an artist!” He turns away, but looks over his shoulder one last time. “You'll forever rue the day you dared defy me.”
In a flash, he disappears.
“No!” Yusuke cries, and then a hand lands on his shoulder. He turns around to see the black-haired boy behind him. “What?”
“Not now. We need to talk.”
“Talk!? But-”
“Listen!” Takamaki-san cries, crouching down next to him. “You're totally drained. You can't do much, even if you wanted to! Trust us, we've all been through this.”
The black-haired boy shrugs. “I was fine after mine.”
“Shut up! You'll just confuse him!”
“I can't just let him get away!” Yusuke insists.
The blond boy crouches down by his other side. “Look, I don't like it either, but they're right. We gotta get outta here for now. We got some shit to explain to you, anyway.”
“I...” Yusuke looks between them, then sighs. “I... suppose you all know best. Very well.”
“I see,” he says, softly. “And so you changed this PE teacher's heart...”
“It's kinda wild,” Takamaki-san says, rubbing at her neck awkwardly.
“Well... I can't very well deny it, having seen it with my own eyes.” Yusuke takes in a breath, and then releases it. “So your plan with Madarame-sensei-” He catches himself. “Your plan with Madarame. It is to force a change of heart, correct?”
Sakamoto shrugs. “Pretty much, yeah.”
Yusuke considers that for a moment. He feels out of his element, in strange and unfamiliar waters. And yet one of the most important lessons he's learned as an artist is to follow the thread. Good art creates itself. This... He doesn't particularly see it as fate, but... If he is but a single brushstroke on a grand canvas, he must trust that the painter knows what they are doing.
“Let me join,” he says. “Let me become a member of the Phantom Thieves.”
The others exchange a look.
Yusuke leans forward. “Had I faced reality sooner, this may have been avoided. I must put an end to this for the sake of the others whose futures as artists were robbed as well. This...” He sighs. “This is perhaps the most civil thing I can do for the man who was, in some manner, my father...”
Takamaki-san smiles sadly. “Civil, huh?”
Sakamoto makes a humming noise. “Sounds fine to me. We're gonna deal with Madarame anyways. May as well have you along.” He nods to Amamiya. “Whaddaya say, Leader?”
“Welcome aboard,” Amamiya says.
“Thank you,” Yusuke tells them.
The cat pops its head out of Amamiya's bag. “He may have a mental shutdown if we screw up. We have ways to prevent that, but they aren't fail-safe. Are you prepared to take that risk?”
Yusuke nods. “Madarame is a man who has the art world under his thumb. He has many connections to many organizations. If someone like me raises my voice, it will only be snubbed out. We have no recourse but this.”
“Kitagawa-kun...” Takamaki-san breathes.
Morgana grins. “It's a deal then!”
Sakamoto laughs. “You better not slow us down.”
“Oh,” Amamiya says, “and no nude paintings.”
Yusuke cocks his head. “I haven't quite given up on that yet.”
Takamaki-san slams a hand on the table. “Give it up!”
“Oh, boy,” Sakamoto grumbles. “This'll be fun...”
“Oh, that reminds me,” Takamaki-san says. “I wonder what's going on with the real Madarame. Yusuke and I were in a pretty tight situation...”
“I actually contacted him on the way here,” Yusuke tells her. “He believes I continued pursuing you. As you all explained, it appears he knows nothing about his Shadow.” He scoffs. “He complained about how his security couldn't even find one high school girl. However, he's still furious about the situation, and he claims that he is going to take legal action against everyone.”
“Damn, dude...” Sakamoto mutters.
“That's pretty desperate,” Takamaki-san points out. “Maybe he still has more secrets.”
I hope not. Yusuke isn't certain he can take any more, to tell the truth.
He sighs. “If he were to act, it would be after the exhibit is over. Any scandal during the show would be his own loss. That gives us a clear deadline.”
“Yup,” Morgana says. “We'll just have to force a change of heart before then.”
They all nod their agreement.
“By the way,” Yusuke says. “What is this?”
“Huh?” Sakamoto and Morgana exchange a look. “Oh, it's a cat.”
“But it's talking.”
Morgana pins his ears back. “You got a problem with that!?”
“...Not really, no.”
Takamaki-san shakes her head. “He's on a way different wavelength than most people, huh...”
A sudden flash of inspiration takes over Yusuke, and he reaches over to press the button for service. “I think I will order some black bean jelly,” he declares.
Amamiya smirks. “The black cat made you hungry, huh?”
“Oh.” Yusuke looks down forlornly. “I don't have any money...”
“Never mind,” Takamaki-san mutters. “He's just weird.”
Watching it crumble
Might have eased the hurt
Feeling it disappear
Only made it worse
Pulling it piece by piece
Slicing up ribbons could dismiss
To slowly disintegrate
Could have been the perfect gift
May you feel this, while you sleep
Push the poisonous thorns in you
May you feel this while you wake
Bear your poisonous thorns
-The Embrace, AFI
Chapter 12: Paradise
(See the end of the chapter for notes.)
Chapter Text
“This is unnecessary,” he says.
Sakamoto – no, Ryuji – laughs. “C'mon, dude! You gotta eat if you're gonna fight! It ain't all about fists, y'know. You gotta have some mass, too!”
A huge beef bowl is placed in front of him. Yusuke stares at it with wide eyes. His stomach growls. “I... cannot pay for this,” he admits.
Ryuji shrugs. “That ain't the point. Just dig in, dude.”
“I will not accept charity.”
“It ain't charity! It's, like... teamwork?” He slams a hand on Yusuke's shoulder. It's a boorish action, and yet Yusuke finds himself accepting of it. “Tell ya what, you can pay for me next time.”
Strangely, the idea of there being a next time is appealing. “Agreed.”
Ryuji tears into his food without grace. Yusuke attempts, at first, to maintain some dignity. However, hunger takes control of him quickly enough, and he ends up attacking the beef bowl with fervor. It is perhaps the best thing he's eaten in days, if not weeks.
“Oh, man...” Ryuji moans. “This stuff is the best.”
“It is truly delicious,” Yusuke declares. “The taste is divine!”
“Haha, you said it man! Dude I could eat this all the time!”
As could I, if not for my lack of funds. He purchased quite a lot of supplies for his painting of Takamaki-san – no, Ann. He must remember that. It is a strange feeling, if truth be told. Not a bad one, though.
“If I may ask,” Yusuke says a moment after they both finish eating, “why did you invite me out here today? I realize that we are not infiltrating the Palace today, but...”
Ryuji shrugs, dabbing at his face sloppily with a napkin. “I dunno. We're teammates now, right? Gotta get to know each other a bit.” He looks down. “We got off on the wrong foot. I know that. But-”
“Please,” Yusuke cuts in. “There is no need for apologies or explanations on your part. I was the one who refused to see the truth. If I had simply listened to you in the first place...”
There's a long silence. Yusuke hasn't known the others for long, naturally, but he does know that silence isn't Ryuji's specialty. This long moment feels different.
Finally, Ryuji closes his eyes, shakes his head, and says, “Look, I dunno what things were like for you. I ain't ever been in your shoes. I think that's why I wanted to bring you here. I wanna get it. 'Cause...” He sighs. “My dad was never around, and my mom's the best person I know. For me, the one I had to fight was Kamoshida. And I never hesitated there for a second. I wanted to see that bastard gone, ASAP. So... I look at Madarame, and all he's done to you, and I just don't get why you weren't wantin' to get payback.”
Yusuke nods slowly. “I see. I think this is a simple difference in perspective. All you could see was what Madarame did to me, while all I could see was what Madarame did for me.”
“Oh. Yeah, I guess...”
“To tell the truth, I am still not seeking revenge. I am not seeking to balance the scales, as you might say. My goal instead is to prevent future tragedies. I am aware of a pupil who took his own life. I am aware of many other things as well. My cowardice caused me to shut my eyes to all of that. I cannot in good conscience continue down that path.” He makes a fist under the counter. “As his faithful pupil and his adopted son, I must show him the error of his ways.”
“Damn, dude.” Ryuji grins. “Y'know, I think you're gonna do good on this team.”
“You think so?”
“Yeah! You're... different, y'know? But you're the same as us, too. I think it's a good thing.”
Similar colors can contrast one another, in the right context. The Phantom Thieves are a grand painting, and this is only the second brushstroke. I cannot help but wonder where they will go when this is all done. What shall be the next color on our canvas?
For now, he must focus on their current mission. He must focus on his sensei.
“Aha!” he exclaims, raising a finger. “It is so simple!”
“Uh...” Ann says, rubbing at her neck. “Yeah! Soooo simple. But, like... Could you explain it anyway? I don't think Skull got it.”
“What was that!?”
Yusuke chuckles. “The paintings are connected to one another. Each one leads into the others. It is vague, but there is a connecting motif between them. The camel painting speaks of the creative desert, while the shrine painting speaks of dormancy as a virtue. The landscape painting bemoans hard work and speaks instead of how value can be taken from those with talent. This leads back to the creative desert, and that into the ship. Here, Madarame asks if the desert can truly be escaped if one worries about the lives impacted by the capitalization of talent. This links back to the landscape, which then brings us, finally, to the mansion. The result of Madarame's actions. The final escape from the creative desert.” He shakes his head. “It is disgusting. What a vapid use of art.”
“Fox...” Ann whispers.
His code name. It took a little bit for them to settle on one (Yusuke still would have preferred da Vanci), and Fox was what they chose in the end.
“It shouldn't be too much further to the Treasure,” Ren says. He's a different sort of man in the Metaverse. In reality he is rather subdued, rather temperate. In the Metaverse he runs hot and cold. Outside of battle he can seem almost disconnected, completely in control of his faculties, unable to be shaken. In battle, he is vicious, tearing through Shadows with a ruthlessness the rest of them cannot match.
Yusuke finds himself fascinated. So this is the leader of the Phantom Thieves...
Being inside his sensei's mind disturbs him, certainly. There is a certain level of morbid interest piqued within him as well, though. Seeing the distortion firsthand is an experience he'd never expected to have, and it inspires him in a way he's never properly experienced before.
That inspiration doesn't seem to translate to the real world, though. Whenever they leave the Palace, he'll attempt to put pen to paper, and yet fail entirely to come up with anything of note.
Madarame is here, he'll think. That's all it takes to destroy his creativity.
Yusuke shakes his head. They're in the Palace, and he must focus. He must fight with all he has to save his sensei, to protect him from himself.
The area they reach after the paintings is vast. Platforms lead through a wide golden space, so impossibly large it cannot be quantified nor understood. The only path forward requires them to determine the difference between real and fake paintings. Ren does so with relative ease, though admittedly the differences are striking. Yusuke nods his approval, however, and is not required to step in at any point.
Getting through that takes them, at last, to the end of their map. They enter a small entrance chamber, which leads into a larger exhibition hall. Standing there is-
“Just as I expected,” Yusuke breathes. “Madarame!”
“Then is the Treasure behind him?” Ann says.
“Yup.” Morgana hops forward. A strange little creature, yet a helpful one. Yusuke has grown quite fond of him. “It's really well guarded, though...”
Yusuke cocks his head. “Doesn't it look a bit hazy?”
“For now,” Morgana agrees. “See, we need to send a calling card first. Once we send it, that'll make the real Madarame aware that his desires can be stolen. Then it will materialize.”
“I see! Magnificent!”
“...You get excited about weird stuff.”
Yusuke leans forward. “I do wonder what form it will take... You said your gym teacher's Treasure was an Olympic medal, yes?”
“Yup,” Ren confirms. “Any idea what Madarame's might be?”
“Bet it's a self portrait or somethin',” Ryuji says.
Yusuke considers it for a moment. “The source of what distorted Madarame's reality so much... To tell the truth, I cannot hope to guess at it.”
“That doesn't entirely matter right now,” Morgana says. “Right now, we need to figure out how we're gonna reach it...”
“Yes,” Yusuke agrees. “It is behind infrared lasers. And Madarame himself is protecting it. This will not be an easy heist.”
“What're we gonna do?” Ann asks Ren.
He shrugs. “We'll just have to look around and see if we can't find anything that'll help. Come on. Follow me.” With that, he turns with a flourish and leaves them.
It takes a little while to find anything of note. There's a security room near the chamber, but the computer they gain access to doesn't have permissions to disable the lasers. The best they can do is turn off the lights, which might come in handy later.
The second floor proves more fruitful. A pathway leads them to the rafters, and there they find a way directly above the Treasure. “No lasers here,” Ryuji points out.
“This is quite a large hole in their security,” Yusuke says. “But what do we do with it? Jump down to retrieve it?”
“We wouldn't be able to get out if we did that,” Morgana says. “But I see another way. Look up.” They do so, and see a hook on a crane, attached to a series of pulleys. “The controls should probably be around here somewhere. All we've gotta do is find them!”
That doesn't pose much of a challenge. There's a lever in the last room that brings the crane up and down. “Do you plan on descending on that hook?” Yusuke asks Morgana, stunned. “Would they not spot you the moment you were lowered down?”
Ren grins. “You're forgetting. We can turn off the power.”
“Exactly!” Morgana exclaims.
Yusuke frowns. “It only lasted a few seconds, though. The timing would be rather tight.”
Morgana cackles. “It'll be easy! One person will shut the power off here, one person will lower the crane, and I'll grab the Treasure! Simple!”
“Uh, you sure that's gonna work?” Ryuji presses. “Seems like they'd realize what's goin' on at some point. We'll all be split up...”
“Sometimes bold moves have the greatest payout. Unless someone has a less risky idea?”
Ren shrugs. “I like the plan.”
“Well said, Joker! You understand what being a phantom thief really means!” Morgana grins. “With that, I think our infiltration route is secured! Let's get out of here and prepare the calling card.”
“I ask that you allow me to write it,” Yusuke says. “Madarame is my sensei. I want to tell him how I feel, even if I cannot put my own name on it.”
Ren nods. “Alright. It's on you. Ryuji wrote the last one, so talk to him if you have any questions.”
“Pfft,” Ann snorts. “I'm sure Fox can do a way better calling card.”
Yusuke chuckles. “I am honored. However, I may just take Skull up on that. There is something to be learned from everyone, after all.”
He's always uncomfortable going home, now.
To make matters worse, Madarame is in the foyer. He stands when he hears the door. “Ah, Yusuke,” he says, in his usual pleasant voice. “You have been home late recently. Is something going on?”
“Oh... No, sensei. Everything is fine.”
“Very well. Tell me, how goes work on your new piece? Steady, I hope?”
I haven't painted anything since I first stepped foot in your mind. “I... I have hit a bit of a stumbling point, but I will work through it.”
Madarame frowns. “A stumble, hm? Well, I've been through much the same in the past. Would you like me to look at it and give you some advice?”
Yusuke nearly chokes. “I... I thank you, sensei. However, I believe I will learn more if I push through this myself. If I require help, I will ask you soon.”
“Hm. Very well. Remember, you must provide a new piece, and soon.”
Or else you cannot claim it as your own. He forces himself to remain unflinching. “Understood, sensei. In that case, I will get to work.”
“Ah, working so late! I forget, sometimes, how diligent you are, Yusuke!”
When he gets to his own room, Yusuke begins work on the calling card. I will not allow you to be consumed any further by this monster, sensei. I will protect you from yourself. Just please, do not harm yourself any further before I can steal your desires. Await me.
“No. Slower.”
Ren sighs softly and starts again. Apparently Sakura-san – Boss – is a stickler for details, and he's not going to let Ren off easy when it comes to making coffee.
“Just go slow and learn from him,” Morgana calls from his bag.
“Jeez,” Boss mutters. “Sometimes it feels like that cat's talking to you...” He stands from his seat and nods down at the beans. “Now, do you remember what grind we're going for?”
“Right. Good.” He sighs. “It's late now. I'll do it for you, but make sure you watch closely.”
So Ren does. He pays extremely close attention to every motion Boss makes, notes them all down in his mind. When it's all done, he sips the coffee and nods. “It's delicious.”
Boss chuckles. “Well, thanks. Coffee doesn't net much profit considering how much effort it takes, but money is money. Besides, the money's not the point. Coffee is an art form. I'm not gonna forgive you if you serve our customers crap coffee. Remember that.”
Before Boss can say anything more, his phone goes off. “One sec.” He answers it and turns away. “Yes, hello?” His eyes go wide at the response. “How'd you get this number?” There's a response to that, but Ren can't hear it. “Now? Where? Fine.” He hangs up and shakes his head before turning to face Ren again. “Sorry, something just came up. We can keep going with the lessons some other time.”
Ren hesitates. “Is it some kind of trouble?”
“That's none of your business. You're the one in trouble, kid. Probation, remember? Keep your head down, and keep your nose outta other people's business.” He rubs his temples and pushes his little glasses up his face. “Do the dishes while I'm gone. And remember to shut off the gas before you close up shop.” A small smile comes to Boss's face. “It's nice having someone around to help at times like this, actually. Just keep doing what you're doing, and you'll get through the year just fine.”
Ren reflects on that as he does the dishes. Doing what I'm doing, eh? He wonders if Sakura-san would still give that advice if he knew about the Phantom Thieves.
“Hey, look at those ducks over there!” Ann exclaims, beaming. “They must be a family!”
Ren looks out at the water and sees just as she claims: a little gaggle of ducks, all together. There's even some ducklings, little babies following their mother. He manages a smile.
“This place is seriously amazing...” Ann breathes. “You don't see things like this in Tokyo much.” She sits down on the fence and pats it. He takes the cue and sits next to her. “What's your hometown like? Was it a lot like Tokyo, or...?”
“Nothing like Tokyo,” he says. “It was a small town. There wasn't much there. But there was quite a bit of nature, and that was nice.”
“Oh, so being in the park must kind of remind you of home, right?”
“It... reminds me of where I'm from.” Is that place home? I don't really know. It's not like he felt entirely out of place there, not until the trial, but... Ever since he was old enough to understand things, he'd felt like an outsider. He had friends, but they felt distant. Like there was a sort of barrier in between the two of them. Looking back, anger was the distinguishing factor.
It might sound odd to others to hear that. Ren, on the surface, is a calm and collected person. He hardly ever raises his voice. He doesn't attack people. He doesn't fight them. And yet there is a fury in him that cannot be quelled, a fury that has existed all his life.
Ann nods slowly. “You know, Tokyo is so strange. There are tons of people, tons of stores... But there's also duck-filled ponds here, too. It has everything, but... It sometimes feels like I can't understand any of it. It's honestly kinda scary.”
“Well, that just comes down to you.”
“Yeah, and that's what scares me. It's nobody's fault but mine.” She looks down and crosses her legs. “You know, when I first got here, I had a super hard time adjusting. It's so crowded, and everyone walks really fast... I always worried that they were angry at me or something. Even at school, I was only ever the 'foreigner.' Nobody really knew me. All they did was spread rumors.” She sighs. “Kinda like what happened with you.”
“Well...” he starts, but he loses the words.
Ann smiles. “Hey, don't act like it's not true!” She closes her eyes contentedly. “You know, back when I was adjusting, Shiho talked to me. The first thing she said was, 'Takamaki-san, your paintings suck.'”
Ren can't help but laugh. “Okay, that's pretty good.”
“Right? I thought she was just making fun of me like everyone else, but that wasn't it. According to her, they were so bad that she just had to tell me. Pretty mean, right?” She laughs. “We sorta grew closer after that, and Shiho's been my best friend ever since.” She hesitates, then that smile dies. “You know, she was talking about approaching you, too. She felt bad about all the rumors getting spread about you. She was going to...” Ann sighs. “If things had been different, I wonder if the two of you might've become good friends...”
She did talk to me. It wasn't much, no, but... “She's a good person,” Ren says.
Ann snorts. “You hardly know her.”
“I guess. But my instincts don't lie.”
“Pfft, whatever you say.” She starts. “Oh, but that's not why we're here, though! There's something else I wanted to talk to you about. Do you remember what I told you the last time we came here?”
“About that anime villain?”
“Yeah! After we talked about her, I had an idea.”
“...An idea?”
She giggles. “It's gonna knock your socks off! You know how the villains in those shows are always going on about world domination? Well, even though they get beaten by the heroes every time, they never give up.”
“Are you... planning to take over the world?”
Ann gives him a grin. “You got it! This is the start of my evil plan!” She shakes her head. “Nah, that's not it. What I mean is... Well, if they lose all the time, but they never give up, they must have pretty strong hearts. So I'm gonna try and learn from them!”
Ren frowns. “How, exactly?”
“Easy! I'm gonna star in action movies!”
“Uh...” he manages. “Good luck with that...”
“Thanks! Your support really helps!” She pumps her fist. “Alright, I'm gonna make this my ultimate goal for the future!” She cocks her head. “I'm gonna need to work out if I wanna star in action movies, huh? Hey, Ryuji knows a good gym, right? We should talk to him about it!”
Ren stands. “Not a bad idea.”
“Here we are!” Ryuji declares, throwing his arms around Ren and Ann's shoulders. “Protein Lovers gym!”
It's just a small place in an alleyway near central street, but it seems decent enough. “You've been here before?” Ren asks.
“Yeah, couple times. Wanted to try it out before I showed it to you guys. There's no membership, you just gotta pay every time you come in.” He breaks off them and walks towards the door. “You guys brought your stuff, right?”
“Yup.” Ren reaches into his bag. “Protein powder.”
“Huh? Dude, nah, I meant a change of clothes!” Ryuji stares. “How many different brands did you grab...?”
Ann sighs loudly. “We both brought our gym clothes, so let's get started!”
“Alright, alright. What're you guys tryin' to do, anyway? You need goals when you start workin' out, or you're just gonna be flailing around the whole time.”
“I want to slim down,” Ann says.
“You try joggin'?”
“That's not enough! I want to tone up, too, so I need to start lifting weights. Plus, my shoulders are drooping, I wanna make my biceps leaner, and I need to straighten my back out! Obviously I want to cut down on my waist size too, and firm up my butt and calves!”
Ren and Ryuji exchange a glance. “In other words,” Ren says, “you want to do everything?”
“If you do all that shit in one day, you ain't gonna be getting outta bed tomorrow,” Ryuji says. He sighs. “Alright, today we'll just try out some stuff. Not much weight, just focus on form. Then we'll go from there. Sound good?” He nods to Ren. “What're you tryin' to do?”
“Improve my stamina,” Ren says. “And get stronger.”
“Heh, vague, but way easier than what she's tryin' to do.”
“Hey!” Ann protests.
Entering the gym feels like entering Ryuji's world. He knows how everything works, where everything is. He takes them through a series of different exercises, giving them pointers when they fail or struggle. It takes quite a while, but all-in-all it goes well enough.
“The key is to know your limits,” Ryuji tells them. “Can't push too hard or you'll hurt yourself, but you can't push too little, either, or you won't make any strides. You gotta find that middle ground. Gotta realize the difference between good pain and bad pain, too. And-”
The three of them look up as a student approaches them. Ryuji instantly lights up. “Ikeda-senpai! Yo! I didn't expect to see you here!”
The student chuckles. “You don't need to call me senpai anymore. I've already graduated, remember?”
“Who's that?” Ann says softly.
Ryuji grins. “This is Ikeda-senapi. He taught me loads of shit back when I was on the track team. Best runner I've ever seen!”
Ikeda shakes his head. “You're giving me way too much credit, Sakamoto.” He nods to Ren. “Hey, who's this? You weren't on the track team, were you?”
“Nah,” Ren says.
“By the time he got here, the track team was already...” Ryuji hesitates. “Well, you know.”
“Oh, speaking of that, how's your leg?”
Ryuji sighs. “Eh, I'm managin'.” He shakes his head and forces a smile. “How about you, senpai? You still runnin'?”
Ikeda nods. “I actually joined the university's track team. You'd think I would've quit entirely after what happened, but...”
“Hey... About that...” Ryuji bows deeply. “I'm real sorry.”
“No,” Ikeda says. He reaches out and shoves Ryuji back up. “I should be the one apologizing. I was the captain. I was supposed to be the leader of our team, but I just resigned myself to Kamoshida's abuse...”
“Well... You needed a letter of rec from him, right? You were just lookin' out for your future. I 'effed that up for you.”
“Kamoshida was never gonna give me a letter of recommendation,” Ikeda mutters. “You were just a convenient reason not to. I didn't raise my voice against him because I was scared. That's all there is to it. I was a complete coward. That's the truth.” Ikeda grins. “Besides, I like where I'm at now. The track team isn't anything special, but it's perfect for me. Honestly, I want to thank you for what you did. You had the guts to fight when I didn't. I always regretted not doing more to protect you guys...”
“Hey, hey...” Ryuji protests. “You ain't gotta thank me for messin' up...”
Ikeda beams. “Oh, hey! I heard some great news recently. The Shujin track team's being reinstated!”
Ryuji practically jumps. “For real!?”
“I mean, Kamoshida came clean, right? I guess the school got the old team together and told them they want to try starting it up again. Weren't you part of that?”
“I... Nobody told me about it...”
“Huh... Weird. The rumors got to me, and I'm not even a student there anymore. Anyway, I heard they got Yamauchi-san as their new advisor.”
“Wait, what!? You mean that Yamauchi!?”
“Yup. The one that was basically Kamoshida's lapdog. He apparently volunteered. Real enthusiastically, too.” Ikeda sighs and shakes his head. “The more things change, the more they stay the same.”
Ren frowns. “That's kind of a defeatist attitude, isn't it?”
Ikeda shrugs. “There's not much I can do about it. But, hey, you guys still go to Shujin. Maybe you oughta do something.” He checks the time and nods. “Well, hey, I gotta run. Real good seeing you, Sakamoto!”
As he runs off, Ann steps forward. “Yamauchi was pretty much just...”
“Kamoshida lite,” Ryuji mutters.
“You seem conflicted,” Ren says.
“I mean... I'm glad the team's comin' back. It's sweet that they get to run again, but...” He shakes his head sharply. “Yamauchi... He's just a mini-Kamoshida.”
“So he's an asshole?”
Ryuji shrugs. “Basically, yeah. He'd always yell at us during practice. Then he'd be a huge kiss-ass when our parents were around.” He kicks at the ground. “I can't believe a moron like that's gonna be advising the track team. He doesn't even teach PE! Hell, he can't even run!” He scowls at the ground, balling his hands into fists. “He's gotta be up to something.”
“Well, why don't we do something about it?” Ann asks. “I mean, we could always see about changing Yamuchi's heart, too...”
“If he's anything like Kamoshida, he'll at least have a Shadow in Mementos,” Ren points out.
Ryuji hesitates. “I dunno. I... I dunno. Just... I'll do some research. I'll let you guys know what I figure out, 'kay? I just... I don't wanna rush into anything.”
“Whoa,” Ann breathes. “Ryuji being cautious?”
“Oh, shut up...” Ryuji sighs. “Sorry guys, I'm gonna call it there. You probably should just rest today. We can workout some more soon. Oh, and let me know about the calling card, alright?”
With that, he rushes off.
Ren and Ann sit on the roof after he leaves them.
“He's really shaken by this, huh...?” Ann says softly. “You know, Ryuji always says he's done with the track team, but I don't think he is. I think he's still got some issues there.”
“Yeah,” Ren agrees. “Yamauchi...”
“I never really knew him, to be honest, but... I knew the stories, and the rumors. He was always humping Kamoshida's leg. If he's coming back...” She grinds her teeth together. “The school left Ryuji out of the new track team, too. That was so intentional. They're just worried about optics. They don't care about making amends. They just want the school to look good.”
“We'll do something about it,” Ren promises her. “I'm not just going to sit back and let them hurt people again. We'll fight back.”
Ann smiles. “You're always so strong. How are you like that?”
Because I have nothing to lose. If he fights and dies, or gets arrested, or anything else, it really doesn't matter. Ren isn't really significant anymore. Only Joker matters.
He's a little tempted to tell her that, but... When he looks into her beautiful bright eyes, he just can't do it. Something about her disarms him. Something about her makes him feel weak and small. He wants to be honest with her, always, but he can't stand the idea of hurting or disappointing her.
He sighs and says, “I just can't look away when someone's suffering.”
“You're so kind...”
It's only half the truth, he thinks.
There's a moment of silent eye contact then. She stares at him, and he stares at her, and there's a strange part of him that just wants to lean forward and kiss her. It's stupid. The situation really isn't particularly romantic, and it's not like anything she's said would lead him to this conclusion. Yet his mind remains focused on her lips, and on the prospect of holding her, of...
He sighs. The whole thing is stupid. He can't think about things like this.
Ren stands. “Let's get some rest,” he says, avoiding looking at her. “We'll be sending the calling card soon. Can't let Yusuke put up with Madarame any longer than he has to.” He closes his eyes, then releases a breath and says, “I'll let you know when we're going.”
With that, he walks away.
I feel like the rain
Dripping away, dripping away
I run from this pain
I can't escape, I can't
Why can't I find a place to hide?
A hopeful dream of a future paradise
A future paradise
-Paradise, Future Palace
Chapter 13: The Hands are the Hardest
(See the end of the chapter for notes.)
Chapter Text
Yusuke stands behind Madarame silently as the lackey comes up to his master.
“Pardon me, sir,” the staff member says softly. “There's a matter we need to inform you about...”
Madarame looks to the press with a smile and says, “Please excuse me for a moment.” They withdraw, and he turns to his employee. “What is it?”
“We found this outside. It seems to be... a calling card.” The staff member swallows loudly enough for Yusuke to hear, and reads. “'Sir Ichiryusai Madarame, a great sinner of vanity whose talent has been exhausted. You are an artist who uses his authority to shamelessly steal the ideas of his pupils. We have decided to make you confess all your crimes with your own mouth. We will take your distorted desires without fail. From the Phantom Thieves.”
Madarame crushes the card in his hands. “Whose doing is this!? What sort of idiotic prank...”
“We don't know! The same letter has been posted everywhere!”
“What about the security cameras?”
“There were no signs of the culprit. All we saw in the recordings was a stray cat.”
Yusuke can't help but smirk to himself. Morgana may insist that he is human, but his current form is quite useful, too.
Madarame scowls. “Remove these at once!”
“O-of course!”
Yusuke turns away.
The others are waiting for him just beyond, in a part of the exhibit dedicated to Madarame's history – mostly fabricated, of course. “Will that do?” he asks them.
“Yup!” Ann declares. “I mean, he didn't freak out as much as Kamoshida did, but still!”
Morgana pops up out of Ren's bag and onto his shoulder. “Your calling card was way cooler than Ryuji's, Yusuke!”
“Can it, cat,” Ryuji grumbles. He grins and nods towards Yusuke. “It was sick, though. And man, pinning that thing all around here... That'll piss him off for sure.”
“The Treasure should have appeared by now,” Ren says. He pushes his glasses up his nose and smirks. “Let's do this.”
They get all the way to the crane controls together. “Are we ready to begin, Joker?” Morgana asks.
The feeling of the Palace is wildly different now. It's more similar to how it felt when he first landed here, when he could still feel Madarame's fetters about his hands. Now, with his desires threatened, Madarame clings to them desperately, attempting to hold to his final possession: Yusuke himself.
I will not let this end badly, he tells himself. I am here, and I am with the others. Together, we cannot lose.
“Ready,” Ren says. “Skull, Panther, the two of you will take care of the lights. Mona, get to the crane. Fox, help him out. I'll take care of the controls.”
They all agree, and head off.
Yusuke ties Morgana tightly to the hook, allowing him to keep his paws free. “Is this good?” he asks.
“Yeah, it's perfect!”
“You actually seem to be enjoying this.”
Morgana laughs. “Only the best can appreciate these critical moments. The tough times when every second counts and everyone has to be at their best... Those are the moments that really make us phantom thieves!”
Yusuke nods. “We'll be counting on you, Mona.”
He turns, and gives the signal. Just a second later, the lights go out. A second after that, the crane lowers, and Morgana disappears into the darkness below. Yusuke watches from his vantage point, but he cannot see anything after a certain point.
Then the lights come back on, and the crane raises. Joker is the first of the others to join him on the rafters, and Skull and Panther follow close behind. A moment later, Morgana reappears, clutching an item wrapped in cloth in his paws. “Hehehe!” he cackles. “How's that for a skilled plan?”
Ryuji grins. “That was amazin', Mona!” He steps forward and helps the cat off the hook. “So what'd the Treasure end up bein'? I'm guessing it's a painting based on the shape.”
“We can look into that later,” Yusuke says. “For now, we must escape.”
“Yeah, it's time to go!” Morgana exclaims.
When they get back to the control room, though, they find the door locked. “They've got us trapped,” Ren mutters, after attempting to push through it a few times.
“There's gotta be another way, right?” Ann says.
“The windows,” Yusuke decides. “We can use the rafters to reach them.”
“Works for me,” Ren says. He turns on his heels and rushes back toward the rafters. Yusuke is the first of them to follow, but he can hear the footsteps of the others behind him. They leap from one platform to the next until they reach the windows. “We have no idea where this will take us,” Ren admits.
“We don't have another choice!” Morgana cries. “Let's go!”
So they do. Everything goes hazy for a moment, and then they appear back in that expansive void, the one where they were forced to find the true paintings among the fakes.
“Whoa...” Ryuji gasps. “This shit's real high up...”
“But at least it's outside!” Morgana says. “Is there a way down out here?”
Ren lets out a sigh. “We'll just have to run and hope we find something.”
That proves mostly fruitless. The paths here are all dead ends. Until, that is, they discover a portal door similar to the other ones. While those glowed either blue or gold, though, this one glows a bright, ominous red. “We don't have time to lose!” Morgana insists when they hesitate. “Just go through it! Now's our chance!”
“For real!?” Ryuji manages, but Morgana hops through before any of them can protest.
“Screw it,” Ren says, and he rushes through, too.
“Idiot!” Ann cries. Then she follows, grabbing Ryuji and Yusuke by their arms and dragging them through with her.
When they reappear, Yusuke blinks once and finds himself at ease. “Is this the courtyard?” he says, calmly.
“Heheh...” Morgana giggles. “I knew it! All that security would have been meaningless if it just led back inside! We're actually gonna get away!”
Yusuke smiles. “It seems we managed to escape them.”
“Mrrrr... Meowwwww...”
“Oh, god...” Ann grumbles. “Not again...”
Morgana leaps in the air. “I just can't take it any more! Let's take a look at this Treasure!” He places the cloth down on the ground and begins to excitedly open the package. When he finishes, he beams. “Treasure!” he declares... only to open his eyes and recoil. “What?”
Yusuke frowns down at the hideous piece of art framed before them. “This is the Treasure?” Ryuji cries, baffled. “It looks like something a kid drew!”
“Get back!”
He's only been a member of the Phantom Thieves for a little while now, but if Yusuke learned anything, it's to listen to Ren, especially when he speaks like that. He leaps back without hesitation, and the others do as well. Just at that moment, the security system activates, and incinerates everything in the spot they'd been standing, including the pathetic line art.
“Meddlesome vermin.”
They turn together, readying weapons as Madarame approaches them. “Here to get your ass kicked, old man!?” Ryuji calls.
“Hm. Is this what you're looking for?”
One of the guards next to him holds a painting. Yusuke cannot see the contents of it from this angle... and yet he feels a certain dread towards it, as though he might prefer not to see it, prefer not to know what it means...
“How dare you try and trap me like some kind of mouse!” Morgana demands.
“So you had a fake prepped, huh?” Ryuji screams. “Guess that checks out... Fake is all you can do!”
“Counterfeits are accepted in the world of Japanese art.”
That's too far. “What made you change like this!?” Yusuke cries, desperately attempting to reach out towards his sensei. “Is it because you became famous!? Can't you understand how much it pains me to inquire about the crimes of my foster father!?”
Madarame frowns. “Now that I think back, the only reason I took you in was due to my ties with your mother. That woman never lost her passion for painting, even after her husband died. Her skills and talents were quite astonishing. That's why I decided to look after her. Hm. Your mother and the artwork she created... they're all MY works of art!”
Ann scoffs. “How low can you sink!?”
“I suppose I can grant you a glimpse before you die. A glimpse of the genuine 'Sayuri'!”
The guard steps forward and raises the painting.
And Yusuke's world ends.
In that one, singular moment, it feels as though everything he's suspected, everything he's feared comes true. The sight of the Sayuri, lacking the splotch of paint at the bottom, strikes through like a stake through his heart. The baby in her arms, the loving look in her eyes, the gentleness and beauty and...
“Mom...” Yusuke breathes.
“H-huh!?” Ryuji sputters.
Madarame chuckles. “Indeed it is. This was painted by your mother. It's a portrait of herself. A woman who knew her death was coming painted her last wishes, for the son she would leave behind. That is the truth behind the mystery of her expression!”
Ryuji steps forward, furious. “You stole something THAT personal!?”
“I knew at first glance. I knew it would be a huge success if I added a touch to the painting and announced it under my own name.”
“The baby in the picture,” Yusuke manages. “Why did you paint over it?”
“It was all to stage it. If the babe is erased, the reason for the woman's expression becomes a mystery. That is what the general public is drawn to! Each of those parasitic critics wrote the same thing!”
Ann looks away. “I always felt something was off about all this... Now I know what it is. If you really treasured that painting, you wouldn't even think about replicating it for profit!” She thrusts her hand out towards him. “You don't love art at all!”
“You stole your own Treasure,” Morgana growls. “Your true skills are nothing more than those scribbles on that fake!”
“He's just a businessman,” Ren says, softly.
Shadow Madarane scowls. “So... You will defy me no matter what...” He shakes his head bitterly. “Well then, since you're my work of art, Yusuke, I'm going to reap you for the sake of my future. Along with these insolent friends of yours there.”
“I can't believe you're treating both mother and son like they're objects!” Ann cries. “You're inhuman, you son of a bitch!”
“Hahaha... Your friends are angry, Yusuke. Why do you remain silent? Where is your fury? Or are you willing, now, to submit once more, for the sake of my grandeur?”
Yusuke raises his head. “You destroy your 'art' once they outlive their usefulness. Tell me... Did that include my mother as well?”
You could hear a pin drop.
A cruel smile curls onto Madarame's face. “She just so happened to have a seizure in front of me. That's when a thought crossed my mind. If I don't call for help and leave her be, I could obtain her painting without any strings attached.”
“You... let her die...?” Ann gasps.
“She was physically weak. No one would doubt if she just dropped dead because of a seizure. Above all, Yusuke, didn't you think it was odd that I discovered your talent when you were only three? The only reason I kept you around was to keep you from discovering the truth behind 'Sayuri.'”
“You killed her,” Yusuke says. His voice feels strangely steady.
“The artistic talents you inherited from your mother were a delightful miscalculation, though. If I'm to steal ideas, it's much easier to rob the futures of brats who won't talk back. Adults are much too quarrelsome. It's thanks to you that I came up with the idea. You have my gratitude.”
Yusuke laughs.
“Fox?” Morgana says.
“You have my gratitude as well, Madarame,” Yusuke says. “Every reason for me to forgive you has disappeared without a trace at this very moment! You are not some rotten artist... You are a despicable fiend who wears the skin of an artist! I told myself I would be civil, that I was doing this for your benefit as well.” He draws his katana and points the blade right towards his former sensei. “Now, I see the error of that. You were never the man I thought you were. I will end your abuse here and now!”
“All you good-for-nothings! Barging into my museum and doing whatever the hell you want!” Madarame snarls. “Those who have the connections make the rules. Those who don't must follow them. The value of art is subjective! I make the rules in the art scene! I am the supreme being! I am the god of the art world!”
“Get back!” Morgana cries.
Shadow Madarame cackles terribly as his body distorts. His face stretches out horrifically, and then bursts. What remains is four paintings: two eyes, a nose, and a mouth. They float in the air as a terrible monster, snarling down on them.
“You will not frighten us off!” Yusuke declares. “We will not falter! Goemon!”
Vicious strike hits all the paintings. While the eyes and nose recoil, the mouth just keeps cackling, absorbing the hit without flinching. “The mouth cannot be beaten physically!” Yusuke cries.
“Carmen!” Ann cries, and fire rains down on the mouth. That does the trick.
“Captain Kidd!” Ryuji calls. “Rampage!”
The top three paintings fall, but the mouth remains. “How dare you...?” it croaks. “I will not suffer such indignant!”
There's a sudden flash of blue light, and all three of the fallen paintings return. “What the hell!?” Ryuji cries. “It can just bring 'em back!?”
“We'll have to destroy them all at once!” Morgana calls.
“Carmen!” Ann calls again, but this time she strikes all four paintings with fire. The mouth takes damage, but the others resist it with ease. “Huh? Nothing works on all of them!”
“I will teach you what happens to ingrates,” Madarame snarls. “Fall!”
The mouth spits out inky black paint. Yusuke narrowly manages to dodge it, but instead it hits Ryuji directly. “Skull!” he calls.
“Shit...” Ryuji croaks. The black paint seeps into his outfit, and Yusuke realizes that his phantom thief attire is corroding. “Feelin' weak...”
“Skull!” Ren cries. “Mona, what's happening?”
“It looks like that paint makes us weak...” Morgana says. He darts into cover, and the rest of them follow him, Ann dragging Ryuji back with them. “The paint saps away your rebellious spirit somehow...”
He used painting to keep us controlled. So that is his cognition of art. It is merely a means to use others... Yusuke scowls. “We must turn the tables.”
“Yeah,” Ren agrees. “And I think I know how.”
He sneaks away from sight while the others keep the paintings busy.
There's a few buckets of the black paint sitting not far from them, but it takes some stealth for Yusuke to properly make his way over to them. He can hear the distant sounds of Ren, Ann, and Morgana distracting the paintings, but he does his best to ignore that. He must focus on himself.
When he reaches the buckets, he takes up a brush and dunks it into the darkness. The paint is thin, with the consistency of oil. Yusuke shakes his head at it. Truly this is a vile substance.
The paintings remain focused uniquely on his teammates, though. He picks up the bucket and the brush and rushes over towards them. Once he gets close, he raises his voice. “Madarame!”
The four paintings all turn towards him, and the eyes go wide. “No!”
He slashes down with the brush and overturns the bucket at the same time. Paint spills all over the four paintings, soaking them through. They scream out terribly. Yusuke doesn't wait for a better opportunity. He tears off his mask, calls out, “Goemon!” and unleashes a flurry of blows upon his sensei.
The paintings crumble, and the Shadow Madarame once more shows himself. “Dammit... I'm the great Madarame! The Madarame who gathers a full crowd every time he opens an exhibit! I am not someone that worthless brats like you are allowed to defy!”
“You're still saying that?” Morgana groans, incredulous.
“Argh! I'm the great artist Madarame! If you brats can't fathom that, then you'll witness it for yourselves! Behold my master craft!”
He snaps his fingers, and four duplicates of himself appear, each one holding a different element. Fire, ice, wind, and lightning.
“Figures,” Morgana mutters. “Creating copies is his specialty, after all...”
“We need Ryuji,” Ren says.
“On it!” Ann calls. “Fox, help me!”
At first, he doesn't quite understand. Then realization strikes him. We need to wash the paint off of him. “Goemon!” Yusuke calls, and he summons a block of ice. Ann summons Carmen and melts it right above Ryuji. A torrent of warm water smashes down on him, and all the paint disappears in a flash.
“Huh!?” Ryuji sputters, coughing up water. “What happened?”
“You got painted,” Ren says. “We'll tell you later. Right now, we need some help.”
Ryuji stands and looks at the situation. He seems to consider it for a second, then shrug carelessly. “Eh, whatever. Captain Kidd!” He throws lightning down on the Madarame surrounded by wind, and it goes down hard. “Your move, Mona!”
“Got it! Zorro!” Wind strikes the lightning Madarame. “Take it, Panther!”
“Carmen!” Fire engulfs the ice Madarame. “Fox!”
Yusuke pulls off his mask with elegance. “Goemon,” he says, calmly, and ice swirls in around the fire Madarame, knocking him hard onto his knees. “Joker. Finish this.”
A furious strike lashes out at the true Madarame, and he falls down, too. “Everyone!” Ren calls, and together the five of them attack. Madarame cries out, and his clones fall away. He's left, once more, all alone.
Yusuke approaches him with fury and draws his katana, pointing the tip right against his sensei's throat. “Do not get up. We will beat you over and over again if we must, until you understand.”
“No one cares for true art! All they want are easily recognizable brands!” He inches backwards, clutching at the true Sayuri. “I'm a victim in this too! Wouldn't you agree!?”
“Excuses, now?” Ryuji mutters.
“The art world revolves around money after all... You can't rise up without money...” He reaches out a shaking hand. “Yusuke, you understand, don't you? Being a poor artist is truly miserable!” He narrows his eyes, holding back tears. “I just didn't want to return to that life!”
Yusuke slams his boot down hard on Madarame's chest. “A fiend like you has no right to speak about the world of art. You're done for – along with this whole wretched world!”
“Please, please! Don't kill me!”
“We are not here to kill you. We are not so crass as that.” He shoves at Madarame, knocks him to the ground. The Sayuri spills from his hands. Yusuke prays it was not damaged. “Return to yourself in reality and confess your crimes. All of your crimes!”
“You... You're not going to kill me?”
“Swear it!”
Madarame cowers, sobbing. “I swear it!” He curls in on himself. “W-what about the other one, though? The one with the black mask?”
Yusuke starts. “What?”
“Who?” Ren asks. “A black mask?”
“Wait...” Morgana gasps. “There was another intruder besides us in the Palace?”
Before he can say anything more, the whole world starts to crumble. “No time!” Ryuji cries. “Grab the Treasure and let's get the hell outta here!”
“Got it!” Morgana leaps up and transforms into a bus. It's an ability Yusuke's only be told of, but he finds himself mostly accepting of it in the moment. “Get in!”
Yusuke leans down and picks up the Sayuri gently. He refuses to allow any harm to come to it. The others warned him that he would feel Madarame's distortions when he touched the Treasure, but since the Shadow has surrendered, it would appear that effect has dissipated.
“Yusuke...” Madarame croaks. “Tell me... What should I do?”
“Put an end to this and use your own artwork for once.”
With that, he joins the others.
“Phew...” Ryuji breathes, tossing his empty soda can into the trash. “I guess that mission was a success. All that's left is to see if he had a change of heart or not.”
Yusuke ignores him. “The 'Sayuri'...” He smiles and shakes his head. “To think that this painting was the source of Madarame's desires. It is poetic, is it not? This painting is what gave me hope, and yet it is the same painting that destroyed Madarame.” Yusuke sighs. “The only saving grace is that my mother won't know of what transpired.”
“The genuine painting at his atelier has been altered, after all...” Morgana says. “Weird as it sounds, this one here is her true self-portrait now.”
“It's a wonderful painting,” Ann tells him. “And... although it took some time, it's in your hands now, Yusuke. It's where it belongs, finally.”
He nods. “I'm thankful for it. Although it is entirely impossible for this painting to be acknowledged by society anymore...”
“I'm curious,” Ren says. “Was Sayuri your mom's name?”
“No. I doubt it was the name of any woman in particular. It was likely chosen at random to make the painting more mysterious. Just a part of Madarame's foolish staging.”
Morgana sighs. “Well, it would've been really obvious that he stole it if he used her real name...”
“So this is my mother...” Yusuke says softly. He can't tear his eyes away. “There's no way I would remember her face clearly. But... I was right about the rush of emotion I felt when I saw this painting.”
Ryuji stands up and stretches. “So what're you gonna do now, Yusuke? We're gonna keep targeting big shots, see what kinda trouble we can stir up.”
Finally, Yusuke lifts his eyes from the painting. “Why do you do such things?”
“It's to get back at scumbags, and like... society in general?”
“We're also trying to give people courage,” Ann says. “So that they won't keep suffering in silence.”
“Courage...” Yusuke muses. “Will acquiring that make them happy?”
Ren shrugs. “Honestly, we don't know. All we do know is that leaving things as they are is making them miserable.” He nods towards Yusuke. “Your life might not be better now that Madarame's dealt with... but that doesn't mean we could just ignore Madarame.”
“He's right,” Ryuji says. “There's no knowin' whether it'll turn out good for everyone or not. But we ain't gonna know for sure till we give it a try.”
“In other words, it all depends on the person, hm?” Yusuke smiles. “The same could easily be said about myself. I also suffered because of an adult's selfishness. Moreover, if we investigate these Palaces, it may expand my artistic repertoire.”
Ryuji laughs. “You really only think about art, huh? That's impressive.”
“Are you saying you want to join us permanently?” Ann presses.
“Well, I won't take part in any inelegant plans, alright?” Yusuke clarifies.
Ann laughs. “Well, as long as I'm around, it'll always be elegant! Plus, we have a rule that says we always have to decide on a target unanimously.”
“Very well.”
Morgana hops up on Ren's shoulder. “How about it, Joker?”
Ren gives an exaggerated sigh. “We have way too many dudes.”
“In that case,” Yusuke says, “would you prefer if I dressed as a woman?”
“No!” Ann cries. “You're fine, Yusuke, he's just messing with you.” She groans. “Ugh, I think he took that code name the wrong way...”
Morgana stretches out hard on the morning of the thirtieth. “We're cleaning up today, right?”
Ren sighs. The cleanup at the park is nothing more than a way for the school to gain some favorable press. Still, there's worse ways to spend his day, he figures...
He gets into his gym clothes and heads into the city center. It's as busy as ever, and the early morning doesn't change anything. Morgana slumps in Ren's bag, apparently having exhausted himself by doing... well, nothing. And he says he isn't a cat. Well, at least that leaves Ren alone with his thoughts for a bit.
“Sorry, but I'm in a bit of a hurry.”
He frowns. I know that voice. A quick glance around confirms him for that. The redheaded girl – Yoshizawa – is standing near a greasy-looking guy.
“You go to Shujin, right?” the guy presses. “I heard things have been rough there lately, what with the violent incident. You wanna go talk about it somewhere?”
“T-thank you for your concern. However, I really am in a hurry, so if you'd excuse me-”
She attempts to walk away, only for the guy to grab her by the forearm. She cries out as he pulls her back. “C'mon, there's no need to be shy.”
“That's enough.”
Yoshizawa looks up with wide eyes. “S-senpai?”
“Huh?” the middle-aged man grunts. “What do you want?”
Ren places his hand on the guy's arm. “Let go of her.”
“Or what?”
“Or this might get ugly.”
There's a moment of intense eye contact. Then the guy releases his grip on Yoshizawa. “Don't get worked up. I'm just being friendly here.”
Without wasting another moment, Yoshizawa leaps away and hides behind Ren.
The guy glares at her, then scoffs. “What're you getting so jumpy about? Like you're anything special!”
“Leave,” Ren says.
The guy stares him down, then waves a hand dismissively and disappears into the crowds.
He turns to Yoshizawa. “Are you okay?”
She nods hastily. “I'm fine... I...” She hesitates slightly. “What were you going to do?”
“Whatever was necessary.”
“That... You...” Yoshizawa swallows. “Well... Thank you, senpai. I should go change. Before the cleanup. Yes. I must be going. T-thank you!”
She runs off without another word.
Morgana pops out of the bag in a huff. “Huh? What did I miss?”
The cleanup proves to be painfully uneventful.
A whole day of picking up trash and getting the cold shoulder from the people who are supposed to be his teammates. He's not really able to argue when he plops down on a bench and Morgana says, “I don't know the best way to put it, but that sure was a crappy time out there.”
“It is what it is,” Ren mutters. “It can't all be fun.”
He looks up with a start, forcing himself into good posture as Yoshizawa approaches him. “I've finally found you!” she says, beaming.
“What's up?” Ren sputters.
“I wanted to talk to you, senpai.” She looks around. “Where'd the people in your group go?”
“They ditched me.”
“Ah... I see.” She sighs. “I'm in pretty much the same situation, actually. In that case, would you mind if we eat our soup together?”
He nods slowly. “Sure.”
“Great!” She sits down next to him and bows slightly. “I wanted to thank you again for this morning. I was a little shaken at the moment, so I don't think I showed you proper gratitude.”
“It's nothing.”
“Don't say that! That man was even more frightening than he might have appeared to you...” She shudders, despite the heat. “So I truly appreciate what you did for me! Thank you so much.”
“Well... You're welcome.”
“Oh... There's one more issue I need to address.” She hesitates slightly, then blurts out, “I'm so, so sorry for what happened the other day!”
Ren stares. “The other day?”
“The run-in we had outside of the guidance office. Kamoshida-sensei... Kamoshida had just told me about you a moment prior, so I sort of spoke without thinking there. I heard some of my classmates gossiping about you, too.”
He sighs and shakes his head. “Don't worry about it. I'm used to it by now.”
She looks down. “You shouldn't have to be. I don't like gossip or rumors and the like. And... This may sound strange, since I just met you, but you don't seem like the sort of person they describe.” She snorts. “What were all the crimes I'd heard? Burglary, murder, and... elephant tusk trafficking?”
That's a new one. “I also drive without a license.”
She giggles. “Even I can tell when you're joking, senpai.” She starts. “You know what, it just hit me – I haven't even introduced myself yet!”
“Well, I'm Amamiya. You can call me Ren.”
“Oh, I'm sorry to make you go first... Amamiya-senpai. I apologize that this was such a long time coming, but I hope we get along well! My name is-”
Before she can finish, she looks up, and her eyes go wide, and then she leaps up. Ren just barely manages to look up in time to see that she was jumping up to grab a balloon that got away from a child.
Morgana shoots out the bag. “W-what was that!? She just jumped crazy high!”
“That... was impressive...” Ren admits. His eyes drift down, and he notices a little pocketbook on the grass. It must have fallen out of her pocket when she leaped up... When he opens it, he sees the name Kasumi Yoshizawa written on the inside cover.
She returns to him with a smile on her face. “Sorry, I didn't mean to run out on you like that.”
“That was impressive,” he says. “Kasumi.”
“Wha-? Oh! I guess you sleuthed me out before I got to tell you. Well, you've cracked the case – I'm Kasumi Yoshizawa, a first-year student at Shujin!”
Ren nods. “Are you an athlete?”
“You figured that out too, huh? Well, yes. I compete in gymnastics.” She smiles easily. “It's not that difficult once you get the hang of it. Just a hop, skip, and a jump.”
“This... might sound a bit weird, but could you teach me some of that?”
“Huh? You want to learn?” She beams, clutching her hands to her chest. “That makes me so happy! I'd be honored if you'd allow me to teach you!” That smile dies slightly. “Except... There is a little problem. See, I haven't been getting the results I want from my performances lately. The truth is, I'm in a bit of slump...” Kasumi hesitates, then says, “This also might sound strange, but... If you wouldn't mind listening to me from time to time and giving me some advice, I would really appreciate it...”
“I know it's odd, but... You seem so confident. I'd like to learn how to be like that.”
Ren almost laughs. Well, Arsène was the main help in my confidence. Think you could awaken to him, too? “Well, I'd be glad to help,” he says instead.
“Thank you so much! I'll help you as much as I can!”
She reaches out a hand, and he shakes it. There's the tiniest feeling in his head, like a fly buzzing in his ear. It goes away the second she pulls her hand away from his.
“We should exchange contact info!” She pulls out her phone, then frowns at it. “Hm... It's not working again. My phone's been acting up lately. Oh, it's back! Okay, I'll contact you when I've got some free time, if that's fine!”
“Sounds good.” Ren stands and smiles. “See you around, Kasumi.”
Wait, love
For sight as though I never knew that I was blind
Mercy, patience, promises we left behind
All I can hope for is to wake, love
And trembling hands to stillness find their way
Quiet, I can hold my breath and hope to God it stays
The hands are the hardest, always
-The Hands are the Hardest, Caligula's Horse
Chapter 14: Ona/1154
Chapter Text
“It's happening!” Ann announces, shouldering her way in between Ren and Ryuji and holding her phone out horizontally. “Look!”
“Dude,” Ryuji says. “How the hell does your screen not have any cracks in it?”
Madarame sits in front of an array of microphones, looking downcast as he draws in a tight breath. “I... I have done things that are unbecoming of an artist. Plainly put, I... I plagiarized work. I... I tainted this country's art world. And... Even 'Sayuri'!”
With that, he breaks down, tears streaming down his face as he slams a fist against the table. Ryuji snorts. “Goddamn! Even Kamoshida didn't put on this much of a show!”
Ann elbows him. “Shut up!”
“H-how...” Madarame stammers. “How could I possibly apologize to everyone for... for what I've done...”
The scene cuts away. “That was the urgent apology conference held by Ichiryusai Madarame just a moment ago. After reporting to the association, Madarame has agreed to the police's request to turn himself in for interrogation. It seems that, in addition to charges of plagiarism, Madarame may be guilty of abuse and even manslaughter.”
“That must be about Yusuke's mom...” Ann gasps.
“Probably, yeah,” Ren agrees.
“Some doubt the validity of the claim that his maiden work 'Sayuri' was stolen, believing that this was simply a lie used for fraud. Stay with this channel for more updates-”
Ann turns her phone off and leans her head back against the rail. “We did it...”
“No mental shutdown, either!” Morgana cries, pushing his head out of Ren's bag. “A completely successful mission, if I may say so myself!”
“Look at this,” Ryuji says, shoving his phone – with its multitude of cracks – into their faces. “The articles are all mentioning the Phantom Thieves! They're talkin' about the calling card and everything. Oh, man, this is so 'effin exciting!”
Ren looks up from the phone and pushes his glasses up his nose, smirking the way he does in the Metaverse. “We have confirmation that the same method will work again,” he says. “Which means we can target someone else, now, too. This'll be fun.”
“Hell yeah!”
“Quiet down.” Yusuke's calm voice breaks through their excited yapping. The three of them stand up and notice why Yusuke told them to be quiet: two cops have just walked up near them.
Ryuji scoffs. “Those're attendance officers...”
One of them turns towards their group. “Excuse me, may I speak with you for a moment?” He directs his attention towards Ren, apparently deciding that he's the leader of their group. “What are you all doing here? Loitering?”
Ren shrugs. “We're delinquents.”
“That's just a joke!” Ann cries out hastily. “H-he didn't get much sleep last night! W-we're rehearsing a play! Um...”
“You can't just blurt out random excuses...” Morgana mutters.
The officer sighs. “Well, alright. Just make sure you disperse before it gets too late, okay? There have been some odd happenings lately, and the news about that artist has caused quite the stir.”
“Will do, Officer-san,” Ren says with a salute. The officer stares, shrugs, and then walks away. The second he's gone, Ren shakes his head. “Pigs.”
Ann slaps him on the shoulder. “Hey, don't just say things like that! You caught me off-guard...”
Morgana reveals himself again. “We're gonna need to be even more cautious than before. Look at us! Two incidents in a row, and the victims from both are meeting up together! That looks so suspicious!”
“Pfft,” Ryuji scoffs. “Look around. Nobody cares. We're the only people worryin' about it.”
“For now, it's not a big deal,” Ren says. “More importantly – Yusuke. Were you able to get anything out of Madarame about that other Metaverse user?”
“Well... I pressed him for answers, but he doesn't even understand what happened to him. And now he will likely be sent to prison. Manslaughter is a serious charge, after all, and he will confess to it freely. Once that happens, gaining information will be impossible.”
“How are you holding up?” Ann asks. “I mean, he was awful, but... He was your sensei...”
“I have been better,” Yusuke admits. “Still, I am grateful that you all gave me the opportunity to break free from the shackles that bound me. Although my life may not be tangibly improved, I do not consider this experience to have been negative.”
“Pretty damn blunt,” Ryuji mutters. “Well, what're you even gonna do now? Do you have anywhere to go?”
Yusuke nods. “The school dorms. I can stay there free of charge thanks to my fine arts scholarship.” He shrugs. “Although, Takamaki-san's house would do as well.”
Ann waves her hands. “Oh no, not happening!”
Ryuji cackles. “You could ask her to model for you whenever you wanted.”
She smacks him. “You moron!”
“Ow! Jeez, I was just kiddin'.” Ryuji sighs. “Well, at least now that you're livin' alone it'll be easier for us all to meet up.”
“For the time being, we should wait to see how this case plays out,” Yusuke says, gathering up his bag. “We should not make too many moves at once, or we will become careless and leave clues behind. It would not do for our identities to leak.”
Ryuji kicks at the ground. “It'll take a while to find another target as big as Madarame, anyway.”
“I guess we just act like normal high school students for now then, huh?” Ann says.
Ryuji smacks him on the shoulder as he walks away. “Dude! First real job done! It went great, huh?”
“It went pretty well,” Ren agrees.
“Right? So, that said... you got some time right now?”
“For what?”
“Well, thing is, I got some free tickets to a darts lounge from this guy I know.” He chuckles awkwardly. “But, well, I totally forgot they expire today. So... you wanna go right now?”
Morgana pops out of the bag. “Ryuji... didn't we just finish talking about how we need to be on guard?”
“Oh, c'mon, it's just darts! Don't you wanna play too, Morgana?” He frowns. “I mean... if you can actually throw anything.”
“What's that mean!? I could beat you!” Morgana hesitates. “Well, if you're just going to play, then I guess it shouldn't be a problem. Actually, it might look more suspicious if you just didn't do anything right now...” He nods. “Alright, then let's head to this darts lounge or whatever it is. Lead the way, Ryuji!”
“Where is it?” Ren asks.
“Kichijoji. We gotta take the train first.”
“I've never been there.”
“What, for real!? There's a buncha different shops right outside the station there. It's just one stop away from Shibuya, so it ain't that far. C'mon, I'll show you!”
Ren follows along, but he has an odd feeling in the back of his mind the whole time. Lately, he's felt as though he's being watched. Paranoia from the Palaces? No, it's something else... Is someone actually following me?
The feeling remains with him the whole time they're on the train. The ride doesn't take all that long, but it feels longer thanks to that creeping uncertainty. Calm down, Ren tells himself. You're fine. It's a bit odd. He feels practically invincible in the Metaverse, but profoundly weak in the real world. Maybe I need to change that. I should take Ryuji's advice and start working out...
When they walk out into Kichijoji, Ren and Morgana both gasp. “Wow, you can tell it's nothing like Shibuya, just from the atmosphere alone...” Morgana breathes.
“Well, yeah,” Ryuji says. “It's a huge shopping center. You can buy loads of stuff here that you just can't find in Shibuya.”
Ren glances around, then nods. “Where's this darts lounge?”
“Whoa, someone's rarin' to go, eh? Alright, let's head over there!”
They only get a few feet down the street, though, when that feeling returns. Ren stops, ignoring Ryuji and Morgana's questioning. He activates his Third Eye and looks around, and then, all at once, his uncertainty turns to amusement. With a mild smirk, he turns back towards the station and approaches a girl in a blue jacket reading a manga – upside down.
“Hey,” he says with an easy wave. “You're the student council president at Shujin, right?”
She looks up at him with wide eyes and a tinge of red in her cheeks. “I... Um, yes... What a coincidence, seeing you two here...”
“What are you here for?”
“Um... S-shopping...?”
Ren can just barely fight off his laughter, but he manages it. “Well, enjoy your shopping. I'm just here to play some darts with Ryuji. See ya around.”
He rejoins Ryuji, who just chuckles. “Man, is she really still following us around? She's real damn bad at it, gotta say.”
“Seriously,” Morgana agrees, showing himself once again. “She sticks out like a sore thumb.”
“Well, she's not really any danger to us,” Ren says with a shrug. “Let's get to the lounge.”
It's a nice place. Small and quaint, but enjoyable. They get a few free games of darts thanks to that coupon, and it's a pretty good time. Admittedly, Ren finds himself wondering more about billiards. There's several tables set up, and the game looks enjoyable. I might need to come back at some point.
The social studies trip somehow ends up being even more boring than he'd expected.
Ren blinks and shoots up, like he almost fell asleep on his feet. “And that's why we recruit sponsors to help make TV shows,” the PR woman tells them, and Ren wishes he could fall asleep on his feet. “I'm sure you all know about commercial breaks? Well, those are actually sponsor-related product placements.”
“Dude...” Ryuji mutters.
“I'm gonna pass out,” Ren grunts back.
Ann elbows him. “Don't you dare!” she hisses.
The PR woman just keeps going on and on and on about various things that just about anyone could have guessed. Ren actually does almost fall asleep, until he's suddenly barreled into from behind. He nearly loses his footing, but catches himself.
“What's going on?” demands the man who shoved him. “I can't stand all this noise.”
Ryuji steps forward. “Hey, assho-”
Ren grabs him by the shoulder and pulls him back, shaking his head.
“My apologies!” the PR woman cries. “I'll have them leave right away!” She turns to the group, a bit paler than before. “Now then, it's time for some hands-on experience!”
“Dammit,” Ryuji mutters under his breath. “Who does that jerk think-”
Before he can say anything else, a guy in a purple jacket approaches the three of them – though his eyes seem uniquely trained on Ann. “Hey there. You wanna be on TV?”
She starts. “Huh?”
“You've got a slammin' bod, after all.”
“She's in high school,” Ryuji growls.
The guy just chuckles. “That doesn't matter. Actually, it might just make things better...” He shoves a card into Ann's hand before she can protest. “Just gimme a call if you're interested. I'd greatly welcome a message from you, day or night...” He turns on his heel and leaves before they can say anything else.
“Goddammit,” Ryuji snarls. “Is everyone outta their damn minds!? Do these rotten adults care about anything other than looks!? I'll rip all their damn hearts out!”
“Will you quiet down!?” Morgana appears out of Ren's bag, the one thing he really wasn't meant to do today. “You're supposed to be acting like good students today!”
Ryuji growls under his breath and steps towards Ann. “Gimme that card.”
“Huh? Why?”
“I'm gonna burn the stupid thing!”
“Actually, wait.” Ren steps up and places a hand on Ryuji's wrist. “We can do better than that, right?”
“What, you mean change that jerk's heart?”
“Well, not that far. But we've got his phone number now.”
Ryuji stares. Then his eyes light up. “Heh, I like the way you think. We'll annoy the shit outta that asshole. He'll think twice next time he tries to pick up a high school chick!”
Ann sighs. “Whatever. Do what you gotta do.” She passes the card to Ren. “Now let's just keep our heads down, okay? We really can't afford to draw attention.”
The “hands-on experience” ends up being basically just labor, which naturally ticks Ryuji off even more. When the first day ends and they find themselves out in the hallways alone, he slams his fist against the nearest wall. “I'm so pissed off! Aren't we supposed to be guests!? Why the hell do we hafta be doin' manual labor!?” He closes his eyes, like he's trying to calm himself... but fails, and stomps his foot hard on the floor. “This is bullshit! Goin' to the bathroom didn't even make me feel better!”
Ren raises an eyebrow. “Does it usually?”
“Ugh, quiet down, will you?” Ann approaches them from the girls' bathroom. “I mean, I get how you feel, but...”
“And we have to do more of this tomorrow!” Ryuji bemoans, interrupting her. “This shit sucks. Dammit, man...”
“Just power through it,” Morgana says, scurrying up onto Ren's shoulder. “If you draw attention here, you might end up compromising our next mission.”
“I know, I know...”
Ann smiles. “But hey, we get to go straight home from here today. We don't spend much time in this area, so why don't we relax and check out some shops beforehand?”
That sets Morgana off. “Ooh, I know a place! I wanna go to that huge pancake-looking place we passed on the way here! It looked delicious! What was that?”
“Huh... Oh, you mean Dome Town?” Ryuji grins. “The round part is a baseball stadium, then along the outside they've got an amusement park.”
Ann nods. “It's right in the middle of a business area, but they have some pretty hardcore rides there too. I haven't been there in ages...”
“Alright, let's go!” Morgana declares. “I'll show you just how courageous I am!”
“Going on a scary ride doesn't really prove any kind of courage.”
“Really,” Ryuji confirms. “You might be able to sneak in if you stay in Ren's bag, but you'd totally puke if you did that.”
“Or get liquefied,” Ren says.
Ryuji chuckles and stretches his arm. “Alright, I'm down for Dome town. I'm really feelin' it now!”
“Me too!” Ann says. “My stomach's ready for roller coasters! What about you, Ren?”
He shrugs. “I'm willing.”
Morgana deflates. “Um... I think I'll pass on the puke rides... And the liquefaction...”
“Oh! Excuse me!”
They all jump and Morgana throws himself back into Ren's bag. From around the corner, a pleasant-looking boy with red eyes steps over to them. “I couldn't help but notice your uniforms. Are you students of Shujin Academy?”
Ryuji frowns. “Yeah. Whaddaya want?”
The boy smiles. “I happened to be passing by, so it seemed polite to greet you. We'll be filming together, after all.” He chuckles. “Ah, where are my manners? My name is Goro Akechi.”
Ren cocks his head, studying him. He's pretty, with his loose brown hair and his striking eyes, but there's something about that smile that tugs oddly at his cheeks, like it has to push through walls of defenses just to chip itself into existence.
“Filming?” Ryuji says. “What, you a celebrity?”
“Oh, only to the extent of appearing on TV a couple of times.” He pulls out his phone and checks the time. “My apologies, I truly was just passing by. I must be going. There's a briefing for tomorrow's recording that I have to attend.” He smiles, and it still looks odd. “So, you're going to have cake now? I skipped lunch myself, so I'm quite hungry actually.”
The three of them look at one another. “Huh?” Ryuji says. “Cake? What're you talkin' about?”
“Oh, did I mishear? I thought I heard something about delicious pancakes.” He chuckles at himself. “No matter. Welp, see you tomorrow.”
Without another word, he turns and leaves.
“That guy's gotta be some kinda start-up entertainer or something,” Ryuji says. He snorts. “He's never gonna get popular with that hair, though.”
“You... don't get it,” Ann mutters. Despite talking to Ryuji, she's looking at Ren.
Ryuji shrugs. “Eh, it's fine. We'll see him again tomorrow anyways. C'mon, let's go to Dome Town!”
“You guys go ahead...” Ren says, carefully. “I've just... gotta go to the bathroom real quick.”
“Huh? Dude, didn't you just go?”
“Sorry. I'll catch up in a minute.”
The two of them look at him, then shrug and leave. “We'll meet you at the station!” Ann calls back to him, and Ren nods his agreement.
“What's going on?” Morgana asks. “Why are you staying back?”
“Didn't you notice?”
“That guy. Akechi. He said we were going to get pancakes.”
“You're the only one who said anything about pancakes.”
Morgana stares at him for a second. Then his eyes go wide. “Oh, man...” He takes in a breath, then releases it, like he's trying to stabilize himself. “So that means...”
Ren looks down the hallway Akechi disappeared through. “He heard you.”
“And now, onto the 'Hottest Meet-and-Greet' segment of our show,” the female announcer says in her bubbly voice. “After his last appearance was so well-received, we decided to bring back this fine gentleman today. It's the high school detective, Goro Akechi!”
Akechi beams. “Hello there.”
“Thank you for joining us again today, Akechi-kun,” says the male host. “Your popularity truly is quite stunning.”
“Haha, even I've found it to be a bit of a surprise. It is a bit embarrassing, though...”
Ryuji kicks idly at the floor next to Ren. “He's talkin' outta his ass...” he mutters.
Ann elbows him. “Shh!”
“Moving along,” says the female announcer, “we've been told there's a case on your mind right now. Care to share, detective?”
“Ah, yes. That would be the scandal regarding the master artist Madarame.”
Ren narrows his eyes. Madarame...
“Ah, there it is! All of this phantom thief excitement has caught your attention too, Akechi-kun! Allow me to be blunt for just a second. What do you think of these justice-oriented Phantom Thieves?”
Akechi smiles. “Well, if they truly are heroes of justice, I sincerely hope they exist.”
“Oh? You don't deny the possibility that they are real?”
“One should never reject a possibility before ruling it out. I may not seem like it, but there was a time when I wished Santa Claus existed.” He chuckles. “Although if he did, I'd have to arrest him for breaking and entering.”
That gets a laugh out of the audience. “This is hard to watch...” Ryuji groans, cringing.
“But, hypothetically speaking,” Akechi continues, more seriously, “if these Phantom Thieves are real...” He looks down and narrows his eyes coldly. “I believe they should be tried in a court of law.”
There are some gasps in the audience. “That's quite the statement,” the host says. “Are they committing crimes? Some people say that the Thieves are actually helping their victims abandon their evil ways.”
“What the master artist Madarame did was truly an unforgivable crime,” Akechi admits. “However, these Phantom Thieves are shunning the law entirely by judging him. It is far from justice. More importantly – you should never forcibly change a person's heart.”
“Hm. You do have a point. These people are calling themselves the Phantom Thieves after all.” The host laughs. “Amazing as always, Akechi-kun! I could listen to you for days! You have the most radiant charisma!”
“I do have to say, though, I would be embarrassed if it turns out these Phantom Thieves don't exist,” Akechi says, his smile returning to his face. “If that were the case, I'd summarize it into a report as a school project.”
“Now then,” the female host says, “let's try asking some students the same age as Akechi-kun about the Phantom Thieves! First, please press your button now if you think the Phantom Thieves exist!”
Ren presses his button without hesitating.
The number on the screen flips a few times, then settles on seventeen. “About thirty percent or so,” says the host. “What are your thoughts, Akechi-kun?”
“That's actually higher than I'd expected,” Akechi admits. “I'd love to hear some more detailed opinions on the Phantom Thieves' actions.”
The female host takes up a microphone and walks down the aisles. “Now then, let's try asking some students.” She looks around, then her eyes fall on Ren. “Let's ask this student here! What's your name?”
He frowns. “Amamiya.”
“Now then, Amamiya-kun: Hypothetically speaking, what are your thoughts on the Phantom Thieves, if they were real?”
Ren narrows his eyes, looking directly at Akechi. “They're necessary.”
“Hm,” Akechi says, smiling. “Quite a bold statement.”
“This completely goes against your opinion about them being tried by law, Akechi-kun,” says the male host.
“Indeed. It's rather intriguing to hear such a strong acknowledgment.” He leans forward. “In that case, there's another question I'd like to ask. If someone close to you, for example, your friend next to you, suddenly changed dramatically... Would you not think it was the work of the Phantom Thieves?”
“Of course not.”
“Naturally. They only target criminals, no? However, they are themselves criminals, are they not?”
Ren doesn't falter. “I never said they were entirely moral,” he says, slowly. “I said they were necessary. Kamoshida was teaching at my school. No one did anything about his crimes. The Phantom Thieves did. How many people do you think they saved by doing that?”
Akechi smiles coldly. “Well, whether the actions of the Thieves are good or not, I feel there is a more important issue at hand. That is their method. How do they change people's hearts? If they honestly possess this ability... it could certainly be used for more than extracting confessions. It could be that what seem to be ordinary crimes are actually be perpetrated by these methods. Even more concerning... For both the Kamoshida and Madarame cases, their confessions were corroborated by external evidence and witness testimonies. However, what if the Thieves were to make an innocent person confess to crimes they did not commit?”
“You know, you're absolutely right,” the host says.
Kiss-ass, Ren thinks.
Akechi chuckles. “Oh, please don't misunderstand me. This is all purely hypothetical. It is only if people who can use such a power truly exist. Either way, this cannot be ignored. The existence of the Phantom Thieves would be nothing but a threat to our everyday lives. I cannot say much on the issue, but I will say that I am already working alongside the police to help sort out this matter.”
The interview winds down after that. Ren, Ryuji, and Ann are some of the last to leave their seats and head out. A few different students seem to be muttering about Ren's comments, but none of them approach them. I'm the trouble kid, after all. And I just declared my support for criminals. It doesn't matter. He doesn't need their approval.
“He makes it sound like we're the baddies,” Ryuji mutters. “I don't like it.”
“But that stuff about the police...” Ann whispers. “Do you think it's for real?”
Morgana shows himself. “He can say whatever he wants. The justice of it all is something we can decide for ourselves. You guys decided to go against the law, remember? Do you regret that?”
“No,” Ren says, without hesitation.
“I'm with you,” Ryuji says. He turns, and starts. “Oh, shit, here comes Boy Wonder. I'm getting outta here.” Without another word, he turns and walks away with haste.
“Amamiya-kun, was it?” Akechi says pleasantly as he approaches. “And you are...?” he says, looking a little coldly at Ann.
“Takamaki,” she says.
“A pleasure to meet you.” Instantly, his eyes turn back to Ren, ignoring Ann entirely. “I wanted to thank you in person. To paraphrase Hegel, advancement cannot occur without both thesis and antithesis.”
Ren blinks. “Uh-huh...”
Akechi chuckles. “What I mean is that our discussion was quite meaningful. Very few people around me are so willing to speak their minds as freely as you did earlier.” His smile disappears. “Adults are only interested in using the young. I was warned of this, admittedly. Some people are calling me the second coming of the Detective Prince. The original famously spoke ill of the conduct of the police. Still, there is necessity in law.”
“Is there?”
Akechi stares for a long moment once again, then breaks into laughter. “Magnificent! You are truly a rare breed. There are so many irresponsible people in modern times. I do understand why you would support the Phantom Thieves. And yet, you do not refute the notion that they might be amoral. Is your view simply that the ends justify the means, then?”
“No,” Ren says, instantly. “My view is that wrongdoing, when ignored by the law, must be dealt with by ordinary people.”
“Ordinary, hm?” Akechi smiles. “If it's alright with you, would you continue sharing your thoughts with me? I'd like to speak with you again on the matter.”
“Yeah. I'd be fine with that.”
“Wonderful!” Akechi extends his left hand, and Ren shakes it. “To introduce myself again, I am Goro Akechi.”
“I'm Ren Amamiya.”
“I sense something rather different in you, Amamiya. I guess you could call it my detective's intuition? Just kidding, of course.” He pulls his hand back and beams. “Well, I hope to see you again sometime soon.” He turns on his heel and returns to the crew.
Ann frowns. “Something's off about him,” she mutters. “I guess you could call that my woman's intuition.” She screws up her face and mocks his voice: “Just kidding, of course.”
Ren laughs. “Just ignore him.”
Leave him to me. I'll keep an eye on him. He's been in the Metaverse. But he apparently doesn't know about how to change a heart...
He sighs. For now, the mystery will have to wait.
She can hear Ryuji's complaining before she even turns the corner.
“Man, that detective from yesterday really pisses me off! We're some kinda threat!?” She hears a crash, and sighs. Ryuji probably punched a vending machine. “If someone else could help 'em, we wouldn't be doing stuff as the Phantom Thieves to start with!”
Ann reaches them, and instantly slaps Ryuji on the ear. “You're being way too loud,” she mutters at him.
“Who cares? Everyone's talkin' about this stuff anyways.”
“Yeah, but you're the only one yelling about how we're the Phantom Thieves.” She sighs and looks to Ren. “Do you really think we'll be okay if we keep doing this? I mean, the police are getting involved now...”
Ren leans against the wall, letting Morgana squirm onto his shoulder to avoid getting squished. “If either of you want to back out, feel free. But I'm continuing. I don't care about the cops.”
No, you don't... It worries her a bit, admittedly. But then again, it's not like Ren's had great experiences in the past with the legal system...
She changes her approach. “But what about that weird guy from Madarame's Palace? The one with the black mask. Isn't there a lot we don't know?”
Ryuji opens his mouth to speak, but a sudden flash of light interrupts him. The three of them jump and turn to see the student council president standing in front of them, having obviously just taken a picture. “The hell?” Ryuji snarls.
“You three seem to be having so much fun,” Niijima says. “I'm a little jealous.”
“You stalking us again?” Ren asks casually.
She cocks her head. “Why do you think I'm here to question you? Could it be that you feel guilty about something? My ears are always open to the troubles of my peers, you know.”
That's too much. “Oh, bullshit,” Ann growls.
“You couldn't care any less about your peers. All you want is a letter of recommendation.” She takes a step forward, trying to stand tall and look intimidating. “If your ears are really 'open to the troubles of your peers' you would have known about Kamoshida! That either means you were ignoring everyone, or you were deliberately looking the other way.”
Niijima starts. “That's... That's absurd! He... He honestly was a good teacher until that day...”
“All good teachers leave bruises, right?” Ren mutters.
“All you ever do is take the teacher's side,” Ann says. “That's what a good council president does, right? You're just a worthless busybody.”
“Then what about you?” Niijima takes a step forward, her cold red eyes boring through Ann. “What did you do for your friend?”
“You were closer to her than anyone else. So how did you help?”
“There wasn't any way to help! By myself... I couldn't do anything for her!”
The two of them glare at one another for a long moment. Then, finally, Niijima looks down and sighs. “There's no need to shout,” she says, softly.
Ryuji shifts on his feet. “If those Phantom Thieves are out there helpin' people, I'd root for 'em, no questions asked. They've gotta be more dependable than... some people I know.”
Niijima appears to be trembling, though whether in rage or anguish is something Ann can't figure out. “Just make sure you show up to your classes, alright?” she says, coldly. Then she turns and walks away.
“Forget what I said,” Ann growls, turning to the others. “We can't stop now. I would never be able to forgive myself if we did.” She crosses her arms over her chest and nods. “I'm in this until the end.”
“Comments are coming in at an alarming rate,” Yusuke reports when they meet him at the station square. “However, negative ones seem more prominent.” He clears his throat and reads. “'A criminal group with unknown goals that does whatever it wants in the name of justice.'”
“It's prolly 'cause of Akechi...” Ryuji grumbles. “TV's got some crazy sway.”
Yusuke shrugs. “He's free to deny our actions, but being cursed by his influence is another thing entirely.”
Ann sighs. “Just when we were starting to get people to believe in us, too...”
“It's alright,” Ren says, casually. “It'll take some time to bring people over to our side. People always want to follow the path of least resistance. But we'll convince them eventually.”
Ryuji grins. “All we gotta do is take down another hot shot, yeah?”
Yusuke gives him a look. “Do you have any ideas as to who this next 'hot shot' could be?”
“...No.” Ryuji sighs. “By the way, what's up with that luggage?”
Yusuke places his hand on the bag behind him. The “Sayuri” is obvious on a dolly, wrapped up in fine cloths to protect it. “I decided to move out of the school dorms. They were not only filthy, but too noisy as well. No true art could come from such a place.”
“What're you gonna do, then?” Ryuji says. “You can't go back to that shack, right?”
“I was planning on staying at Ann's house.”
Ann jumps out of her skin. “What!? You can't just decide that!”
He pulls out a small bag. “I even prepared a thank you gift. I hope it is to your parents' liking.”
“Nuh-uh! There's no way that's happening!”
“Impossible... But I spent everything I had on these delectable Japanese sweets...”
“Not my problem!”
Ryuji kicks at the ground. “What're we gonna do with you, dude?”
Ren shrugs. “Just sleep here.”
“And risk getting the 'Sayuri' dirty!?” Yusuke cries, scandalized. “I could never even consider it!”
“That's your problem with that?” Ann says.
Morgana crawls up onto Ren's shoulder. “Well, seeing as Yusuke is an important member of our team, I'll lend a hand! Come stay at our place! It's dirty, but at least you'll have somewhere to sleep!”
“Hey, hey,” Ren says. “How am I gonna convince Sakura-san to take him in?”
“That's up to you!”
“Don't you two live in a café?” Ann asks. “I've been wondering about that for a while, actually. Yongen's not too far, is it?”
“Nope!” Morgana says. “And Leblanc is very close to the station!”
Ann beams. “How about we go there now? We can have a party to celebrate Madarame's change of heart!”
Ryuji pumps his fist. “Oh, good idea! We can make it a welcome party for Yusuke, too!”
“Alright, it's decided!”
“I...” Ren hesitates, then sighs. “Fine.”
Yusuke gathers up his luggage. “I thank you, Ren. I am sorry to cause you trouble, and let me offer my assistance to you in the future.” He nods. “By the way, I prefer sleeping on a futon.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Ren grumbles. He glares at Morgana. “I'm putting you on dry food only.”
The second they enter Leblanc, Ann draws in a deep breath and sighs. “Ah, what a nice smell...” She giggles. “I guess this explains why you always smell so good, Ren!”
“This place looks so outdated...” Ryuji says, looking around. “I can't say I hate it, though.”
Yusuke nods. “It is very 'retro.'”
A man in a pink shirt and an apron walks out from the kitchen. His eyes go wide. “Huh?” He looks at Ren. “Who're they?”
“My friends,” Ren tells him.
“Hello!” Ann says.
The guy strokes his little beard. “A girl, too...?”
Ann beams. “Ren's been a huge help to us lately!”
“Ha! I'll bet you're the ones doing all the helping.”
“No, really! He's been great!”
“Huh...” He chuckles to himself, then motions at the counter. “Go ahead and take a seat, all of you. This round'll be on the house.” He nods to Ren. “You're helping, though. Show me you remember how to make good coffee.”
The whole time they prepare it, Ann's eyes remain locked on Ren. He wears a green apron over his school clothes as he works, and he stays entirely focused on the task at hand. “Not bad,” the owner says with a nod once he tries the coffee. “Go ahead and serve it.”
The second she gets her cup, Ann takes a sip. “Wow... It's delicious...”
“Indeed,” Yusuke agrees.
“Oh!” Ann exclaims. “I remember now! I think I've seen Leblanc mentioned in a magazine before...”
The owner chuckles. “That was a long time ago.”
“Yo, gimme a taste!” Ryuji says. He grabs Ann's cup and drinks deeply from it. Instantly, he recoils and grabs for his soda. “Oh man, that's so bitter!”
Despite that, the owner just chuckles again. “I didn't like coffee when I was your age, either.” He looks to Ren. “They're your friends, yeah? Go on and take them up to your room. No need to stay down here.”
“Ooh! I wanna see!” Ann says.
“It's only an attic.”
Yusuke stands and bows. “Thank you very much for the drink.” He and Ryuji both stand and head upstairs. “Come on, Ren. I am curious as to the condition of your room.”
Ren hastily removes his apron and races up after them. “Hey, wait a second!”
Ann laughs to herself as she stands. “They're such kids...” she says to herself, not unkindly. Honestly, it's kinda nice.
“So, you're... Uh...?”
She looks back up at the owner and smiles. “Ann. Ann Takamaki!”
“Ann-chan, huh? That's a nice name.” He strokes his beard and pushes his glasses up. When he does it, it looks a lot more dignified than when Ren does. “So... How long have you had a crush on Ren?”
He laughs. “Hey, you youngsters might be blind to that kinda thing, or second guess it a bunch, but I've got experience on my side. I saw the looks you were giving him.”
“I...” Ann hesitates. “He's really great. I don't think I've ever been able to rely on someone like I can with him. He... He was there for me when no one else was.”
“Hm. Hey, don't worry, I won't say anything. It's up to you if you wanna make a move or not.” He looks upstairs and smiles softly. “I thought he'd be a real pain in the ass... He's on probation for assault, you know. But he's been a real good kid so far...”
Ann can't help but smile. “He's the best!”
“Heh. Well, go on and join the others. Don't let me get in the way.” He turns to the kitchen, then hesitates slightly and looks at her again. “Oh, and just call me 'Boss.' The others can do the same.”
“Sounds good, Boss!”
“Ha! Alright, go on, now.”
Ryuji and Yusuke are scrutinizing Ren's room when she joins them. “Ooh, it's so quaint!” she says. “It's cleaner than I thought it would be...”
“Well, sit wherever you like,” Morgana offers.
Ann takes the moment to look around a little bit. It's a small room, but cozy. There's a CRT TV, a little couch, a workbench (I guess that explains how Ren keeps making more lockpicks) and a ratty mattress propped up on some old crates. It's weird how a place so far removed from luxury could feel so homey and appealing.
“We're all over the news,” Yusuke says, pulling out his phone. “Even those who previously believed in us have been influenced by the comments made on TV.”
Ryuji leans against the workbench and frowns. “It's all that damn Akechi's fault!”
Ann sighs. “At this rate we're just going to worry everyone...”
“It's part of the process,” Ren assures them. “We need to find a new target. We'll take them down and prove our justice to society.”
“Exactly!” Morgana hops up on the couch to sit next to Ann. “It's time we think about our next move. You were planning on discussing that today, right?”
“Yeah, but...” Ryuji shakes his head. “It's not like we're just gonna stumble on some important target, though.” He looks around. “You guys can't think of anyone, right?”
“I can't,” Ann admits.
“Me neither,” says Yusuke.
Ryuji crouches down. “Whaddaya think, Leader?”
Ren frowns in deliberation. Then he looks up and pushes his glasses up his nose dramatically. With a determined motion, he stands tall and proud and declares: “We should sleep on it.”
“...Very helpful.”
Before they can continue their discuss, a rumbling shakes through the room. “What the...?” Morgana says. “Was that an earthquake?”
“Sorry.” Yusuke places a hand on his stomach. “I haven't eaten anything since yesterday.”
“Then why did you spend all your money on that box of sweets!?” Ann demands.
Ren smiles. “Hey, we really don't have anything to do until we can find another target. So how about we have something to eat?” He nods up towards one of the shelves. “I've got a portable stove. Why don't we make hot pot?”
Morgana makes a squealing sound. “That sounds great! I've heard that eating hot pot brings people closer!”
“Anything with meat's fine by me!” Ryuji says.
“I only ask that we finish it with porridge,” Yusuke says, smiling contentedly. “Extra parsley, of course.”
Ann stands. “Okay! Hot pot it is!” She looks to Ren. “We'll take care of the shopping. Could you borrow a pot from Boss while we're out?”
“Yeah,” he says. “Go ahead.”
When it's all said and done, none of them can even move.
“I can't eat another bite...” Ryuji manages.
Morgana stretches out contentedly. “That was delicious, Lady Ann. I'm sure you'll make someone a wonderful bride some-”
She cuts him off with anxious giggles. “Oh, sorry, I'm really tired! I'm gonna take a little nap I think!” She rolls over on her side and shoves her embarrassed blushing face into the cushions of the couch.
“But we haven't finished our meal,” Yusuke says sadly, once the others are apparently convinced that Ann's asleep. “What about the porridge, or even udon?”
“Save it for next time, dude...” Ryuji mutters.
“I'm kinda curious.” Ren's low voice catches Ann's attention. She bites her lip. Dammit, why'd Boss have to point it out? Now I'm thinking about it, too... “How do you know Ann, Ryuji?”
Her eyes go wide, but she doesn't move. Why's he want to know that!?
“Huh? Oh, we just went to middle school together.”
“What was Lady Ann like back then?” Morgana asks.
“I dunno. Not so different from now? Once we got to high school, we ended up in different classes and stopped talkin'. Until the Kamoshida shit, I guess...” His long sigh sounds weary. “I don't think she really had many friends. She's got these really intense looks, you know? I mean, she's beautiful, but she ain't, like, Japanese beautiful, y'know? So the shy kids avoided her, and the popular kids hated her for being foreign.”
“I see,” Yusuke says softly.
“Their loss,” Ren says, and Ann lurches slightly. “Ann's great.”
Ryuji laughs. “Hey, I ain't disagreein', man. I know she and I bicker a bunch, but I always kinda wanted to protect her, y'know? I hated how everyone dismissed her.” He lets out another bark of laughter. “'Course, now that I've seen her fight, I think she should prolly be protectin' me!”
“So then, what about you two?” Yusuke asks, and Ann sends a silent thanks his way. She really wouldn't be able to take hearing any more about herself. “This is a wonderful opportunity for us to get to know one another better. You know every detail of my past at this point. It's only fair you tell me every details of yours.”
“Alright.” Ryuji's hesitation is obvious. “Well, it's just a normal story of a rotten kid, though. My dad left when I was young, so it was just me and my mom. I was actually tryin' to get a track scholarship so I could make things easier for her. In the end, I just screwed it up. Turns out I'm a pretty bad son, huh?”
“Screwed it up?” Ren says. “You mean when you hit Kamoshida?”
“Yeah. Back when I was a first-year, my mom got called out to school for me raisin' my hand at Kamoshida. All the teachers kept houdin' her for what I did, but she just stayed quiet for it all. I'll never forget the look she had on her face, though...”
“Go on,” Yusuke says, gently.
“On the way home, she... She apologized to me. For being a single mom and all... Man, I...”
There's a long silence. Then Yusuke releases a breath and says, “So that's what happened. My apologizes, Ryuji. I did not mean to resurface bad memories.”
Ryuji scoffs. “Nah. It's nothin'. Besides, when it comes to being labeled, nobody's got it worse than Ren.”
Yusuke makes a humming noise. “Are you referring to his probation?”
“You know,” Morgana says, “I don't think any of us have heard the details.”
“I've never told anyone them,” Ren admits. His voice sounds soft and far away, and yet Ann can zero in on it easily. “I guess... I could tell you all, though.”
“If you are willing,” Yusuke says.
She can hear Ren draw in a long breath, and then release it carefully. “I was heading home late one night. I got caught up in school or something. Honestly, it's been so long that detail's kinda been lost on me. But... I heard this commotion. Some kind of scuffle. I went to investigate, and saw a drunk man harassing a woman. He was trying to force her into his car. Kept slurring some nonsense about control...”
“Sounds like a real chill guy...” Ryuji grumbles.
“Yeah. So I stepped in. I just put my hand on his shoulder. That's it. He fell on his own, tripped over his own feet and landed hard on the sidewalk and broke his nose. I just stepped in between him and the woman. When he got back up, he said he was gonna sue me. I tried to talk to him, but he shouted me down. I thought...” Ren goes silent for a moment, then releases another hard breath. “I thought it'd be fine once the police showed up. Because they'd hear the story and take him away. But...”
He stays silent, and Ann herself almost prods him. Instead, Yusuke does. “What happened?”
“She lied. She told the police that I punched him. They dragged me away and let him go free. I spent a while in juvie after that. I just kept demanding a lawyer. I didn't really know much, but I knew I should have a lawyer. I asked for my parents, too, but...”
“What about them?” Morgana asks.
“My parents have never really... I mean, they weren't neglectful or abusive or anything, but... I didn't entirely trust them with this. Still, when things got to their worst, I thought maybe they would help. Instead, they just assumed the worst. They said they always knew I'd be trouble. So, when the probation deal came through, they insisted I take it. That's the story.”
Morgana growls. “That man sounds like just the kind of person whose heart we should steal! Who is he, and where can we find him!?”
“I don't know his name,” Ren admits.
“The victim's identity is always kept secret,” Yusuke says. “And even if we could get revenge, Ren's criminal record would not go away.”
Ryuji slams a fist down on the table, and Ann just barely manages not to flinch. “Goddammit! This world is so messed up! The weak are left to fight for themselves, while rotten adults get away with whatever the hell they want!”
“And those in power do nothing,” Morgana adds.
“Can't we fix this, though?” Yusuke says. “Nobody would even know... We simply need to show the world what true justice is. We'll make them come to their senses.”
“Hell yeah! That's gotta be what our powers're for!”
Well, there's no real point in pretending to be asleep after he just made all that noise. Ann straightens and rubs her eyes. “Jeez, what's got you guys so excited?”
“Oh, sorry...” Ryuji says, slinking back into his seat. “Did we wake you up?”
“Yeah, but it's fine.” She looks down and smiles. “You know, I've been feeling different lately. Whenever I'm with you guys. It almost feels like I've known you all forever...”
“Heh,” Ryuji chuckles. “It's prolly just 'cuz we're all messed up.”
“Maybe,” Ann admits. “But... It almost feels like more than that. I feel so safe around all of you. Like nothing in the world could possibly hurt me.”
“We are all outcasts,” Yusuke says, smiling. “We trust in one another for that.”
“Outcasts, huh...?” Morgana says. His ears flop down a bit. “I'm the only one who doesn't fit in... I don't have any past, or anyone to get back at...”
Ryuji scoffs. “What're you talkin' about? We could search the whole world and we wouldn't find a bigger misfit than you! And the whole reason we're goin' to Mementos is to get your memories back, right?”
“I'm sure your past will be just as troubled as ours,” Yusuke says.
“No doubt!”
Morgana perks back up. “Heh, we'll see about that!”
“You know,” Ann says, smiling easily, “I actually feel like I've known Morgana for a really long time, too. It's strange, but... When I look at him, it feels like I'm looking at an old friend. Someone I lost contact with a long time ago, and seeing them again stirs up all these memories.” She laughs at herself. “Sorry, I'm probably making no sense.”
“Hey, look!” Morgana cries. “I'm only helping you guys out for my own sake! Don't get me wrong! If you don't get stronger, investigating Mementos won't be anything but a pipe dream!”
Ryuji laughs. “Jeez, that was a quick turnaround. One second you're depressed, the next you're actin' all tough...”
“I want to take this seriously,” Ann continues. “We should go as far as we can. I want to punish these corrupt adults and give courage to people in trouble. I want to do everything I can with the powers we've been given.”
“Ha! You can say that again!”
Yusuke nods. “Being a member of the Phantom Thieves will surely help me grow, both as an artist and as a person.”
Morgana cackles. “Of course! You're under my tutelage after all. There's nothing we can't accomplish!”
“We'll be fine.” Ren smiles and pats Morgana on the head. “We'll fight all the way to the end. I'm not backing down. Ever.”
Ann beams. “We'll be fine as long as we have you as our leader!”
“Your coffee truly is magnificent,” he says softly. “It's a delight to enjoy it.”
Boss smirks. “Glad you like it. You know, you could stay until you find a place. I can't promise it'd be comfortable here, though.”
“Thank you, but I'll return to the dorms. I realized something while talking with everyone last night. Perhaps it is due to my upbringing, but I don't know anything of the world, let alone other people. If I am to depict people in my art, I need to learn more about them. I must interact with them more.” He smiles. “So I will return to the dorms, and start over by talking with the people closest to me.”
“I see. Good on you for realizing that yourself.”
It was not entirely on my own. The simple truth is that he dismissed Ryuji and Ren entirely upon meeting them, and acknowledged Ann only for her inherent beauty. The notion that a “thug” like Ryuji or a criminal like Ren could have anything to offer confounded him. And even ignoring his reduction of Ann, he had never realized that others might not see her beauty due to it being different. I was unaware of my own biases, and ignorant entirely of the biases of others. I must rectify that.
Lying awake last night, he'd had those very thoughts. Being a Phantom Thief is not enough. He must take control of his life in a more assertive way. It is long since time for such a change.
“There's is no need to exaggerate,” Yusuke says. “May I come again sometime to enjoy your coffee?”
“My doors are always open.”
“You seem quite accepting of Ren, and of his friends. If you don't mind, may I ask why you took him in? Are you related to him?”
“Huh? Oh... How would I describe it... We're just acquaintances. Not family or anything.”
“Oh. Then why did you take him in?”
“My reasons, huh...?” Boss hesitates, then lets out a little breathy laugh. “Probably because... He reminds me of my old self.”
Yusuke cocks his head. “That's all?”
“Well, you know how it is. Sympathy makes you do stupid things sometimes.” Boss pauses for a moment, formulating his words. “Your art instructor. Or, well, former art instructor. I hope I'm not overstepping here, but... I'm sure he felt something for you too, besides just stealing your talents.”
“Truth be told, I cannot hate him from the depths of my heart, either. Despite everything, he did raise me. I think...” He considers his words for a long moment, then shakes his head. “I should probably get going...”
As he stands, Boss suddenly places a hand on his shoulder. “Are you sure about the painting? I mean, it'd be a waste to keep it here. Hardly anyone will ever see it.”
“It should not be seen by many people,” Yusuke says. “Those who truly appreciate it will see it. That is what matters.” He looks up at the spot he chose for it, near the door. “Adding a hint of color to an otherwise ordinary day... I'm sure my mother would have done the same.”
“I... see. I'll hold on to it for you, then.”
Yusuke smiles. “Thank you for the coffee.” He stands and takes up his luggage, indulging in a last look around at Leblanc. Then he nods at Boss and says, “I'll come again.”
Boss chuckles. “I look forward to it.”
Chapter 15: Pretty Vacant
(See the end of the chapter for notes.)
Chapter Text
She was just planning to get crepes with Ren when the notice for a modeling gig came in.
After rushing across town all the way to central street, she finds herself face to face with an overly excited junior model. “Ann-senpai! I'm sooo pumped to get to work with you today!” The brown-haired girl bows. “I'm Mika. And please, no honorifics. I might be older, but you have loads more experience, Ann-senpai.”
“A-alright... M-Mika. Haha, it feels a little weird saying it like that...”
“Likewise, Ann-chan. You're so nice!” Mika looks at Ren and smiles. “Ooh, who's this? Is he another model for today's shoot? He's got a really intense look...”
Ren chuckles, and Ann waves her hands. “No, no, no! He's just a friend of mine! He's just... here for... um... moral support!”
“If I stepped in, I'd steal the spotlight away from the two of you,” Ren says, pushing his glasses up his nose.
Mika blushes ever-so-slightly. “Oh, he's confident. I like that.” She looks back to Ann, somehow managing not to see the murder in her eyes. “Hey, can you teach me how to be a better model, Ann-chan? You know, your everday routines, stretches...”
Ann frowns. “Routines? You mean like.. singing in the shower?”
“O-oh... Is that all you do? Then, what kinds of stuff do you eat? I've been looking all over for a place that imports organic green almonds.” She sighs. “Plus, I'm getting super tired of eating quinoa. Do I need to, like, boil it in hard water or something?”
“Um, almonds? I only ever eat those when they're covered in chocolate. And hard water? Isn't it kinda tough to boil ice?”
She can vaguely hear Ren chuckling behind her, but it's the disappointment on Mika's face that really catches her attention. “Do you weigh yourself?”
“Oh, of course!” Ann says, excited to finally have something she and Mika can agree on. “Once a year for the health examinations at school!”
But Mika sighs sadly. “So... you're gonna keep it all a secret from me, huh? I get it. I guess it's hard trusting someone you just met...”
“W-wait, that's not it! I just don't really think about that stuff! It has nothing to do with not trusting you. It's just... Well, modeling is more like a hobby for me.”
All of a sudden, the look on Mika's face switches from sad to scandalized. “What? Ann-senpai, that's so horrible!” She raises her voice as she cries this. “What do you mean you don't care about modeling for these guys!?”
The organizers start and turn towards her. “You said that, Ann-chan?” asks the assistant.
“W-wait, I-”
“I love this magazine!” Mika says. “Everyone tries so hard to make sure their product is the best!”
“Calm down, Mika-chan,” the cameraman says. “Don't worry, we all know that you're giving it your all here.”
Mika looks down. “But... You guys work so much harder than me... And I'm still the one getting comforted...”
Ann stares. “Hold on...”
“Ann-chan,” the cameraman says, “the truth is, we had both you and Mika-chan come down as substitutes for our missing model. We wanted both of you on the cover, but if you're really not interested...”
“Hey! I didn't say that!”
“Don't worry!” Mika says hastily. “I can do it alone! I read the concept docs on my way here.”
“That works for us,” the cameraman says.
Mika turns away from them and faces Ann one more time, and her lips curl up the tiniest bit into a little smirk. “Heh.”
Ann starts. “You faker!”
“Y-you're so mean, Ann-chan! Do you really hate me that much?”
“Hey, hey,” the cameraman says. “Keep it civil, you two. You good to go, Mika-chan?” He nods to Ann. “Sorry about this, Ann-chan. We won't be needing you today. We'll reimburse your transportation expenses though, and even throw in a little extra for your trouble.”
Her protests fall on deaf ears as the staff and Mika walk away. Ann watches them, then grinds her teeth together and kicks at the ground. “Dammit...” Her rage dies away as quickly as it came, though, and she looks down at the ground dejectedly.
“You okay?” Ren asks, stepping forward.
“Yeah, it's just... I really screwed that up...”
“She cornered you.” He looks up where the staff disappeared. “I didn't realize how cutthroat modeling actually is.”
Ann nods. “It's pretty bad normally, but it's been really bad lately.”
“Oh, did I not tell you? Have you heard of that show, Featherman? It's mostly for kids, but...”
“Yeah, of course. I used to watch it when I was younger.”
Ann nods. “So did I.” Sometimes I still watch it. “Well, they're shooting the new season in Tokyo. There's a big promo shoot coming up, and some local models will get the opportunity to work with Yukari Takeba. She plays Pink Argus.” And she's amazing at it. “So, well, things've gotten kinda brutal. Everyone wants to get chosen for that gig.” She shifts on her feet. “Me included.”
“You want it that bad?”
“Yeah. See, I really look up to Takeba-san. You know, in those superhero shows, the leader of the team is always the red one. That was true for Featherman, too. But then Yukari Takeba changed that. She became the leader of the team as the pink character, and she's the first female leader of the team, too. Her performances are always so believable. She does her own stunts, too. There's this sort of determination in her acting, an underlying sadness, I guess. I wish I knew how to say it better. I read an interview once where she said she lost someone really close to her when she was in high school, and that she dedicates her performances to him.” She realizes she's been gushing and blushes a bit. “I just really look to up to her.”
“Sounds like it.”
Ann smiles. “You know, if the red character is the leader, I guess that explains you. Arsène is red, after all!” She giggles at that. “Then again, my outfit is red... Maybe I should be the leader!”
Red grins. “Are you challenging me?”
“No! God, trust me, I know I'd lose that fight.”
His smile dies a bit. “It's not good to just assume you'd lose a fight.”
“You have all those Personas! You'd win easily!”
“I didn't mean with me. I meant with Mika.” He nods off in the direction they left in. “Do you want to get that chance to be in a shoot with Yukari Takeba? Then give it your all. Don't let her push you around.”
Ann hesitates. “But... Maybe, deep down, I'm just not all that invested in modeling. She can see right through that. Maybe I don't deserve the success I've had.” She sighs and shakes her head. “But still, wasn't Mika's fake crying pretty incredible?”
“She'd be a great Phantom Thief.”
“Hey! That's not what I'm talking about here!” She crosses her arms over her chest. “I think I'm pretty good at fake crying myself. I know the perfect technique. Wanna know the secret?”
“Hit me.”
“All you have to do is – not actually cry!”
“I... assumed that much.”
“Well then you're halfway there!”
Ren stares at her, then chuckles and shakes his head.
“Yo! Dude!”
He's just taking a breather outside at lunchtime when Ryuji plops down next to him on the bench. “I need your help with something...”
“Did something happen?”
Ryuji looks around briefly, like he's checking to see if the coast is clear. Then he leans towards Ren and grins. “I found this flier stuffed in my mailbox.” He pulls it out and thrusts it into Ren's face. “Housekeeping service! It says that a cute maid will do anything for you! A maid, dude! A maid! Who'll do anything for us!”
“You're a guy, right? You know what I mean! Let's give it a try. Yeah? Yeah!” He nudges Ren on the side. “Some guy on my floor just moved out, so there's a vacant apartment in my complex. The key's behind the mailbox, so we can get in anytime. The landlord seriously doesn't care. The place is all set, so...”
“Hey, I heard that!”
Ren sighs as Mishima approaches them. “What the hell!?” Ryuji exclaims.
Mishima shifts on his feet. “Um, can I, uh... Can I get in on this...?”
“Oh-ho! You mean you're into this kinda stuff?”
“I-I'm not into it! It's just for research!” He balls his hands into fists. “What does it mean that they'll do 'anything'? And do the maids really look exactly as they're advertised? We need to determine whether or not this company just pretends to offer housekeeping services!”
“Huh?” Ryuji sputters.
“You're right.”
Both Ryuji and Mishima look at Ren as he shoves his glasses up his nose and stands strongly. “We must do this. We must take them down!”
Mishima pumps his fist. “Right!? So we should do a thorough investigation!”
“Yeah, we gotta see this with our own eyes,” Ryuji agrees.
“This operation needs a code name...” Mishima says ponderously. “Since we'll be watching them, I'll dub this 'Operation Maidwatch'!”
He meets up with Ryuji and Mishima on central street that night.
“Time for the operation!” Ryuji declares, pumping his fist in the air. “Time to Maidwatch!”
“Maidwatch!” Mishima shouts.
“...Maidwatch...” Ren mutters.
They head over to Ryuji's apartment building, a small complex not too far from the station. There they enter the vacant room. “Won't she be suspicious about the whole no-furniture thing?” Ren asks.
“Eh, who cares?” Ryuji says.
“Call them!” Mishima prods. He nudges Ren. “You do it!”
“I-” Ren tries to protest, since he's honestly not sure if his call records will be looked over when his probation is done, and he's not really sure he wants a housekeeping service to appear in them, but Ryuji and Mishima are both looking at him so pleadingly that he really can't say no. “Alright.”
There's an answer after just two rings. “Thanks for calling Victoria's Housekeeping, for all your maid needs! Do you have a request this evening?”
Instantly, the three of them jump. “What does he mean by request?” Ryuji stammers. “I dunno what to ask for... But we can't just ask for nothing...”
“Not... really...” Ren says, stumbling over his words.
“Excellent! May I have your address?”
They all jump again.
Twenty minutes later, a car pulls up, and a woman in a maid outfit skips out of it. The three of them leap back from the windows and stand awkwardly in the center of the room. “Oh, man, it's actually real...” Ryuji mumbles. “This is really happening...”
“Uh, guys...” Mishima whimpers. “Are high schoolers even allowed to do this?”
“Whaddaya mean 'huh'? You didn't look into this at all!?”
“Was I supposed to do all the work!?”
The doorbell rings.
“What!? Already!?” Mishima looks at his phone. “She's five minutes early! Oh man, what do we do? I'm not mentally prepared...”
“Good evening! I'm from the housekeeping service! Oh, the door's unlocked. Can I let myself in?”
Ryuji taps his foot against the floor. “I-I can't do this! My stomach's acting up! And my hands are all sweaty!” He slaps Ren on the shoulder. “Okay, you handle the rest. And don't let her find out you're a high school student!”
“What!? Me?”
“You've got this, Amamiya!” Mishima calls.
“We've got your back!” Ryuji says. “Just... From way back! Like, from the balcony!”
He tries to protest, but he honestly doesn't even have any words anymore. All at once, they're both gone, and the door opens. Ren turns away, facing the wall and shoving his hands into his pockets and trying to ignore the buckets of sweat draining down his face. Damn you, Ryuji. Damn you, Mishima. I should have just gone to jail...
“Welcome home, master!” He cringes internally as the maid begins her spiel. “I'm going to fill your tired heart full of lovely energy! Meow!” He can just barely see her curtsy behind him. Her voice sounds oddly familiar... “I'm Becky, and I have the pleasure of serving you today.”
Ren coughs. “Um... N-nice to mee-ow-t you...”
“Oh! I can see you and I are going to get along well!” She giggles. “How thoughtless of me, I need to explain our services to you, Master! What would you like me to do today? The basics include cooking, cleaning, laundry...” She steps closer, until he can feel her breath on his ear, and she curls her fingers around his shoulder. “But there are other services we provide, if you desire...”
“Hm... You look young, Master... Are you, perhaps, in high school?”
“I... hum... um... I'm, uh... I'm a dad.”
“...Uh-huh.” She sighs. “I'll wait to provide those other services until you've matured a bit, Master. Sooo... I'll be going now.”
A fist suddenly hits the balcony door. “What!? No!”
“Huh?” The maid steps forward and throws open the doors, just in time to see Ryuji racing away. “Sakamoto!? Mishima!?” She turns, and the two of them stand face to face for the first time. “And you!” She scowls at him. “Did you request me specifically? How did you even find out about this!?”
Recognition hits him at once. “Kawakami-sensei!?”
“Oh... N-no, it's alright! How would you know me? T-this is our first time meeting. Yes, the first time ever, Master...”
“Knock that off!”
She glares at him. “Ugh... This is unbelievable.” She kicks at the carpet. “Yes, it's me... Your homeroom teacher. I'm so done... I can't believe I got caught by some of my own students.” She frowns and shakes her head. Ren finds himself really hating the outfit she's wearing. He looks away. She notices, of course. “What, is the sight of your homeroom teacher in a maid outfit really so disgusting? Here I thought this was a fantasy for boys.”
“Um, well...”
“Forget it. I should've taken a job outside of the city. But I really needed something close to school so I could go there after I finished work...” Suddenly, she looks up at him again and scowls hard. “Who told you about this? I'll bet it was Chouno, that harpy!”
“What?” He raises his hands. “I really wasn't trying to catch you!”
“Don't bother. Chouno's been snooping on all the teachers ever since that incident with Kamoshida.” She steps forward and thrusts a finger up under his chin. “Are you going to tell her about this?”
Ren stares. “Why would I do that?”
“Because there are perks to having a teacher on your side.” She looks him over, then plants a hand on her hip. “Hey, if you're going to side with a teacher, side with me. I'm in charge of your class, after all. And if you promise not to tell Chouno-san about this, I'll do anything for you!”
“...Like, for example, not tell anyone that you called a maid service!”
Ren swallows. “Deal.”
“Hm...” Morgana mumbles the next day. “Maybe we should see what's going on between Kawakami and Chouno? If there's trouble, maybe we could help out!”
Well, there's no harm in trying. It doesn't take long for Ren to find them. The two teachers are arguing out in the hallway by the student council room. “We all have to do what we can for the good of this school!” Chouno is saying, and Ren groans internally. He knows where this is going.
So he waves a hand. “Kawakami-sensei-”
Kawakami looks at him and goes a bit pale. “Get home safe, Amamiya-kun.” She looks at Chouno. “I have another matter to attend to, so I have to excuse myself...”
“No! We're not finished talking yet!”
“But I-”
“There's been a series of scandals on this campus. We're all being called into question. And yet you leave work earlier than anyone, and you barely make it to any of the faculty meetings! Explain yourself! Don't tell me you're out running around at night!”
Ren clears his throat. “Kawakami-sensei. I have a question for you.”
She stares. “What? Another question?”
“Another question?” Chouno repeats.
Kawakami sputters out, “T-that's right! Amamiya-kun's questions are complicated, so I take time at night to help him out...”
Chouno looks shocked. “So you're giving individual lessons outside of school hours? What passion! You are the ideal teacher! A passionate teacher is exactly what we need at this school. I'm sorry for suspecting you. Well then, keep up the hard work, you two!” She beams as she walks away.
“Jeez,” Ren mutters. “She changed her tune quick. Think the Phantom Thieves got her?”
Kawakami snorts. “She's always been like that. She kind of just convinces herself of things...” She shakes her head. “I guess that did clear up some suspicions, though, so... thanks.”
“It's nothing.”
“...Could you come with me for a moment?”
She brings him to a secluded area. “I can't talk about this at school.” She shoves a small piece of paper into his hands. “This is the address and phone number of my night job. Call at night and request me. But make sure it doesn't show up in your call history, okay.” She narrows her eyes. “And if you're going to carry that cat around, at least make sure it doesn't make noise in class! I don't care, but the other teachers might!”
“Mrrow!” Morgana says.
Ren smiles. “Will do.”
He's walking home late that night when he overhears the man giving a speech in the station square.
“There have been far too many incidents recently to ignore!” he cries out, his strong voice echoing through the square. “Can anyone deny this!? The runaway train incident, mysterious psychotic breakdowns, a school with corrupt teachers... We have yet to discover the truth of it all! The apathy that permeates society is a direct result of negligence by our government and the media.”
The man releases a breath, then looks down with smiling eyes at Ren. “You seem to be listening quite intently. Are you a student?”
It's only then that Ren realizes he was the only person nearby to actually stop and listen. He smiles slightly. “Yeah. I go to Shujin.”
“Ah! I'm delighted to captivate the interest of someone your age. Now more than ever it is vital for the young to be interested in politics! I want to change the state of this country. To do so I need the power of the youth. After all, it is the young who will decide the future of this country... if ever the aging will allow them to.”
Ren can't help a laugh. “You said it.”
“If you don't mind, could I know your name?”
“I am Yoshida. I used to be a member of the Diet... but no longer. In the past twenty years, I've lost seven straight elections...”
He nods, sighing. “This isn't good. I'm dwelling on the negatives right before my speech.” He hesitates, then looks up at Ren again. “Would you mind if I imposed on you for a moment?”
His imposition turns out to be a simple favor: having Ren hold a sign for him during his speech. “The lines of what is considered right and wrong in society today have been blurred,” he declares staunchly. “With common sense no longer our guide, we make decisions based on our selfish wants and desires. This has resulted in a deluge of self-centered people who delight in taking advantage of the weak. However, even in this modern day and age, it is imperative that we act in the best interests of all. A world where the young exist only to be exploited is a world t hat must be changed!”
“Yeah,” says a passerby, “but not by you, No-Good Tora!”
Instantly, Yoshida stumbles. “I-I... No...”
It doesn't take long after that for the crowd to die out. “I'm sorry,” Yoshida says to Ren softly, taking his sign back. “Whenever someone calls me 'No-Good Tora,' I panic.”
“It's alright,” Ren assures him. “I really liked your speech.”
“Truly? You mean it?”
“Yeah. I mean, I don't agree with all of it, but...”
Yoshida looks him over. “You mean... You disagree, and yet you are not angry?”
Ren raises an eyebrow. “Why would I be angry? People can have disagreements.”
“Haha! How right you are! Goodness, sometimes I forget this. When I give speeches and the audience disagrees with a point, they simply shout obscenities. I think this is the first time in a long while that someone has disagreed with me civilly.” He smiles and reaches out a hand. “Once again, I am Yoshida. Toranosuke Yoshida. If you happen to be coming this way again, I would be more than happy to see you attending my speeches.”
“Jeez,” Morgana says when Ren gets home and throws himself into bed. “Long day, huh?”
“Long month,” Ren mutters.
“Well... There's no harm in getting a little extra sleep tonight, right?” Morgana hops up next to him and paws at his chest. “You know, you've done really well. I... kinda just tossed all this on you. But you've really stepped up as the leader of the Phantom Thieves. You've still got a lot to learn, but...”
Ren smiles. “Thanks, Mona.”
“We can't get complacent, though. Remember, things are heating up... And it's not just the cops who are looking for the Phantom Thieves now.”
It starts with the principal calling her in.
“How are things going in regard to that matter we spoke of earlier?” he asks her, his chins wobbling with every word.
Makoto keeps her head bowed diligently. “I... have nothing to report yet...”
“Nothing at all? How many students are there who could provoke a teacher?”
Provoke him? Kamoshida admitted to countless crimes, none of which were provoked. “I've already narrowed it down,” she says, carefully. “I just can't get any solid evidence.” She swallows hard, trying not to look away. “You knew, didn't you? You knew all about Kamoshida's crimes.”
He looks at her... then suddenly looks away.
“What will come of you asking that?” he says, coldly.
“This investigation is for a just cause, correct?”
You aren't just making me do your dirty work... right?
The principal scoffs. “I believe I understand how flustered this must be making you. I'm sure it was shocking for you as student council president to witness a peer attempt suicide. We must provide a school environment where all students can feel at ease. That is the most pressing issue we have to tackle at the moment.”
“So that's your reason behind this investigation? We don't even know if the Phantom Thieves of Hearts truly exist. Why are you-”
His scowl makes her words die in her throat. “You heard about the incident with that Madarame fellow, I assume?”
“They said there was a similar calling card to the one used in Kamoshida's case.”
Kobayakawa narrows his eyes. “Kamoshida-sensei. Whatever else the man is, he is still a teacher. Do not disrespect him.” Before she can protest that, he carries on. “I wish to believe that this matter is unrelated to our students.”
“I...” Makoto considers speaking up, but the look in his eyes causes her to wither. “Yes...” she says, softly, bowing. Not as an act of politeness, but an act of submission. How weak of me...
Then it's the student council.
Thinking she'll get some peace there, she heads to the office immediately, only for two of the junior members to jump on her. “President, we've had some reports from students.”
“...About the Phantom Thieves?” That announcement asking for information the principal put up has been nothing but trouble.
“Maybe. We don't know.” The junior member clears his throat and reads from the report. “'I heard some students are being threatened. I'm so scared. Please do something.'”
Makoto flinches. “What?”
“'They have dirt on me, and they're demanding money. I can't go to the police. What should I do?'” He sighs and rubs his temples. “Isn't this talking about the crime ring in Shibuya?”
The other junior member sighs. “So there are even victims at our school...” she whispers. “What should we do, President?”
“This isn't the responsibility of the student council,” the other member insists. “This is frightening for us, too...” He nods to Makoto. “Principal Kobayakawa called you in today, right? Did he tell you anything about this?”
He doesn't care about anything but his own image. “No,” Makoto says, coldly. “He's left for the day, now. I'll... ask him about it tomorrow. Please wait on this for the time being...”
“...If you say so.”
Going home just makes it worse.
Sis is actually there for once, and the two of them are able to sit down and have dinner together. Makoto – foolish child that she is – actually thinks this will be nice, thinks that it will remind of her better times. Instead, it just dredges up tainted memories. The only thing worse than losing something important is getting a cheap imitation of it back.
The TV is on throughout their dinner, playing that stupid interview with Akechi-kun, the one that the transfer student Amamiya derailed.
“This tastes a bit bland...” Sis mutters.
“I'm sorry,” Makoto says.
“It's okay. I'm relieved. A lot has happened recently, but it seems your grades haven't dropped.”
Makoto nods slowly. “School's been going fine.” She forces a small smile. “I'm more worried about you, Sis. Are you tired? You're probably lacking sodium.”
“Do I seem so?” Absurd words to come from the mouth of the youngest public prosecutor in Japanese history, not to mention one of very few women to rise so high. Sae Niijima is many things, but she is not conscientious of her own health. She hasn't been ever since their father died.
Makoto's attention drifts to the TV again. It shows Akechi-kun declaring that the Phantom Thieves should be tried in a court of law, and that a heart should never be forcibly changed.
She looks back to Sis. “Is it a crime to manipulate someone's heart?”
“Depending on the means, yes. He's absolutely right.”
“Even if it makes someone admit their evil deeds and helps them pay for their crimes?”
Sis looks up from her food. “Why the sudden interest?”
“It's nothing...”
“Do you believe these... 'allies of justice' really exist?”
“If someone else could help 'em, we wouldn't be doin' stuff as the Phantom Thieves to begin with!” Circumstantial evidence, of course. It could easily be argued that Sakamoto was simply letting his imagination get the better of him, playing at heroes with his friend. Makoto doubts it, though. All the evidence points to them. All of it. And yet...
“Of course not,” she says, softly.
“You don't need to think about such unnecessary things,” Sae says, picking at her food. “You understand what I'm trying to say, right?”
Makoto nods, holding back an exasperated sigh. “Study hard and go to a prestigious college.”
“Moving up in the world is difficult as a woman. Yet you can't do much if you don't have the authority. I'll use every method necessary to make it happen.” She frowns, making a face that Makoto has always winced away from. “All you need to do is remain focused on what must be done now for your future's sake.”
That night, she lies in bed and holds one of her Buchimaru plushes close. It's one that her father won for her at an arcade, all the way back at her eighth birthday. That was so long ago...
Justice... Is true justice found only in the law? Even when men like Kamoshida and Madarame were able to get away with their heinous crimes? How many more Shiho Suzuis were prevented by the Phantom Thieves? How many tragedies were cut off before they could bloom by that one amoral act?
It all cuts back to the same thing. She has the evidence, now. At least enough to corner the Thieves, even if she can't bring them to trial. Kobayakawa wants her to use it. Sis would want her to use it.
But what do I want?
Don't ask us to attend, 'cause we're not all there
Oh don't pretend, 'cause I don't care
I don't believe illusions, 'cause too much is real
So stop your cheap comment, 'cause we know what we feel
Oh we're so pretty
Oh so pretty
We're vacant
-Pretty Vacant, Sex Pistols
Chapter 16: We Rats
(See the end of the chapter for notes.)
Chapter Text
Kawakami calls him aside when class ends.
At first, he fears it might have something to do with her after-school job. Instead, though, she says, “Niijima-san's looking for you. Could you head to the student council room right away?”
“The student council president wants to see me?”
“She's says there's no report of a lost item, so she wants you to start filling out some paperwork.”
“Just go up to the student council room. She'll explain.”
Ren walks out into the hallway, and Morgana pops up on his shoulder. “I don't like this...” the cat admits. “Something about it smells wrong...”
“I know,” Ren agrees. “But I can't just ignore her.”
“Right. Just... stay vigilant.”
When he gets up to the student council room, he finds it completely empty except for Niijima herself. “Ah,” she says, smiling slightly. “You're here earlier than I'd expected.” She motions to the chairs. “Won't you take a seat?”
“...What's this about?”
“Just sit down, and I'll explain everything.”
He walks over to the table and removes his bag, setting it down gently on the other seat so that Morgana can listen without being suspicious. “I don't understand why-” Ren starts.
She interrupts him. “I'll get straight to the point. Kamoshida-sensei and Madarame-san... Won't you tell me the truth behind the Phantom Thieves' incidents?”
“Can't answer that? Ah, of course. There's no way you would admit to such things.” She pulls out her phone and sets it down on the table. “Have a listen to this.”
Ryuji's voice comes through loud and clear. “If someone else could help 'em, we wouldn't be doin' stuff as the Phantom Thieves to start with!”
Ann's voice follows. “Do you really think we'll be okay if we keep doing this? I mean, the police are getting involved now...”
And then Ren's own voice: “If either of you want to back out, feel free. But I'm continuing. I don't care about the cops.”
“Pretty damning stuff,” Niijima says, coldly.
Morgana squeaks in the bag. “We screwed up...”
Niijima leans forward. “Was it blackmail? Hypnosis? How do you corner someone into making them confess? Tell me everything.”
“Ask the ones responsible,” Ren says.
“Are you honestly trying to say that this recording proves nothing?” She scoffs. “Well, you're not entirely wrong. It's not the sort of evidence that could actually get someone thrown in jail... unless they happened to have a prior record.” She crosses her arms over her chest. “I believe the three of you are the Phantom Thieves. Perhaps Yusuke Kitagawa, too. Now, what would the police think if they heard my recording?”
“It would be bad if we were put under police surveillance...” Morgana mutters. “And... there's no telling what could happen to you!”
“If you confess the truth,” Niijima continues, “I don't mind just leaving this between the two of us.”
“I don't have to say anything,” Ren insists.
“That's the same as admitting it, you know.”
Before either of them can say anything else, Ren's phone goes off. Niijima nods. “Answer it. Now.”
He doesn't have much of a choice. He pulls his phone out and sees Ryuji on the caller ID. Oh, please, please, don't say anything... He answers it. “Ryuji, I-”
“Hey, where you at, dude? Takin' a leak? Let's meet up at the usual spot to hold our Phantom Thieves meetin'!”
Ren hangs up instantly.
“That idiot!” Morgana hisses.
Niijima just chuckles. “As loud as always, but his timing is perfect.” She stands up and motions to him. “There's no sense in keeping them waiting. Won't you take me to your friends?”
“We don't have much of a choice...” Morgana whispers.
Ren sighs and stands. “Come on.”
“What the hell!?” Ryuji sputters the second Ren and Niijima approach the hideout spot.
Ann glares at her. “What's the meaning of this?”
“I had him lead me here,” Niijima says, calmly. “Ryuji Sakamoto, Ann Takamaki, and Yusuke Kitagawa. Quite an interesting group.” She pulls out her phone and readies the file again. “I wanted to ask you all about this.”
The recording plays, and Ren watches the faces of his companions. Of them, only Yusuke and Morgana can escape blame here. Yusuke can easily be connected to the incidents, though. Morgana is a cat, so he won't get arrested, but he doesn't stand much of a chance of doing anything on his own. We're actually doomed... unless we can deal with Niijima somehow...
“An extremely similar technique was used for both Kamoshida and Madarame,” Niijima says, once she puts her phone away. “While those affected by their acts were just coincidentally meeting up... Honestly, who wouldn't find that suspicious?”
“You can't call us conspicuous when you were doing that bad of a job stalking me,” Ren mutters.
“Is now really the time for wisecracks?”
Yusuke sighs. “What do you intend to do? If you brought this to us, I can only assume you have some sort of proposal. Or were you simply intending to gloat?”
Ann kicks at the barrier. “I bet the school told you to find us. They can't have ties to criminals, after all. But rapists and child-beaters are completely fine...” She scowls. “Those adults are just using you, and you're letting them.”
Niijima stares for a moment. Then she looks down and says, softly, “I know.”
The five of them look up at her. “Huh?” Ann stammers.
“That's why I would like to verify the justice you speak of,” Niijima says, defiantly. “I'm the only one who knows about you. If you can prove that what you're doing is just, I'll erase this.”
“And how would you like us to prove that?” Ren presses.
“There's someone whose heart I'd like you to change.”
Ryuji perks up. “Who?”
Niijima smiles. “So you're not saying it's impossible.”
“Oh, stop dickin' us around already! Just tell us who it is!”
“I can't tell you that yet,” she says. “Meet me on the roof of the school tomorrow. We'll continue talking then. Assuming you accept my offer, that is.”
With that, she struts off.
Ryuji scowls. “This is turnin' into a real pain...”
They gather together in the diner after leaving the crossing.
“You were careless,” Yusuke says, accusingly. “I don't think you truly understood how high the stakes truly were – and are.” He stares pointedly. “Anything to say, Ryuji?”
“Ugh... Yeah, yeah, I'm sorry...”
“Leave him alone,” Ren commands. “The three of us were on that recording. We messed up.”
“What're we gonna do...?” Ann says. “She's got serious dirt on us...”
Yusuke shrugs. “A recording seems to be insufficient evidence, though. It's not as though she has anything to connect the recording to any of you. While your voices may be distinct, they cannot be so unique as to be impossible to replicate. Besides, it can easily be said that you were acting, or playing at being Phantom Thieves. She has no proof that we have actually engaged in such activity.”
“But Ren's on probation...” Ann points out. “If the police start watching him, he's pretty much screwed.” She shakes her head. “We can't let that happen.”
If I have to go to jail to protect the rest of you, so be it. He doubts it'll come to that, though. Despite his initial concerns regarding the situation, the adrenaline has worn off, and he's starting to think this isn't as big a deal as he'd initially feared. It might even pose an interesting opportunity...
“Then it would seem we have no choice but to go along with this,” Yusuke says.
“Agreed,” says Morgana. “At least for now, we'll need to do what Niijima says.”
Ryuji sighs dramatically. “Alright... I'm sorry. Really. But damn, it pisses me off to have to do whatever the stupid president says...”
“It's our only choice,” Ren points out.
“Yeah...” Ryuji nods. “Alright. Let's do this. We're all in it together, right? Hell or high water.”
It's cloudy the next day, but they still head up to the roof.
Niijima is leaning against the old desks up there. “I was thinking you might not show,” she says, flicking hair out of her eyes.
“So,” Ann says, “whose heart do you want us to change?”
“A mafia boss.”
Ryuji crosses his arms over his chest. “The hell're you talkin' about!?”
Niijima looks up at them. “That's what they call themselves. This group seems to be the cause of the recent rise in phishing scams. What's worse, once you're in their sights, they won't stop threatening you until they get what they want. They'll force you to take part in their scams, threaten your family, and ultimately destroy your life.”
Ryuji slinks back slightly. “Holy shit...”
“What's worse is that they primarily target teenagers. Including some of the students here.”
“What's their boss's name?” Ren asks.
“No one knows. The victims are being threatened not to testify, so even the police can't get a grasp on the situation.”
Ann recoils. “That's where you want us to start!?”
Niijima stares them down coldly with her dark red eyes. “You should be able to pull it off... If you really are the righteous Phantom Thieves of Hearts...” She smirks. “Or is Akechi-kun right when he says you act without justice?”
Morgana groans and pops out of Ren's bag. “Can't you say something witty back at her?”
Ren shrugs. “Something witty.”
“I knew you were gonna say that...”
Niijima ignores them. “Their main hub of activity is in Shibuya. That's all the information I have. You have two weeks. Call on me if you need help with the investigation, but if a fortnight passes and you haven't succeeded, I'll submit all the evidence I have to the police and to the school.” She pushes past them towards the doors, but turns slightly before leaving. “I truly hope you don't let me down...”
“Can we really do this?” Ann mutters.
They met up with Yusuke at the crossing just after Niijima left them. Now, standing in the bustling city center, it's a bit hard to feel comfortable. Ren never really did feel entirely at ease, of course, but it's different now. A mafia running out of Shibuya. It sounds insane, but...
“We have next to no information on our target...” Morgana laments. “The guy's a crime boss, so it wouldn't surprise me if he had a Palace, but still...”
“Isn't this a prime opportunity for us, though?” Yusuke looks up from his musings. “Niijima aside, this is a perfect chance for us to prove ourselves to the world. Even after we punished an evil man who seemed to be good, the public did not acknowledge us. However, if we take down an actual criminal, let alone a target even the police don't have answers for...”
“People would really notice...” Ren says.
A small smirk comes to his face.
Ryuji jumps up from his miserable stupor. “I get it! That means even Akechi'll have to acknowledge us as the Phantom Thieves!”
“Quiet down!” Morgana hisses.
“He's not wrong, though,” Ann says. “We could finally make an impact... A real impact.” She turns to Ren with a smile. “Whaddya say, Leader?”
Ren grins. “Let's do this.”
Ryuji pumps his fist. “Hell yeah! We just gotta do what we always do!”
“Do not celebrate prematurely,” Yusuke warns. “Our time limit is two weeks, correct? We can't afford to waste any time, then. We need leads, and quickly.”
“Okay...” Ann bites her lip, then snaps her fingers. “I know some girls who go to Shibuya pretty often. I'll check in with them about it.”
“Alright, and I'm gonna see what I can find on the net,” Ryuji says.
“I'll ask around Kosei,” Yusuke says. “Perhaps there are victims there as well.”
Morgana nods. “That leaves Shujin to me and Ren. We'll figure this out for sure!”
Ryuji grins. “Alright, let's get back together at the end of the week once we've got all our info! Don't anybody skimp out on this, alright!? This is real shit now!”
[Group Chat: the phantom thieves strike back]
Skull: so I checked online and people are talkin about it all over
Skull: now in my expert opinion
Skull: iida of class 2d is guilty
Panther: you mean Iida-kun from our class?
Panther: wait start over
Panther: what's he guilty of?
Skull: supposedly hes been spending money left and right lately
Skull: said its cuz of some part time job he got
Fox: I see. That may very well be worth looking into.
Skull: right???
Skull: can you try askin him about it, ann?
Skull: I dont think hed be all that cautious around a girl
Panther: I mean, in that case, yeah
Panther: I can give it a shot
Panther: although I've never actually talked to Iida-kun before...
Joker: I'll back you up, don't worry.
Panther: thanks, that's a huge help
Skull: im hoping for some great things this time from takamaki-san's world class wonderful acting
Panther: shut up
Fox: With some luck, this will bring us closer to their so-called boss.
Fox: I leave this Iida to you two. And I have high hopes for your acting as well, Ann.
Panther: you're both missing the point!
Ren hangs back once class ends and watches Ann approach Iida.
Almost instantly, it seems like the conversation isn't going her way. Ren gathers up his bag and tries to look casual about checking one of the posters on the wall so he can listen in on their conversation.
“So... I really need some money right now,” Ann says. “Can you tell me about this easy part-time job? I'm sure you know about it, Iida-kun! Please!”
“I... You don't need help. A girl like you could probably get a job anywhere, right?”
“Huh? Um... Now that you mention it, yes.”
Morgana groans in Ren's bag, and Ren sighs to himself. She was not made for improv.
“So, um, what I mean is...” Ann suddenly bursts out with, “Oh! Francois!”
Iida starts. “Huh?”
Morgana lurches. “Huh?”
“M-my cat Francois got run over by a car... and also has an incurable illness! I need money fast!”
Ren resists the urge to slam his head against the wall.
Ann just bulls on. “I-If Francois were to die, I think I'd die too! Probably...”
“C-come on,” Iida says. “Don't talk like that...”
“If you don't like it, then tell me about that easy part-time job! You know something, don't you? I've heard the rumors.”
“Rumors!? Who was it? Was it Nishiyama who-”
“Nishiyama?” Ann repeats, and she glances at Ren.
He gets Nishiyama's location from Mishima, and rushes down to the library as quick as he can.
He's standing in a corner of the library, on his phone. Ren approaches him without a care. “Are you Nishiyama?” he asks.
“Huh? Yeah?” His eyes go wide. “Wait, you're that transfer student, right...?” He gulps. “You need something form me?”
“What happened to Iida?”
“Iida...? How do you know about that?” Nishiyama suddenly gets indignant. “Are you doing something to him!? He's been acting really strange lately...”
“I'm trying to help him.”
“W-what's that mean? Is he really wrapped up in something shady?”
“I'm trying to figure that out. Please, just tell me what you know.”
Nishiyama hesitates, then sighs. “One day, the two of us went to Shibuya. A man approached us over near Central Street. He asked us if we were interested in an easy part-time job. I said I wasn't, but Iida... He was asking the guy all sorts of questions.”
“What was the job?”
“I... I don't know. I was so scared I ended up going home alone... But according to Iida, it only takes ten minutes, and it's good for people who don't stand out.” Nishiyama frowns and looks away. “After that... He started spending a lot of money. That's when his strange behavior began, too...” He looks up and shakes his head defiantly. “But that's all I know! That's enough, right?”
“Yeah. Thanks.”
[Group Chat: the phantom thieves strike back]
Fox: I have tried looking into this high-paying part-time job myself.
Fox: People seem to be talking about it at Kosei as well.
Fox: Supposedly, a man will talk to you in broad daylight over on Central Street.
Fox: And your job is to deliver a small envelope he hands you.
Fox: Have any of you learned anything else?
Panther: Iida kinda blew me off...
Skull: theres a shocker
Panther: shut up!
Panther: Ren, did you get anything?
Joker: Yeah, I think I know what's happening.
Joker: I heard the same thing Yusuke did – a man approaches you in broad daylight.
Joker: The envelope delivery is the job. Chances are the contents of the envelope are drugs.
Joker: Based on the info we got from Niijima, the mob then takes pictures of you with the product.
Joker: They use that to blackmail you into doing more jobs for them.
Joker: They use threats to keep you controlled, and squeeze you for everything you're worth.
Joker: And once your usefulness runs out...
Skull: holy shit
Panther: that's really really serious...
Fox: It is quite bold of them to act in daylight.
Panther: yeah, this kinda thing usually happens at night, right?
Joker: Remember, they're targeting high schoolers.
Joker: They're trying to blend in, and it's working.
Fox: I see. Yes, that makes sense.
Panther: Ryuji, you're in shibuya right now, right? Do you see anyone like that there?
Skull: you have any idea how many people are in shibuya?
Skull: plus theyre tryin to blend in
Skull: I really cant tell
Joker: Let's make a move tomorrow.
Panther: huh? What sort of move?
Fox: Dangerous as it might be, our best move may be to send a patsy.
Fox: Who is willing to act as bait?
Joker: Morgana, I choose you!
Skull: good plan, the mob'd never expect a cat to come and deliver drugs for em
Panther: and no one sticks out less than a cat!
Fox: In other words, Ren will go.
Fox: Best of luck, Leader.
Ren sighs and sits down on his bed. He runs his hands through his hair and rubs his temples.
“Are you okay?” Morgana asks, padding over next to him.
“Yeah. I just... Need to brace myself. This is going to be dangerous.”
Morgana hesitates. “It's not fair to send you on this one. You're on probation. If you're caught making deals with the mafia...”
Ren shakes his head. “It'll be bad for anyone. This works out fine.”
Better that I take the fall. That's how it should be.
“Niijima-kun, what is going on here!?”
His chins wobble when he gets excited, she notices. His eyes bulge out of his skull and look like they might burst, and there's a vein in his neck that looks distended.
Kobayakawa clutches his head in his hands. “Apparently the damage done by this so-called mafia has even reached our student body!”
“Well-” she begins.
“I thought this absurdity was nothing more than a joke!”
That's because you never listen to me, or anyone. She says nothing.
The principal shakes his head. “Not only are there victims, there are even rumors that some of our own students are involved in these crimes! I've even received inquiries from their guardians. Why is this happening!?”
Makoto sighs. “Unfortunately, I do not have the answer to that.”
“This is the single greatest disgrace in the history of this academy... If it were to be discovered...” His anguish turns to anger in a heartbeat, and he slams his fist down on the desk between them. “This is a vital issue for the student council! Did I not ask you to resolve it!?”
“I'm... doing the best I can.”
“And I can trust you!? You must do something about this at once!” He scowls and shakes his head. “You are the only one around here who is reliable. Do not let me down...”
Something in Makoto goes cold for a moment. “May I ask, sir, just what exactly it is you would like for me to do?”
He narrows his eyes. “Your sister would never ask such a stupid question. I expect you to do what is necessary. From what I've heard, even the other students are beginning to be dissatisfied with you. If this continues, and you still give me no results, I will have no choice but to find a student council president who can. Do you understand me?”
“I... do. Please, just give me a little more time.”
“Time is the one thing we are running out of swiftly, Niijima-kun. Get out of my sight. And do not return until you have something of substance to report.”
She bows stiffly and leaves him.
She heads to Shibuya right after school.
She watches carefully as the Phantom Thieves walk around Central Street and the station square, talking to people and getting information. She stays out of it. With some luck, they'll find whatever it is they're looking for... They dealt with Kamoshida and Madarame. Maybe, just maybe, they can deal with this mafia, too...
It goes on for a while. Then she sees Amamiya head down an alleyway, and decides to follow him. He leans against a wall and mutters something to the cat in his bag. Makoto can never tell if it's weird or cute that he carries it around with him everywhere, school included.
“Amamiya,” she calls out, and he turns to face her. “Have you made any progress towards finding the boss?”
“Shibuya's a big place,” he says.
She sighs. “I take it that means no. You know, if you-”
A sudden voice cuts through her words. “Hey, you two got some time? I have a great job opportunity for ya.” They turn and see a sleazy guy walking up to them, a hungry look in his eyes. “It's real easy. Guess you could call it a delivery job.” He grins. “You're high schoolers, yeah? Don't you want something more than just your allowances?”
“I'm interested,” Amamiya says.
“Wait a second,” Makoto says, holding up a hand and smiling politely. “By delivery, do you mean that of suspicious materials?”
The guy snorts. “Heh, you're a funny girl.”
“So you won't answer me? Then I was right...”
He frowns at her. “What's up with you anyways? Why're you asking all these questions, huh?” He gets up close in her face. “If you ain't interested, then-”
“Stop,” Amamiya says, stepping forward. “Leave her alone.”
Makoto stares. “Amamiya...”
The guy scoffs. “Why would I get worked up over some dumb kids? Guess you ain't cut out for this, after all. Your loss. See ya!” Without another word, he turns and struts off easily.
Once he's gone, Makoto turns to Amamiya. “I'm pretty sure he's part of the mafia we're looking for.”
“You think?” The snap in his voice surprises her. “He offered the job. I was going to take it, see where that might lead me. Why did you interrupt?”
Makoto stares for a moment. “I was trying to trick him into saying something. He dodged the traps I was laying down, though...”
“Traps? You basically told him not to trust us.” Amamiya shakes his head sharply. “If you want this to work, then stay out of our way.”
“I was only trying to-”
“It doesn't matter what you were trying to do. We just lost a lead because of you. Now the mob will know not to approach me, which means we'll need to try it with Ryuji or Yusuke, and neither of them blend in as well as I can. Given what this mob does, we can't send Ann. So you've just made this mission far more difficult than it already was.”
Makoto swallows. “I didn't...”
The cat makes a little whining noise in Amamiya's ear, and he sighs. “Fine. I'm sorry. I was too harsh. But you're not a Phantom Thief. You trusted this mission to us. So leave it to us.”
“I...” She nods carefully. “V-very well...”
“Good. We'll let you know when we find something out. Stay out of it until then.”
He starts walking away. Before he gets out of the alley, though, a sudden urge strikes up in Makoto, and she calls out, “Wait!”
Amamiya turns. “What?”
“...Thank you. For sticking up for me.”
He stares at her for a second. Then he leaves without another word.
You won't see us in your bedroom
You must pull back the streets
We box beneath your wanders
We swim below your feet
With those half-known
You'll sleep alone
We sleep one on one on one
We'll never feed your fairy tales
Or clean you with our tongues
We rats
We rats don't want you
-We Rats, Dreamcar
Chapter 17: Worth Dying For
(See the end of the chapter for notes.)
Chapter Text
Ryuji groans loudly. “For real!? We didn't get anything!?”
Ren watches as Ann narrows her eyes at the couple singing a duet. Karaoke may be a good way to blend in, but it is – at best – a mixed blessing. “God, they suck...”
“Forget them,” Ryuji grumbles. “We're goin' nowhere with this...” He nods to Ren. “Can't we just ask Miss President to change it up? I mean, it don't matter whose heart we change, right?”
“Wait, you wanna change our target?” Ann says.
“We can't,” Ren says, softly. “This is a violent mob that is targeting adolescents and ruining their lives. Forget Niijima. If we ignore this, we don't deserve to be called Phantom Thieves.”
Yusuke nods his agreement. “We want to give courage to the weak. Isn't this the perfect target to accomplish that goal?”
The girl on stage lets out a yelp that was probably meant to be a high note, and Yusuke sighs and runs a hand dramatically through his hair. “They have no talent. This performance lacks all artistry.”
“I never thought it'd be this noisy if you weren't singing...” Ryuji mutters. “Anyway, I'm sure we'll shut Akechi up if we pull this off, but-”
“That's precisely why we must do it,” Yusuke cuts in.
“It all comes down to intel in the end...” Morgana says. “We need a lead, and fast. Without that, we'll never get any further than this.”
“But Niijima chased away our one chance...” Ren grumbles.
Yusuke leans forward. “There has to be someone who has what we need.”
“Hey,” Ann says, tapping Ren on the shoulder. “What about that journalist? You know, the one who approached us outside Madarame's house?”
“She gave you her card, right?” Ryuji says.
Ren reaches into his bag and digs around for a moment before finally finding it. “Ichiko Ohya, of Maiasa Newspaper.”
Yusuke straightens. “This is for a rather major publication.”
“Think we can trust her?” Ryuji asks.
“It's not a matter of if we can trust her,” says Morgana. “It's a matter of if we can use her...”
Ren starts sending her an email, and there's a buzz. Ann answers it, then turns to the group. “Hey, they say our time's up. You wanna extend it, or...?”
“Happy hour's over, right?” Ryuji says. “Let's just dip.”
Yusuke shoots up. “How wasteful!” He immediately attempts to down the rest of their drinks, and nearly doubles over from a coughing fit for his efforts.
When he enters the café, Boss looks up at him sharply. “You've been coming home late. Hope you're not sticking your nose into other people's business.”
“Don't worry,” Ren says. “My nose is clean.”
“Hm. If you've got time for smartass remarks, you've got time to help me out. C'mon, grab your apron.”
Well, it's not like he's got something else to do tonight. Ren puts his bag down and lets Morgana scamper out of it, then grabs his apron and puts it on.
Sakura-san nods at him. “Alright, today I'm gonna have you try and brew a cup of coffee from step one. Just listen to what I tell you. These beans are Colombian, a medium-fine city roast. Oh, and don't let the water boil too much.”
Ren nods and lets out a shaky breath. “Okay... I got this.”
Boss chuckles. “Hey, you're gonna be fine. I'll be here the whole time.”
That actually makes it a bit worse, in Ren's opinion. Having an expert leaning over his shoulder the whole time makes the process feel exceedingly brutal, but he gets through it. When he finally pours the cup, Sojiro steps forward and takes a sip. “Not bad. Though I guess anyone can do something as simple as just brewing it. Now, making a blend... That's where the art comes in. Mixing beans at random won't do you any good. That's because the acidity and the flavor profile all depend on the bean ratio. Pretty deep, huh?”
“It's... a lot to remember.”
“It's all in practice, that's all. You'll get used to it. Try different combinations, but make sure you write down what you do. If you come up with something good, you don't want to forget it. On the other hand, if you find something terrible, you don't want to forget that, either.” He points at Ren aggressively. “Oh, but hands off the expensive beans, got it?”
Boss smirks and shrugs. “Next up is the curry. There's something special about its flavor. The truth is, a scientific genius came up with the perfect spice combo to complement my coffee. Something about the quantification of taste... There's no formula for flavor, but it is pretty damn good. Anyhow, we don't make compromises when it comes to food service. Our stuff's gotta wow the customers. This is a tiny shop, after all. Self-satisfaction is the only thing that keeps me going.”
The bell rings as the door swings open, and Ren turns to see that same guy from before walk in, arms crossed over his chest. “Yo.”
“...You,” Sakura-san mutters. “Haven't I told you I don't have the money? Look at this place? You see many customers in here?”
The guy chuckles. “Oh, no need to hide it, Sakura-san! You must have saved plenty from your time working in the government. Aren't you taking care of that employee right there, too, for nothing more than charity? I wish you'd show me the same kindness you show others...”
“If you're not planning on buying anything, can you please leave? I'm expecting a phone call, so I don't have time to chat with you.”
“I don't mind if you take the call in front of me. I can talk to your little friend here in the meantime.” The guy gives a slimy grin. “So, should we keep talking until your call comes in? Or would that be too inconvenient for you?”
Ren reaches into his pocket as subtly as he can, taps through to the contacts, and calls Sojiro's phone. Before anything can happen, he shoves his phone back into his pocket.
Sakura-san's ringtone goes off. He pulls out his phone, glances at the display, and his eyes go slightly wide. Despite his surprise, though, he gets it. “Oh, there's that social services call I was waiting for. They come 'round pretty often to make sure this guy's not getting in any trouble. Want me to introduce you?”
The guy lets out a hasty chuckle. “Oh, that's right! I have some business I need to take care of myself! I'll come back another time!” He turns and rushes out without another word.
Boss rejects the call and shoves his phone back into his pocket. “Does he really have nothing better to do?” He sighs and adjusts his glasses on his nose. “I guess I should explain what's going on, just in case he tries to drop by when I'm not around. He's an old acquaintance of mine who's short on cash right now.” He scoffs. “Looks pretty friendly, yeah? Don't let him fool you – it's all an act.”
“He's shifty,” Ren mutters.
“Yeah. Glad you can see that.” A small smile comes to Sojiro's face. “I have to say... I'm surprised you were quick-witted enough to pull that stunt off. You really saved me back there. Thanks.”
“It's... nothing.”
Sakura-san shakes his head. “Still, why do you poke around into other people's troubles? It's way easier just to ignore them.”
Ren frowns. “That's not true.” He hesitates slightly, and then looks away. “I think you know that, too.”
“You didn't have to take me in. You didn't have to overlook the cat. You didn't have to be so kind to my friends, or offer to let Yusuke stay here.” Ren looks back up, and meets Sojiro's gaze. “I'm not helping you out to be nosy. I'm helping you out because you helped me out.”
Boss stares at him for a moment. Then he lets out a little huff of a laugh. “I guess that's just the kinda person you are, huh?” He checks his watch and sighs. “It's about time I head out. Let me know if that jerk shows up again. I'd report him to the police, but he's related to her, so...” He starts and looks up at Ren with wide eyes. “Uh... Ignore that. It has nothing to do with you, got it?”
“Good. Look, if he does show up, just let him do his thing and focus on the job. Let me know when he shows up, and let me know when he leaves if I don't arrive in time. I won't blame you for anything that happens while he's around, but don't go causing a scene. You're still on probation, and he's the type that might try and use that against you. He's always been good at stacking the deck... Never been good at getting away with it, though.”
Ren nods. He knows the type.
“So this is the place?” Morgana says softly, as if anyone can hear him.
Crossroads is a shady bar in the shadiest part of Shinjuku, and it's here that Ren will meet up with an incredibly shady journalist. He can't wait to write about this one in his probation diary. It should help him prove his innocence very nicely.
When he opens the door and walks in, the proprietress calls out, “Hellooo!” only to frown and say, “Hey, how old are you?”
“I, uh... Um...”
“Sorry, Lala-chan!” comes a cry from the back of the little bar, and he looks back to see Ichiko Ohya drowning in gin. “He's with me,” she slurs.
Lala-chan sighs. “You picked up a real young one this time... Just don't let a minor drink alcohol, okay?”
“Will do! C'mon, kid, join me back here...!”
Ren takes a seat in the back with her, placing his bag down so Morgana can at least breathe a bit. The cat regrets that instantly, though. He wrinkles his nose and mutters, “Ugh, she reeks of booze...”
She laughs hard, flushing aggressively with the liquor. “What a surprise... I thought you were just joking, but here you are! I respect that bravery, so I'll listen to what you have to say. Well... Whaddaya wanna know?”
“I need to know who controls Shibuya.”
That seems to sober her up almost instantly. She sits up, pushing the glasses on her head back into her hair. “Oh? That's a big ask.”
“I need intel on their boss. And quickly.”
“Hm... Well, I do happen to know something about that. I could tell you, but...” She sighs, shrugs, and takes a sip from her drink. “Do you know the Phantom Thieves of Hearts? You know, that case the public's been focused on lately. I was pursuing the issue of people randomly entering into a shut-down state, but I'm lacking intel...” She swirls her drink and beams in her drunken haze. “That's why I'm currently looking for new material to write about.” She leans forward towards him. “So, do you have any info on these Phantom Thieves?”
Ren frowns. “Are those your terms?”
“Something like that.”
“...Alright. I go to Shujin. That's where their first case happened. Against Kamoshida. I can get you an interview with a witness, someone who was involved in the abuse scandal.”
“Ooh, really? That'd be fantastic! Hm... Okay, you get me that interview, and I'll give you what you're looking for. Sound good?”
“Yeah. We have a deal.”
Ohya smirks, drinks again, and then leans closer to him. “Junya Kaneshiro. That's who you're probably looking for.” She sighs and reclines, slamming her head against the cushions. “Look into him if you're curious, but I'm not responsible for what happens next. Don't say I didn't warn ya.”
[Direct Message: Mishima Yuukio]
Ren: heeeeyyyyy
Ren: How would you like to talk to this woman?
Ren: Her name's Ichiko Ohya.
Mishima: Oh my god! Seriously!?
Mishima: What kind of girl is she? Is she cute, or is she hot?
Ren: Very hot.
Mishima: For real!? You're not just pulling my leg, right?
Ren: Would I do that to you?
Mishima: Ohya-san...
Mishima: She actually said she wants to talk to me?
Ren: Yup
Mishima: Oh wow...
Mishima: How much more forward can a girl get????
Mishima: Is this really what I think it is? Could it be??
Ren: Yup. Good for you.
Mishima: Ichiko...
Mishima: Ichiko Mishima...
Mishima: It sounds right!
Mishima: Looks like my time in the female limelight has finally arrived...
Mishima: This is thanks to you.
Mishima: I feel like starting the Phansite has really changed me.
Mishima: Anyway, I can handle this.
Mishima: You introduced me, so I'll make sure I don't embarrass you.
Mishima: And I'll totally let you know if we end up hooking up!
Ren marks the last message as read, then tosses his phone down on the couch and plops down on the bed. He doesn't want to read any more of this.
Morgana hops up next to the phone. “He's still messaging you...”
“If he keeps going much longer, I'll toss my phone out the window.”
“Hey, if you break that you won't have a way into the Metaverse!” Morgana prances across the floor and leaps up next to Ren on the bed. “Mishima's gonna be pissed when he finds out who Ohya really is.”
“Well, whatever. Serves him right for leaking my record.”
“Jeez. Didn't think you were the type to hold a grudge.”
“I'm not, not really.” He flashes a grin at Morgana. “But you didn't call me Joker for nothing.”
Morgana sighs. “I meant it like in cards...”
“Whatever. We have a name now. I'll let the others know, and we'll meet up tomorrow to try and figure out our next move.” He goes quiet for a second, listens to the repeated vibrations. “I'll tell them tomorrow morning,” he decides, sighing.
“Unsurprisingly, Junya Kaneshiro has a Palace,” Yusuke says. “If we can figure out what the Palace is, we might be able to guess where it is by association.”
Ryuji taps his foot against the pavement of Central Street. “Hmm... It's prolly somewhere he's got complete control over. Maybe a garden?”
“No result found.”
“He likes money...” Ann says. “So... What about a money bath? I've seen people online with things like that!”
“No result found.”
Ren shakes his head. “This isn't a cartoon.”
“Well, then you suggest something!”
He leans back and considers it for a second. “He's a money-grubber. What about a bank?”
“Result found.”
Yusuke perks up. “Okay... That's a hit!” He looks around, scanning the surroundings. “So, he thinks of somewhere in this city as his own bank?”
“Huh,” Ann says. “I thought it'd be something less realistic.”
“Madarame's was just a museum,” Morgana points out. “So then, what location would Kaneshiro think of as his bank?”
Ryuji shrugs. “If we're talkin' about a place where he keeps his cash, maybe his own hideout?”
“No result found.”
“How about a real bank?” Ann suggests.
Morgana shakes his head. “His cognition wouldn't be distorted if that was the case.”
Ryuji groans. “Dammit, we ain't getting anywhere...”
“Hm.” Yusuke frowns at his screen, then looks up at them. “This may be difficult to explain, but is it possible that we are thinking a little too inside the box? Palaces emanate a passionate madness... It feels as though we're missing that aspect.”
Ryuji sighs. “Dude, what the hell are you talkin' about?”
“This Palace is a bank for someone who extorts money with criminal acts. It's something more... grandiose.”
“But how does that help us?” Ann asks. She snaps her fingers suddenly. “Wait, what if it isn't about storing money? What if it's about withdrawing money?”
“Interesting,” Ren muses. “So it's not about Kaneshiro's gang, but his victims.”
“He's taking money from his victims' wallets, right?” Morgana says. “So that means his bank is wherever they are!”
“Oh, come on!” Ryuji moans. “How many people do you think Kaneshiro's taken advantage of in all of Shibuya!?”
“Result found.”
Yusuke's eyes go wide. “Wait a second! I have a hit.”
Ryuji recoils. “Huh...? Wait, what? D-did I say something right?”
“It seems that the place Kaneshiro thinks of as his bank is... all of Shibuya.”
“What?” Ann cries. “Like, the entire city?”
“He's a criminal overlord,” Ren points out. “He sees himself as the master of the whole city, and he sees the people as his pawns, his toys. It's the passionate madness Yusuke was talking about.”
“I see,” Morgana says, nodding. “That's where his victims are. Man, I know this isn't surprising, but he really is a terrible criminal...”
Ann glances around. “Is it really okay for us to go into the Palace right out of a crowd like this?”
“No one notices when a piece of trash goes missing,” Ryuji mutters. “This ain't no different. Hit it, Yusuke.”
Yusuke nods. “Very well. Let's go.”
The instant they appear in the Metaverse, Ann recoils. “What are those!?”
Ren turns and frowns. They're still in Shibuya, but it's got a hazy green sky now. Bills billow in the wind, and darkness permeates their surroundings. People still walk around, but they aren't people anymore. In their place are walking ATMs, stumbling around and bumping into one another stupidly.
“This must be his cognition of people...” Yusuke mutters. “So this is what Kaneshiro considers a bank...”
Morgana steps forward, eyes wide. “I... never thought it would be the entire district. Look around... The distortion is affecting the entirety of Shibuya.”
“Huh?” Ryuji sputters. “What's that mean?”
“Remember the castle and the museum,” Ren says, softly. “The city outside each looked normal. But here...” He motions around. “Everything is distorted. Everything.”
Yusuke nods. “He sees everyone in Shibuya as his patrons.”
Ryuji scoffs. “No surprise for a mafia boss.”
“It's best we focus on finding Kaneshiro's location and stealing his Treasure as soon as possible,” Yusuke continues calmly.
“Yeah,” Ryuji agrees. “His hideout's gotta be somewhere around here. Let's go look for it.”
Despite the fact that they're looking for a huge bank, it proves difficult to find. Even upon splitting up, they don't find out much other than that Kaneshiro has been robbing the whole city blind.
It's the difference in reactions that interests Ren more than anything. Kamoshida and Madarame both abused their victims, but they seemed to believe that their victims should be thankful for it. The cognitive Shiho was not suffering, she was thrilled to be part of Kamoshida's harem. Shadow Madarame seemed to think his pupils should be grateful to him, since he allowed them to give him their ideas.
But here... Kaneshiro's victims don't thank him. They curl up on the ground and weep and beg not to have anything more taken from them. They ask for extensions on loans that Ren absolutely did not have any part in, raving in delusional pleading for more time. The cower in fear and whimper and ask not to be sold into human trafficking, or cry out in terror at the thought of having their legs broken.
“This is horrible,” Ann whispers.
“I know,” Ren mutters back. “It's on a different level than Kamoshida or Madarame...”
Ryuji, Yusuke, and Morgana rejoin them after a moment. “Everyone keeps sayin' the same shit,” Ryuji mutters, kicking at the ground in discomfort. “They keep sayin' somethin' about falling from a higher place. We couldn't figure out what the hell they meant, though...”
“A skyscraper, maybe?” Ann suggests.
“Remember the madness of the Palace ruler,” Yusuke points out. “A simple skyscraper would not be grand enough for him.”
Ren sighs and stretches his neck, and instantly his eyes go wide. “Holy shit...”
“Ren?” Ann gasps, but then she looks up, too, and she nearly jumps out of her catsuit. “Oh my god...”
The others look where they're looking, and they all have similar reactions. “Is that it!?” Ryuji manages to stammer out.
A huge flying compound floats above the whole city. It is, unmistakably, the bank they're looking for. “Up in the air...” Yusuke whispers. “No wonder we couldn't find it.”
“So, um... How do we get up there?” Ann asks. “Can you turn into a helicopter, Mona?”
“...No. Just a car.”
Ryuji groans. “You're useless! C'mon, don't you have some kinda secret gadget or somethin'?”
“I'm not a freaking robot cat!”
“What about Joker's grappling hook?” Yusuke suggests.
Ren looks around. “There's nowhere to latch onto. Kaneshiro sees himself as untouchable, unreachable. He's eliminated any paths to him...”
Yusuke sighs. “Then it would seem this is the limit of what we can accomplish today.”
“We gotta find a way to get up there...” Ryuji grumbles.
Ren shakes his head. “What we need is for Kaneshiro to be aware of us.”
“Huh?” Ann says. “Aware of us?”
“Oh, I get it,” Morgana says. “Kaneshiro won't let us in because he doesn't think of us as customers. If we were customers of his bank, we could get up there...” He frowns. “But how do we do that? We already tried becoming part of his organization, and it didn't work...”
Thanks to the president. Ren closes his eyes and releases a short breath. “Alright. Let's leave for now. We'll talk this over tomorrow.”
[Direct Message: Mishima Yuukio]
Mishima: Amamiya...
Mishima: How could you!?
Mishima: That Ohya woman...
Mishima: She's the devil!
Ren: You have no idea how right you actually are.
[Direct Message: Amamiya Ren]
Makoto: Hello. This is Niijima.
Makoto: Have you made any progress?
Ren: How did you get my number?
Makoto: Oh. My apologies. I called your guardian and asked for it.
Makoto: I hope I didn't overstep.
Ren: I mean, you did, but having your contact info isn't the worst thing.
Ren: So what, are you checking in on us?
Makoto: In a way, yes.
Makoto: I realize that we are, to a point, enemies, but we are also working towards the same goal.
Makoto: Please, allow me to help.
Ren: We found out the mob boss's name.
Makoto: Really? That's fantastic!
Ren: Doesn't help us too much, though. We still can't reach him.
Makoto: Progress is progress.
Makoto: What is the name?
Ren: Junya Kaneshiro.
Makoto: Thank you.
Makoto: Please let me know if you require anything of me.
There's no response.
She gets off the train and heads back home mostly in a daze. There, she does her homework in a daze, and cooks dinner in a daze, and waits for Sis to get home in a daze.
Even once Sis gets home, they eat in silence for a long while. It's only after maybe ten minutes that Makoto finally finds the strength to say, “I've been thinking lately...”
“About these Phantom Thieves, I mean. If Dad were still alive...” She hesitates, loses her nerve. “Sorry, I... I shouldn't bring this up while we're eating.”
Sis shakes her head, not even looking up. “It's okay. Keep going.”
“I just... wonder if he would've been on their side. That's all...”
She's not really sure what she expects as a response. A philosophical debate on the nature of ethics? A criticism of her way of thinking? A justification on the law as a concept and a condemnation of vigilantes of any kind? Perhaps a reserved agreement?
Instead, Sis shakes her head sharply and says, “The only reason you have time to think about such stupid things is because you depend on someone else.”
Makoto starts. “That's not-”
“You don't have to do a single thing, and you're provided with food, clothes, a home... I've had no time to think on such ridiculous thoughts. Would Dad have been happy with them? I don't care. He died upholding some lofty sense of righteousness, leaving all his responsibilities on us. On me.”
“A-all I was trying to say was-”
“Isn't it about time you grew up and acknowledged our situation!?” Sis's hands clench into fists around her chopsticks. “Right now, you're useless to me. All you do is eat away at my life.”
“I-” Makoto gasps, but she finds no words.
Sae hesitates. “I... I'm sorry. That was uncalled for. I'm just... really tired.” She released her death grip on her chopsticks and looks away. “I'll be eating dinner out from tomorrow on.”
Makoto just nods.
She doesn't sleep that night. It's a long period of tossing and turning and no rest at all. I can't... I... She can't complete any of her thoughts. It's like her mind is dead, like she isn't capable of anything anymore. Maybe she's right. Maybe I am worthless. Maybe there is no point to any of this. Everyone hates me. I don't have any clue what the right path is. I can't even justify my own existence.
Is there really a reason to bother anymore?
He groans and plants his face in his hands when they're all done talking. “We ain't got nothin'...”
“Are we out of luck?” Ann says, sighing.
“It's no fair!” Morgana declares. “His Palace can't be in the sky!”
Yusuke shrugs. “Tell that to him.”
Ren leans against the railing. “We need to meet the real Kaneshiro. That's the only way.”
“Looks like you're having some trouble.”
They all mentally groan a little bit when Miss President approaches them. Ryuji hesitates just a bit. She coulda turned us in already, he thinks, somewhere in his mind. We ain't made any progress, and even if we do beat him, she's got no reason to protect us. But...
He's not entirely sure why, but he does trust her.
“What do you want?” Ann snaps.
“Nothing in particular. I just saw you all together here. I thought perhaps I could help out, if you needed something-”
Ann snorts. “You may be the student council president, but when it comes to what we do, you're useless.”
Niijima stares, swallows hard. “Useless...?”
“To be frank, yes,” Yusuke says.
“Just stay on your high horse and watch,” Ann grumbles. “Or do you wanna eavesdrop, since you're so good at it?”
“She's terrible at eavesdropping,” Ren says.
“Oh, that's right! Yet another reason we don't need you.”
“Guys...” Ryuji says.
But Niijima speaks before he can finish. She looks up defiantly and says, “So you wish to get in contact with Kaneshiro, right? It seemed you just needed to find out where he is.”
Ren frowns at her. “That's the only way.”
“Fine. I'll help you find Kaneshiro. You'll hear from me soon.”
“Hey, wait!” Ryuji calls, but she leaves in a huff, ignoring him entirely.
Yusuke frowns. “Just what is exactly is she planning on doing?”
“She had a real serious look in her eyes...” Ryuji mutters.
“Do you think she perhaps has some idea as to where Kaneshiro may be?”
Suddenly, Ren straightens, his eyes going wide. “What's up?” Ryuji prods, but Ren just stares forward for a second. Then he pulls out his phone and sends a series of rapid text messages, looking more and more panicked by the moment. Ryuji shakes his shoulder. “Dude, what's up?”
“I told her that we needed to get in contact with Kaneshiro, that we needed a patsy,” he says, his voice sounding quite a bit more thin than usual. “When she ruined my chance to get in, I told her that you and Yusuke wouldn't work, and that we couldn't risk sending Ann. If she's going after Kaneshiro...”
It all clicks in Ryuji's mind at once. “Holy shit... She's gonna be the bait!? Dude, that's insane.”
Even Ann looks horrified. “Did you get a response!?”
“No,” Ren mutters. He stares at his phone for a second, then tightens his fist so hard he nearly crushes the screen. “Dammit! What's wrong with her?”
“We must go after her,” Yusuke says. “Come on. The mob operates on Central Street. Let's go!”
The streets are too damn crowded for them to make any progress.
“We're never gonna find her,” Ryuji snarls. “What the hell was she thinkin'!?”
Out of nowhere, Ren's phone goes off. “It's Niijima,” he says, and they all instantly rush over to crowd around as he answers it.
“Hello?” her voices comes through. “It's me. Don't say anything. Stay on the phone and listen. Make sure you record the call as well.”
Ren hesitates slightly, then he mutes his mic.
“You're actually gonna do what she says?” Ryuji breathes.
“I don't think we've got a choice at this point.” Ren sounds even more unsure about this than Ryuji feels. “We'll just have to trust her.”
“This is absurd,” Yusuke says softly.
“Do you guys know Kaneshiro?” Niijima says, and they all tense up as they wait for a response from whatever gang members she's talking to.
“I heard I could meet someone named Kaneshiro if I came to Central Street.”
“What're you getting at?”
Ryuji snaps his fingers in front of Ren. “Keep the call goin', but we gotta move! Central Street, c'mon!” He doesn't wait to see if the others follow him.
He reaches the alleyway just in time to see them shove Niijima into a car and pull away. “It's the guys that messed with us the other day!” Morgana cries.
“Is she still on!?” Ann shouts at Ren.
“Contact Kaneshiro-san,” a voice comes through. “Tell him we got a good one.”
“Where are we going?” Niijima asks.
“I guess we can't do anythin' to her if she's Kaneshiro-san's customer.”
“Hey, I asked a question. Where are we going?”
Ryuji balls his hands into fists. “Come on, we can't just stand here and do nothing! We gotta go after those sons of bitches!” He takes off down the alleyway, and the others follow behind.
“We'll never catch them on foot,” Yusuke calls. “I've memorized the license plate of their car. But we must have transportation.”
“I'll get a cab!” Ryuji says. He thrusts his arm out and whistles, but the closest cab blows right past him. “The hell is wrong with you, asshole!?” he cries out, furious. He tries again, and yet another cab rushes past. “Don't ignore me!” he shouts. When he sees the next one, he doesn't even think. He throws himself in front of it without hesitation and screams out, “DAMMIT, I SAID STOP!”
The car slams to a halt just a couple inches away from him, and he just barely registers Ann screaming out his name. Ryuji ignores her and motions to the others. “Come on, let's get going!”
“Makoto!” he calls out as they rush into the club.
“Who the fuck are you!?” one of the gangers snarls. Several different guys get up and ready weapons of various types, but Ryuji feels an odd lack of fear. Even staring down the barrels of multiple different guns, not to mention the knife pointed directly at Niijima's throat by the ganger holding her down, he feels only stern, unfaltering determination.
Ryuji stomps his foot. “Let her go!”
A man in the back suddenly moves. He hadn't budged an inch, despite the ruckus, so Ryuji hadn't even noticed him until now. He's a grotesquely fat man, wearing a purple suit that barely fits him. His brown hair is slicked back to account for a receding hairline, and his tiny eyes just barely seem visible from this distance. Next to him is a prostitute who seems just as disinterested in the whole situation as he does.
The man sighs and nods to them. “Oh, I get it.” His look turns cold as he looks at his goons. “You got followed, you dumbshits!”
“Why did you...?” Niijima croaks, but the goon on her presses the knife against her flesh, and she quiets down. Just stay quiet and calm, Ryuji thinks at her, as if she can hear. Don't make a damn move, and we'll get you outta this. I ain't watchin' you die.
Kaneshiro – because who else could the fat man be? – leans forward and opens up a briefcase. “Holy moly!” Morgana gasps as the lip flips open to reveal an absurd amount of cash inside.
Kaneshiro looks to the prostitute. “That bag you saw the other day, the crocodile one. How much was it?”
“Um... About three million?”
He nods, grabs three stacks of bills, and shoves them into her cleavage. “Thank those guys,” he tells her as she squeals over it.
“What was that!?” Ren demands.
“I'm royally pissed right now. Can you tell? Spending money is a proven stress-reliever.” He frowns so hard his whole face seems to contort. “It's you goddamn brats sniffing around like dogs and barging in here like you own the joint!” He motions to the briefcase. “See this empty space here? I'm so pissed that now there's a three million yen gap here. It'll piss me off even more if I don't fill it up. I'm a perfectionist.” He sneers. “So, good luck.”
“What's that supposed to mean?” Yusuke says.
Kaneshiro raises his phone, and several flashes go off in a row. “Oh, come on, you all look so tense!” He looks at the screen and smirks. “Such candid photography... I think I'll call it, 'Debauchery of Minors at a Club.' So, can I send this to your school?”
Niijima squirms. “That's-”
“Oh, damn,” Kaneshiro says, laughing. “I got booze and cigs in the shot. Maybe some drugs, too?” He leans back on his seat and chuckles to himself. “Ah, this is so hilarious. I feed on dumbshits like you. Understand, pretty little student council president? Now listen up. Run your mouth to the police, and I'll break all of you, starting with your families. I do want to give you the usual month, but, well, you have such a large group here.” That sneer returns to his face. “Three weeks. Bring three million yen by then. No less. Summer bonuses are just around the corner, you know? It'll be easy if you beg your mommies and daddies.” The goons all laugh along with him, and then he shoos them away. “Now get outta my sight. I'm about to have some fun.”
No one says a word until they're a decent distance from the club.
Once they're a few blocks off, Niijima suddenly collapses to the ground and buries her head in her knees. “I'm so sorry...” she manages. “I didn't mean to drag you in like this... It was so stupid...”
“I must agree,” Yusuke says, the coldness of his ice attacks coming through in his voice. “You should have easily imagined this happening.”
“Yusuke,” Ryuji says, just a little sharply. “Leave it.”
“I was so caught up in trying to be useful...” Niijima whispers.
“Alright, alright,” Ryuji snaps. “Enough of the blame game! What's done is done.”
Niijima doesn't seem to hear him. “I'm going to cause trouble for Sis, too...”
“Sis?” Ann prods, gently.
“My older sister has a commendable job, and she's a much more remarkable person than me... A lot happened since we lost our father three years ago, so it's just us living together...” She sighs into her leggings. “But I'm just a child, so all I am is a burden to her...”
Yusuke releases a soft breath. “And that's why you were so reckless?”
“I just wanted to help...”
“Y'know,” Ryuji says, hesitantly. “I might not get your whole situation, but ain't it a bit off sayin' you're useless to her?”
She looks up at him. “It's the truth, though. And it's not just her. It's everyone. I'm supposed to be student council president, but...” Niijima glances up at Ann, tears in her eyes. “You were right. I heard rumors about Kamoshida. Students complained to me, more than once. But...” She sighs. “I was scared. I couldn't... No, I didn't do anything about it. I could have, but I just didn't.”
Ann remains silent for a long time. So long that Ryuji considers prodding her, because he knows what she's gotta say, and he's gonna make sure she says it, hell or high water.
Thankfully, he doesn't need to step in. “It's not your fault,” Ann says, softly. “I was the same. It's just like you said before. I was the closest to Shiho, but I didn't do anything.” She meets Niijima's gaze strongly. “Ren and I talked about this. It isn't anyone's fault but Kamoshida's. I know that, and so does Shiho.”
“That's not important right now,” Ren says, his voice soft and distant. “We need to figure out our next move.”
“There is no next move,” Niijima says. “I'll do something about the money. So... Let's just please drop the case with Kaneshiro.”
Ryuji scoffs. “No can do. We're all caught up in this, now.”
“We cannot have you rushing things on your own anymore,” Yusuke says. “That is our fault as well as yours. From now on, we will involve you more closely in our plans.”
“Yeah,” Ren agrees. “And... I'm sorry for what I said. I... I didn't realize how that made you feel. I didn't intend to push you like that.”
Niijima looks between them with those startling red eyes, like she genuinely can't believe what she's hearing. “But...”
“We made our minds up a long-ass time ago,” Ryuji says. “We ain't doin' this for you, or to get outta your blackmail. There's another shitty adult taking advantage of helpless kids. And we're gonna stop it.” He thrusts a hand out towards her and grins. “You gonna help us or not?”
She stares sat him for a long time. Then she blinks away tears, takes his hand, and lets him help her up. “Thank you,” she says, softly. “Thank you all.”
Ryuji shrugs. “Now that that's all settled... What're we gonna do about that bank?”
“Ryuji!” Yusuke hisses.
“What?” Realization strikes him like lightning. “Oh, shit...”
Niijima frowns. “Bank?”
Suddenly, Morgana lights up. “Oh, right, the bank! She isn't useless at all! She may just be our ticket into the bank!” He smiles up at them with his blue feline eyes. “Hear me out, you guys!”
“Our ticket in?” Ann repeats.
Niijima raises an eyebrow. “A cat? Are you all feeling okay?”
Morgana ignores her. “We've become Kaneshiro's targets. That means we've become customers of his bank!” He nods to Niijima. “And wouldn't you say she's a special customer? Let's take her with us! She is responsible for our current situation, after all.”
“Take her with us...?” Ryuji says, stunned.
“She risked her life doing something so reckless,” Yusuke points out. “At the very least, she has the right to know.”
“Know what?” Niijima insists.
Ren pulls out his phone and smirks. “You wanted to know our methods, right?” He steps forward, and his smirk turns into a grin. “Well, you're about to see them firsthand.”
“Beginning navigation.”
“A dog!?”
“It's... Fox, actually.”
“Be quiet! The Shadows are going to notice us!”
Makoto looks down, and nearly jumps out of her skin. “Monster cat!”
The little creature looks profoundly forlorn, clutching at its head with little paws and whining, “I'm nooooooooot!”
A feminine voice chuckles. “That's Morgana, the cat that was in Ren's bag. This is what happens when we come here.”
Nothing really could have prepared Makoto for what she sees when she glances over towards the voice. “T-Takamaki-san?” she stammers. “Y-you're wearing...”
“Never mind what I'm wearing!”
Makoto looks around at the surroundings. It all looks familiar, and yet different. It's Shibuya, she's certain of that now, and yet it's not. The sky is green, the ambiance is different entirely, more unsettling and unnatural...
“Where are we...?” she manages.
“This is the world within Kaneshiro's heart.” The one who speaks is the most casual of them. A taller man in a long black coat, his hands shoved in his pockets.
“Amamiya?” Makoto croaks. “The world within Kaneshiro's...?”
The first one – Kitagawa, evidently – speaks again. “It's another reality in which Kaneshiro's distorted desires have materialized.”
Makoto swallows. “Another reality?” She turns, looking around, and lurches yet again when she looks up. “It's floating in the air!” she cries upon seeing the gigantic flying building. “T-this is reality!? Oh god...”
“Hey,” another voice says, softly. She looks down and sees a man in a pirate's getup, complete with a skull mask, but she instantly can tell that it's Sakamoto. “Ain't no reason to try and process it all that quick. It's weird, we all know that.”
“I... I'm sorry. Since this really exists, I can't very well doubt my own eyes...” She looks back up at the building. “A reality that one's heart shows... Is it like the application of optical illusions in social cognitive psychology?”
Takamaki laughs nervously. “That's something we have no idea about...”
“Come over here,” Amamiya says, motioning to a small outcrop. “We'll explain everything. Let's just make sure we're not out in the open.”
“I... Okay...”
They all gather round near the doors of a shop. Makoto sits down on the steps next to Sakamoto, figuring he's probably one of the safest ones to be around – not that she's entirely sure why she's assigned that label to him. “I don't even know what to ask...” she admits.
“That's fine,” the little creature says.
“Actually, I do know where to start,” Makoto corrects herself. “What are you?”
Amamiya chuckles and places a hand on the creature's head. “This is Morgana. In our world, he looks like a cat, so I carry him around and take care of him.”
“Hey! I take care of you!”
“Whatever. He actually comes from this world, though. Or, at least, that's what we think. He's got no memories. We found him in Kamoshida's cognitive world, locked up in a cell.”
Makoto looks Morgana over. “Oh. Interesting...”
Morgana scowls. “Don't look at me like some kinda specimen!”
“That ain't the important bit!” Sakamoto grumbles. “Look, it ain't all that complicated. There's these other worlds where people's messed up thoughts exist, so we go into 'em and take those desires.”
“You take their desires...?”
Takamaki nods. “Yup. See, every cognitive world's got a center, a thing called a Treasure. Once we find it, we take it, and our target loses their distorted desires.” She looks down at the cat. “Isn't that right, Mona?”
Makoto cocks her head. “Mona?”
“We use code names here,” Kitagawa explains. “I, for example, am Fox.”
“Skull,” Sakamoto says, grinning.
“Panther,” Takamaki puts in.
“Mona!” Morgana declares, pouncing.
Amamiya smirks. “I'm Joker.”
Makoto nods slowly. “So... When you say that you steal hearts, what you really mean is that you are... Rewriting one's cognition?”
Sakamoto nudges Morgana. “She gets it better than you.”
“Shut up! It's about the same!”
“Then does that mean there's an ATM version of myself around here?” Makoto asks.
“Perhaps,” Morgana admits. “Regardless, we can change Kaneshiro's heart and make him confess if we steal his Treasure.” He chuckles. “If it all goes well, that is.”
Sakamoto stands, grinning from ear to ear. “We'll make it go well!” He crosses his arms over his chest. “Everyone'll notice us for sure if we take someone like Kaneshiro down!”
Kitagawa nods. “Our justice will become resolute.”
“And we'll be able to give some courage to those in need,” Takamaki says, beaming.
“For the sake of those in need, huh?” Makoto repeats. She manages the weakest of smiles. “You sound like my father.”
“Huh? Your father?”
“Oh, don't mind me. You brought me here so that we could get into the bank, right? Let's go, then.” She steps forward, and the floating bank starts to descend towards her. “If I've become a customer of that bank, then they'll have to let me in. Let's do this.”
At the doors, Takamaki hesitates. “Something wrong?” Makoto asks.
“Uh... Going into a bank with costumes like this...” She motions to herself, and then to the others. “We're totally robbers.”
Sakamoto sighs. “You got that right.”
Morgana looks through the doors. “It seems there will be a lot of Shadows from here on.”
Makoto frowns. “Huh? Shadows? What's that about?”
“Enemies attack us here,” Takamaki says, casually.
“I... see.” Makoto forces herself to smile. “I've trained in aikido. Don't worry, I can defend myself.”
Morgana looks her over. “Self-defense really isn't gonna do much good against Shadows... But I guess it's better than nothing. Still, if a fight breaks out, stay behind us.”
Makoto nods. “We have to go in through the front, don't we? If I'm a customer, I'd better act like one.”
“Right,” Amamiya says. “Let's do this.”
The instant they enter the lobby of the bank, a voice comes on through a loudspeaker. “Let them through. I'll see them in reception.”
“That's Kaneshiro's voice...” Makoto says softly.
“Hey!” comes a sudden voice, and she turns with a start to see a guard behind them, with bright pale eyes shining through his helmet. He's crooked over in a weird way, and strange black debris seems to float off of him. “Reception is to the right, towards the back. I strongly advise that you do not attempt to go elsewhere.”
Amamiya shrugs. “We'll do what they say. For now.”
They organize themselves in a circle around Makoto. It makes her feel safe, certainly, but also terribly uncomfortable. They are all protecting me... I'm still useless, even here...
They reach reception quickly enough, and those fears are forgotten.
“Holy shit...” Sakamoto breathes when he sees the enormous pile of money on the table. “How many beef bowls could I eat with this?”
Kaneshiro's voice clicks in across the intercom again. “Unauthorized entry, property damage, and other disturbances. That comes to three million yen in total. You're here regarding that, correct, Miss Beautiful President? It must be quite tough gathering so much money. I'd be willing to give you a loan, you know.”
“You gonna call it off, then?” Sakamoto says.
“No. A loan. The interest rate is ten percent a day.”
Takamaki flinches. “Ten percent interest a day... Um... Uh... That means... One day is...”
“Three hundred thousand yen every day,” Makoto says.
“There's no need to be alarmed,” Kaneshiro tells them. “I have a more manageable option for people like you.”
Makoto scowls coldly. “That was your plan from the beginning, wasn't it?”
“Heheh... Quite the impressive insight, Niijima-san.”
“How do you know my name!?”
“Do not underestimate me. You are the younger sister of the beautiful prosecutor Sae Niijima.” He laughs hard. “My, what wonderful good have come falling into my lap.”
“Don't be ridiculous!” Takamaki cries.
“Young women are such great assets. They lack strength, be it social, physical, or mental. It's as if they only exist to be devoured by the strong. That just might be the rule since the dawn of history.”
Kitagawa huffs. “You truly are despicable...”
“You better be ready, Kaneshiro!” Sakamoto shouts. “'Cause all I'm hearin' are a helluva lot more reasons to take your Treasure from ya!”
“Don't make me laugh, you petty thieves. My citadel has the highest security installed in it.” A faint snapping of fingers can be heard through the speaker, and then four of the security guards appear out of thin air. “Anyone will do anything for money. I'll rob you of your lives as easily as I breathe air.” He chuckles, and then snarls, “Get them.”
“Everyone, get ready!” Morgana calls.
“No!” Amamiya shouts. “Run! We can't let them corner us!”
Makoto sees the logic in that. Thankfully, the others do, too. Together, they all race out of the room and back towards the lobby. They make it all the way to the doors before more guards appear and block their way. “There's no end to them!” Takamaki cries.
“What now, Joker?” Kitagawa calls.
“We need to-”
“You seem to be in quite a pickle...”
They all turn around, and Makoto feels her stomach lurch as the hideous abomination that is Kaneshiro approaches them. In this world, his skin is purple and his eyes are golden, but his slimy expression remains firmly where it was in reality. “I must thank you all for providing me with such wonderful goods. The boys are worthless – we'll kill them and dispose of them now. The girls we'll save. They'll make me more money than they ever cost me in the long run...”
“How dare you!?” Takamaki screams.
“Please, stop!” Makoto begs. “Don't do this!”
“Oh, but I wouldn't dream of damaging an asset like you. They're dead men walking, but you'll be just fine... relatively speaking.” He chuckles, and that alone seems to make the whole room feel colder. “Your sister is quite a beauty, though... I'll make sure to make her my own personal slave. Once I get bored of her, I'll just sell her off. Oh, poor Sis... She might have been successful, if only her younger sister weren't so dumb.”
“My sister has nothing to do with this!”
“Then you better start taking customers tomorrow. All you have to do is endure it and do as you're told. That's what you're best at, right?”
She feels herself shrink back. “Do as I'm told...”
“You'll earn three million yen in no time. Of course, by then, your life and everything along with it will be a complete wreck! HahahaHAHAHAHA!”
“Oh, come on!” Sakamoto's voice hits her head like a hammer. “You just gonna stand there and take that shit? Do something!”
Makoto stares at him, wide-eyed.
And she realizes, in that moment, just how furious she is.
“I've been listening to you go on and on...” she says, balling her hands into fists. All of her fury explodes in a sudden burst, and she screams out, “Shut your damn mouth, you money-grubbing asshole!”
“Have you decided to tread the path of strife...?”
“Yes. Come to me.”
“Very well. Let us proceed with our contract at once.”
Her whole body lights up, and she nearly doubles over with the pain. Her head feels like a thousand gongs are ringing inside it.
“I am thou, thou art I... You have finally found your own justice... Please, never lose sight of it again.”
Her pain erupts in a violent scream, and she throws her foot down against the ground so hard that it shatters below her heel. She feels sudden pressure on her face, and her hands scramble up to grab the cold iron of the mask.
“This memorable day marks your graduation from your false self.”
She roars, and tears off the mask.
The room explodes in a scream of blue. When it all settles, she's mounted on a huge bike, broken chains streaming behind her and power coursing through her veins. “I can feel it...” she grunts. “My 'self'... Me.” She turns to Kaneshiro and snarls. “Gun it! Johanna!”
The motorcycle strikes forward, and devastation rains down upon her enemies. Kaneshiro inches back in fear, getting further and further away from her. “Don't get all cocky just because I normally behave myself,” Makoto growls. “I am done playing nice!”
“We know how to get in now!” Morgana calls out. “Our objective's been accomplished!”
“But how do we get out!?” Takamaki cries.
Makoto's face sets hard in determination. “There's only one exit, right?”
Sakamoto grins next to her. “So, how's it going, Miss Post Apocalyptic Raider?”
“Do you want to get smacked?” She revs the engine of her Persona and glares at the Shadows. “I'm going on ahead. I'll clear a path, so follow me!”
She turns sharply, and the Shadows go flying across the room. She goes at full speed, slamming through the doors and destroying anything that gets in her way. Yes, yes, yes... This is who I am. This is what I am, what I always have been. I'm free. I'm free.
It feels like she just blinks and ends up at the crossing.
“Man, talk about wild...” Sakamoto says, leaning down and passing her a bottle of water. She wonders when he got that. How long has she been out of it? “That was no aikido... That was some serious ass whoopin'!”
“I am so not pissing her off,” Takamaki whispers, just loud enough for Makoto to hear. “I feel like she'll rip off my arm...”
Kitagawa nods. “She does exude that aura.”
“Oh, stop it!” Makoto pleads. She forces herself to stand and takes a long drink from the water bottle. “I don't think I've ever felt this exhausted in my life...” A small smile comes to her face, almost unbidden. “But... it felt pretty great. Really great, actually...”
“You cast off the shackles holding you down,” Amamiya says. “That's what it means to awaken to your Persona.” He motions to the others, smiling lightly. “We've all been through the same things.”
“Yup,” Sakamoto says, grinning. “You'll fit in just fine.”
Her eyes go wide. “Wait... You mean... You're actually willing to let me join...? Even after all I did and said? Even knowing that my sister...”
Sakamoto just laughs. “Hell yeah, we want you on board! Man, god knows we don't want you as our enemy!”
“Your sister,” Kitagawa says. “You mentioned her before, and in the Palace the Shadow Kaneshiro said that she is a prosecutor.”
Makoto nods. “She works for the district... and she's investigating the Phantom Thieves.”
Sakamoto flinches. “Wait, ain't that bad!?”
“No need to worry,” Makoto assures him. “A normal investigation would never lead them to a world like that. I don't think the district stands any chance at all of figuring out your methods.” She closes her eyes and releases a breath, and all of her tension seems to leave with it. “It must have been fate for this to happen...”
“Fate?” Takamaki repeats. “What do you mean?”
“I can't be like my sister. I had a feeling that there'd come a time when we wouldn't see eye to eye anymore. I am truly thankful to have a sister who works so hard... but there are times I feel sorry for her, too. And after hearing the voice of my Persona... I clearly understand myself now.”
Kitagawa nods, apparently impressed. “It appears you're not as reserved as you make yourself seem.”
Makoto scoffs. “I was just doing whatever the adults told me to. That stops now. I'm done playing nice and following orders.”
“Won't she be perfect as our advisor?” Kitagawa says. “She's fearless, and she clearly has a sharp mind.”
“Sounds good to me!” Sakamoto cheers. “We've needed someone like that for a while now!”
She smiles at him. “I'd be honored.”
Takamaki giggles. “We had way too much testosterone before anyway. I feel much better having you around now!”
Makoto goes to respond, but then her phone goes off. She checks it and scowls. “It's from Kaneshiro. He's reminding us of our debt. I suppose the Kaneshiro over here doesn't know what happened inside the Palace.”
“Nope,” Amamiya says. “If they retained those memories, we'd be screwed.”
Morgana hops out of Ren's bag. “That's right, but his Palace will be affected if the real Kaneshiro's cognition changes. We can't be lax. Our interactions with him – if we have any – will need to be carefully planned.”
Makoto nods. “It seems that it would be best to avoid contact with him until after his heart has been changed. Even then, perhaps it would be best if we never encountered him again...” I won't lose any sleep over that, certainly...
“Three weeks, huh?” Sakamoto says.
“There's that security system, too,” Kitagawa points out.
Takamaki bursts through their doubts like a ray of sunshine through a cloudy day. “But if we pull this off, it'll definitely be great!”
Makoto nods and makes a fist. “We'll crush him like a fly. I'll make him regret making me angry...”
“Alright, we'll begin the operation properly tomorrow,” Amamiya says. “We'll secure a route to the Treasure, like we always do. Get some rest. I want everyone on their A-game when the time comes.”
Takamaki smiles at him. “Just make the call, Leader! We'll be waiting.”
Makoto can't help but smile, too. For whatever reason, this just feels right.
Don't ask me why
'Cause I don't know
Don't ask me how
I'm gonna solve this on my own
Don't ask me why
'Cause I don't know
These things I'll never face
Scratch out the warning race
In the wreckage of a job well done
I saw a place I'd never seen before, yeah
In that moment I refused to close my eyes anymore
So take me from this world
Save me
What if we all die young?
So take me from this world
Save me
What if we all die young?
-Worth Dying For, Rise Against
Chapter 18: Thank You for the Venom
(See the end of the chapter for notes.)
Chapter Text
“This appears to be a monitoring room,” she says, looking around.
The Shadow gave them a bit of trouble, but good teamwork allowed them to overcome the obstacle. Already she's starting to see how the others work with one another. The way that Ren and Ann seem to understand one another innately, or how Ryuji and Yusuke can just say single words to one another and know exactly what to do with that. Morgana can work with just about anyone here.
And I...
She shakes her head. She's new. This is her very first infiltration. It won't happen instantly.
“Yo, guys!” Ryuji calls out. “I found a keycard.”
“And over here is a map,” Yusuke says. “As expected, there seems to be quite a large basement floor. It is likely that there is a vault down there.”
Morgana nods. “I'd bet that's where the Treasure is.”
“What now?” Ann asks. “Should we ride the elevator down?”
“No,” Makoto decides. “It's dangerous. It should be our last resort. First, let's see if there is anywhere else to use this keycard.”
“There were a couple doors we couldn't open before,” Ren says, stroking his chin with his gloved hands. “We'll check those first.”
“Hell yeah!” Ryuji cheers. He slaps a hand on Makoto's shoulder, grinning from ear to ear. “This is why we needed an advisor. We woulda just brute-forced this before.” He laughs easily. “Good shit, Queen.”
Makoto really can't help but smile too.
“Hey, uh... Niijima-san?”
She's just gathering her things together after leaving the Palace when Ryuji calls out to her. She looks up and smiles at him. “You don't have to be so formal with me. You can just call me Makoto.”
He chuckles nervously. “Uh, yeah. Alright. Well, you wanna grab some food?”
“Oh, it ain't, like, a date or anythin'! It's just somethin' I've done with the others. I took Ren out for food, and Morgana, and Yusuke. Guess I haven't taken Ann, but I've known her for a while, so, well, y'know.” He gives her a grin. “Think of it like... A team-building exercise! Or something.”
Makoto stares at him for a second. Then she smiles and nods. “I'd like that. Where did you have in mind?”
They end up just eating at a Big Bang Burger, but it's nice enough. There's actually something good about fast food in comparison to fine dining. Ryuji puts it more succinctly than she can: “Cheap shit's real good when you're runnin' on fumes.”
They eat in relative silence for a bit, and then Makoto decides to break it. “We've made it perhaps halfway through the Palace,” she says. “It will only get more challenging from here on, though. I think we can-”
“Whoa, whoa,” Ryuji says, his mouth half-full. “We ain't here to talk business, y'know.”
He shrugs. “I just wanted to, like, get to know you. We're gonna be teammates, y'know? It's gonna be way easier to work together if we know each other.”
Makoto stares for a second. Oddly, she can't think of any time that anyone has shown any real interest in getting to know her. It's always seemed as though there was a wall between her and her peers, a wall that she could neither circumvent nor bypass. Perhaps it's time I simply demolish it, then. Perhaps, when peaceful methods fail, one should break out the wrecking ball.
“Very well,” she says. “What do you want to know?”
“I dunno. Just, like, what makes you tick.”
“What makes me tick?”
He shrugs. “We all got a reason for doin' this. Like... Is there someone you wanna get back at? Or someone you wanna change? Someone who hurt you?”
Yes. My sister. “I'll... tell you all about that, someday. For now, though...”
“Yeah, I get it. It's no problem.”
It's a strange feeling, to sit here and talk to him like this. The simple truth is that most of Shujin looks down on Ryuji. Makoto, for her part, simply thought nothing of him. He was a nuisance to the school, but ultimately harmless, unworthy of any sort of attention.
That perspective has been changed, and with relative extremity. Watching him fight in the Metaverse awakens something in her; something foreign and, in a way, frightening.
His phone goes off suddenly, and he checks it while chewing. Then he laughs, nearly choking on his food in the process. Makoto reaches a hand forward to help him, but isn't quite certain what exactly is going on.
After a long moment, he finally calms down. “Oh, man, that's funny.”
“What?” she prods.
He leans over and shows her a text conversation.
[Direct Message: Takisawa Yuuchi]
Takisawa: I'm here.
Takisawa: Where are you?
Takisawa: I do not have all day.
Takisawa: Please answer. This is the third time...
Makoto raises an eyebrow. “Are you scamming someone?”
“Huh!? No! Well, I mean, sorta...” Ryuji swallows his food – finally – and then says, “Yeah, prolly should give you some context for that, huh? See, when we went on that social studies trip to the TV studio-”
“The one where Ren practically admitted to being a Phantom Thief.”
“Yup, that one. See, we were just chattin', and this prick comes up and starts hitting on Ann. He slipped her his card and everythin'. I was really pissed off, but Ren took the card, and we've been screwin' with the guy ever since.” He grins at Makoto. “We've been pretendin' to be Ann, keep asking him to meet at random places way outta his way, and obviously not showing. We honestly thought he'd give up after the first go around, but this is the third time we've got him, and he's still fallin' for it!”
Makoto stares. “And... why are you doing this?”
“Oh, come on! He's a dirtbag who was tryin' to score with a freakin' high schooler. Maybe he's not evil enough to have a Shadow in Mementos or anythin', but he deserves a little prank, we figure.”
“I...” Makoto watches him for a moment. And then, suddenly, laughter breaks out of her, like a dam bursting. “He's fallen for it three times!?” she asks.
“Huh? Oh, yeah.”
She can't help herself. She just laughs and laughs and laughs for a long while. When she finally calms down, she wipes a tear away from her eyes and says, “Serves him right.”
Ryuji chuckles nervously. “Heh... You kinda had me freaked for a second there. Thought you were gonna disapprove or something.”
My reflex is to disapprove. My reflex is to tell you how wrong it is to play jokes on someone, regardless of who they are, but... “You're sticking up for Ann. That's commendable.”
“'Course I'm stickin' up for Ann, she's one of my best buds.”
Buds, huh? She's seen how close Ryuji and Ann are. They bicker all the time, but they lean on one another, and care for each other in a way that she just can't relate to. In her profoundly inexperienced and weary mind, she's even begun to suspect their feelings for one another are more than platonic.
It's bugs her a bit, and she can't quite understand why. It's good for them. They would be good together, right? Not that I'd know. So why does it frustrate me...?
Ann asks her to meet in the student council office after school the next day.
There's something odd about it, admittedly. Makoto's met with countless students in this room, but it's never felt quite so... honest? She's always been on this side of the table, always listening to her peers and offering them almost entirely useless advice. It was almost like she was reading from a script. This time is different.
“I'm sorry for asking you here like this,” Ann says as she sits down, putting her bag down below her seat.”
“Oh no, it isn't a problem,” Makoto assures her. “I actually find it a bit refreshing to be asked to the student council room.” She chuckles slightly. “Although it is somewhat nerve-racking as well.”
“I think I'm a bit nervous myself,” Ann admits, looking away. There's a brief moment of silence, and then she stands, bows, and says, “I'm so sorry.”
Makoto starts. “Huh? For what?”
“I... blamed you for what happened. With Kamoshida, and Shiho, and...” She shakes her head. “Well, I wanted to apologize fort that. Honestly, I've been meaning to apologize this whole time, even before you... well, you know, awakened.”
“I didn't realize until alter that Shiho was calling out for me... and I wasn't there to help her... I just didn't want to admit my own guilt, so I took it out on you...” She bows deeply again. “I'm... very sorry.”
Makoto stands and waves her hands. “Hey, there's no need for that! The truth is...” She hesitates, looks away. “I was unable to save anyone. Not Suzui-san... not any of Kamoshida's victims... and not any of Kaneshiro's victims. I kept telling myself it wasn't my fault, because I was simply following orders...” She shakes her head bitterly. “It was all just a lie, to make myself feel better. It felt like I would be admitting my own worthlessness if I didn't shift the blame off of myself.” She sinks back into her seat and sighs. “Fear of that worthlessness was probably why I acted so harshly towards you and the others.”
Ann stares back at her for a moment. Then, suddenly, she smiles and says, “In that case, you wanna just call it even?”
“Even...?” Makoto can't help but chuckle. “You're right. How about we leave this conversation in the past? We both made mistakes. That's all there is to it.”
Ann nods and sits back down. “Oh, but... one more thing. You're not worthless, Niijima-senpai. You were a bit reckless, but you're the reason we found a way into Kaneshiro's Palace. And you even obtained the power to change people's hearts. You did that all yourself, Niijima-senpai.”
Makoto laughs. “That way of thinking is very much like you, Takamaki-san.”
“When you confronted me about Suzui-san, I realized how dishonest and small I was. You're always very direct... That's what helped me finally realize the error of my ways.” She chuckles at herself. “It turns out I'm a little slow on the uptake sometimes...” She hesitates slightly, then leans forward. “Hey... Can I call you Ann?”
“Oh! Yeah! We're always pretty casual with the others. We just... Well, we didn't have a third-year on the team until now!”
“Oh, don't let that bother you. Just call me Makoto.”
“U-um... Okay! Yeah! M-Makoto... Jeez, that feels so embarrassing.”
Makoto just laughs again. “It's a nice change of pace, honestly. All of you are so different from me... But also so similar. I admire your ability to fight back against evil, even if it requires breaking the law.” I've never done anything but obey the law. Is the law good on its own?
“Well, you're fighting back now, too! Besides, you're pretty... uh, intense in the Metaverse.” Ann giggles. “You did pretty much give us all heart attacks when you baited Kaneshiro, though. We were all freaking out.”
“Oh... I'm sorry about that...”
“It all turned out okay! I mean, Ryuji did almost get flattened, but-”
Makoto starts. “Wait, what?”
“Well, we couldn't follow you on foot. They had you in a car. So we tried getting a taxi, but none of them were stopping, so Ryuji jumped in front of one.”
“He what!?”
Ann just laughs. “You were talking about fighting against evil and all that. For all his faults, Ryuji probably believes in that more than any of us. He's put himself on the line lots of times, actually.”
Makoto stares. She isn't quite sure what to make of that.
She and Ann get crepes that evening, but Makoto's mind is wandering.
It's been happening a lot lately, even before she joined the Phantom Thieves. She often feels as though there's a whirlwind in her head, billowing thoughts around and leaving debris all around. It's hard to keep up with, hard to control, hard to understand.
Sleepless nights are nothing new to her, but now it feels different. She's thinking about the law. She's thinking about ethics. She's thinking about the future.
And, oddly, she's thinking about Ryuji Sakamoto.
She knocks on the door, and gets a, “Come in!” almost immediately.
Makoto takes in a deep breath and enters the nurse's office. “Hello, Dr. Maruki,” she says politely, bowing slightly.
He smiles. “Oh, you're the student council president. Niijima-san, correct?”
“Yes. Sorry for coming by so suddenly, but...”
“Oh, no no! Everyone's permitted to stop by whenever they like! Please, take a seat. Would you like a snack?”
He's gone out of his way to make this place feel more homey, she realizes as she sits down. It feels less sterile than it did before. Intentionally, of course. It's hard to open up to someone while surrounded by white walls.
Dr. Maruki sits down on the chair next to hers and takes up a clipboard. “I know the term 'counseling session' can make some people nervous, but please don't be. Considering you're the student council president, I'd really rather they didn't force you to come here at all, actually.”
“Force?” Makoto repeats. “Oh, I was advised to come, of course, but I chose to do it on my own.”
“Oh, good! I'm glad to hear it. Forcing people to come to therapy is pointless, of course. Some of the students they attempted to send here by requirement never even showed up.”
Probably Ryuji, Makoto thinks, with an odd fondness. “I should say, although I'm the student council president, there's no need to be concerned about my being here. Feel free to discuss anything with me.”
He blinks. “Ah, right. So I shall.” He chuckles to himself, pushing his glasses up in a way that sort of reminds of her of Ren. “Heh, you're sounding more like the counselor in here than I am.”
“Oh... My apologies. I'm... used to taking control of situations.”
“Don't apologize! It's alright, really.” Dr. Maruki looks at his papers. “Excellent grades, exemplary conduct... Wow, you appear to be the very stereotype of the honor student.”
She scoffs. “Oh, not at all. In fact, quite the opposite. I'm... actually a bit of a mess, especially lately, and I've had to turn to others for help.”
“Well, you sure had me fooled,” he jokes. “Even still, getting help isn't a bad thing at all. In fact, it's wonderful that you have a support system.”
“Indeed...” She sighs. “Especially recently. I feel like I can't do anything right by myself nowadays.”
“Did something go wrong for you?”
“Yes, but it's nothing major. I've come to understand all too well that it's a bad idea to take on more of a burden than one should.”
Dr. Maruki nods slowly. “You really do seem like someone with a mature sense of responsibility. However, that might be why the people around you – especially the adults who should be protecting you – rely on you so much.”
She frowns. “Adults... who should be protecting me?” Makoto laughs lightly and shakes her head. “Had I been clever enough to understand that earlier, things might have gone a bit differently for me.”
“You think so?” He looks at his papers again. “Ah... You live alone with your older sister. I see.” When his eyes meet hers again, she can see a deep well of empathy within them. “Pardon my saying so, but it seems you've been through quite a lot.”
Makoto brushes her hair back. “Honestly, it only felt like the norm to me. But our lack of adult guardians has to have been hard on my sister – even now as well... And I'd be lying if I said it wasn't hard for me, too...”
Dr. Maruki hesitates for a long moment. Then he looks out the window and says, softly, “Do you still remember them? Your parents.”
“Yes,” Makoto says instantly. “Not as much about my mother admittedly, but my father, without a doubt.”
He sat on the edge of my bed that night and held my little face in his strong hands and told me that, no matter what happened, everything would be okay. He picked up that little Buchi doll and smiled and told me he remembered the day he got that for me. I fell asleep feeling a little odd, but mostly I was unconcerned. And I never saw him again.
She sighs. “Now that I think about it... I may well have grown to be a bit uptight because of that.”
“Is that so... If you don't mind, could you explain that a little more?”
Makoto considers her words for a second. “I've... made new friends lately. You could call them my proper support system, I suppose. I've... been holding in my feelings for so long. A lot of sadness, and stress... and anger. Perhaps anger more than anything else. They showed me that it's okay to let those feelings out. To express them. I suppose... I admire the fact that the people around me are able to release themselves so easily.”
Dr. Maruki smiles. “And are you doing better now? Is this support system adequate?”
She can't help but smile back. “Yes. I'm doing much better now. Of course, I could never think of them as replacements for my father or my sister. No one could replace either of them. What I've lost won't ever come back. But... All I can do is keep my chin up and push towards my future.”
He chuckles. “I like the way you put that. No one can be replaced... yet we need to keep pushing towards our future.” Dr. Maruki stands and offers her a hand up. “Should anything come up that you want help with, I'll be there to support you... Though my skills are pretty limited.” He laughs at himself. “The truth is, even the best counselor can't replace a set of good friends.”
Makoto accepts his help up. “Even so, thank you. Talking to you... helped me sort some things out. I truly do appreciate it.”
[Group Chat: phantom thieves vs bully from 80s movie]
Queen: I saw Dr. Maruki today.
Skull: noooo not you too queen
Queen: What?
Panther: ignore him
Panther: he's been whining about the counseling ever since Dr. Maruki showed up
Queen: I see.
Queen: I'm guessing you haven't gone in to see him, have you, Ryuji?
Skull: hell no
Joker: the man knows what he doesn't want
Skull: joker gets it
Joker: I've seen maruki several times
Skull: I trusted you
Queen: There really isn't any reason to avoid him.
Queen: He's simply trying to help.
Skull: hes here cuz the schools tryin to cover their asses
Skull: I aint playin that game
Queen: Even if that is the reason the school brought him here, I don't think he's playing that game either.
Skull: cant you just leave it
Skull: dont bug me about that guy
Queen: I won't bring him up again if you type with proper spelling and grammar in this chat.
Skull: Yes, Ma'am!
Panther: wow that was instant
Joker: impressive
Skull: Hey, I know how to talk!
Skull: Don't act like I'm some kind of idiot!
Joker: Morgana says you are an idiot.
Skull: Tell that cat to shut it!
Joker: Now Morgana's asking for Makoto to tell Ryuji off again.
Queen: I'd love to, but he's still typing properly. My hands are tied.
Fox: Who is Dr. Maruki?
Skull: Dude...
Skull: You are crazy late to this discussion.
Fox: Ryuji is speaking properly.
Fox: I don't like it.
Fox: Please return to your former style.
Skull: I can't, I'm bound by a contract.
Queen: Actually, this is starting to creep me out, too.
Queen: Please return to your old texting style, and I won't mention Dr. Maruki again.
Skull: hell yea
Fox: I still don't know who Dr. Maruki is.
“What're you here for?”
The shop owner speaks in his raspy voice, hardly even looking up from his magazine. That carelessness only really makes him more frightening.
“Don't freak out!” Morgana hisses in Ren's ear. “Just ask him!”
Ren nods. “I want to know about that bag.”
Finally, the shopkeeper looks up. “S'that right?” He shrugs. “That was a custom gun that I modified to make it look as real as possible. I had a customer who was interested in it. You helped me out by smugglin' it outta here so that I didn't get caught by those detectives.” He shrugs. “You're an accomplice now, so don't go snitchin'. I got everything on my security camera.”
“I want to see more.”
That apparently wasn't the answer he'd anticipated. “Huh?” He glances around the store for a second, then reaches up and rubs at his neck, right where that gecko tattoo sits. Then he nods to Ren. “Wanna talk in the back?”
The back office proves to be cluttered. It's more of a workshop than an office, actually. There are tools here for customization, far beyond what a regular consumer could get his hands on. “Wow...” Morgana gasps. “Just think what this stuff would do in the Metaverse!”
“Who the hell are you?” the shopkeeper grunts, ignoring Morgana's meowing entirely. “You burst in here all confident...”
“I'm just an enthusiast.”
“Pfft. At your age?” He looks Ren over carefully, then sighs. “Well, you got the heart of an enthusiast. But you got the look of a damn ama-”
He cuts himself off and frowns.
“What?” Ren prods.
The guy chuckles. “You know what, this could work.” He leans forward. “Hey, I can grant that wish of yours. But you better have the money. These things are worth hundreds of thousands of yen per unit. Sometimes they even reach the millions.”
A couple hours in Mementos oughta do it, Ren thinks. “Alright.”
“Ha! You honestly gonna tell me you can afford that stuff?” He stands, towering over Ren. “Look, I ain't a bad dude. I've been known to compromise... from time to time. For example...” He steps forward, looking down at Ren with those cold grey eyes. “You help me out with my... 'business'...”
“Smugglin' goods, destroyin' evidence. That sorta thing. And, as a reward, I'll introduce you to the special menu, with good prices for a punk like you. Whaddya say? Not a bad deal, huh?”
Ren meets his gaze. “What's your endgame?”
“Gotta fight evil with evil. I need a pawn of my own.”
“Pawn, huh...?”
“Don't talk to no one about this. Got it? Just follow my orders. That's all there is to it. Now, what's it gonna be? You gonna take my offer or not?”
Ren frowns, then nods slowly. “Yeah. I accept.”
“Good. I'll let you know when I need ya. Give me your contact info.” He pulls out his phone, then frowns and looks back up. “Guess you oughta know my name, too. I'm Iwai. And if you get caught, we've never met. Not even once. We clear?”
“Yeah,” Ren says. “The same goes for you.”
He blinks and sighs. Not again.
“Your reaction was perfect,” Dr. Takemi says. It always sounds like she's praising him, but man is it hard to tell. “You feel a bit dazed, hm? Yes, I mixed in some... special components.”
“Yeah,” Ren grunts, shoving himself up. “I got that.”
“Oh, don't whine. Let's take your temperature and blood pressure. I'm also going to draw some blood. I wanted to perform a few motor skill tests, but that might be off the table for now.”
Ren nearly slips just getting to a sitting position. “Yeah,” he says. “I don't think I'm doing anything like that today.”
She shrugs carelessly, brushing some of her hair of her eyes. “Anyway, since we're in the final stages, I should first stabilize the fundamental formula-”
“Oh, so you are here.”
The door bursts open, and Ren looks over with tired eyes to see someone enter. His vision seems to clear up in a heartbeat when he realizes that it's a police officer.
Dr. Takemi just sighs. “I'm in the middle of an examination. I've told you before, Officer. If you want to investigate me, you'll need to show me a warrant.”
“Hmph. I'm here because we received a a report. I'll need to see a detailed statement of medical expenses and full medical records.” His looks turns smarmy. “I bet you didn't have enough time to hide any incriminating documents, huh?”
“Must be under the orders of the Medical Chief of Staff,” Dr. Takemi mutters to herself. She presses a few buttons on her computer and pulls up a spreadsheet. “Here you go.”
“Huh?” The officer leans forward. “There's...”
“This kid here is my only patient today,” Dr. Takemi says. “If you're asking for his medical expenses, I'm guessing I'm under suspicion of improper billing?” She shrugs. “But without a receipt, I'd say you've been sent on a wild goose chase.”
He scowls hard. “What's going on here?”
“You're being manipulated,” Dr. Takemi says, sharply. “That 'report' is fictitious. It's nothing but an attempt to harass me.”
“What!?” The officer glares at her for a second, then suddenly turns his gaze to Ren. “Hey, you. What're you doing here!? You don't seem to be sick... Are you up to something illegal!?”
Ren narrows his eyes. “Is this really the level the police are at? You just walk up to random people and ask them if they've committed any crimes?”
“How dare you-”
“Ahem,” Dr. Takemi clears her throat dramatically. “Do you mind? This is a medical examination. Whether he's sick or not remains to be seen. I'd like to get back to it.”
The officer grinds his teeth together. “Fine.” He starts to leave, then turns back. “You're infuriating, you know that? Hmph... But I'd expect nothing less from the 'Plague.'”
He storms off, slamming the door behind him.
Dr. Takemi sighs and rubs her temples. “I'm so over this...”
“Do they really have nothing better to do?” Ren grumbles.
She smirks at him. “So you hate the cops, huh? Interesting.”
He gives her a look. “I agreed to this deal without any issues. Did you think I was a completely law-abiding citizen?”
“No. But now I'm starting to suspect you're not just a regular punk.” She holds eye contact with him for an extended moment, perhaps expecting him to break. Then she shrugs and says, “Well, whatever. I don't care.” She sighs and stands. “My former superior is trying to put pressure on me. Figures the cops will break me. But I'm not going to give in that easily.” She nods to him. “Now, I'll need to draw some blood. There'll be some mild anemia, but only temporarily. You'll be fine.”
Ren nods slowly. “Fine.”
She smirks. “Such a good guinea pig. Don't worry, I'll even walk you home. See how nice I am?”
“The whole area is like a lock,” Makoto muses, her fingers rubbing at her chin idly. “Each code gets us a step closer to the vault at the center. That's most likely where the Treasure is.”
Ren nods. “Sounds about right.”
Ryuji grins. “Man, this goes a lot smoother when we got someone with actual brains on the team.”
“Hey!” Ann protests, but he can tell she agrees with him.
Makoto gives him a look he can't decipher.
While they work through the Palace – and Ryuji's pretty much just on offense duty, since it's not like he could solve any of the stupid puzzles anyway – his eyes keep drifting back to Makoto. He's not stupid, he can guess what's going on. Ever since he saw her in that biker outfit on her Persona, he's felt differently about her. That sight awakened something in him, something as powerful as his Persona.
It's real distracting, and he's getting annoyed by it. Because if he was gonna catch feelings for someone – and there really is no other way for him to interpret this – why'd it have to be her? The one person in the world who stood the least chance of reciprocating those feelings.
He's honestly disappointed in himself. Not for liking her, that's not so surprising. But for having the actual gall to entertain the idea of her liking him back. It's pathetic.
But when they got food together the other day, he'd just chatted to her normally, and she'd seemed so at ease about it. Now, though, she's actin' weird, and he doesn't get it. She keeps glancing over at him, and he can't help but wonder what the hell's up with it.
He's so lost in thought that he doesn't even really realize that they've reached the Treasure until they're on the elevator down to it.
When they reach the bottom of the vault, it floats there, a hovering misty thing, just like it was for Kamoshida and Madarame. “Hell yeah!” Ryuji cheers, forcing himself to talk a bit more. His silence is gonna attract attention from the others that he really doesn't want. Better to hide in plain sight. “We made it!”
“I don't understand,” Makoto says. “Where's the Treasure?”
“See that?” Ann points to the little blob. “That's what his Treasure looks like right now. It still needs to materialize. That's why we send the calling card!”
Makoto stares for a moment, then nods. “I see... If this world is constructed based on cognition, then the core of it would not be accessible until the Palace ruler is aware of its existence.” She smiles and lets out a little huff of a laugh. “That's an incredibly bold trick.”
“It's worked twice already,” Yusuke says. “We simply need to find a way to deliver the card to him this time.”
“I don't think that's all we have to do,” Ren mutters.
Morgana hops up next to him. “What's up, Joker?”
Ren faces them all. “Kaneshiro is a dangerous criminal controlling the entirety of Shibuya. And he thinks he's bulletproof in a way Kamoshida and Madarame didn't. Remember when we first came here? He kept talking about security, on and on and on.” He looks at the Treasure and frowns. “I'm worried that threatening him in his current mental state will only entrench him more.”
“Hm...” Morgana muses. “So you want to disturb him somehow?”
“Yeah. I guess.” He shakes his head. “I think it's safer if he's off-balance. But we need a plan in the real world for that, and...” He turns back around. “Fox. Do me a favor and see if you can't find anyone at Kosei who's been affected by Kaneshiro. We'll do the same at Shujin.”
“What are you thinking?” Makoto asks.
“I just want a list of people we think are working for Kaneshiro unwillingly. That's all. I won't be able to make a plan until I've got some idea of what that list looks like.” Ren sighs. “Alright. We've made our route. Let's get out of here for now.”
[Group Chat: phantom thieves vs bully from 80s movie]
Fox: Ren, I have attempted to acquire the information you requested.
Joker: What've you got?
Fox: My apologies, but I only got one name.
Fox: Hifumi Togo.
Queen: Wait, the Hifumi Togo who's a shogi legend?
Panther: shogi legend?
Queen: She's a second-year student at Kosei High, but she has made a name for herself in professional shogi.
Queen: She's supposedly quite talented.
Queen: Are you saying she's a drug runner for Kaneshiro?
Fox: I cannot be certain of that.
Fox: However, her family has supposedly been acting strangely.
Fox: Spending money frivolously and such.
Skull: sure it aint just them spendin her idol money
Fox: I do not think so.
Fox: Although Togo-san is an idol, she is not a well-known one as yet.
Fox: It seems likely to me that something else is going on.
Fox: She typically plays shogi alone at a church in Kanda.
Joker: Got it. Morgana and I will investigate.
Queen: Must you bring him everywhere?
Joker: yes
Joker: he's my little buddy
Joker: my pal
Joker: my guy
Joker: my companion
Panther: we get it, ren
He throws the dart and pumps his fist. “Hell yeah! Bull!”
“Bull?” Makoto prods, looking a little lost.
“Bullseye,” Ann says, sighing. “Jeez, he's even worse when he winning...”
“Hey!” Ryuji says. “This ain't a competition! It's a team game.” He nods to Makoto. “Your turn, Prez.”
She nods and steps forward, drawing in a breath. She looks extremely tense, despite her casual clothes and the overall easy-going vibe of Kichijoji. She raises her hand and flicks her wrist, and manages to get twenty points. Then another twenty, then ten. It's not great, but not terrible either.
“Nice going,” he tells her, stepping back up to plate to take his turn. They're playing 301, and there's only 60 points left on the board. He lucks out and gets a bullseye again, which leaves him with only a couple options for his next target. He focuses, tosses the dart...
...and misses the ten by an 'effin millimeter, instead hitting the fifteen and ruining the game.
“Shit,” he grumbles.
“That's what you get for being cocky,” Ann gloats.
“Yeah, yeah. You'll eat those words. C'mon, you and Yusuke're up next.”
Yusuke smiles as he steps forward. “We will do this with grace and beauty.”
“It's just darts, Yusuke,” Ann grumbles.
Ryuji leans against the table next to Makoto, watching a little carelessly as Yusuke takes his first couple throws. His mind's still elsewhere. Even taking the others out for darts ain't helping.
“Hey,” Makoto says, suddenly, dragging him kicking and screaming out of his own mind. “You did fine. I messed up on my turn.”
“Huh? Oh, I ain't thinkin' about the game.” Ryuji grins. “Y'know, you really don't like to lose, do ya?”
“W-what?” she stammers. She looks away, blushing a bit. “I... suppose not.” After a moment, she looks up at him again, but her usual look of determination is back. “Well, we'll just have to win next time. If Yusuke and Ann can pull off 301, we'll just have to beat them at 501.”
Ryuji laughs. “There's our Prez.”
He tosses his coat onto the rack and plops down on the couch when he gets home.
“You're back late.” He nearly jumps out of his skin when his mom talks to him, stepping out of her room in a bedrobe. “What were you doing?”
“What're you still doin' up?”
She smiles slightly. “I always have trouble sleeping when you're still out. Where were you?”
Ryuji sighs. “Just playin' darts with some friends up at Kichijoji.”
“Oh, that's nice. Did you have fun?”
“You look down. Did something happen?”
He hesitates. Nothing happened, not really, but...
Ryuji stretches back, lightly pressing the back of his head against the paper-thin walls of this shitty apartment. “I got kind of a problem,” he admits.
Mom sits down next to him. “What's wrong?”
“I...” He looks away, embarrassed. “I think I like a girl, Mom.”
“Don't oh me, this is serious!”
“Well, what's the problem?”
He starts tapping his foot. A nervous habit, one he picked up ages ago. He's never bothered trying to kick it. “Thing is, this girl... She's way outta my league. Like, I'm a freakin' little league player and she's an all-star. It ain't... It'd never...”
She chuckles. “Never say never, Ryu.”
“What makes you think this girl doesn't think the same thing about you?”
“Pfft,” he snorts. “Mom, I ain't got shit goin' for me. I'm a loser. This chick... She's like, top of the charts. She's beautiful, she's smart, she's a total badass. She's got everything goin' for her.”
Mom just shrugs. “You've got more going for you than you give yourself credit for, Ryu.” She kisses him on the forehead and stands. “Don't assume you know what other people are thinking. You can't know whether she likes you or not until she tells you herself.”
“I...” He hesitates, then looks away. “I guess.”
“Oh, don't worry so much, Ryu.” She smiles at him as she steps back into her bedroom. “If it's meant to be, it will work out. Don't worry about a thing.”
It's a quiet night, but her mind is buzzing.
The church is in silence, occupied by only a few different people, their mouths moving in whispered prayers. The priest stands above them, whispering a prayer of his own.
Hifumi Togo moves shogi pieces idly, not even obeying the rules of the game.
How could she? That same thought keeps popping up in her mind. How could she be so foolish?
The summer heat is starting to settle in. The cicadas are starting to chirp. The world is coming alight with life. The church is a welcome respite from it all.
She glances up in surprise. Standing before her is a boy with messy black hair and thick-rimmed glasses. Slung over his shoulder is a school bag. A cat is perched on his shoulder, and it seems to be looking at her intently.
Hifumi frowns. “I'm Hifumi Togo. Who are you?”
He ignores her question. “You're playing shogi by yourself?”
“I'm doing some research,” she says, blithely. “Experimenting with new tactics is best to do alone in a place like this.” She hesitates. “Well, I suppose that doesn't sound terribly plausible to someone who doesn't play.”
“I think I get it.”
“...Very well. Don't mind me. Please go ahead and pray.”
“I'm not here to pray.” He sits down next to her without even asking her for permission. “How about a quick game of shogi?”
Hifumi narrows her eyes. “You play?”
“Oh yeah,” he says, pushing his glasses up his nose and grinning. “I'm pretty good.”
“...Is that so?” She studies him for a moment. Then, for reason beyond her own comprehension, she moves the pieces back to their starting positions. “Very well. Your move first.”
A little bit of that confidence seems to wither in his eyes, but he recovers it quickly enough. His first move isn't particularly unconventional, but his play devolves from there. Pretty soon it's obvious to her that he was just bluffing from the start, and that he doesn't actually know a thing about shogi.
She bests him handily, without even giving him an opportunity to concede. “What was the point of that?” she demands of him when it's done, trying to keep her voice down for the sake of the church-goers. “Were you simply here to butt in on me? Or...” She frowns. “Were you sent?”
The cat meows in the guy's ear, and he cocks his head. “Sent? What do you mean?”
“Don't play dumb with me. Did he send you?”
Hifumi starts. Did I misread him? The oddity of the situation put her off entirely, admittedly, but she'd thought she had him figured out. “Never mind,” she says, softly, gathering up the pieces. “If you'll excuse me, I need to get home, now...”
“You meant the mob, didn't you?”
She stops in her tracks. “What?”
The guy doesn't falter. “You're involved with the mob in Shibuya. Probably not willingly. Am I right?”
Hifumi considers just running. Or maybe getting some help from the priest. But when she looks at this stranger, she doesn't see judgement or cruelty. She sees curiosity... and she sees compassion.
She shouldn't trust him. She shouldn't. But she does.
“Yes,” she admits, after lowering herself back to the seat. “Well... Not me, but...” She looks at the ground, her braid falling down to hang limply across her face. “My mother. She...”
“Your mother?”
“She wanted money. She... She wants me to give off the appearance of a true idol. We don't have much money, though, so we can't afford extravagant clothes or the like. She made a deal with the mobsters, even though she's older than their usual prey. And...” Hifumi looks away. “She wants me to be the runner. It's beyond absurd. She is actually willing to make a criminal out of me...”
“What if something could be done about the mob?”
She looks up. “What?”
He gives a vague shrug. “If the mob boss were to turn himself in, then you and your mother would be free from him. You wouldn't have the money, no, but you'd at least be able to escape his threats.”
“What are you talking about?”
“The Phantom Thieves.”
Hifumi stares. “You mean...?”
“I'm sure they're real. They'll target the mob for sure.” He leans forward. “Have you made a request? On the Phansite, I mean.”
Oh. He is a fan, but not of me. He...
It all makes sense suddenly. Hifumi frowns and looks down at her watch. “I'll talk to you,” she says, softly. “But only once everyone leaves. Is that acceptable?”
“I... What?”
“This church usually clears out about an hour from now, and I am friends with the priest. He will permit us to have privacy. Will you wait?”
He frowns, then nods slowly. “Yeah. I'll wait.”
“Very well.” She smiles and places the board back down. “In that case, shall we have a few more rounds of shogi?”
The priest comes and speaks to her, and she asks him for a few minutes of privacy. He bows, leaves, and then she's left alone with the stranger and his cat.
“So,” she says. “You are one of the Phantom Thieves.”
His eyes go wide. “What?”
“You came here asking for information about this man Kaneshiro. You obviously know that I am involved, and that I might be able to lead you towards information that could be of use.” She raises an eyebrow at him. “You're not very subtle, I must say.”
“I'm not interested in getting you in trouble. What I want to know is what you intend to do.”
He frowns and watches her for a moment. His cat meows something at him, and she swears it seems like the two of them are talking. Then he nods at her and says, “We're going to change Kaneshiro's heart. But we need him off-balance. I'm trying to figure out a way to do that.”
“It's actually rather simple.”
Hifumi starts gathering up her shogi pieces. “The mob operates entirely on money. That is the only thing that matters to them. They utilize fear to prevent those they abuse from going to the police, but that threat only works if the victims go in isolation. If victims were to turn themselves in and show all the evidence they have to the police all at once, even the mob would be overwhelmed. Better yet, if this were to happen when a major deal was about to happen, the mob would suddenly be left with angry customers. This Kaneshiro would be backed into a corner.”
The stranger nods throughout her explanation. When she finishes, his subtle smile turns into a smirk, and that into a grin. “So all we need to do is get the victims to turn themselves in.”
“And that should be easy,” Hifumi says, “for a man who can steal hearts.”
“You're a smart girl, Togo-san.”
“Hm. Perhaps I'd compliment you, but I don't know your name.”
The stranger stands. “You don't need to know my name. It's better that way for both of us.”
She scoffs. “I'm sure you felt very macho saying that, but it's not true.” She stands and places her hands on her hips. “I am one of Kaneshiro's runners, you realize. I can keep tabs on him and tell you when he will be at his most vulnerable. Not only that, I need to know when this will happen so that I can turn myself in as well.”
“Turn... yourself in?”
“If numerous victims suddenly provide evidence, those that do not will be held in higher suspicion. It will be better if I go along with the crowd.” And it will give me publicity as a victim, which will please my mother.
The stranger considers that. Once again, his cat meows at him, and he shrugs. “Fine. I'll give you my contact info.”
“And your name?”
“Ren Amamiya,” he says, smirking.
“Good to meet you, Ren Amamiya.” She extends a hand, and he shakes it. “I look forward to destroying the mafia with you.”
Preach all you want but who's gonna save me?
I keep a gun in the book you gave me
Hallelujah, lock and load
Black is the kiss, the touch of the serpent son
It ain't the mark or the scar that makes you one,
and one, and one, and one
You'll never make me leave
I wear this on my sleeve
Give me a reason to believe
So give me all your poison
And give me all your pills
And give me all your hopeless hearts
And make me ill
You're running after something
That you'll never kill
If this is what you want
Then fire at will
-Thank You For the Venom, My Chemical Romance
Chapter 19: Voices Off Camera
(See the end of the chapter for notes.)
Chapter Text
“Ten names,” Ren says, softly.
Ann takes in a deep breath. “Think we can do it?”
“We have to.” He pulls out his phone and readies the Nav. “All good?”
“Yeah,” she says, nodding. “Let's do this.”
Four days ago, they completed compiling their list of students being targeted by the mob. Three days ago, they confirmed that all of those students have Shadows in Mementos – unsurprising for people distorted by fear. Two days ago, Ryuji and Makoto finished writing the calling card and preparing enough of them to make a real spectacle.
And one hour ago, Hifumi Togo sent the go-ahead message.
The mob is making a big move tomorrow. Or, at least, that was the plan. Ten different runners were meant to deliver envelopes to ten different locations. Big risk, big payouts. The mob is counting on this.
And when it fails, Kaneshiro will be trapped.
“We're going to protect the victims, right?” Ann asks again, touching Ren's shoulder. “I mean, we're not just gonna have them turn themselves in without a fail-safe, are we?”
“I have a plan for that,” Ren tells her. “For now, we need to change the hearts. Timing matters tonight.”
“Right. Right.”
“Let's go,” Morgana says, hopping out of Ren's bag and stretching on the pavement. “If we're back too late, the chief might notice.”
Ren nods, and they enter Mementos.
Their targets are all in the upper blocks. The deeper the block, the more intense the distortion is, according to Morgana. These students are just afraid, and that's what has them put off. By stealing that fear, they'll be able to come forward and shove Kaneshiro into the dirt.
It's a risky plan. But it'll work.
Leaving Ryuji and Makoto behind is probably the part that makes her the most uncomfortable. Sure, she and Ren and Morgana are all perfectly capable. She and Ren work together well, after all, for reasons she's not really willing to explore just yet. But Ryuji and Makoto are just something else. The two of them can destroy a tough Shadow like it's nothing, and then shrug and ask where the next one is.
I wonder how long it'll take for them to realize they like each other.
Okay, maybe that's a bit of a wild claim to make already, given that Makoto's only been part of the team for about a week and a half, but come on. Ann isn't blind. She can see the way those two look at each other. It's soooo obvious.
She wonders if the looks she gives Ren are that obvious.
Once they get into Mementos, Ren passes the list off to Morgana so he can figure out where the targets are. It took some doing to get those names. But with a combination of Makoto's connections, Ren's contacts, some rumors from the girl who runs the newspaper club, and weaseling a little more info out of Iida-kun (screw Ryuji, Ann can act, dammit!), they were able to get what they needed.
“Just like we figured,” Morgana confirms. “They're all nearby, and none of them are very strong. Still, we're going in with a small team today.” He nods to Ren. “What's the plan, Joker?”
“Mona, you stay on support. Save your energy for healing. I'll focus on attacking. Ann, play it by ear. Act on impulse, okay?”
“Impulse? What?”
“Just do what feels right.” He looks at up her, and his smile rustles all the butterflies in her stomach. “I trust you.”
Ann swallows. “Um... Okay...”
Ten names. Ten targets. Ten victories.
With the ten students from Shujin, plus the testimony of Hifumi Togo, Kaneshiro will be shoved into a position of borderline helplessness. It'll serve him right, really.
“He'll be a wounded animal,” Ren points out once they leave Mementos. “Defenseless, but dangerous. Don't assume this will be easy. Honestly, I think this plan will do nothing but get us to the Treasure.”
“Okay,” Ann says, panting. God, that was a long Mementos run.
“One last thing to do.”
They head over to the diner in Shibuya, and Ann orders some tea for both of them while Ren scratches something out on a card. It's not the calling card, obviously, since Ryuji and Makoto already made it. She asks him a couple times what he's writing, but he just tells her to wait until he's done.
Once he is, he slides it over to her.
To the police officers of Shibuya,
We, the Phantom Thieves of Hearts, will be stealing the heart of
Kaneshiro Junya, a crimelord operating out of your city.
Expect confessions from several of his victims.
Expect retaliation from the mob.
We ask that you keep the victims safe, and prepare yourselves
to take Kaneshiro Junya into custody.
With love,
The Phantom Thieves of Hearts
Ann raises an eyebrow. “'With love'?”
Ren chuckles. “I thought it'd be funny.”
“God,” Ann says, smiling, “you're so stupid.”
It really did seem like a good plan at the time.
Kaneshiro would never see the calling card if they sent it in an ordinary fashion. It needed to be dramatic, theatrical, extravagant. Posting the cards all over Shibuya made sense. His cronies were sure to see it, and then it would be brought to his attention, one way or another.
She just never considered that papering the city with hundreds of cards would catch the attention of the mafia so quickly... and the police.
Despite this being her plan, it was Ryuji who reacted quickly when the sirens showed up. He'd grabbed her hand and dragged her down an alleyway, then up a ladder towards the fire escape of an apartment complex. She'd followed him in a daze until they ended up in a dingy apartment overlooking the street below. It wasn't abandoned, but they used one of Ren's lockpicks to break in. There was no one here, thankfully.
Makoto edges closer to the fire escape, looking out over the city. Down below, the cops were picking up the cards and looking at them with scrutiny.
“I'm so sorry,” she says, speaking before her mind can even catch up. “This whole thing was my idea. It was so stupid...”
“Huh?” Ryuji sounds genuinely confused. When she faces him, he actually looks weirdly at ease. He's leaning up against the door and stretching his arms behind his back. His tank-top rides up a little bit, and she averts her gaze briefly. She really shouldn't be looking at his abs. “What're you talking about?”
“The cops are after us.”
“So? What else is new?”
“We just broke into someone's house!”
Ryuji shrugs. “Not the first time. You weren't there for the Madarame palace. We had to break into this private room in his house. 'Cept we had to do it in front of him, so we had to send Mona to do it.”
Makoto gapes. “You sent a cat to break into-?” It's so absurd she can't even finish saying it.
“Well, yeah. And don't let him hear you callin' him a cat, or you'll never hear the end of it.” Ryuji laughs. “He did it, though. Him and Ann. It was a good mission.”
“But this place has nothing to do with Kaneshiro...”
“Eh, it's no big deal.”
“We picked the lock!”
“Judgin' by the shape of that lock, it ain't the first time that's happened. 'Sides, we've got some of the Mementos money on us. We'll leave them a couple thousand yen, figure that should cover the damages.”
Well, at least he didn't plan to just abandon this situation lightly. Makoto turns and looks out at the street again. “How long do you think we should wait?”
“An hour, probably. Figure that'll tire 'em out.”
“It's not just the cops. It's the mob, too.”
“They'll be scared off by the cops. By the time we head out, we'll just look like ordinary kids out on the town past curfew. It's nothin' new. Worst case scenario, they yell at us for being out so late. No big deal.”
She struggles to understand how that could possibly be considered “no big deal.” If Sis found out she was out this late, who knows how that would go...
“What if they search us, though?”
Ryuji gives her a look. “Why would that matter?”
“The calling cards!”
He stares at her for a minute, then his eyes go wide. “Wait, you mean you held onto those? For real? Dude, I threw mine out the second the cops showed up. They're in a pile in that alleyway.”
He laughs at her, and she flushes red with embarrassment. “Jeez, Prez, I woulda thought you'd get rid of the evidence the second you got a chance.”
“I... I'm not used to breaking laws.”
“You'll learn.”
She's not entirely sure she wants to learn. On the one hand, she detests the treatment she and the others had been given. The way Kamoshida treated Ann and Suzui and Ryuji, the way Madarame had abused Yusuke, the way the Metaverse itself treated Morgana... and, naturally, the way the justice system had chewed up Ren and spit him out like he was worthless, for the simple crime of helping someone...
But, well... Her father had been a police officer, and her sister is a prosecutor. She looked up to both of them, convinced that they would not lead her astray. The idea of going against their ideals... It just isn't something she likes. To become an outlaw, operating on her own whims...
Then again, maybe that obedience was just drilled into her, and its presence was as much a form of manipulation and abuse as the others. Just as Kamoshida had the school under his thumb, maybe the legal system has Makoto under its thumb. Is it just to obey a law simply because it is a law? Laws change, and revolutionaries are always guilty of treason. Is a crime amoral simply because it is illegal?
Ryuji stretches again, groaning and looking down at the street. “Man, it's gonna be a long hour.”
Makoto sighs. “Sorry.”
“About what?”
“If you were going to be trapped like this, it could at least be in better company.”
He snorts, and she looks at him in shock. “Your company's fine, Prez. You gotta stop doin' that, y'know. You're one of us.”
She breaks eye contact, looking at the street again. The cops are still down there. “I'm not like the rest of you,” she says, softly.
“What, 'cuz you actually know what you're doing?”
“The opposite.”
She shakes her head. “You think I have everything figured out because I have good grades, because I'm student council president, because I'm... me. But I don't. The rest of you have found stronger paths in life. Paths you believe in.” She frowns. “I don't know if I believe in the path I'm on.”
“What, the Thieves?”
“Actually, that might be the part I'm most confident in.”
She isn't facing him, but she can feel his grin. “Sounds like you know exactly what you're doing.”
“I just... The rest of you don't have the contradiction I have. In my ordinary life I'm a doormat, a pushover. A spineless brat who gets pushed around by everyone.”
“Hey, that ain't true.”
“Yes, it is,” she says sternly. “If it weren't for the Phantom Thieves, I would have just kept doing whatever Kobayakawa told me to do. Whatever... Whatever my sister told me to do.”
He goes quiet for a while, and that makes her more uncertain than anything else. She hasn't been in this group for long, admittedly, but if there's one thing she knows it's that Ryuji talks, a lot.
Then he shrugs and says, “Well, you're doing your own thing now, ain't ya?”
“I mean, we were all just kinda keeping our heads down before this whole thing, right?”
“You weren't.”
Ryuji gives her a grin, the sort he would flash when he was Skull. “Well, I'm an idiot, right?”
The two of them fall silent again, and Makoto glances at the street again. It's starting to clear up a bit, and the old foot traffic is returning. They'll be able to blend in with the crowds soon enough. Neither of them wore their school uniforms, so they wouldn't be immediately identified as students at least. They would just need to keep their heads down and get back to the station, and that would be that.
“You're not an idiot, Ryuji.”
She's not really sure why she said that. She barely even remembers thinking about saying it. But now that the words are out, she doesn't regret them. That's odd, really. Usually when she acts impulsively she feels that pang of shame the instant afterwards.
Makoto draws in a cold breath. Despite the hot summer air, she feels chilly. “I just... Everyone thinks so little of you, but I don't think they're right to. That's all.”
“I... Okay?”
“I admire you.”
That's weird enough to baffle even Ryuji, apparently. She turns to face him again and finds him staring at her, his eyes wide. “You what?”
Makoto hesitates, then sighs. “When... When Kamoshida treated you like dirt, you fought back. It... didn't really work out, I guess, but... You had the strength to defend yourself.”
He shakes his head. “That bastard was baiting me.”
“Maybe. But... is it really admirable to keep a cool head in a situation like that? We say you should look up to calm people, people who look the other way or turn the other cheek, but... What if that's just weakness? Sometimes I think it's just pathetic to take the abuse.” She makes a fist. “I should've punched Kamoshida myself.”
Ryuji grins. “I woulda paid to see that, Prez.”
“You don't have to call me that.”
“Eh, it's chill.”
“I think I'm just sick of playing the good girl. I'm sick of accepting things as they are. I'm sick of doing what I'm told to do, without question.” She shakes her head. “You don't do things you don't agree with. I really admire that about you. I want to be more like that.”
Yet again, he falls silent. She finds herself looking at him again, studying his features. He's a contradictory soul, in some ways. Rough and tough on the outside, yet perhaps one of the purest hearts she's ever met on the inside. He'd jumped in front of a car for her, back when the Thieves first started targeting Kaneshiro, and she wasn't even one of them yet. She was their enemy! She was blackmailing them. And yet he'd jumped in front of a car for her.
Ever since Ann told her about that, she's been thinking about it. A lot.
“It's not like it really helped much,” Ryuji mutters. He's turned more serious than she's ever heard him before. “It wasn't till Ren showed up that things actually started going okay.”
“I suppose... Still, I don't think it's brave to roll over just because you won't win.”
“I mean, is it brave to fight when you won't win?”
Makoto hesitates. Is it? It's the old debate, isn't it, between brawn and brains. Sometimes it is better to bide your time and await a better moment to strike, but... How many people get hurt during that time? How much pain is created by waiting?
Then again, that pain isn't necessarily alleviated by acting quickly. Ryuji attacked Kamoshida with good cause, and yet all it got him was a broken leg and a black mark in his file. Kamoshida continued his abuse, and it took the Phantom Thieves to drag him down.
Makoto wonders, sometimes, if she could have done something.
Her heart always hurts a little when she looks at Ryuji. He cared enough about the others on the track team to stand up for them, even when they'd given up on themselves. He cared enough about Ren to defend him in the Metaverse. He cared enough about Ann and Shiho to change Kamoshida's heart. And he – for whatever reason – cared enough about her to jump in front of a moving car for her sake.
And yet, he would never run again. His record is stained, his reputation is in ruins, his future is bleak. And he blames himself for all of it, she knows that. No one had to tell her for her to know.
She blinks. How long had she been silent?
“S-Sorry,” she stammers out. “I was just thinking.”
“It's chill. Just thought you were gonna say something.” Ryuji looks down at the street again. “Shouldn't be long, now. We can wait a little longer, then head out. Shouldn't be a problem.”
He grins at her. “It's kinda fun, ain't it?”
She gawks. “Fun?”
“Well, y'know. Not the whole 'breaking into some guy's apartment to avoid the cops' bit, but, like, the rest of it. Fightin' the bad guys, standin' up for ourselves.”
Despite everything, she smiles a little. “Yeah. It is a bit fun, I guess.”
He snorts. “You guess. Nah, you're loving it, even if you don't know it.”
Maybe he's right. “I did say this is the only part of my life I haven't been second-guessing.” She looks down again, but there's not much difference in activity. She's a little surprised by Ryuji's caution here. He's pretty hotheaded; it wouldn't surprise her if he didn't want to wait up here a second longer than he had to.
Besides, it's not like he could be enjoying her company.
“You know what?” Makoto says, suddenly. “I think it is brave to fight when you know you won't win.”
“Sometimes, it's enough just to show that you care enough to fight at all. We might end up being martyrs, but that's okay. We'll go down with fire in our hearts. It's enough.”
Ryuji laughs. “Now you're startin' to sound like a real outlaw.”
She manages a smile back at him. “It's about time, right?”
“Still, it's nice to win, right?”
“Yeah. Of course.” She chuckles. “Good thing Ren came then, isn't it?”
Ryuji nods. “He's a special dude, huh?”
Makoto smiles. “He's the leader for a reason.”
The grin he shoots her looks more forced than usual. “Heh, I think I know that look. Lemme guess, you're getting eyes for Ren.”
“What? No.”
She says this without hesitation, embarrassment, or even anger. Just genuine confusion. Why would he think she's interested in Ren?
Ryuji gives her a look. “Wait, for real? You don't, uh...”
“No,” she says again. “I mean, he's a really incredible guy and all that, but...” She shrugs, unsure how to finish that sentence. This isn't her wheelhouse. She knows absolutely nothing about love. But she does know for a certainty that she is not in love with Ren.
“Huh,” Ryuji says, leaning back. He smirks. “Well, that's a good thing. I'd hate to see you and Ann get in a scrap.”
Makoto laughs. “You mean Ren and Ann are-?”
“Not yet, but c'mon, the writing's on the wall. I'm bettin' they get together by August. Maybe a bit earlier. Bein' honest, I think the only thing really holding 'em back is Morgana. Cat's got it bad for Ann.”
“Hm.” Makoto had considered bringing this up a meeting, actually. Ann was clearly uncomfortable with Mona's behavior, after all. “Well, I wish them luck.”
“So, what about you, Prez?” he asks. “You got your eyes on someone?”
“Huh?” Makoto stares at him, entirely unsure how to respond to that. “I... I don't know?”
Ryuji raises an eyebrow at her, then laughs. “You don't know? How can you not know?”
“Well... It's not really something I'd thought about before...”
Keep your head down. Do what the teachers tell you. Be successful. Don't make waves. Ignore the others. They're all against you. They're all threats. You must overcome them.
Shaking her head, Makoto tries to throw those thoughts away. She betrayed her sister when she joined the Thieves. Why should she still follow her advice?
She flinches. It's not the first time he's interrupted her thoughts tonight, but it is the first time he's called her by her actual name. She likes when he calls her that. She hates when he says things like “senpai.” Those sorts of words don't suit him.
“What about you?” she asks, her voice coming out as more of a croak than before. This isn't a topic she likes. “Do you like anyone?”
He gives her a look she can't decipher, and then turns away and looks down at the street again. “Maybe,” he says. “Kinda. I dunno.”
She smirks. “So you don't know, either.”
“Well, I mean... It's harder than you'd think.”
“Trust me, I understand.”
She can study all she wants and find the answers to the questions of the universe, but she can't just research the idea of love. It's a concept she has only the slightest clue about, if she's being honest. Her mother died when she was young, so she doesn't even have the image of happy, loving parents to go back to. Her dad loved her mom, she thinks. She doesn't really remember what it looked like, though.
She doesn't watch romance movies, or read romance novels. She ignores gossip in school, and it's not like she really has any friends, to watch fall in and out of love. There are times when, despite her age and maturity, she feels like a child compared to the other Thieves.
Ryuji starts tapping his foot. He does this when he's nervous, she's noticed. “Well, whatever,” he grumbles. “Don't matter anyway, right?”
“I... I suppose not.”
Maybe it does, though. She's tossed aside the image of the perfect student. She's sick of being the good girl, sick of being a pushover and a doormat, sick of being seen as a tool to be used rather than a person to be cherished.
And, even within the Thieves, there's a feeling like she's just there because she can help. It's not malicious, she knows that, but she wonders if she would really be tolerated if she wasn't smart. Would Ren really have been willing to ignore her stalking them? Would Ann really be able to ignore her inaction during the Kamoshida situation? Would Yusuke really be willing to tolerate such a stiff and inelegant presence?
The only one who never felt that way to her was Ryuji.
From the start, even when he hated her, he still saw her as a person. He wasn't looking at her skills, or her abilities, or her prowess. All he cared about was that she was a human, and that alone meant she shouldn't be tossed around like she's worthless. He risked his life for that belief.
She sighs and looks down again. “It's clear,” she reports. “We can head out.”
He nods at her. “Alright, let's get goin'.”
He goes down first, checks to make sure everything's clear, then she follows after. It's only when they both get to the streets that they realize they forgot to leave some money for the occupant of that apartment, so Ryuji heads back up and rectifies that. Makoto stands awkwardly in the alleyway and waits for him to return.
When he does, he nods to her. “You get rid of the cards?”
“The- Oh, right.” She reaches into her pocket and pulls out the calling cards. She tosses them into the nearby dumpster, then follows Ryuji out into the street.
When they get back on the street, though, it's immediately clear that they didn't need to wait so long. The police are gone, and there's no sign of mobsters around here. Ryuji chuckles. “Heh, guess we were too cautious.”
“There's no such thing as being too cautious,” Makoto points out.
“Guess so. You wanna get a bite to eat?”
She gives him a look. “What did I just say?”
He shrugs. “It's not that late. Plus, I'm starvin'. C'mon, it's my treat.”
Really, she should turn him down. It is pretty late, no matter what he says, and there's no real reason to get food right now, and they're going to go into the Palace tomorrow to take Kaneshiro's Treasure.
On the other hand, it's been literal years since she actually ate a meal with someone else. Sis never comes home early enough these days... Except the one time, but that...
Makoto sighs. It's not good to think about Sis right now.
“Sure,” she says, despite herself. “Let's go.”
He grins. “Sick. I know a good ramen place, they should be open right now.”
Before they head off, she sends the text to let the others know that the calling card has been sent. There's a few vibrations after that, but she doesn't really pay attention. She keeps her head down and follows Ryuji on the streets of Shibuya.
No one really looks at them. The streets are crowded, and they're not wearing uniforms. As long as they don't do anything to call attention to themselves, they shouldn't have trouble. Still, Makoto feels uncomfortable. Any time a pair of eyes goes over her, she feels like she's being watched. A result of making speeches and being the center of attention for a great deal of her life, she thinks.
Ryuji seems more at ease with it. He stands out more than she does, with his vibrant shirt and bright hair, but he doesn't seem to care. Then again, it's not like he would have done something so openly rebellious as dyeing his hair if he didn't want people to see it.
She wonders if she's bold enough for that. How would the school react if she showed up with blonde hair tomorrow?
They end up at the ramen place eventually, but she remembers basically none of the walk. Did they get on the train? She doesn't even know. Sometimes, lately, she feels like she's living in a trance. Everything she's doing goes against her instincts, and yet it feels so right. Why does it feel so right?
“You okay, Prez?” he asks her, as he pours an ungodly amount of ginger into his bowl.
She has one, too. Did she order it herself, or did he order for her?
“Huh? Oh, yes, I'm fine.” She puts a little bit of ginger on her own ramen; not nearly so much as he does, but enough. She takes a bite. It's good. She hasn't had anything like this in a long time, now that she thinks about it. She usually cooks her own meals, but she never experiments. She doesn't have time to turn her cooking into art. It's just practicality that drives her in that regard.
It's a bit sad, actually, when she thinks about it that way.
“Man,” he says, his mouth full, “you're really lost in thought tonight, huh?”
“I... Yes.” Makoto hesitates, looks away. “I've just been thinking about a lot of things, ever since I joined... the group.”
“The Phan-” he starts, then stops himself, flushing a little red. “Uh, yeah. The group.”
Oddly, Makoto smiles at that. Why was that endearing? His blabbermouth is a danger to them. He could get himself caught easily, and that would lead to the rest of them being arrested, too. He's a security risk, he's a detriment, he's...
He's the only person to show her true compassion since her father died.
She returns her attention to the ramen, choosing to use the excuse of eating to avoid discussing these thoughts. She doesn't even know how to verbalize them. She doesn't even really understand them, if she's being honest. How could she? She's spent years learning from books, shunning pretty much any sort of relationship in the process. When was the last time she could even say she had a friend?
And yet now her life feels... full. Her phone blows up constantly with messages in a group chat she's almost too afraid to participate in. Her schedule is full, and not just of vague study sessions. If she were to get in trouble, she has four different people she can call on for help. It's an odd feeling.
I'd call him first. Because no matter what time it was, or what the problem was, he'd come running. I know that for a fact.
She shakes her head. What an odd thought to pop into her mind.
“Well,” he says, his mouth completely full. “What kindsha stufth are you shinking 'bout?”
Makoto stares at him for a second, then breaks into a giggling fit. “Sorry, sorry,” she says, trying to control herself.
“What?” he says, blushing. He's finally swallowed his food.
“Sorry, you just... shouldn't talk with your mouth full.”
“Oh, uh, right. Sorry.”
“It's fine, it's fine.” It was cute, she thinks, but she doesn't say that. Even the idea of saying that feels awkward. “Would you mind asking that question again?”
“Yeah, right. I just asked what kinda stuff you've been thinking about.”
She shrugs. “It's just... I don't know.” She hesitates, then looks away. “Did I ever talk about my dad?”
“Don't think so. You brought up your sis, though.”
“Yes. Of course.” Sae is tracking the Phantom Thieves, after all. It would irresponsible not to bring up her activities to the group. “Well... my dad was a police officer. So I grew up with a lot of respect for the law. I thought... I thought people operating outside of the law were inherently evil. I mean... My dad was good, so anyone he had to fight must have been evil, right?” She scoffs. “But then I grew up and went to Shujin, and Kamoshida happened, and now Kaneshiro, and... The cops don't do anything. Everyone knew about Kamoshida's crimes. And no one did anything until the Phantom Thieves showed up. I can't stop thinking about that.”
“I... don't get it,” Ryuji says.
Makoto smiles slightly. “I think that's because you're used to rebellion. It's new to me, you know.” She sighs. “I think of everything in terms of broad-scope solutions. Solutions that can be implemented and enforced in simple and effective ways. Solutions that can be written into law. But... What do we do when the law fails us?”
Ryuji shrugs. “We solve our own problems.”
“I guess we do. But... it's not like the Phantom Thieves can be part of the legal system. They would be no different than a secret police.” She scoffs. “It's interesting, isn't it? The only difference between a vigilante and the gestapo is that one is backed by the law.”
Despite everything, Makoto can't help but chuckle. “Well, if the activities of the Phantom Thieves were supported by the government, you'd be a lot more suspicious of them, wouldn't you?”
Ryuji considers that. “Yeah, I guess so.”
“So they can never be part of the legal system. They can't be part of the police. They must always operate outside of the law, or they become shady and corrupt. The idea of politicians using them to eliminate rivals is almost too horrifying to think about. The Phantom Thieves are moral only because they are answerable to themselves. They're vigilantes. If they weren't, they wouldn't be worth supporting.”
He frowns. “I... don't know if I really get it, but... The point is just that the law ain't always right... right?”
Makoto chuckles. “I suppose that's the gist of it. It's more that... the law and morality aren't the same thing. Following the law isn't inherently moral, and disobeying it isn't inherently amoral.”
Ryuji shrugs. “I mean, yeah?”
“It might have been obvious to you, but it wasn't to me.”
“Well, your dad's worth something.”
“Was,” Makoto says, softly, looking at her ramen. “He died.”
“Oh. Shit, sorry.”
“It's fine. You didn't know.”
Ryuji hesitates, picking at his food with his chopsticks absently. A little while passes before he sighs and says, “My dad was a real piece of crap. Drank all the time, and...” His face contorts, but Makoto says nothing. After a moment, he says, “He used to beat me and my mom.”
Makoto's eyes widen. “Oh,” is all the response she manages.
“He left a while back. I got no idea what happened to him after that. There were times I wished he was dead. Now I just kinda don't think about him.” He shakes his head. “Called the cops on him one time, when he was attacking my mom. He just told 'em she fell down the stairs. She didn't say anythin', so the cops just believed him. He beat me after that.” He laughs mirthlessly. “Y'know, I still counted that as a win, back then. 'Cuz at least he wasn't beating her anymore. Figured it was better me than her.”
“Oh, Ryuji...”
“Nah. Don't give me pity. That ain't what I want. I was just saying... There're people who follow every letter of the laws and are complete pieces of shit. And then, like... Well, there's Ren. Ever since his arrest, he's been going further and further outside the law. He breaks more and more of 'em every day, and he never cares. It's 'cuz he believes in what he's doing, though. He's the best guy I've ever known. He ain't afraid to break rules or whatever, not if it's for a good reason.”
Makoto nods. “I know.” She hesitates slightly, then looks at him. “You're like that, too, you know.”
“Am I?” Ryuji scoffs. “Nah. Honestly, sometimes I think the cat's right. Sometimes I think I'm just doin' this for the fame.”
“That's not true.”
“You don't know that. You don't live in my head.”
She shrinks back a bit. “Maybe not. But I can see your actions. I've seen you fight. I've seen you struggle and strive for others.” She looks at her feet, toying with her chopsticks. “You jumped in front of a car for me.”
“I... I didn't see it firsthand, obviously, but... Ann told me about it, later. When I got kidnapped by the mob, you jumped in front of a taxi to stop it. You knew that every second counted, and you were willing to risk your life because of it. For me. And I was blackmailing you...”
“Anyone woulda done that!”
“No, they wouldn't.” She says this sternly, leaving no room for argument. “Most people won't even lift a finger for each other. You see it all the time. How often do people pause in their commutes to help someone else? Almost never.” She shakes her head. “You had every reason to hate me. I put myself in danger stupidly, without a clear goal in mind. But you still risked your own life for me.”
Ryuji stares at her. “I- What?”
Makoto can't help but smile. “That's what I'm talking about. You don't even see this as heroic. That's the real mark of a hero, you know. You do things like that without even considering them.”
“I ain't a hero.”
“Maybe you are.”
He looks away, flushing a little red. “I'm just a damn punk,” he grumbles, looking down at his mostly-empty bowl. “I'm a hotheaded idiot.”
The two of them sit in silence for a long time. Makoto wonders what the right thing to say is. In her mind, she's thinking of countless options, countless different paths she could take. She's busy weighing those options when her heart suddenly takes control of her mouth, and she speaks without thinking.
“I like you.”
Ryuji flinches like he's been slapped, then turns to gawk at her. “Huh?”
Somehow, she doesn't really feel embarrassed. She feels... secure. “You asked me if I liked anyone. I told you I didn't know. Now I do. I like you.”
“Y-you... wha-?”
“I... I'm not really very knowledgeable about this sort of thing, admittedly... To tell the truth, I haven't even had friends before this... But... When I think about you, it's different. It's special. And, well... I think about you quite a lot.”
At some point, she'd started blushing, but she doesn't really mind. There's something freeing about this, despite how awkward and foreign it is. Perhaps there's just something comfortable about being uncomfortable; a familiarity that can only be found in encountering the unfamiliar.
Ryuji's still sputtering, staring at her confused and baffled. It takes a moment for him to find his words. “There's no way... You're the freakin' student council president, and I'm... I'm-”
She shrugs. “You're Ryuji Sakamoto. You're a rebel, and a loudmouth, and a punk. You're a hero, and one of the bravest people I've ever met. You're handsome and capable, and watching you fight is mesmerizing. You are all of the things I wish I had the courage to be.”
He goes silent then, staring for just a moment longer before turning to look at the counter again, studying it like it's the most fascinating thing in the world. Very suddenly, she finds that he's right, the counter really is the thing to look at. What a fine varnish.
Makoto shakes her head. You can't take one step into freezing water and then just stay there. Either step back out, or take the plunge. There's no point in hovering in between.
“It's fine if you don't feel the same way about me,” she says, carefully, her voice steadier than she'd anticipated. She isn't just looking at this rationally, right? That's her primary defense, she finds: stepping back and removing emotions entirely. That can't work in a conversation entirely about emotions. But, no, that isn't what this is, is it? She's just completely confident in her feelings, completely certain in the things she's saying. There is no doubt left.
She smiles at herself and carries on. “We haven't known each other too long, after all. I'm not going to be upset if you don't think those things about me. But-”
“No no no!” he says suddenly, looking up. “I just- I-”
He's just stammering still, so she smiles at him. “Take a breath.”
Ryuji nods, then does like she advised. The deep breath seems to calm him quite a bit. “Look,” he says, tapping his foot aggressively against the ground. His left foot, she notes. His good leg. “I'm just some punk, and you're, like, Shujin's golden student, and I don't- You like me?”
“Do you like me?”
“Obviously! What do-” He freezes, staring at her as he realizes what he's said.
Makoto finds herself oddly frozen as well. It's only now that she realizes she had no idea what he would say. Did she anticipate that her feelings were reciprocated, or did she expect to be refused here? Honestly, she has no idea. It's like she never even thought about it. How unlike her...
It's kind of nice.
They sit in that silence for a moment, neither of them having any real clue what to say or do. Then the dam bursts out of nowhere, and Makoto does the only thing that seems natural: she laughs.
Her chuckle is light and simple at first, but then it starts to build, and she covers her mouth with her hand as it turns into something more like a fit. Then he's laughing, too, and neither of them can control themselves. They just sit there, laughing and laughing and laughing. At some point, she'd slapped a hand on his shoulder and clutched to him, like the touch was completely natural and easy.
Why isn't this awkward? she wonders. It should be awkward, probably. She's always been awkward around her peers, especially in small social settings like this. And, god, the idea of talking about her feelings like this... That was mortifying before. It's odd, then, that she just feels so at ease here.
That only really serves to confirm her feelings.
When they finally calm down, Ryuji grins and says, “Man, maybe we're both idiots, Prez.”
“You're not wrong,” she admits. “We should probably stop making so many assumptions about other people, huh? After all we've seen, you'd think we'd know better by now...”
“Yeah. But damn, it's weird to think about this shit. I mean crap. Or-”
Makoto just snorts. “If I wanted you to be different, I wouldn't have said I like you.” She smiles. “I want to be more like that. I want to leave the good girl behind forever. Honestly, every time I look at you I see the person I want to be.”
Ryuji flushes a little. “Well... It's kinda the same for me, y'know. Like... I look at you, and I think, 'Damn, why can't I be like that?' Makes me feel so small, y'know? Looking at you.”
“I feel small when I look at you, too.”
“That's kinda weird to think about.”
Makoto sighs. “You might think it's impressive, but the good grades and the approval of the teachers is just a shackle. You're free. Even if it doesn't feel like it.”
“Yeah, and some good it'll do me,” he grumbles. “Ain't no future for guys like me.”
Her smile dies. “And that's completely unfair,” she growls. “You and Ren... You're two of the most incredible people I've ever known. And yet you've both been tossed aside. The only thing this country values is respect, regardless of whether it's actually earned. Well, I think it's more admirable to stand up for yourself. I don't think it's brave or wise or good to kiss up to some bastard just because he has power, or just because he's your elder.”
Ryuji gawks at her for a minute. Then he grins. “I like when you get all feisty like that.”
Only then does the blush creep up her cheeks. “You... ain't seen nothin' yet,” she says, stiffly.
Ryuji instantly breaks into laughter. “Not bad, Prez. You're gettin' there.”
She smiles softly. “Guess we should probably get going, right? Big day tomorrow.”
“Huh? Oh, yeah, right.”
There's an odd sort of pleasure she feels at realizing that she's gotten him to forget about the mission. It's not a good thing, really. Both of them should have their eyes on the prize. But, well... Ryuji is almost single-minded when it comes to the Metaverse. Distracting him from it takes a herculean effort. Somehow, though, she's managed it with a vague conversation about ethics and a hasty confession. It feels oddly satisfying.
He pays, just like he said he would, and they head back out into the summer evening. “Probably time to head back,” Ryuji says. “Gotta get some rest. You haven't seen how Treasure day goes, but it ain't easy. Kaneshiro's gonna try and stop us for sure.”
“Okay.” They both hesitate slightly, though. They both need to head to the station, sure, but... There's something final about this moment, something like an ending. She doesn't feel right leaving it as it is.
Suddenly, a strange sort of confidence comes over Makoto. For a moment, she's Queen again, with her spiked shoulders and her brass knuckles. “Ryuji, I'd like to do something really bold, if it's okay with you.”
“Huh?” He stares at her. “Uh, sure, I guess?”
Without waiting another second, she leans forward and kisses him gently on the lips. He seems almost petrified at first, but she still feels no uncertainty. It takes a second, but he steps closer to her, returns her affection. It's not perfect. It's her first kiss, and probably his, too. Still, somehow, Makoto feels like she's on top of the world.
They break apart together, almost like they'd planned it. She's flushed and he's turned as red as a tomato, and they're both out of breath, and there are people staring at them, but she doesn't care.
“That... was real good,” Ryuji says, carefully.
“Glad you liked it,” Makoto says, smiling. “There's more where that came from.”
“For real?” he says. “Damn, Prez, I...”
She chuckles, shifts on her feet. “Should probably get back home, though. Big day tomorrow. But...” She shrugs. “Well, there will be some free time after that, right? So maybe we could get some dinner. Or something.”
“Heh. You know it, Prez.” He grins. “Makoto.”
She almost shivers. Almost. She likes when he says her name. “Okay. Tomorrow, then.” She leans closer, kisses him on the cheek, and then takes her leave, while he stands there on the street watching her go. She doesn't mind his eyes. She likes when he looks at her.
As she boards her train, she reflects that she feels more like herself right now than she has in years.
I can't bear the thought of losing
I dread the attention winning brings
And ever since the day I came here
I can stand without your strings
I'm so sick of all these people
but I'm scared to be alone
And if this life has taught me anything
I forgot it long ago
And so I hit the ground and I'm still running
but I need a place to stay tonight
I swear I'll be gone in the morning
I just need somewhere warm to close my eyes
-Voices Off Camera, Rise Against
Chapter 20: Scarlet
(See the end of the chapter for notes.)
Chapter Text
Morgana hops up on the railing. “The calling card's been posted all over Shibuya. The whole city's in an uproar. Things are crazy out there...”
Makoto smirks. “A good idea, no? Given the theatrical nature of this one, Kaneshiro must have been contacted about it.”
“Between that and his sudden loss of runners, he's bound to know something's up,” Ren says. “Hifumi texted me not long ago. The police are interrogating the students who came forward. They got my message, too, so the victims' families are being protected. We don't have much time, but we should be able to change Kaneshiro's heart before the mob has a chance to reorganize.”
“Man,” Ryuji says, grinning from ear to ear, “we finally got some brains on this team!” He nudges Ren. “C'mon, Renren, how come you weren't makin' genius plays like this before Makoto showed up?”
“Well, Madarame and Kamoshida were both simpler.”
“Jeez, you get dry on mission days...”
Makoto can't help but notice the same thing. Ren is usually easy-going to a fault, making jokes or casually shrugging things off without a care in the world even in the most dire of situations. Today, though, he's all business, ready for anything. She does have to admire that.
She lets out a breath. “We don't have time for chit-chat. Let's get moving.”
“We're going against a truly horrible criminal this time...” Ann says. “But we're not gonna let him push us around! We're not gonna let him push anyone around again!”
“That dick ain't gonna stop us!” Ryuji declares. “Not now that we got our awesome new member!”
Makoto flushes red. Neither of them has said a word about what happened last night. The mission comes first, yes. But she's still feeling giddy and nervous and uncomfortable and joyous all at once over it. It's hard to tell what she should be feeling, if she's being honest.
Ren straightens and pulls out his phone. “Let's do this.”
The whole Palace feels more oppressive now.
The other Thieves are used to this by now, apparently. They all leave the safe room together, rushing towards the vault. There, they ride the elevator down. It feels like it takes an eternity.
When they get to the vault, they aren't alone.
“Kaneshiro...” Makoto hisses.
“The bastard was waitin' for us!” Ryuji snarls.
But Makoto is hardly even paying attention to Kaneshiro himself. Behind him is a huge wall with an enormous lock on it, the sort that is used with safes. Morgana stares at it too. “A safe!? This wasn't here the last time we came!” The cat kicks at the ground. “He changed the entire room so quickly... I guess this Palace isn't a bank for nothing.”
“Greetings.” Kaneshiro steps towards them. It's more like a waddling, if Makoto's being honest. “Welcome to my private city bank. I'm surprised you made it here alive. It seems you are quite lucky. Alas, we've had to buff up security. There's been a string of robberies on my people lately, it would seem...”
Ren scowls and Makoto sighs. His plan worked, in a way... But he expected Kaneshiro to go on the offensive. Instead, he's going to defend the little wealth he's got left and rebuild from the shadows. It's better for Shibuya than what he was doing before, sure... But rooting him out will be more difficult now.
“I expect you thieves had something to do with that,” Shadow Kaneshiro continues, shrugging. “Not that it matters. The police are useless. Even if they have information, they can't use any of it. I'll never see the inside of a cell. And the ones who came forward with evidence... I'll see to it that their entire lives are demolished, piece by piece. I'll make them beg for death.”
“Enough of this,” Makoto growls. “We're here for your Treasure.”
“We're gonna change your heart and make you admit to all the shit you've done!” Ryuji calls. “Heh... The police are useless, you ain't wrong about that... But we're the Phantom Thieves! We can take anyone down, including a rotten bastard like you!”
“Such childish nonsense,” Kaneshiro spits. “Those in power work the ones below them to the bone for money. Such is the hierarchy of the world. Just accept your fate as as source of my wealth!”
“We will never agree to that!” Yusuke declares.
Ann scoffs. “Hierarchy? You've gotta be out of your mind.”
“All of that was forced on me too, you know!” Shadow Kaneshiro cries out. “I went through shit until I crawled my way out of the dregs! Now it's my turn to profit on everyone else!”
“That's hilariously pathetic,” Ren grunts.
“You're getting back at the wrong people!” Ann cries.
Makoto shakes her head. “What a pitiful man.”
“It doesn't matter whether you're clean or dirty,” Shadow Kaneshiro intones. “Only the clever come out on top! The strong and the smart devour the weak. That is the natural order of things. You damn brats who think you know the world through the shit you read online will make the perfect prey.”
“He's hopeless,” Makoto mutters. “I suppose it would be foolish to think we could talk him down...”
“It's always the fools who get tricked! Fools who have to pay for their foolishness. And if those fools don't learn, well... They have to suck it up and stay as plain, stupid fools!”
“Oh will you just shut it already!?” Ryuji shouts. He readies his club. “Let's just skip to the ass-kicking already!”
“Fine by me,” Kaneshiro growls. “There's not much point in saying anything to you fools! This is where my gracious lecture ends.”
“Oh, thank god,” Ren says.
“Now then... I hope you're ready to work as slaves here for the rest of your lives.”
“Do not expect us to go down easily.” Yusuke steps forward and draws his katana, an icy aura surrounding the steel. “We will fight until the end.”
Shadow Kaneshiro just snickers. “I'm gonna swarm all over you... and squeeze out every last penny!”
And then his whole body contorts. His head twists like its on a swivel, and his back arches in an unnatural way. Black pus leaks out of his face, but he seems unbothered by it. He raises his hands up and rubs them together as hideous insect wings burst out of his spine.
When he raises his head, he has the eyes of a fly. He licks his lips hungrily as his goons run away in horror. “Forget them,” he gasps. “I can take care of this myself. Wassup, yo!? Now come get some!”
“Is this usually how it goes?” Makoto mutters to Ryuji.
He shrugs. “Pretty much, yeah.”
Makoto sighs, then turns and summons Johanna, hopping on her Persona's seat. “You filthy fly, grubbing dirty money... Get the hell out of my face!”
“Gyahahaha! Aight, here we go, yeh pieces of shit!”
He moves unnaturally, just like a fly. Picking through the rubbish of the poor... Living off of filth. Does he see himself as a victim? Or is it that he himself is greedy to the point of excess? Either way, it makes no difference. Kaneshiro has to go down.
“Bein' young is such a crime!” he declares. “Kids are naive, reckless, and on top of all that, they don't even realize how stupid they are! I couldn't just sit back and not cash in on those idiots, right?” He snaps his fingers. “Time to roll out!”
Behind him, the safe opens and morphs, rotating until it reveals...
“Huh?” Ann gasps. “A... piggy bank?”
“Here he is!” Kaneshiro declares giddily. “My guardian robot!”
The piggy bank is all steel, and massive. It has a multitude of weapons installed on it by Makoto's guess, and most their own attacks won't do much to it...
“Ya ready to die!?” Kaneshiro declares as he flies up to the top of it, sliding into a slot near the top and protecting himself within. “Now this here ain't a pig, yo! This is my Palace's swine-model defensive mechanoid: Piggytron!” His cackling can be heard clipping through whatever mic he's talking through. “Goin' against me's a real bad crime, ya know? It's time for ya all to go to hell!”
Ren sighs and shrugs. “Whatever. This isn't the weirdest thing we've seen.”
Makoto stares. “It isn't!?”
“See, in Kamoshida's Palace there was-” Ryuji starts, before Ann slaps him on the back of the head.
“None of this matters!” Morgana cries. “We have to fight back!”
Before any of them can react, the pig jumps into the air and lands hard, sending out a shockwave that takes them all off their feet, except for Makoto, who was on Johanna. She tightens her grip on the handlebars and growls. “Kaneshiro!” She races forward, throwing enormous nuclear attacks at him, which barely even seem to dent the armor of the pig. “Get out here and fight!”
“Hell nah! It ain't my fault you fools didn't come prepped!”
Dammit, dammit, dammit... They predicted his security, but they didn't anticipate him having something to fall back on. In retrospect, it seems profoundly obvious. Of course he wouldn't just go quietly...
She drives around him in circles, giving the others a chance to recover themselves. After a moment, she pulls back up next to them, the wheels of her Persona screeching as they grind against the vault's floor. “We need to turn the tides,” she says.
“That armor's not gonna go down easy,” Ren mutters. “The hatch is our best bet.”
“The hatch?” Ryuji's eyes go wide. “Oh, shit... You wanna actually pull him out?”
“If we can distract him, one of us can go up there and open the hatch, drag Kaneshiro out forcefully. Maybe even destroy the pig, too, if possible.”
Ann shoves herself up and brushes herself off. “How do we distract him that long, though?”
They don't get a chance to brainstorm that. The mechanical pig reveals a gattling gun, and rains down a hail of bullets. They all run off in different directions. Makoto ends up rushing alongside Ren. “He only cares about money,” she gasps to him. “We can use that.”
“Money,” he repeats. He throws himself behind cover, and she follows him. He frowns and hesitates, then reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small nondescript envelope.
Makoto's eyes go wide. “Why do you have that!?”
“It's Hifumi's,” he mutters. “There's nothing in it, but... In a cognitive world, I thought it might come in handy.” He turns and glances at Piggytron from behind their cover. “I'll keep him busy, then drop this. He'll notice it, and go get it. He'll think it's evidence, or product. Then you go up on the back of the pig and open the hatch.”
It's risky, and dangerous. But it's their best bet. “Okay,” she says, nodding. “Just... make sure you keep him busy, okay?”
Ren grins. “No problem.”
If there's one thing Ren Amamiya can do, it's cause a scene. He runs out into open fire, tossing out flashy attacks with several different Personas. He shouts out commands to the others, and they all join him in making a spectacle. Makoto watches from her cover for a moment, then sighs and starts sneaking her way around.
“Stay still, punks!” Shadow Kaneshiro cries out from within his pig.
The team just doubles down, naturally. Makoto rushes around the back and gets into position, then gives a thumbs-up to Ren.
He grins, then fakes a slip and drops the envelope on the ground, darting away just a second later. He nods to Makoto as he races off, his coat flapping behind him.
“What's... Wait! That's... How'd you get your hands on that, ya brat!?” The pig stomps up towards the spot on the ground where the envelope fell, and bends over to suck it up into a pipe.
That's her chance. Makoto summons Johanna, leaps onto her back, and drives at full speed towards the pig. When she gets near, she kicks off and shoots up into the air, landing on the metal back of the pig and sliding down the slope. She catches herself on the hatch, braces herself against it, and pulls hard.
It comes open instantly, and she shoves her arm in to grab Kaneshiro by the collar. He cries out when she touches him. “Get yer hands off me, yeh piece of shit!” She pulls hard and tosses him out of the mech, letting him land hard on the ground. She pulls off her mask again and throws a nuclear attack into the center of the pig, then closes the hatch and shoves off as the pig explodes.
She miscalculated slightly, though, and she falls quicker than she'd expected. She can't right herself in time. She closes her eyes and braces for hard impact.
Instead of hitting the ground, though, she lands in Ryuji's arms. He snatches her out of the air and grins at her. “Helluva a show,” he tells her, lowering her to the ground.
“Y-yeah...” she stammers. God, I never thought I of all people could get so embarrassed...
“Argh!” Kaneshiro cries out, leaping to his feet. “My Piggytron!” He stomps his foot down and snarls. “Fine! I'll just have to deal with you busters myself! Through the power of cash!”
He snaps his fingers, and two massive Shadows appear at his sides. He cackles at them as they regroup. “Ha, wassup! I paid these guys off, and now they're gonna clean you up! Ya like that?”
“How exactly is this dealing with us yourself?” Morgana grumbles.
“Forget it,” Makoto calls out. “Let's deal with this!”
“Captain Kidd!” Ryuji throws a powerful attack at Kaneshiro, but the bigger guard rushes forward and blocks the attack. “The hell?” Ryuji mumbles.
“C'mon, I told you they're an invincible wall, right? Welcome to the power of cash! Booyah!”
“We've gotta get rid of the minions,” Makoto says.
“Got it!” Ann rushes forward and tears off her mask. “Carmen! Lullaby!”
Soothing songs and imagery surrounds the guards and Kaneshiro alike. Makoto originally suspected the spell conjured up some sort of chemicals to put foes to sleep, but that idea was shot down by Morgana. “This is a cognitive world,” he'd explained. “Things like soothing songs literally can put someone to sleep here.”
It works. The guards slump over, and even Kaneshiro seems to have trouble keeping his eyes open. “Now!” Ren calls out, and all of them throw out their most powerful attacks.
Both guards disintegrate instantly. Kaneshiro blinks. “What the-? Oh, you brats're gonna pay for that! Looks like it's time I show you my true wealth!” He thrusts forward and snaps his fingers in the air. “Time to make it rain, bitches!”
For a second, she doesn't actually know what's happening. Then she looks up and sees enormous gold coins falling from the sky. “Scatter!” she screams, and the others obey her without question. She summons Johanna and dodges between the coins skillfully, managing to avoid getting hit by any of them.
“How d'ya like that!?” Kaneshiro taunts. “Now it's time I get some new guards!”
He snaps his fingers again, and more guards appear, the same sort as last time.
“Dammit!” Ryuji curses. “The hell're we supposed to do!?”
“Yer supposed to die!” Kaneshiro shouts at him.
“Ah, shut the hell up, asshole! Captain Kidd!”
Electricity rains down on the guards, who tank most of it for Kaneshiro. A bit of it flicks out past them, though, towards Kaneshiro himself. He yelps a bit, but seems to be protecting something else. He doesn't actually seem hugely concerned for his own person, at least compared to...
Makoto's eyes go wide. The envelope!
She rushes back over towards the others. It's not easy; Kaneshiro seems uniquely determined to attack her now. Eventually, though, she manages to make it to them, and that leaves them all running from the guards together. “Skull!” she calls out, racing up next to him. “Knock Kaneshiro over!”
“Just knock him over! You don't even have to hurt him, just get him off-balance!”
Ren shrugs. “Just do it.”
Ryuji salutes. “Sounds good to me!”
He breaks off from the rest of them and heads his own direction. “Panther!” Ren says. “Put them to sleep again!”
“Got it! Carmen!”
Lullaby goes off again, and the guards pass out. Kaneshiro nods off a bit, too. It's enough. Ryuji races up, lifts up his club, and slams it hard into the Shadow's flank. Kaneshiro lets out a cry and falls over, losing grasp of the envelope he'd been hiding in his suit jacket in the process.
“Panther!” Makoto calls. “Fire!”
“Uh... Okay!” Ann pulls off her mask again, summoning Carmen and throwing a fireball over towards Kaneshiro.
Just as Makoto wanted, the fire catches on the envelope. Instantly, Kaneshiro's eyes go wide, and he races over, grabbing it in his hands and trying desperately to put it out, but the fire is far too hot, and the paper disintegrates in his hands. “N-nooooooo!” he wails. “That... That was the last of it! Without this...”
The guards blink awake and look at him. Then they exchange a look with one another and leave.
“No! Come back! I'm good for the money! Y-you just gotta give me a little more time!”
Ren grins. “Your time's up.”
“Don't you-”
“Thieves! Let's do this!”
Makoto tightens her hands into fists.
“No! No!” Kaneshiro turns away and rushes over towards the wreckage of his mech. He bangs on the side several times, and suddenly a second hatch opens up and lets out several massive gold bars, which clatter down onto the ground. Kaneshiro dives into them like a cartoon character, clutching at the gold. “M-money! Money! That's all that matters!”
“Kaneshiro!” Makoto growls. “It's over.”
“I'm not gonna let anyone have it... This is my money...”
She grinds her teeth together. “You stole it all from innocent people!”
“F-fine... I'll call off the debt...”
“We don't give a shit about the debt!” Ryuji roars. “Man, you're still soundin' pretty damn condescending. Figured by now we'd've beat some humility into your ass.”
Kaneshiro whimpers. “Y-you're right... I'm a poor, ugly, idiot... How am I supposed to live a normal life like this?” He slams a fist down on the gold, and the light catches against one of the rings on his fingers, beaming across the room and lighting up the whole chamber. “It's all because of this society! Weak people can't lead a happy life, no matter what they do! I'm a victim too, you know!? Yeah, none of this is my fault!”
Yusuke crosses his arms. “The more you talk, the more pathetic you sound.”
“I just wanted a place where I could belong! You get that, don't you!?”
“Bullshit!” Ann snarls. “All you did was surround yourself with people you could use, just to get some easy money!”
Ryuji shakes his head. “You think you're the only one who's gotta deal with bein' labeled? Me and all these other guys... We're all fightin' against that!”
“But don't worry,” Makoto says, almost softly. “You'll finally have a place where you belong. Somewhere you can make amends, for the rest of your life.”
“We're gonna do somethin' about that distorted heart of yours,” Ryuji agrees. “Free of charge.”
“You should be thankful,” Yusuke says. “Now hurry up and return to the real Kaneshiro.”
Shadow Kaneshiro sighs and faces them. “Seriously? You guys don't have any tact. Especially with that incredible power... These Palaces could net you loads of cash. You could do whatever you wanted to people's hearts!”
Ryuji steps forward and grabs him by the collar, getting directly in his face. “We're not like you!”
“Everyone's like me, when you get down to it. We're all selfish. We're all greedy. Some of us are just better at it.” The Shadow shrugs. “Where do you find meaning in that naive sense of justice? You know, there's already someone out there taking full advantage of what Palaces have to offer...”
Makoto's eyes go wide. “What?”
“I'll let you in on a little something... Free of charge.” The Shadow grins malevolently. “There's a criminal using other people's Palaces to accomplish whatever they damn well please. They don't care about consequences. Psychotic breakdowns, mental shutdowns... Anything goes.”
“Is that... the same person Madarame's Shadow spoke of?” Yusuke whispers.
“Spill it!” Ryuji shouts, still getting in Kaneshiro's face. “Who're you talkin' about!?”
The Shadow isn't intimidated, though. “Don't even bother. You're nothing compared to them. Better be careful... a chance encounter with them could prove fatal...”
And then he glows white, and disappears.
Instantly, the whole foundation starts to shake. “We can think about this later!” Yusuke cries. “Grab the Treasure – there's no time!”
“Mona!” Ren calls. “Turn into a car!”
“O-oh, right!” The cat seems uniquely focused on the gold bars. “Um... Yeah!” He leaps up, and turns into his car form with a poof. “Load it up! Let's get out of here!”
“Can you get it?”
As if to punctuate her question, the lock opens with a click. Ren looks up from his work and pushes his glasses up his nose, grinning. “Yup.”
“Showoff,” she says, smiling. “Alright... Let's see what the Treasure is.”
The gold bars – much like the crown they took from Kamoshida – did not stay in that form when they left the Metaverse. In their place is a luxurious (and tacky) gold briefcase. It had a lock on it, but Ren's been getting scarily good at picking locks lately.
“Come on, come on!” Ryuji cries. “Get on with it! The suspense is killin' me!”
“You're such a kid,” Makoto says, but her tone seems almost fond.
Ann raises an eyebrow at them, but says nothing.
Ren opens the briefcase, and instantly everyone leaps forward as he reveals stacks of cash. “Holy shit...” Ryuji breathes. “H-how much is this?”
“I believe one stack is one million yen...” Yusuke manages. He sounds almost like he's going to cry.
Ann leans closer. “One, two, three... Uhhh... There's thirty of them in here!?”
“Thirty million yen...” Makoto whispers. “Even after splitting it... We still each get five million.”
Ryuji leans back and pumps a fist in the air. “Holy shit...” he croaks, his throat a bit choked up. “It's gonna be deluxe pork soup combo for me from here on out!”
Morgana swats at him. “You have to think bigger than that...”
“Guys, I hate to break up the party,” Ren says, “but...”
“This money does not appear real,” Yusuke finishes for him. “Look at it.”
“Huh?” Ann picks up a stack, and then throws it down. “Children's Bank!? Are you kidding me!? It's got a stupid picture on Kaneshiro on it!”
Makoto sighs. “I guess this represents... how everything he did was an act to make himself seem more tough? Or... something.”
“Noooo!” Ryuji and Morgana both wail.
Ann shrugs and takes a seat on Ren's couch. “Well hey, at least it feels like we totes busted this case, right?”
Makoto frowns. “What do you mean? Is busting a case good or bad?”
Makoto stares for a second... and then suddenly starts laughing. Everyone watches her, but she doesn't even seem to mind. “To think that the reward for the Phantom Thieves is feeling they 'totes busted' the case...” She chuckles, and wipes away a tear.
Ann can't help but smile. For the first time, it really feels like Makoto belongs here.
“Well, that aside,” Yusuke says. “Although the contents were nothing more than trash, the case itself is quite nice. We could likely get some money for it.”
“Alright, then!” Ryuji cheers nervously. “Let's sell it! Glad we got that sorted!”
Ren leans forward and picks up a stack of the money. He taps Ryuji on the shoulder with it. “You thinking what I'm thinking?”
“Think it's time Takisawa-san had a sudden windfall.”
Ryuji snorts. “Oh, I am down, dude.”
Ann rolls her eyes. “Are you guys still screwing with that loser?”
“He deserves it,” Ren insists.
“Time for that later,” Makoto says. “That criminal Kaneshiro mentioned...” She nods to Yusuke. “You said Madarame's Shadow mentioned him as well?”
“Yes, though only briefly. We have no real information on his identity or motives.”
Ryuji sighs. “No point mullin' over it now. Let's wait and see how Kaneshiro's change of heart goes first. We should prolly just lay low for a while.”
“How does it usually go at this point?” Makoto asks.
“It depends,” Ren admits. “Both Kamoshida and Madarame had to turn themselves in. With Kaneshiro... It's possible that they'll have enough evidence with the students whose hearts we changed to bring him in already. If his heart has been changed, he'll cooperate with them fully.”
“Well... I hope it goes well.”
Ren shrugs. “Even if the police can't hold him, he'll never harm anyone again. His hold on Shibuya is broken forever.” He smirks. “It's something to be proud of.”
A low, rumbling chuckle wakes him from his sleep.
When he opens his eyes, he's back in that cell, in the Velvet Room. With a weary sigh, Ren pushes himself up and stumbles towards the door, pressing his face up through the bars.
A thwack of the baton against the metal nearly shakes him off. “Our master wishes to speak to you!” Caroline declares. “Heed his words!”
Igor folds his hands. “You've defeated the repulsive fiend of gluttony this time. Well done. I am glad to see that you have devoted yourself to your rehabilitation.”
“You are not worthy of such kind words, Inmate,” Justine says, softly. “I suggest you treasure them.”
“Do you recall the whispers about that strange man?” Igor continues.
Ren leans forward. “The other Metaverse user?”
“Indeed... I speak of another with powers similar to yours. If you are to complete your rehabilitation, you may encounter him eventually...” The old man chuckles coldly. “Yet another thing for me to look forward to...”
“Look forward to...?” Ren sputters. “Is this just a game to you!?”
Caroline smacks her baton against his knuckles, and Ren recoils in pain. “You dare talk back to our master, Inmate!?”
Igor ignores them. “It would be greatly troubling if you were to not strengthen your abilities. I shall assist you to the utmost going forth, as I have in the past. Do not hesitate to return to my Velvet Room.”
“It's time, Inmate,” Justine says. “Return to your world.”
Ren doesn't resist. The last thing he sees before he drifts off is Igor's cold, unblinking eyes.
A paw smacks against his face, and Ren blinks.
“Hey,” Morgana says. “Your phone's ringing! It's Makoto.” He looks down. “I tried to answer it, but... Cat paws.”
Ren nods and shoves himself up. The vibration is really, really annoying. He must've been in deeper sleep than he'd thought. He grabs the phone and answers it. “Hey.”
“Hello? It's me, Makoto. Were you sleeping?”
“I was, but it's fine. What's up?”
“There's... been a development.” Before he can speak, she hastily adds, “Oh, it's nothing bad! Um, well... Kaneshiro contacted me.”
Ren goes rigid. “He did?”
“He... said he's calling off our debt. It seems he's disposed of all the photographs as well. And, well...” She sighs softly, clipping the mic slightly. “My sister and her team have taken him into custody.”
“What!?” Morgana cries. “Already!?”
“It appears they did not want him to... disappear, if you know what I mean.”
Ren nods. “Yeah. I get it.” Kaneshiro's arrest will lead to the arrests of countless others. It wouldn't be surprising if his underlings tried to liquidate him before he got a chance to snitch.
“Does this mean we were successful in changing his heart?” Makoto asks.
“Yeah. It seems like it.”
“Thank goodness... But... What about those psychotic breakdowns that Kaneshiro mentioned?”
Morgana pads up. “I'm not sure... but I assume he was talking about the incidents that have been all over the news lately. Those sorts of sudden changes in behavior... They are pretty similar to changes of hearts. It... wouldn't really surprise me if they have something to do with the Metaverse.”
“I understand. With that said, all we can do now is wait, I suppose. I...” She hesitates slightly, then says, “Thank you, Ren. Truly.”
“You... don't need to thank me.”
“I want to. I don't know what might have become of me if I'd kept down the path I was on. I am truly grateful to you... and to the others.”
[Direct Message: Kitagawa Yusuke]
Yusuke: Ren, might I trouble you for a moment?
Ren: what's up
Yusuke: I would like to see the Sayuri today.
Yusuke: Would you mind if I made a stop by Leblanc?
Ren: Yusuke you don't have to ask about that
Ren: you're welcome here anytime
Yusuke: You have my sincerest thanks.
He's leaning against the bar and watching TV when the door opens. He turns around briefly and nods to Yusuke, then looks back to the TV.
The reporter reads from a bulletin. “It seems that one of the students who reported evidence against this crimelord was up-and-coming shogi star Hifumi Togo-san. This station was unable to get a statement from the young idol, but her mother had this to say.”
The scene cuts to an interview with a middle-aged woman. The text at the bottom identifies her as Hifumi's mother, Mitsuyo Togo. “This is a truly horrifying day for us,” she says, wiping away a tear. “To think that even my darling daughter could be victimized by these mobsters... I am only relieved that this mafia will be eliminated now.” She bows to the camera. “I humbly ask that your audience extend their sympathy and support to my daughter in this trying time.”
Ren sighs and turns off the TV. “You know, it was her mother that wanted her to be a runner in the first place,” he tells Yusuke. “She's doing a pretty good job of spinning the situation.”
“It is rather devious,” Yusuke admits as he takes a seat. “Might I trouble you for some coffee?”
“Sure. I'm not as good as Boss, but he's out right now.”
“I do not mind.”
Ren starts the process, and focuses so hard on it that he can't say for sure if Yusuke is still talking or not. At first, he'd found himself a bit bored by the process of making coffee. In comparison to stealing hearts, it's a pretty dull activity. Recently, though, he's been getting far more into it. He suspects Yusuke would understand that. This is my art. And I will master it, eventually.
He pours two cups and gives one to Yusuke, who drinks a small sip from it and savors it. He sighs and closes his eyes, smiling easily. “Delicious.”
“You're exaggerating.”
“Oh, no. I would never. You are correct, this is not of the same quality that Boss gave me, but it is still rather nice. I suspect you will one day be quite skilled, Ren.”
“Well, we'll see.” Ren takes a sip from his own cup and shrugs. It is pretty good, admittedly.
Yusuke suddenly starts. “Oh... I do not have any money. Do you, by chance, have a way for me to put this coffee on a tab?”
Ren snorts. “You're my friend, Yusuke. It's on the house.”
“I... cannot accept charity.”
“It's not charity, it's just friendship. Chill.” He nods over towards the door. “You wanted to see the Sayuri, right? It's right where you left it.”
Yusuke glances up, but he seems to have some trouble looking at the painting. He sighs softly after a moment and slumps over.
“Something wrong?” Ren asks.
“I... fear that I have run out of motivation.”
“You see, in art... Inspiration is not the most important part, but it is the start of everything. The impetus that starts the process.” He looks down. “I... fear that I have lost my inspiration.” He motions towards the Sayuri. “This... This was my guiding light, from the start. My muse. Now that it has been... tainted by Madarame's villainy, I fear that I no longer have the drive to truly capture beauty.”
Ren considers that for a moment. “Maybe you just need to find new inspiration.”
“New inspiration? But what could possibly give me the same feeling that the Sayuri once gave me?” He thinks for a second, then shoots up and snaps his fingers. “That's it! Ann!”
Ren sighs. “Yeah, no, she's not gonna agree to that.” And I'd rather she didn't. “I meant... Something new. Something completely unrelated to the Sayuri.” He shrugs. “Maybe it's time you break out of your comfort zone and paint something fresh.”
“Fresh...” Yusuke slouches back down onto the stool. “Fresh...”
“Well... Art is an attempt to express emotions, right? You could also see it as a way to capture the human condition, in all its forms. So... Wouldn't a raw look at humanity itself be a good place to start?”
“Raw... I am afraid I do not understand.”
“Well... What if you looked in Mementos?”
Yusuke's eyes suddenly go wide. “Mementos! That's it! Yes! Oh, Ren, you have my utmost thanks. This... This is what I have been searching for! It is a place formed of the collective desires of humanity... Yes, that is the root of humanity!” He downs the rest of his coffee – too fast, Ren really should be offended – and then darts towards the door. “With that destination in mind, let us make haste!”
“Wait, you wanted to go right now!?” Ren sputters, but Yusuke's already rushing away.
“This distorted realm, teaming with Shadows...” Yusuke mutters to himself, scratching away at a sketchpad. “The physical embodiment of the desires of the human heart... The same thing which brought forth the beauty of the 'Sayuri' can also create such morbid fascinations...” He stops for a moment and looks around. “That aspect is most fascinating. The heart is akin to an abyss...”
“Might wanna hurry it up,” Ren points out. He's ready, but they could be attacked by Shadows at any moment, and they don't have any backup, not even a navigator.
Yusuke doesn't even seem to hear him. “My slump began when I saw the perversion of Madarame's heart. At that moment, the art realm I had so much faith in was distorted by greed and unchecked desires. That is when the true ugliness of the world became clear to me. From that point forward, my brush has been stayed by crippling hesitation. True beauty can be marred easily by depravity...” He looks around Mementos, his eyes horrifyingly wide and vibrant. “Yet can true depravity be cleansed by beauty? Ah, that is what I intend to find out!”
“That's... great,” Ren says. “But we really should-”
He's interrupted by a sudden gurgling, and he twists around with a flourish to see a Slime approaching them. “Fox!” he calls.
The code name seems to cut through, if nothing else did. Yusuke sighs and places his sketchpad down gingerly. “How inelegant! You wish to carry out your distorted will, foolish Shadow? I shall cut you down for interrupting my work! Goemon!”
One battle follows, and then Ren has to drag Yusuke kicking and screaming out of the Metaverse.
He stares at his phone for way too long.
Come on, come on, you got nothing to be nervous about, idiot. She said she likes you! She kissed you, dammit! Why the hell can't you just send the stupid text!?
“Something wrong?” His mom's voice comes so suddenly that he flinches. “You've just been staring at that screen for ages now.”
“I...” Ryuji hesitates. “Uh, Mom...? Can you... help me out real quick?”
“Hm? With what?”
He pats the open seat on the couch next to him, and she takes it. He leans over reluctantly and shows her the screen. “Does this... sound okay? It's... it's for that girl I'm... interested in.”
“Let me see.” She takes the phone from him before he can resist her. She reads it over, then taps on the screen a couple times.
“Whoa, whoa, what're you doing?”
“Just adjusting a few things. There you go.” She passes it back to him.
Ryuji glances at the new message, then his heart stops. “Wait, you sent it!?”
Mom shrugs. “You were going to chicken out.”
He can't find any words. She stands and walks off, calling, “Good luck!” over her shoulder as she leaves the room.
Ryuji starts tapping his foot down on the ground so fast his tendons can barely keep up. He stares at the screen in horror, wishing there was a way to take back the message. Oh man, what if she thinks it was all a mistake? The mission's done now, Ren told me that himself, so what if she just don't want to have anything to do with-
His phone vibrates.
Instinctively, Ryuji turns it off and leans back on the couch. He can't stand to look at the message. He also can't stand to ignore it. He's trapped in limbo.
With shaking hands, he forces himself to unlock the screen.
[Direct Message: Niijima Makoto]
Makoto: Would you like to get something to eat?
Makoto: You treated me last time, so I think it's only fair that I pay this time.
Makoto: There's a nice little diner on Central Street, if you're interested.
Ryuji: Yeah! Sounds great! I'll meet you there!
Makoto: Wonderful.
He feels like curling into a ball and crying. I'm in way over my head, dude...
Ryuji gets to the diner first, grabs a seat, and taps his foot against the ground.
He honestly can't remember the last time he felt this nervous. Being in Palaces, facing down Kamoshida... all that stuff honestly feels so damn easy and basic in comparison to this. Hell, just yesterday they fought against Kaneshiro, and he didn't even lose any sleep over that. But this...
He practically jumps out of his skin when he hears her voice. Almost reflexively, Ryuji shoots out of his seat and stammers out, “H-hey, Makoto! Uh... I grabbed a table...?”
She nods hastily. “Yes. Good. I'll just... sit down, then.”
Well, she's nervous as hell too. He can't help but wonder why, though. Is she nervous for the same reasons he is... or is she afraid to tell him that she doesn't actually like him, and that the whole thing from the other night was all just a big mistake?
They both sit down and stare at one another, both saying nothing.
They both stop. “You go first,” she says.
Ryuji shakes his head. “N-nah, you can go ahead...”
“I just-”
“Welcome in!” They both flinch when the waitress shows up. “What can I get started for you two?”
Ryuji resists the urge to scream. Thankfully, Makoto's there to save him. “Just waters, please,” she says, softly. “And... there's no rush.”
The waitress nods. “Ah, I understand.”
She turns and leaves, and Makoto faces Ryuji again. “She shouldn't be back for a little while. We should be fine to talk for a bit.” She seems to have recovered at least some of her composure, which is good, because Ryuji hasn't gotten any of his back. He still feels like squirming around in his seat like a child.
“A-alright,” he manages, nodding.
“This... is uncomfortable for me, too,” she admits, out of nowhere. “I've... never done anything like this before. I never really imagined what my first date would look like...”
Ryuji bolts upright. “Date...?”
Makoto stares, and flushes. She seems to shrink a little bit. “Oh... Did I misunderstand? Or...?”
“No no no!” he insists. “Oh, man, I was...” He tries to explain it, and just ends up laughing at himself. “Sorry, I just... I was worried you were gonna, like...”
“What? Tell you it was all a joke?” She flips the menu open. “That's... not the sort of person I am.”
“I know, I know! Damn, I just... I was freaking out, man...”
Makoto smiles. “To tell the truth, I was scared, too. We didn't talk about it during the mission, and I know that was the right decision. Being distracted might have been fatal. But... The whole time, I was wondering if you weren't saying anything because of the mission, or because... Well, because you regretted what you said, and what we did...”
“Man,” Ryuji breathes, shaking his head. “Guess it's kinda relieving to know you were thinkin' the same things.” He leans forward, a little hesitantly. “So, like... Are we dating now?”
“I... think so?” Makoto shrugs. “I... admit that I'm not sure how it works. If we decide we're dating, then we are, right? That's all there is to it?”
“...Yeah?” For all his braggadocio, Ryuji's never done anything like this, either. He's pretty sure there were some girls who had crushes on him back in his track days, but he never made a move on them. This is his first relationship, too. “I mean, we ain't gotta sign a contract or some shit.”
She giggles, and his heart lights up a bit. Seeing someone as serious as her in such a relaxed state just makes him feel so damn good... especially since she only really seems to get like this around him. “Well, I'm glad we got that settled. Now, shall we enjoy our first date?”
“Heh, yeah, I'm down.” He frowns. “Wouldn't the ramen place really be our first date?”
“I... have no idea.”
Ryuji really can't help but laugh at that. “Man, we're both freakin' clueless, huh?”
Makoto nods slowly, but she's smiling. “Yes... Though, to tell the truth, I've felt that way in general, lately. Not just with the team, or... with you. The realization that a rule-abiding honor student is completely worthless when real danger comes was... not an easy one for me to accept.”
“Hey, hey, all that shit about bein' useless-”
“No, don't apologize, or take it back. You were all right. I was intentionally holding back, and I caused harm to others because of it. I told you that I want to leave the good girl behind forever, and I meant it. It's time for me to make a change in my life.”
“What're you gonna do?”
“Well... I believe a good step would be for me to get to know my peers.” She hesitates a bit. “I... struggle with that, though. There seems to be a disparity between my tastes and those of my peers...” A hard frown settles into her face. “No, it's more like... Like I don't even have tastes.”
“Hey, that ain't true.”
“Maybe... But I don't even know where people my age go for fun.” She cocks her head. “Where do you go when you want to relax?”
“Well, I mean, we played darts the other night. But when I gotta do somethin' quick and don't wanna go far, I usually just hit up the arcade.”
“The arcade, hm? I've never actually been to one.”
“Whoa, seriously!? Prez, you're killin' me.”
Makoto chuckles. “Do you think you could take me? I'm not sure if it will broaden my horizons per se, but simply studying won't get me anywhere.”
“Hell yeah, I'm down! It's just down the street.”
“Excellent. But let's eat first. I'm starving.”
She looks like a fish outta water. “So, this is where everyone comes to enjoy themselves...” She looks around and nods. “There are more girls here than I expected.”
Ryuji snorts. “Dude, that dumbass shit about gaming just being for guys is way outdated.”
“How progressive of you.”
“I'm just sayin' how it is. C'mon, anything catchin' your eye?”
Makoto looks around a bit, then sudden jumps forward. “Oh...” It's a shooting game that someone else is currently playing – really badly. “You play by aiming the gun at the screen, right? It actually seems somewhat realistic?”
“Eh, not really. No recoil or anythin'. Still fun, though. You wanna try it out?”
“Sure. It's a two person game, right?”
He grins. “It can be. Gotta wait our turn, though.”
Once that guy finally gives up, the two of them take over. Ryuji expects to have to carry her, but she actually does way better than he'd anticipated. She's a helluva lot louder than he'd expected, too, though. Every time she gets a hit she gets excited, and every time she gets hit she calls out, “No way!” It's attracting a lot of attention, but she's too focused to care, and honestly Ryuji doesn't really care, either. He likes this side of her.
They lose at level seven, which really isn't bad for a beginner. “So that's how it is,” Makoto says, beaming.
“Man,” Ryuji says, grinning, “you're a real gamer.”
“Well... It was enjoyable.” She smiles softly. “I never would have even thought about coming here before. I think... I think being with you will really help me, Ryuji.”
He flushes a little. “H-hey, I'll do what I can.”
Makoto shifts on her feet. “It seems a bit unfair for me to ask something of you without giving anything in return...” She frowns and considers that for a second. “Oh! How about I help you study sometimes? I know you have some trouble with schoolwork.”
Ryuji almost refuses her by reflex, because honestly he can't think of anything he wants to do less than study, but...
“Well,” he says, “maybe it won't be so bad if it's with you.”
It's her turn to blush. “G-good. I... I want you to help me get rid of the old me, Ryuji. I want to break the shackles that were holding me down, forever.”
He can't help but grin. “Heh, if there's one thing I can do, it's break shit. Let's do this, Prez.”
Selfishly embrace the glory vengeance brings
Hold courage tight
Illuminate the night
Punishment, punishment
An eye for an eye, a knife to the wicked
Just the sight of the organization burning to ashes
Could put a smile on her face
The torture ends within this wretched place
So please forgive what I've become
-Scarlet, Periphery
Chapter 21: Interlude II - The Stormchaser
(See the end of the chapter for notes.)
Chapter Text
(November 2016)
“You're lying.”
Amamiya raises an eyebrow at her. “You really never noticed?”
Sae opens her mouth, but her rage prevents her from actually saying anything. She chokes on it, grinding her teeth together to mask her bafflement.
Makoto could not be a Phantom Thief. That's absurd. She would never... I warned her not to stick her nose where it doesn't belong. I told her to keep her head down. She wouldn't disobey me. She wouldn't!
“I know that look,” Amamiya grunts, running a hand through his hair. He's in pain, that much is obvious, but she feels no pity for him. “You're looking back and thinking about how it was impossible, right? That's because your vision is sheltered. You've had the blinders on for so long you don't even remember what it was like to see properly anymore.”
“How dare you-”
“I've done nothing but tell the truth,” he mutters. “If you can't handle the truth, then...”
Sae slams her fist down hard on the table. It stings, but her rage is too great for her to notice something of such irrelevance. “You actually expect me to believe that Makoto was one of you!?”
“Was?” A tiny smirk appears on Amamiya's face. “Is.”
“...Was she also running from the police when you were arrested?”
“Of course.”
Sae has to bite back incredible fury. “She... avoided me more after that point. She used to reach out, but she stopped around then... Except for when she wanted to ask about the investigation... She would ask about it frequently. I thought it was odd, but...” She shakes her head. This criminal doesn't need to know her thoughts. “Makoto aside, you mentioned one other important detail. You claim there was another person using this... Metaverse.”
“That could be interpreted as you trying to shift blame to this other person.”
Amamiya glares at her. “I take full responsibility for my crimes,” he says, coldly. “I'm proud of what I've done. I don't regret a thing. That's why I'm defending myself here. Because I'm not guilty of what he did.”
Sae sighs. “I... admit that I can't believe you would fabricate such an elaborate story and then shift the blame elsewhere. It doesn't fit your profile, either. As you said, you have proudly taken responsibility for all of your own crimes.” She rubs her temples. “There are two possibilities: either you've simply been trying to confuse me with your lies, or...” She lets out a slow breath. “...Or you've actually been telling the truth this whole time.”
“I have no reason to lie,” Amamiya says.
“Does that mean... You're placing your trust in me? But... I can't get you exonerated. I wouldn't want to, even if I could!”
Only hours left now...
“Let me tell the story. Then maybe you'll understand.”
“I...” She hesitates. Sitting across from her is the most dangerous criminal in modern Japan. A mastermind who, despite his youth, has managed to bring about acts of terrorism unheard of in this country. She has no reason to sympathize with him, and yet...
She leans back. “Very well. No matter how absurd it may seem, I'll... reevaluate my stance on believing you for now. In return, I ask only that you speak the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.”
Amamiya nods at her. “We have a deal.”
(July 2016)
She almost doesn't recognize Kotone.
Oh, jeez... Yukari thinks when her friend – her sister – approaches her in the train station. Bloodshot eyes, darkening hair, droopy posture... She hasn't looked this weary since the Abyss of Time.
“Um... Hey, Koto!” Yukari tries to sound enthusiastic about the whole thing.
Kotone sees through it instantly. “You don't have to pretend, Yukari. I look like shit.” She shrugs. “It is good to see you, though.”
“Y-yeah.” Yukari embraces her, and is shocked to find just how... frail... she feels. “Have you been taking care of yourself?”
“Been trying. Not having the Velvet Room is doing something to us. Yu and Aigis reported the same things. It's been rough.”
“But... I thought the Velvet Room disappeared over a year ago?”
“It did, but... I don't know, the effects are really only hitting us now. Something's different. Something's changing. And it's definitely happening here.” She stretches, and it looks painful, honestly. “Sorry, but you mind if we get going? I'd really like to rest for a bit.”
“Didn't get any sleep on the train?”
“I slept through the entire trip.”
Yukari raises an eyebrow. It's not a particularly long trip from Iwatodai to Tokyo, admittedly, only about an hour, but still...
Kotone's quiet for the drive back to her apartment. Yukari keeps glancing over with worry. She can't say it out loud, can hardly even think it, but...
The way Kotone is right now reminds her so much of how Makoto was, towards the end.
Dead on her feet, barely able to keep her eyes open... Just what exactly is the Velvet Room, and why is it being gone having such a terrible effect on her? Narukami dealing with the same thing is frightening enough, but Aigis? Yukari can't even imagine that.
“You, um... still have your Personas, right?” Yukari asks.
Kotone grunts. “Just Eurydice, Alecto, and Hestia. The rest...” She waves a hand. “Gone. Feels like the Abyss, kinda. It happened to Yu and Aigis, too, though. Yu only has Izanagi-no-Okami, and Aigis only has Calypso and... well, Orpheus.”
Yukari nods slowly. She's at least glad that Makoto's Persona still remains in some capacity. Sometimes, when she and Aigis were living together, it would actually feel like he was still around. She wonders if maybe he is, in some weird way. Can he see and feel through his Persona?
They reach Yukari's apartment eventually, and then she has to help Kotone out of the car and into the elevator. Inside the apartment, Yukari starts to give the tour, but when she says, “That's your bedroom,” Kotone instantly nods and takes off towards it, plopping down on the bed without closing the door or changing out of her clothes. She's asleep after just a minute.
Yukari sighs and pulls a thin blanket over her, then heads to the living room and sits on the couch.
She picks up one of the pictures almost instinctively. It's one of her and Makoto, and only the two of them. He looks tired, but happy, and she looks... Well, she always looks like she's on top of the world in pictures with him.
“I'll keep her safe, Mako,” she whispers to it. “I don't know what's happening, but... I'll do everything I can, okay? I... I know you'd never forgive me if I let anything happen to her.”
His grey eyes almost seem to meet hers. She blinks, and the illusion is broken.
Kotone bursts out of her room as Yukari's preparing supper.
“Oh, hey,” Yukari says, trying to sound casual. When she turns, though, she finds herself baffled. “Wow... You look a lot better.”
“Yeah,” Kotone agrees. “I feel way better, too... It's so weird, I felt like actual death, and now...” She blinks, stretches. “I feel really good.”
“Well, hey, that's not a bad thing!”
“...What if it is? Something's weird here...”
Yukari gives a nervous laugh. “Well, nothing you can do about it right now, right? I'm almost done making dinner. It's just chicken, but it should taste pretty good.”
“Mm. You learn how to cook?”
“Sort of? Honestly, I mostly get takeout these days.” She hesitates a bit. “Food... doesn't really taste as good as it used to.”
“Yeah. I think I know what you mean.”
You got to eat Makoto's cooking for years. I... I only got a couple months. Dammit, why did I get so little time with him? The gods are so damn unfair...
She finishes her preparations, then slides a plate to Kotone along the bar. Her kitchen is nice, just like the rest of her apartment. Sometimes, she wonders what Makoto could've accomplished in a place like this. She saw what he could do with the crappy little kitchen in the dorms. Here, maybe...
She sighs. There's no real point in thinking about that.
Kotone takes a seat on a stool and nods. “Thanks for the food,” she says, a little listlessly. She takes a bite, and nods. “It's good. Really. You've gotten pretty good at this.”
“Well, thanks.”
“Hm.” Kotone picks up a chunk of chicken with her chopsticks and smiles. “Breast meat. Remember the cooking competition we had at the dorms?”
Yukari can't help a little smile of her own. “I lost points because I overcooked the chicken.”
“Yeah... Good times.”
It's so weird... We all felt so disconnected back then. Most of us barely even knew Shinjiro, and I was still still treating Mitsuru badly, and there was all this tension... But we've never been as close since then. Ever since Makoto died, we've all fallen out in weird ways.
The absence of something is more impactful than the presence sometimes. When Makoto was around, only a few of them really noticed. Kotone, obviously, and Yukari and Aigis, and Junpei, too. But most of the others saw him as a regular friend, and that was all. Once he was gone, though... Like a missing tooth, it was hard not to be constantly aware of the empty space. It quickly became apparent that he was the heart and soul of their group. That, without him around, they were never going to be the family they had been becoming.
Thinking that way makes her even more miserable.
“Hey, um... Kotone?” she says softly.
“When we talked in May... You said something kind of... weird. You... asked if I'd been thinking about Makoto lately?” Yukari breaks eye contact. “What... did you mean by that?”
Kotone stays silent for a long time. A long time. It's such an excruciatingly long period that Yukari honestly wonders if she'll get an answer at all.
Then, finally, Kotone sighs and says, “I've just... been thinking about him even more lately. I've wondered if it has something to do with the disappearance of the Velvet Room. I mean... I can't describe it, but... Something about the whole situation is weird. I'm starting to worry that... Well, that it might have something to do with the Seal.”
“Huh? What do you mean?”
“...Honestly? I have no idea what I mean.”
Yukari hums and picks at her food.
Kotone finishes off her plate in record time – though for a Yuki, it was actually a bit slow. She places her chopsticks down politely and sighs. “Alright. Let's talk business for a bit.”
“Do we have to? I haven't seen you in ages. Can't we just chat for a bit?”
“After. I'm here on a mission, after all.” She grabs her bag and throws it on the bar, pulling out a couple different items. “My identification. Mitsuru did a better job this time around. My name is Hamuko Takeba. I'm your cousin. Did either of your parents have siblings?”
“Um... I have an aunt on my mom's side.”
“Okay. I doubt anyone's gonna look into it, but just to be safe, we've fabricated some paperwork, and I'll have Mitsuru and Fuuka forge some things to make it seem like I'm her daughter. Since you were never close with your mom, I'm gonna assume you were never close with your aunt, either?”
“I don't even remember her name.”
“Sounds about right. Alright, that's good. Means I can make things up for the most part. Our story's simple: we haven't seen each other in ages, but I was moving to Tokyo and needed a place to stay. When I found out you were here, I hit you up, and now I'm living with you until I get on my feet.”
“Easy enough. Did Mitsuru find you a job?”
“Yup.” She pulls out a piece of paper with a lot of words on it. The gist, as far as Yukari can tell, is that it's a job offer. “Okumura Foods. An up-and-coming food chain. Heard of Big Bang Burger?”
“Yeah. I've gotten takeout from there a couple times.”
“I'm starting a job in the accounting department there next week.” She shrugs. “It's a perfect cover. The job forces me into Tokyo, since that's where their HQ is. Plus, it pays absolute dog shit, so the whole 'living with my cousin' thing checks out, too.”
“What about your reason for accepting a low-paying job in an expensive city?”
Kotone rolls her eyes. “I have a degree in philosophy, Yukari. I have to take what I can get.”
Yukari really can't help but laugh a bit. During the time between the Inaba situation and the Tokyo dilemma, some of the Shadow Operatives had taken on university studies. Kotone was one of them. Yukari was supportive, though she had raised an eyebrow when she found out that Kotone was studying philosophy of all things. “Hey!” Kotone had protested, offended, when Yukari brought it up. “I'll have you know that this degree is very useful! Now that I have it, I can continue to do the exact same job I had before with no difference in responsibilities or pay!”
“I think it all works out,” Kotone says, shrugging. “If you don't mind, I'll have you show me around a bit tomorrow. You busy?”
“No, we've got a little break in shooting. I've got the rest of the week off.”
“Good. If there is a wild card, I'll find them quick enough. Inaba was way smaller than Tokyo, but I kept running into Persona-users there. I probably attract them in some way.” She manages a small smile. “With you here, it'll be easier, I think. I gotta be honest... I felt really alone in Inaba.”
Yukari nods. “Yeah... I think I get it. I've felt pretty alone here, too.”
“You know, lots of us would've moved in with you, even without the mission.”
“...Don't take offense to this, but... I really don't want to live with anyone but...”
Kotone nods sadly. “Yeah. You want to live with Makoto. I get it.”
Yukari sighs and finishes off the rest of her food. “Alright... Let's just relax tonight, and tomorrow we can go explore a bit. I know some places. Central Street is probably the best place to start. Everyone ends up there at some point. I'd bet Persona-users are included in that.” She takes Kotone's plate, but then freezes. “Oh, um... One little change to your story.”
“Well, you said we hadn't seen each other in ages, but... Actually, we would have seen each other really briefly about... five months ago.”
Kotone gives her a look. “What happened five months ago?”
Yukari picks up the plates and shrugs. “My mom's funeral.”
Sleep doesn't come easily that night.
Yukari tosses and turns a little bit, but honestly she feels a little too drained to even do that. It's less that she's too awake to fall asleep and more than she's too tired to fall asleep, which is honestly way worse.
The argument really wasn't necessary. Kotone really hadn't been thrilled by Yukari dropping that little piece of information. “Your mom died!?” she'd repeated, baffled. When Yukari nodded, Kotone just looked even more stunned. “Why didn't you tell anyone!?”
“It... really wasn't that big of a deal.”
“I thought you were gonna try and talk to her? I thought you were gonna try and bridge the gap? What happened there? Did you ever-”
“That was before,” Yukari snapped, a little too sharply, in retrospect.
“Before...?” Kotone stared for a second, then shook her head. “You completely gave up on trying with her because of what happened to Makoto?”
“He was supposed to come with me.”
“You still could've gone. Hell, I could've gone with you, or Mitsuru, or Junpei, or anyone! Why didn't you just talk to us?”
Yukari just frowned. “Would it have made a difference?”
The eye contact they'd held then had been massively awkward, and yet Yukari had felt almost nothing at all throughout it. To tell the truth, she's a bit disturbed by her own lack of emotions when she thinks back on that moment. It's like she was watching something happen on TV, not actively taking part in a fight with one of her best friends.
Then Kotone broke the eye contact and shook her head. “You really haven't moved on at all. You're still stuck in the past.”
The accusation stung. It did. And that's why Yukari scowled and said, “You're one to talk.”
Looking back, the accusation only stung because it's true. She's got the pictures everywhere. She's dedicated her life and her career and her every move to him. And she's completely given up on doing any activity she would have rather done with him. Including making things right with her mother.
It's not like she ghosted her all that time. They talked over text sometimes, and even on the phone a couple times. The distance wasn't as great as it used to be, so at least there was that. But they could never be called close. Their relationship became something more like colleagues, like a work friend you got along with enough to get their number, but who you never really make the effort to hang out with. Nothing at all like the typical relationship between mother and daughter.
Around 2014, Mom started getting sick. And again, Yukari wasn't ignoring it. She just... wasn't really doing much. She sent some money at one point, but she didn't take time off work or anything. And she definitely didn't see much of a point in telling any of her friends about it.
Mom got worse in late 2015, and then passed away a little after the start of the new year. Yukari did cry a little bit when she got the news, but that's about it. She got the information about the funeral from members of her extended family that she hasn't talked to in years, and even gave a speech at the service, one that was full of only good things. Realistically, though, she wasn't all that broken up about it.
Maybe that makes her a terrible person. After all, she was (and still is) completely devastated by the death of a guy she'd known for about a year, but didn't really think too much about her mom's death. The simple truth is that her mom was nearly a stranger.
It's something no one talks about, but everyone is familiar with. If you don't talk to a friend for a year or so, it's not all that hard to reconnect. You have something to eat, or get some drinks, or something along those lines, and you catch up, and it's like no time has passed. But losing contact with a family member... She can't really understand the ones who say that blood is what really matters – in her experience, blood is thin, and almost irrelevant.
There was perhaps no better proof of that than the fact that she recognized pretty much nobody at her mom's funeral. It felt like she was crashing the funeral of someone else's mom, not attending the service for her own. People would occasionally approach her and offer condolences, but she's genuinely felt greater connections with other people at fan meet and greets.
Family is strong if you maintain it, but it atrophies hard if you don't.
For a little while, she'd felt guilty about the whole thing. But... honestly, she's not sure she has any reason to. Where was that “family” when she was alone for ten years? Where were they when her dad died? Where were they when her mom went off the deep end?
Where the hell were they when Makoto died!?
Her real family – fractured or not – is the old members of SEES. She has a whole host of sisters and brothers, all of whom care more greatly about her than the ones related by blood ever did.
So there's the guilt. She probably should have told her real family about her loss. Okay. I'll apologize for that one in the morning. But I won't apologize for not reaching out. Why do I always have to bridge the gap? I shouldn't have had to fix my relationship with my mom. I'm not the one who broke it.
Deciding all of this doesn't help her sleep.
She and Kotone don't talk about the fight in the morning.
It's like it never happened, which relieves her. Having the discussion would have just been a waste of time, really. It's not like there's a point to it.
“Anywhere you recommend?” Kotone asks as they eat breakfast.
“Hm... Well, like I said, there's some good places on Central Street. There's this little diner that I like to go to sometimes. Big Bang Burger is pretty good for when I'm feeling lazy, but I have to keep an eye on the calories. There's some good places a little further out, too. Oh, and there's some nice boutiques in Kichijoji. Also there's Harakuju. Takenoko Street is really great, there's loads of clothing shops. People watching is really nice there, too, since there's all these different types of fashion on display.”
“Ah. Anywhere a wild card might go?”
Yukari scoffs. “Wild cards go anywhere and everywhere. Besides, you'd know that better than me, right? You actually are a wild card.”
Kotone sighs. “Was, maybe.”
“You got your power back once before. Something's weird, but I don't doubt for a second that it'll work out. C'mon, you gotta have some faith!”
“Yeah, faith...” Kotone shakes her head, taking a little sip of orange juice. “I just can't help but wonder who's gonna have to die this time.”
Yukari opens her mouth, but she can't think of anything to say. Sure, Yu Narukami survived his journey, but the cost was high. He lost his little cousin, and was forced to personally take the life of one of his friends. When Yukari heard that story, she had to wonder about it. Makoto also had to die to save the world, but he was able to do it himself. If I'd had to take his life, could I have done it?
The answer is a resounding no.
She never knew Narukami before all of that, but Kotone had a lot to say, and most of it was pretty sad. He was apparently a pretty easy-going guy, but two deaths in such a short time did a number on him. He's dedicated himself to the Shadow Operatives now.
It's hard not to view that as giving up. It isn't... or, well, it probably isn't, but...
Yukari wonders if Makoto would have joined the Operatives. She hopes not. She hopes he would have been able to spend his time how he liked for once. He gave enough for this stupid world.
“Well,” she says suddenly, with a bit of force behind it just to put the conversation behind them. “We should probably get going. Lots to see, y'know?”
(July 2016)
Tokyo is fucking huge.
Kotone really can't think of better words than those, if she's being honest. If she were presenting a report to the government on Tokyo, that's word-for-word how she'd start it off. It feels apt.
She was here briefly back in 2012, when she spoke to Yu about joining the Ops, but that was a really small stop. She left the same day to head back to Iwatodai. Now, though, she's been here for a few days, and she's going to be here for at least a few more months. It's intimidating, in a weird way.
It's not like she hasn't lived in big cities before. But... Never without Makoto. He was always weirdly good at settling into places like this. And she doesn't lack that skill, not really – she's a wild card, too, after all. But she's not really feeling it this time, stupid as that sounds.
Why do I feel better here? I felt like shit in Iwatodai. I felt like shit everywhere but here. So what's so different about Tokyo? Feeling good honestly frightens her more than feeling bad.
At first, she'd thought it might mean the Velvet Room was here. Maybe it's just localized to Tokyo this time. But if it is, she hasn't found it yet. It's still missing as far as she can tell.
The contradictions hurt.
So now she's sitting at a bar in Shinjuku way too early in the day, nursing a scotch on the rocks and tapping her foot against the stool.
“Come now, hon,” says the proprietress – a charming drag queen by the name of Lala-chan. “Whatever happened couldn't have been that bad, surely?”
“Eh, nothing really happened, I just...”
Just what? Came here to uncover a supernatural mystery involving the weird room I used to visit where the long-nosed man would say cryptic things to me? Got in a fight with my best friend over moving on, realizing the whole damn time that looking at her is like looking in a mirror?
She sighs. “I'm starting a new job tomorrow.”
“Oh, yes, getting drunk will help a lot with that.”
Kotone snorts. “I'm not getting drunk, I'm just drinking.”
The door bursts open before either of them can say anything else. “Oooohhh, Lalaaaaaaaaaaaa!” comes a voice with an extreme amount of vibrato.
“Looks like the usual crowd's here,” Lala-chan mutters.
“Usual crowd?” Kotone looks over and sees a woman with short black hair plop down at the bar next to her. There's a camera strapped to her side, and she looks like she's been pre-gaming. “You good?” she asks the woman.
She jumps half out of her skin. “Where did you come from!?”
Kotone raises an eyebrow. “I was here before you.”
“Oh... Sorry, I'm a little... Urgh...”
“Your usual,” Lala-chan mutters, pushing a glass over towards the woman with the camera. “Do try and go gentle tonight, dear. You've not been at your best lately.”
“I-” the woman declares, grabbing the drink and downing half of it in a single gulp, “-will do whatever I want!”
“I thought so...”
“Celebrating something?” Kotone asks.
The woman with the camera burps. “Huh? Nahhhh. Nothin' to celebrate. Still no scoops. Ugh, where's that freakin' kid when I need him!?”
Lala-chan sighs. “She's got some poor high schooler getting her information.”
“High schooler?” Kotone presses.
The camerawoman finishes off her drink. “He goes to the school where those Phantom Thieves first showed up. What kinda journalist would I be if I didn't get some info off him?”
“Journalist...” Kotone muses. “What's your name?”
“Ooh, hitting on me already?”
“Uh, yeah, sure.”
The woman giggles, then reaches into her bag and pulls out a card, which she slides over to Kotone. “Ohya. My number's on there, too. Memorize it.”
Kotone nods slowly. “Ooookay. You mentioned a high schooler who gives you information?”
“Ugh, figures she likes the young ones...”
“He knows things about the Phantom Thieves?”
“Yuuuup. He – Lala-chan, get me a refill! – gives me info sometimes. He's been skimping on me lately, though. I pumped that one kid for everything I could, but... Urgh...”
“Can I ask who?”
“Tsk tsk, can't tell ya, journalistic integrity and all...”
“The school was Shujin, right?”
“Yup. But what's got you so curious? You a journalist, too...?”
Kotone smirks. “Something like that.”
“'Something like that'... Means no.”
“Yeah, it means no. I'm starting work as an accountant tomorrow, at Okumura Foods.”
Instantly, Ohya lights up. “Oh, shit! Okumura Foods!?” She swivels in her seat and grabs Kotone by the shoulders. “Hear anything juicy!? I've heard rumors that they overwork their staff, and that the boss guy is engaged in all kindsa shady stuff. Do you know anything?”
“I... literally haven't even started working there yet.”
“Urgh... So useless...”
“Uh, yeah... Sorry to disappoint, I guess?”
Ohya slumps over again and snatches her refilled glass from Lala-chan. “Well, if you find anything out, lemme know. I could use a whistle-blower.”
“Uh-huh...” Kotone finishes off her scotch. “I can't think of anything I'm less likely to do.”
She's walking back towards the station when a voice calls out to her.
“U-um... Excuse me!” Over by the front of an old building sits a blonde woman at a folding table, holding cards in her hands. Either a fortune teller or a card shark, then. Kotone's down for either.
“Something wrong?” she asks, approaching the woman.
She looks at her with big bright eyes. “I... I sense danger in your future! I see glass... shattered glass... The forces of fate are against you!”
Kotone raises an eyebrow. “Uh... what?”
“Please, listen to me!” the woman cries. “I'm a fortune teller! I can see immense pain in your future!” She hesitates slightly. “There are ways to protect yourself, though!”
“Uh, yeah, I'm not interested.”
“O-oh...” The woman sighs softly. “Please, consider it carefully! My name is Mifune. I'm here every night, except for when it rains. Please, come back and hear me out!”
“We'll see,” Kotone says, shrugging. She leaves before the woman can say anything else.
“Find anything out?” Yukari asks her when she comes back to their apartment.
“I've discovered that Tokyo is way more insane than Inaba was.”
Yukari snorts. “Yeah, who could've guessed that one. What happened?”
Kotone sits down on the couch and shrugs. “Went to a bar in Shinjuku. Talked to a woman there who thought I was hitting on her.”
“Were you?”
“Nah, she's not my type.”
“And just what is your type?”
Red hair, red eyes, and an icy temperament. Or the harbinger of death. I go both ways. “Doesn't matter. I didn't really learn anything. Had some good scotch, though.”
Yukari turns towards her. “Did you say a bar in Shinjuku?”
“What was the name?”
“Uh... The Pitstop? No, the Roadhouse. Uh... Something with a road?”
“That's it.”
Yukari laughs. “That's the bar Aragaki was working at when he met Fuuka here a couple years back.”
“You're kidding.”
“Nope, dead serious. He actually liked it pretty well. Then things got bad here, Fuuka couldn't stay in Tokyo any longer, so they're back in Iwatodai. Guess it's pretty rough being a navigator.”
Kotone nods. “Yeah, never wanted that job. Fuuka and Rise seem to handle it well enough, but man.” She snorts. “You know, there's actually fewer navigators than wild cards. Kinda crazy to think about, y'know? Weird that we get the Velvet Room and they just get... nothing.”
Yukari shrugs. “Well, they don't need divine guidance or anything, right?”
“Guess not. How was your day?”
“Long. This season's crazy. It's about to start airing soon, too. I really wish we had the kind of budget to shoot the whole thing and then air it, but whatever. It's a kid's show, you know how it is.”
“Honestly it's probably watched by more adults than kids at this point. Nostalgia works wonders. Kids are probably into like... I dunno, something new.”
“You're not wrong.” Yukari plops down next to her, stretching her legs out. “I don't like to think about how many creepy guys come to my meet-and-greets. Makes me wish that outfit didn't hug my butt so much...”
“If it makes you feel better, your butt does look good in it.”
“I'd rather hear that from the other Yuki.”
“Yeah, well, take what you can get.”
Yukari sighs and stretches out. “Man... They're really working us to the bone these days. My whole body's sore...”
“Want a massage?”
“Shut up, Kotone.”
“Fine, fine.” She leans her head back against the couch cushion. “I feel good. It scares me. Honestly, it scares me so much more than feeling bad. I shouldn't feel good. Something... Something is so wrong here...”
Yukari gives her a sympathetic look. “You'll figure it out. You figured Inaba out, right?”
Kotone scowls. “And look how much good that did.”
“This is you,” says the corporate drone assigned to guide her through the offices.
A tiny cubicle in a corner, far from any windows, greenery, or really any life at all. Kotone can feel Hestia squirming inside her. The opposite of life isn't death, it's office work.
The computer here is basically ancient. With the CRT monitor and dull grey keyboard, Kotone honestly thinks she'd get work done faster if she had to chisel ones and zeroes into stone. But whatever, this job isn't exactly the point of her being here.
Still, it's not gonna be fun. And Hestia sure as all hell isn't gonna like it.
All her coworkers talk about is the Phantom Thieves, but they never say anything.
The only name that ever comes up is Goro Akechi. The high school ace detective who caused quite a stir by having a little debate on the subject of the Thieves on live TV with a student of Shujin. Kotone did briefly consider reaching out to Akechi, but the Shadow Operatives still suspect there's someone in a high place in Tokyo keeping them out. Who knows if Akechi is connected to that operation?
Besides, he's being heralded as the second coming of the Detective Prince, and the original isn't hugely pleased about it. “I never liked that nickname,” Naoto had admitted, back when the moniker was pinned on Akechi. “Still, there is something about him that makes me uncertain. He talks like a detective, but it's almost... stereotypical.”
Kotone doesn't really know what that means, but she's not gonna distrust Naoto. For now, she's keeping her distance from him.
It figures that no one at a random company is gonna know anything about the Phantom Thieves. If she wants information, she's gonna have to talk to high schoolers. Unfortunately, she's twenty-three now, and getting in touch with teenagers isn't the simple task it used to be.
On the other hand, she's a wild card, whether the world wants to admit that or not. She'll find what she's looking for, one way or another.
A few days later, one of her coworkers mentions something about a coffee shop they enjoyed recently. Kotone, not being one to ignore any potential leads, asks what the name was. They shrug and say, “Leblanc, in Yongen-Jaya.” Sounds promising.
After work, Kotone takes the train all the way to the end of the line, reaching Yongen-Jaya near evening. It's a smaller part of town, pretty much just a conjunction of alleyways. It's kind of nice, actually. The rest of the city can feel suffocating in its expanse, but the small cramped spaces here almost feel freeing. The mind is a thing of contradictions, Kotone reflects.
It takes a little bit to find the shop, since it's sort of hidden. When she enters it, though, she finds it quaint and retro; a nice, homey place. The bell chimes on the door as she walks in, and a man behind the bar turns to face her, stroking his beard. “Welcome in. Can I get you anything?”
“Coffee, please. Whatever you recommend.”
“Coming up.”
She takes a seat at one of the stools as he turns to start his work. “Never seen you around here before,” the owner says, casually. “You new in town, or just new here?”
“New in town. I started working at Okumura Foods recently.”
“Hm. Yeah, big chain, right? Never cared for that sort of thing...”
Kotone smiles. “Me neither. Work's work, but... Well, don't tell my boss this, but I've never actually even eaten at one of their restaurants.”
The guy chuckles. “Makes sense. Sometimes you've gotta take whatever comes along, right?” He approaches her and pushes forward a small white cup, steaming gently. “Enjoy.”
She takes a sip. Then another. “Interesting...” she says.
“Interesting?” he prods.
“Your coffee kinda reminds me of something...” Makoto worked at Chagall for a while. He got pretty good at making coffee. His tasted nothing like this, though. His was way worse. So why does this remind me of him? Dammit, does everything have to remind me of him?
The owner chuckles again. “They say taste is a great trigger for memories.”
“Oh, I'm well aware.” I can't eat anything without thinking of him. She takes another sip. “This is fantastic. Seriously. This is the best coffee I've ever had.”
“Oh, well... Thanks.”
She finishes off the cup, a little too fast, if she's being honest, but it really is great. “Jeez... If I'd known there was something this great in the city, I would've come a lot sooner.”
“Where are you from?”
“Iwatodai. It's not too far from here.”
He frowns. “Iwatodai, huh...?”
“Something wrong?”
“...No, nothing. Guess you moved here for work, then?”
Kotone nods. “Yup. Iwatodai's a really great place, and it'll always be my home, but... Well, there just wasn't any work for me there. I got the job at Okumura Foods, and I'm staying with my cousin for now.” She stands and nods. “I should probably introduce myself. You know, since I'm a regular now.”
He laughs heartily at that. “Alright, sure. You know, I don't think I've ever had anyone declare themselves a regular before.”
“Well, first time for everything, right?” She reaches out a hand. “My name's Hamuko Takeba.”
“Well, welcome to Tokyo, Takeba-san. My name's Sojiro Sakura. People call me Boss.”
“Great to meet you!”
There's a sudden noise, and she turns to see a boy with shaggy black hair coming down the stairs. He's got thick-rimmed glasses and a bag slung over his shoulder, in which seems to be a... cat?
“Hey, kid,” Sakura says. “You going out again?”
“Yeah,” the kid says. “New customer?”
She smiles. “I'm Hamuko Takeba. Are you a worker here?”
“Something like that. Takeba...”
A fan? Kotone wonders. He doesn't push it, though.
The kid shrugs. “Well, don't let Boss give you a hard time. If he starts getting prissy, just put a bunch of sugar in your coffee. It'll make him turn red.”
Kotone can't help but snort. “Will do. What's your name?”
“Amamiya.” He reaches out a hand. “Ren Amamiya.”
“Nice to meet you!” She shakes his hand.
Wild card.
“I felt something,” she admits to Yukari that night. “A bond, I think. It was faint, like the one I formed with Yu. But...”
“Faint?” Yukari repeats. “What do you mean?”
“Well... Back in Iwatodai, during... during Makoto's journey... Whenever I formed a bond, it was like a gong was going off in my head. It was explosive. With Yu... It wasn't anywhere near that big of a thing. Theo told me it was because my bond wasn't strong yet. He guessed it would be strengthened once my own journey started. I felt something similar with Amamiya, but...” She sighs. “Without Theo, I can't find out anything... Dammit, I wish Theo were around...”
Yukari sips from a cup of homemade coffee that is likely complete trash compared to the wonderful stuff at Leblanc. “So what do you think? If this Amamiya kid is a wild card... Do you think he's a Phantom Thief?”
“I don't know,” Kotone admits. “He seems... Normal.”
“Well, maybe you should get a second opinion. Your own view is pretty skewed, after all.”
“You're... not wrong.” Admittedly, Kotone has been sympathetic to the Thieves since the start. Not only do they seem to be targeting genuinely awful people in society, they're also willingly and brazenly ignoring the law. The rebel in her loves the whole thing. But maybe this isn't the time. What if the Thieves have something to do with the disappearance of the Velvet Room?
“I'd rather not take you, no offense,” Kotone mutters. “You're too recognizable. Maybe some day, but not right off the bat.”
“Who, then?”
Kotone shrugs. “Guess I'll call in a friend.”
(July 2016)
She spends far too long on her hair.
It feels so silly, so immature and pointless, but she can't help herself. She just keeps looking in the mirror and wondering if it's good enough.
Sighing, she checks the texts again.
[Direct Message: Yuki Kotone]
Kotone: heyo
Kotone: wanna go to this café in tokyo with me?
Kotone: it's pretty nice
Mitsuru: I would be delighted. When?
Kotone: how about tomorrow?
Mitsuru: That's rather sudden.
Kotone: eh it's only like an hour train ride right
Mitsuru: Are you assuming I've got nothing else to do?
Kotone: I mean if you do it can wait
Mitsuru: No, no. I'll be there.
That was last night. All she's received since then is a time to meet and an address in Tokyo. A small café named Leblanc. It has quite high reviews, but not many of them.
She did not say anything about staying in Tokyo. Does she expect me to go back to Iwatodai immediately afterwards? Or perhaps she expects me to stay with her and Yukari? But they only have two bedrooms. Would I be... sharing with her? The thought makes her nervous. It wouldn't be entirely unlike a Yuki to rush things like that. Makoto and Yukari slept together before they even began dating, after all. But is Mitsuru comfortable with that?
Then again, it's been seven years. This really can't be called rushing, surely?
She bites her lip, nods at her reflection, and forces herself to leave.
The second she gets out of her room in the Shadow Operatives HQ, though, she's struck by the presence of Akihiko in the hallway. He's leaning against the wall and grinning. “Looks like you're all dolled up.”
“Is there something you wanted?”
“Figured I'd see you off. It's like watching my sister go on her first date.”
Mitsuru can feel the burning flush creep up her cheeks. “W-who said anything about this being a date?”
“Well, no one, but it's pretty obvious that you expect it to be one. Besides, anyone who knows you could see the way you've been looking at Kotone. You get this sort of wistful look in your eyes.”
“Wistful?” She frowns. “How long has that been the case?”
“Let's see... Since around December?”
“December...” She tries to remember what happened this past winter.
Akihiko chuckles. “December of 2009.”
She resists the urge to reprimand him. As humiliating as this might be, she can't deny what he's saying. She fought the Reaper just to prove a point to me. And then in January... I don't even want to think of the mistakes I might have made if she hadn't been there.
Mitsuru sighs. “Fine. We'll see what happens.”
“Well, good luck. Yuki's a wild one.”
“I am well aware, yes.”
Before she leaves, she heads to the ward reserved for the wild cards. Like usual, she hesitates for a moment at the door with the name plate reading Yuki Makoto and sighs. A room with an owner it's never even met. Beyond that is Aigis' room. She knocks on the door and receives a small croak of a “Come in.” She enters hesitantly and finds things much the same.
Aigis has been curled up in a ball in the corner of her room for a long while now. If she were human, Mitsuru might have thought she had some sort of disease. In her current state, though... She reminds Mitsuru much more of how she'd been after Makoto passed away.
She crouches down next to the android and places a gentle hand on her shoulder. “Are you feeling any better, Aigis?”
“I... am in pain.” It seems like just admitting this is difficult for her. “I do not understand what is happening.”
Mitsuru takes a moment to look her over. She's got life in her eyes, and that at least is enormously relieving. After Makoto passed, Aigis shut down almost entirely. At least this time she is clinging to her life desperately, even if she seems to be slipping away.
The prospect of the wild cards dying off is one that terrifies Mitsuru for countless reasons, but chief amongst them is simply that the wild cards have suffered enough. Aigis struggled through thick and thin, and Narukami lost almost everything that truly mattered to him. And Kotone...
Kotone is the most important person in the world... to Mitsuru, at least.
Something is wrong. That sentence seems to be repeated constantly of late. Something is horribly, terrifyingly wrong. Someone is fighting us, and they are targeting the wild cards. Not for the first time, she regrets deeply sending Kotone to Tokyo.
At least Yukari is with her. That's something.
“I'm heading to Tokyo, Aigis,” Mitsuru says, softly. “Please, do not hesitate to inform me if anything changes. I will make sure you have company.”
“Thank you, Mitsuru-san,” Aigis croaks. “But please... Do not send anyone. The others have duties of their own. I can't ask them to waste time with me...”
“It is not a waste of time, Aigis. Your health and well-being is extremely important.” She runs through the roster in her head. “I could get in touch with Junpei, perhaps. He and Chidori might be willing to take you in for a time.”
Aigis shakes her head. “I do not wish to trouble them.”
That's going to be her response to everything. A sudden idea comes to Mitsuru's mind. “In that case, I will arrange for you to go to Inaba. The Amagi Inn is prepared for you, and you will have plenty of company. Narukami will be there as well.”
“I...” Aigis hesitates, then nods. “That is acceptable.”
Mitsuru smiles. “I'll see to it. Please, hang in there. We will solve this.”
It hurts to watch the people she cares about in such jeopardy. It reminds her so much of how Makoto was, towards the end. I'd lost my memories, just like the others. I was so helpless. I just kept sending him to doctors, as if the next one might find the problem. I still remember his weary smile as I did all of that. I remember him leaning on Kotone and stumbling up the steps. I remember him falling asleep on Yukari's lap while we watched movies together in the lounge. And I remember that little smile he had on his face when he passed away in Aigis's arms. I'll never forget it as long as I live.
She failed him. But she won't fail Aigis, Narukami, or Kotone. Not if she can help it.
What terrifies her is that she's not sure she can.
The train ride seems to take an eternity.
Dread and anticipation alike can make time slow down, Mitsuru is well aware of this. She wonders which it is in this case. She does long to see Kotone again, certainly, but she is also worried at the prospect of being in Tokyo. Contrary to the beliefs of others, she is not immune to fear, especially when her foe is unknown. She has no way to know what is waiting for her in Tokyo, no way to prepare for it, and that brings up old nervousness.
I won't be alone, at least.
She still regrets sending Kotone to Inaba alone. If the situation had been worse, Kotone might have met a terrible fate. I should have gone with her. Or perhaps I should have forced Akihiko to return from his travels. Or sent Aigis. Or anyone, to tell the truth...
She can't change the past, though. She's learned that lesson far too many times.
The line ends, and she transfers to the next one, and then she's in Yongen-Jaya. It's a quaint little area, rather far from her typical stomping grounds, though quite in character for Kotone. It's the very sort of place Yuki thrives in... though perhaps the crime rate could stand to be higher in that case.
“Yo!” She jumps a bit as a hand slams down on her shoulder.
Mitsuru's eyes go wide. “Kotone?”
She grins. “Back from the dead and better than ever.”
You... truly do look alive again. Her eyes are bright red once more, and her hair has that strange blend between orange and brown coloring in it once again. She's not slumped over anymore, and her skin doesn't look blotchy. She... looks fantastic.
“Did something happen?” Mitsuru says. “Did the Velvet Room return?”
“Nope. I'm not that lucky.” There's an instant of hesitation there, almost imperceptible, but Mitsuru catches it. She admits to not being a particularly good reader of people, but she understands Kotone rather well. Sometimes she'll say something and then pause for just a second. In that moment, she's thinking something pessimistic, always.
Mitsuru has to sigh slightly. She's glad, at least, that Kotone is getting better at resisting her negative thoughts, but she wishes her friend didn't have to deal with them in the first place. She did once try to end her own life. And in the Abyss, she fought desperately for the right to die in her brother's place. She does a good job of pretending, but she is not okay, and she likely never will be.
The instant ends, and Kotone shrugs. “Well, I can't really explain it, but being in Tokyo has kinda revitalized me. I took a nap the second I got here, and I've felt great ever since.”
“That's... odd.”
“If you are doing better here, perhaps I should send for Narukami and Aigis as well. The two of them might recover as well if they are in the vicinity.”
Kotone hesitates. “I... don't think that's such a good idea.” She holds up her hands. “I'm not being selfish or anything! It's just... Well, what if someone's trying to bait us? What if they want all the wild cards in one place? I think it's better if it's just me.”
Because you don't value your own life, but you don't want to see Aigis or Narukami suffer. It's admirable and disturbing in equal parts. And so much like him...
“Well!” Kotone exclaims, interrupting Mitsuru's thoughts. “Let's get some coffee!”
Instantly, the nerves strike up again. “Um... Yes, let's.”
“Something wrong?”
“Oh, no... Nothing.”
Kotone shrugs again. “It's just over here. I had a bit of trouble finding it the first time. It's kinda hidden.”
She's not wrong. Leblanc is a tiny shop down a nondescript alleyway. Still, it does seem rather nice. The bell chimes over the door as they enter into a homey café. The scent of coffee lingers in the air.
“Welcome in,” says the man behind the counter... or perhaps boy would suit him better. He is plainly very young, with his shaggy black hair and thick-rimmed glasses. Still, he has a slight smile for them as they enter. “Takeba-san. You're back.”
“I said I was a regular now, right?” she says, beaming. “Amamiya, right?”
“Yeah. Surprised you remembered that, actually.”
“I'm good with names.” Kotone motions to Mitsuru. “This is a friend of mine. She's in town for a little bit, so I wanted to show her your amazing coffee!”
The guy chuckles. “Well, Boss is out today, so you'll have to deal with the subpar work of an amateur. Though I am getting pretty good at it, if I may pat myself on the back.”
There's a meow, and Mitsuru realizes that there's a black and white cat curled up on one of the tables. It meows at Amamiya, then returns to its nap.
“Ignore him,” Amamiya says. “What can I get for you two?”
“The house blend for both of us,” Kotone says. “We'll just take a booth.”
Mitsuru follows her and sits across from her. “This is a rather nice establishment,” she admits. “I do not think my expectations were particularly high when I saw the area...”
Kotone grins. “The best shops are usually in the worst areas.”
“You'd be surprised,” Amamiya says from behind the counter, talking while he prepares their drinks. Mitsuru finds herself concerned that he is distracted. “There's not a whole lot of crime around here. Now in Shibuya... It was pretty bad there, at least until recently.”
“Recently?” Mitsuru repeats.
“Yup. There was a mob syndicate operating out of there. Targeting kids, actually, for the most part. They were causing some real trouble.” He smirks. “Then the Phantom Thieves got their boss.”
Kotone raises an eyebrow. “The Phantom Thieves?”
“Haven't heard of them? Well, you're new in town. You'll get sick of hearing about them soon enough.”
Another meow from the cat, which Mitsuru ignores. “They managed to eliminate a mafia boss?” she presses, baffled. The first case was nothing more than a high school gym teacher...
Amamiya shrugs. “Well, they didn't eliminate him. Just made him come to his senses.” Another meow, and Amamiya rolls his eyes. “At least, that's how I understand it.” He walks around the counter with two little cups and delivers them. “There you go.”
Mitsuru sniffs the cup, then takes a sip. She raises an eyebrow. “This is rather good.”
“Well, thank you. I'm still new to it, I gotta admit.”
Kotone takes a sip from her own cup. “Not as good as your boss can do,” she says, “but still pretty damn good. Good job, newbie.”
Amamiya chuckles. Mitsuru smiles slightly. It's a rare person who can put up with Kotone's teasing so soon after meeting her. “I won't get in your hair. Let me know if you want anything else.”
“Will do,” Kotone says. She drinks the rest of her coffee in a smooth motion, then reaches into her bag and places payment on the table. She nods to Mitsuru. “You ready to go?”
Mitsuru blinks. “Already?”
“Lots to see, lots to do.”
I... She swallows, then drinks the remainder of her coffee, far too quickly for her own liking. “I... suppose I am ready. When you are.”
Amamiya seems completely undisturbed by how quickly they're leaving. “Have a good one,” he calls over his shoulder as they leave the shop.
Mitsuru hesitates in the alleyway. “That was...?” she starts, but she's not even sure how to finish that sentence. I thought this...
“Didn't you feel it?” Kotone says. “In there?”
Feel? She nearly swallows her tongue. I've felt so many things since I first met you. Things I myself cannot entirely understand. Things that baffle me and frighten me and excite me, all at once.
She clears her throat. “Feel... what?”
“Amamiya,” Kotone says, and Mitsuru's heart sinks. “He's a wild card.”
Yukari's apartment is quite nice. It's better than what she would have had if she did choose to take on work with the Shadow Operatives. Two bedrooms, a rather expansive kitchen, a fine living room... It's not a penthouse or anything of the sort, but it is rather spacious.
Mitsuru thinks about this because she doesn't want to think about other things.
She's sitting on the couch while Kotone prepares dinner in the kitchen and Yukari regales her with stories of her most recent work, but her mind is locked elsewhere.
“Something's bugging you,” Yukari says, eventually.
Yukari rolls her eyes. “See, you weren't even listening. Didn't we agree to talk to each other, ages ago? Come on, what's on your mind?”
Mitsuru frowns. “Kotone believes she has found the wild card.”
“Yeah. That Amamiya guy, right? From the coffee shop? What was your impression of him?”
“Impression...?” Oh. That's probably why Kotone wanted Mitsuru of all people there. Although she didn't give me much time to form one. “He seems... fine.”
Yukari rolls her eyes. “Look, I know you can't read people all that well, but you're definitely good at first impressions. Either this Amamiya guy is completely uninteresting, or you've got something else on your mind. Either way, I wanna know.”
Mitsuru hesitates. “I... misunderstood what the purpose of this was.”
“Kotone invited me out on a whim to go get coffee. I thought...” Mitsuru flushes and looks away. Talking like this is almost impossible for her. “I thought it might have been a... date.”
Yukari's eyes go wide. “Oh my god! You actually... Wow! Okay, yeah, I can see it. The two of you would be really cute together, actually.” She leans forward. “How long?”
“How long... what?”
“How long have you liked her!?”
Mitsuru swallows and looks away again. “Ever since... It would have been January of 2010.”
“Wait, seriously!? Why didn't you tell anyone!? Why didn't you make a move!?”
“Yes, seriously. I did not tell anyone because I was not entirely certain of my own feelings. And I didn't make a move for reasons that should be very obvious. To you especially.”
Yukari shrinks. “Oh. Yeah. Okay, I'm sorry...”
“Don't be. That was unkind of me. But...” Mitsuru looks over towards the kitchen, where Kotone is wrapped up in her own little world, too far away to hear their mutterings. “Not only did she lose her brother... She lost Ryoji as well. I wonder sometimes... was he the love of her life?” She sighs and shakes her head. “When you lost Makoto, you accepted that you had lost your soulmate, and chose to stay single. I can understand that, and respect it. I just... am not certain if Kotone has decided the same thing.”
“Yeah... I dunno, honestly. She doesn't really talk about Ryoji much, but... She still carries around that scarf all the time, and she treats it so preciously. I wish I could tell you what she feels there, but...”
“I suspected, once, that she might... feel something for me as well.” Admitting this makes Mitsuru go fully red. Good heavens, is this what Yukari felt when Makoto would say one of his cliché lines? “So I thought I'd leave it to her. If she felt ready, she could approach me, but...” She sighs softly. “It seems as though she only becomes more insular over time. I never expected her to just... be fine with what happened. But I thought she might at least get a little better at some point.”
Yukari releases a slow breath. “I mean... I understand her. I still think about Makoto all the time. Honestly... I miss him so much sometimes that it hurts.” She looks down and laces her fingers together idly. “I mean... He wanted us to live on, but it's really hard to do that. I... haven't done a great job of it, myself. Telling Kotone to start dating and making memories and living... I just can't do that.”
Mitsuru cocks her head. “You think it has to do with Makoto rather than Ryoji?”
“Well... It's probably at least somewhat Ryoji, too. But... Makoto was her twin. She did everything with him. So... I guess, whenever something good happens to me, I just want to run and tell Makoto right away, and I can't, and that hurts so much. For her... It's probably even worse. So every good memory is tainted by the fact that she can't share it with him.”
She... will never truly recover, then. Mitsuru sighs and runs a hand through her hair. “I just want her to be happy. And you. I want both of you to be happy.”
Yukari smiles sadly. “Well... as much as I appreciate the gesture, that'll probably never really happen. Sorry. But I'm doing okay, all things considered.”
“I want you to be better than just okay.”
Yukari laughs. “Well, I'll tell you something Kotone told me the other night: Take what you can get.”
Listen to me, into the churn
There will be no pretty words to swallow
This is a test, it's not a war
Watch as we weather the storm together
We are the calm, here for the few
We could be shelter and shore
Heads above water
So cry for the king, stay for the view
Proud of the nothing you grew
When we stood against the storm
-The Stormchaser, Caligula's Horse
Everyone give a little round of applause for Mitsuru, finally becoming a POV character after 800k words. Good for her.
Chapter 22: (Break) In Case Of...
(See the end of the chapter for notes.)
Chapter Text
“I must admit,” Akechi says as he tests the weight of the cue stick in his hands, “the Phantom Thieves are doing a rather good job of proving me wrong.”
“How's that?” Ren asks.
“Well, taking down a mob boss that even the police were unable to reach... It is rather impressive. Plus, they accounted for the welfare of the victims in the process.”
“They protect victims.”
Akechi chuckles. “It would seem so, yes. I'll break, if you don't mind?”
Ren shrugs. “Go right ahead.”
“Thank you. I don't really get to play billiards much, admittedly. I found myself with some free time today, and rather hoped to have someone to play against. Thank you for responding to my message.”
“You're always so busy.”
“Well, I wouldn't say I'm unoccupied, but I'm not busy all the time, either. If anything, my policy is to spend my spare time in meaningful ways.” He smiles easily and brushes some of his brown hair out of his red eyes. “Now, let's play a game. You've played pool before, correct?”
He slides his stick between his fingers smoothly, then makes an easy motion and strikes the cue ball towards the balls. Almost instantly, the nine ball slides over into the back pocket. Akechi chuckles. “Oh, my apologies. A break ace. We'll write this one off in that case.”
Ren nods. “Not bad.”
“Oh, it was just luck.”
They talk throughout the second match. “I was rather surprised when the Thieves targeted that mobster, I must say,” Akechi admits as he prepares a shot. “I thought they would stick to small fries.”
“Small fries?”
“Well, in the grand scheme of things, Kamoshida and Madarame were nothing. And, of course, there's a string of much smaller occurrences of changes of heart. Kaneshiro, though... He was a criminal mastermind, the likes of which the public rarely sees. The police had no leads on him at all. Not even a name. And yet the Thieves managed to not only target him, but identify him to the public. It was an astonishing case.”
Ren shrugs and sets up his next shot. “Well, the were never gonna stay in the minor leagues.”
“You think their next target will be even greater, then?”
“I don't doubt it for a second.”
Ryuji hasn't had any luck finding them a new target, but that's not so surprising. They'll lay low for the moment, and let the next target come to them. Besides, Ryuji's been distracted lately. Ren could probably figure out the cause of that if he used his Third Eye, but he'd rather not dig into his friend's mind like that.
Akechi laughs easily. “Well, I suppose we'll see. It will mean plenty of work for me, not that I'm complaining. I rather enjoy solving these little puzzles.”
“Any leads yet?”
“Now... Why would I tell you that?” Akechi gives him a look, then breaks. “Just kidding, of course. Though naturally I can't inform you about the movements of the police.”
“That's not what I was asking.” Ren takes a shot and sinks two balls in one go. He's feeling more confident in this already. “I just wanted to know if you were getting closer to figuring out who they are.”
“Oh, there hasn't been much progress there, I must admit. That said, I am confident that there will be a breakthrough soon. Given the fact that their first target was Kamoshida, and given the immature content of the first calling card, it is likely that they are students of Shujin Academy. I considered faculty at first, but I don't believe they would use such juvenile language.”
Ren frowns. He didn't expect the authorities to have narrowed it down like that so quickly... Admittedly, the logic makes sense. We did shift, though. Only our first target was at Shujin. As long as we don't do that again, things should work out fine. He misses a shot in his deliberations, though.
Akechi takes a shot, but his isn't much better. “Oof... Bad move on my part. If you get this next one, I'm in trouble.” He raises an eyebrow, his dark red eyes boring right into Ren's head. “So... What will you do?”
So that's the game we're playing, huh? Ren stretches his shoulders out and bends down. He prepares his shot, and then strikes it with great power. The cue ball strikes the two ball hard, and it launches itself all the way towards the pocket...
...only to bounce right off the edge.
It's a massacre from then on. Akechi sinks ball after ball until the table is completely cleared. When he finishes, he straightens and smiles. “That was a close one, I'll say. Admittedly, it would have been quite embarrassing to lose as your senior.”
Ren shakes his head. “You know something, Akechi?”
“What's that?”
“You're a terrible liar.”
He looks stunned. “...What?”
Ren nods down towards the stick. “When we first met, you extended your left hand to shake mine. And that first game, when you got the break ace... You were playing with your left hand. So why are you suddenly playing right-handed?”
Akechi stares for a long moment. Then he smiles and says, “I'm honestly impressed you noticed. That's right, my left hand is my dominant one. I simply switched hands during the game. It's not anything against you. Going all-out against a junior just seems a bit gauche...”
“I don't appreciate the gesture,” Ren says, a little coldly. “Next time, give me your all, or don't bother.”
“...I must confess, you surprise me. You lost this game, I will remind you.”
Akechi chuckles. “Well, I'll make you a deal... Once you can beat me using my right hand, then I will face you with everything I have. Does that sound fair?”
Ren frowns, but nods. “Fine. I'll accept that. But you better be ready.”
“You have my word.” He smiles. “You're rather observant, I must say.”
“Maybe I'll be the third coming of the Detective Prince.”
“You... are an extremely interesting person, Amamiya. If you're so inclined, we should go out again sometime. I think you will be an interesting influence on me.”
Ren smirks. “So... we're rivals?”
Akechi chuckles. “If you like. As long as I can spend some time with you, think of it as you please. I'll reach out to you again sometime soon.”
He's switching stations at Shibuya when he suddenly hears the cry of “Inmate!”
Ren feels something like a cold sweat pour over him. He turns and confirms with horror that, yes, it is, in fact, the twins. They're standing by the street and looking like a couple of toddlers in cosplay.
He approaches them hesitantly. “What're you doing out of...?”
“How insolent!” Caroline growls. “It's not your place to question us, Inmate!”
“We have some new duties lined up for you,” Justine says, more calmly. “To the point: there are a number of places in your reality's society that may foster your rehabilitation. You will prove the value of these places to us – in person.”
Ren gulps. “In... person?”
“Is something about that unclear, Inmate!?” Caroline demands. “We will select various locations that we suspect could be vital to your rehabilitation. Should you recognize a place that we mention, then you are to escort us there.”
“I guess you guys are going stir crazy, huh?”
Justine frowns at him. “Are those ears of your just for decoration? These are special assignments for the sake of your rehabilitation. Work just as hard at them as you do the rest of your duties.”
“Now listen up, Inmate!” Caroline says. “Our first location is one that offers foods that simulates the feeling of being in space. The food is apparently massive enough to rival the size of the universe itself, and resembles a mysterious spacecraft.”
“If this food exemplifies both the unknown and the vast nothingness of space,” Justine says, “then it is sure to stimulate the heart.”
Ren shrugs. “I... think you're talking about Big Bang Burger.”
Caroline frowns. “Big Bang Burger? The name is fitting, I suppose.”
“We shall confirm this intel for ourselves,” Justine declares. “Lead the way.”
I was hoping you weren't gonna say that...
God, they stand out so much.
“Well, it is indeed shaped like a mysterious craft,” Caroline mutters, investigating the burger closely, “but it is much smaller than I had expected.”
Justine nods sadly. “Is this the meal they boasted to be as immense as the cosmos? I am quite disappointed.”
Caroline frowns. “Hey, Inmate – you don't really expect some kind of reward for this, do you?”
“Of course I do,” he says.
“Any further wisecracks, and you will be sorry,” Justine says icily. “And that look on your face – You've seen bigger ones than this, haven't you?”
“You've what!?” Caroline screams. “Spill the details or you're going to learn what it feels like to try breathing in space, Inmate!”
Ren sighs. “There's a thing called the Big Bang Challenge. It's a huge burger.” He shows with his hands how big it gets. “If you finish it in half an hour, you get a reward.”
“Interesting...” Justine muses. “Very well. For the sake of your rehabilitation, you are to take this challenge.”
“I'm... what?”
Maybe it's the two screaming children, or the way he asked nicely, but the staff allows him to skip all the previous stages and try his hand at the most difficult burger – a pile that stacks up so tall it can hardly even stay together. Honestly, it doesn't even really look appealing.
“You're... really doing this!?” Caroline exclaims, like she didn't threaten him into trying it.
“The last burger was entirely insignificant by comparison...” Justine muses.
Caroline leans forward to inspect it. “It's larger than the Inmate's entire stomach! Perhaps the moniker implies that any diner's stomach will suffer its own Big Bang?”
Ren sighs. “This might kill me.”
Justine shakes her head in disappointment. “Complaining before even beginning the challenge. Perhaps one could say you don't have the guts for this? I predict this challenge shall be a fairly difficult one.” She nods. “Be that as it may, you must finish the food tower in its entirety. Failing to join the clean plate club is a grave offense...”
“It is!?” Caroline cries. She slams her fist down hard on the table. “Do you really wanna add another crime to your record!? Get to the rehabilitating, Inmate!”
He tries. He really, really tries. But the half hour ends, and he's not even halfway done. Finally, he collapses down on the table, clutching at his stomach.
“Pathetic,” Caroline declares.
“I do wonder,” Justine admits. “What exactly was the point of this?”
“Well, it was...” Caroline frowns. “Hey, what was the point of this!?” She slams a fist down on the table again, and Ren clutches at his throbbing head in pain. “Hey, Inmate! Why are humans always testing and pushing their limits like this?”
“It's... sort of like training.” Talking hurts.
Justine sighs. “Aren't there more practical approaches to training than such behavior?”
Ren agrees, really. But now that he's tried this once, he can't shake a fierce determination deep within his heart, a determination unlike anything he's ever felt before.
This will probably end with me either being arrested or killed... but before that happens, I will beat the Big Bang Challenge!
“Everyone's talking about us, now!” she exclaims. “Everywhere you look online, the Phantom Thieves are being talked up!”
Yusuke hums. “This is quite the turnaround. All of a sudden, people are expressing their long-standing belief in us.”
“Posting the calling card everywhere was a good move,” Ren says. He nods to Makoto. “Great idea, on your part.”
She smiles. “Well, it was the best way to get his attention.”
“Oh, man,” Ryuji says, grinning like an idiot. “We're really makin' the big time now!”
“Best we be careful, though,” Yusuke warns. “All of this attention might very well put us on the police's radar.”
“Eh, it'll be fine! No way they figure out who we are.”
Ren sighs and leans up against the rail. “I've worried about the same thing, actually. I made sure that the handwriting I used on that letter doesn't look anything like my usual handwriting, but I can't guarantee I disguised it perfectly. If they start to narrow down the search, it's possible an expert could find something to link it to me.”
“It's poor evidence, though,” Makoto points out. “They have nothing to link you to the case.”
Still, Ann can't help but worry a bit. It seems that all the evidence the cops could get their hands on would point to Ren, and only Ren. She knows he wouldn't rat the rest of them out, but... It would be bad enough for him to get arrested for something so dire.
Ryuji scoffs. “You guys're all way too serious. We just pulled this shit off! C'mon, we oughta be celebratin'!”
“After finals,” Makoto says. “If we don't want to stand out, then getting good grades will essential.” She looks between Ren, Ryuji, and Makoto. “Is that clear?”
“Awww...” Ryuji and Ann both moan.
“Oh, you'll survive.”
Ren shrugs. “It won't be so bad. Besides, summer break's coming up. We'll have a celebration then. Both as a post-Kaneshiro party, and as a welcoming party for Makoto.”
Makoto starts. “Oh, that's not necessary...”
“No, he's right!” Ann declares. “We'll make it a two in one!”
“I... Well, if you all insist.” She shakes her head, but she's smiling fondly. “In other news, I spoke to Kobayakawa today. He demanded my report on the Phantom Thieves. I told him that I determined that they are just, and that I am officially ending my investigation on them. I made it clear that I didn't discover any identities before coming to this conclusion, too, just in case he tries to get the police involved.”
“Damn,” Ren says. “That's not gonna bite you in the ass, is it?”
“It... likely will, I must admit.” Makoto's face turns determined. “I'm done playing their game. If doing the right thing will get me barred from top universities, then I wouldn't want to go to them anyway. I've made my decision, and I'm more than content to deal with the repercussions.”
Yusuke nods. “Quite admirable.”
“He won't give up easy, though,” Ren says. “This all started with Shujin. He's probably got higher-ups crawling all over him, trying to get him to squeal.”
“Sounds like his problem,” Ryuji grunts. “He knew about Kamoshida for sure. Coulda done somethin' about it, but he didn't. Screw him.”
“I don't disagree,” Makoto says. She hesitates slightly, and blushes just a little bit. It looks strange on her, but not bad. “Um... In the interest of keeping everything on our team above board, there's one other piece of news I should share...”
Ren, Ann, and Yusuke all share a look. “Huh?” Ann prods. “Above board?”
Makoto reaches over and takes Ryuji's hand in hers. He looks like he's about to burst a blood vessel. “Ryuji and I are dating now.”
“Huh!?” Ann screeches. “Oh my god! Already!?”
Ryuji gives her a scandalized look. “Whaddaya mean, already!?”
“I mean, it was sooo obvious that you two liked each other, but-”
“O-obvious?” Makoto stammers.
“-I didn't think anything would happen this quickly!”
Yusuke strokes his chin. “A magnificent love story. The rebellious thug and the straight-laced honor student, brought together in the throes of passion by a malicious world...”
Ryuji bares his teeth. “Who're you callin' a thug?”
“Good for you two,” Ren says, unbearably casual, like always.
Makoto gives a shaky, embarrassed nod. “T-thanks.” She clears her throat. “I just... wanted to get that out there, so that it was known to the team and wouldn't be an issue in the future. Now... We should all study, and lay low for now. Best that we don't make any sudden moves right now.”
She grabs Makoto by the hand and literally drags her to the diner in Shibuya.
Her senior protests the whole way, but Ann literally couldn't care any less. She grabs them a table, shoves Makoto onto one side, takes the other, orders some tea for both of them, and then leans forward and says, “So. Tell me everything!”
Makoto looks baffled. “W-why did you drag me here?”
“We need to drink tea while you spill tea, duh!”
“I... don't know what that means.”
“You and Ryuji! Tell me everything!”
She shrinks, blushing way harder than Ann thought was possible of the prim and proper student council president. “W-well... There's not much to tell.”
“How'd you get together? Who confessed first?”
“It was the night we posted the calling card...” Makoto rubs at her neck. “And, well... I was the one to tell him how I felt...”
Ann sequels. “Oh my god, I did not think it'd be you! I mean, Ryuji's so thick-headed I thought he'd just go for it without even thinking.”
“Hey! He's not an idiot!”
“Yeah, yeah, go ahead and defend your guy.” There's something weirdly nice about that, actually. “But still! I never thought you'd admit something like that!”
Makoto shifts on her seat. “I didn't expect it either. It just... felt right.”
“Wow...” I wonder when it'll feel right with Ren... “But when did you even start feeling things for him? I mean, you haven't even been in our little group for all that long.”
“It happened quickly,” she admits. “But... even when I was against you three, I think I admired him. I confronted you all on multiple occasions, but he stood up for the three of you every time. He is completely willing to tarnish his reputation and status to protect the people close to him.” She shakes her head. “No, not just the people close to him... You told me yourself that he jumped in front of a car for me... I was your enemy. And he still risked his life like that for me...” She's smiling at this point, almost wistfully. “I... really like that about him.”
Ann nods carefully. “Wow.”
“You can stop saying 'wow' now.”
“Hey, I can't help it!”
Makoto takes a sip of her tea, then nods approvingly, like she's surprised it could meet her standards. “Well, we've only been dating for a few days now, so I don't really have much to tell you. But I will say...” She smiles, seemingly more to herself than to Ann. “I'm... happy. Happier than I've been in ages. The Thieves are a huge part of that, naturally, but... Honestly, when I'm around Ryuji I just feel like myself.”
Ann can almost feel a flush of her own. It feels almost like talking to herself in the mirror.
She swallows hard, then glances away and bites her lip. “Hey, Makoto... Can I tell you something? You won't tell the boys?”
“Of course. What is it?”
“I... like Ren.”
“I know.”
“Oh.” Ann jumps. “Wait, you know!? How!?”
Makoto chuckles to herself. She seems to enjoy the sudden shifting of the power balance. “Actually, Ryuji guessed it. He told me about his theory.”
“Ugh, that figures.” She slumps over on her hand. “How'd he know?”
“He said it was obvious. If it makes you feel better, I haven't really noticed anything. I'm... probably not the best judge of that, though.”
I probably have been really obvious. Ugh, why's it only obvious to the people who aren't involved!? “W-well... Did Ryuji say anything about what he thinks Ren feels for me?”
Makoto shakes her head. “Not really. Although he did guess the two of you will get together by August.”
“A-August?” That's not far away at all. She shakes her head and grinds her teeth together. “Why am I listening to Ryuji like he's some kind of prophet!? Oh my god, what's wrong with me?”
“Pretty much the same thing that was wrong with me,” Makoto says, eerily casual. “Relationships are frightening. Especially to those who don't have much experience with them. The idea of having friends was a strange one to me, and the idea of being more than friends with someone... Just looking back on that, I have no idea how I managed it. I'm glad I did, though.”
“So... I just need to do something?”
“I don't know. I'm really not the right person to give you advice here.” She shrugs, smiling. “Ren's a great guy, though. If you like him, I think you should do something about it.”
“Something...” Ann mutters. “I just wish I knew what.”
[Direct Message: Suzui Shiho]
Ann: hey :)
Ann: are you doing okay???
Shiho: I'm fine, Ann.
Shiho: physical therapy isn't easy, but I'm managing
Shiho: how about you?
Ann: oh, everything's okay
Ann: I just wanted to see how you were doing
Shiho: come on, Ann, I know when you want to talk about something
Shiho: what's going on?
Ann: ugh how do you do that over TEXT
Ann: okay fine
Ann: so I've got kinda a problem
Ann: and I figured you might be able to help cuz like
Ann: you've actually like
Ann: watched romantic movies and stuff
Shiho: oh?
Shiho: I thought you weren't interested in that sort of thing
Ann: I wasn't...
Shiho: what changed?
Ann: …do you remember the transfer student
Ann: the one everyone was talking about
Shiho: yeah
Shiho: what was his name?
Ann: Ren Amamiya
Shiho: soooooo...?
Ann: ...i have a crush on him
Shiho: oooohhh
Shiho: didn't realize you were into bad boys ;)
Ann: shut up!
Ann: he's a sweetheart
Shiho: I'm sure he is
Shiho: so what's the problem?
Ann: how the hell do you tell someone you like them
Ann: idk what to do
Shiho: I've never actually done that, Ann
Shiho: and to be honest, shoujo manga isn't very helpful in real life
Ann: ughhhh
Shiho: you should probably just be honest with him
Ann: but that's harddddddd
Shiho: you can do it, Ann :)
Ann: fineeeee
Shiho: atta girl
Ann: how much longer do you have to do physical therapy?
Shiho: at least a couple more months
Ann: that sucks :(
Shiho: it's not so bad
Shiho: the people here are really helpful
Shiho: but don't you change the subject!
Ann: I wasn't!
Ann: I just wanted to know if you were okay...
Shiho: mostly, yeah
Shiho: it's not easy, but I'm doing okay
Ann: good
Ann: goodgoodgood
Ann: I just want you to be okay
Shiho: don't worry about me, Ann
Shiho: sorry, but I've got a session coming up
Shiho: we can talk later, okay?
Shiho: just be honest with him!
Ann: ugh, fine
When she lowers her phone, she sighs. How am I supposed to not worry about you after what happened?
“Not bad, Amamiya-senpai!” Kasumi declares, beaming. “You're pretty flexible already, and you catch on so fast!”
“Uh... Uh-huh...” he pants. His whole body aches.
She seems oblivious. “It's all about the harmony between the internal and external oblique muscles... I can't get enough of it!” She leans forward. “Ready to continue?”
Ren nods hastily. “I'm... just getting... started...”
“Well! Feisty, are we? I'm glad to hear it! Expert-level gymnastics are beautiful, but they demand a lot of stretching.” She pumps her fists excitedly. “Alright! Let's continue!”
By the time she finally says they can sit down, he feels like he's gonna collapse. He's thirsty, and his muscles ache all the way down to his bones. When he plops down on the bench by the river, he swears he'll never leave it again. This must be how the team feels when I push them a little too far in Mementos. Well, sue him. Mementos is awesome.
“Good effort, senpai!” she says. “And, um... I'd like to continue with our training, but...”
Ren frowns. “Something wrong?”
“Well... I'm not actually doing so great at the moment, so I'm not sure I could manage anything too strenuous. Sorry, I'm just...”
“No, no,” he insists. “It's fine.”
“Thanks for understanding.” She seems to shrink in on herself a bit. Whenever she's feeling uncertain she always reaches up and fidgets with the bow in her hair, like it's not quite in the right spot. “Do you remember how I said I wanted to talk to you about something?”
“I've been feeling like... I'm stuck in a slump.” Kasumi sighs softly. “No matter how much I practice, I just can't get any better. I went to my coach about it, but she just told me to take some time off from gymnastics. According to her, I need to... 'think about who I really am.' I... don't really know what she means by that.” She holds up her hands, like she's surrendering. “Oh, but the idea's not to stop doing gymnastics... She just wants me to take a break.”
“What do you want to do?”
“I... don't know. I've never had an issue that more practice couldn't solve. But now... I have no idea what to do.” She turns and faces him humbly. “So, um... I want you to help me, Amamiya-senpai.”
Makes two people I'm trying to help out of a slump, then. He's out of his element with both, admittedly, but Yusuke seems like the slightly easier task. Partially because he knows about the Phantom Thieves – being one – and partially because an artist's slump is something Ren can at least visualize. It's a bit harder to think about a slump in something like gymnastics. The only thing he can relate it to is his own training, but as long as he takes cares of his body, he can't really fall into a slump there.
Still, he's not against trying to help her sort out her feelings. “Sure. I'll do what I can.”
Kasumi smiles. “So... even if we're not doing gymnastics, will you still keep going out with me?”
Ren smirks. “What, romantically?”
“Oh, no, not like that.” She dismisses his joke with such easy brutality that he honestly can't help but be a bit insulted. “I've heard my coach praising me. She says, 'Kasumi's greatest weapon has always been her boldness.' And honestly, that used to be true... I was totally fearless, confident... Gymnastics was a fun challenge.” She folds her hands together. “But ever since I started high school, I've been in a slump. I got taller, for one, and there were some other... complications...” She shakes her head and carries on before he can ask her about that. “I can't move how I want anymore. Like it's not even my own body.”
“I see.”
She beams at him again. “But when you helped me out in Shibuya, something occurred to me. I saw how fearless you are, how confident you are... I knew you were the right one for the job!”
Ren hesitates. “I might not be the right one to emulate there.”
“Oh? Why's that?”
“I'm fearless because I have nothing to lose.”
Kasumi stares at him for a moment, then she nods softly and says, “I understand. But if I stick with you, senpai, I think I can learn to be confident again. To me, that's worth it.” She leans closer. “Please... Will you help me learn from you?”
“If that's what you want, then...”
“Great! Thank you!”
He watches as she leaves. She's so soft and sweet and confident, but in a flash she can turn sad and uncertain. It's not uncommon, necessarily – he's seen it happen with Ann, after all. It's just... Something's weird about her. He gets this sense, like she's being dishonest with him. He doesn't fully understand it. His Third Eye always seems to get a bit strange around her, too. Sometimes when he looks at her, it feels like he's seeing two people.
“I don't think that's so odd,” Dr. Maruki tells him, an easy smile on his face. “You get the sense of two people from her because she's going through a change. Evolution is good, but it can be frightening. If she trusts you, I think you should help her through this transitional period in her life.”
“I... I guess so,” Ren says.
The doctor chuckles. “There's no need to worry so much about it. Or is it me that's making you nervous?”
“You never did tell me what this research is about.” He gets flashbacks to Takemi giving him strange liquids and scrawling out his responses on a clipboard.
“Oh, it's nothing invasive, I promise! Actually, I should probably start at the beginning, shouldn't I?” He leans forward. “What I'm studying right now is pain felt in the mind. Or, put more fancifully, in the heart. Pain such as that felt when someone says hurtful things to you, or when you are separated from those you love.” He considers that for a moment, then nods. “Maybe this would be clearer, or more accurate – pain defined by abstracts, like trauma or stress. I am attempting to study this sort of pain.”
“To increase it or decrease it?”
Dr. Maruki chuckles easily. “Well, decrease it, of course. Bodily, physical pain can be thought of as something necessary. An autonomic response to injury, illness, whatever. But what about pain felt within one's heart? That pain isn't born from any tangible problem in our bodies, right? It's something strange and immaterial. Can that sort of pain really be said to be necessary?”
Ren frowns. “Pain's an evolutionary response, right? A way to teach someone to avoid something. So if you burn yourself, you learn not to touch the fire.”
“Hm. So emotional pain is a way to teach people not to repeat the same emotional mistakes? By that logic, though, wouldn't everyone have to be closed off and unemotional?”
“I guess so.”
“Pain teaches us lessons, that much is very true. However, sometimes that pain is just a hindrance. Take, for example, the stress one feels before a test. That stress causes poor sleep, poor memory retention, poor recall. All of these responses then make the initial source of the stress – the test – that much more stressful. These emotional responses do nothing but hinder the one suffering from them. A burn might be uncomfortable or painful for a short time, but it will teach you to avoid future burns.”
Ren hesitates. He can't really fight that logic. “So... what do you want from me?” he asks, a bit uncertainly.
Dr. Maruki leans forward and smiles easily. “Well, I'd just like to ask you some questions. Tell me, when do you truly feel pain in your heart, Amamiya-kun?”
“I guess... When someone betrays me.”
It's not like I trusted them implicitly, but they were my parents. They could have at least heard my side of the story. They never listened, though. I tried, I really did try to explain everything to them. Why couldn't they just listen , dammit?
“I see...” Dr. Maruki says, softly. “Yes, I can sympathize there. Sometimes, all it takes is one betrayal for intense trust to turn into intense pain.” He pushes his glasses up his nose gently. “It can be rough. It doesn't feel good to struggle with pain in your heart. Tell me, what do you think is the lesson there?”
Ren considers it for a moment. “Maybe... not to trust others so freely?”
“But what if you only trusted one person, a person who earned that trust, and then it was broken? The lesson would be warped, then, wouldn't it?”
“I... suppose so.”
“Let's consider another angle.” Dr. Maruki leans back in his seat casually. “How about the pain of a broken heart? After all, that kind of pain is only born because we fall in love, right? Do you have any thoughts on this kind of pain, Amamiya-kun?”
“Well... I've never actually gone through a breakup personally.” He was quiet at his other schools, too, and after the arrest... “But... I guess that pain is a seed for new loves.”
Dr. Maruki laughs. “I never took you for a poet.”
“I just meant... Think of it like compost. Dead organic material being used to sprout new plants. The old making way for the new. Or... something like that.”
“It's a wonderful sentiment. A very positive way of looking at it.” Dr. Maruki nods approvingly. “Internal, emotional pain can be difficult to deal with. Though some say it's always coupled with other feelings...” He shrugs. “They're not wrong. It's a fair assessment.” With a weary smile, he leans forward again. “Speaking from my own personal experience, though... I think it would be better if pain could be avoided. Maybe it shouldn't exist at all.”
“I... don't know if I understand.”
“Wounds of the heart are much harder to detect, and, in a way, they're far more complex than physical injuries. That's why I'm doing this research. To save people who are suffering from internal pain that they keep holding onto.” He offers a small smile. “You helped me realize that purpose again. Thank you.”
Ren shrugs. “I didn't really do anything.”
Dr. Maruki chuckles. “Well, from your perspective, maybe not. But this was very helpful for me. Thanks to you, I think I'll be able to better articulate my thoughts today.” He stands and nods. “Thank you for your time. I'll be sure to be in touch, alright?”
[Direct Message: Sakamoto Ryuji]
Ryuji: yo
Ryuji: we're comin over
Ren: ????
Ryuji: dont question mark me!
Ryuji: see ya soon
Ren sighs and wipes the counter down. It's a public place, and the store's open, it's not like he can be upset for them coming over. He's honestly not bothered either way, though he would have preferred a bit more warning than this.
It's been a long, slow Sunday, though. Ever since Kaneshiro was arrested, the days have felt a little empty. The lack of stress stresses him more than the actual threat, in a weird way.
The bell chimes, and all the others come in. Ryuji waves, grinning. “'Sup? We're here to hang out.”
“That's not why we're here!” Ann says. “We need to study for finals!”
Makoto sighs. “Why am I here too?”
Ryuji gives her a look. “What's that mean? You said you'd help me study.”
“I said I'd help you study. I didn't offer to teach everyone...”
“Well... You said we'd be in trouble if we didn't pass, right? So, as our advisor, it'd be pretty rough if you didn't step up and help us out, right?”
Morgana hops up on one of the tables and paws at Makoto. “What is it you see in him?”
“Lots of things,” Makoto says. “Although it would be nice to have a bit of warning before I'm forced to lead a group study session...”
Ann shakes her head. “Leave the idiots alone,” she says to Makoto.
Makoto sighs again. “It's fine. And... I didn't ask the last time I was here, but... What exactly is this place? Why are we allowed to use this shop so freely?”
Ryuji nods to Ren. “It's where this guy lives.”
“You know about my record, I guess, right?” Ren says. He might as well get it out in the open. The others all know, after all.
“Of course.”
“Well.. That assault charge...”
“It's all bullshit,” Ryuji growls, finishing for him. “He didn't do shit wrong, but some asshole accused him anyway and got him shipped out here on probation.” He motions towards the stairs. “Dude lives up in the attic here, actually.”
“Wait... You live in the café?”
Ren shrugs. “It's not so bad. I like the smell of coffee.”
“Ooh, me too!” Ann exclaims, beaming. “Speaking of coffee, could we have some, Ren? Pleeeeaaase...?”
“Well... A cup each. Boss might kill me if I give away any more than that.”
“Yes! You're the best!”
He prepares the coffee while the others take their seats. When he returns, they all have their books and notes out, and it looks like this might turn out to be an actual study session. “What subject are we working on?” he asks, sliding down into a seat and letting Ryuji plop down next to him.
“English,” Makoto says. She frowns down at her papers. “Hm... What was this term? It's 'phobia,' so it's a fear of some kind...”
“Lemme see.” Ann leans over. “Oh, I think that's a fear of open spaces. You don't see that used very often, though.”
“Wait... You knew that?”
Ann smirks proudly. “Leave vocabulary and long sentences to me. I... kinda suck at proper grammar, though...”
Ryuji groans. “Man, even if we study English, it's not like I'm gonna use it in the future...”
“Well, when it comes to you,” Morgana says, “even your Japanese is questionable.”
“Are you just here to hate on me!?”
“'Explain the writer's feelings'...?” Ann reads. “Huh? What's the point in that?”
“Completely impossible,” Yusuke criticizes. “One cannot know the true inner workings of any artist, regardless of their medium.”
Ryuji runs a hand through his hair. “It's hopeless... I can't memorize all these formulas... Ain't there a good way of cheating?”
Makoto sighs. “Why don't we take a quick break?”
“Hell yeah!”
Morgana groans. “He was just waiting for her to say that.”
Ren can't help but smile. When he first moved here, all he heard was that everyone would give him the cold shoulder. And, sure, these people are also the sorts who get backs turned on them... but so what? Being an outcast isn't so bad. He has people around him that understand him in a way he never thought was even possible.
And a place where I really, truly belong. Whenever he dons the Joker mask, he just feels free. He feels like himself, like nothing in the entire world could possibly stop him.
Ryuji turns around and flicks on the TV just as a program is ending. “That was the follow-up report on the suspect Kaneshiro. Now, Akechi-san...” At the mention of that name, they all perk up. “This case is said to be the result of the Phantom Thieves' actions, but is that actually true?”
Akechi's smiling face appears. He always looks so pleasant in these interviews. In person, though, there's a sort of subdued anger behind those red eyes. Whenever he sees it, Ren can't help but wonder if they're actually so different, when you get down to it.
“Considering a calling card was scattered about,” Akechi says, “I believe there's no mistaking that. The question is what the Phantom Thieves actually did. If they tampered with a suspect's heart, it casts doubt on the authenticity of any confession.”
The reporter hums. “So then, by tampering with hearts, the Phantom Thieves are fabricating crimes that may not exist?”
“We can't deny the possibility. As it stands, the Phantom Thieves have only exposed criminals for which there was external evidence beyond a confession. In the Kamoshida case, several students came forward. Many formal pupils testified against Madarame. And in Kaneshiro's case, the evidence was actually overwhelming. However, it cannot be denied that the Phantom Thieves might just be building up public trust, only to then start targeting innocents for their own gain.” He looks directly at the camera and nods gravely. “They are no different than the criminals they target. This cannot be overlooked.”
The reporter nods. “I see.”
Ryuji growls under his breath. “'I see,' my ass. Why the hell're we bein' treated as the bad guys?”
“Just let them say whatever they want,” Ann tells him. “More people are starting to understand that what we're doing is right, after all.”
“There's been much more talk as well,” Yusuke reports. “Even at Kosei, the gossip is all of the Phantom Thieves. I can't escape it, actually.”
“And the forum's been full of hype!” Ryuji declares, all of his energy back in an instant. “Do you think we made it to the big time?”
“Don't get pompous over dealing with some street thug,” Morgana scolds. “Save it for after we deal with a bigger target.”
Ryuji shrugs. “We just gotta take down a bigger one, yeah? That was the plan from the start anyways!”
Makoto nods. “True. It may be best if we start thinking about it.”
“Eh, I bet we'll find one in no time. The wind's blowin' in our direction and everything!”
“Well, we'll decide on that eventually.” Makoto taps her pencil against her papers. “We need to overcome our exams first. Break time's over. Let's get back to-”
“Oh, hey, I just remembered!” Ryuji cuts her off. “The celebration party! Weren't we gonna do it after the exams?”
“...Yes. After the exams. After.”
“Well, where should we go? I feel like I'll study better if I got something to look forward to.”
Ann nudges Makoto. “Can't you rein him in?”
“Actually... He's not really wrong. Having something to work towards will likely motivate him more. The rest of you, too.” She nods at Ryuji. “I take it getting into a good university isn't much of a motivator for you?”
“Pfft. Hell nah.”
“...Yeah. It's not much of one for me either, now...”
Ren raises an eyebrow when Makoto says this, but he doesn't respond.
Morgana hops up on the table. “The last celebration was a buffet at a hotel. We haven't gone anywhere since then.”
Yusuke sits upright so fast it's like he came back from the dead. “A buffet!?”
“Where would be good...?” Ann muses. She snaps her fingers suddenly. “Hey, what about fireworks? A fireworks festival!”
“Oh, hell yeah!” Ryuji exclaims. “Nothin' more summer-y than that!”
Makoto smiles. “Sounds good to me.”
“It's... hard to turn down a buffet...” Yusuke says sadly. “But... I will accept witnessing the beauties of summer instead.” He manages a weak smile. “Still, I insist that we feast during the festival as well.”
Morgana looks at the girls with wide eyes. “Will you guys wear yukata!?”
“Ooh, I've got some good ones!” Ann says. She nods at Ren, and he notes that she's biting her lip ever-so-slightly. “W-would you mind helping me pick one out?”
Ren feels a flush coming on. “Uh... Y-yeah, sure. I don't mind.”
“So we're all down then, right?” Ryuji says. “Alright, fireworks festival it is! Let's look for a good one!”
Makoto taps her pencil hard on his side of the table. “Studying comes first, though. As both student council president and your girlfriend, I cannot abide you failing any of the exams. Are we clear?”
“Y-yes ma'am...”
“S-so... Lady Ann, huh?”
“What?” Ren turns around, confused. Morgana sits on the edge of the bed, looking away as Ren changes into his lounge clothes. “Is something wrong?”
“C'mon, Morgana. I can tell something's bugging you.”
Morgana sighs. He stays silent for a really long time, his tail curling around his body and his ears deflating down sadly. “When we found the Treasure this time...” he says, after a long moment, “I... remembered some things. Not much, but...”
“You had some memories?” Ren rushes over and kneels down by the bedside. “Why didn't you tell us? That's great news!”
“It...” Morgana goes a bit flat. “I really may not be human...”
“It's just...” He shakes his head. “I don't know. It wasn't much. It's not worth worrying about.” He curls up in a little feline ball on the bed and rests his head on his tail. “Come on. It's not good for you to stay up this late. Let's go to sleep.”
He turns on his heel as Kasumi approaches him in the station square. “Hey, what's up?”
She smiles at him. “I actually had something to tell you. Would now be a good time?”
“Sure, I've got some time.”
“Thank you. Why don't we find a seat somewhere?”
“Huh? Amamiya?”
Ren starts when he hears his name again. When he turns, he's surprised to see Akechi approaching them. The detective has a small smile on his face, though it looks a little forced. His red eyes turn down from Ren to look at Kasumi curiously. “And you are...”
She smiles at him. “It's been a while, Akechi-san.”
“You two know each other?” Ren asks.
“Oh, my father works at a TV station,” Kasumi tells him. “Have you ever seen Good Morning Japan? My father's the director.”
Akechi nods. “I've been brought onto the show as a guest a number of times now. That's how I ended up becoming acquainted with Yoshizawa-san.” He looks over at Ren, cocking his head. “I didn't know you knew her as well, Amamiya.”
“She's my friend.”
Kasumi giggles. “Yes, that's right. He's been offering me guidance lately.”
“Guidance, hm? That's... rather interesting, I must say...” He flexes the fingers of his left hand, subtly, but noticeably. “So, what were you two up to?”
“Oh, that's right! I was just about to share some exciting news. It's nothing top secret, actually, so I may as well spill it now.” She nods to Ren. “Do you remember that summer competition I mentioned to you before? I was chosen to be our club representative!”
“Hey, that's great,” Ren tells her. He means it. She's been working hard, and overthinking the whole thing too much. It's good to see her get a bit of recognition.
“This only feels like the beginning to me, though,” she continues.
Akechi rubs his chin. “Isn't your club's team considered to be quite prestigious? And you're their representative? I must say, that's... extremely impressive.”
“Thank you! I'll do my best to make everyone proud.”
“I'll be cheering you on as well,” Akechi says, with maybe just a little bit of hesitancy in his voice. “Ah, I have an idea. Since the three of us are here, why don't we go somewhere as a group? We can call it our little celebration for Yoshizawa-san's success.”
“Oh, that would be wonderful! Are you free, Amamiya-senpai?”
He shrugs. “I've got nothing going on.”
Akechi beams. “Wonderful! Would you mind if I chose the place? There's a wonderful little café I know about, and it's not too far from here...”
“Of course!” Kasumi says. “Lead the way.”
Ren holds back just a bit as the two of them head over. Morgana slips up through his bag. “I'm gonna head back to Leblanc,” he mutters. “I don't wanna get in the way.”
“You don't have to-”
“See you later.”
The cat slips away before Ren can protest.
It's a somewhat small establishment with outdoor seating, though definitely larger than Leblanc. Ren gets iced tea, thinking the others will do the same thanks to the heat. Instead, they both get coffee. Akechi nods to Kasumi as they sit down. “Yoshizawa-san, you drink hot beverages even in the summer?”
“I have to prevent my body from getting too cold, since the meet's coming up rather soon,” she explains.
“I see. You're certainly covering all your bases.”
Ren looks between the two of them. “You guys literally ordered the exact same thing.”
Kasumi giggles. “That's true!”
“Well, I thought I'd try the popular drink,” Akechi says, smiling coyly.
“I had this image that you enjoy sweet things, Akechi-san,” Kasumi says. “Is that untrue? I swear I saw you eating fried sweet bread on TV just the other day...”
He chuckles. “It's all part of a marketing strategy. That sort of stunt is an easy crowd-pleaser.”
“You seem to have your own bases covered as well.”
“You mean the things I see on TV aren't entirely accurate?” Ren says, faking astonishment. “Next you'll tell me the internet isn't always right.”
Akechi laughs. “You're more innocent than I had expected.”
Kasumi leans forward. “I've been wondering: how do you two know each other?”
“His social studies class visited the set of a TV show I appeared on. He and I exchanged our opinions during the shoot, and his way of thinking intrigued me. Since then we've had a mutually... stimulating relationship.”
Ren shrugs. “We have debates sometimes.”
Kasumi nods. “Oh! Oh, that's what you meant!”
“What did you think I meant?” Akechi asks, smirking. “Anyway, that reminds me. You had mentioned that he's been providing you with some guidance. I'm curious – what sort of help could he provide to someone like you?”
“Well, just as you said, his way of thinking is intriguing. I figured I could benefit from his input.”
“Hm...” Akechi's smirk turns a little bit devious. “In that case, let's play a little game... Would you mind if I posed the same question to you that I first asked him?”
“Oh... Go right ahead.”
“So, my question was simple. What do you think of the Phantom Thieves, Yoshizawa-san?”
“The Phantom Thieves?” she repeats. “I suppose you mean in the case that they do actually exist, yes?” She considers that for a second, then nods. “I admit that the assistance of others in need is a truly great act... But... I simply can't agree with their methods.”
Ren cocks his head, but says nothing.
“I see,” Akechi says, stroking his chin in thought. “Care to explain why?”
“I suspect the Phantom Thieves' existence isn't going to be beneficial to society in the long run. For example, when someone's faced with a problem, I believe they need to overcome it themselves. Getting help from others is totally fine, but in the end, it takes a person's initiative to truly create lasting change. If society relied upon a safety net like the Phantom Thieves, I worry that people would stop making a conscious effort.” She shrugs. “Granted, this depends on the severity of the problem, and it's inaccurate to apply generalizations to an entire population... But I believe a society where everyone simply leaves matters to the Phantom Thieves wouldn't last for very long.”
Akechi nods. “So, in the sense of a person's growth, their actions actually hinder it.” He looks to Ren, that same coy smile on his face. “Let me ask you, then – what do you think of Yoshizawa-san's opinion?”
Ren shrugs. “She's entitled to it. But I don't agree with it.”
“Wait...” Kasumi looks to him with wide eyes. “Could you actually be a fan of the Phantom Thieves, Amamiya-senpai!?”
I'm their leader, he thinks, smirking internally. “I am.”
Before she can say anything, Akechi chuckles. “I didn't mean to start an argument. I just can't help myself sometimes. How about we change the subject to something a bit lighter. For example-”
“Hey, look! Isn't that Akechi-kun!?”
It starts with one whisper. Then that whisper starts turning into something more dramatic, and Akechi shrinks slightly. “It... looks like I've been spotted.”
Ren frowns. “Must suck being famous.”
“Oh, I'm used to it, but I don't want to cause trouble for the store.” He sighs as more and more people start to crowd around. “Looks like I'm out of time. I wish I could've relaxed a little longer, though.”
Kasumi gives him a look. “But you didn't do anything wrong, Akechi-san...”
“Sorry, but this happens sometimes. I'm only going to cause problems if I stay, so I'll just get going.” He chuckles and nods at Ren. “It's a shame I don't have glasses like you. Maybe I would have been able to get out of this situation...”
Ren grins. “Come with me.”
He leads Akechi into the bathroom mostly against his will, but it works out. In there, he shoves his glasses onto Akechi's face (“Your glasses are fake? I didn't expect you to go in for fashion trends.”) and then musses his hair up. When he looks at his handiwork, he grins, and even Akechi seems to smile slightly when he looks at himself in the mirror.
When they return, some of the crowding onlookers notice. Ren overhears one fan. “Oh, he's back. This time, I'll get his autograph...” The woman trails off. “Huh? Was it not him?”
Kasumi seems to giggle into her sleeve a bit, but Akechi keeps his straight face. One by one, the crowd dissipates until there's nothing left, and the three of them are finally left alone once more.
“I truly can't believe you did that,” Akechi says, softly, nodding over to Ren through his messy hair. “I suppose I'd better learn to watch what I say around you...”
“Hang on.” Ren pulls out his phone and gets a quick picture before Akechi can get the glasses off. “That's a keeper,” he says, grinning.
Akechi sighs and removes the glasses, thrusting them back into Ren's hands. He does his best to return his hair to its original style, but Ren really did a number on it, and it's gonna take a comb to get it back to normal. “I must say that you impress me. Who else could make a peasant of the Detective Prince?”
“A peasant?” Kasumi says. “I thought you looked rather handsome, Akechi-san.”
“Is that so?” Akechi says.
It's strange, Ren thinks, just how cold his voice is just now.
Morgana's sitting by the door of Leblanc when Ren gets back. “Why'd you take off like that?” Ren asks, crouching down by him so he can hop into his bag.
The cat doesn't do it, though. “I... don't really want to butt in. When I'm in your bag hearing these things, I feel like I'm eavesdropping.”
“It's alright. Everyone knows you're there.”
“But they don't notice, or care.”
Morgana sighs. “That's the point. I'm... I just look like a cat. So no one thinks about me at all. They talk like I'm not there. They don't care if I hear anything.”
Ren shrugs. “Pretty great quality for a thief.”
“Even you aren't listening...”
“Morgana.” Ren adjusts and forces Morgana to look at him. “I am listening. I get it. Do you think I've never felt like I'm invisible?”
“You aren't invisible. Everyone notices you.”
“Not always in good ways.”
“But they still notice you. People still realize you exist.” Morgana gets a bit smaller. “Sometimes it feels like I don't exist. And I just wonder... Will I actually be better off once I have my memories back? Will things actually be different, or...?”
Ren reaches out and pats him on the head. “You have to believe that they will.”
“Yeah. Neither of us can know for sure, but we can have faith.”
Morgana looks at him with wide eyes. “Do... Do you really believe I'm human? Or are you just humoring me? Tell me the truth. I'll know if you lie!”
Ren chuckles. “I really believe it. Morgana, you are a really strange creature.”
“Oh, don't get offended. I'm not wrong. My point is, if you can appear as a talking cat and have a Persona and turn into a car... Honestly, I think the sky's the limit for you. You really aren't chained down by something like possibility. If you say you're human, I think I believe you.”
Morgana stares at him. “You... really mean that?”
“I thought you said you'd know if I lied.”
“I... did.” Morgana nods slowly. “Thanks, Ren...”
“Hey, no problem.”
The door opens suddenly, and Sakura-san steps out with some boxes. He looks down at the two of them and frowns. “Thought I heard someone out here. Are you really talking to the cat?”
Ren smiles. “He helps me clear my thoughts.”
“Well, whatever. Do what you gotta do, kid.”
Morgana chuckles. “I guess it is kinda cool... being able to hide in plain sight like this.”
Boss shakes his head. “I don't think I've ever heard such a noisy cat in my life.”
Ren just laughs.
Now it started as a rough day
Hey, are you sure it's not your first time?
I'm out of breath, caught in my head
Doe-eyes waiting, waiting, wait
She's a little too familiar, okay?
And that smile is gonna kill ya someday
She promised me the night, waiting for the night
Of my life
Dams will burst and banks will break
Every now and then rivers lose their way
Swept up in the flow
-(Break) In Case Of..., Area 11
Chapter 23: Someone Else
(See the end of the chapter for notes.)
Chapter Text
“It's soooo hot...” Ryuji moans.
Yusuke nods. “It's as if we're walking around in an enormous sauna...”
“Whose bright idea was it to come here?”
Morgana pops out of Ren's bag. “Yours, idiot.”
Ren sighs. “It's pointless to complain about the heat while we're standing in it.” Wise words, kind of, but it's a bit hard to ignore the ridiculous heat wave. His previous town was a little further up in the mountains, so it wasn't too hot during the summer. Tokyo, though...
Ryuji slaps his hands together. “Alright, alright... We're here, so let's make the most of it. Let's get some food already, I'm starvin'.”
A food festival definitely sounded appealing when Ryuji called him about it last night. After all, most of Ren's diet seems to be curry from Leblanc and burgers from Big Bang Burger. He could stand to have some variety ever now and again.
The reality, though, is that pretty much the whole prefecture showed up for this. The lines are worse than the heat, if that's even possible, and Ren – in his infinite wisdom – didn't bring any water. He just stands in the lines and sweats and tells himself that this will, eventually, be a pleasant memory to look back on.
Even that hope gets swatted down, though, when he ends up getting to the middle of a line, only for the vendors to announce that they had run out of meat. How the hell do you run out of meat at a meat festival? Ren wonders to himself. He has a brief urge to go into the Metaverse and change the heart of whoever organized this stupid thing.
In the end, all he's actually able to get is flavored ice, which at least can kind of cool him down. When he meets up with the others, he sees that Yusuke did, somehow, manage to get a kebab (that lucky bastard), while Ryuji got some kind of noodle dish that at least looks tasty, even if it isn't what they came here for. “You really got screwed, huh?” Ryuji asks him when they get back together.
“I don't wanna talk about it,” Ren grumbles.
“Standing around in this sweltering heat was rather trying,” Yusuke admits.
“Then why the hell're you wearing long sleeves?” Ryuji asks him. He doesn't get a response, so he just sighs. “Almost all the good stuff was already sold out...”
Morgana scampered up onto Ren's shoulder. “I didn't even eat breakfast this morning. I'm starting to get lightheaded...”
“Even still,” Yusuke says, a small smile on his face, “an occasion like this seems to make everything taste delicious... How mysterious.”
Ren kicks the grass. “I really wanted a kebab...”
Morgana sighs. “Well, at least we have shaved ice!”
Ryuji shrugs. “Eh, we came all the way out here, so we might as well go check that thing out.”
“What thing?” Yusuke asks.
“Oh, I heard they're building some kinda huge-ass stadium or somethin' nearby.” He frowns. “Wait, was that what it was?”
Morgana gives an even more exasperated sigh. “You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about, do you?”
“A stadium...” Yusuke muses. “Well, such buildings often have intriguing architecture. I'd love to see it for personal reference.”
“Yeah? How about you?”
Ren nods. “Yeah, why not?”
“Alright, let's go!”
When they get to the spot in Odaiba, though, they find out that it's still under construction. “That's it?” Ryuji mutters. “They barely even started?”
“We seem to be premature spectators,” Yusuke says.
Ryuji sighs. “I guess this is what people call 'jumping the gum.'”
“Jumping the gun,” Morgana corrects, sounding more exhausted than ever.
“Well, there ain't nothin' to do here,” Ryuji says, ignoring the cat. “You guys wanna go grab a bite somewhere? Didn't really get filled by that festival.”
“Sorry,” Yusuke says, “but I'm considering picking up more art supplies. I have a summer project to work on.” He hesitates. “Also... The summer festival drained my coffers. Even if I did grab a bite, all I could order would be water and a hot towel.”
“And yet you're buying art supplies?” Morgana says.
“Well, whatever,” Ryuji grumbles. “In that case, we probably oughta just call it quits for today. Let's get outta here.”
Ren turns to leave with the others when suddenly Morgana paws at his ear. “Hey, isn't that Yoshizawa?”
He turns, and sure enough, there she is. She's dressed in casual clothes and looking up at the stadium, seemingly completely unaware of their little group. “Yeah, that's her.”
“Don't you think it's a bit strange for her to come here?” Morgana asks. “You know, she did mention something about a meet earlier.”
“Yo, Renren!” Ryuji calls. “You comin'?”
“Go ahead without me,” Ren says. “I still have something to take care of here.”
Ryuji shrugs. “Alright, whatever. See ya around.”
Ren pushes his glasses up his nose and walks over to her. “Kasumi?” he says, gently.
She still jumps half out of her skin. “Amamiya-senpai!?” she exclaims, having apparently not noticed him at all until now. “Oh... Did you come to see the stadium too?”
“Yeah. A bit early, though.”
“Me too. I... needed to give myself a pep talk.”
Ren hesitates. “Is... something wrong? You seem kind of... down.”
“I guess it's pretty obvious, huh?” Still, Kasumi manages a small smile. “Sometimes, when things get me down, I come here.” She hesitates, then sucks her lips into her mouth and sways on her feet. “Um... I know this may get in the way of your plans, but would you be willing to join me for lunch?”
It's only then that he notices how red and puffy her eyes are. She's been crying. It's more than just something having her down.
He gives her a small smile. “I'd be delighted.”
She terrifies him.
Okay, that might be a bit of an exaggeration, but good god. Kasumi eats like a vacuum cleaner. He remembers how much difficulty he had with the lowest tier of the Big Bang Challenge, and now wonders if Kasumi would even consider it a challenge at all. She could probably handle the highest tier and ask for seconds.
When she finishes, she stretches out, looking a bit more at ease, and quite satisfied overall. “Phew! That was delicious.”
“...What did I just witness?” Ren manages.
“Oh, I'm always like this after a meet.” She giggles. “In all honesty, I'd like to keep going... but any more will end up harming my performance.”
He decides to focus on less disturbing topics. “So... the meet's done?”
She nods. “Simply put? It was a disaster.”
“I've been feeling like I'm getting back into the natural flow of things lately, but...” She sighs and shakes her head sadly. “When the moment of truth arrived, my body just wouldn't move the way that I wanted it to.”
“Is it a mental thing?”
“I'm... not sure. To be honest, sometimes it feels like my mind and my body just won't talk to each other anymore.” She lets out a small huff. “Sorry, that probably doesn't mean anything, does it?” She shrinks in on herself slightly, folding her hands together. “Something similar happened to me in middle school. But... back then, I had someone by my side that kept me going...”
“A friend?”
She looks away. “I... have a younger sister. We promised each other that we'd win international gymnastics competitions together. But this spring...” Kasumi hesitates for a long moment, then sighs and says, “This spring, she... died. In an accident.”
Ren blinks. “I'm... I'm sorry, Kasumi.”
“I promised her we'd take the gold for our routines across the world. But I just can't stop worrying about my lack of improvement lately. I've really been throwing myself into practice, but I wonder if even that won't be enough...”
Ren considers that for a moment. “I don't think you should throw in the towel yet.”
“When I moved here... I felt like there was no point to it. It honestly felt like my life was over. Everyone kept telling me that I would struggle, but...” He manages a weak smile. “I feel more alive than I ever have since coming here. I've made great friends. I feel fulfilled. So...” He leans towards her a bit. “I guess what I'm trying to say is that... There's always a way to break through the wall. You can do this.” His smile widens just a bit. “You can make your sister proud.”
Kasumi stares at him for a second, then wipes away a tear. “Thank you for being so thoughtful, senpai...” She laughs a little under her breath. “You just keep on rescuing me, don't you?” She nods and straightens her back. “Okay! No more brooding! There are still meets left in the year. I'm going to start from scratch and train as hard as I can. And... If you would, could you stay with me through it?”
Ren nods. “Of course.”
“Thank you so much! I feel like I've been recharged – mind, body, and spirit-”
Her stomach rumbles hard enough to rattle the foundations.
“Oh, um...” Kasumi smirks. “Well, at least my mind and spirit are recharged!” She throws herself out of the booth. “The best way to stave off hunger is with some vigorous activity! I'm going to job home! Take care!”
He doesn't get to the station until late, and finds that politician giving another speech there.
“Together, we can create a bright future for the next generation!” he declares, his voice strong and sturdy. He seems steady in his convictions.
Alas, it doesn't last. A passerby scoffs loud enough to interrupt the flow of his speech. “Enough of your arrogance, No-Good Tora!”
Yoshida-san practically crumbles into himself. “Wha-!?”
“As if anyone would actually vote for you! Are you planning to embezzle funds again? Or maybe shit-talk one of your constituents again?”
“N-no...! T-that was... all in the past...”
Ren raises an eyebrow.
He steps up towards the politician and says, “Everything alright?”
Yoshida-san looks up, a bit surprised. “Oh, it's you...” He sighs. “I've gone and done it again. Those accusations...”
“Are they true?”
“In a manner of speaking, yes.” Yoshida looks up towards the sky. “I went through quite an ordeal twenty years ago... I used to be a member of the National Diet. I was elected during the rise of the Kuramoto Children. We were backed by powerful Diet members. I was very inexperienced back then, as a politician. To tell the truth, I was rather inexperienced as a human being, too. That inexperience led me to be involved in a series of major political scandals.”
“People refer to my blunders as 'No Good Tora's Three Strikes.' The first was being caught missing a legislative meeting to take a personal vacation. My next strike was being accused of embezzling a large sum of money from the party. Finally...” He hesitates, sighing softly. “I called a voter an idiot at an open forum. Strike three. I was out, and branded a washed-up politician.”
Ren stares at him for a moment. Then he smirks and says, “So you're a bit of a loser, huh?”
“W-wha-!?” Yoshida looks back, then sighs. “I suppose that's... not entirely inaccurate.”
“Makes two of us.”
Ren gives him a grin. “I'm on probation.”
Yoshida's eyes go wide. “Truly? A young man like you? What for?”
“You... must be kidding.” When Ren doesn't respond, Yoshida shakes his head. “You seem such a calm young man. What could possibly cause you to assault someone?”
“I found a drunk man attempting to assault a woman. I stepped in. He got hurt, then sued me. I got expelled from my old school and carted off here.”
Yoshida studies him slowly. Then his face goes a bit grim. “And such is how this country treats its people. An upstanding youth attempts to do the right thing, and ends up punished for it, while a cruel man continues to do as he pleases, with the support of the courts, no less. Truly, how does this country expect to march into the future if it continues to harass the next generation?”
Ren chuckles. “There's your conviction. Stick to that, and you'll be fine.”
“I-” Yoshida manages a small smile. “Perhaps you're right. Thank you... Amamiya, was it?” He extends a hand, and Ren shakes it. “Thank you. Truly.”
[Direct Message: Yoshizawa Kasumi]
Kasumi: Hello, Amamiya-senpai!
Kasumi: Thank you so much for earlier.
Kasumi: Now I can give it 110% at tomorrow's practice!
Ren: You're not going to rest?
Kasumi: Nope!
Kasumi: If I take a day off, it'll dull my senses.
Kasumi: Next meet, I'll make it onto the winners' podium, I swear!
Kasumi: I won't slip up again like I did before.
Kasumi: I'll have some great news next time I see you! I promise!
Ren: I'm looking forward to it.
Morgana beams at the messages. “She sure had us worried, but it looks like she'll be okay.” He stretches out on the bed. “Let's get some sleep. Fireworks tomorrow, remember?”
[Group Chat: i really wanted to see kaneshiro cry on tv]
Skull: todays the fireworks festival
Skull: lets meet in shibuya at 17:00
Panther: hey, Makoto, are you going to wear a yukata?
Queen: I'm planning on it.
Skull: ooh cant wait to see it
Queen: Will you be wearing one as well?
Skull: i aint got clothes like yukata...
Queen: I'm sure you'll still look great.
Panther: ew
Fox: Yukata are a great part of the summer tradition. They truly heighten a woman's beauty.
Fox: I think I will wear mine as well.
Skull: you got one? how about you, ren?
Joker: i dont have one
Panther: hey, I know! Why don't you come without your glasses?
Queen: Wouldn't he be blind then?
Joker: my prescription's pretty mild
Queen: Still, what would be the point?
Panther: I dunno, you don't get to see fireworks every day, so it'd be sad just wearing normal clothes!
Panther: I was just thinking he might want to go for a change of pace
Skull: that sounds great! you should totally come without glasses!
Joker: i mean, im not against it
Joker: do you still want help picking out a yukata, ann?
Panther: that's okay!
Panther: I already picked one out!
Panther: i want you to see it for the first time at the festival :P
Joker: alright
Joker: see you guys at 17:00
The second the chat ends, Ann throws her phone on her bed and curls up in a ball, embarrassed. Ugh, “I want you to see it at the festival.” ...How stupid am I? And “alright”? Does he even care? Is he not excited to see it? I mean, he's always a bit distant in text messages, but...
She's overthinking this.
That is immediately and profoundly obvious, but how can she stop overthinking it!? She just wants... Honestly, what does she want?
She grabs her phone again.
[Direct Message: Niijima Makoto]
Ann: did I come off as weird????
Makoto: Honestly, Ann, how would I know?
She and Makoto meet up at her place to get changed.
“Your home is quite spacious...” Makoto comments. “Your parents are fashion designers, right?”
“Yup,” Ann says. “They're not home, though. They barely ever are.”
“Oh... I see.”
Ann shrugs. “It's not so bad. Besides, it's kinda the same for you, right? Your sister's not home a whole lot these days, is she?”
Makoto shakes her head. “No, but...” She hesitates. “Can I ask you something?”
“Do you get along with your parents? When they're around, I mean.”
“Sure. I mean, it's not like we're super close, since they're not around much, but... Like, we'll spend time together or get dinner or things like that. I can talk to them. Why?”
Makoto looks away. “Lately... It feels like I can't even talk to Sis when she's home. You know, when Kaneshiro got arrested, she was really annoyed. It wasn't even because it was the Phantom Thieves, it... She was hoping to get promoted if she caught him.” She sighs softly. “All she cares about is moving up. Justice doesn't mean anything to her anymore.”
Makoto looks back up at her and gives a small smile. “Sorry, we shouldn't talk about things like that. I brought my yukata.”
“Oh, yeah! I picked mine out, too. Here, let me show you it.” She rushes towards her room, beckoning over her shoulder for Makoto to follow her. “I thought blue would match my eyes, and the design is really unique. The dots are different from the usual designs of, like, flowers and things.”
“It's pretty.” Makoto touches it gently. “It might appeal to Yusuke more than Ren, though.”
Makoto laughs. “You need to stop worrying so much about it, Ann. He'll like it, I promise. It's nice. And it will match your eyes.”
“Well, what about yours?”
“Mine?” She takes off her bag, a nice case for her yukata to keep it protected. “It's a bit basic, admittedly, but...”
Ann takes it from her. “Ooh, it's nice. The white contrasts your eyes, I think. But in a good way! And the red compliments them. It's really pretty!”
“You think Ryuji will like it?”
Ann snorts. “Ryuji'll like anything.”
“That's... probably not wrong.” Makoto sighs. “Well, we should get dressed, or we're going to be late. Wouldn't want to keep them waiting.”
She knew she'd be seeing him without his glasses. She was the one who suggested it, after all.
Still, even from a distance she can see how handsome he is. There's something about Ren that just catches her eyes, and seeing his face clearly just makes that all the more true.
“Breathe, Ann,” Makoto tells her. “You're panicking again.”
“Ugh...” she groans. “This is so stupid...”
“Your feelings aren't stupid. They just might make you feel like it a bit.”
I know that, rationally, but come on. Nothing's rational anymore. We fight demons in another world in order to change the hearts of criminals, and that's actually the sane part of my life. Why did I feel more comfortable fighting a mob boss than I do just admitting I like a boy!?
People are stupid, and teenagers are even worse. That's pretty much the conclusion she's come to.
“Okay,” she breathes. “Let's go.”
She can see Morgana hop up onto Ren's shoulder and nod over towards where they're walking, and all three of the boys look over towards them. “H-hey!” Ann calls, more nervously than she really should.
Ryuji grins. “Damn...”
Makoto flushes. “Hi.”
“You look good.”
“Both of you,” Ren says, smiling easily. His eyes are striking up close. There's an intensity in that gaze, and yet she finds it comforting. Like a tight hug. “You look great.”
“Indeed,” Yusuke says, nodding. He's got a yukata of his own, though his is a more standard purple one. “A perfect image of Japanese beauty.”
Ann blushes a bit. “T-thanks.”
“Sorry we're late,” Makoto says, taking Ryuji's hand. “We... ended up spending more time getting ready than we expected to.”
“You shouldn't be so soft with him,” Morgana says, crawling up further onto Ren's shoulder. “I'll bet his failed all his exams.”
“Hey! We ain't even got our scores back yet!” He shifts on his feet. “I... I don't wanna jinx it, but... I think I okay on 'em?”
“Let's not worry about that today,” Ren says, in that easy way of his. He seems so calm today, so relaxed and care-free. “Let's just enjoy the fireworks. This isn't about exams or anything. Just a celebration for taking down a mob boss. Normal stuff.”
Ann snorts. “Yeah. Normal.”
She falls in next to Ren as Makoto and Ryuji start off towards the streets. Yusuke hums to himself. “What's up?” Ren asks him.
“Ryuji and Makoto... I wonder...”
“Their sort of love is... unorthodox. Perhaps it would be worth painting...”
Ren laughs. “I don't think they've made it to love, yet, Yusuke. They've only been dating for a little while now. Give them some time.”
“Ah. Yes, you're right. I'm rushing. It's a bad habit of artists, to desire the creation rather than the capture. It can be tempting to force inspiration, when in reality it cannot be created out of nothing.”
Ann shrugs. “Yeah, sure.”
“Are you going to the fireworks festival?”
The new voice catches her off-guard. Ren as well, apparently. They both turn and see two girls – one in a pink yukata, the other in a red and purple one – approach Yusuke. Neither seems to even notice Ren or Ann.
“That's right,” Yusuke says.
“Us too! Wanna go together?”
“You look great in that yukata!” the other girl says. “Do you happen to be a model?”
The first girl giggles. “Come on, come with us...”
Ann leans towards Ren. “Does he realize he's getting hit on?”
He scoffs. “Doubt it.”
Yusuke proves Ren right immediately. “That's enough,” he says, sternly. “You're disgracing your yukata. You should be more aware of your womanhood.”
The two girls exchange a look, then leave without another word.
Ren shakes his head. “You can be pretty clueless sometimes, Yusuke.”
“They were hitting on you.”
“Is that so? Well, I am uninterested. Now then, let's rejoin Ryuji and Makoto.” He nods to them, and starts off towards the streets.
Ren shakes his head yet again, smiling. “He's so dense,” he repeats.
So are you, Ann thinks. And me.
The streets are crowded so tightly their little group ends up bunched together.
They can't even get a good spot. They end up so far back that seeing anything is an impossible feat. Ann keeps trying to hop up on her toes to see the fireworks, but even that doesn't help. With all the noise, she can't even hear the stupid things.
As if none of that was bad enough, she feels a raindrop.
“Oh, no...” she moans.
Morgana yelps and retreats into Ren's bag as the rain starts to come down all the harder. “Why now...?” Makoto whispers.
It only gets all the worse. The rain doesn't stop at a light drizzle; it comes down harder and harder until they're caught in a full-on thunderstorm. They retreat back towards the overhang of a convenience store just as the announcement comes through that the fireworks festival is canceled.
Ann feels like she's gained a dozen pounds. “Dammit...” she grumbles, grabbing her yukata and lifting it up to wring it out. I just wanted... She still has no idea what she wanted.
A loudspeaker crackles on. “Due to the sudden change in weather, a heavy rain and flood warning has been issued nearby.”
At the same time, Ann's phone vibrates with the same warning. “Dammit...” she grumbles again.
“Let's get inside,” Ren says.
They follow him into the store, but they just exchange one bit of misery for another. The rain outside and the crowds inside, neither one appealing in any way. “Ugh...” Ryuji mutters. “Just tryin' to get outta the rain...”
They at least manage to find a somewhat secluded corner. “I guess everyone had the same idea,” Ann says. She's dripping. It sucks.
“It's not gonna be easy to get out of here...” Ren says. His hair looks good wet. Dammit, he just looks good all the time, doesn't he?
Ryuji nudges his bag. “C'mon, Mona! We need you as a car!”
The cat hops out of the bag. “It's not possible in the real world!”
“My feet hurt, it's cold, the festival's been canceled...” Ann complains. “This sucks...”
“Man, we made such a commotion with the public, and this is what we get?” Ryuji sighs and rubs his temples. “This is so 'effin lame...” He stretches his head back and groans. “Aren't heroes who lurk in the shadows boring?”
Ren shrugs. “I like the dark.”
“What are you, moss?” Ryuji stomps his foot down, and water sprays from it. “I wanna change the world with a loud bang, like a huge firework!”
“We can't be reckless, though,” Makoto points out. “And we aren't going to find someone like Kaneshiro again that easily.”
“Guess not, but...”
Yusuke nods towards the windows. “The rain is letting up. Though it's regrettable, we should go our separate ways for today.”
“Yeah, let's go home,” Morgana agrees.
Ann can't think of anything she wants less right now than to go home. With a sudden burst of confidence, she grabs Ren by the sleeve as he's about to leave. “Hey... You mind if I come with you? I could kinda go for a cup of coffee right now.”
He smiles. “It's a public establishment. You're welcome anytime.”
“G-great... Let's go.”
The bell chimes when he opens the door. Ann follows him in, but bumps against his back when he suddenly stops. She's about to call him out when she sees why he halted.
A woman in a suit leans over a cup of coffee, looking at Boss. “So you won't tell me, no matter what?”
“I have nothing more to say to you on that subject,” he growls back.
She stands. “I see. In that case, I have ways of making you talk.”
“Huh? What's that supposed to-”
“Thanks for the drink.”
She grabs her bag and pushes past Ren and Ann to get to the door. “H-hey!” Boss calls out, scowling. “We're not done here yet!”
The door shuts behind her, and that's that.
Ren nods at Boss. “Lover's quarrel?”
He sighs. “No, you idiot.” Boss takes off his glasses and rubs his eyes. “It's past closing time. If your friend wants a drink, you're gonna have to make it for her yourself. And make sure you clean up the place.”
Ann scrambles to grab her wallet, but Boss shakes his head at them as he grabs his hat and goes to leave. “It's on the house. Your festival got rained out, right?” Without another word, he leaves.
“Oh...” Ann stammers. “I didn't...”
“He's frustrated,” Ren says, placing his bag down so Morgana can hop out of it. “That woman... She's been here before...”
“You know anything about her?”
“No. And Boss isn't gonna tell me anything.” Ren sighs softly. “Alright, let me make you some coffee. I'm still an amateur, so don't expect it to be amazing.”
Ann blushes. “Oh, I'm sure it'll be great!”
He turns on the TV while he gets to work. It's just a boring news program, so Ann distracts herself by sitting in a booth and petting Morgana, who seems to have shaken off all the water absorbed into his fur. She hopes there wasn't anything important in Ren's bag, since the contents are probably completely soaked now.
“Onto other news,” the reporter says. “The international hacktivist group Medjed has released a statement to the Phantom Thieves.”
Ann, Morgana, and Ren all look up.
“These are the details of the message that are posted on Medjed's website. “To the Phantom Thieves causing an uproar in Japan: Do not speak of your false justice. We do not need the spread of such falsehood. We are the true executors of justice. However, we are magnanimous. We will give you an opportunity to repent your ways. If you agree to a change of heart, we will accept you as our own. If you reject our offer, the hammer of justice will find you. We are Medjed. We are unseen. We will eliminate evil.”
The report shifts to a soundstage, where a reporter sits across from – ugh – Goro Akechi. “Akechi-san, why do you think this announcement was made at this time?”
“I don't know the details, but there's no doubt that they were provoked by the Phantom Thieves,” he says, that vapid smile still on his face. “Whether it's a sense of rivalry or a simple attention grab given the recent trends, I cannot say. Regardless... It's quite a nuisance.”
“A... nuisance?”
“Both Medjed and the Phantom Thieves are nothing more than groups that uphold an egotistic justice. It's possible that more people like these will continue to appear due to their influence. In that respect, the Phantom Thieves face a very serious crime.”
“That's not good...” Morgana says.
“Medjed?” Ann repeats. “I don't even...”
Ren sighs, then comes around the counter to place a cup of coffee before her. He sits across from her with a cup of his own, which he samples carefully, then nods to himself. “It's probably nothing,” he says. His voice seems softer in here. And... well, they're really close now, and she can see his beautiful eyes even better now. She can feel her face heating up.
“It sounds pretty serious,” Morgana points out.
“They don't know who we are. The hammer of justice? It's just a publicity stunt, probably. They might just be jealous that we're getting attention and they're not.”
“I... I guess so...” Ann agrees, with great hesitation.
He smiles at her. “More importantly, how's the coffee?”
She hastily grabs it and takes a sip. “Mmm...” she moans. “Wow... It's really good.”
“Don't humor me, I need the criticism.”
“I'm not humoring you! It's really, really good...” She takes another sip. “A little more practice, and I think you'll be better than Boss!”
Ren chuckles easily. “Don't let him hear you say that.”
Ann looks out towards the door. “It's really late...”
“You can stay here tonight if you don't want to go home just yet,” Ren says. Ann instantly jumps at the implications, but he just shrugs. “I'm sure you brought a change of clothes, but I just did laundry if you didn't. You can borrow some of mine.”
“That... That's really nice. I actually really don't want to head home, to be honest, so...”
“Alright. Let's just finish our coffee, and then I can get you some clothes.”
She's so dumb.
Standing in the bathroom, she looks at herself in the mirror, wearing Ren's lounge clothes and feeling giddy. Ugh, am I a kid!? This is like a stupid sleepover. But...
The only person in her life who really ever accepted her for who she is was Shiho. They would forever be best friends, that was never going to change, even once Shiho finishes her recovery and moves away.
When Ren came along... At first, she'd thought he was just going to be another person who ignored or disregarded her. But he didn't. He's kind and gentle and quiet, and yet determined and brutal and unflinching. She likes so much about him. Being around him honestly feels like a privilege, one that she's more than delighted to indulge in. Whenever he spends time with other people, she finds herself a bit annoyed.
And, more and more lately, she's finding herself interested in modeling for different reasons. It used to be almost an obligation, and then it turned into something she was doing to build confidence in herself. Now, though... She just wants him to look at her. The other eyes don't mean anything to her, only his. As long as he's around, she can show herself off without faltering.
She takes in a deep breath, nods at herself in the mirror, and starts to leave, only to realize that she can't really go to sleep with her hair up like this. When she reaches up to take it down, though, she realizes that he's never actually seen her like that. Her hands shake a little bit, but she has no choice. If she's going to sleep, she really can't do the pigtails. It's just not gonna work.
Okay, okay, stop panicking, this is fine. You're fine. You're fine.
It's a bit hard to believe she's a model in the end. Ren's lounge clothes are comfortable (and they smell nice, she might need to ask what detergent he uses), but they aren't exactly high fashion. Between that and having her hair down, she really doesn't look much like a model. It's actually kind of a nice change. She just hopes Ren won't mind it.
When she heads upstairs, she finds him applying fertilizer to the plant in the corner. “Make yourself comfortable,” he says. “I just need a minute to finish up here.”
“O-okay.” He hasn't looked up. She finds herself a bit worried about what he'll say when he does.
Morgana's curled up on the bed already. She walks over to it and sits on the edge, then strokes his head and scratches behind his ears. He makes a little pleasant noise in his sleep. Despite what he says, he is very much a cat. She doesn't really understand why he doesn't like being a cat, to be honest. It sounds pretty great.
Ren finally stands and turns towards her, and his eyes go a bit wide. Ann flushes. “U-um... What do you think?” she manages.
“You look... great,” he says, softly. “I've never seen you with your hair down.”
“Y-yeah, it looks weird, huh?”
“No!” he insists, quickly. “It actually... You look ever better with your hair down.”
Ann really can't help but go even redder. “T-thanks...” She shifts on the mattress. “Um... I didn't say anything, but... You look really great without your glasses. I mean, not that you don't look great with your glasses, but-”
Ren chuckles easily. “I get it. Thanks, Ann.” He walks over and sits next to her on the bed, Morgana in between them. “Sorry about the fireworks.”
“Hey, you don't control the weather. Don't apologize for that.”
“Yeah. I guess. I just wanted tonight to be...”
He trails off, and says nothing. She wonders if he knows what he wants, either. She certainly doesn't... but she also does.
It's no wonder the Metaverse is so weird. Human emotions are confusing and complicated, and it's almost impossible to really understand them. Sometimes she wishes she could go into her own mind, a Palace of her own, so she could pick away at the details she represses even from herself and finally understand who she is. According to Morgana, Persona-users can't have Palaces, and that's a good thing, but... Also a bit sad.
Ren clears his throat. “Well... The gentlemanly thing to do would usually be to offer you the bed, and for me to take the couch, but the couch is more comfortable than the bed, so...”
Ann giggles. “Alright. I'll take the couch, then.” She stands, and so does he. “Thanks for letting me stay here, Ren. I always feel safe when I'm around you.” She leans forward and kisses him gently on the cheek, and then turns to head to the couch before he can see just how nervous she is.
He can't sleep, so he watches the group chat.
[Group Chat: i really wanted to see kaneshiro cry on tv]
Skull: we gotta talk about medjed
Fox: That name seems to come from one of the obscure gods from the Egyptian Book of the Dead.
Queen: I saw the news too.
Queen: They say we speak of false justice...
Fox: Now then, what exactly did you want to speak of regarding Medjed?
Skull: wellll why dont we go after them as our next target???
Fox: That's a sudden suggestion.
Skull: i mean theyre like bad hackers or something right?
Queen: Technically, they're crackers.
Queen: Those who use the internet to illegally access and alter data.
Queen: Medjed is an organized group of such people recognized by the larger international community.
Fox: So they operate on a global scale?
Panther: that makes them way bigger than Kaneshiro!
Skull: right!?
Skull: then its settled
Skull: our next target will be medjed
Skull: i wonder if the nav'll get a hit if we put medjed in
Panther: oh, right...
Joker: That's not gonna work.
Queen: He's right. Medjed is a pseudonym. We don't even know how many people make up Medjed.
Panther: oh...
Skull: wouldnt we get at least one member's info if we tried hard enough?
Queen: Even if we did, how would we devise their location?
Queen: The only confirmed presence of Medjed has been online.
Fox: This is a greater problem than simply finding their keywords.
Fox: Unless you have any more ideas, Ryuji?
Panther: ryuji?
Queen: Ryuji?
Fox: It seems he had suggested this without putting much thought into it.
Skull: cmon we cant back down now!
Skull: people are all excited about it!
Skull: our reputation's gonna take a shit if we don't face this
Fox: That is true. If we remain silent, people will believe we simply chose to run away from the matter.
Queen: Medjed has taunted us publicly, after all.
Fox: If they are criminals, we cannot just let them be.
Panther: yeah...
Panther: and it's not like we have any other targets right now either
Skull: yo ren
Skull: let's talk to mishima tomorrow
Joker: Mishima?
Skull: eh he knows the internet real well right
Skull: it's more up his alley than ours
Joker: Alright, it's worth a shot.
Skull: Also, Makoto.
Queen: Yes?
Skull: Any chance you can see if your sister has any info on them?
Queen: It's highly unlikely, but I'll try.
Panther: he always types perfectly to her...
Fox: True love is perfect grammar.
Panther: that's the stupidest thing i've ever heard
He turns off his phone and sets it down, then leans back and closes his eyes, but he knows that sleep won't come anytime soon, if it does at all. His cheek still burns where Ann's lips touched it. She just did that, out of the blue, and... His thoughts are so tangled up that he can barely even control them.
There's giddy excitement in there, at the prospect that she might actually feel something for him. There's fear, too, at that same prospect. If he's being honest, the thing that frightens him more than rejection is acceptance. If he admits everything to her and she reciprocates his feelings and they start dating... In a strange way, he can't help but see that as the worse of the two outcomes.
I'm not good enough for her, he thinks, not for the first time. She deserves... She deserves someone who isn't on the bottom rung of society. Someone who can give her a future. Someone... Someone without a record.
He sighs, and closes his eyes, and tries to force his body to sleep.
Counting back the attacks, trying hard to keep track
When I leave me, barely breathing, and I feel like I've snapped
Shaking head, spinning legs, every part of this has stopped feeling strange
Laugh it off, in the crowd, don't bring anyone down
Let the water keep on flowing until I start to drown
Staying tough, scrapping rough, just to keep your head up
It's enough to feel scared
Sometimes it feels like I'm not inside my brain
Like someone else can pull my strings
Set me up, pull me round, put me under the ground
I can't escape
Sometimes it feels like I'm not inside my brain
Like someone else can pull my strings
Set me up, pull me round, put me under the ground
Stuck in this state
-Someone Else, Anquitaz
Chapter 24: Rabbits are Roadkill on Rt. 37
(See the end of the chapter for notes.)
Chapter Text
He and Ryuji corner Mishima at lunch the next day. “I'm just gonna be straight with you here,” Ryuji says. “Do you know who Medjed is?”
Mishima whistles. “You weren't kidding about being direct. Well, I suppose the news about Medjed and the Phantom Thieves has caused quite the commotion...” He stretches out a bit, apparently trying to look more confident than he probably feels. “They started out as hackers of justice, but now they only look out for their own self-interests. That's all I really know, honestly.”
Ryuji sighs. “I see...”
“Nobody's sure who actually belongs to Medjed.” Mishima smirks. “Well, it looks like things'll be exciting this summer. It'll be the Phantom Thieves world debut, no?”
“Something like that,” Ren mutters.
“Don't worry, I'll be rooting for the Phantom Thieves. I'll get the forum mobilized as well. Now, if we're done talking here, I really gotta get going. I'll see you guys later.”
As Mishima heads off, Morgana shows himself. “So that was fruitless...”
“Wonder if anyone else got any info...” Ryuji says, pulling out his phone.
Ren does the same.
[Group Chat: i really wanted to see kaneshiro cry on tv]
Skull: mishima was pretty useless
Skull: you guys get anything?
Queen: I tried asking my sister, but it seemed as though she didn't know very much about them.
Queen: She doesn't specialize in cybercrime, after all.
Panther: I tried looking into them too, but I didn't come up with anything
Panther: there are really just no leads
Fox: Hm, our opponent is truly elusive.
Fox: They have carried out corporate terrorism, yet they still manage to evade arrest somehow.
Fox: Kaneshiro was quite a bit of trouble, but this is turning out to be a much greater ordeal.
Skull: did we bite off more than we can chew?
Joker: it kinda seems that way...
Queen: Yeah...
Queen: We don't even know whether it's a single individual or a large conglomerate of people.
Queen: And even if we do manage to get a lead, where do we go from there?
Skull: damn, this stuffs really not going so good...
Class goes by slow after that. It's hard not to think about everything going on right now. Between his night with Ann and his concerns over Medjed, Ren feels like he's trapped in a whirlwind. Something's gotta give.
He's got nothing better to do, so he heads over to Takemi's.
Before he can even get her to agree to a clinical trial, though, the door bursts open, and a man enters holding a little girl. “Please, I want you to examine my daughter.”
Takemi stares for a moment. “Is this an emergency?”
“Alright. I'll see her.”
She comes around to the waiting room and looks at the small girl. “Why come here? Aren't you under the care of a hospital?”
“I've heard rumors about this place,” the man insists. “I want you to examine her. She has a fever that won't go away, and she's losing weight because she's not hungry...”
Takemi frowns. “A young girl losing weight is definitely not good. You should go to a bigger hospital. I can't provide a thorough examination here.”
“We've been going to a big hospital! A university hospital in east Shinjuku!”
“...A university hospital in east Shinjuku?”
“The doctor there performs exams like he's on an assembly line. I think he's famous or something...”
“A famous doctor, huh?” Takemi releases a slow breath. “I'm just a general practitioner out here in the sticks. As you can see, I don't even have any staff.”
Ren clears his throat. Takemi rolls her eyes. “Except for my part-timer.”
The girl's father ignores that. “Please! I've heard there's a medicine that can only be acquired here! I'll pay you! Please, at least just examine her!”
“A medicine that can only be acquired here, huh...? Now, where did you hear that, I wonder?” She turns coldly towards Ren.
He holds up his hands in surrender. “I didn't say anything.”
“Doctor...” the little girl moans. “My chest hurts...”
Takemi hesitates, so Ren steps forward. “Don't worry. Dr. Takemi will help. She's a great doctor.”
“Thank you!” the father exclaims.
Takemi sighs. “Fine.” She kneels down by the little girl. “Is your vision blurry? How about your throat, does it hurt?” She reaches up and feels her face and neck. “Hm. No signs of swelling.” She looks up at the father. “Are you sure you've told me everything about her symptoms and treatments you've tried so far?”
“Yes, I'm sure...”
“Hm.” Dr. Takemi straightens and pulls out her phone. She makes a call, and the person on the other end answers after just two rings. “Hello, Uehara-san? Is Dr. Schweitzer there? There's something I'd like to ask him about a case that was in last month's medical journal.” Ren can't make out the words, but he can see Takemi's disappointment. “I see. Guess the ones in stock will have to do.” She hangs up and turns to Ren. “There's a shelf by the reception desk. Bring the contents of the second drawer into the exam room.”
He gives her a smirk. “Aren't you gonna say, 'Stat!'?”
“No wisecracks. You're gonna have to help me administer the medicine.” Ren starts, but she doesn't give him a moment to react. “Also, bring the beaker with the red label in the fridge, a towel, wash basin, and measuring spoon...” He stares, so she snaps her fingers. “Well, what are you waiting for? Get moving!” She hesitates for a second, then adds, “Stat!”
It's a bit of a process, but he seems to do well enough. When it's all said and done, the girl perks up. “Thank you so much!” the father cries. “I didn't expect her to recover so quickly...”
“It was a very unique strain of an infectious disease,” Dr. Takemi explains, crossing her legs casually. “It can't be detected by conventional exams. She's not cured. I just temporarily suppressed the symptoms. We'll make adjustments as her condition improves.” She scrawls out some things on a clipboard, then sighs and says, “Alright, that'll be one million yen for today.”
“A million yen!?” the father stammers. “T-that's outrageous! You're completely taking advantage of...” He hesitates, then sighs softly. “I mean... Alright. I agreed to pay. You... don't take credit cards, do you? I can go withdraw some cash right now!”
Ren's considering dipping into his Mementos bag when Takemi looks up, confused. “Wait, you're actually going to pay? That was just...” She hesitates an instant, then says, “That famous doctor you mentioned earlier... Was it Medical Chief of Staff Oyamada?”
“Huh? Oh... Yes, I believe that was his name. Are you familiar with him?”
“Intimately,” Takemi says, coldly. “In that case, I'll make this free of charge.”
Takemi just giggles.
Ren nods down at her. “That's pretty kind of you.”
“Oh, not really. There's just a certain amount of satisfaction in treating his patient without permission.” She looks up at him, and the sparkle in her eyes dies out. “Oh, and by the way... Thanks to your outburst earlier, I'm going to perform a very special exam on you today.”
“U-um...” the father stammers. “Is he your assistant? He seems awfully young...”
Dr. Takemi just chuckles. “Not my assistant. My guinea pig.” She thwacks him on the thigh with her clipboard, though thankfully not very hard. “He's about to put in a lot of hard work today. Aren't you?” Her smirk is devious. “I wonder what kind of response you'll have... Maybe you won't even be able to make it home...”
Ren nods carefully.
[Group Chat: who even uses the internet]
Fox: So, I looked into Medjed.
Panther: did you find anything?
Fox: As you know, Medjed is a god that appears in the Egyptian Book of the Dead.
Panther: huh?
Fox: Its name apparently means “the smiter.”
Fox: It seems that nobody is actually sure that Medjed is a real name.
Fox: On top of that, almost everything else about him is unknown.
Fox: Even his form is unattainable.
Fox: An unseen god that flies through the sky and shoots from his eyes...
Fox: He is truly an elusive being.
Skull: dude
Fox: Everything about his existence is shrouded in mystery.
Skull: wait
Fox: Fundamentally speaking, ancient Egyptian art always depicted gods in a side profile.
Fox: However, Medjed is facing straight ahead in all depictions of him.
Fox: Taking all of this into account, he seems to be quite the alien being.
Joker: ah, yes, I see...
Fox: I hope that information was at least somewhat useful.
Queen: Indeed it was.
Fox: Should I look into it more?
Queen: That's enough, thank you.
“Get up, Inmate!”
He sighs as he lifts himself up out of the cot to stumble over towards the bars in his cell in the Velvet Room. Getting pulled in here is something he's becoming more and more accustomed to, and yet it always feels sort of wrong. He's never sure how to feel in here.
Caroline crosses her arms. “It seems you've got your share of problems, Inmate.”
“To think you would relax under such circumstances,” Justine laments. “Either you're quite bold... or quite foolish.”
Igor chuckles in his gravely voice. “One with an 'unseen' form, hm? It seems you've been targeted by troublesome company. I've been enjoying this endless dispute over 'justice.' However, it will soon come to an end – and through the appearance of an unexpected force, of all things.”
“Unseen force?” Ren repeats.
“Engaging with formidable enemies is also part of your rehabilitation. I ask that you overcome this. After all, you must hone your powers, and become a magnificent thief.” He waves a gloved hand dismissively. “Now, return to the waking world, and face this strife.”
He's not given a chance to protest.
[Direct Message: Akechi Goro]
Akechi: Apologies for messaging you so early in the morning.
Akechi: I was curious as to your thoughts on Medjed targeting the Phantom Thieves.
Amamiya: It's just an attention grab.
Akechi: Interesting.
Akechi: So you believe Medjed has no interest in justice, but simply want to be back in the spotlight?
Amamiya: Pretty much, yeah.
Akechi: And what do you think the public thinks of this?
Amamiya: Honestly, it seems like they're just enjoying it.
Amamiya: It's entertainment.
Akechi: Entertainment...
Akechi: So it is simply a luxury for the uninvolved.
Akechi: Oh, I'm sorry.
Akechi: I know they mean no ill intent, but...
Amamiya: I get it.
Amamiya: This is bigger than they're making it out to be.
Akechi: Is that your personal opinion?
Amamiya: A mix of personal opinion and an educated guess.
Akechi: Intriguing...
He ends up sleeping through his morning classes. Being pulled into the Velvet Room always seems to drain him in the weirdest way.
Morgana paws him awake when lunch comes. “Hey, your phone went off a bunch.”
Ren sighs and pulls it out, expecting a bunch of messages in the group chat. When he opens it, though, he finds something else entirely.
[Direct Message: VxkU9JIcomg=]
[UNKNOWN]: Nice to meet you.
[UNKNOWN]: I am the one they call Alibaba.
[UNKNOWN]: I want to ask you something.
[UNKNOWN]: You're a phantom thief, aren't you?
[UNKNOWN]: Can you really steal hearts?
[UNKNOWN]: There is someone whose heart I would like you to steal.
[UNKNOWN]: But I'm not asking for charity. Let's make a deal.
[UNKNOWN]: You wish to know about Medjed, correct?
[UNKNOWN]: I will give you information on them if the change of heart is successful.
[UNKNOWN]: If you so desire, I can take care of them as well.
[UNKNOWN]: Do you believe in my skills?
[UNKNOWN]: I can track down their accounts, just as I have with yours.
[UNKNOWN]: But this is all I can prove at the moment.
[UNKNOWN]: I've prepared the necessary tool on my end.
[UNKNOWN]: Look forward to it.
Ren: Who is this?
He tries a few more times, but none of his messages go through. “What the hell...?”
“Whoa...” Morgana gasps. “This is freaky. I don't know what this is all about, but we should probably tell the others about this. They name-dropped Medjed, after all...”
“Information on Medjed in exchange for a change of heart...” Ren whispers.
Just what did we get into?
There's a lot of tension in the air when he shows the others the texts.
“Damn...” Ryuji gasps. “Considerin' he mentions stealin' hearts... He knows, doesn't he?”
“It seems so...” Makoto whispers.
“How were we found out?” Yusuke mutters. “We were careful this time.”
“He may have traced our chat log,” Makoto suggests.
Ren sighs. “It isn't encrypted. Still...”
“But how would he have known all these details with just that?” Makoto says, shaking her head. “I don't know why, but... I get the feeling that there's more to this.”
“Is it really that easy to look at someone else's chat log?” Ann asks.
Makoto hesitates. “I don't know much about it myself, but... It's probably not impossible. I think.” She looks at the messages again. “The more interesting part is that you can't respond to them. If this person is a hacker... Perhaps the receiving end doesn't exist?”
Ryuji jumps. “That's possible!?”
“Don't ask me everything,” she insists, exasperated. “I don't really know much about this sort of thing...”
“Wait,” Yusuke declares suddenly. “Might this be what is referred to as hacking?”
“Oh, good,” Ryuji grumbles. “We got gramps over here to figure it out. Dude, how are you so tech illiterate?”
“But might this person be Medjed?”
“I doubt it... He says he wants to 'deal' with them...” Makoto says.
Ren hesitates. “It could be a trap. Maybe this is a member of Medjed trying to get us to trust them so they can figure out who we are.”
Makoto shakes her head. “They already know who we are. Or, at least, who you are. Our texts have identified you as the leader before. Surely that would be enough for them to make a move. Why reach out on top of that?”
“Huh...” Ryuji says.
“I was just thinkin'... Wouldn't it be great if we got this guy on our side?”
Makoto sighs. “We don't know anything about him. We can't trust him.”
“It really ain't a bad deal, though... We can't change Medjed's heart, but we can change whoever's heart Alibaba wants us to steal. So... We scratch their back, they scratch ours, right?”
“And if Alibaba turns out to be a criminal?” Yusuke prods. “I am not helping anyone of that sort.”
“I dunno if you've noticed, buddy, but we're criminals.”
Morgana hops out of Ren's bag and onto the railing of the crossing. “They say, 'I've prepared the necessary tool.' What's that mean?”
“No idea,” Ren admits.
Makoto sighs once again. “Given that we don't know what's happening, I think it would be best if we stay together. If something does happen, we can act immediately, without having to organize.” She turns to Ren. “Can we go to Leblanc?”
“No problem,” he says. “Let's get going. I'm getting hungry.”
When they get to Leblanc, they find Sakura-san standing by the counter reading a newspaper. He looks up at them and his eyes go a bit wider. “Oh? What's with the big group?”
“We were thinking about putting together plans for our summer,” Ann explains.
“Hm? Is that a new face I see?”
Makoto steps forward and bows politely. “It's nice to meet you. My name is Makoto Niijima. I hope we're not being a bother.”
Ryuji grins and nods. “She's our student council president.”
“Niijima...?” Boss mutters.
“Is something wrong?” Makoto asks.
He shakes his head. “Oh, no, it's nothing. Student council president, eh? I'm stunned. I hope he's not causing you too much trouble. I'm Sojiro Sakura, but everyone just calls me Boss.” He taps Ren on the shoulder and points to a small envelope on the counter. “By the way, that was addressed to you.”
“Oh...” Ren says. He has no idea who would have sent him a letter.
Sakura-san stretches. “Alright, this old man'll get going and leave you kids be. The store's all yours. Just make sure you clean it up so I can open on time tomorrow, got it?”
“Got it,” Ren says, a bit absently.
They grab some snacks and get into a booth while Ren turns the TV on. Almost immediately, the report turns to the news they've been anticipating. “We have late-breaking news on Medjed, whose notoriety rose since their statement the other day. Just moments ago, a new message has been released on their website. They have announced their victory over the Phantom Thieves.”
Ryuji shoots bolt upright. “Huh? Victory?”
“Medjed also warns any Japanese citizens who praised the Phantom Thieves to stop doing so. We will report any further actions by Medjed as they arrive.”
Ren turns the TV off. “Someone go to Medjed's website. I want to see the message.”
Ryuji does it, then groans. “Oh, come on! It's in English!”
“And you were wondering when it might come in handy...” Morgana mutters.
“Let me see.” Ann reaches over and takes the phone from Ryuji. “Ugh, how do you even use this thing when it's got so many cracks in it? Whatever.” She draws in a breath, then starts to read. “'The Phantom Thieves remain silent at our question. This proves that we are just. People of Japan, wake up. You must not worship the Phantom Thieves.'”
“What!?” Ryuji exclaims. “That's bullshit!”
“Keep listening,” Yusuke scolds.
Ann nods. “'We will discipline any who worship them. The punishment is the confiscation of possessions. We are Medjed. We are unseen. We will eliminate evil.'” She sighs and hands the phone back to Ryuji. “That's what it says.”
“They're going to target sympathizers of the Phantom Thieves...?” Makoto whispers.